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Baby Lab Video


AP Psychology

Before the video: Answer the following questions:

1. Where does morality originate—are we naturally good or inherently bad? Do we need parents, teachers and religion to teach us right from wrong? Explain.

2. Where do we learn bias—are we born to favor some people over others or does society teach us how to be prejudiced, biased, or even racist? Explain.

During the video: Answer the following:

CBS News' 60 Minutes explored these questions by visiting with researchers at the Yale "Baby Lab" who have been testing morality and the origins of bias.

1. What evidence in the video shows that babies are born with a sense of right from wrong?

2. What evidence in the video shows that babies are born with an appreciation of justice?

3. What evidence in the video shows that babies are born with bias?

4. How does our notion of selfishness change as we grow older…. 8 and 9 to 10 years old?

5. Dr. Bloom says, “none of this (moral and bias programming) goes away”. When are we most likely to regress to our younger selves?

After the video: Compare your answers from the first side, then respond to the three questions below.

1. Based on your initial thoughts about the origins of morality and bias, explain your reactions in a paragraph after seeing the evidence presented in the video…. were you surprised? Shocked? Not impressed? Explain.

2. How do these findings support the Evolutionary psychological perspective?

3. How do these findings attack B.F. Skinner’s behavioral perspective? (6:30 into video)

4. How might the findings in this video account why very “good” people may commit acts of bias? For instance-- what might be responsible for a courageous, justice-loving, white police officer who arrives at the scene of a shooting, and believes a suspicious -looking (but innocent) African-American man at the scene is a dangerous criminal with a gun?

HINT: Look at #5 on first side.


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