Andrew Yiannakis, Ph - ATINER

Andrew Yiannakis, Ph.D.

Research Professor, Dept. of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

and Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of New Mexico


Web Address:


• Ph.D., Univ. of New Mexico, 1973 (Sociology of Sport, Sociology & Experimental

Social Psychology)

• M.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1969 (Physical Education; Sport & Society)

• Certificate In Education (with Commendation), Madeley College,

Univ. of Keele Institute of Education, England, 1967 (Physical Education and English Literature)

Areas of Interest/Specialization

• Sociology of Sport

• Travel in the Ancient World

• History of the American Southwest (1539-1680)

• Sociopsychological Effects of Exercise and Sports

• Research Methodology, Design and Computer Applications

• History of Ancient and Modern Olympics

• The Graeco-Persian Wars

Courses Taught

* Sociology of Sport/Leisure * History of Ancient/Modern Olympics

* Theory and Methods of Research * History of Travel

* Sociopsychological Effects of Exercise & Sports *Marketing Hospitality & Tourism

* Sociology of Tourism/International Perspectives


• Yiannakis & Melnick, Contemporary Issues in Sociology of Sport, 5th edition. Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL, January 2001 (previous editions 1976, 1979, 1987, 1993). This is the longest running sociology of sport anthology in the world (still in print)

• Apostolopoulos, Leivadi & Yiannakis. The Sociology of Tourism (Hard cover). London, Routledge, 1996. (also released in paperback, 2001)

• Yiannakis, A. & Greendorfer, S. Applied Sociology of Sport. A book of readings with original contributions by the editors. Human Kinetics Publishers, 1992

• Greendorfer, Yiannakis. 1st NASSS Proceedings, First Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. West Point: Leisure Press, 1981.

Books In Progress

• Readings in Sport Management (Carolina Academic Press). In progress

• Cherokee Villages of South Carolina. Mapping, analysis and interpretation. Book in progress.

• The Way of the Gentle Art (about jujutsu): System, Philosophy and Principles (with Greg Kane). A book accompanied by DVD (in progress).

• Native American Historic Sites of New Mexico (in progress)

Research Activities/Writing in Progress

❑ Yiannakis & Melnick. Origins of NASSS (in progress)

❑ Yiannakis et al. Thermopylae and the Path of Betrayal. Paper on the Leonidas Expeditions (in progress)

❑ Yiannakis et al. Effects of Selected Physical Activities on Mood and Prosocial Behavior (in progress)

❑ Yiannakis, Kane & Tomporowski. Effects of Martial Arts Training on Mood.

❑ Yiannakis, Douvis, Murdy and Arsal. Perceived Impacts of Sport (in progress)

Published Articles

• Yiannakis, A., Selby, M. and Han, J. Forecasting in Sport: The Power of Social Context. A Time Series Analysis With English Premier League Soccer. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (41:1, fall 2006)

• Foos, McGuigan and Yiannakis. A. A cross-cultural analysis of tourist roles: The case of Australia. Annals of Tourism Research, April 2004

• Gibson, H. & Yiannakis, A. (spring 2002). Tourist roles, needs and the life course.

Annals of Tourism Research

• Yiannakis, A. Attle, S., Gibson, H. & Murdy, J. (2001), Tourist roles and the prediction of tourist destinations. Economy and Sport (in Greek), spring 2002

• Yiannakis, A. From theory to application in Sociology of Sport. In Sport Sociology in Practice, Jones & Armour (eds.), Addison-Wesley, fall 2000.

• Douvis, J., Yiannakis, A., Douvis, S. 2000. Basketball Spectator Non-Attendance Scale. Exercise and Society, Journal of Sport Science, 25, 107-108.

• Murdy,. J., Yiannakis, A. & Shuart, J. The perceived impacts of tourism: Economic, environmental and sociocultural influences of tourism on the host community. Proceedings of NERR Symposium, G. Kyle (ed.). Penn State Univ., April 1999, pp. 3-10.

• Gibson, H. & Yiannakis, A. (1999). Patterns of tourist role preference across the life course. In M. Foley, M. Frew, & G. McPherson (Eds.). Leisure, Tourism and Environment: Participation, Perceptions and Preferences (pp. 85-95). Eastbourne, UK: LSA Publication No. 50.

• Gibson, H., Attle, S. & Yiannakis, A. (1998). Segmenting the sport tourist market: A life span perspective. J. of Vacation Marketing.

• Gibson, H. & Yiannakis, A. (1999) Gender differences in tourist role preference: A life course perspective. In Leisure: Modernity, Postmodernity and Life Styles. Volume II: Leisure in Different Worlds. Eastbourne, UK: LSA Publications.

• Gibson, H., Attle, S. & Yiannakis, A. (1993). The relationship between need satisfaction and leisure activities: A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of the North Eastern Recreation Research Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, April 5-7, 1992.

• Yiannakis, A. & Gibson, H. Roles tourists play. Annals of Tourism Research, 19, 287-303, 1992.

• Yiannakis, A. Some predictors of tourist role preference. A logistic regression approach. Proceedings, The Leisure Studies Assoc. of Gt. Britain and N. Ireland, Spring 1992

• Yiannakis, A., Leivadi, S., & Apostolopoulos, Y. Some cross-cultural patterns in tourist role preference. World Leisure and Recreation, 33(2), 33-37, 1991

• Yiannakis, A. (1990). Training the sport marketer: A social science perspective.

Journal of Sport Behavior

• Yiannakis, A. (1990). Some additional thoughts on developing an applied sociology of sport: A rejoinder to Ingham and Donnelly. Sociology of Sport Journal

• Yiannakis, A. (1989). Toward an applied sociology of sport: The next generation.

Sociology of Sport Journal

Keynote Presentations

• Keynote Speaker: 14th Annual Conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus (September 2006). Topic: Sport Tourism and Cyprus: Theoretical and Applied Considerations

• Keynote Speaker: Thermopylae and the Path of Betrayal: An allegory. Keynote delivered at opening ceremony of 1st World Congress in Sport Management, June 3-5, Sparta (Greece)

• Keynote Speaker: The Meaning and Significance of Athletic Contests in the Homeric Age. International Conference on the History/Archaeology of Ancient Sparta, Pelana, Greece, July 2004.


• Kreimadis, T., Yiannakis A. and Leivadi, S. (2006). Impacts of the 2004 Olympic Games

on the City of Athens. Paper presented at 2006 European Assoc. Of Spt. Mgmt Conference, Intercollege, Cyprus (September 8th, 2006).

• Lyras, A., Yiannakis, A., Kartakoullis N. & Loizou. C. (2005). Sports as a Medium for Personal and Social Change. Presentation at the 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Newcastle , England (September 2005).

• Yiannakis. Cyprus as a sport tourism destination. Presented at meeting of the Cyprus Tourism Organization (one of five invited speakers). Holiday Inn, Nicosia, June 22nd, 2005

• Yiannakis. Using sports to achieve educational objectives. Lecture presented at UNOPS (United Nations) workshop for Turkish & Greek Cypriot instructors, Intercollege, Nicosia, July 1st 2005.

• Yiannakis (2005): The sport tourist: A conceptual analysis. Paper presented at the

1st International Congress in Sport Management, June 3-5, Sparta, Greece

• Yiannakis. Quo Vadis Sport Sociology? Invited major presentation at annual conference of North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tucson, AZ, November 2004.

• Yiannakis, Kane, Han and Lyras. A Comparative Study of the Effects of Physical Activity on Mood. Presented at 2004 Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress, August 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece

• Yiannakis. The Meaning and Significance of Athletic Contests in the Homeric Age. Invited major presentation at international history conference on Bronze Age Lacedaemon, Pelana (nr. Sparta) Greece, July 2004.

• Yiannakis, Kane and Tomporowski (2004). Comparative effects of martial arts training on mood.

Paper presented at annual NAPEHE conference, Clearwater, (January)

• Yiannakis, Kane and Tomporowski (2003). Martial arts training and empowerment. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece (May 23-24)

• Yiannakis, A. (2003). Academic and commercial dimensions of tourism: An uneasy alliance? Lecture delivered by invitation, Univ. of Athens, May 28th

• Murdy & Yiannakis. The Confounding Effects of Demographic Variables on Predicting Nature-Based Tourist Roles Across the Adult Life Course. TTRA Conference, spring/summer 2003

• Yiannakis, A. Marketing Cyprus as a tourist destination. The case of the sport tourist. Invited presentation at special seminar of Cyprus Tourism Organization, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 2002

• Yiannakis, A. Role of coach in society: some sociological observations. Invited presentation at annual conference of Cyprus Basketball Federation, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 2002

• Yiannakis, A. et al. Thermopylae and the path of betrayal. Presented at 4th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, May 24-26, 2002

• Douvis, J., Yiannakis, A., and Douvis, S. Factors associated with non-attendance at Greek professional basketball games. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, May 24-26, 2002.

• Murdy, J., Yiannakis, A., & Gibson, H. Predicting nature-based tourist roles: A life-span perspective. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Bolton Landing, NY, April 14-16, 2002

• Yiannakis, A. & Selby, M. Forecasting the results of soccer games: Some applied considerations using ARIMA modeling. Presented at 2nd International Conference, Athens, Greece, February 25-26, 2002

Special Projects/Technical Reports

• Organizer and Team Leader, The Leonidas 2009 Expedition, June 2009, Thermopylae, Greece. In collaboration with Cornell Univ., U of Nottingham, Cambridge Univ. and the archeological service of Lamia, Greece. Raised $25, 000 from private sources for the expedition.

Funded Grants/Contracts/Other

• Yiannakis. Mapping Native American Historic Sites in Upstate South Carolina. Funded by $6800 grant from College of HEHD, Clemson Univ. SC, summer 2007.

• Lyras, Yiannakis & Kartakoullis: Using sports to manage/resolve inter-ethnic conflict. The case

of Greek and Turkish Cypriot children. USAID/UNOPS for $220, 000 (funded).

• Yiannakis, Lyras and Kartakoullis (2005 - summer). Received grant for $50, 000 for Doves

Olympic Project Pilot from UNOPS -United Nations), Cyprus (funded)

• Since 1992 obtained over $500, 000 in grants and contracts

Editorial/Review Boards

• Annals of Tourism Research (reviewer)

• Tourism Management (reviewer)

• Journal of Sport Management (reviewer)

• Sociology of Sport Journal (online), England

• International Review for the Sociology of Sport (reviewer)

• Member, Review Board of International Journal of Sport Mgmt

• Sociology of Sport Journal (editorial board, past)

• Pacific Tourism Review (Yr 2000 edition)

• The Social Science Journal (reviewer)

Special Honors/Awards/Citations

• NASSS Distinguished Service Award (2002). One of nine awarded by the society since 1980

• Provost Tighe’s Special Achievement Award (recognition and monetary award) for superior scholarly performance, Univ. of Connecticut, 1994

• Invited by Government of Cyprus to attend special symposium of Cypriot academics abroad (all expenses paid). Attended by President of Cyprus. Intercontinental Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus (summer 2002)

• According to SportDiscus and other sources, publications have been cited over 400 times worldwide by different authors.

• Google lists references to Andrew Yiannakis over 35, 000 times

Sport/Athletic Background

• 6th Dan Jujutsu, 5th Dan Judo. Former Head Instructor, UConn Jujutsu Club

• Founder and current Grand Master of Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu (a classically-based system)

• Track: Gold Medallist, British Indoor Championships, (4x110 relay team), 1965-66

Ranked among top FOUR All-Time Best Performers in Gt. Britain in 1966

in 60yd dash (indoors), with 6.4 secs

• College varsity rugby player (1st XV), Madeley College (UK), 1965-67

• Madeley College Gymnastics Display Team (1964-67) and Judo Team (1966-67)

• Winner, Cornell University Invitational Judo Championship, 1976

Some General Background Info

Born in Cyprus of Greek parents. Brought up and educated in England. Received M.A. and Ph.D. in the USA. Became a US citizen in 1981. Speaks Greek fluently and has a fair knowledge of French. Lived in New Mexico and California for five and a half years. Taught for thirty years at the University of Connecticut.


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