Loudoun County Public Schools

Give Me Liberty- Chapter 11Chapter 11- The Peculiar Institution The Old SouthDefine "Peculiar Institution”-Mason Dixon Line-By 1850-Cotton Is KingWhen England abolish slavery-“white gold”-Explain why cotton was the most important commodity in international trade-How much of the world’s cotton supply came from the south?As early as 1803-In 1860-The Second Middle PassageWhen was the slave trade from Africa prohibited?What replaced it?Slavery and the NationExplain how slavery shaped the lives of all AmericansThe Southern EconomyExplain the division of the south between the upper south and the lower southExplain how slavery led the South to develop differently than the North (include cities and economies)What was the only major city in the SouthPlain Folk of the Old SouthHow many families didn’t own any slaves-Explain how most southern farmers in the south lived-When did they become integrated into the market economy-How did they help limit the South’s industrial base-What helped unite the South’s “plain folk” with the planters?The Planter ClassExplain how many families owned 5 or fewer, 20 or more, or 100 or more slavesHow did ownership of slaves lead to wealth, status and influence?The Paternalist EthosExplain what planters glorified-Define “paternalism” and how it relates to the system of slavery in the SouthExplain how this masked and justified the reality of slaveryThe Proslavery ArgumentExplain three arguments southerners used to legitimize slaveryHow did southerners argue that slavery guaranteed equality for whites?Abolition in the AmericasSummarize the difference between the end of slavery in Latin American nations/northern United States and the British empireBy 1850 which countries still had slaves?Slavery and CivilizationSummarize Fitzhugh’s arguments in support of slavery-Life Under SlaverySlaves and the LawList some of the laws imposed on slavesThe entire system of southern justice-Conditions of Slave LifeList some of the ways mistreatment of slaves was prevented in the 19th centuryWhy was it important for slave owners to improve their slaves’ health?What was the purpose of the improvements of slaves’ living conditionsFree Blacks in the Old SouthDescribe the free population that existed by the start of the Civil WarList/Describe some of the legal restrictions on free blacks The Upper and Lower SouthDescribe the difference between the Upper and lower SouthSlave LaborDescribe the work done on a large planation-List some of the jobs slaves did throughout the southGang Labor and Task LaborSummarize the difference between gang and task labor and where each type of labor usually occurredSlavery in the CitiesWhat did most city slaves do and how did they live?Maintaining OrderWhat rested at the base of maintaining order? How?List 2 subtler means of control Explain a slave-owner’s most powerful weapon for marinating orderSlave CultureWhat was slave culture centered around and what did it draw from/what was it shaped by-The Slave FamilyDescribe the family in the southThe Threat of SaleDescribe how many families were generally separated by saleGender Roles Among SlavesHow were they different than the larger society? What were typical roles when they had their “own time”Slave ReligionWhat did Christianity offer according to slave masters? The Gospel of FreedomHow did slaves transform Christianity-Explain how the Christian message supported abolishing slaveryResistance to SlaveryForms of ResistanceThe most widespread expression of hostility to slavery was-List 5 ways slaves resisted slaveryFugitive SlavesAbout how many succeeded in running away-Where did most slaves from the Deep South run?Define “The Underground Railroad”-Harriet Tubman-The AmistadDescribe what happened in 1839-Van Buren’s argument-Adams’ argument-Effect on slaves in the US-Creole-Slave RevoltsDescribe the largest conspiracies in American historyGabriel Prossor-New Orleans-Denmark Vesey-Nat Turner’s RebellionWho was Nat TurnerWhat date did he choose for the rebellion? Why didn’t it happen?Describe what happened during the rebellionWhy was his rebellion successful?What did his revolt demonstrate?What were the effects of Turner’s rebellion throughout the south?How did the Virginia legislature respond in 1832?Explain why 1831 was a turning point for the Old South.Difference between the North and the South ................

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