Please keep in mind that the purpose of an argumentative paragraph is to informatively, and persuasively argue a point to the reader. In order to do this effectively, you must write a well-structured paragraph that contains enough specific evidence to support your argument.

Paragraph STRUCTURE:

1. Begin with an introductory sentence(s) that leads into your topic, and grabs the reader’s attention. Your introduction must relate to your topic and blend well with the rest of the paragraph. Students wishing to begin with a quote must still use an introductory sentence to connect the quote to the rest of the paragraph. You must always identify the person being quoted.

2. After the introductory sentence, you must clearly state the supporting arguments. Begin with the first supporting argument listed. Outline your first argument; provide the necessary specific evidence/examples to prove your point. Finish by examining the significance of this evidence, and explaining how this argument supports your thesis. Proof of an argument requires several sentences.

3. Repeat step 4 for your second and third arguments.

4. End with concluding sentences which re-state the introductory sentence (to remind the reader what you have proven), briefly re-state your supporting arguments and finish by commenting on the relevance, significance or impact of the topic.

Grammar and Style

Proper spelling, grammar and form must be used consistently. In addition to clear writing in the active voice, the following rules must be followed:

a) no personal pronouns (I, me, my, you, your, we, our)

b) no contractions (can’t, won’t)

c) no short forms or symbols (Etc., eg., &, %)

d) numbers under 100 must be written as words – all numbers that start sentences must be written as words

e) no slang or expressions – avoid clichés

f) always write in a very formal tone – avoid using words that are too strong (in either a positive or a negative sense)


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