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Dave:Hey, everybody. Welcome to Funnel Hacker Radio. I'm your host, Dave Woodward. I've got a special opportunity today. Today you have the opportunity of actually hearing from Russell Brunson. He's going to be interviewing two of his Inner Circle members, Kaelin and Brandon Poulin. These guys have been crushing it on SnapChat and actually using SnapChat to fill webinars, to increase lead flow, to get Facebook likes. They have become amazing at generating massive traffic using SnapChat and they're going to show you exactly how to do it. Without any further ado, here's Russell Brunson and Kaelin and Brandon Poulin.Russell:Hey, everybody. I welcome you guys to today's Hangout training session. I've got two of my favorite people in the whole world here with us today. We've got Brandon over here and Kaelin over here. How are you guys doing today?Brandon:Awesome. Good, man.Kaelin:Glad to be SnapChatting today.Russell:I want to give you guys a back story real quick so everyone can read SnapChat as we SnapChat, talking about SnapChat. Brandon and Kaelin joined Inner Circle and last week they were here in Boise. The second night we had a big party with two different groups. Everyone's hanging out. They were trying to pitch me ideas in SnapChat. I was like, "Dude, you guys, this is not going to happen. This is so stupid." Then she grabbed my phone and showed me SnapChat and showed her SnapChat and showed all the stuff they were doing to use SnapChat to fill their funnels and to make as much money. I was like, "All right. I'm in. You sold me."Now that I'm sold, I want to sell everybody else. You guys are here today to show us behind the scenes of what's happening. First of, we'd love if you can introduce yourselves and tell us a little about what you guys are doing in your business. Be really cool to get a glimpse behind the scenes for everybody.Brandon:(1:59) Yeah, man. We’re happy to be here. My name’s Brandon and this is Kaelin.Kaelin:Hello.Brandon:I'm getting rid of the echo. Okay, there we go. We're in the fitness industry and Kaelin is IFBB pro, which is like a crazy record in fitness where you get on stage and ripped and everything.Kaelin:I lost 65 pounds to get there. That's the cool part.Brandon:Can they see your picture behind that?Kaelin:Wait. There's my picture.Russell:Before and after.Kaelin:That's not even a good one, but yeah.Brandon:She's incredible and she lost all this weight and so we just work together. I run the backend side and she's the beautiful face. That's what we do.Kaelin:We help women lose weight and feel awesome about themselves. That's what we do.Brandon:You do that part.Kaelin:Yeah.Brandon:I'm making sure it doesn't fall apart.Russell:He's doing the business side and you're doing the face and the transformation side.Kaelin:Yeah. All of the social, all of the engagement, all of the content, all of that, that's me. Brandon's all the funnels, making sure here is connected to here. All this genius stuff that he does behind the scenes. Together it becomes a really great for us together, a partnership, right, because we're married, but we're also great and take on different roles. Then we're not trying to do each other's roles. We each know what our role is and it helps us work really well together.Brandon:She's really good at SnapChat.Kaelin:Yeah.Brandon:Really good at SnapChat.Russell:How long ago did you start using SnapChat?Kaelin:Probably only seriously about a year ago.Brandon:Yeah, I think so.Kaelin:About a year ago. Yeah. Maybe like 12 months. Maybe. That was when I was first toeing the water: "Do I want to use this? Do I want to use this? Is it going to be a benefit or is it one more thing to add to my plate, that I don't have time to do?" Then I was like I saw the response from people because I had a following on Facebook and on Instagram and I started transitioning people over to SnapChat. Like, “hey come follow me on SnapChat. People were loving it. They were loving it because they were getting that behind the scenes action.Brandon:(4:02) Yeah, I'm the official SnapChatter. If she's not holding it, it's me. You already know.Kaelin:This poor guy in the gym all the time having to Snap me at the gym working out all the time.Brandon:I'm like, "Do I need to Snap?" They yell at me, too, because they know. I like commenting in the background. If you have somebody doing it for you, have them commentate because it just makes it more exciting. I'm like the peanut gallery.Kaelin:Yeah.Russell:That's cool. All right, so first thing I want to ask you guys, for people like me and everyone else who's they've got their business, they've got funnels, things are happening, and there's, "Why do I need to do another thing? Why should I even think about SnapChat?" I'm curious, what do you think some of the biggest reasons are why it's worth putting the time and effort and investment into building out a SnapChat following?Brandon:I was really realizing today with the one that we did today, like SnapChatting from the ride to the gym and then at the gym. You get the most intimate look. People who follow you, if you're watching this, you have a brand or you're building one, and you're trying to get people to follow you, and have lots of people that follow you.With SnapChat, because it's so like impromptu and random, you kind of end up with a best insider look and glimpse into your life because it's right here and it's 10 seconds and it goes away. You take a picture, if you can see a picture on my phone my dog's over there, they're like, "Oh I love it." I think all our followers love our dog or something. It just gives them that glimpse in.What's cool, if you take videos with it, download every video that you take. Then what she does, she takes all of the Snaps that she does throughout the day, downloads them, and then puts them into a reel, and now you've got this awesome, quick, 60-second video of a bunch different things happening that you can just put on your Instagram or your Facebook or your YouTube channel and duplicate that content. Then you can push people to your SnapChat from there because they're like, "Wow, this is really cool." It's totally unplanned and people like that raw footage, that behind the scenes type stuff.Kaelin:Yeah, because it's kind of like on Instagram, on Facebook, there is such a term as overposting, right? When you're posting a ton on Facebook and stuff, people are like, "Oh my God, this person posts too much. Unfollow." Or Instagram, like, "Oh my gosh, I don't want to see all this," blah, blah, blah. The cool thing about SnapChat is you cannot overpost because it's your personal story and people come in there to watch only exactly what you do. They're not seeing other people's stuff. It's you, full screen. They're committed to watching you. It takes up your entire phone screen when you're watching through someone's story. If they come there to watch you and you're giving them good content, it's like a TV show, really.Brandon:(6:39)Her TV show, this is insane. 20,200 was the most?Kaelin:Yeah.Brandon:20,000 people have a full screen, click through, and watch 20 different videos of her every single day.Russell:I've seen it on your phone. You showed me that and I was really stunned and then I found it on my phone. I had 50 views at the time. I'm like, "Crap, I need 20,000 view hits."Kaelin:When you go on SnapChat, let's see, you're going to go to your story. It says, "My Story" and there's three little dots next to it. You can click it. Right now you can see all of the views over here. I'll show you closer. Right now, they disappear every 24 hours. You can see right now at the bottom, the Snap that I did at 5:00 yesterday already has almost 18,000 views. By 5:00 today, it will probably be 22k. Yeah. 21k or something like that. You can see all the views. Then the little green things. Russell, can you see it? Is it clear?Russell:Yep.Kaelin:You can see Russell's 262 screen shots. That's 262 that someone screenshot what I told them to screenshot. What if that was your web URL to something that you were giving them? , which is the front of our funnel. I'll tell them that all the time. In between all this add value, I'll be like, "Oh, by-the-way, guys, there's something free I made for you. Kickstart your mind or motivation and metabolism, go to ." I'll write on the picture, "Screenshot this." Because it disappears in 10 seconds and they can't see it again, there's this sense of urgency and scarcity about your content. Then they screenshot it because they don't want to miss out on what you're giving them. It's almost like you train them to think that, "Oh my gosh, I can only get it right now." It makes it really cool.Russell:(8:25) Weird echo. One of the cool things you guys said to me was I always talk about urgency and scarcity are the two best things to sell anything and you're like, "This is like built-in urgency and scarcity." Everything's super short and disappears and it's this constant urgency/scarcity messaging to your audience, which is cool.Brandon:Pull it up. If I took a Snap right now, and I hold it down. You hold down the button to record it. Then you let go. Then it will play the real so you can see what you Snapped before you send it. Then basically you click this letter right here and you'll save it.Kaelin:It saves to your camera roll.Brandon:You do this little arrow right here and it will save to your camera roll and you click the arrow and then you click your story, which is what she's talking about. You can send direct Snaps like a message, like messenger, but the stories like your wall or your newsfeed-Kaelin:That's where everyone's going to see what you're doing.Brandon:It's cool. You just click that and you send it and then it goes on there. When someone's following you, they just pull it up. They click it and then if you were to go to ... Go to Russell's story. See what's on Russell's story.Kaelin:The thing with SnapChat is people don't really search for your story much. What they're going to do is they're going to come to right here where all the people they follow show up. If you're the most recent Snapper, you have the most recent Snaps, you're always going to show up at the top. That's why it's important to constantly be doing it, because then every time someone opens it, it's almost like you're pinned to the top because you have the most Snaps, the most recent Snaps, and it only is going to show most recent to least, the longest time ago. You don't want to be down here. It will tell you as you scroll, "48 minutes ago. An hour ago. Three hours ago." You want to stay up here and people's 20 seconds ago. You want to be on top of them.Brandon:(10:18) Every 20 seconds.Kaelin:No, you know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying.Russell:That's cool. I've been thinking through this strategy a lot as I've been starting to do this and for me, the strategy is kind of like everyday there's a journey. I'm trying to get something done. My audience usually sees the fruit of that, but they don't get to see behind. It's me taking them on a journey. That's similar to how you guys sort of think through the process of what you're Snapping, why you're Snapping it?Kaelin:Yeah, for me, we're in weight loss. People see me being fit, but they don't see how much I bust my butt everyday to look this way. The cool thing with SnapChat is that I can document that whole day. I can document up at 6:00am doing cardio. On my way to the gym, then my workout, then I'm giving them some type of motivation or whatever, whether it's like, "Get your butt up and go to the gym," I do that one a lot. I'm like, "It's Saturday. This doesn't mean not going to the gym. This means get your butt in the gym."As I go through the day, every meal, that's what's important to my following. I'm in weight loss, so they want to know what I'm eating, what I'm doing, how I'm working out, blah, blah, blah. Then when I'm Snapping them, 1:00 in the morning, I'm just getting done with my late night cardio because I've been working all day and I didn't have time to get it in earlier, so now I'm doing it. It's 1:00am. No excuses. That's what they want to see from you. They want to see exactly what you're doing because they want to do what you do. If you can give them little tidbits of add value, add value, and, "Here's why I do this and here's the behind the scenes look at this, and hey, I'm about to do an interview, and this is my dog."Russell:We froze for a second.Brandon:(12:03) Can you hear us, Russell?Russell:Yeah, we're back now. Sorry. We're back.Brandon:Okay. I don't know when you stopped that, but basically I was just saying if you're in that recent list of Snappers and they click on you, they're committed. They just keep tapping and they go through your entire story. If you join SnapChat right now and you open Kaelin's story, it would start you at the beginning and you'd just tap your screen and you could watch through the entire 25 pieces of content without leaving. I think the value of the attention is really high versus just seeing someone in your newsfeed or whatever.Then like what she was saying, she does cardio late at night because they want to see that and be in that mode. When you're building funnels, you're like, "Yeah, look at this one. I just finished it." It's 1:00 in the morning and then you slide and you put the filter of the time. You can add fun stuff like the, "So hot outside."Kaelin:It's 91 degrees here.Brandon:Yeah, it's 91. It's so hot. There's fun things that you can do to just really maximize it and make it fun for people.Russell:That's awesome. Very cool. One thing for me that was really helpful, because I wasn't in SnapChat at all, so I jumped in and started following you and started watching your stuff, if people want to see someone successful doing this, what's the best way they can go and they can follow you and see the process over and over again?Kaelin:What's really cool is we just found out ... Oh, you're logging into it.Brandon:Oh yeah.Kaelin:It's tuell_time is my username. If you guys know how to search on Facebook, you can search on SnapChat. You just go right here. You guys can take a screenshot of this. Screenshot it right now. Screenshot it. 3, 2, 1. It's going to be gone forever. One more second. Okay, you better screenshot it. Just kidding. Russell screenshot it. I got him. I closed him. Just kidding.Brandon:That's how it is, though, every time you send something.Kaelin:You better do it right now.Brandon:Or it's gone forever.Kaelin:(13:55) You can also click "Add Friends" and you can go to "Add by Username" right up here and you can type in my username, which is tuell_time. The cool thing about Snapchat, too, is there's no browsing on SnapChat like there is on Facebook and Instagram. You can browse by fitness profiles. You can type in a word and it's going to give you profiles that come up as that or on Instagram you can search as hashtags, fitness or weight loss or whatever and find pages that are in those categories.Brandon:You can't for SnapChat.Kaelin:SnapChat, you cannot. You have to move people over from other social media. One of the biggest things that we're doing is on Facebook, we put my Snap code. The thing that you guys just saw, the big yellow icon, is my profile picture on my Facebook page. As we run ads on my page, people are dying to find cool people on SnapChat because you can't just browse and find people, right?Brandon:I think that's really important playing into why you should even care about it in general is because right now they just passed 100 million users and they're hitting that tipping point. I just looked. I think it's like 25% of SnapChat users are over the age of 25. It's starting to move from the youth to the buyers. If you have a business and your customers are anywhere between the ages of 18 and 40, they're on SnapChat. They're on there. Just playing into momentum. Like right now, early.Because you do remember when Facebook came out and the people who moved really fast, they have 10 million likes on their pages. You're like, "How did you do that?" Now, it's so hard to get likes on your pages and to build it. Right now there's a land grab. You can go out and just use the social platforms you have now to drive people to SnapChat so by the time there's 400 million users, you've already got this huge base and you've got their attention first before somebody else in your industry does.Kaelin:(15:56) Right. The other way that people look and find you, too, which is something that we're implementing right now is you actually have a URL now to your SnapChat that you can post on Instagram in your bio or you can post on Facebook.Brandon:Direct link.Kaelin:Yeah, a direct link.Brandon:You can email it. You can put it in your bio. It's add/ whatever your username is.Kaelin:For me, it would be add/tuell_time. When they click that-Brandon:So they can find your tuell, it's tuell, not tool. Tuell_time.Kaelin:Tuell is my maiden name. Tuell time.Brandon:Yeah. Her kickstart for fitness ... There's probably some people on here that are probably like-Kaelin:One of those like-Russell:Yeah. [inaudible 00:16:47] out there.Kaelin:.Brandon:Yeah, free kickstarter, man. That's awesome.Kaelin:The biggest thing I want to tell you guys of why you need to be on SnapChat, because I know Russell's going to ask me this question, but I just want to tell you, okay? The biggest thing with SnapChat, I'm going to give you an example. People, when you post on Instagram and Facebook, there's this whole process behind it of like, "Oh, I'm going to pick this picture and I'm going to write this caption."SnapChat is so impromptu that that's why people love it because they're getting a behind the scenes look of what I'm doing. It's not just a perfect picture of me lifting at the gym with a caption. They're going to see me actually lifting like they're there beside me. You're talking to your people one-on-one. Like, "Hey, I know that you're sitting there thinking you want to eat ice cream. Listen to me. No you don't. Your stronger than that." You can speak directly to them. Then the other really cool part is when they get the behind the scenes stuff, they trust you more because it's almost like you've become best friends with them because you've let them into your personal life.(17:53) Last night, for example, and you guys, yes, exactly. Last night, for example, this is what I did. I have a fake tan, like a spray tan, and people are always asking me, "Why are you so tan? How did you get so tan? You should say out of the sun." Blah, blah, blah. "What's your secret to your tan?" I decided to get on SnapChat and tell them the truth. I got on SnapChat. I was like, "Listen, you guys. I'm just going to be honest with you. Everybody keeps asking me why I'm so tan. Well, let me show you. This is the fake tan I use. This is how I do it. You know that I love you if I'm sitting here on my SnapChat, in my towel, drying my spray tan and telling you guys what I use because I know you want to know." They just freaked out. They loved it. There's 400 screenshots of me holding the spray tan.Brandon:They're all going to go buy it.Kaelin:I don't have a kickback or anything from it, but they just appreciate the honesty and they appreciate me letting them into my life and being like, "Hey, I'm sitting here drying from my spray tan, but let me tell you what I use because you guys want to know."It's just cool. The intimacy level that you can have with your following, and the trust that you can build with them, and the relationship that you can build with them, is bar none to any other social platform. Because when you're showing them like, "Hey, guys, I'm at dinner with my husband. This is what I'm having," blah, blah, blah, they're like, "Whoa. I feel like I'm best friends with this girl." Then you do all this add value like, "Here's everything I'm doing. Here's all this stuff for free." Then I get on there and say, "Guys, I'm doing a webinar tonight. It's called, Everything You've Been Told About Weight Loss is a Big Fat Lie." You've got to be on. We're going to have a ton of fun. You guys are going to love it. Here's the link. Screenshot this video right now."Brandon:We've gotten thousands of webinar registrations from SnapChat for sure.Kaelin:Yep.Brandon:Because those people are the most hardcore because they're watching all of that stuff over and over again every single day. It's like the ROI is huge. We polled, I think, 185,000 Facebook fans on her page and we promoted to all of them what their favorite pieces of content were that she makes, because she makes a YouTube show. We do SnapChat. We do Instagram. We do Facebook all the time. We do Facebook Live. I think it was, I want to say, 40-50% people said they liked SnapChat the most.Kaelin:(20:17) Out of everything.Brandon:Out of every piece of content.Kaelin:Like a fully-produced YouTube show of me doing nothing but answering our questions and their favorite thing for me is our SnapChat.Brandon:Yeah, exactly.Kaelin:I'm like, "Okay, well, that's way cheaper."Brandon:Yeah, forget the show.Kaelin:Right.Russell:That's cool. In our community, we always talk about building attractive character, opening yourself up to the audience, which is all part of that, right? I'm curious with you guys, obviously this is happening and it's working a huge scale. I was just thinking, you're getting 20,000 views per video. Can you imagine the local TV stations around here? They would die to get 20,000 views per thing they put out. For you guys, how often are you promoting something? Everyday there's something you're pushing towards, or is it you're going for awhile and then you're pushing? How does that work? 3 to 1, 4 to 1?Kaelin:Yeah, it's like 4 to 1 for me. 5 to 1.Brandon:Yeah, 4 things of value and then 1 call to action. Something like that.Kaelin:Really, for me, I think it's a couple of days because we have 2 main goals because we have front end. We have our and then we have our webinar, which is on Thursdays. My typical plan, what I do is on Sundays and stuff, I'll talk to them about the free kickstart and, "You got to go do it," blah, blah, blah. Then I'm like, Wednesday and Thursday, I'll hit them hard with the webinar registration because the people on SnapChat, they're so used to, they're clicking through you fast, your 10-second videos. They are people that want it now, want it consume it now. Instead of trying to do it days out, I try to do it 20 minutes before, an hour before, and tell, "In an hour, I'm going live on my webinar. You can still register right here. Get your ticket." Those are the 2 main things that I push right now because that's really the only things that we have unless I'm launching a new product.(22:04) For me, I like to go 1, 2 days with just add value. There's nothing, I'm not selling anything to them. Because what I've found was, and I was just talking to him about this in the car, because he was like, "Oh, you should have posted the link to Amazon to buy the tanning stuff," because 300 people just screenshot our ... No, sorry. 600 I think. 600 people just screenshot it. I was like, "Yeah, but" ... 698 people screenshot it. He was like, "Man, we've got to get kickback," and all this stuff.I was thinking about it for a second and I was like, "Yeah, you're right." I was like, "No, because when there's something that I actually really want them to go do, they do it because I've added so much value up front." It's like, "I have to have whatever she has because she's told me all this other stuff for free. I've seen every meal she eats. I've seen every workout she does. I've seen her behind the scenes getting her spray tan on or her sharing every little product she uses and every supplement she uses." Then you launch something to them, you say, "Guys, this is what I need you to do for me right now." They're 100% in.I think the last webinar that I was like, "You have to screenshot this right now or we're not friends anymore," is what I told them, and I got 2,000 screenshots on it. 2,000, right? Because I don't do it everyday. Then there's so much more sha-bang when there is something for them to go get that they like.Brandon:In SnapChatting, you're just killing it. Just the picture. Look at it. You're killing it.Kaelin:Oh, my hands.Brandon:Look at them. Yeah.Russell:That's cool. I love this. This is so cool because I feel like with me, I was slow to Facebook and then Twitter came. I was slow to Twitter. I've been slow on a lot of these things and I'm excited just because I feel like this one is going to have a lot. I heard Gary Vaynerchuk talk about it earlier this year and he was like, "This is the future, the future." I'm like, "Eh," and I kind of blew it off. I think it's because it's a little bit harder is why I blew it off, but because it's a little bit harder is why it's so much better. The barriered entry is going to be harder and that just makes it it's easier to get attention because there's less people doing it. I think anyone who puts in the effort and the energy right now is going to be huge.Kaelin:Right.Russell:(24:18) One another thing, I know you told me about this, and I know we're getting close on time, but I'd love for you to talk about this strategy, too, because you were telling me when you're doing your treadmill everyday, people are personally watching you. Would love to hear what and why and how you do that.Kaelin:Okay. On your story and on your profile, people are following you, they can DM you, which means direct message in social terms. All these people would DM me all these questions and stuff. I created this culture on my story, like, "SnapChat me your questions. I'd love to answer your guys' questions personally. Just SnapChat me. I try to get to as many as I can a day." I set that expectation so they know that, "She can only get to so many a day." I set that expectation. They sent all these questions to me. I'm like, "SnapChat what you guys are working on. I'd love to see you guys kicking butt in the gym." They feel like they have a connection with me. They're going to send me their stuff and I'm going to see it.I try to get anywhere from 20 to 40 a day, but what I'll do is I'll open them, and literally, I do the thumbs up picture. I literally do this like 100 times in a row. People will be like, "Oh my gosh, I've been following you. I've lost 5 pounds." I'm like, "Yeah."Brandon:They'll remember that forever. They'll remember that forever.Kaelin:Yeah, they all screenshot it. It takes you what? A half a second to go, you know?Brandon:If Russell Brunson Snapped me back, I'd be like, "Dang, Russell Brunson Snapped me back. That's sick. Thumbs up."Kaelin:Right. I just randomly pick a bunch of them and I'll say, "Great job, girl," whatever, and I'll send it. I do it while I do cardio and literally probably the people at the gym think I'm crazy. I'm always like-Brandon:She's always doing the thumbs up sign while she's-Kaelin:(25:54)Yeah, it's so cool because it builds such a great intimate relationship with your following. Think about who your mentor is and imagine that person telling you, "Good job" for something. It makes your following become so sticky. Even if you get to 20 or 50 a day, the impact that that makes and the culture of your following, it really does because a culture, right? Because they're like, "She actually cares that I'm getting results. She actually cares about me and responding to me." It just makes it really cool. It's just unbelievable.My mentality when I get on SnapChat everyday is I think about the people that I look up to and I think about the things that I wish I could see them doing in their life and then I try to do that. Then I'm like, "Oh, I would want to see this. I would want to see them giving a tour of their house or showing their view or hanging out with friends. I would want to see what their life really looked like and that they're a real person just like me." Because I allow myself to be vulnerable and be goofy and be nerdy and just be myself on SnapChat, people are like, "Oh, she's just a real girl. She's not someone trying to sell me a bunch of stuff. She's a real girl"-Russell:I hope we can get Brandon and Kaelin back. For some reason, Google Hangouts froze up on us.Brandon:Oh, there we are.Russell:You guys are back.Brandon:We're back.Russell:Google Hangouts is failing us today.Kaelin:I know. What the heck, man?Brandon:She just dropped so much value bombs, it just blew up Google Hangouts.Kaelin:Sorry.Russell:It's like, "We can't handle this at Google. We're done."Brandon:Cannot handle it.Kaelin:I did that on my webinar one time and it just got so crazy that it just pooped out.Brandon:Just to recap best ways to add people, to get them to add you on your SnapChat, is change your profile picture to your Snap code. You just go into your SnapChat like you're going to take a picture and then just pull down the top and it's going to show-Kaelin:I'll show you.Brandon:Yeah, she can show you. That's a good way. Your Instagram profile, your Facebook profile, whatever social that you use, because there's still a picture of you in the middle and they can literally screenshot that and use it to add.Kaelin:This one here?Brandon:Yeah.Kaelin:What you're going to do is you're just going to open your SnapChat to look like this. Like there's Russell staring at my phone and so you're just going to click these three dots down here. Oh, sorry. Wrong way. Sorry, I know. It's hard to do it backwards. You're going to click this ghost up here. I forgot what I was showing. Then there's your Snap code, right? Then you take a screenshot of it and then you just crop it up to where it's only the yellow.Brandon:Yep. Another really good way that we just figured this out, we actually literally haven't even sent this out yet, which I'm so excited for.Kaelin:I'm super scared what's going to happen.Brandon:Yeah, I am, too. You can send an email out to your whole list or post it on your Facebook or your Instagram and just do add/ whatever your username is. It will literally, they'll click that hyperlink and it will pull their SnapChat app open, pull yours open. All they do is tap add.Kaelin:It says, "Add Branding". Your Snap code comes up. They can see your face. It's very important to put your picture so they know that they're adding the right person.Brandon:I have literally never seen anybody post that.Kaelin:No, but I'm about to and it's going to blow up.Brandon:We just figured that out. Apparently it's been out for awhile, but I've never seen anybody, so I'm excited. That's probably the best way for you internet marketers out there that have big email lists to get people to follow you.Kaelin:Just tell them what you're going to show them. For me, when I try to pull people over from Instagram and Facebook, I'd say, "Here's why you've got to follow me on SnapChat. There's content there that you don't get to see anywhere else. You get an inside look to my life. You get to actually see every single meal that I eat. You get to see all of my workouts and plus I get crazy on there, and you don't want to miss that." That's what I tell them and they're like, "Oh, that sounds cool". Then they'll go add me.Brandon:There's this annoying guy in the background, peanut gallery.Kaelin:My official cameraman.Brandon:They're like, "Brandon, stop shaking it."Russell:That's awesome. Cool. One last question and we will let you guys be for the day. I want people following you guys so they see what's happening. Who are 2 or 3 other people that are amazing at this process, that would be worth going, subscribing, just to see. At least for me, when I started seeing it, a couple people, then I got hooked to it. Who else would be really cool for people to watch behind the scenes how they're doing it?Kaelin:I think GaryVee is really amazing. On SnapChat, he's just GaryVee on SnapChat. I'm trying to see the people I follow. I mostly follow other fitness people on stuff so I can just learn and everything.Brandon:Follow Russell Brunson on SnapChat.Kaelin:Make sure you're following Russell Brunson.Brandon:He's going to be crushing it.Kaelin:That's where all the nuggets are.Brandon:What's your handle, Russell?Russell:Russell Brunson. I'm very creative.Brandon:I love it.Kaelin:It's so smart because people don't know how to spell your name. They're going to follow you everywhere else, so it's just like-Brandon:Is there 2 S's, 2 L's?Russell:Yeah, this morning I SnapChatted talking about this interview on my bike as I rode my bike to the office. I was so out of breath. I'm trying to learn, trying to make it exciting and fun and do some crazy stuff on my side, too.Brandon:He rode his bike. That's awesome. Beast. Beast mode. GaryVee, Russell, Kaelin. I would definitely follow her. Other than that, it's time to start SnapChatting. You guys get at it.Kaelin:Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say is there's not a lot of people like GaryVee, who everyone knows who GaryVee is. He's getting 30,000 views on his Snap stories and we're getting 20,000. There's not a lot of people that are trying to take over this social network.Brandon:You know who's probably number 1 is DJ Khaled. I don't know how to say his name.Kaelin:I'll look it up for you.Brandon:He's really taking it super mainstream. He's a rapper/celebrity dude. He's all on the SnapChat world. I would follow him as well because I know that he's like, "What is he doing?" He does something crazy.Kaelin:Oh my gosh, he's so funny.Brandon:He's got a couple hundred thousand views a Snap or something.Kaelin:It's KhaledSnapChat is what his is.Brandon:Yeah. There's a couple of really solid ones.Russell:That's awesome.Kaelin:He's so funny on there. You'll guys will love it.Russell:(32:06) Well, thanks, you guys. I'm so grateful you guys took the time today. I know you guys are about to head out on a trip. I appreciate you guys jumping on for 30 minutes and walking everybody through the same thing you walked me through and got me excited. I hope we go them excited as well. For anyone who just wants to get started with your stuff, Kaelin, anyway, and wants to get into the weight loss, where's the best place to get in the front of your funnels so they can start seeing all the stuff you guys are doing?Kaelin:. Easy peasy. It's the best URL ever.Brandon:It's motivation, your mind, and your metabolism.Kaelin:Kickstart your mind, your motivation, and your metabolism. It's awesome.Russell:Super cool. Thanks, you guys. You're amazing. Thanks so much for hanging out with us today. I appreciate it.Kaelin:Thanks, Russell.Brandon:Loving it.Russell:Talk to you guys soon. Thanks.Kaelin:Bye. ................

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