Chapter 10: The Age of Democracy and Progress 1815-1914

Chapter 10: The Age of Democracy and Progress 1815-1914

I. Democratic Reform and Activism

A. Reform in Britain

1. The Reform Bill of 1832

a. The wealthy middle class

b. In 1830

i. Suffrage is

c. Because of the revolutions in France

i. In 1832 they passed

• Eased.

• Gave more representation

o Previously, small boroughs with small populations had more voice, and more votes in Parliament.

✓ They were called rotten boroughs

o Rewrote the districts so that representation would be more proportional

2. The Chartist Movement

a. The reform bill

i. That number included.

b. The People’s Charter was proposed to Parliament in 1838

i. Called



iv. An end

v. Paying

c. Demands of the Chartists

d. People began to

i. 1867 –

ii. 1884 –

iii. By the early 1900’s

3. The Victorian Age

a. Queen Victoria

i. Took the throne

ii. Married

iii. Queen for

• During her reign

iv. Queen Victoria

v. She was forced

• Previous

• Changes

o Especially

vi. Now t

• During the course

B. Women Get the Vote

1. By 1890

a. That is

2. Women didn’t

a. Most other European nations

b. In the U.S.

3. During the 1800s

a. British women

i. The more vocal women became however, the more resistance to their movement grew

• Arguments against women’s suffrage included

4. Some women

a. In Britain,

i. Women’s Social and Political Union

• Became

• Goal was t

o Pankhurst

✓ Pankhurst

✓ The prison officials force fed her and other’s to keep them alive

C. France And Democracy

1. France

a. Government changed

b. There were

c. 1875 –

i. Lasted

2. The Dreyfus Affair

a. In the Third Republic

b. 1894,

i. At this time

• Anti-Semitism is

ii. Dreyfus was

• He was sentenced to

o It only took a

✓ He was pardoned and returned to France but only after 5 years

iii. Some people

iv. Other’s said

• In 1898 Emile Zola

o Zola denounced

o He was sentenced

3. The Rise of Zionism

a. As bad as persecution of Jews

i. Russian officials

• A pogrom

ii. Many Jews

iii. The long history

• In the 1890

o The leader was

✓ The state of Israel won’t be established until 1948 however

II. Self Rule for British Colonies

A. Canada Struggles for self-rule

1. France was

a. Mostly fur trappers and missionaries


2. GB took

a. The French

b. The English

3. French and English Canada

a. Conflict was caused by

i. Both groups

• In 1791

o Upper Canada

o Lower Canada

✓ Each province had it’s own elected Assembly

4. The Durham Report

a. During the early 1800s

i. In Lower Canada

b. In the late 1830s

i. The British sent Lord Durham to investigate

• In 1839

o Upper and Lower Canada should be

o British immigration should be

✓ To make the French part of British Culture

• Colonists in the provinces

5. The Dominion of Canada

a. By the Mid 1800s,

i. They’d be able to protect

b. In 1867

i. As a dominion, Canada was

6. Westward Expansion

a. Canada’s first Prime Minister

i. He expanded

• By 1871 Canada stretched

o MacDonald began

B. Australia and New Zealand

1. 1769-1770 –

a. New Zealand was

b. Cook considered

2. Britain’s Penal Colony

a. 1788 –

b. A Penal Colony is

i. The prisoners could

3. Free Settlers Arrive

a. Free British

b. Began to

i. Not native

c. To encourage immigration

i. Grew steadily

• Scattered settlements became separate colonies

• Some pushed west across the desert to make outposts in western Australia

4. Settling New Zealand

a. More slowly

b. Didn’t claim NZ

i. Recognized

c. 1814 -


d. 1839 –

i. 1840 –

5. Self Government

a. Australia and New Zealand

b. During the 1850s

c. 1901 –

d. Both areas

e. People here



6. Status of Native People

a. Natives and other non-European

b. Disease and colonization

c. Between 1845 and 1872

i. The Maori

C. The Irish Win Home Rule

1. The English King

a. Knights

b. The Irish had

2. English imposed

a. Gaelic was

3. Britain formally

a. Gave Ireland

b. Daniel O’Connell

i. Gave Catholics

4. The Great Famine

a. In the 1840s,

b. Irish peasants

i. From 1845 – 1848

• About 1/8th of the Irish population (about 1,000,000 people) died from starvation and disease over the next few years.

• Another 8th (approx. 1-1.5 million) fled from Ireland

o Most went to the U.S.

o Some went to Britain, Canada, and Australia.

ii. The British government

• Most peasants

5. Demands for Home Rule

a. During the 2nd half of the 1800s

i. Some wanted

ii. Others wanted

• Home Rule

iii. The British refused to consider either option

• Fearful of

• Fear for

o Protestants were

o In 1914

✓ Home rule was

6. Rebellion and division

a. Easter Rising

i. Frustration over the delay in home rule led

• The British

b. After WWI

i. As a protest,

• The IRA

• They attacked

c. In 1921

i. Ulster.

ii. The south became

• Many Irish nationalists

iii. In 1949

III. War and Expansion in the United States

A. Americans Move West

1. In 1803

a. This doubled

2. In 1819

a. This stretched

3. Manifest Destiny

a. Belief that

i. Government used

• The Indian Removal Act of 1830

o This law allowed the government to force Native Americans living in the East to move west.

o Georgia’s Cherokee tribe challenged the law in the Supreme Court

✓ At first the Supreme Court said that they didn’t have a case because they weren’t U.S. Citizens.

✓ Then a man name Wooster, a missionary who worked with the Cherokee, brought the suit

✓ Now the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee.

i. President Jackson said, “Marshall has made his law, now let him enforce it.”

• At this point,

o Most moved to

o Became known as the

✓ About ¼ of the Cherokee died on the trip

b. As white settlers moved West

4. Texas joins

a. Mexico gained

i. Lands

ii. With Mexican permission

b. In 1836

i. They

ii. In 1845

• Mexico

5. War with Mexico

a. In May of 1846

b. Mexico surrendered

i. As part of the settlement

• The Mexican cession included

c. In 1853

B. Civil War tests Democracy

1. North and South

a. The North

i. In the north

b. The South’s

i. The primary cash crops were

ii. Southern planters

c. Economic differences

i. Many northerners

ii. Most white southerners

• They wanted

d. This led

i. Southern

ii. Most Northerners

2. Civil War Breaks Out

a. 1860 –

i. Southern states

• Southern states

o They became

b. On April 12, 1861

i. Lincoln ordered

ii. Lasted 4 years

• The South

• The North

• The South

3. The Abolition of Slavery

a. Lincoln declared

i. He wanted

• These were

ii. He eventually

• 1863 –

o This freed the slaves

✓ BUT it only freed slaves in the Confederate States, not in the Border States.

✓ Confederate States didn’t abide by it because they didn’t accept Lincoln as their president, or the proclamation as law.

i. The CSA

• The Emancipation Proclamation

o They most likely

o But because

b. Congress

i. This abolished

c. The 14th and 15th

i. These extended

4. Reconstruction

a. The south

i. After the troops left

• These laws encouraged Segregation

o This is

o Discrimination was

C. The Postwar Economy

1. Immigration

a. Industrialization

i. During the 1870s

• By 1914

2. The Railroads

a. The nation’s

b. In 1862

i. Completed by

ii. Linked California

c. By 1900

IV. Nineteenth Century Progress

A. Inventions Make Life Easier

1. Gasoline

a. This engine

2. By the late 1870s

a. It was used to

3. Edison

a. Thomas Edison

i. Two of his inventions

b. He started his research lab

i. Most of his important invention

• One of his researchers

4. Alexander Graham Bell and Guglielmo Marconi Revolutionize Communication

a. Bell was a

b. Marconi

i. This invention

• Became.

5. Henry Ford

a. In the 1880s

i. Technology

b. Ford decided

i. These cars

• This was

• Assembly line workers could put together an entire Model T Ford in less than two hours.

o In 1908

✓ By 1916 there were more than 3.5 million cars on American roads.

6. The Wright Brothers Fly

a. Orville and Wilbur Wright

i. December 17, 1903.

• Introduced the aircraft industry.

B. New Ideas in Medicine

1. The Germ Theory of Disease

a. Louis Pasteur

i. He learned

ii. He began

iii. Soon people

b. Joseph Lister

i. In 1865

ii. Demanded

• About 85%

o Other hospitals

c. Cities began

i. Began to

d. Medical researchers

C. New Ideas in Science

1. Charles Darwin

a. Darwin concluded

b. In 1859,

i. Book said

ii. Species that

• These species

• Gradually

o Called the

2. Mendel and Genetics

a. 1850s and 60s

i. He crossed

ii. This helped

iii. Became the foundation of.

3. Advances in Chemistry and Physics

a. 1803 –

i. He showed

• These atoms

ii. Compounds have

b. 1869 –

i. He left

ii. The periodic table

c. Marie and Pierre Curie

i. Radium and Polonium

• These were

• They released

o In 1898.

d. Physicists.

i. Scientists

• Earnest Rutherford

D. Social Sciences explore behavior

1. New social sciences

a. Psychology was

b. Ivan Pavlov

i. He worked with

c. Sigmund Freud

i. He believed

• Developed a type of therapy called

E. The Rise of Mass Culture

1. Changes Produce Mass Culture

a. Mass Culture

b. Changes included

2. Music Halls, Vaudeville, and movies

a. On a typical night, a music hall

b. In the U.S.

i. They traveled

c. Several inventors also tried at projecting moving images

i. The Vitascope was one of the first commercially successful motion picture projectors that could show images to large groups.

• There were

ii. The earliest “movies”

• Called movies

iii. By the early 1900s

• By 1910.

3. Sports

a. With more time

i. Spectator sports now became entertainment

ii. In 1896


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