Outcomes Assessment Plan

Outcomes Assessment Plan

Educational Outcomes


Program Objective: At the conclusion of the Firefighter Training Program students will have prepared themselves for an entry-level position as a firefighter

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Poses basic |Master the required competencies identified by|NFPA 1001, Standard for Firefighter |WSF Firefighter 1 certification |Certification testing by conclusion of |

|knowledge, skills|Washington Administrative Code to work as a |Professional Qualifications |WSF Firefighter 2 certification |Freshmun Year: |

|and abilities |firefighter |NFPA 472, Standards for Competence of First |WSF HazMat Awareness certification |Firefighter 1 |

|necessary to |Successfully complete standardized training |Responders to Hazardous Materials/ Weapons of |WSF HazMat Operations certification |Apparatus Driver |

|perform fire |for: |Mass Destruction Incidents |WSF Apparatus Driver/Operator certification |HazMat Awareness & Operations |

|fighting and |Firefighter 1 & 2 |NFPA 1002, Standard for Apparatus Driver/ |(future) |NIMS 100, 200 |

|related |HazMat Operations |Operator Professional Qualifications |NWCG Wildland Firefighter 2 certification |Certification testing by conclusion of |

|entry-level tasks|Apparatus Driver/ Operator |Department of Homeland Security |EMT-Basic certification |Sophomore Year: |

| |NIMS 100, 200, 700 |NFPA 1051, Standard for Wildland Firefighter |EMT-Paramedic certification |Firefighter 2 |

| |Wildland Firefighter 2 |Professional Qualifications | |Pump Operator |

| |EMT-B |National Registry EMT-B | |Wildland Firefighter 2 |

| |EMT-P |National Registry EMT-P | |EMT-Basic |

| | | | |EMT-Paramedic to be determined for future |

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Poses appropriate|Conform to industry standardized appearance in|NFPA 1975, Standard of Station/ Work Uniforms |Weekly uniform inspections |Weekly with quarterly reporting |

|presentation |the use of duty uniforms and personal |for Fire & Emergency Services |Weekly performance evaluations | |

|skills, traits, |maintenance |Traditional uniform policies as adopted by the| | |

|habits and | |fire service | | |

|physical | | | | |

|abilities | | | | |

|necessary to gain| | | | |

|employment in the| | | | |

|fire service | | | | |

| |Speak in clear, accurate, and understandable | |Base-line information developed from FIRE 113 |Freshmun fall quarter for FIRE 113 |

| |manner, conveying information, ideas, tasks, |Fire service assessment models for fire |course |Freshmun spring quarter for officer promotion |

| |directives, conditions, and needs to groups or|officer development: Oral Communications |Improvement information developed from Officer|assessment |

| |individuals using verbal nonverbal, para | |Promotion Assessment process |Program completion for CMST 220 |

| |verbal, gestures and facial expression. | |Completion of CMST 220, Public Speaking with | |

| |Listen to others and help them clarify their | |minimum C grade | |

| |statements. | | | |

| |Demonstrate confidence, stability and |Fire service assessment models for fire |Officer promotion assessment process |Quarterly multi-company operations practicals |

| |consistency of performance under pressure, |officer development: Stress Tolerance |Multi-company operations on the training |Officer promotion freshmun spring quarter |

| |opposition, and confusion. | |ground | |

| |Gain and maintain optimum musculoskeletal, |NFPA 1582, Standard on Medical Requirements |Firefighter Fitness Assessment Survey based on|Quarterly fitness evaluations in PE 161 & 261 |

| |flexibility and cardiovascular health |for Fire Fighters and Information for Fire |NFPA 1583 | |

| | |Department Physicians | | |

| | |NFPA 1583, Standard on Health-Related Fitness | | |

| | |Programs for Fire Fighters | | |

|Poses adequate |Perceive and react to the needs of others, be |Fire service assessment models for fire |Officer promotion assessment process |Officer promotion assessment freshmun fall |

|personal |attentive to the feelings and thoughts of |officer development: |Fire Company Leadership performance |quarter |

|experience, |others, and accurately perceive the impact of |Leadership |evaluations | |

|education, and |self on others through followership and |Interpersonal Sensitivity | | |

|skills necessary |leadership | | | |

|to present an | | | | |

|effective resume | | | | |

|for placement in | | | | |

|the fire service | | | | |

| |Demonstrate strengths in goal-setting, |Fire service assessment models for fire |Officer promotion assessment process |Officer promotion assessment freshmun fall |

| |judgment and decision-making necessary for |officer development: |Fire Company Leadership performance |quarter |

| |longevity in the workplace |Problem Analysis |evaluations | |

| | |Planning & Organization | | |

| | |Judgment | | |

| |Gain and maintain membership (volunteer, |Volunteer, paid-on-call, part-time, career |Letter of appointment |Sophomore winter quarter internship completion|

| |paid-on-call, part-time, full-time) in a fire |firefighter | | |

| |service organization | | | |

| |While serving as a firefighter (volunteer, |Career firefighter model job description |Firefighter Intern performance evaluation |Sophomore winter quarter internship completion|

| |paid-on-call, part-time, full-time), |Firefighter Intern job description | | |

| |participate in those activities and to a level| | | |

| |that will effectively duplicate that of a | | | |

| |full-time career firefighter | | | |

| |Determine a professional development model |International Association of Fire Chiefs |Personal Professional Development Plan |Sophomore winter quarter internship completion|

| |that will provide guidance into and through |Professional Development Handbook |Checklist of Professional Development | |

| |the fire service career | | | |

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Poses the |Possess the physical traits and conditions |Joint Fire Service Wellness Fitness Initiative|Candidate Physical Abilities Test |Freshmun fall quarter FIRE 113 course |

|knowledge, skills|required of a firefighter | | | |

|and abilities to | | | | |

|be effective in | | | | |

|the competitive | | | | |

|process of | | | | |

|gaining | | | | |

|employment | | | | |

| |Be able to appropriately comprehend |American College Testing, Job Analysis |American College Testing, WorkKeys Assessment |Freshmun fall quarter FIRE 100 baseline test |

| |instructions and information delivered in the | | |Sophomore spring quarter FIRE 272 final test |

| |written English language | | | |

| |When participating in an oral assessment |FIRE 113 |FIRE 113 mock interview assessment |Freshmun fall quarter FIRE 113 |

| |process, be able to perform at a high level of|Fire service assessment models for fire |Officer Promotion Assessment: Oral Board |Officer promotion assessment process spring |

| |proficiency in desired skills. |officer development: |survey |freshmun |

| | |Oral Communications | | |

| | |Interpersonal Sensitivity | | |

| | |Judgment | | |

| | |Stress Tolerance | | |

Program Objective: At the conclusion of the Firefighter Training Program students will have prepared themselves to be successful in a fire department probationary process.

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Possess |Students will possess an understanding of and |FIRE Department identified performance | Performance evaluations for: |Sophomore quarterly performance evaluations |

|knowledge, skills|have a value in strong work ethics as they |criteria |Firefighter | |

|and abilities |have to do with production and personal job | |Lieutenant | |

|that will provide|satisfaction | |Captain | |

|for seamless | | |Battalion Chief | |

|integration into | | | | |

|a complex | | | | |

|organizational | | | | |

|culture | | | | |

| |Students will understand the psychology of |FIRE Department identified performance |Performance evaluations for: |Sophomore quarterly performance evaluations |

| |gratification and how it motivates |criteria |Firefighter | |

| |performance. They will understand the | |Lieutenant | |

| |workplace challenges of worker entitlement and| |Captain | |

| |its affect on the community and society | |Battalion Chief | |

| |Students will possess a strong sense of |FIRE Department identified performance |Performance evaluations for: |Sophomore quarterly performance evaluations |

| |ownership in their resources and organization.|criteria |Firefighter | |

| |They will understand the bases of pride and | |Lieutenant | |

| |how it can be used wisely in their careers | |Captain | |

| | | |Battalion Chief | |

| |Students will understand, place value in, and |FIRE Department identified performance |Performance evaluations for: |Freshmun fall quarter FIRE 100 |

| |maintain high behavioral standards in their |criteria |Firefighter |Sophomore spring quarter CJ 125 |

| |community | |Lieutenant | |

| | | |Captain | |

| | | |Battalion Chief | |

Program Objective: At the conclusion of the Firefighter Training Program students will have developed the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to support their long-term employment in the fire and emergency services industry.

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Possess personal |Students will be able to set goals, establish |Program-identified time management model |Successful completion of time management |Completion of CIS 100, freshmun fall quarter |

|skills that will |priorities, improve efficiency and use | |training and practical application | |

|support high |technology to manage their time effectively. | | | |

|caliber work | | | | |

|quality in the | | | | |

|fire service | | | | |

|organization | | | | |

| |Students will possess applicable knowledge in |Program-identified project management model |Successful completion of project management |Firefighter’s Club, freshmun, winter quarter |

| |managing projects as members of definition, | |training and practical application | |

| |planning, and implementation teams. | | | |

| |Students will be able to present technical |Fire service industry reporting models for |Successful completion of fire service |Fire service reporting training sophomore fall|

| |reports typified in the fire service with a |non-emergency and emergency activities |reporting training and practical application |quarter |

| |high degree of accuracy, professional in | |Successful completion of ENGL 170 |ENGL 170 freshmun spring quarter |

| |appearance, and timely in completion. | | | |

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Possess basic |Students will be able to manage multiple roles|National Fire Academy, Leadership: Strategies |Successful completion of training modules |Written examination at completion of fall |

|leadership skills|as leaders, employing creativity and their |for Personal Success model | |quarter of sophomore year |

|that will provide|personal power base. They will have an acute | | | |

|for cohesive |sense of and value for ethics in the fire | | | |

|teamwork within |service | | | |

|the organization | | | | |

| |Student will have a working knowledge of |National Fire Academy, Leadership: Strategies |Successful completion of training modules |Written examination at completion of winter |

| |situational leadership and be able to coach, |for Supervisory Success model | |quarter of sophomore year |

| |delegate, and discipline, in order to keep | | | |

| |high functioning teams | | | |

| |Students demonstrate quality decision-making |National Fire Academy, Strategies for Company |Successful completion of training modules |Written examination at completion of spring |

| |skills and be able to identify and solve |Success model | |quarter of sophomore year |

| |problems within teams | | | |

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Possess industry |Deliver classroom or drill ground instruction |NFPA 1041: Standard for Fire Service |Successful completion of Instructor 1 training|Elective at degree completion |

|specific skills |of Firefighter I subjects ensuring that |Instructor Professional Qualifications |program | |

|that will provide|quality instruction is presented. | |WSF Instructor 1 certification | |

|for initial | | | | |

|advancement in | | | | |

|the organization | | | | |

| |Students will be able to perform the duties of|NFPA 1521: Standard for Fire Department Safety|Successful completion of National Fire Academy|Elective at degree completion |

| |Incident Safety Officer during emergency |Officer |Incident Safety Officer training program | |

| |operations and training activities | | | |

| |Students will have a practical working |NFPA 1021: Standard for Fire Officer |Successful completion of Fire Officer 1 |Elective at degree completion |

| |knowledge of the management and supervision |Professional Qualifications |training program | |

| |requirements necessary to perform as | |WSF Fire Officer 1 certification | |

| |first-line supervisors. | | | |

|Maintain high |Students will demonstrate a high level of |Fire Service Joint Labor Management |Creation of written plan |Final reporting at degree completion |

|level of |commitment to their fitness & healthy |Wellness-Fitness Initiative |Journaling | |

|commitment toward|nutrition habits typified by a health and | |Lab Fitness Testing | |

|healthy lifestyle|wellness plan | |Tower fitness testing | |

|and safe work | | | | |

|environment | | | | |

| |Students will not use tobacco products |Center for Disease Control and Prevention |Simple abstention |Final reporting at degree completion |

|Intended Outcome |Criteria or Target |Comparison |Assessment Methods or Tools |When/How Assessment will be Accomplished |

|Be able to work |Possess a keen understanding and working |USFA |Completion of USFA ICS 100, 200, 300, 400 |ICS 100 & 200 freshmun winter quarter |

|within complex |knowledge of the emergency incident management|ICS 100 |training programs |ICS 300 & 400 sophomore winter quarter |

|incident |system. |ICS 200 |Appropriate use of IAP System in lab training |IAP system ongoing sophomore |

|management system| |ICS 300 | | |

| | |ICS 400 | | |

| | |SVCFD IAP Model | | |

| |Possess the foundation, decision-making and |U.S. Fire Academy, Training Programs: |Completion of PICO, DMICO, & STICO training |Preparation sophomore fall quarter |

| |management skills needed to accomplish |Preparation, Decision-making Skills, and |programs |Decision-making sophomore winter quarter |

| |assigned tasks as a company officer at a |Strategy & Tactics For Initial Company | |Strategy & tactics sophomore winter quarter |

| |structure fire. |Operations | | |

|Possess value and|Students will understand the value of |Program-identified curriculum and resource |Completion of education module in FIRE 100 |Freshmun fall quarter |

|commitment to |community and will have a rich knowledge of |template | | |

|being |opportunities for volunteerism within their | | | |

|participating |community | | | |

|member of the | | | | |

|community | | | | |

| |Students will understand the effects of both |Program-identified curriculum |Completion of education module in FIRE 100 |Freshmun fall quarter |

| |gratitude and entitlement as they have to do | | | |

| |with values building and | | | |

| |organizational/community strength | | | |

| |Students will possess a value in supporting |Program-identified curriculum |Completion of education module in FIRE 100 |Freshmun fall quarter |

| |the community in which they work. | | | |


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