SUBJECT BY SUBJECT OUTLINE Comparing two sides of an argument

Thesis: People on both sides of the abortion debate feel

passionately about their beliefs.

I. PRO ABORTION/ PRO-CHOICE BELIEFS A. Women should have the right to safe and legal abortions 1. If abortions are outlawed, women will continue to have "back alley" abortions by unlicensed doctors, resulting in more health problems and deaths for women. 2. All people deserve medical care that allows them to be healthy and happy, both mentally and physically. B. The exact beginning of life is undetermined by most scientists. 1. The exact moment of life is unclear; therefore abortion should not be considered murder. 2. Some say that the "beginning of life" argument is not a valid argument anyway, since the embryo is dependant on the mother's body for survival and therefore is not a viable life in its own right. C. Women have the right to privacy. 1. A woman should decide what happens to her own body. 2. Under the constitution we are guaranteed the right to privacy. 3. Abortion is a difficult decision made between a woman and her doctor.

D. Even within the pro-choice movement, there is some disagreement as to what point an abortion should be allowed 1. Abortion is usually allowed up until the sixth month of pregnancy. Many pro-choice supporters say that this is too late to perform and abortion since some fetuses might be able to survive on their own at this point. 2. Some supporters advocate legal abortions ONLY until the 3rd month of pregnancy or sooner, when the embryo is less developed.

E. For some women, a pregnancy will threaten their psychological and mental well-being. An abortion, in some cases, will help them to lead better and more productive lives. 1. For some women, adoption is not an issue. a. some young girls might be abused by their parent if their parents find out. b. Some young girls might not be able to give the baby up for adoption, keep the child, and possibly abuse it themselves. c. Some women might have mental/physical health problems and the pregnancy might threaten their well being.

II. PRO-LIFE/ANTI-ABORTION BELIEFS A. Abortion is immoral and unethical because it is considered murder. 1. Most theologians and even some scientists will agree that life begins at the moment of conception.

2. Christians support the notion that murder is a sin, and that if abortion is murder it constitutes one of the gravest sins.

3. We are horrified by stories in the news of parents who murder their own children. Abortion is no different.

4. Many people believe that the soul enters the embryo at the moment of conception, therefore making it a viable, living, entity.

B. A fetus/embryo deserves the right to live. 1. Once the embryo exists is should have the rights of any other person under the law. 2. In many states, if a person murders a pregnant woman and the fetus dies also, he/she is charged with two counts of murder, not one.

C. A woman's right to privacy ends if it means harming another individual. 1. This constitutional right DOES NOT apply to those who break moral and ethical codes. 2. Even though the pregnancy takes place within the woman's body, the fetus is a viable human being in its own right.

D. Abortion is cruel and painful to the fetus. 1. An embryo/fetus has nerve cells and can feel pain. 2. The procedures in late term abortions, especially, are barbaric and brutal. 3. Some babies have been born premature as early as 5 months, and survived.

E.Abortion is cruel and painful to the mother. 1. Many women have strongly regretted their decision, forever feeling the guilt and pain of this choice. 2. Some women actually have psychological breakdowns as a result of the abortion. 3. Some women have mental breakdowns, often requiring counseling and sometimes even hospitalization.

F. Some women use abortion as a form of birth control. 1. Some women have multiple abortions. 2. If abortions are safe and legal, some women will get lazy and use them as a routine form of birth control. 3. If abortion were illegal, women would view sexuality much more seriously.

Birth control would be a much more serious issue. G. Adoption is the best option. 1. Many couples are waiting to adopt babies. 2. Adoption is a gift a woman can give these couples. III. My Opinion A. Problems on both sides B. Finding common ground? C. Other points to consider D. Why I support ___________ side.


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