Historical Investigation — Title is Verdana 12 bold

Historical Investigation — Reactions to the Treaty of Versailles

Directions: In order to answer the focus question, you must first consider the source, purpose, and content of each historical document. You must also consider how the content of each document strengthens (corroborates) or contradicts evidence found in other documents. Examine all of the documents, and then answer the questions that follow. This will better enable you to answer the focus question at the end of the investigation.

Focus Question: Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?

Document 1: The May Fourth Movement in China

Introduction: In 1917, China entered World War I on the side of the Allies. Over 100,000 Chinese laborers went to Europe to serve as support troops for the British Army. Chinese representatives at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations expected the Allies to reward them for their service. Instead, the terms of the treaty gave a Chinese province to Japan. China’s demands were ignored. In response, nationalists in China launched the “May Fourth Movement.” China’s leaders refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles.


Caption: Chinese newspaper photo, Protesters in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, May 4th, 1919

Source: This image from is in the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?

Document 2: Adolf Hitler’s response to the Treaty of Versailles

Introduction: The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for participating in the war. The Treaty transferred land from Germany to France. Germany was required to make large payments to each of the Allies, and the country was forced to surrender most of its military equipment. Moreover, German colonies were taken under Allied control. Most Germans felt humiliated by the terms of the Treaty. When a young German war veteran named Adolf Hitler spoke out against the treaty in 1923, many Germans took notice.

So long as this Treaty stands there can be no resurrection of the German people; no social reform of any kind is possible! The Treaty was made in order to bring 20 million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. But those who made the Treaty cannot set it aside. As its foundation our Movement formulated three demands:

1. setting aside of the Peace Treaty.

2. unification of all Germans.

3. land and soil to feed our nation.

Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, Germany, April 13, 1923.

Source: This excerpt from is in the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?

Document 3: The Pan-African Response to the Treaty of Versailles

Introduction: At the Paris Peace Conference, representatives from 15 African nations gathered. They united as the Pan-African Congress. These representatives wanted to petition the Allies to include their demands in the Treaty of Versailles. Among their demands were the end to colonial rule and the end to racism in Africa. They issued a manifesto in response to the Treaty of Versailles that made their opposition clear.

England, with all her Pax Britannica (British Peace), her courts of justice, established commerce, and a certain apparent recognition of Native laws and customs, has nevertheless systematically fostered ignorance among the Natives, has enslaved them, and is still enslaving them, has usually declined even to try to train black and brown men in real self-government, to recognize civilized black folk as civilized, or to grant to colored colonies those rights of self government which it freely gives to white men.

From the Manifesto of the Second Pan-African Congress, 1921

Source: This excerpt from is in the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?

Document 4: Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles in the U.S. Senate

Introduction: Although U.S. President Woodrow Wilson participated in the Paris Peace Conference, many Americans opposed the Treaty of Versailles. Some felt that it would oblige the United States to participate in foreign wars. Others opposed the treaty because they felt it was unfair. One voice that swayed many toward opposing the Treaty of Versailles in the U.S. Senate was Senator William E. Borah. His speech convinced many in the Senate to oppose the Treaty of Versailles. The Senate voted against the Treaty of Versailles and against U.S. participation in the League of Nations.

Your treaty does not mean peace -- far, very far from it … Democracy is everywhere excluded. This, you say, means peace? … Peoples who have dreamed of independence, struggled and been patient, sacrificed and been hopeful, people who have been told that through this peace conference they should realize the aspirations of centuries, have again had their hopes dashed to earth.

Senator William E. Borah (R) Idaho, speech to Congress, November 19, 1919.

Source: This excerpt from is in the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?

Now, consider your responses to the questions as you viewed each of the documents about the reactions to the Treaty of Versailles.

• Identify the source and type of document.

• What is the message of the document?

• Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the other ones? Why or why not?

• How does this document help you answer the focus question?

Answer the following question based on your review of documents 1 through 4.

Why were there negative reactions to the Treaty of Versailles?


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