Lingnan University

MARKING GRID – GER102 WRITING Readability and VocabularyAccuracy5The essay uses varied vocabulary and expressions. Successful attempts at using separable verbs and differentiating between “nicht” and “kein-“. Has gone beyond the vocabulary introduced in class.The Present tense (Pr?sens) is used appropriately and correctly. Plural forms are correctly used. There is agreement between subjects and verbs as well as between determiners and nouns. The word order (Position II of the verb in statements) is correct. Spelling is very accurate.4The essay is easy to read but there is a limited attempt at using separable verbs and differentiating between “nicht” and “kein-“. Mostly uses vocabulary and expressions learned in class.The Present tense is mostly accurate, but there are one or two very obvious mistakes (e.g. verb ending or infinitive form). The plural form is only wrong in one or two instances. Genders of nouns are mostly correct with occasional instances of incorrect agreement between nouns and determiners. The word order (Position II of the verb in statements) is mostly correct. Spelling is mostly correct.3The essay is fairly easy to read, but there are almost no connections between words or sentences. Vocabulary and expressions learned in class are re-used, but are somewhat repetitive. There are more than one or two mistakes in the use of the Present tense. The essay may be confusing to read as a result. The plural form is wrong in more than two instances. Genders of nouns seem to be not well known with frequent errors and there are problems of agreement between nouns and determiners. Spelling mistakes occur frequently. The word order (Position II of the verb in statements) is often wrong.2The essay is only a succession of sentences not connected with one another. Vocabulary is limited and therefore, repetitive. The essay is hard to read due to poor control of the Present tense and poor application of the correct plural form and rules of agreement. Spelling mistakes are in almost every word and genders are often not correct. The word order is wrong in the majority of sentences. 1The essay is very weak in transmitting a message due to poor cohesion and limited vocabulary.The essay is hard to read due to very poor control of the Present tense, rules of agreement and question forms. Spelling mistakes are in every word and plural forms are not correct. The word order is wrong throughout all sentences. 0The reader cannot understand the main message of this essay.None of the rules of grammar regarding the Present tense, the position of the verb, plural form and gender of nouns or agreement between nouns and determiners are known. Every word is misspelled. No 0.5 marks may be given.Notesunder-length submission: - 1 point (proper nouns are not counted)if the passage is not in an email format: -1 pointfailure to submit a neat final version: - 1pointReadibility & Vocabulary: _____________/ 5Accuracy: _____________/ 5Total:_____________/10 x 2 = __________/ 20(copyright CEAL) ................

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