The 2019 Valentine's Dance is Friday, February 8 from 7pm to 9pm for 6th through 8th grades. Admission is $3 and includes a snack or drink ticket & one prize drawing ticket! Snacks and drinks will also be for sale. Come enjoy the DJ & Dancing, Photo Booth, Open Gym for basketball, Refreshments & Amazing Prizes!

Gertrude Hawk candy orders are due with full payment by Friday, February 15. Happy selling!

Each student who participated in the PTA Reflections Contest has artwork moving forward to the state level competition. Congratulations to Emily P., Brooke S., Rachel B., and Vishvam L.  At the regional level, Emily earned 3 Awards of Merit and 3 Awards of Excellence. Brooke received an Award of Merit and Rachel & Vishvam each received an Award of Excellence. Good luck in the next round!

This month’s PTA fundraising event is at Get Air on February 28 from 4pm-10pm.

Planning for the 8th grade send off party is underway! Mark your calendar - the party is set for May 31.

Please join us at the next PTA meeting is Monday, February 11 at 7pm in the CDMS Cafeteria.


February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Good habits at an early age help students get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums

Good dental health includes regular dental check-ups, brushing at least twice a day and flossing

True or False- Cold weather causes colds and flu. False- viruses that cause colds and flu tend to be more common in the winter. Frequent hand washing and teaching your child to sneeze or cough into their elbow may help reduce the spread of colds and flu

Attention to 6th grade parents- to meet the immunization requirements for 7th grade, your child will need to have proof of two additional immunizations. All students will need to have a tdap (tetanus) and MCV (meningitis) vaccine or proof that they have had these vaccines. Notices will be sent home closer to the end of the school year as a reminder.


Last Chance to order your yearbook to guarantee your student will have memories to last forever!  Price is $26.50 ($25 + 6% tax).   Please visit  or call 1-877-767-5217.    Students may also stop in the office to pick up an order form.  Orders are due by 4/19/19 – Don’t delay – Order Today!    If you have questions/concerns, please contact Mrs. Young, yearbook advisor, ayoung@.   Thank you for your order!


This week will begin the Lollipop Gram Drive. Lollipops will be sold in the lobby, each morning from 7:20 to 7:45, February 4th -11th @ 25 cents each. Students may purchase Lollipops for their friends, teachers, or office staff. Each Lollipop can be sent with a message for the recipient. Students, on the committee, will be responsible for selling Lollipops each morning before school. Students, on the committee, will also be responsible for staying after school, February 12th, to prepare the lollipops and messages for distribution. Every NJHS member is responsible for bringing in 2 bags of Lollipops, however, students should not bring in DumDum pops or Blow pops. Students will then gear up for Dr. Seuss’s birthday by preparing a lessons and activities, which they will teach to students in Paxtonia, Middle Paxton, and West Hanover Elementary schools.


Mark your calendars for this year’s CDMS/LMS musical, Grease: the school version♪.    The cast has been working hard since November to create another great show.   The dates of the musical are March 21-23, 2019.   Ticket information will be available in the near future.   Check out the musical webpage, show posters or announcements for further information.   Hope to see you there!


08 PTA Sponsored Valentines Dance 7-9 PM (6-8 Grade Only)

11 PTA Meeting @ 7:00 PM in the CDMS Cafeteria

18 SCHOOL IN SESSION – Snow Make-Up Day


Green Lightning

Congratulations to our Students of the Month, Samantha F. and Russell “PJ” B.!

Reading- In reading, we are finishing I am Malala.  We will be starting our TDA on I am Malala as well.  We will be working on our Purpose Projects next week.  Our next concept that we will be focusing on is Figurative Language.  

English- In English we are well into our verb unit. We will finish out with shifting in verb tense and finally a unit test.

Science- In science class, the students just finished their roller coaster designs and are working on real life applications of Newton’s Laws of motion.  We will be starting our TDA writing piece soon.  The article we will use is called Hard Knocks, How engineers, doctors, and coaches are working to protect the brains of young athletes.

Social Studies- We are completing our TDA and will continue our study of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. This will lead us into our study of our government.

Math- Don’t forget “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.” As we start chapter 6 Expressions. How many different ways can you write the same value? Would you enjoy a 4 –Ouncer as much as a ¼ pounder?

Please continue to monitor your child’s progress in HAC.

Silver Storm

Congratulations to our students of the month: Katie R. & Marco I.

In social studies, our main topic of focus has been on Pennsylvania. The students completed their Text Dependent Analysis on an article about the life of Milton Hershey.  We learned about Milton Hershey and how he built the town of Hershey, PA., his failures and success, and his desire to support and give back to the people. We will next be learning about the steel industry and another great philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie. 

In Science class, the students just finished their roller coaster designs and are working on real life applications of Newton’s Laws of motion.  We will be starting our TDA writing piece soon.  The article we will use is called Hard Knocks, How engineers, doctors, and coaches are working to protect the brains of young athletes.

In Reading class, the students are finishing the book, “I Am Malala.”  This story has shown students how one person can make a difference in the world.  We just started our Text Dependent Analysis this week.  The students have sufficient background knowledge on this article, because it is about Malala.  We will annotate the reading and collaborate using a Nearpod activity this week.  All students will use evidence from the text to analyze how Malala’s actions have affected the world today.  Next week the students will type their TDA and hand in their final copy by February 15th. 

In Math class, students have just completed Unit 6 on Expressions.  This unit and the next (Equations) focuses on applying and extending their understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions and equations.  Students are working on using math vocabulary in class and their written explanations.  Please continue to encourage your child you complete their homework nightly and go to math help as necessary.  The middle of the 3rd marking period in February 21.  Thanks for all your continued support.

In English, the students just completed writing their argumentative essays.  The students were given several choices of topics to choose from, and then had to do research to develop their argument.   It also included peer editing, a rough draft, and then the final copy.   Next, we will be working on verbs and figurative language.

Green Spartans

It's hard to believe that we are over halfway through the school year, but the Green Spartans team is excited for a lot of new topics in the months to come.  In World History, the students are learning about Roman government and how it influences modern day society.  The focus is on how leaders can veto laws in both the ancient world and today.  Congratulations to Gavin R. and Shayne H. for representing the Green Spartans in the National Geographic Bee.  In a school of almost 800 students both students did very well.  Only 25 students are picked to be on stage for the school final which is based on a preliminary test given in all history classes. Gavin made it to the final six contestants and Shayne placed third!  In the classroom, Period 4 (The Germans) currently hold a slim lead over Period 8 (The Vikings).  However, it is still anyone's game as Period 1 (The Romans), Period 3 (The Babylonians) and Period 6 (The Franks) still have a chance of running the table.  Stay tuned - we have five events left!  In English, the Green Spartans are currently taking on the role of a writer for a travel magazine.  They are creating an informative restaurant review of a local establishment.  Next month, they will be delving into the forms and functions of poetry.  In Mrs. Walmer's Academic Literacy classes, students will continue working on their biography/autobiography projects as February begins.  Later in the month, we will read and do accompanying activities for The Watsons Go To Birmingham.  In Science, the Green Spartans are studying Genetics.  The students have learned about inherited and acquired traits, the probability of inheriting  traits from your parents and Punnett Squares.  Students are now learning about and forming opinions on cloning, gene editing, and genetically modified organisms.  The Green Spartans will have a test the week of February 11th, and will then move onto the next unit, Evolution.  The Math 7 classes are in the middle of a unit on proportional relationships, including using proportions to solve real-world problems, like currency conversion.  The Pre-Algebra classes are working with percentages, including discounts, sales tax, and simple and compound interest, topics that are essential for the real world. 

The 7th grade unit for the beginning of February is on Voice, Author’s Perspective and Point of View. Students will become skilled at identifying the differences between each of these concepts critical to comprehension. By the middle of February, I will introduce the Novel “Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy”. Students will work on activities surrounding this novel and related to text structure for about 6 weeks, culminating in a collaborative performance task.

Congratulations to the January Students of the Month for the Green Spartans team, Leah M. and Teddy O.!

Silver Argonauts

Congratulations to Grady C. for representing the Silver Argonauts team in the school wide Geography Bee!  The Silver Argonauts would also like to recognize Emma W. and Grady C. for being selected as January students of the month!

In February in science, the Silver Argonauts will be moving into the Evolution Unit. We will be doing a couple of labs and projects about how animals have changed over time. 

In World History, we are in the middle of our unit about the Rise and Fall of Rome.  We are also in the midst of reading our an TDA article about Roman food and dining habits..

In English, we will read the novel “The Red Kayak” in English class during the month of February as we continue to study the theme of Choices and Consequences.

In Pre-Algebra, we will be learning how to solve geometry problems that deal with angles and triangles.  In Math Grade 7, we will finish our unit on proportional relationships and then begin a unit on solving problems that involve percent.

Green Dragons

The Green Dragon’s students of the month are Cassidy Lowman & Braden O’Hara. In US History class students have decided whether the Era of Good Feelings really deserved its name. We will also be completing the History TDA this marking period. In Science we are finishing up our study of Weather Factors (Unit 5). In Unit 6 we will study Clouds, Precipitation, Air Masses, Fronts, Severe Weather, and Forecasting. Students will complete a performance task on Severe Weather at the end of Unit 6. In English class, we are reading the drama "The Diary of Anne Frank" and learning about the experience of Jewish people during the Holocaust. We will soon be watching the movie version of the drama to compare the movie adaptation to what was read in class.  In Research and Communications Lit. we are moving forward on to argumentative speaking as students pair up to present the pros and cons of an argumentative speaking topic.  Students will use propaganda techniques and public speaking strategies to persuade the audience that their viewpoint is the ‘right’ choice.  In Algebra and Math 8 we continue with properties of linear equations.   How to graph linear equations and writing linear equations in slope-intercept, point-slope, and standard form.  We investigate systems of linear equations and their possible solutions.

8th grade students have been analyzing argumentative articles and will select a topic and a position to research in order to write an argumentative essay. Following the essay writing, students will join with their partner to present both sides of the argument topic in an interactive digital presentation.

The 7th grade unit for the beginning of February is on Voice, Author’s Perspective and Point of View. Students will become skilled at identifying the differences between each of these concepts critical to comprehension. By the middle of February, I will introduce the Novel “Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy”. Students will work on activities surrounding this novel and related to text structure for about 6 weeks, culminating in a collaborative performance task.

Silver Knights

The students of the month for the Silver Knights are Aydan Zimmerman and Sophia Scott.

In both Algebra and Math 8 classes, the students are learning about linear equations.

In science we just finished with weather factors and we will have our heads in the clouds for the next week. We will take a break from clouds and start our TDA at the end of next week with an article on El Niño’s weather effects. 

In U.S. History the Silver Knights have just finished up our Text-Dependent Analysis activity.  We will be looking at how the politics of expansion had a significant impact on the United States of America. Topics will include the Indian Removal, Oregon Trail, Gold Rush, Texans Fight for Independence, and the Mexican-American War. 

In English class, students have been working on writing arguments with effective claims and evidence.  In order to evaluate the strength of their arguments, the students were placed on debate teams and participated in a series of formal debates.  English students will soon be starting to research background information for the reading of The Diary of Anne Frank.

In science we just finished with weather factors and we will have our heads in the clouds for the next week. We will take a break from clouds and start our TDA at the end of next week with an article on El Niño’s weather effects. 8th grade students have been analyzing argumentative articles and will select a topic and a position to research in order to write an argumentative essay. Following the essay writing, students will join with their partner to present both sides of the argument topic in an interactive digital presentation.

5th Grade Happenings

Spring is on the way!! That means spring cleaning and organizing! Has your child cleaned out their book bag or school desk lately? If so, they probably have found some long lost things! Have them get organized and ready for some serious studying and academic work. The fifth grade teachers are prepped and ready to teach them what they need to know for those PSSA state tests coming up in April. Tutoring has already begun and you will see practice materials that we are diligently working on in class coming home for you to see in both reading and math. Those skills are important to review and know. Please encourage your child  to stay on task and get their class and homework done in a manner that they are proud of! We tend to see a slump in effort during the winter months and are working to encourage the kids to be successful year round. Thank you all for your continued support and assistance. Please remember to send in those kindergarten and 5th grade pictures for the graduation ceremony. You should have received email about this request. The PTA is anxiously awaiting to get started on the slide show!

5th grade teachers


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