Writing Persuasive Essays

|Writing the Persuasive/Argument Essay |

|What is a persuasive/argument essay? Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more |

|legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. The argument must |

|always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts. |

| |

|When planning a persuasive essay, follow these steps |

| |

|1. Choose your position. Which side of the issue or problem are you going to write about, and what solution will you offer? Know the purpose of your |

|essay. |

| |

|2. Analyze your audience. Decide if your audience agrees with you, is neutral, or disagrees with your position. |

| |

|3. Research your topic. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence. Often it is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and |

|experience. You might need to go to the library or interview people who are experts on your topic. |

| |

|4. Structure your essay. Figure out what evidence you will include and in what order you will present the evidence. Remember to consider your purpose,|

|your audience, and you topic. |

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|The following criteria are essential to produce an effective argument: |

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|· Be well informed about your topic. To add to your knowledge of a topic, read thoroughly about it, using legitimate sources. Take notes. |

|· Test your thesis. Your thesis, i.e., argument, must have two sides. It must be debatable. If you can write down a thesis statement directly opposing|

|your own, you will ensure that your own argument is debatable. |

|· Disprove the opposing argument. Understand the opposite viewpoint of your position and then counter it by providing contrasting evidence or by |

|finding mistakes and inconsistencies in the logic of the opposing argument. |

|· Support your position with evidence. Remember that your evidence must appeal to reason. The following are different ways to support your argument: |

|Facts - A powerful means of convincing, facts can come from your reading, observation, or personal experience. |

| |

|Note: Do not confuse facts with truths. A "truth" is an idea believed by many people, but it cannot be proven. |

|Statistics - These can provide excellent support. Be sure your statistics come from responsible sources. Always cite your sources. |

|Quotes - Direct quotes from leading experts that support your position are invaluable. |

|Examples - Examples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete. They are the proof. |

In persuasive or argumentative writing,

we try to convince others

to agree with our facts, share our values,

accept our argument and conclusions,

and adopt our way of thinking. 

Persuasive Writing

In persuasive writing, a writer takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to convince the reader to believe or do something.

Persuasive writing is often used in advertisements to get the reader to buy a product. It is also used in essays and other types of writing to get the reader to accept a point of view. In order to convince the reader you need more than opinion; you need facts or examples to back your opinion. So, be sure to do the research!

Persuasive writing follows a particular format. It has an introduction, a body where the argument is developed, and a conclusion. After writing an essay, like any other piece of writing, you should read, revise, conference and revise, before publishing the final product. Before starting, check the rubric to see how you will be evaluated, as well as, all the ingredients required to write the essay.

Introduction: The introduction has a "hook or grabber" to catch the reader's attention. Some "grabbers" include:

1. Opening with an unusual detail: (Manitoba, because of its cold climate, is not thought of as a great place to be a reptile. Actually, it has the largest seasonal congregation of garter snakes in the world!)

2. Opening with a strong statement: (Cigarettes are the number one cause of lighter sales in Canada!)

3. Opening with a Quotation: (Elbert Hubbard once said , "Truth is stronger than fiction.")

4. Opening with an Anecdote: An anecdote can provide an amusing and attention-getting opening if it is short and to the point.

5. Opening with a Statistic or Fact: Sometimes a statistic or fact will add emphasis or interest to your topic. It may be wise to include the item's authoritative source.

6. Opening with a Question. (Have you ever considered how many books we'd read if it were not for television?)

7. Opening with an Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement. (The whole world watched as the comet flew overhead.)

The introduction should also include a thesis or focus statement.

There are three objectives of a thesis statement:

1. It tells the reader the specific topic of your essay.

2. It imposes manageable limits on that topic.

3. It suggests the organization of your paper.

4. It states your opinion.

5. It may propose a solution to the problem or make recommendations.

Through the thesis, you should say to the reader:

"I've thought about this topic, I know what I believe about it, I know how to solve it, and I know how to organize it."

Persuasive Essay Outline


I. Introduction:

1. Get the readers attention by using an attention getter or a "hook."

2. Give some background information if necessary.

3. Identify both sides of the controversy

4. Introduce your main point or arguments

5. Thesis statement-Present your point of view with recommendations or solution.

II. Backround Information or History of Topic

A.Introduce the situation that exists before the conflict

B. Highlight the History of the Topic or Problem

III. First argument or reason to support your position:

ic sentence explaining your point.

B. Elaboration to back your point.

C. Evidence to Support (Quote)

IV. Second argument or reason to support your position:

1. Topic sentence explaining your point.

2. Elaboration to back your point.

3. Evidence to Support (Quote)

V. Third argument or reason to support your position:

1. Topic sentence explaining your point.

2. Elaboration to back your point.

3. Evidence to Support (Quote)

VI. Opposing Viewpoint: (This is highly recommended, so that the reader will know you have considered another point of view and have a rebuttal to it. It can appear earlier in the paper if you choose)

1. Opposing point to your argument.

2. Your rebuttal to the opposing point.

3. Elaboration to back your rebuttal.

VII. Conclusion:

1. Summary of main points or reasons

2. Restate thesis statement.

3. Personal comment or a call to action.

Example Introduction: [GRABBER-OPENING WITH A STRONG STATEMENT] Of all the problems facing the environment today, the one that bothers me the most is global warming. Some scientists say that the earth is getting warmer because of the greenhouse effect. [THESIS STATEMENT] In this paper I will describe the greenhouse effect and whether the earth's atmosphere is actually getting warmer.

The Body: The writer then provides evidence to support the opinion offered in the thesis statement in the introduction. The body should consist of at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to back your thesis statement. Since almost all issues have sound arguments on both sides of the question, a good persuasive writer tries to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide counter-arguments along with the main points in the essay. One of the three paragraphs should be used to discuss opposing viewpoints and your counter-argument.

Elaboration: Use statistics or research, real-life experiences, or examples.

• Generating hypothetical instance: Used particularly when creating an argument and you want the reader to see a different point of view. Use cues for the reader. (eg.: suppose that, what if...)

• Clarifying a position: Think about what needs to be explained and what can be assumed.

• Thinking through a process: Think through the procedure from start to finish. Most often the sentence will begin with a verb. Provide background information a reader may need. Illustrate whenever appropriate. Define special terms used. Use cues for the reader. (e.g..: first, second, next, then etc.)

• Drawing comparisons: Choose something similar to what is being explained. Use one of two patterns: Opposing or Alternating. End with a conclusion. Use cues for the reader.

• Making an analysis: You can analyze a problem by looking at the parts and therefore help the reader to understand.

• Drawing an analogy: Use an analogy to explain or elaborate and idea by identifying significant likenesses between two objects or ideas when otherwise they are quite different. This is helpful when the comparison is made to something that is familiar to the reader.

• Generating hypothetical instance: Used particularly when creating an argument and you want the reader to see a different point of view. Use cues for the reader. (e.g..: suppose that, what if...)

The Conclusion:

A piece of persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important details of the argument and stating once again what the reader is to believe or do.

1. Restate your thesis or focus statement.

2. Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the main points of your position. In order to do this you can paraphrase the main points of your argument.

3. Write a personal comment or call for action. You can do this:

o With a Prediction: This can be used with a narrative or a cause and effect discussion. The conclusion may suggest or predict what the results may or may not be in the situation discussed or in similar situations.

o With a Question: Closing with a question lets your readers make their own predictions, draw their own conclusions.

o With Recommendations: A recommendations closing is one that stresses the actions or remedies that should be taken.

o With a Quotation: Since a quotation may summarize, predict, question, or call for action, you may use a quotation within a conclusion for nearly any kind of paper.

As a general guideline, when writing a persuasive essay:

• Have a firm opinion that you want your reader to accept.

• Begin with a grabber or hook to get the reader's attention.

• Offer evidence to support your opinion.

• Conclude with a restatement of what you want the reader to do or believe.

|Persuasive Essay Rubric |

|Name _________________________________ Topic _____________________________________ |

|Criteria | |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|The claim | |I make a claim and |I make a claim but don't explain why |My claim is buried, confused and/or|I don't say what my argument or |

| | |explain why it is |it is controversial. |unclear. |claim is. |

| | |controversial. | | | |

|Reasons and evidence in | |I give clear and |I give reasons and/or evidence in |I give 1 or 2 weak reasons or |I do not give convincing reasons or|

|support of the claim | |accurate reasons and|support of my claim but I may overlook|evidence that don't support my |evidence in support of my claim. |

| | |evidence in support |important reasons. |claim and/or irrelevant or | |

| | |of my claim. | |confusing reasons. | |

|Reasons against the claim | |I discuss the |I discuss the reasons against my claim|I say that there are reasons |I do not acknowledge or discuss the|

| | |reasons against my |but leave some reasons out and/or |against the claim but I don't |reasons against the claim. |

| | |claim and explain |don't explain why the claim still |discuss them. | |

| | |why it is valid |stands. | | |

| | |anyway. | | | |

|Organization | |My writing has a |My writing has a beginning, middle and|My writing is organized but |My writing is aimless and |

| | |compelling opening, |end. It marches along but doesn't |sometimes gets off topic. |disorganized. |

| | |an informative |dance. | | |

| | |middle and a | | | |

| | |satisfying | | | |

| | |conclusion. | | | |

|Voice and tone | |It sounds like I |My tone is OK but my paper could have |My writing is bland or pretentious.|My writing is too formal or too |

| | |care about my |been written by anyone. I need to tell|There is either no hint of a real |informal. It sounds like I don't |

| | |argument. I show how|more about how I think and feel. |person in it or it sounds like I'm |like the topic of the essay. |

| | |I think and feel | |a fake. | |

| | |about it. | | | |

|Word choice | |The words I use are |I make routine word choices. |The words I use are often dull or |I use the same words over and over |

| | |striking but | |uninspired or sound like I am |and over and over. Some words may |

| | |natural, varied and | |trying too hard to impress. |be confusing to a reader. |

| | |vivid. | | | |

|Sentence fluency | |My sentences are |I have well-constructed sentences. |My sentences are sometimes awkward,|Many run-ons, fragments and awkward|

| | |clear, complete, and| |and/or contain run-ons and |phrasings make my essay hard to |

| | |of varying lengths. | |fragments. |read. |

|Conventions | |I use correct |I generally use correct conventions. I|I have enough errors in my essay to|Numerous errors make my paper hard |

| | |grammar, spelling, |have a couple of errors I should fix. |distract a reader. |to read. |

| | |and punctuation. | | | |



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