Experiment 7 – Analysis of Vibrational Frequencies of a ...

Steady Flow through a Symmetric Sacular Aneurysm Model

Group T5 – Jon Abelson, Jenn Fleischer, Jack Kent

Final Project

December 2-9, 2004


In this experiment the mechanism of aneurysm wall weakening was explored through a visual examination of streamlines produced by dye injection. The onset of turbulence for steady flow through a closed conduit was determined based on the breakup of the dye streamline; this data was used to determine a relationship between the viscosity of the solution in the aneurysm and critical Re. Analysis of the data showed that for a given aneurysm model, the Reynolds number was independent of the viscosity of the solution. Across the trials, the average Reynolds number was 3662 and 1419, for large and small aneurysms, respectively. Only when a correction factor was used, it was also shown that the critical Reynolds (≈ 2473) between the two aneurysm models was statistically similar (p ................

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