Who is the most hated kpop idol in 2021 - Weebly


Who is the most hated kpop idol in 2021

Jennie at a fansign Yes, one of the biggest names in the K-pop industry gets widely hated! During a concert in 2019, Jennie stumbled during her performance and haters rushed to bash her on the internet. Watch the clipping here.The rapper was labeled as 'lazy' for a simple mistake in a dance routine. She also gets hate for have weak vocals. Usually, Jennie is seen struggling with breath control during live performances. That is something most singers experience. I personally think it's not a big deal and people should cut her some slack.Should she really be hated over it? Popularity is a blessing and a curse, don't you agree?2. Yeri from Red Velvet Yeri for Grazia photoshoot Kim Yeri, at age 11, secured a spot in SM Entertainment after passing one of the most difficult auditions! Even then, when she debuted in 2015, there was huge spam of hate comments! Trolls slandered her vocal technique and called her an 'attention seeker' for crying at a funeral of a close friend named 'Kim Jonghyun'.How heartless can one be? Does a soul this young deserve to be hated? Yeri and Jonghyun He was a member of the K-pop boy group 'Shinee' and a role model to Yeri. On December 18, 2017, he committed suicide and was found dead in his home. To this day, haters continue to find excuses to speak ill about the young star. Surviving in the K-pop world sounds very tough, doesn't it? It only makes you wonder. Hwasa for a magazine shoot There are always people who go against you when you make a stand. Hwasa challenged the K-pop industry's beauty standards by not bleaching her skin or losing weight. Sadly, the singer receives a lot of hate for not being conventionally pretty or having a stick-thin figure.She opened up about her mental health being affected by excessive hate comments online. The star made a promise to stay true to herself and not give in to society's beauty standards. Wouldn't you love to be as confident as her?Conclusion I believe all these women are talented and beautiful. Society's unrealistic beauty standards need to be called out! Everyone has different bodies and eating habits. People need to realize that idols are humans too!It's fine for them to make mistakes, but it's not okay to degrade someone just because they are famous. Cyber-bullying is a serious crime and should not be taken lightly. Which idol do you think gets the most hate? Comment below! KPop idols are only humans like Korean Pop fans. They make mistakes, and being in the spotlight is nearly impossible for them to hide when it happens.Sometimes, these KPop idols deserve criticism of what they have done. But in the other time, they have no control over it. Still, whether with sensible reason or not, fans won't let things go and hate Kpop idols.Here is the list of 10 Kpop idols who get more hate in the Korean Pop industry (whether they deserve or not), and the reasons (whether sensible or not).1. Blackpink Jennie Because of the so-called "bad attitude," scandals, and "lazy dancing" controversy, Blackpink Jennie becomes one of the most criticized idols. Fans think that YG Entertainment was showing favoritism to her by giving better clothes and more promotions. It's over years ago, but fans wouldn't let these things go.2. Red Velvet YeriYeri ihas been hated since she joined Red Velvet. Source: liputan6Yeri has been hated since she was added as one member of Red Velvet. Fans criticized her as lazy and uncoordinated on stage. Some even call her attention seeker for crying at Jonghyun's funeral and having many famous friends.3. Momoland Nancy Back in her early teens, Nancy made a joke of bulimia, an eating disorder. Hopefully, as she gets older, she has learned the lesson, and fans can forgive her.4. (G)I-DLE SoyeonPeople hate (G)I-DLE Soyeon because of cultural appropriation. Source: PinterestPeople hated Soyeon because of a controversial topic. People accused her of cultural appropriation in (G)I-DLE's music.5. BTS Jungkook, BTS V, and BTS JiminThe maknae line of BTS get the most hate with no reasons. Source: PinterestThese three youngest members of BTS get more hate than the rest of the BTS members. The reason? It's still unclear.6. ASTRO Eunwoo Astro is good looking and attractive. That is why he gets hate from KPop fans. Such an insensible reason, isn't it?7. EXO KaiEldorado KAI # #EXO #weareoneEXO #pic.8WZRIAdVSj-- MPST (@exokai_kr) April 18, 2020 Well, well, Kai has had dating scandals, including with f(X) Krystal and Blackpink Jennie. It might be the reason why some people hate EXO Kai.8. TWICE TzuyuFor some reasons, people hate this sweet TWICE Tzuyu. Source: RedditBeing the visual of TWICE, not having the best vocals, and lack of emotion on stage are the reasons people hate Tzuyu. It's not her fault that she is good looking.9.IZ*ONE SakuraBeing favorite of the agent, IZ*ONE Sakura gets most hate. Source: RedditFans think that Sakura got favoritism while on Produce 48. She was criticized for having too much screen-time compared to the other girls.10. Kang DanielPeople hate Kang Daniel for dating Jihyo and being the most famous member in Wanna One. But, it has been a year. People really need to move on. In fact, Kang Daniel is now having his own reality show and still popular after his two-months hiatus.11. IUSolo singer IU gets most hate from KPop fans because she is BTS Jungkook's ideal type. Source: RedditHer scandal with Super Junior Eunhyuk makes people dislike her. Moreover, after BTS Jungkook described her as his ideal type, people arouse more hate on IU.12. Mamamoo HwasaBeing different is never easy, especially for Mamamoo Hwasa. Source: QuoraPeople hate Hwasa for being hot and sexy, yet at the same time, people call her fat and ugly. It is just because she doesn't look like Korean beauty standards. For instance, her skin is darker, and she's not as skinny as other female KPop idols.13. Super Junior Choi Siwon The scandal was in 2017 that Siwon's family dog bit a neighbor, who then died from an infection. This issue resulted in huge debate in South Korea about safety around pet animals in crowded cities like Seoul. But, hey, it happened like three years ago. Why don't people just let it go?What's your thoughts?+163Upvote+130Clap+194Clap+1678On fire+1267Meh+121Clap+11 Kpop Idols are equally worshipped and hated at the same time. But according to most the fans the topmost hated Kpop Idols are given in the below article. Who is the most hated kpop idol? KPop idols often get critical of what they've done, too. Yet they don't have control over it. Fans won't let it go for reasonable facts and they start to hate these Kpop Idols. Topmost hated Kpop Idols are given below, Blackpink Jennie Jennie is one of the most criticized icons because of the scandals, the "lazy dancing" controversy and her so-called "bad attitude." Her fans claim that by providing better clothes and more ads, YG Entertainment was displaying her favouritism. It was years ago, but the fans weren't going to let these things go. Red Velvet Yeri Yeri has been despised ever since she was a Red Velvet member. On stage, fans criticized her as lazy and uncoordinated. Some deem her an attention seeker for weeping at the funeral of Jonghyun and having several popular friends. Momoland Nancy Back in her teenage years, Nancy made a joke about bulimia, an eating disorder. Hopefully, she has learned the lesson as she grows older, and fans will forgive her. (G)I-DLE Soyeon In (G)I-music, DLE's individuals despised and blamed her because of a controversial subject and cultural appropriation. BTS Jungkook, BTS V, and BTS Jimin These three handsome youngest BTS members have more unknown motives for hate than the rest of the members of BTS. ASTRO Eunwoo He also gets hate from KPop fans, even though he is good looking and sexy. For us, that doesn't make sense, right? EXO Kai Yes, some time back, Kai had a dating controversy with f(X) Krystal and Blackpink Jennie. This may be one of the reasons why some people dislike Kai. TWICE Tzuyu Lack of passion on stage by not getting the best voices are the reasons why people dislike Tzuyu. But it's the creation of God that looks good to her. IZ*ONE Sakura When playing on the reality show Produce 48, Sakura had favouritism. Compared to some, she was blamed for getting so much screen-time. Kang Daniel Kang Daniel, the most popular ex-member of the Wanna One, is despised for dating Jihyo. But, since it's been a year, individuals just need to move forward. After his two-month hiatus, he now has his own reality show and is still popular. Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

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