Los Angeles Mission College

Sample Outline-Debate

I. Introduction:

A. Attention Getter: How many of you remember growing up in a neighborhood where children played outside? When you would see children playing tag and hide-and go seek. How often do you see children play outside in your neighborhood?

B. Establisment of Credibility/Rapport: In my neighborhood, I only see two playing outside and that’s once in a while.  And even they don’t play for long.

C. Thesis Statement: Although there are some advantages to children using technology at an early age, I am going to inform you on how harmful it could be to their growth and development due to various reasons.

D. Preview: In the following presentation, I will discuss the 4 harmful effects of using technology at a young age-1) impaired vision, 2) lack of interaction, 3) lack of movement 4) lack of intelligence or motivation.

II. Body:

A. Main Point 1-Impaired Vision

1. Computer Vision Syndrome: Headaches, eye fatigue, blurry vision, red eye, difficulty shifting focus after computer use. "Are Computers Bad for My Child's Eyes?"COA Vision

2. Doesn’t allow eyes focus at different distance "Are Computers Bad for My Child's Eyes?"COA Vision

3. Problems with clarity vision

B. Main Point 2-Lack of Interaction

1. While children are still developing they need to interact with others

2. Interactionwill help them develop empathyfor others

3. 36% of 0-6 years old have already played video games. ()

4. Acts as an amplifier (Keim, Brandon. "What Science Knows About Video Games and Violence."PBS)

C. Main Point 3- Lack of Movement

1. 35 hours of television a week (Rothman, Lily. "FYI, Parents: Your Kids Watch A Full-Time Job’s Worth of TV Each Week.".)

2. 2.10. 2 hours a week playing video game()

3. That is about 7 hours in a day that kids are inactive

D. Main Point 4-Lack of Intelligence or Motivation

1. Social Media: 16 hrs. a day, 47% got Cs or lower (LEWIN, TAMAR. "If Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online.")

2. Social Media: 3 hrs. a day, 23%

3. There is no proof bit there is a connection  

III. Conclusion:

A. Once again, children should not be allowed to use technology at an early age. The reason being 1) impaired vision, 2) lack of interaction, 3) lack of movement.


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