AS/POLS 4120 6

AS/POLS 3195, AS/PPAS 3140 Section B - Fall 2011

Multilevel Governance, Policy and Program Delivery in Canada

There are two parts to this assignment, the essay proposal with annotated bibliography (due Oct. 18) and the final research essay (due Dec. 6). You begin by developing your topic in your essay proposal then (pending approval) you complete your research essay on that same topic.


Students will chose and develop their own essay topic. However it must meet the following conditions:

a) your essay must address a public policy issue involving

i) the federal, provincial and municipal governments;

OR ii) a sub-national level in Canada and an international level of governance;

b) your essay topic must be focused and specific enough to allow for in-depth academic analysis;

c) you need to develop a thesis and write an argumentative essay.

To frame your topic as an argumentative essay, it may be useful to consider how multilevel governance facilitates or hinders program delivery (and/or democracy) in the specific policy field.

The following are merely suggestions; you may use one of these topics or develop your own topic:

i) involving the federal, provincial and municipal governments

- building public infrastructure: such as public transportation or individual projects (redeveloping the Toronto waterfront or Union Station, building arenas, stadiums).

- addressing specific challenges: immigration/settlement issues, global warming

- delivering social services: healthcare, social assistance, public housing, child care, etc.

ii) involving a sub-national level in Canada and an international level of governance

- how do international (continental or global) forms of governance impact upon the provincial or local order of government?

- how do forms of international governance impact upon provincial or local efforts at industrial policies, economic development policies or job creation strategies?

- how do forms of international governance impact upon provincial or local efforts at delivering public services or social programs?


Purpose: The essay proposal is intended to assist students in developing and framing their research topic through some preliminary work. Completing a proposal ensures that students are provided with some early feedback on the direction of their work. Pending the approval of your essay proposal, you will develop that topic in the subsequent research essay. Please note that preparing an essay proposal (including an annotated bibliography) requires time and effort. This time and effort will certainly assist you in completing the research essay.

Due: Oct. 18. In some cases, students may be required to revise and re-submit their essay proposal. All students must complete a satisfactory essay proposal before they are allowed to submit their research essay.

Late penalties: Late essay proposals will receive a 10% penalty for the first day and 5% per day for each subsequent day, including Saturdays and Sundays.

Proposal Format: Your essay proposal must include a discussion of your topic and an annotated bibliography.

Topic: You should provide an outline and summary of your topic in 2-3 double-spaced pages. What are you proposing to study and why? What is the significance of this topic? How does your topic relate to multilevel governance? What issues are at stake? Do you have a proposed hypothesis, potential arguments or tentative conclusions? Some of this material will be preliminary and you may need to indicate areas of further research and analysis.

Annotated Bibliography: Students need to prepare a descriptive annotated bibliography of at least 3 academic sources (books, book chapters, or journal articles), other than the course readings, to be used in researching the essay. Each bibliographic entry should be single-spaced and include:

i) complete bibliographic information (following the CJPS style guide below),

ii) basic information about the author,

iii) a brief summary of the author’s topic and iv) a brief summary of the author’s central argument or thesis.

You should be writing one paragraph for each source. An overview of a descriptive annotated bibliography, with slightly different requirements, is available at:



Due: Dec. 6. According to the university, this is the last date to submit work for the term. Papers will not be accepted after this date.

Length: 8-10 double-spaced pages with standard margins and font, plus title page and references

Citing Sources: Sources must be referenced using in-text parenthetical citations. The corresponding reference list should be in alphabetical order at the end of the essay. Students must follow the format (for in-text, parenthetical or author-date citations) outlined in the Canadian Journal of Political Science style guide posted online at:


Essays that do not follow this style guide properly will be penalized by at least 10%. Larger problems with the citation of sources may result in a paper receiving a failing grade.

Grading Criteria: Essays will be graded in terms of three specific criteria.

Content: the essay content will be assessed in terms of argument, description, analysis, organization and logic. Is there a clear thesis and main argument in the essay? Is the evidence presented in a logical and convincing manner?

Research and use of sources: the essays will be assessed in terms of research and use of evidence. Does the essay demonstrate both extensive and effective use of available research sources? Does it properly cite its sources?

Writing Fundamentals: Have you expressed your ideas clearly and in an organized fashion? Is the paper organized and written as clearly and directly as possible? Does it avoid spelling and grammatical errors? Poor grammar and/or spelling create an immediately negative impressive and impede your ability to express your ideas. Spellchecking is a start, but you must also carefully proofread and edit your work.


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