ESL conversation lesson on UFOs


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What springs to mind when you hear the abbreviation “UFO’? |

|2) |What do the letters UFO stand for? |

|3) |After a UFO has been identified, is it then an IFO? |

|4) |Do you think UFOs exist, out there, somewhere? |

|5) |What would you do if a UFO landed in a park near your house? |

|6) |What do you think UFOs look like? Are they the flying saucers you see in movies? |

|7) |What would the world do if it knew a UFO would arrive on Earth in the middle of next month? |

|8) |What’s your favourite movie or book about UFOs? |

|9) |What do you think is inside a UFO? |

|10) |Do you hope there are UFOs and they will visit Earth one day? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Have you ever seen a UFO? |

|2) |What are your early memories of UFOs? Were you scared? |

|3) |Do you think UFOs would come to Earth to attack us, make friends with us, to get some natural resources, or another reason? |

|4) |Why are people so fascinated by UFOs? |

|5) |Do you think governments should spend lots more money looking for signs of UFOs in the universe? |

|6) |What do you think when people report UFO sightings? |

|7) |Do you have any good UFO stories? |

|8) |Do you think it’s possible there are UFOs and the world’s governments are keeping it a secret? |

|9) |Would you accept an offer from aliens of a ride in their UFO? |

|10) |How would our world change if we received regular visits from UFOs? |


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