
The purpose of the essay is to write a five paragraph analytical and argumentative essay based on your thesis. It is important that you demonstrate your understanding of a defining moment in Canadian history.

Notes on the Format of the Essay

Your research paper is to be written in a formal, academic style. The third person narrative is the only acceptable style. Of course, your essay must be written in proper English. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, language and paragraphing errors will be strongly censured.

Your essay must be written in your own words. Information must not be simply 'lifted' or copied from your sources. Summarize and paraphrase the ideas and identify the sources even if you have modified the wording. Give the sources of quotations.


Your research essay:

will be 500-750 words in length

must have a cover page with ONLY the following: title of essay; student name; teacher’s name; date

(no images or pictures!!!)

must have a minimum of THREE footnotes (1+ per argument)

must have a works cited list / bibliography

must be typewritten, using standard-sized paper, 12 point font, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm border top, bottom and sides, with numbered pages.

the final copy WILL NOT be accepted without the process steps.


1. STEP 1: Topic selection sheet and bibliography (Knowledge - 10 marks)

2. STEP 2: Note-making and research and bibliography (Application - 20 marks)

3. STEP 3: Thesis formation; Bibliography (Thinking - 10 marks)

4. STEP 4: Essay outline (Thinking – 20 marks)

6. STEP 5: Final essay (title page, essay, footnotes, bibliography) (Communication - 40 marks)

TOTAL = 100 marks


20th Century Canadian History- Grade 10 Argumentative Essay


|Vimy Ridge |Trudeau |National Energy Policy |

|Dieppe |Quebec Referendum - 1980 |Auto Pact |

|NATO |Quebec Referendum – 1995 |Women's Movement |

|NORAD |Parti Quebecois |1972 Summit Series |

|Bomarc Missiles |October Crisis |Free Trade Agreement |

|Women in War |Bill 101 |NAFTA |

|D-Day (Juno Beach) |Suez Crisis |Branch Plants |

|Conscription |Meech Lake Accord |Immigration since 1945 |

|Battle of Britain: RCAF |Charlottetown Agreement |Medicare |

|Battle of Hong Kong |Oka Crisis |Baby Boom |

|Camp X |Constitution Act 1982 |Insulin |

|War Measures Act |Person’s Case |Canadian Inventions |

|Japanese Internment |Winnipeg General Strike |Group of Seven |

|Effects of War on Canada |Relief in Great Depression |Bootlegging & Prohibition |

|Merchant Marine |Indian Act |Canadian Broadcasting Corp. |

|Canada and peacekeeping |St. Louis |Canada Council |

|Gulf War |Gouzenko Affair |St. Lawrence Seaway |

|Korean War |Canada and United Nations |Social Support (welfare) |

| |Official Languages Act |Residential Schools |

| |James Bay Agreement |Canada and Space |

or a topic of your own choice with teacher approval:_____________________


Students should review topics with teacher / parents or guardians and select at least five topics that are of interest (preferably in desired order). On designated day, topic sheet will be posted and students will sign up on a first come-first serve basis. Students should sign up for ONE topic from their own selections.

**Due to the number of students in the grade 10 classes there will be


 STEP 1:TOPIC SELECTION (10 marks) Name: __________________________




1. Topic Overview: Complete the following using information from your textbook, internet or a combination of resources:

|Give a brief overview or | |

|summary of the issue / | |

|topic | |

| | |

|Why is the topic | |

|controversial? Who or what| |

|are the sides? | |

| | |

|What action was taken? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|What were the results? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|How did this affect people| |

|or Canada as a nation? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|To what area (political, | |

|military, social or | |

|economic) is the topic | |

|related? Explain. | |

| | |

|Why is this topic | |

|important to Canadian | |

|history? What makes the | |

|topic a “defining moment” | |

|in Canada’s history? | |

2. Based on your initial survey of reference material, what are THREE important themes or issues pertinent to this topic as a defining Canadian moment?

|1 | |

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| | |

|2 | |

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|3 | |

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3. In proper bibliographic format, list at least one book and one Internet site that you used to fill in the topic selection.

Instructions for Book:

Author’s last name, author’s first name. Title of Book

Place of Publishing: Name of Publisher, Copyright Date.


Dywer, Frank. Henry VIII.

New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988.

Instructions for Website:

Author’s Last Name, Author’s first name. “Title of Webpage”

URL address (last date you accessed the page)


Osborn, Tracey. "Middle Ages, Chivalry & Knighthood." Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History (12 May 2004)

 STEP 2 Essay: Research and Bibliography Rubric

| |Level Four |Level Three |Level Two |Level One |

| |(80–100%) |(70–79%) |(60–69%) |(50–59%) |

| | | | | |

|Bibliography |The bibliogra- |The bibliogra- |The bibliogra-phy applies |The bibliogra-phy applies |

|(Thinking/ |phy applies all |phy applies |some of the |some of the |

|Inquiry) |or almost all |most of the |skills involved |skills involved |

| |of the skills involved in |skills involved |in the inquiry process by: |in the inquiry process by: |

| |the inquiry process by: |in the inquiry process by: | | |

| |including at | |including at |including at |

| |least five sources of |including at |least four |least three sources of |

| |which not |least five |sources of |which not |

| |more than |sources of |which not |more than |

| |two are text-books or |which not |more than |two are text-books or |

| |ency-clopedias or |more than |two are text-books or |ency-clopedias or |

| |electronic |two are text-books or |ency-clopedias or |electronic |

| |always using proper |ency-clopedias or |electronic | |

| |biblio-graphic format |electronic |sometimes |seldom using proper |

| | |usually using proper |using proper bibliographic |biblio-graphic format |

| | |biblio-graphic format |format | |

| | | | | |

|Research Notes |The research notes apply |The research notes apply |The research notes apply |The research |

|(Thinking/ |all |most of the |some of the |notes apply |

|Inquiry) |or almost all |skills involved |skills involved |some of the |

| |of the skills involved in |in the inquiry process by: |in the inquiry process by: |skills involved |

| |the inquiry process by: | | |in the inquiry process by: |

| |including more than |including |including less than two | |

| |two pages of handwritten |at least two pages of |pages of handwritten notes |including one page of |

| |notes (double-sided) taken |handwritten notes |(double-sided) taken from |handwritten notes |

| |from at least |(double-sided) taken |at least three dif-ferent |(double-sided)taken from at|

| |five different sources |from at least |sources |least two dif-ferent |

| |indicating in |four different sources | |sources |

| |all notes, quotes, |indicating in |indicating in some notes, | |

| |statistics the source and |most notes, quotes, |quotes, statistics |indicating in |

| |page taken |statistics |the source |few notes, quotes, |

| |from |the source |and page |statistics the source and |

| |always |and page |taken from |page taken |

| |putting notes |taken from |sometimes putting notes |from |

| |in point form |usually |in point form |seldom |

| |and in stu- |putting notes |and in stu- |putting notes |

| |dent’s own |in point form |dent’s own |in point form |

| |words |and in stu- |words |and in stu- |

| | |dent’s own | |dent’s own words |

| | |words | | |

Step 3: Question and Answer, and Thesis Formation Name: _____________________

Your Chosen Topic: ______________________________________________


1. What are some controversial or arguable questions about your topic?

For example on the topic of End of WWI: Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair? This question can have two possible answers: yes and no!

2. What makes the topic a “defining moment” in Canada’s history?

3. Write down the thesis statement and supporting evidence.

|Thesis Statement |Argument |Evidence that Proves the Argument |FOOTNOTE (source of evidence|

|(answer to the controversial | | |in proper bibliographic |

|question and defining moment | | |format AND page #) |

|question) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|This is a good essay because | | | |

|it has a clear thesis, strong | | | |

|arguments and excellent | | | |

|writing style. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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3. Please attach your updated list of sources in the typed, FULL BIBLIOGRAPHIC FORMAT.


Perfect Five Section Essay

Subtopic Order a) 2nd strongest subtopic / argument

b) 3rd strongest subtopic / argument

c) 1st strongest subtopic / argument

Introductory Paragraph

➢ Catchy phrase

➢ Your three supporting points

➢ Your THESIS statement.

Perfect Paragraph

➢ Topic Sentence – Mike likes white shirts because he is holy

➢ Explaining Sentence – Holiness has often been linked to the colour white

➢ Evidence – chart, graph, quote, statistics, picture

➢ Analysis – The chart above shows the relationship between holiness and the colour white

➢ Concluding Sentence – leads into the next paragraph by wrapping up and leading

Documentation in Essays:


In academic research papers and in any other writing that borrows information from sources, the borrowed information (such as quotations, summaries, paraphrases, statistics or any facts of ideas that are not common knowledge), must be clearly documented.


Footnotes are used to give credit to sources of any material borrowed, summarized or paraphrased. They are intended to refer readers to the exact pages of the works listed in the Bibliography section. [1]


There are TWO parts to a footnote:

1) immediately after a citation(s) (quote, statistic, etc.) a small number is inserted (each citation is given a number in chronological order)[2]

2) at the bottom (foot) of the very same page where the direct citation(s) were made, a footnote is placed that consists of the same small number as the citation and all the publishing information. [3]


Step 1: Click on insert

Step 2: click on footnote

Step 3: choose footnote

Step 4: click OK

Step 5: type in publication information as follows:

Author’s First Name, Author’s Last Name, Title of Source.

(Place of Publishing: Publisher, copyright date) page number.

Step 6: scroll back up to your essay


1) If the citation (quote, summary etc.) is 3 lines or LESS, then it is placed within the essay itself with quotations marks.


The high tariffs were put in place in order to protect the industries within the country but unfortunately, they also “choked off international trade”.[4]

2) If the citation is more than three lines, then it must be set off by indenting the citation five spaces on left margin and five spaces on right margin without quotation marks.


Through the 1920’s many people bought items on credit. Due to the fact that this was something new to society, many people went above their budget.

The piano that cost $445 cash was purchased with $15

down and $12 a month for the next four or five years.

With the interest payments, it ended up costing far more

than it was worth. Sometimes by the time the purchases

were paid for, they were ready for the junk pile.[5]


The piano that cost $445 cash was purchased with $15

down and $12 a month for the next four or five years.

With the interest payments, it ended up costing far more

than it was worth. Sometimes by the time the purchases

were paid for, they were ready for the junk pile.(Cruxton, 226)

CHC 2D- Defining Moments Culminating Essay Rubric

|Criteria |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |Below Level |

|Quality of |-paper is exceptionally |-paper is well |-some aspects of paper |-limited information on |Lack of detail makes |

|Information / |researched, extremely |researched in detail |is researched with some |topic with lack of |thesis hard to believe. |

|Evidence |detailed and |with accurate & |accurate evidence from |research, details or |Opinion and conjecture |

| |historically accurate |critical evidence from a|limited sources |historically accurate |take the place of fact |

| |with critical evidence |variety of sources | |evidence |and analysis. |

| |from a wide variety of | | | | |

| |sources | | | | |

|Support of Ideas / |-exceptionally critical,|-consistent connections |-some connections made |-limited connections |Student provides no |

|Analysis |relevant and consistent |made between evidence, |between evidence, |made between evidence, |textual evidence to |

| |connections made between|subtopics, |subtopics, |subtopics, |support the thesis— |

| |evidence, subtopics, |counterarguments & |counterarguments & |counterarguments & |Student makes no attempt|

| |counter-arguments & |thesis / topic showing |thesis / topic showing |thesis / topic |at synthesis |

| |thesis / topic showing |good analysis |analysis |-lack of analysis | |

| |excellent analysis | | | | |

|Organization / |-exceptionally clear, |-clear and logical |-somewhat clear and |-paper lacks clear and |Student’s paper does not|

|Development of Ideas |logical, mature, and |subtopic order that |logical development of |logical development of |present any evidence of |

| |thorough development of|supports thesis with |subtopics with adequate |ideas with weak |development of points |

| |subtopics that support |good transitions b/w |transitions b/w |transition b/w ideas and|that support the thesis |

| |thesis |paragraphs |paragraphs |paragraphs | |

|Conclusion |-excellent summary of |-good summary of topic, |-adequate summary of |-lack of summary of |Conclusion fails to |

| |topic thesis & all |thesis and all subtopics|topic, thesis and some |topic, thesis & |restate thesis or |

| |subtopics in proper |with clear concluding |subtopics with some |subtopics with weak |supporting points. |

| |order with concluding |ideas |final concluding ideas |concluding ideas |Contains irrelevant |

| |ideas that leave an | | | |material |

| |impact on reader | | | | |

|Language Conventions |-paper is very concise, |-paper is clear, with |-paper has some errors |- inconsistent grammar, |Paper is in obvious need|

| |clear, with consistently|mostly proper grammar, |in grammar, spelling and|spelling and |of more careful editing.|

| |proper grammar, spelling|spelling and |paragraphing |paragraphing throughout |Errors detract from |

| |and paragraphing |paragraphing | |paper |meaning |

|Citations |-proper detailed format |-consistent & correct |- sometimes inconsistent|-inconsistent use of |Poor or no use of |

| |always used consistently|format inserted to |use of footnotes with |footnotes with limited |citations to support |

| |& correctly to validate |validate evidence |limited details |details and improper |essay |

| |evidence | | |format | |

|Bibliography |-proper, detailed MLA |-mostly proper MLA |-some errors in MLA |-lack of proper format |-no bibliography, or so |

| |format always used in |format used in |format with most |and limited details with|poor as to be useless. |

| |alphabetical order with |alphabetical order with |sources shown and a |many sources missing or | |

| |all sources shown and a |all sources shown and a |variety of sources |incomplete | |

| |wide variety of sources |variety of sources | | | |

|Overall Effort |All steps followed with |All steps followed with |Most steps complete. |May be incomplete in one|Two or more steps not |

| |great care. |care. |Most due dates have been|or more areas. |submitted. |

| |All due dates |Due dates met |met. |Elements may have been |Two or more due dates |

| |scrupulously met. |consistently. | |late. |not met. |

|Effective Use of |Word choice adds meaning|-Word choice is correct.|-Occasional errors in |-Frequent examples of |-Very poor word choice. |

|Language |to the paper. |-Sentence structure is |word choice or tone. |poor word choice. |-Tone is wrong for an |

| |-Creative phrasing makes|correct. |-Some run-ons or |-Sentence structure is |academic paper. |

| |the paper more |-Tome is proper and |fragments. |often incorrect. |-Seriious problems with |

| |interesting and clear. |formal. | | |sentence structure |


[1] G. Wayne Miller, How to Footnote in Research Essays (New York: Oxford University Press) 245.

[2] Alan Dundes, “Footnote”, World Book Encyclopaedia, 2000 ed.

[3] I. Lee, “Sample Footnotes in MLA Style”, A Research Guide for Students

(September 30, 2004)

[4] Bradley, Cruxton. Spotlight Canada: Fourth Edition. (Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2000) 185.

[5] Bradley, Cruxton. Spotlight Canada: Fourth Edition. (Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2000) 226.


|Section #3 |

|-introduce subtopic 2 |

|-give evidence in footnotes |

|-critical analysis of |

|evidence and connection to |

|thesis |

|-transition to next section |

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|Section #2 |

|-introduce subtopic 1 |

|-give evidence in |

|footnotes |

|-critical analysis of |

|evidence and connection |

|to thesis |

|-transition to next |

|section |

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|Section #1 |

|- introduction |

|- background information|

|-controversial question |

|- thesis & 3 subtopics |

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|Title |

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|Name |

|Class |

|Date |

|Teacher |

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|Section #5 |

|-conclusion |

|-restate thesis and 3 subtopics |

|-positive and moral lesson |

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|Bibliography |

|- alphabetical order by author’s |

|last name |

|- proper MLA format |

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|Section #4 |

|-introduce subtopic 3 |

|-give evidence in footnotes|

|-critical analysis of |

|evidence and connection to|

|thesis |

|-transition to next section|

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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