Supv 101 coversheet -



Office of Human Resources Strategic Programs Directorate Enterprise Workforce Development and Performance

April 2013

SUPERVISOR 101 Introduction

Participant Coursebook

Participant Coursebook


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Supervisor 101

Page Intro-ii

Participant Coursebook


Purpose Objectives


Introduction to Supervisor 101

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to the course objectives, agenda, the Employee View Point Survey, and merit principles and prohibited personnel practices

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Explain the purpose of the Employee Viewpoint Survey and your role in using the survey results.

Identify and describe the "Do's and Don'ts of Management" to include Merit Principles and prohibited personnel practices.

Explain the basic hiring process, position classification, and behavioral interviewing, and the supervisor's role in each.

Explain the PMAP Policy and process. Manage performance toward results by using a process to diagnose

potential performance problems, provide feedback, recognize good performance, develop employees, and develop a performance improvement plan. Explain the different leave types and the supervisor's role in leave administration. Describe the different quality of work life initiatives that supervisors can use to create a productive work environment. Explain the principles of Labor Relations and conduct management (progressive discipline).


Introduction to the Supervisor 101 Objectives and Agenda Course Agenda Opening Activity Introduction of the Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) Activity: Analyzing HHS' EVS 2011 Results Activity: Determining Violations of Merit Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices Do's and Don'ts of Management REFERENCE GUIDE : Additional Overarching Principles-- NO FEAR ACT and Equal Employment Opportunity Slides Handout--2011 HHS EVS Results

Page Intro-1 Intro-2 Intro-3 Intro-4 Intro-5 Intro-10

Intro-12 Intro-16

Intro-24 Intro-41

Supervisor 101

Page Intro-1

Participant Coursebook


Course Agenda


Introductory Module o Employee View Point Survey o Do's and Don'ts of Management: Merit Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices o Additional Overarching Principles NO FEAR and EEO

Module 1: Hiring o Hiring Process o Classification Workshop o Interviewing


Module 2: Introduction to Performance Management Appraisal Program (PMAP)

Module 3: Performance Management


Module 4: Quality of Work Life (Telework and Employee Assistance Program

Module 5: Leave Administration

Module 6: Labor and Employee Relations

Supervisor 101

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Participant Coursebook

Opening Activity


In your table groups:

1. Introduce yourselves and chart one expectation per person. 2. Discuss your transition from individual contributor to supervisor. What were your

challenges? How did you handle them? Document your group's discussion by charting your group's top 5 challenges. 3. Select a spokesperson.

15 minutes


Supervisor 101

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Participant Coursebook

Employee View Point Survey (EVS)


Overview of the EVS Process:

? Online confidential survey with invitation sent to all HHS employees ? Formerly known as the Federal Human Capital Survey ? Completed each year at HHS in February/March timeframe ? Data available: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 ? 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 data available at the HHS, Operating Division/Staff

Division, and in some cases lower level offices, centers, and divisions ? Senior leader expectation of EVS data usage as part of Senior Executive Service (SES)

performance plans ? Action planning expected at all levels of data availability ? Questions in seven areas: My Work Experience , My Work Unit, My Agency, My

Supervisor/Team Leader, Leadership, My Satisfaction, Work/Life

EVS Connected to the Human Capital Framework

? EVS is part of a larger strategy to ensure HHS has a mission-ready workforce to meet program needs of the 21st century

? Provides a consistent, comprehensive representation of human capital system fused to merit system principles

? Five human capital sub-systems make up the Human Capital Accountability and Assessment Framework (HCAAF): ? Strategic Alignment (Planning and Goal Setting) ? Leadership and Knowledge Management (Implementation) ? Results-Oriented Performance Culture (Implementation) ? Talent Management (Implementation) ? Accountability (Evaluating Result

Supervisor 101

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Participant Coursebook

Activity: Analyzing HHS' EVS Data


In your table groups, review the handout on the 2012 HHS EVS Results. Assume this data belongs to the organization you supervise. From your analysis, determine the three highest priority areas that YOU would address and then recommend specific strategies to address each area. You want to make sure you focus on areas you have direct control over in your role as a supervisor.

20 minutes

Top Areas to Address:


Supervisor 101

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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