Greek Mythology Research Project

Mythology Research Project

Expectations: You are required to research one Greek god or goddess.

Due Date: Thursday, October 23

Late Passes will NOT be accepted for this project!

 The following information is to help guide you through this project:

1. Name of character

2. Thorough background information about the character. (parents? siblings? married? Where is he/she from? Where does he/she live?)

3. Special talents, skills, or traits (god of moon, strong, beautiful, ...)

4. Weaknesses or areas that cause trouble for the character (love weakness, liar, etc)

5. In your own words, retell a myth about your character

6. Create a poster that illustrates information about your character

7. Present your poster to the rest of the class.

8. Prepare to answer a few questions about your character

Mythology Research Project

Expectations: You are required to research one Greek god or goddess.

Due Date: Thursday, October 23

Late Passes will NOT be accepted for this project!

 The following information is to help guide you through this project:

1. Name of character

2. Thorough background information about the character. (parents? siblings? married? Where is he/she from? Where does he/she live?)

3. Special talents, skills, or traits (god of moon, strong, beautiful, ...)

4. Weaknesses or areas that cause trouble for the character (love weakness, liar, etc)

5. In your own words, retell a myth about your character

6. Create a poster that illustrates information about your character

7. Present your poster to the rest of the class.

8. Prepare to answer a few questions about your character

Greek Mythology Research Project Focus Areas

Neatness _________/20 points

Creativity _________/20 points

Background information present _________/20 points

Special talents, skills, and/or traits present _________/20 points

Myth told in own words _________/20 points

Speaks clearly _________/20 points

Makes eye contact _________/20 points

Both partners present _________/20 points

Prepared _________/20 points

Fully answers questions of audience _________/20 points

TOTAL SCORE _________/200 points

Greek Mythology Research Project Focus Areas

Neatness _________/20 points

Creativity _________/20 points

Background information present _________/20 points

Special talents, skills, and/or traits present _________/20 points

Myth told in own words _________/20 points

Speaks clearly _________/20 points

Makes eye contact _________/20 points

Both partners present _________/20 points

Prepared _________/20 points

Fully answers questions of audience _________/20 points

TOTAL SCORE _________/200 points

1. Achilles

2. Cronus

3. Rhea

4. Zeus

5. Hera

6. Athene

7. Artemis

8. Dionysus

9. Calypso

10. Circe

11. Aphrodite

12. Pandora

13. Persephone

14. Medusa

15. Charybdis

16. Scylla

17. Sirens

18. Hestia

19. Ares

20. Poseidon

21. Hades

22. Demeter

23. Artemis

24. Apollo

25. Helios

26. Eros

27. Hermes

28. Hephaestus

29. Prometheus

30. Hercules

31. Atlas

32. Psyche

33. Theseus

34. Agamemnon

35. Menelaeus

36. Atrius

37. Pollux

38. Clytamnestra

39. Cassandra

40. Helen

41. Paris

42. Tyndareus

43. Odysseus

44. Hector

45. Priam


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