Rubric for Law 12 Argumentative Essay

Law 12 Canadian Charter Argumentative Essay ( 500 words)

Student’s Name:

|Quality |Strongest: 50 |Adequate: 30 |Weakest: 10 |Score |

|FOCUS/ UNITY |Paper is focused and doesn’t|Paper is mostly focused and |Paper is not focused and | |

|Canadian Charter focused on |go off on tangents |does not go off on tangents |goes off on tangents | |

|the minority response |Makes a point |Attempts to make a point |Point uncertain | |

|DEVELOPMENT/ |Includes rich supporting |Some supporting details |Few or irrelevant supporting| |

|INFORMATION |details |Some repetition of story |details | |

|Class ppt presentations, |Avoids redundancy |components |Redundancy | |

|textbook cases, good |Addresses the best arguments|Addresses some of the best |Addresses few or none of the| |

|research material from |of the refutation |arguments of the refutation |best arguments of the | |

|printed and on-line sources |Includes good quotes from |Includes some good quotes |refutation | |

| |packet texts and writer’s |from packet texts and |Includes some quotes from | |

| |research |writer’s research |packet texts and writer’s | |

| | | |research | |

|COHERENCE/ |Follows through on thesis |Mainly follows through on |Does not follow through on | |

|ORDER ( logical structure) |The reader does not get |the thesis |the thesis | |

| |confused |The reader occasionally gets|The reader is generally | |

| | |confused |confused | |

|DEPTH ( personal voice) |Displays insight |Surface understanding |Minimal or no reflection or | |

| |Demonstrates significant |Some reflection & awareness |insight | |

| |reflection & awareness |Some reference to wider |Limited connection wider | |

| |Establishes significant |world |world | |

| |connection to wider world | | | |

|AUDIENCE/ |Character of writer is |Character of writer varies |No character of writer | |

|VOICE ( No passive |consistently conveyed |Tone strays from narrative |Few connections between | |

|voice!!!!) |Tone fits narrative |Leaves some unanswered |narrative and tone. | |

| |Anticipates & answers |questions |Does not answer readers' | |

| |readers’ questions |Invites some interest |questions | |

| |Engages readers’ interest |Moderate use of the passive |Invites little reader | |

| |Active voice |voice |interest | |

| | | |Overuse of the passive voice| |

|WORD CHOICE |Precise terms |Some imprecision |Imprecise language | |

| |Avoids clichés |Some clichés |Many clichés | |

| |Varied words |Some repetition of words |Much repetition of words | |

| |No verb tense or sentence |Some verb tense or sentence |Repetitive | |

| |agreement problems |agreement problems |Many verb tense and sentence| |

| | | |agreement problems | |

|PARAGRAPHS( mechanics of the|Paragraphs have a main idea |2 or 3 parts |0-1 of 3 parts | |

|body flow, transitional |and a topic sentence | | | |

|words) |Paragraphs have limited | | | |

| |scope | | | |

| |Paragraphs have examples | | | |

|SENTENCES |0-1 errors in grammar per |2 errors per page |3+ errors per page | |

| |page |Repeats sentence form |Boring sentence form | |

| |Varies sentence form | | | |

|SPELLING |0-1 errors in spelling per |2 errors per page |3+ errors per page | |

| |page | | | |

|PRESENTATION |Clean, clear |Not APA format |Unattractive | |

| |Businesslike |Readable |Unreadable | |

| |APA format | | | |

| |Total Points |

|Comments: | |

| |Percentage |

| | |

| |Grade |

|Argumentative Essay Self- Evaluation Rubric |

| |

|Criteria |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|The claim |I make a claim and explain why |I make a claim but don't explain why|My claim is buried, confused |I don't say what my argument or |

| |it is controversial. |it is controversial. |and/or unclear. |claim is. |

|Reasons in support of |I give clear and accurate |I give reasons in support of my |I give 1 or 2 weak reasons that |I do not give convincing reasons |

|the claim |reasons in support of my claim. |claim but I may overlook important |don't support my claim and/or |in support of my claim. |

| | |reasons. |irrelevant or confusing reasons. | |

|Reasons against the |I discuss the reasons against my|I discuss the reasons against my |I say that there are reasons |I do not acknowledge or discuss |

|claim |claim and explain why it is |claim but leave some reasons out |against the claim but I don't |the reasons against the claim. |

| |valid anyway. |and/or don't explain why the claim |discuss them. | |

| | |still stands. | | |

|Organization |My writing has a compelling |My writing has a beginning, middle |My writing is organized but |My writing is aimless and |

| |opening, an informative middle |and end. It marches along but |sometimes gets off topic. |disorganized. |

| |and a satisfying conclusion. |doesn't dance. | | |

|Voice and tone |It sounds like I care about my |My tone is OK but my paper could |My writing is bland or |My writing is too formal or too |

| |argument. I show how I think and|have been written by anyone. I need |pretentious. There is either no |informal. It sounds like I don't |

| |feel about it. |to tell more about how I think and |hint of a real person in it or it|like the topic of the essay. |

| | |feel. |sounds like I'm a fake. | |

|Word choice |The words I use are striking but|I make routine word choices. |The words I use are often dull or|I use the same words over and |

| |natural, varied and vivid. | |uninspired or sound like I am |over and over and over. Some |

| | | |trying too hard to impress. |words may be confusing to a |

| | | | |reader. |

|Sentence fluency |My sentences are clear, |I have well-constructed sentences. |My sentences are sometimes |Many run-ons, fragments and |

| |complete, and of varying | |awkward, and/or contain run-ons |awkward phrasings make my essay |

| |lengths. | |and fragments. |hard to read. |

|Conventions |I use correct grammar, spelling,|I generally use correct conventions.|I have enough errors in my essay |Numerous errors make my paper |

| |and punctuation. |I have a couple of errors I should |to distract a reader. |hard to read. |

| | |fix. | | |


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