My English Corner

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYWRITE THE ESSAYAn argument essay three parts (4 paragraphs): The? HYPERLINK "" introduction 1st paragraph, the body (your argument 2nd paragraph and refute your opponent’s idea 3rd paragraph), and the conclusión 4th paragraph.INTRO (20/25 words)Make a list of points for both sides of the argument. One of your first objectives in your essay will be to present both sides of your issue with an assessment of each.Introduce your topic and assert your opinion:?the first paragraph of your argument essay should contain a brief explanation of your topic, some background information, and a? HYPERLINK "" thesis statement. In this case, your thesis is a statement of your position on a specific controversial topic.Here's an example of an introductory paragraph with a thesis statementSince the turn of the new century, a theory concerning the end of the world has emerged. This centers around the year 2020 and marks the end of the Mayan calendar. You can start with a hook to grab your reader’s attentionBODY: (60/65 words)Paragraph 2 Your argument (a statement you make to support your argumentParagraph 3: your opponent’s ideaCONCLUSION (25 words)The importance of your issue. Similar what you did in your introductionLinking words and expressionsWords: Clearly, Definitely, Obviously, Furthermore, However, Notwithstanding, First (Second, etc.)Phrases: Without question, What is more, In fact, Yet another, For example (instance), In other words, According to,Transition Words and Phrases of Essays?athe following.Same Point Stated in a Different Way: in other words, with this in mind, another way to look at this, etc.Tips1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??You have to state arguments in favor or against an idea or opinión or maybe to solve a problema or suggest solutions or present two different opinions on the same controversial issue. Whatever the topic would be,?READ THE STATEMENT THOROUGHLY and make sure you understand what you are asked for.2????????????????????Before planning your textde planificar tu texto,?decide what points of view you are going to expose. Think about the ideas you are going to express. Prepare the specific vocabulary and synonyms you are going to use.3????????????????????Plan your essay:Introduction: A paragraph (3 sentences) where you can explain the situation, problem or advance of the positions in the essay.?Don’t start your essay with sentences such as?I'm going to write about this or that topic.?In the introduction you could write two sentences about the topic and one thesis sentence.b.Desarrollo:?Two paragraphs (30 words each ). The arguments for and against and examples. Topic Sentence / Argument or Reason 1 / Example, Explanation, or supporting detail / Argument or Reason 2 / Example, Explanation, or supporting detail c.?????Conclusion:?one paragraph (two or three sentences) will help summarize your opinión, the developed ideas, the facts or what would happen in the future if the situation continues like that or changes. DO NOT EVER ADD NEW INFOR. THough in the conclusión you summarize ideas,?DO NOT repeat vocabulary you have already used, think of synonyms.?Avoid using “I”, think about the topic and reflect on it in order to present ideas in a logical order.Layout:INTRODUCTIONFirst paragraph:??????????(three ideas)DEVELOPMENTSecond and third paragraphs:(nine ideas)Positive aspects:Negative aspects:CONCLUSIONFourth paragraph(two ideas)Personal opinion or two sides:Should animals be used in testing new drugs and procedures? Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful.Argumentative essaySome people say cheap air travel is good because it enables ordinary people to travel, while others argue that it is bad for the environment. Discuss both views, and include your opinion. ................

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