
32nd installment: Capacity part 2

Sora: So, peanut? ::motions towards a bucket of peanuts at Charles’ feet::

Charles: …

Sora: I’ll take your silence as a no…

Charles: ::turns to sigh… Sora is suddenly in front of him, she grabs the front of his shirt::


Charles: Like Cuong’s beans?


Charles: …why does that make them special? And why are you being so mean and yelling?

Sora: ::lets go of Charles:: …you seriously don’t remember me… do you?…

Charles: …uhh… were you the hooker on the street who tried to steal my ’89 corolla?

Sora: You mean hachiroku?

Charles: no… ’89…

Sora: …why would I want that?

Charles: ::tear slowly rolls down cheek::

Sora: ::taken aback:: urr… well… I guess I WOULD try to steal it… how many miles are on it?

Charles: 286000…

Sora: DAMN!… I mean… wow! Vintage…

Charles: …I don’t believe you…

Sora: No, really… I’d certainly steal that car if… ::suddenly realizes something:: Wait a minute, what the fuck?… did you just call me a hooker?

Charles: …no, I said… Booker…


Sora: ::throws a rock at Khoi:: YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE SUSPENDED IN TIME!

Khoi: I’m supposed to be a lot of things! You damn viet!

Sora: …I’m not viet…

Khoi: … ::shifts eyes:: oooOOOOoh! ::goes frozen again::

Charles: …did he just break out of his frozen state and say “oo…oOO…” ::gives up trying to say it:: that weird thing?

Sora: I don’t remember…


Khoi: Who said that?…

Joe: ::smacks Khoi from behind:: Shut uppppp… you want to get fired?!


Joe: ::goes back to being still::

Khoi: oooOOOoh! ::shifts eyes and goes back to being still again::

Charles: Uhh… he just talked… are you sure that key works?

Sora: Yes, nobody talked… ::stares at Khoi with a menacing look:: Did they?…

Khoi: Yup, nobody talked… except that fag! ::points at his own reflection in Joe’s glasses:: DON’T YOU LOOK BACK AT ME WITH THOSE FAGGOTY EYES! OooOOOooh! I’LL NUTTAP YOU! ::nuttaps self:: AH! YOU DARE TO NUTTAP ME?!

Charles: ::watching as Khoi is fighting himself:: Uhh… he’s moving…

Sora: you shut the fuck up… but… anyways… back to the point… my overflow is better than yours, you weak weanie…

Charles: I’M NOT A WEANIE!

Sora: Yea… you’re not… YOU’RE A WEANIE IN TRAINING!

Charles: …

The mood gets tense as Charles and Sora stare at each other…

Charles: …

Sora: …

The mood gets even more tense…

Charles: …

Sora: …

Charles is flexing his fingers… Sora is staring at Charles with her arms crossed, not impressed… the mood grows all the more tense.

Sora: …

Charles: ……………………… ::suddenly looks over at Khoi:: By the way, you still owe me a game of Star Craft…

Sora: ::falls in exasperation:: you gotta be kidding me… ::pink light energy rushes around her… eyes gain a pinkish tint:: ::points hand at Charles:: OVERFLOW!

5 pink beams of light rocket towards Charles from each one of Sora’s fingers…

Charles: AHHH! DAMN, WOMAN! ::ducks::

The five pink beams hit a wall and do nothing…

Sora: ::staring at Charles:: …Just as I thought…

Charles: Huh?…

Sora: You’re a dumbass…

Charles: …huh?!

Sora: what did I just say a moment ago?!

Sora: ::takes out another key:: This is a timestop key… for a time, it allows me to talk to you… you can’t do anything to anybody while time is stopped… you can’t do anything to the environment… all you can do is just… talk… and… walk… and move… your own body…

Charles: …

Sora: Yeah, but don’t think about training with the timestop key… your body and aura will stay the same no matter what you do when the timestop key is activated…

Sora: That means… no matter how many times I blast you… nothing will happen… just like to that wall… I just did it to unleash my frustration…

Charles: ::staring at Sousuke::


Charles: Geez… why can’t this guy fight me in a bonta-kun outfit… his name IS sousuke… that’d be funny too… ::smiles::

Sora: …why is he talking to himself?

Sora suddenly yawns and looks at her watch…

Sora: when should I stop the timestop key?… hmm…

Charles: So… what can I do to beat this guy?…

Sora: Nothing, you’re pretty much screwed with such a weak overflow…

Charles: …

Sora: ::feels something and stares up at Joe:: ::thinking to herself:: It… can’t be… the nagareboshi?!

Charles: Uhh… why are you staring at Joe?… Yeah, he’s pretty ugly…

Sora: Not that… you idiot… ::runs up the stands up to Joe and her hands glow with light energy… she puts them both into Joe’s back and pulls out the nagareboshi katana:: It is… the nagareboshi… the sword of light… How long has it been since I’ve seen this… ::looks up and sees Miharu in the crowd:: I see… the arisaka family must have… ::smiles:: so that’s it…

Charles: ::sweatdrop:: Why’s she talking to herself?

Sora: ::pushes in light energy into the nagareboshi:: TALK!

The nagareboshi is surrounded by blue energy…

Charles: What is that?…

Sora: It’s the sword’s aura… tell me… why… ::hears a rumbling…::

The hokiboshi comes flying out of Joe’s back too… and hits Charles in the face.

Charles: OW!

Sora: ::walks over to it and picks it up:: The cursed sword… Hokiboshi… why did it…? Did the nagareboshi call it out?… SPEAK! ::runs light energy through the nagareboshi again::

Nagareboshi: ::pulsating:: ::voice like Miharu’s pops out:: What do you want?…

Hokiboshi: ::suddenly pulsating a dark aura:: ::voice of an experienced and abrasive warrior pops out:: Who is this girl that pulls us from our keep?…

Sora: I want to ask a question…

Charles: ::eyes wide:: The… swords are talking…

Sora: Why did you choose a flame user to be your keeper?… and not a light or shadow user like in the past?…

Nagareboshi: hmmm… ara ara… this is quite distressing…

Hokiboshi: I should kill you for taking us out…

Sora: come on… it’s not like I drew you from your sheaths…

Hokiboshi: Yes, and if you do… I’ll kill you…

Charles: uhh… Sara…

Sora: It’s sora…

Charles: yeah… whatever… why are you…

Sora: I’m curious… that’s all… the sword of light and the cursed sword… you both are only supposed to choose light and shadow users… so why this boy?…

Hokiboshi: You dare to demand an answer from ME?!

Nagareboshi: my my… how forward…

Hokiboshi: Don’t tell this wench anything…

Sora: … ::vein pulsating in her forehead:: Wench?…

Hokiboshi: Whore, slut… bitch, pirate whore, ugly bitch, pirate hooker, prostitute, khoi toucher…

Sora: ::getting more and more angry:: If you weren’t cursed, I’d…

Hokiboshi: ::dark aura grows larger:: You’d what?… you self touching bimbo!

Nagareboshi: Now, now… that’s not nice… well… we cannot answer you… but if he was to ask us…

Charles: ?…

Sora: ::Looks over at Charles:: Ask them… why did they choose a flame user over a light and a shadow user…?

Charles: Uhh… what she said…

Hokiboshi: I’m still not saying anything… to a weakling…

Nagareboshi: oh, ara ara… but he’s the keeper’s friend… we should comply… I’ll explain… the first time we became interested in Joe Choe… was when he first met my human sheath… Arisaka Miharu…

Hokiboshi: urgh… I’ll have to explain too if you keep on blabbing… it’s useless for me to keep quiet… I at this time was in the possession of a spirit named Filler… I was ripped from my human sheath, Arisaka Naharu… and sold for cold hard cash(a low point in my life) to a sword merchant… then a spirit possessed the sword merchant and forced me into the dragon’s den… using my power for his own greed…

Nagareboshi: Of course… we’d have been quite happy to use Joe Choe as a keeper… for he showed amazing strength… we would be fools not to notice

Hokiboshi: He had strength obvious of an infinite trance…

Nagareboshi: Throughout my travels with him, I’ve seen him beat countless opponents, one on three… and I’ve seen him put a death berserker into a dangerous position… but that was not the reason we chose him.

Sora: Then what was the reason?

Hokiboshi: His connection with Arisaka Miharu… the descendant of those who forged us.

Nagareboshi: At the time when Arisaka Miharu was in danger… I lent him my strength…

Hokiboshi: And at the time Arisaka Naharu was in danger… I lent him my strength

Nagareboshi: However, we did not expect him… to be able to wield us…

Hokiboshi: Anybody who takes us… usually has their aura drained and they die…

Nagareboshi: But he was a berserker… the third sword called the ryuusei interacted with us greatly… his aura was a weapon on a level of our own…

Hokiboshi: In addition to him knowing Takahashi sword style.... or at least part of it…

Nagareboshi: However, we cannot deny the wishes of our keepers…

Hokiboshi: The arisaka family…

Nagareboshi: deep in her heart, Arisaka Miharu willed us into him… and we could not complain…

Hokiboshi: He uses us to an extent we haven’t seen since our last keeper… Takahashi Rei…

Charles: Takahashi Rei?

Sora: Takahashi Aya’s… grandmother…

Nagareboshi: Indeed… so you can see why another takahashi user would appeal to us…

Hokiboshi: Don’t mistake that Arisaka Miharu’s feelings and his strength were the deciding factors though…

Charles: wait… so Miharu… basically GAVE you guys to Joe?

Nagareboshi: Yes… but ultimately… I chose him…

Hokiboshi: I wasn’t sure… I wanted another shadow user… but with his help to my human sheath Naharu… I chose him…

Sora: …so you chose a flame user over a light or shadow user… he can never wield santoryuu as well as a light or shadow user… you know that, right?

Nagareboshi: That remains to be seen…

Hokiboshi: woman… are you questioning our decisions…

Sora: …so there was nobody else worthy at the time of wielding you?

Hokiboshi: No… there was one…

Nagareboshi: …well… there were… two others…

Charles: me?

Hokiboshi and Nagareboshi: NO!

Sora: ::looking at the group of people around Joe:: ::looks at Jason:: It was him… wasn’t it? However… he is also not a light or shadow user…

Nagareboshi: yes, but he has a unique energy…

Hokiboshi: a strong energy…

Nagareboshi: The strongest we have ever seen… we would have chosen him…

Hokiboshi: However, his fighting style does not complement ours…

Nagareboshi: …and… he has something hidden within his aura… that may dwarf our own powers… if we entered him… and tried to use santoryuu… we would have been definitely destroyed…

Sora: Something hidden in his aura?… What is it?

Hokiboshi: ::scoffs:: Love…

Sora: What…? Love?

Nagareboshi: A love which has imprinted upon him… a very interesting power… it has fused with his infinite trance… the power of an elemental…

Sora: ::eyes widen in shock:: Elem… elemental?…

Hokiboshi: Do not make us repeat ourselves, woman…

Sora: …elemental…

Nagareboshi: not just any other elemental either… but… an elemental of lightning… that is fused with his heavenly berserker power… a dragoon…

Sora: Dragoon…?

Charles: …it’s a machine thing that flies around and fires lasers… you control it with your mind… ::smiles:: zoom!

Nagareboshi: uhh…no… a dragoon is a warrior with several different types… a dragoon guard is heavily equipped with armor and weaponry… a light dragoon is a fast speed warrior with light equipment… however, when we were scanning his body to see if he was worthy of us…

Hokiboshi: A word appeared… Reis…

Nagareboshi: Reis Dragoon… a warrior we have never heard of…

Sora: …what could Reis… possibly mean? ::rubbing chin:: This is all very interesting… ::takes a book and pen out… and begins writing::

Charles: …what are you doing?

Sora: I told you, I’m a writer…

Hokiboshi: We forgot to mention that the first dragoons were also called dragoons because they used weapons called dragons… which were rifles that blew out flame at times…

Charles: Uhh… how do you swords know all this?

Nagareboshi: My my… we have the knowledge of generations behind us…

Sora: ::writing in a notebook:: A lightning user… rare…

Charles: huh?… why’s it rare?

Sora: Lightning is a very hard aura ability to control… and few ever have it… it’s a combination of your light powers plus the powers of that guy… ::points to Joe:: Flame plus light… deadly… I’m assuming a Reis Dragoon… is a warrior that uses lightning… but this word… Reis… what could it possibly mean?…

Charles: …sounds like Reese’s… maybe it means peanut butter cup…

Sora: … ::writing:: Peanut butter… damn you… ::scribbling it out:: Okay… who was the other person… you would have chosen? ::looks at the group again… but sees nobody interesting::

Hokiboshi: He was a strong person… he would have wielded us well…

Nagareboshi: Familiar with blades of aura… and master of dark arts…

Hokiboshi: We would’ve chosen him…

Nagareboshi: He was the first of the candidates I encountered…

Hokiboshi: If it was not for the wishes of the human sheath… I would have gladly gone to him… he fits me well…

Nagareboshi: He’s… a little too much for me though…

Sora: Who was he?…

Hokiboshi: Enough! We will not answer your questions…

Nagareboshi: ara, ara…

Hokiboshi: I still have regrets that I did not join that warrior… for he was the one who defeated that pesky spirit Filler…

Sora: He, who’s he?…

Hokiboshi: ::ignoring Sora’s question:: As time went by, I saw him grow stronger and stronger… his shadow aura increasing… if I went to him… I would probably be much more content… Of course… Joe Choe’s recent use of me has been increased quite a bit in the cursed ryuusei… but I wonder how that man would use the power of my curse?

Nagareboshi: Looks like your spell of light is fading… ::voice growing dimmer:: We cannot speak to you more..

Hokiboshi: I can… because of my curse… but I don’t want to talk to you…

The nagareboshi and hokiboshi both disappear in a flash.

Charles: uhh… that was weird…

Sora: Well… ::writing down the info in her book:: Seems like I won’t be able to use the nagareboshi for creating new techniques… I thought that they’d be sure to choose me this time… but nooooooo… apparently there were 3 people they put before me… sonuva…

Charles: uhh… yeah… what did any of this have to do with me?

Sora: YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!… I’m thinking here…

Charles: …

Sora: why not me, I’m young, beautiful, strong… YOU! ::points at Charles:: YOU WANT TO FUCK ME DON’T YOU?!

Charles: Whaaaa?! ::surprised look:: NO!


Charles: I mean… YES! I WOULD!


Charles: …Is there any answer that won’t end with you hurting me…

Joe and Khoi: YES!

Charles: hey… aren’t you guys supposed to be frozen…

Jon: WHAT?!

Charles: …you too…

Joe and Khoi: ::suddenly dressed as teachers with a chalkboard:: HERE IT IS!

Joe: there were many ways out of that situation… one… you could’ve said “you’re pretty… but… I respect you.”


Joe: …uhh… yeah… or you could’ve just said “I don’t like you in that way, we’re just friends.”

Khoi: ::nods:: THEN NUTTAP HER!

Joe: …uhh… ::nods::


Voice #1: Burn everything… BURN IT ALL!

Jon: …okay! ::lights a match on fire… he burns his hand:: OWWWWW!! MY HAND! SO PAINFUL! I’M GOING TO DIEEEEEE! ::runs into a wall…:: Stop, drop, and… ::thinks:: SUMMON MINIONS OF DESTRUCTION!

Joe: …uhh…

Charles: …Sora… are you… doing this?

Sora: BAH! Nobody’s moving… I still have the time stop key in power…

Joe, Khoi, and Jon are somehow back in their seats, totally still. Khoi’s hand is on Jon’s butt though…

Charles: …right…

Sora: Anyways… now that I’ve got that done… ::puts her book and pen back in a bag she’s carrying:: Ciao…

Charles: wait! Aren’t you going to tell me ANYTHING I can use to defeat him?

Sora: Heh… I’m only interested in helping strong people… and learning how to become stronger… I am Sora of the Skies and Heavens… Someone like you… doesn’t deserve my help…

Charles: …why not?

Sora: Because you can’t even remember who I am…


Sora: Hmm?… Are you sure about that?

Charles: uhh…

Sora: I protected you when you needed protection… I gave you armor when you needed it… I gave you a book… I gave you all the skills needed… yet you… have not fulfilled your end of the bargain. ::turns and begins to walk away::

Charles: but who are you?!

Sora: I am sora of the skies and the heavens…

Charles: You said that! But at least tell me where I know you from!

Sora: ::stops walking and puts her bag on the floor:: You really, really, really don’t remember… do you?

Charles: …uhhh…

Sora: ::turns to Charles, points her palm at him:: JANKEN PAPER!

A ball of light fires towards Charles…

Charles: DAMN!

Sora: ::clenches her fist::

The ball suddenly disappears.

Sora: ::looks genuinely mad and upset:: …bastard… ::picks up her bag and walks out of the stadium door::

Charles: Wait! I thought you said you were just one of the voices in my head… supposed to teach me the “final” techniques!

Sora: ::suddenly behind Charles:: That’s true… and I first sent my book down to you because you looked like you needed some help… I’m also a writer… but… ::stares at Charles:: We HAVE met before…

Charles: …uhh… when?…

Sora: You know… ::takes out huge sword:: I GET REALLY PISSED OFF WHEN GUYS DON’T REMEMBER MY BEAUTY!

Charles: ::screaming like girl:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Sora: ::has no sword in her hand:: Geez, you scream like a girl…

Charles: …

Sora: Tell me… how do you think I ever saw you when you were on Palm Island?… and why do you think I have so many keys to so many different places?

Charles: ::thinks, then smiles:: I know now!

Sora: you do?

Charles: You’re the key maker from the matrix!

Sora: …you’re an absolute… MORON!

Charles: …

Sora: ::sighs:: Well, I guess… it was unnoticeable for you at the time… although I’m pretty much pissed you don’t remember… ::takes out her bag, and pulls out a deck of cards:: Pick a card, any card…

Charles: oh, is this how you’ve been making stuff appear and disappear? You’re a magician?

Sora: Just… pick a card…

Charles: ::picks a card:: It’s the ace of spades…

Sora: pick another card…

Charles: ::picks another card:: It’s the ace of… spades?

Sora: Now… ::takes the cards and puts them in her bag:: Now then… that was one of my tricks… check out this next one… ::smiles widely… her teeth start to grow bigger::

Charles: …?!

Sora: ::her blonde hair is growing along her back… giving her golden fur… her nose and mouth are growing out as she’s growing whiskers… her clothes are snapping off… she has transformed into…::


Lion: ROAR!

Charles: wait… ::remembers back to Palm Island::

Cuong: …I’m sooo hungry… if only I had some sort of power to control shadows… then I could get some fish…

Charles: Yeah… if only you did…

Cuong: … ::thinks, then jumps up:: ::points palm at water:: SHADOW SYMMETRY! ::a large hand made of shadow goes into the water and drags something back::

Charles: FOOD! ::runs toward it:: I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!… I… want… it…

The hand has brought back a lion from the water…

Lion: ROAR!!!

Charles: And then that other time…



Joe note: No… no it doesn’t…

Rabbit: ::in rabbit talk:: What’s going on?! Where are my babies?!

The rabbit jumps into a hole.

Cuong: We have it now! ::puts hand into hole::

Charles: Feel anything?

Cuong: I feel fur… I got it! ::pulls it up::

Cuong has pulled out a lion’s head.

Lion: ROAR!

Charles: Then that other time…

Cuong: What’s this weird thing in the puddle?… ::pulls it out, it’s the lion::

Lion: ROAR!!!

Cuong: … meep…

Cuong and Charles are once again running away from the lion.

Charles: ::getting angrier:: Then that OTHER TIME!!!!

Cuong: That lion is everywhere we go!

Charles: Yeah… and we still didn’t get to eat anything…

Cuong: ::spots a banana on the floor:: Hey, a banana! MINE!

Charles: No let’s split it!

Cuong: FINDERS KEEPERS! ::peels the banana, the lion pops out:: … YOU CAN HAVE IT!

Cuong and Charles are running away from the lion again…

Cuong: IT’S YOURS!

Charles: NO IT’S YOURS!

Cuong: IT’S YOURS!



Sora: ROAR!

Charles: meep…

Sora: ::Transforms back into her real form::

Charles: … ::eyes widen::

Sora: Yes, it was me… come on… you really think lions can pop out of bananas, holes, and be caught out of the ocean?… Geez… lions don’t even live on islands…

Charles: ::pointing and mouthing out nothing::

Sora: How I turn into a lion you ask?… well, it’s quite simple… I’m a writer and researcher for strong techniques… one of the techniques I came across is to use this… ::shows off a neclace that she’s wearing that was snapped off when she was a lion:: It’s infused with the powerful aura of a beast king from long ago… found it at a wal-mart… a really nice find…

Charles: ::pointing every which way::

Sora: Basically, I found that using this necklace on palm island… takes out the negative effects of the aging… so I could train there as a lion, training my senses, tracking skills, etc… and my magic of course… I tell you… it was hella hard trying to fit in that banana… even with my “magic.”

Charles: ::staring with wide eyes:: ::smiling very stupidly::

Sora: So, aren’t you impressed?

Charles: ::monotone robot voice:: yes… very… very… very… impressed…

Sora: Yes… of course, I know it’d be hard to notice my beauty as a lion… but you have to admit, I am a beautiful lion… very strange I have a mane in that form though… after all, should I be a lioness?

Charles: ::Nodding stupidly::

Sora: Yup, yup… also, I bet you’re wondering why I’m called Sora of the Skies and the Heavens even though I transform into a lion… well… it’s quite simple…

Charles: ::almost like he’s hypnotized:: Yes… simple…

Sora: the reason is, even though I gained this ability with this necklace a while ago… I was already a famous aura user by the age of twelve… and this book was passed onto me to write… every powerful light user from the past millennium has written something in here to perfect the techniques… I was chosen as the newest about four years ago… I’ve been training on Palm Island a lot… and those keys…

Charles: Yes… bo… I mean keys…

Sora: I got those here and there, researching, writing… you know… I like staying on the moon though… that’s why I got the nickname “Sora of the skies and heavens.” Hell, my real name isn’t even Sora… but I liked it cause it’s like “soaring” and apparently… I later found out that the name means “sky” in jap… so I was like that’s good! Hahahaha!

Charles: yes… good… very good… very very good… gooooooddddd….

Sora: Yeah, I guess you can say I’m quite the amazing person…

Charles: ::staring:: amazing…

Sora: Sorry for chasing you all those times… I just wanted to see how strong you and your friend were… Hell, if you revealed your light powers to me, I would’ve gladly given you the book earlier… However, it was only until you started to train, when I saw your ability and decided to give you the book… sorry I couldn’t get out of this form, but I didn’t really want to age… I MEAN LOOK AT MY FIGURE!

Charles: ::Nodding like crazy::

Suddenly, Sora snaps her fingers in front of Charles’ face…

Sora: ::on Charles’ right… fully clothed:: So… what have you been staring at?…

Charles: …huh? If you’re here… then… ::Looks back to see a naked Khoi::

Khoi: oooOOOOoh!

Charles: … ::look of horror:: ::weird expression on his face, very pale… he turns from the scene, pushing Sora a little out of the way… he slowly walks to one of the holes that Sousuke created during the fight, kneels before it, and barfs into it…::

Sora: hahahaha! Sorry… but I had to hypnotize you… I don’t like gawkers and I had to change so I explained the situation while having you see what you thought was me without clothes, wasn’t it good?… Don’t worry, your stomach will be fine in a couple minutes… But what did you see? I only hypnotized you to see your worst fear when I snap my fingers… it can’t be THAT bad…

10 minutes later…

Charles: ::still barfing and crying::

Sora: …oi, oi… what did you see?… geez… maybe I went too far…?

Charles: ::stops barfing… looks a bit okay:: I think I’m okay now… no wait… ::starts barfing again::

5 more minutes later…

Charles: ::Looking really really sick:: Ughhhh…

Sora: Well, at least you’re not barfing anymore…

Charles: Well, now that you explained who you are… can you please… tell me how to defeat Sousuke?

Sora: geez, kid…

Charles: Hey, you’re younger than me…

Sora: Whatever, kid… anyways… there’s no way in hell of you being able to beat him…

Charles: …? I thought…

Sora: No, I wasn’t kidding… I just came down here to rub in your face, that your overflow sucks…


Sora: Well… ::rubs the back of her head:: I guess I should thank you for allowing me to talk with the two katanas that make up santoryuu… hmm… then again, I’m still pissed off you didn’t recognize me…


Sora: ::ignoring Charles’ last statement:: Hmm… there is no light technique you can learn right now to defeat him… because all your practice will be gone once the timestop key is deactivated…

Charles: …ughhhhh…

Sora: Are you sure I can’t just make it up to you with some sorta… hug or something?

Charles: NO!

Sora: dammit… then… there’s no other choice… I know you’re feeling like crap right now from that first overflow… and that if you release more quantities of light, you feel like you’re going to die… So… this might be risky… but try your overflow again…

Charles: What?…

Sora: Even if it feels painful, or that you can’t… try overflow again… except this time… use it RIGHT…

Charles: What do you mean use it right?! YOU HAVEN’T TAUGHT ME ANYTHING EXCEPT TO DO IT!

Sora: ::walking out:: Some things… ::glares back at Charles:: HAVE TO BE FIGURED OUT ON YOUR OWN!

Charles: …

Sora: Sigh… just try… ::walks by Miharu:: Dude, this chick is pretty cute… ::gets out a marker and writes all over Miharu’s face:: HA! WHO’S CUTER NOW?!

Charles: …uhh….

Sora: ::looks at Aya:: She’s pretty cute too… ::writes down on Aya’s forehead “I love fishsticks”:: There! I’m the prettiest of all! Bwahahahahhaaha! ::looks around the stadium:: Damn… there’s a lot of cute girls here… must be some sorta superstar coming or something…

Charles: ::flexes his muscles::

Sora: Hmm… Must be that Jason guy… with his super suave powers…

Charles: ::stops flexing::

Sora: Hey, when time restarts… you wrote all over their faces, okay?

Charles: what?…

Sora: you’re right… it wouldn’t make sense… you’re on the fighting floors… hmm… ::puts the marker in Joe’s hand:: There…

Charles: I thought you said you can’t change the environment when the time stop key is in effect…

Sora: Yeah, but this is a magical marker… that I found in a antique bookcase in Fresno… so I’m going to go now… seeya…

Charles suddenly feels like he’s flung from a rubber band… he’s back in the spot where Sora found him… and Sousuke is falling straight at him from the air…

Sousuke: it’s over!

Charles: ::thinking:: Dammit… overflow… overflow… ::looks up at Sousuke:: OVERFLOW! ::shards of light suddenly materialize and blast Sousuke away::

Sousuke: He got his power back?!

Charles: ::skin starts to rip apart and become red on his right arm:: ::looks at it:: Dammit! I have to beat him quickly…! ::feels heart becoming weaker:: SHARDS! ::points hand at Sousuke::

The shards fly at him and each one fires several beams at once at him.

Sousuke: more than one beam from those weapons?! ::dodging but getting hit by them::

Joe: ::raises his right hand to cheer:: YEAH! CHARLES, KICK HIS NUTS! What’s this?… ::notices the marker::

Cuong: ::looking at Aya:: Dude, did you just write on your face?… when’d you do that?

Aya: What? ::looks at reflection in a small pocket mirror:: WHAT THE FUCK?!

Miharu: Aya-san… you look quite odd… ::cocks head and smiles::

Aya: What?! ::looks at Miharu:: …what the?

Miharu has pictures of guns and knives and squirrels and crap all over her face…

Miharu: What is it?…

Joe: Geez, what happened to you guys?

Miharu and Aya see their reflections in Joe’s glasses… and look at his marker…

Aya: ::slamming her fist into her palm:: I don’t know how you did it without me noticing, but…

Miharu: I kind of like this look… ::cocks head and smiles:: It really brings out my eyes…

Jon: Uhh… you do know there are pictures of knives stabbing crap on your face, right? And guns shooting squirrels?

Miharu: ::suddenly distressed:: Oh! Ara ara… that will not do… animals should be loved… especially squirrels… they make up a part of this balanced breakfast…

Aya: ::too stunned to beat up Joe:: Did you just say…

Cuong: WHY AREN’T YOU GUYS WATCHING CHARLES?! He’s getting really… odd…

Charles: ::randomly bleeding from places:: Shit… is this the effects of using overflow a second time?!

Sousuke: ::looking more roughed up, running at Charles:: I WON’T LOSE! ::punches towards Charles’ head::

Charles: ::eyes suddenly flash:: ::creates two shields of light on each forearm and smashes them into Sousuke’s arm:: TAKE THAT!

Sousuke: Ugh! ::arm bleeding:: ::backs off:: Damn you…

Charles: ::points fingers at Sousuke in gun position:: TAKE THIS! ::fires beams of light at Sousuke::

Sousuke: ::suddenly grows angry:: HIKARITE! ::ball of energy the size of half his body appears on his fist::

Aya: ::thinking, as she’s pounding Joe and watching:: Hikarite…?

Sousuke: ::Rushes through the beams of light which are being reflected by the hikarite:: DIE!


Hamtaro: Is that the big bang fist?! ::thinks:: He called it Hikarite?…

Sousuke: ARGHHHHH! ::the ball of energy suddenly sharpens into a lance like shaped of energy around his right arm he stabs it towards Charles::

Charles: ?!

Charles remembers what Sora said…

Sora: Try overflow again… except this time… USE IT RIGHT!…

Charles: DAMMIT! ::as random places on his body are bleeding:: DAMMIT!

Sousuke spears Charles… the image of Charles suddenly disappears…


Charles is above Sousuke… afterimages following his body… The shards follow him up there, also having afterimages… they fly down at Sousuke… firing multiple beams of light at him…

Sousuke: ::being bombarded by beams:: UGH!

Charles: AHHHHH! ::shards surround his right hand… as blood continues to burst from his arm… the shards suddenly shine brightly as does Charles’ right hand:: ::rushes forward downwards at Sousuke::

Joe: ::all beaten up:: was he using… the shards to levitate up there?… how was he doing that?…

Miharu: I don’t know…


Cuong: I think… it’s…

Charles: OVERFLOWING SHINE FINGER! ::the shards turn into pure light and join the energy already in his hand::

Charles drops right in front of Sousuke, who looks even more battered…

Sousuke: DAMN YOU! ::punches towards Charles::

Sousuke’s hand just goes through an afterimage as Charles jumps back and rushes forward again with the overflowing shine finger…

Charles: AHHHHHH! ::slams it into Sousuke’s stomach… Sousuke’s entire body is lifted off the ground::

Sousuke: ::wind knocked out of him::

There’s a hush amongst the people out the crowd…

Sora: Try overflow again… except this time… USE IT RIGHT!…

Charles: RELEASE!!!!!

The light energy in Charles’ hand suddenly fires into Sousuke… Knocking him into the air like a close range cannon…

Sousuke: ::coughing up blood in the air:: ugh…!

Charles: I’M NOT DONE!!!! ::cuts appearing on his fingers and legs::

Shards of light suddenly surround Sousuke’s airborne body and blast him with beams of light.

Sora: Try overflow again… except this time… USE IT RIGHT!…

Charles: SHARDS OF LIGHT! OVERFLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shards of light shine brightly they return behind Charles as Sousuke bounces off the ground… they connect to Charles’ back and form two long rectangular type boxes on either side of his back, up to his shoulder… the rectangular type boxes made up of the same light material as the one of Charles’ shield shift up and over Charles’ shoulders to point at Sousuke… at the same time revealing there was two more rectangular boxes under those… which shift down to be at Charles’ hips… they all point towards Sousuke as Charles also points his two fingers at him…


2 huge beams of light, 2 medium sized ones, and 2 regular ones fire at Sousuke…

Sousuke: ….?!

They all hit Sousuke at the same time… exploding in a pillar of light… the rectangular boxes on Charles’ back shift back into the shards of light…

Sora: ::watching from the stands:: …close… but…

Sousuke rises from the smoke… walking slowly towards Charles…

Sousuke: are you done yet?

Sora: The overflow… is not… completed…

Aya: ::shaking… staring at the scene:: No way… how could anybody have survived that?

Joe: …

Khoi: …

Cuong: Damn… what a freak…

Charles: ::bleeding from random places, looking really really tired:: You gotta be kidding me…

Sousuke: ::punches a blast of blue energy at Charles:: NOW DIE!

Chris: a long range attack?

Charles: ::thinking:: I can see it coming… but I can’t move…

The blue blast hits Charles and sends him flying…

Sousuke: …where’s that energy you once had?… Is this your true strength?! ::rushes Charles and knees him in the stomach::

Charles: ::wind knocked out of him:: ::thinking:: Dammit! It’s taking all of my energy to keep from dying… if he hits me again!

Sousuke: ::throwing a punch down at Charles:: TAKE THIS!

There’s suddenly a large burst of aura from somewhere, stopping Sousuke…

Sousuke: this is…

Hamtaro: ::in his true form:: This match is over Sousuke… he can’t go on.

Sousuke: …Fine…

Charles: What are you talking about?! It’s not over yet!

Sousuke: ::walking off the floors::


Sousuke: … ::exits the floors::

Charles: Damn you! ::goes up to Hamtaro:: It wasn’t over yet! I could still…

A burst of aura from hamtaro sends Charles flying…

Hamtaro: ::totally serious:: Shut up!…

Down in the locker-room type area…

Sousuke: ::reaching the area:: ::leans on a wall, breathing heavily:: When is the last time… I’ve been in such pain…

Sora: Hello… boy…

Sousuke: ::turns to see Sora sitting on top of the lockers:: ::eyes widen:: YOU?!

Sora: ohhh? You still remember me? Haha, hard to forget my beauty, right?

Sousuke: Why… why are you here?

Sora: I don’t know… just to check up on things… wow, that guy messed you up pretty bad… are you really last year’s champion?…

Sousuke: ::gets an angry look in his eyes:: What?…

Sora: How in the hell did you become champion over Takahashi Aya… seems odd…. Doesn’t it?

Sousuke: Ugh… what do you know?… Jugan School graduate… jugan tournament winner at the age of 13… Angel “Sora” Bell…

Sora: You still remember all that?… kid?

Sousuke: Why are you here…?… Rumor has it that you’re some sort of writer or archaeologist now… why come back here?

Sora: Oh, come on Sousuke… you should know what I write about… ways to get stronger… I want your opinion… ::takes out book and pen:: That kid you just fought… how strong was he?

Sousuke: foolish question…. If you want an answer, then answer mine… why did you come back here?

Sora: …Do you really want to know?

Sousuke: …

Sora: The principal called me back… it seems, there are people trying to steal the prize of the Jugan Tournament…

Sousuke: ?!… why doesn’t he trust me to protect it?…

Sora: ::gets serious:: Why are you the champion this year?

Sousuke: …

Sora: You may have been freshmen when I was a 13 year old senior… but I still remember… Aya was overwhelmingly your superior… how’d you beat her last year?

Sousuke: that’s my business…

Sora: ::angry look in her eyes:: I came back… watching the tournament and suspicious ones from the moon…

Sousuke: Your silly keys…

Sora: Don’t interrupt me… I’ve been watching from the moon… it’s been very entertaining… I found a guy using santoryuu… and a light user I thought I’d never see again in the jugan tournament… and I’m finding strong people everywhere… however… from my observations… my light barrier is the only thing keeping them from the prize…

Sousuke: There are more things than just YOUR light barrier protecting that room… don’t be cocky just because people say you were the strongest winner of all time.

Sora: ::smirks:: You forgot to add… strongest and most beautiful of all time…

Sousuke: …

Sora: Anyways, I answered your question… now you answer mine… what do you think of that kid?

Sousuke: …I’m assuming you taught him a lot because his general powers mimic your own… however… they’re weaker than yours… Also… his shards… come from a shield… whereas yours comes from…

Sora: enough… hmm? So you recognized the shard attack?

Sousuke: At first I didn’t… I only saw you use it once… but I realized it when he reformed his body using light… of course… ::stares at Sora:: If I had realized you were helping him during the match with a timestop key… I would’ve called the match earlier…

Sora: ::smiles:: How’d you know?

Sousuke: There was a seemingly large amount of digusting fluid in a crevice I created… I could smell it.

Sora: I see… sigh… the timestop key is supposed to not allow changes to the environment or a body… I guess it didn’t see vomit as a change to either… his body must’ve regained all that he threw up with the timestop key’s magic… oh well…

Sousuke: You could’ve killed him… I’m guessing you’re the one who told him to use the second capacity changing technique…

Sora: ::shrugs:: Who knows… ::jumps down from the lockers and is about to walk out:: I’ll be watching the remaining fights of this tournament closely… but… you should watch out for a couple people…

Sousuke: Who?

Sora: The Death Berserker… the Heavenly Berserker… and… the other Death Berserker…

Sousuke: ::eyes widen:: What?… “other death berserker?”

Sora: When I was talking to the nagareboshi and hokiboshi…

Sousuke: …the two katanas of the santoryuu?…

Sora: Yes… apparently a boy is using them right now… they stated that their number one choice for a user… was a shadow user… a strong one… From their descriptions… I couldn’t find anybody of that type in the crowd at the moment… so it must be a person who uses a trance that changes their physical body and spiritual aura…

Sousuke: But what makes you think there’s another death berserker?

Sora: …the hokiboshi… the cursed sword… said to me…

Hokiboshi: …Familiar with blades of aura… and master of dark arts…

Sora: Takahashi Rei… the last shadow user they chose… could not use blades of aura, but needed something solid to attach her energy to… she was powerful… but certainly could not be called a “master of dark arts.”

Sousuke: …

Sora: throughout my travels… I’ve heard of people in the past who referred to themselves as “Gods of Death.”

Sousuke: …

Sora: I’m not sure if there’s another death berserker in this tournament… but I always thought that death berserkers were the highest in the dark energy food chain… so… perhaps a “god of death” is a death berserker… this is all speculation though…

Sousuke: I’m as strong as one of the three highest forms of berserker… why should I watch out for them?

Sora: …because… if my light barrier is taken down… those three are the only ones… that’ll be able to get past the other guards… ::walks out:: later… ::takes out a key, turns it in open space and disappears::

Sousuke: …Are the higher ups… serious?… they called her back here?…

Back to the fighting floor… it’s totally cleaned up… Charles is gone, probably down with medics.

Cuong: Damn… I hope he’s okay…

Remembers just a few minutes ago…

Charles: ::knocked out by Hamtaro::

Medics: ::carrying him away:: Hee hee… he’s light…

Back to the present…

Cuong: yeah…

Jon: THERE IS ONLY ONE THING TO DO NOW! I must win my next match! Dedicating it to Charles’ memory!

Chris: …charles is dead?


Joe: HE’S DEAD?!

Cuong: I SAID NOT…

Joe: alive?!


Joe: DEAD?!

Cuong: ::smacking Joe around with sandals:: I’LL SLAP THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!

Hamtaro: ::back in his small form:: Ahem… okay… we’ll start the next match immediately now… Jon of the Furry Sexy Vampire Tubbies… versus… Tohru of team aura!

Aya: Tohru…

Cuong: by the way… why doesn’t tohru sit with us?

Aya: She likes to prepare for her matches… alone…

Jon jumps down to the fighting floors wearing a cape…


Tohru: ::walking onto the floor:: I’m Tohru…

Jon: ::putting on his gloves:: WELL THEN! LET’S GO!

Tohru: Okay…

Awkward silence…

Jon: ::points:: ATTACK ME!

Tohru: …you attack me…


Tohru: …geez… you’re stupid…

Jon: WHAT?!

Jon’s voice in head #1: don’t take that from her!

Jon’s voice in head #2: Yeah!… urr.. or not…

Jon’s voice in head #3: BURN THE INFIDELS!

Jon’s voice in head #4: oooOOOooh!

Jon: Well, that last voice was a new one…

Tohru: ::points hand at Jon::

Joe: ::still with bruises all over his face:: Come to think of it… I’ve never seen Tohru fight…

Jon: ?…

Tohru: ::stops pointing and puts her hand into one of her pockets… pulling out a vile of liquid:: ::she pours it out… the droplets of the liquid are floating in midair::

Jon: …that’s a cool trick…

Tohru: ::takes out five more viles and pours them out… the liquids in them start to float too:: ::points to the sky:: Instant Rain…

The liquids fly up into the sky… and rain begins to fall down hard into the stadium floor…

Jon: What?! What is this?! ::water engulfing him::

Aya: Damn fool… ::staring at Jon:: it’s already almost guaranteed to be over…

The rain stops… the entire stadium floor has become like a pool…

Joe: whoa… something’s wrong here… why isn’t the water seeping out of the doors that lead to the locker rooms and stuff?

Aya: because… Tohru is using her aura to keep it confined here like a pool…

Jon: ::swimming up to the top:: ACK! MY HAIR! MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR! How are we supposed to fight like this?!

Tohru: Huh? ::standing on top of the water:: what do you mean? This pool is my weapon… I’m sorry, but the moment you gave me the time to create this pool… the fight was over…

Jon: Huh?!

Tohru: ::crosses her arms over her chest:: WATER TENDRIL!

Khoi: ?… she was this strong?…

Water starts to rise on each side of Jon…

Jon: ?!

The water forms into tall dragons of water…

Jon: …oh poo…

The tall dragons of water crash down into Jon…

Tohru: …this fight… is over… TORRENT!

While Jon is underwater… the water around him starts to spin… like a washing machine… he’s spinning rapidly…

Cuong: dude, this is not fair! He can’t breathe!

Joe: Not to mention he can’t use his flame…

Suddenly… white flame bursts through the pool of water…

Tohru: What?!

Joe: or… maybe he can use it…

The pool of water convulses and changes into a large ice statue of Jon posing… Jon is on top of the statue’s head, posing in the same way…


Everybody in the stadium: …

Tohru: …this is… the stupidest thing you could have done…

Jon: Heh?…

Tohru: ::points to Jon’s feet::

Jon: ::looks down:: …………..WHAAAAAAA????!!!

Jon has frozen his feet into the head of the statue…

To be continued…


33rd Installment: Capacity Part 3

In the medical room… the medics are all lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood… Lavian is carrying Charles on her back.

Lavian: kukukukuku… thank you… ::walking out of the room carrying Charles::

Meanwhile… back on the stadium floor… everybody is watching as Jon struggles to free his feet from the statue of ice of himself he has created…


Tohru: ::runs up the statue and starts to repeatedly punch at kick Jon::

Jon: ::blocking, but can’t do much:: STOP HITTING ME!

Miharu: umm… I’m going to go check up on Smilie-kun…

Cuong: ::watching Jon getting beat up:: Yeah… maybe I should go too…

Joe: Shouldn’t Kevin or I go?

Mika: or me?

Joe: I mean… we don’t have matches like… NEXT…

Miharu: Oh… right…

Joe: Okay… Kevin… you stay here…

Kevin: ::smiles::

Joe: you keep an eye on Joule… ::looking over at where Joule and his group are sitting:: Shit… if only we could face them now…

Aya: forget it… you guys will be disqualified…

Joe: Okay, me and Mika will go check up on Charles…

Khoi: … ::thinking as he watches Jon:: Geez…

Mika: No, it’s fine… I’ll go check up on him myself…

Joe: are you sure?…

Mika: yes… It’ll be fine…

Mika gets up and walks out of her seat…

Joe: …hmm…

Mika walks into the medic room…

Mika: This is?!

The medics are all lying in pools of their own blood…

Mika: ::eyes turn serious:: Dammit…

Back in the fighting floor…

Tohru: ::still smacking Jon around::

Jon: ::creates a fist of white flame and reaches for Tohru:: STOP HITTING ME!

Tohru: ::smiles::

Water suddenly rushes up from the statue of ice and grabs onto Jon’s arm.

Jon: WHAT?!

Tohru: You really think my powers can’t handle something like this?!

The statue of Jon melts… Jon is in a whirlpool of water again…

Jon: ack!

Tohru: ::concentrating as she stands on top of the water:: NOW!

A chunk of ice left over from the statue of Jon smacks into Jon’s body.

Jon: urgh!

Several pieces of ice begin to strike Jon, powered by the centrifugal force of the whirlpool…

Cuong: Damn, not good…

Joe: yeah… ::Looks across the fighting floor::

More people on Joule’s side are leaving… Joe notices that Lavian, Sai, and Hyena are already missing… with Vlaka beginning to leave…

Joe: …Uhh… Miharu… do you see?…

Miharu is gone too…

Joe: …

Lavian is walking away from the stadium… carrying Charles…

Lavian: ::smiling:: …

Suddenly… several knives fly out from the sky… they stab into the ground in front of Lavian… stopping her in her tracks…

Lavian: …oh?

Mika: ::Jumping down from the sky in front of Lavian:: STOP RIGHT THERE!

Lavian: and what will you do if I don’t listen?… ::grins, revealing her fangs::

Mika: ::spins and throws off her jacket… four swords fall from the jacket down towards Mika::

Mika grabs the first two that come near her, grabs them, spins to throw their sheaths off and throws them at Lavian.

Lavian: ::dodges one and knocks the other away with her nails, which are glowing red::

Mika grabs the second two and twirls them in her hands… throwing off the sheaths towards Lavian…

Lavian: ::bends her back, the sheaths go over her face…:: hmm…

Mika: ::runs forward… jumping off of the knives she place into the ground earlier:: TAKE THIS!

Mika flips in the air and slashes down towards Lavian with both katana.

Lavian: ::throws Charles into the air and blocks both Katana with her nails… which are glowing red:: LITTLE GIRL! IT’S FOOLISHNESS TO FACE OFF AGAINST MY KIND!

Mika: ::staring straight into Lavian’s eyes:: why’s that?! ::remembers the first time Lavian appeared::

Mika: ::puts a small dagger up to Lavian’s neck:: Only those who go to our school or are called here because of their high auras and fighting ability know about the Jugan tournament… you are neither…

Charles: ::still kind of dazed:: Huh?…

Cuong: Uhh… huh?

Jon: …WHAT?!

Seiji: ::sleeping, with his head on the table::

Miharu: Lavian Soethelby… I too as a student of the Jugan school must also ask… who are you… ::totally serious::

Lavian: my my…

Lavian suddenly is in front of the dagger that Mika’s holding…

Lavian: how violent you all are…

Mika: How did you…?!

Lavian: ::her nails glow red:: ::turns and slashes upwards towards Mika’s face::

Mika: ::pulls out a small sword from her sleeve and blocks… the small sword stops the attack… but gets cut into pieces:: what?!

Aya: Her nails are weapons! Avoid them!

Mika: It won’t be like last time! These blades are a lot stronger than the one I used previously!

Lavian: yes… but the problem is… you’re using swords… to face a monster… ::Lavian’s joints suddenly twist out of place… knocking the swords in Mika’s hands away…::

Mika: ?!

Lavian appears behind Mika… her hands stabbed through Mika’s arms.

Lavian: warmth…

Mika: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Charles lands on the concrete floor with a thud…

Lavian: whoops… forgot about him…

Mika: ::sweating… blood rolling down her arms:: You…

Lavian: don’t try anything funny now… I wouldn’t want your arms to come off… you’re too pretty to kill instantly… I want to enjoy this…

Joe: Enjoy this! ::right behind Lavian::

Joe grabs Lavian and pulls her away from Mika… Lavian’s hands flooding out of Mika’s arms…

Mika: urgh! ::falls on her knees::

Lavian: You?! ::runs on all fours towards Joe, hissing::

Joe: Mika, are you okay?

Mika: Yes… I think…

Joe: Wait for me… ::rushes towards Lavian::

Lavian jumps and spins in the air towards Joe… her nails glowing red.

Joe: URGH!

Joe dodges to the side Lavian goes flying towards Mika…

Joe: damn!

Miharu appears in front of Mika… she sticks her palm out… stops the airborne Lavian with it… and pushes Lavian far away with the same palm…

Lavian: ::landing on all fours:: My claws… didn’t cut her?!

Miharu: ::palm is smoking… but is undamaged for the most part:: ::gets into a stance where her front leg is stepped forward with one hand overhead, and one pointing straight forward:: Joe Choe…

Joe: Yea?

Miharu: I have a terrible feeling… that something about that person’s nails… has done something to Mika… so can you buy me some time?

Mika: ::sweating a lot… arms bleeding::

Joe: Yea… I can…

Miharu: good… ::gets out of her stance and goes down to Mika… she slams her fingers into Mika’s shoulders::

Mika: ACK!

Miharu: I’m sorry… but I had to stop the blood flow… ::smiles at Mika reassuringly::

Lavian: … ::Looks over at Charles:: I’d like to play… but I have no time for this… ::running on all fours, jumps over Miharu and Mika and lands next to charles::

Joe: What the hell? What’s Charles doing out here?

Mika: He’s… the reason why…

Joe: Okay okay, whatever… all I need to know is that I need to kick her ass and save the princess… I mean Charles… ::shifts eyes::

Joe runs and jumps over Miharu and Mika…

Lavian: ::with Charles over her shoulder:: tch! Annoying brat!

Joe: NAGAREBOSHI! ::wings of blue flame burst from Joe’s back for a split second, rocketing him towards Lavian::

Lavian: ugh! ::strikes down at Joe’s body with her glowing red claws::

Joe: ::dodges to the side and grabs Charles’ arm::

Lavian knocks away Joe’s arm… Joe pushes his other hand forward and grabs charles’ arm again… Lavian flips in the air to knock off Joe’s hand and jumps back as Joe jumps after her.

Joe: TAKE THIS! ::punches at Lavian with a fist of blue flame::

Lavian: ::uses Charles as a shield, Joe stops his attack::

Joe: Dammit! ::spins and tries to get a backhand of blue flame into the side of Lavian’s head::

Lavian: ::eyes widening as the fist approaches her::


Several flying needles of blood are flying at Joe…

Joe: Vlaka?! ::jumps out of the way… the needles stab into Lavian’s back::

Lavian: ::her back is bleeding:: My… that’s… so beautiful… ::running away with Charles as the wounds on her back are healing up::


Hyena suddenly appears behind Joe…

Hyena: AERO SLASH! ::stabs down at Joe::

Joe: ::turns and catches the knife with hands of blue flame::

Hyena: ?!

Joe: ::forces Hyena’s knife to the side and jumps, kicking Hyena in the stomach::

Hyena: URGH!

Joe: I don’t have time for this!

Vlaka: BLOOD SWORD! ::cuts his wrist a bit and swings out a long whiplike blade of blood at Joe::

Joe: Dammit! ::jumps over the blood sword::

Vlaka: CRIMSON RAIN! ::points palm at Joe:: GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD! ::baring his fangs::

Joe: nagareboshi! ::wings of flame burst from his back for a second and send him rocketing into Vlaka, shoulder tackling him::

Vlaka: urgh… ::suddenly smiles:: BLOOD EXPLOSION! ::blades of blood suddenly rip out of his body, striking Joe in many different places::

Joe: What?! ::trying to block with his arm as the blades of blood cut him::

Miharu: Joe choe!

Joe: ::bleeding from many different places:: how’d you?!

Vlaka: I prepared this in case I faced you or your friend again… kukukuku… ::takes off his ripped up shirt… revealing that he has open scars all over his body:: So, what do you think of my new look? ::the scars on Vlaka begin to heal up::

Joe: Sorry, I don’t like goth people…! ::runs towards Vlaka and points palm out in front of him:: RYUUSEI!

Joe rockets towards Vlaka with the ryuusei.

Vlaka: Do you not learn?! BLOOD SWORD! ::Vlaka swings a long whiplike blade of blood emanating from his wrist towards Joe::

Joe: TWIN RYUUSEI! ::the regular ryuusei suddenly changes into a twin ryuusei, Joe blocks the blood sword with it and pushes the blood sword away::

Vlaka: is that all?!

Joe: NO! NAGAREBOSHI! ::the wings of flame burst from joe’s back only for an instant, propelling him at Vlaka… Joe lands right in front of vlaka and kicks straight up with a kick of blue flame::

Vlaka: ::tries to block with his hands… but the kick connects with Vlaka’s chin::

Vlaka is sent flying straight into the air… Joe spins and goes on his feet again… and jumps up towards Vlaka…


A really thin and snake-like sword flies towards Joe… Joe uses blue flame to propel himself back down to the ground to avoid it… Vlaka hits the floor… and starts to heal his injuries.

Hyena: ::his knife extending that far...:: AERO SNAKE!

Joe: That’s a new trick… ::realizes Charles and Lavian are gone:: dammit!


Joe: who the fuck is mateo! ::eyes flash… as the snake-like sword flies towards Joe… Joe grabs it with his bare hand::

Hyena: ?!

Joe: ::hand bleeding… along with the parts of his body that Vlaka cut:: I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR KNIFE TRICKS! ::punches the long knife with a fist of blue flame… shattering it::

Hyena: MY KNIFE!

Joe rushes Hyena and knees him in the face with blue flame.

Joe: Take that!

Sai attacks Joe from the side, slamming both palms into his side…

Joe: ::eye twitching as he flies away from the force of the blow:: Damn…!

Miharu: Brother…!

Sai: ::ignoring her::

Joe: ::skids to a stop on the floor… grabbing his side in pain:: Shit… not good…

Mika: Where’s Charles?

Miharu: ::watching sai::

Sai: ::looking down at Joe:: There is no reason to kill you now… we got what we wanted… I suggest you stay down…


Seph and Vanity suddenly arrive on the scene…

Seph: change of plans guy… ::looks at Sai:: I only joined on with Joule so I could have my revenge… so… ::looks at Joe:: I’m going to kill this guy right now!

Vlaka: What?

Hyena: …Joule sent the two berserkers we need to kill this one guy?

Vanity: You two just shut up and leave… ::smiles at them:: okay?

Hyena: ::hesitant, but…:: …fine… ::leaves::

Vlaka: He’s not my prey anyways… ::also leaves::

Joe: ::yelling after them:: wait! What did you do with Charles?!

Vanity: ::looking at Sai:: What’s wrong fuck mook? Leave!

Sai: No… I need to stay here…

Seph: ::angrily:: If you’re going to stay! Then at least get out of my way! ::points finger towards the sky as his black wings appear on his back:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI!

Several black ryuuseis begin to rain down on Joe…

Joe: SCREW THIS! ::rocketing himself with blue flame out of the target area:: HA!

Sai: ::appears behind Joe, slamming his palm into his back… forcing him back into the path of the black ryuuseis::

Joe: WHAT?!

Miharu: JOE CHOE!… I need to go help him! ::running towards Joe::

Sai: ::appears in front of Miharu:: Stop…

Miharu: Brother, get out of my way!

Sai: I’m not your brother… he died a long time ago…

The massive torrent of ryuuseis are coming towards Joe…

Joe: ugh! ::eyes suddenly turn blank and blue:: ::time seems to stop… the black ryuuseis are slowing down in Joe’s eyes…:: ::a twin ryuusei appears on each of Joe’s hands… and the wings of the nagareboshi appear on his back, but stay instead of dispersing:: ::the black ryuuseis are glowing blue as if being targeted:: ::time starts up again:: SHIROKI TSUKI NO SHITA DE!

Joe flies into the torrent of Ryuusei’s the wings of the nagareboshi rocketing him up into them… Joe is spinning and slashing his way through the massive attack towards Seph.

Seph: That weird trance again! I have the medicine for it! ::smiles::

The ryuuseis that Joe’s slashing up suddenly explodes into black flame…

Seph: hahahaha! Didn’t expect that?!

Joe suddenly rockets out of the huge explosion with the cursed ryuusei in his hand… its long tail flowing behind him…

Seph: What?!

Before, Joe can strike, 8 golden beams fire at him… Joe spins in the air to dodge them…

Joe: ugh! Deity!

Calamity: Damn you… Deity this, deity that… I’m Calamity! ::4 wings on each side of her back, purple and white:: ::the purple winged tengen is also spinning around her hands…:: GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!

Back on the ground…

Miharu: Brother…

Sai: …

Miharu: why are you helping these evil people?! It goes against everything the arisaka clan stands for!

Sai: ::looks sad:: I am no longer worthy of that name… all I can do… is rid this world of the pain it holds…

Miharu: …brother…

Sai: A world without pain… isn’t it all that we wish for?… why do you oppose it?


Joe swings his cursed ryuusei at Seph… rocketing several blue ryuuseis at him…

Seph: ::blocks with his wings, opens them up again with feathers flying off of them… the feathers transform into black ryuuseis that fly towards Joe::

Joe: ::slashing them away with the cursed ryuusei:: ugh!

Calamity: TENGEN! ::firing the 8 golden beams at Joe::

Joe: Damn! ::rolls in the air to avoid them:: HERO RYUUSEI! ::the wings of the nagareboshi on Joe’s back transform into a large dragon of blue flame, it roars and drops under Joe… Joe jumps on top of it… dodging the 8 beams… the blue dragon roars again and flies towards Calamity::

Calamity: ?!


Calamity: I’m… not… DEITY!

The hero ryuusei blows a flamethrower of blue flame at Calamity… Calamity flies around it.

Calamity: an attack like that!

Joe: STOP!

Joe is freefalling towards Calamity… the cursed ryuusei in his hand…

Calamity: What?!

Joe slashes through four of Calamity’s wings…

Calamity: Ugh! ::starting to fall::

The hero ryuusei catches up to the falling Joe… and forms the wings on his back again… just in time to fly up to dodge the black ryuuseis about to strike him…

Seph: Hold still!

Joe: Why would I do that?!

Back on the ground…

Sai: Why… why do you oppose it?

Miharu: …::seems to be thinking::

Sai: In a world without pain… we’ll be happy… we can forget about the past… I know you must’ve also suffered…

Miharu: No… I…

Sai: Join me…

Miharu: ????

Sai: You must also know of the pain I speak… intolerable pain… pain that no medicine can heal… ::looks at the ground:: So you drown yourself in a river… only to wake up later… wondering why you’re still alive… so you wander… you wander until someone offers to take you to a place where you’ll never be in pain again… to do this world a favor…

Miharu: Brother…

Joe: ::still flying around, dodging golden beams and black ryuuseis:: ::thinking:: Going berserk has healed my injuries pretty much… but… still… I’m in trouble…

Seph: YOU BASTARD! ::forms a twin ryuusei of black ryuuseis and rushes at Joe:: I’LL SHOW YOU WHO’S THE REAL ONE, YOU FAKE!

Joe: You shut the fuck up!

Seph slashes sideways at Joe with the twin ryuusei, Joe blocks with the cursed ryuusei… they back off and begin to fly at each other at high speeds… clashing each time they pass by…

Back on the ground…

Sai: Join me… Arisaka Miharu… join me…

Miharu: …I…

Sai: …

Joe: damn you!

Seph: DIE!

Calamity: DON’T IGNORE ME! ::firing a large translucent beam at Joe::

Joe: …that’s?!

Remember Khoi’s attack that decimated Seiji in their match…


Joe: ::flies out of range of it… barely escaping it:: ugh…

Seph rockets down and kicks Joe in the back… Joe begins to fall to the ground…

Joe: ?!


Calamity: TENGEN!

8 golden beams and several ryuuseis fire down at Joe…

Joe: ugh!

Suddenly, a beam of red and white energy intercepts the attacks from Calamity and Seph… exploding upon impact…

Seph: ?!

Calamity: ?!

Joe: What the?! ::flying back up::

Jason is rocketing towards Seph and Calamity… with wings of red and white energy…

Joe: Those… wings? Jason?…

Seph: …Is that him? ::remembers Jason with the 8 red and white wings:: ::thinks:: What’s with those wings?…

Calamity: You?!

Jason: RISING SUN! ::red and white energy surrounds his arm:: ::he rushes past Seph and Calamity… both Seph’s and Calamity’s wings have been annihilated… they fall to the ground… but reform their wings and fly back up::

Seph: What is?!

Calamity: it’s him!

Jason is stopped in front of them… the rising sun’s true form can finally be seen… it’s basically a beam sword made of the same red and white energy as his wings…

Seph: ::gets over his momentary shock:: No matter… you’re the person I want to kill most… I’M GLAD YOU’RE HERE! NO BOOST IN POWER WILL STOP ME!

Back on the ground… Miharu is looking up at the figure with bright red and white wings of energy…

Miharu: Who… is that?…

Sai: I am awaiting your answer…

Miharu: ::clenches her fist and turns to Sai:: Even if this world has such pain… I wouldn’t change it for anything…

Sai: ?…

Miharu: Because… even though there wouldn’t be pain… there wouldn’t be the good memories I have either… so… I cannot sacrifice neither…

Sai: I see…

Joe flies up next to Jason…

Joe: Jason… what’s with those…

Jason: Talk about that later… we have people here who want to kill us…

Joe: Oh… right…

Seph: I’ll take the fake for now… you take that fag… but don’t kill him… He’s mine…

Calamity: ::smiles:: I’m not making any promises…

Jason: ENOUGH! ::forms another red and white beam sword in his other hand and puts the two beam swords together… he now has a double edged beam sword… he begins to spin it in both hands… so fast that it becomes a blur…:: CRAZY 8! ::shifts the spinning beam swords to his right hand::

Calamity: HEAVENLY 8! ::the wings of the tengen spin around her right arm… creating a ball of purple energy in her hand::



Back on the ground…

Sai: So you choose this cruel world to the world I will create… ::turns to walk away:: However… know this… if you oppose what we are trying to accomplish… I’ll have to… kill you…

Miharu: … ::shocked look:: brother…

Jason slams the spinning beam swords into Calamity’s heavenly 8… energy flows out from the both of them… they back off and strike again…

Calamity: ::thinking:: Damn… this guy’s better than he was before…

Jason: ::kicks Calamity away with both feet::

Calamity: urgh!

Jason: ::both wings of red and white energy point at Calamity and fire red and white beams at her::

Calamity: WHAT?! ::dodges them and fires the 8 golden beams of the tengen at Jason::

Jason: ::stops the spinning beam swords and now one of each is in his hands again… he starts slashing the golden beams with them… knocking the beams away, then he rockets towards Calamity, beam swords in each hand…::

Calamity: YOU THINK I’LL LET YOU! ::continuously firing 8 golden beams at Jason::

Jason: tch… annoying! ::spins in mid air to dodge some beams… then spins the newly connected beam swords in his left hand and throws it at Calamity… it goes at her like a boomerang::

Calamity: ::dodges the spinning circle of death by flying under it… the beam swords suddenly swerve around and come towards her back::


Calamity: ?! ::dodges by flying up, barely missing it… it cuts off some of her hair:: MY HAIR! YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH! TSUKI NO KAASU! ::fires the huge translucent beam at Jason::

Jason: ::flies above it to dodge and fires the two beams from his wings at Calamity again::

Calamity: ::dodging them:: DAMN YOU!

Jason flies at calamity and punches at her with a fist of red and white energy, she dodges by flying up… Jason flips upside down with his foot sticking up and rockets up towards her with a kick…

Calamity: WHAT ARE YOU?! SOME SKY DANCER?! ::rockets down at Jason with a vertical spinning drop kick:: CAUSE I AM TOO! And I’m prettier!

Jason: YOU’RE RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING! And it isn’t the pretty part, you pirate whore!

The two attacks collide… they cancel each other out… they jump back and begin to exchange fighting moves… Jason kicks off of Calamity and forms the rising sun in his hand again… he points it at Calamity like a gun…

Calamity: ?!

Jason: take this!

A beam similar to the ones that fire out of Jason’s wings fires towards Calamity…

Calamity: ::dodging it:: YOU’RE KIDDING ME! A GUN BLADE?!

Jason: ::forming the spinning beam swords again:: CRAZY 8! ::rushes at Calamity with the crazy 8 variation::


They strike the attacks agains each other again… Jason backs off and stops the spinning beam swords… each one is in his hands again… he points both of them at Calamity like guns… they fire beams at her…

Calamity: TENGEN! ::firing back::


Jason’s two beams knock away Calamity’s 8…


Calamity fires the large translucent beam at Jason again… he dodges it… barely escaping…


Jason: ::eyes turn blank, then change color from red to gold:: ::red and white wings of energy tranform into wings of gold energy:: Infinite Heaven… REIS DRAGOON!

Jason’s whole body lights gold…

Jason: ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen except made up of gold energy and with gold lightning crackling around them:: TSUKI NO KAASU!

A golden wave of energy collides with Calamity’s tsuki no kaasu… it absorbs her tsuki no kaasu and fires a larger blast at her… Calamity barely dodges…


Jason: REIS RISING SUN! ::forms a huge beam sword of crackling gold energy that he is holding with both hands:: ::flies at Calamity with it, much faster than before… wings crackling with energy::

Calamity: where the fuck is all this power coming from?! ::forms a heavenly 8 and rushes at Jason::

Jason spins the reis rising sun in his hands, then slashes at the heavenly 8… the heavenly 8 gets ripped apart and Calamity’s wings also rip apart…

Calamity: ::being electrocuted by something:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! ::thinking:: ELECTRICITY?!

Jason: ::kicks Calamity straight into the ground::

Seph: ::still facing off against Joe:: CALAMITY!

Joe: Deity! ::flying down to save her::

Seph: DON’T EXPOSE YOUR BACK TO ME! REIGN OF RYUUSEI! ::several black ryuuseis rocket down at Joe::

Jason: ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen except made up of gold energy and with gold lightning crackling around them:: TENGEN!

8 rays of golden energy come out of the tengen of energy, with even more rays rushing out of Jason’s golden wings… they take out all the ryuuseis….

Seph: HOW MANY BEAMS WAS THAT?! THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! To take out all my ryuuseis! BASTARD! ::rushes at Jason with a dark twin ryuusei:: DIE!

Jason: ::spins and spreads his wings of energy… golden beams rocket out of them towards Seph::

Seph: You think you can hit me with those?! I DON’T KNOW WHY YOU TURNED GOLD, BUT…! ::wide eyed::

The golden beams have suddenly swung around to all target Seph…


The beams hit Seph…

Seph: AHHHH! ::being electrocuted:: ELECTRICITY?!

Jason rushes at Seph and knees him in the face…


Jason’s gold energy changes back into red and white energy…

Seph: ::falling to the ground:: ARGH!

Joe flies beneath Calamity and catches her before she hits the ground… his wings disappear and his eyes turn to their normal color…

Joe: Deity!

Vanity: ::her eyes open:: …ugh…

Jason: ::flies down to the ground as his wings of red and white energy disappear and his eyes turn back to their normal color:: …she turned back to her original form?

Joe: Yeah… dude, she’s pretty messed up…

Jason: ::turns back into Khoi::

Khoi: Yeah…

Joe: there’s only one thing to do! I must use… CPR!

Khoi: …with tongue?

Joe: NO!

Khoi: awww…

Joe: AL!

Khoi: … ::depressed again::

Vanity: ::suddenly realizing where she is…:: YOU’RE NOT SEPH!

Joe: I’m Joe, I’m Joe, I’m Joe…

Khoi: ::hits Joe on top of the head::

Joe: thanks… I got stuck on replay again…

Vanity: ::jumps up from Joe’s arms:: YOU PERVERTS!

Joe: HEY!… WE’RE NOT PERVERTS!… ::points at Khoi:: HE’S A PEDOPHILE! And… I’m Joe!


Joe: AL!

Khoi: ::depressed in a corner again:: ::sobbing:: WHY?! WHY?! WHY’D ERIKA LEAVE ME?!

Joe: …uhh… khoi?

Khoi: Oh, right… AL! WHY’D AL LEAVE ME?!

Joe: damn straight, better be Al… anyways… ::turns back to Vanity:: Deity… heh?!

Vanity’s gone…

Joe: …dammit…


Joe: …YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER HOUSE…? Does she even have a house?

Khoi: ::shrugs:: Why does this conversation seem so familiar?…

Joe and Khoi both look like they’re thinking…

Joe: …uhh… OH SHIT!

Khoi: ?!


Khoi: Who knows what they’re doing to him?! Nuttapping him… grabbing his boobs and saying honk honk… THOSE MONSTERS! WHO DOES SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! ::makes struggling noises::

Joe: …Yeah… and how do you know Charles was kidnapped… you weren’t here…

Khoi: …CHARLES WAS KIDNAPPED?! I was talking about the medics! You know… the doctors drug you for “surgery,” but then they do stuff with your ass! YOUR ASS!

Mika: ::on the floor a little from Khoi and Joe:: Guys… a little help… My arms…

Joe: MIKA!

Khoi: MIKA! ::pushes Joe down some stairs:: YOUR KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR HAS ARRIVED…!… and he’s right there… ::points to a knight behind him::

Sir William: I’M A KNIGHT! OooOOOooh!

Khoi high fives Sir William… then nuttaps him…


Mika: …?…

Khoi: umm… ::rocks arm back and forth while flexing:: hei-den-reich!

Sir William: …AL!

Khoi: Awwww… ::all sad again::

Joe climbs back up the stairs… and notices the knight grabbing his nuts…

Joe: …pervert… ::picks up Mika and begins to walk away::


Joe and mika: OH SHIT! WE FORGOT ABOUT MIHARU! Where’d she go?!

Mika: …I got knocked out… so I don’t know…

Joe: …I was… fighting… so I don’t know either… Let’s go look for her!

Khoi: oooOOOooh!

Joe: You go back in there and have someone look at Mika’s injuries… bitch…


Mika: …WHAT?!

Khoi: …I mean… look at her naked…. ::shifts eyes::

Joe: …you just said the exact same thing…

Khoi: You did too… you just said “the exact same thing”… hee hee… damn viets…

Joe and Mika: WE’RE NOT VIET!

Khoi: Then why are you asian?! I’LL SMACK THE CAMBODIAN OUT OF YOU!


Joe: Screw this… let’s go back inside… I’m scared of what that vampire lady did to Mika’s arms…

Khoi: I’m scared that my mom might think I’m gay… ::drops head down in shame::

Joe and Khoi go back into the medic room…

Joe: …oh yeah… they’re dead…

Mika: …no they’re not…

The medics get back up…

Joe: ?! ZOMBIES!

Khoi: AHHHHH! TAKE THIS! ::nuttaps one of them::

Medic #1: OH SHIT!…

Joe: Wait… why are you guys still alive?

Medic #2: Geez, we’re medics… we don’t have fighting ability… but we can heal ourselves really well…

Joe: …so… she left you guys alive?...

Medic #3: That weird girl… yeah… She took that one guy though…

Mika: Dammit… she must’ve known that any murdering of officials would’ve garnered Sousuke’s attention… they don’t want to get knocked out of the competition just yet…

Khoi: or get their asses kicked… you saw what he did to Charles…

Joe: he raped him?

Khoi: No duh! He straight out buttfucked him! OooOOOooh! Hee hee… I said buttfuck…

Joe: hahahaha… yeah… buttfuck…

Medic #1: …

Medic #2: …

Medic #3: …

Mika: …umm… my arms?

Medics: Oh.. right…

Joe and Khoi return to their seats in the stadium… everybody is silent… but the water on the field seems to be gone…

Joe: What happened?

Khoi: did Jon win?

Cuong: sigh… look closely…

Joe: … ::realizes it:: HOLY SHIT!

Khoi: the who in the what now?

Tohru is standing on mud… and Jon’s hand is sticking up from out of the mud…

Tohru: Give up… signal with your hand… if you stay down their too long… you’ll die…

Cuong: Jon kept on changing Tohru’s water into something else with his white flame… but Jon can’t use his white flame at all in mud… so Tohru combined dirt and her water…

Joe: He probably can’t use it cause the mud is too thick… oh yeah… and Charles got kidnapped…

Seiji: yeah… Charles got… ::confused look::

Everybody: WHAT?!

Khoi: Yeah… he was raped…

Everybody: …WHAT?!

Joe: ::smacks Khoi on the head:: AL!

Khoi: … ::sad look… runs away crying::

Cuong: Charles got raped?!…

Seiji: ::crying:: SOMEONE BEAT ME TO IT?!

Everybody stares at Seiji…


Joe: since Seiji just yelled and that’s very rare… I’m assuming… he’s… uhh… abnormally nervous?

Kevin: Yes…

Joe: Yup…

Cuong: uhh… shouldn’t we go after Charles?

Joe: eh… we don’t even know where to look… it’d be a waste of time…

Aya: yeah… the worst they’ll do is kill him…

Joe: …

Khoi: …

Kevin: …

Khoi: uhh… I have a match later on…

Joe: Miharu’s missing too… ::looks over at Naharu:: ::thinking:: I wonder if anybody’s told her that her brother is alive… Miharu probably didn’t have the opportunity…

Khoi: Yeah… Miharu’s missing… ::looking over at Naharu:: ::thinking:: Isn’t that her?… oooOOOooh! Who thought that?… Shut the hell up you sonuvabitch!

Jon is in the mud on the field… and can’t seem to get out…

Jon: ::muffled noises::

Tohru: What was that?…

Jon: ::muffled noises::

Tohru: Oh… I see… you want pocky…

Suddenly… Jon’d hand which is sticking up out of the mud ignites into white flame… and suddenly explodes… blowing the mud away…

Tohru: AHH! ::flying back::

Jon: ::Jumping up, covered in mud:: AH HA!

Khoi: Hee hee… a giant jon turd! WHEEE!

Everybody in the stadium: Al…

Khoi: ::sad again::

Jon: Now then! By my pimples, I shall vanquish thee!

Tohru: ::one eyebrow raised up quizzically:: Vanquish?


Tohru: …what?

Jon: SILENCE! I am Jon!

Tohru: …

Jon: Feel the power of my white flame!

Tohru: … ::the mud suddenly purifies into clear liquid which rises up into the air… it begins to crash down on Jon like a tidal wave:: TAKE THIS!

Jon: Not this time! ::creates a shield of white flame in front of him which is evaporating any water that comes near him::

Aya: Is he changing the structure of the liquid to turn to gas?…

Cuong: Uhh… no duh…

2 seconds later… cuong has several bumps on his head…

Chris: …what a bump… he’s so horny…

Jon: ::still turning the water into gas:: BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME! I PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND… I mean… BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME! I SHALL WIN AND WIFE!… uhh… ::jumps up into the air over the water, towards Tohru::

Tohru: What?! Aqua tornado!

The water on the floor suddenly rises up and creates several tornadoes of water which stand in front of Jon…

Jon: ::white flame emanating from his gloves:: using tornadoes on me… then… I’ll… ::eyes flash:: RAGING… STORM!

Jon slams his hands and knees into one of the water tornado… white flame suddenly bursts from his gloves, rising far off his body… in wisp like lines of white flame… like a vicious wind of flame…

Tohru: …What?!

Jon flips off of the tornado to land inbetween a lot of them… he crosses his arms over his chest… white flame rising off of them…

Jon: Raging… STORM!

Jon swings out his arms to the sides then swings them down to the ground, dropping to one knee… white flame rises up from his gloves in a vicious torrent of wisps of flame… extending from his body and rushing to the ceiling of the stadium… it hits the tornadoes of water and totally disintegrates them…

Spectator #1: What kinda move is that?!

Cuong: That’s the move! ::remembers when Jon was practicing it::

Joe: ::eye twitching:: You’re kidding me…

Jon: NOW THAT I SHOWED OFF MY AWESOME AND SEXY MOVE! TIME TO DEFEAT YOU! ::runs at Tohru with white flame flying off of his right fist… it suddenly bursts like a rocket jet engine… propelling Jon towards Tohru:: OREGA!!!!

Tohru: UGH! ::creating a shield of water::

Jon: ::literally bursts through it with his flaming fist, it cleans the mud off Jon:: NOT ENOUGH!

Tohru: DAMN!

Jon’s fist connects… he flips upside down and propels himself up with his hands… doing a vertical spinning kick pointed at the sky, which connects with Tohru’s chin…

Jon: wahahahaha!

Joe: ::eye twitching:: …Rock Howard’s soooo going to sue him…

Suddenly… the Tohru that Jon attacked, hits the floor and turns into water…

Jon: ::landing on the ground:: A DECOY?!

Tohru appears behind Jon… she kicks towards his head…

Jon: SOMETHING LIKE THAT! ::ducks under the kick, spins and reaches for tohru’s head:: ALCHEMY TRIGGER!

The tohru turns into water and hits the ground again…

Jon: Another decoy?!

Meanwhile… Joe walks up to Naharu…

Joe: uhh… hey…

Naharu: You… what do you want?

Joe: …well…

Jon is all alone in the center of the fighting floor… Tohru totally gone…

Hamtaro: ::thinking as he’s sitting on top of one of the fighting floor walls to avoid the water:: This, huh?…

Jon: ::thinking:: Where’d she go? After she made that shield of water… right… no… left… no… up… no… is she underground?… no, that’s impossible…

Chris: …where’d she go?…

Kevin: …

Aya: …

Khoi: your sister got injured by the way…

Aya: …she’s my sister… so I doubt she’ll die from it… but as a team leader… I’m bound to watching Tohru’s match… I can’t leave right now…

Khoi: …I see…

Cuong: …damn… but where did tohru go? What kinda attack is this?… Her water is almost all gone too… only puddles of it are left in the ground…… ::realizes something:: ?! That’s it!

Jon: ::also realizing it:: I see… so she can breathe underwater… A TRICK LIKE THIS!

Jon rushes over to one of the puddles and punches into it… he feels the ground about one inch in…

Jon: ::thinking:: Not this one!

Cuong: They may look like puddles… but the mud and everything else has made the water unclear and dirty… you can’t see in them… one of those puddles must be deeper than the others… and Tohru’s hiding inside…

Chris: …she can breathe underwater…?

Cuong: Probably…

Seiji: …He should cast float on her…

Jon has reached into about three puddles… he’s about to reach into a forth… When Tohru suddenly bursts out of a puddle behind him.

Tohru: I HAVE YOU NOW! ::makes a diamond shape with her hands and looks through it at Jon:: WATER DIAMOND CRUSHER!

The water from the puddles rise up and fire at Jon in needle-like forms…

Jon: ::creates white flame on his hand and spins counterclockwise, his hand extended… to evaporate the needles of water:: NOT ENOUGH!

Tohru: ::points palm at Jon:: RUSHING WAVE!

More water rises from the puddles and rush at Jon in a tsunami form.

Jon: ugh! ::creates a grouping of white flame on his hand and drops it… he kicks the white flame at the tsunami… it hits just in time to create a hole which Jon passes right through:: BWAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU CAN’T GET JON WET…!… That sounded highly disturbing…

Cuong: Jon won… tohru doesn’t have any more water…

Aya: ::smiles:: where there’s a will… there’s a way…

Tohru: …

Jon: give up! You have no more water!

Tohru: ::looks serious:: I did not want to have to use this against you…but your strength leaves me with no choice… ::takes out two more vials… they have a skull and crossbones mark on them:: mizu…

Jon: ?…

Tohru: ::cracks open the two viles:: ::a gaseous liquid rises up:: You know what this is?

Jon: uhh… no… should I know what it is?

Tohru: It doesn’t matter… you’re finding out what it does, right now… ::blows into the gaseous liquid, then breathes it in::

Jon: …is that some sorta drug?…

Tohru: ::her eyes suddenly turn sea blue:: ::her hair starts to rise up unnaturally and her whole body turns to water::

Jon: well… that’s new…

Aya: Tohru can only usually control the water around her… she can’t create it… however… that special vial allows her to become water… for a certain amount of time…

Chris: …? Become water?

Aya: Yea… like an elemental… however… it’s a dangerous move…

Khoi: …

Tohru: ::speaking with a liquidy sound in her voice:: I did not want to use this move… your powers can kill me rather easily now by evaporating me… or so it seems…

Jon: …uhh… yeah… but I don’t want to kill you…

Tohru: Yes… however… you’ll never be able to touch me with that flame of yours…

Jon: Why’s that?! ::rushes at Tohru:: I WON’T KILL YOU! I’M NOT A MURDERER! SO! ::puts his hand on Tohru’s head, it bursts onto white flame:: ALCHEMY TRIGGER!

The white flame on Jon’s hand explodes… Tohru’s body of water suddenly explodes…

Jon: …urr… I DID not… want to do that… ::notices something:: …?!

The water reforms into tohru’s body…

Tohru: ::speaking with a liquidy voice:: …You better come up with more than that if you want to hurt me…

Jon: …RAGING RELOAD! ::lights his hand on white flame and pushes it towards Tohru’s stomach…::

A hole opens up in the water making up Tohru’s stomach… the water closes in on Jon’s arm… then Tohru’s whole body shifts so that the water making up her body morphs to the side… and turns back into Tohru’s body of water… except Jon’s arm is not in her stomach… but Tohru’s holding it with her hands.

Tohru: ::in liquidy voice:: I no longer have the movement limitations of a human… but also… in this form…

Jon: ?!

Tohru: ::in liquidy voice:: I can create all the water I want…

Tohru’s body suddenly expands and fills the fighting floor with water again…

Cuong: …don’t tell me… that huge pool is…

Aya: Yes… it’s Tohru’s body…

Jon is inside the water… he tries to swim to the top, but is pushed back down by a current…

Chris: you know, if you think about it… Jon’s getting laid right now… I mean, she’s ALL over him…

Everybody stares at Chris…

Jon: ::thinking:: I have to get out!

Jon creates white flame and evaporates some of the water… the air bubble that he created suddenly closes in with water again… a voice surrounds him…

Tohru’s voice: I told you… I can create all the water I want…

Jon: ::thinking:: So what?!

Jon’s white flame suddenly bursts out again… it covers the entire pool…

Cuong: ?!

Chris: ?!

Seiji: IT’S… JELLO!

The entire pool has turned to Jello… Jon bursts out from the surface… breathing hard…

Khoi: JELLO! ::running down to eat some::

Aya: ::grabbing him by the back of the shirt:: YOU’RE NOT EATING TOHRU!

Khoi: but it’s the red flavor! THE RED FLAVOR!

Cuong: … ::also trying to run down to eat… but gives up after a few steps, starts sweating a lot and lies down:: Oh… the jello… but too fat… can’t move on…

Jon: ::breathing hard:: oh air… sweet sweet air… I’d make love to you if I could…

Aya: Tch… that guy… if Tohru’s Jello she can’t really create any more water… there’s no way to revert Jello into water with her powers… if only he froze her again…



Everybody: …al…

Khoi: awwwww! ::sad again::

Hamtaro: …Do I count if Tohru’s down…? ::really really confused::

There’s a bit of liquid building up on the surface of the jello…

Jon: …you have to be kidding me…

Aya: She found a way to revert the Jello back to water?!

The jello suddenly explodes… pieces of it fly into the crowd… a piece of it lands on Seiji’s crotch area.

Seiji: …

Khoi: JELLO! ::slams his head into Seiji’s crotch and starts eating::


The jello is now a red kinda flavored cool aid type water… it suddenly purifies and turns into clear water again… Tohru’s liquidy voice echoes throughout the stadium…

Tohru: You really think that’ll work against me?!

Jon: ::wading in the tohru pool:: uhh… kinda…

The water sucks Jon in again and starts slamming him into the fighting floor walls. Meanwhile… Miharu is…

Miharu: ::on the street, talking to a lady in Japanese:: ::in Japanese:: Did you see a pale blonde girl run through here carrying a nerdy looking guy around here?

Lady: ::in Japanese:: Actually, yeah… the pale girl let me lift him for a while for exercise… he’s surprisingly light… didn’t give me much of a workout… he was as light as a figure skater..

Miharu: ::in Japanese:: Yeah… really, he’d make a great gymnist…

Lady: ::in Japanese:: yup…

While Miharu continues to talk to the lady about Charles’ weight… Charles is in a dark room, slowly opening his eyes…

Charles: ugh… where am I? ::notices that he’s tied to a table::

Lei: ::sitting on a wooden chair across from him:: ::smoking:: …

Charles: Ugh… this can’t be one of my usual dreams… the girl’s too ugly…


Joule walks into the room…

Charles: you?!… what’s your name again?…

Joule: …I’m Joule… and I’d like to ask for your help in creating my world without pain…

Charles: …can’t we just make a world without Khoi?…

Joule: …That can be done…

Charles: uhh… I was kidding… ::shifts eyes:: Kinda…

Joule: Your capacity to absorb light energy seems to have grown greatly… I need you to absorb the light energy to an annoying barrier that is getting in my way… will you help me?

Charles: uhh… no…

Joule: …I can get you anything you desire… I will create a perfect world… what’s so wrong about everybody being happy?

Charles: … ::thinking:: uhh… the world is not meant to be changed…

Joule: Wrong… ever since this earth’s creation… it has been changing… industrializing… if someone from the 16th century were to arrive here in the present, they’d think it was a totally different world…

Charles: Uhh… not really…

Joule: …anyways… I need you to do two things… absorb the energy from that light barrier… and… to kill that heavenly berserker…

Charles: Uhh… no…

Joule: …you do understand what will happen to you if you refuse?…

Charles: no… you haven’t told me yet……………………

Joule: Either I can get Hyena in here… to torture you for information… or… ::his hand becomes fire:: I can torch you right now…

Charles: ::getting serious:: I’m not going to work for your “perfect world”… I’ve had enough of that shit… ::remembers Justin’s world:: it leads to nothing but trouble… ::remembers Deity and Joe dying::

Joule: Okay then… ::Moving his hand closer::

Charles: BUT WAIT!… uhh… can you NOT burn me? I have very delicate skin… the sun is my enemy…

Joule: …

Charles: And I probably can’t even absorb that barrier… it’s probably too much light for me to handle…

Joule: I know it is… in fact… my calculations say that you’ll die before you finish absorbing it… but… all I need from you is to weaken it… I can do the rest…

Charles: …Then that’s stupid… either I can help you and die or I can not help you and die…

Joule: No… you don’t seem to understand the situation… either you help us and die without that much pain… or… you get tortured to death…

Charles: uhh… yeahhhh… I’ll escape now… ::tries to create light energy::

Sai: ::sitting behind Charles… Charles didn’t notice him till now:: It won’t work… ::his hands continuously making seals::

Charles: …I see… ummm… can I get time to think it over?

Joule: no…

Charles: ::charles style:: DAMN!

Joule: Of course… we can’t kill you just yet… so… ::calls over a person from the back… Lavian comes up::

Lavian: Cat’s Eye… ::looks deep into Charles’ eyes::

Meanwhile, back at the stadium…

Neko-chan: ::senses something:: ::thinking:: There it is again… a variation of the cat’s eye… someone’s using… against who?… it must be that vampire girl…

Khoi: Uhh… where’s Joe?

Joe and Naharu are gone…

Khoi: Uhh… don’t let them start my match without my sexy ass… ::runs off::

Cuong: …

Jason: We should’ve gone after Charlie at the start…

Khoi: No… this is better….

Jason: …why?…

Khoi: Because now… we’re guaranteed that if we find Charlie… we find their base… ::running even faster::

Meanwhile… back with Charles…

Charles: ::twitching:: …

Lavian: Is my cat’s eye losing its edge?…

Joule: You can’t break him yet?…

Lavian: I have found that his capacity is enough to weaken the barrier greatly… but everything else has been locked… by someone far stronger than myself…

Meanwhile, on the moon, Sora is taking a nap… back to Lavian…

Lavian: I can’t break him just yet… give me time…

Joule: …Then I guess… I’ll have to go with our back-up plan…

Lei: back-up plan?

Joule: It’s a tactic in battle… to always have more than one way to get to your goal… Me, I have made three… one… Seph and Vlaka might win the tournament… two… I can break through and get what I want if I can get rid of that light barrier… and three… well… three shouldn’t be mentioned yet… Isn’t that right?…

Al walks out of the shadows…

Al: Yeah… that plan… should be kept secret…

To be continued…


34th Installment: The Way to Fight

Miharu walks into a dark room… she sees Charles lying on a table…

Miharu: ...SMILEY-KUN! ::runs up to him:: where’s the person who kidnapped you?...

Charles: I… don’t… know…

Miharu: okay then… ::releases one of Charles’ hands:: This is good, maybe they went to get food or something… ::releases Charles’ other hand::

Suddenly, Charles grabs onto Miharu’s arms…

Charles: ?!

Miharu: Umm… are you going to say you like me now?... ::smiles:: BUT I’M ENGAGED!

Charles: I… can’t… control my hands…

Miharu: ?!

Joule and his group walk into the room from a back entrance…

Joule: Lavian… good work…

Lavian: Hmph… took a while… but I was able to tap into his mind…

Miharu: You all…

Sai: …

Miharu: ::thinking:: Brother…

Hyena: Well then… it seems… we have the bait…

Miharu: I don’t think you have anything…! ::tries to break free of Charles’ hands::

Sai immediately appears behind her and strikes her on the back of the neck, knocking her out…

Sai: too slow…

Meanwhile… Joe and Naharu are walking on the street…

Joe: ::talking to a nearby person:: Hey, did you see this person come by here, who smiles at anything and says weird things?

Anonymous person #1: ::says something in Japanese::

Joe: …uhh… right? What’d he say?

Naharu: He said yes…

Joe: ohhh…. Right…

Naharu: But what if I don’t believe you, you berserker… my brother died a long time ago…

Joe: Uhh… yeah… he’s alive… just come with me to “investigate…”

Khoi is behind Naharu looking down her shirt.

Khoi: Yes… “investigate…” Geez… I thought you and Miharu were supposed to be identical… you have bigger boobs… Now pull down your pants so that I may continue the investigation…

10 seconds later…

Khoi: ::lying on the ground, bleeding from head::

Naharu: ::walking back to the stadium:: Damn perverted berserkers!

Joe: Wait! Naharu! I haven’t looked down your shirt yet…

Naharu: ::still walking away::

Joe: Sigh… No choice… ::runs up to Naharu and rubs her butt:: ::drools:: Soft…

Ten seconds later…

Naharu: ::chasing Joe in murderous rage:: I’LL KILL YOU!

Joe: ::running with Khoi on his back, looking like he’s struggling:: THIS WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD GET HER TO FOLLOW ME!

Khoi: oooOOOooh?! GO HORSEY!




Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: NOBODY TELLS ME TO SHUT THE FUCK UP EXCEPT FOR ME! ::nuttaps Joe::

Joe: ::on the floor:: ugghhhh…

Naharu is running up to them…

Khoi: WHY’D YOU STOP?! GO HORSEY! GO!... ::realizes:: Oh right… I nuttapped you… uhh… UNNUTTAP! ::hits Joe in the nuts again::


Khoi: …oh right… there is no… “un-nuttap”… ::shifts eyes:: ooooOOOooh! Who said…?!

Joe suddenly throws Khoi into Naharu… Ten seconds later…

Joe: ::running:: YOU DAMN FAT LARD!



Khoi: WHERE?! WHERE’S THE FAT VIET…?!... oh… ::realizes something:: right… YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT JOE!


Khoi: awwww… can’t you at least let me be the fat viet?!

Joe: …huh?!

Khoi: You shut the fuck up horsey…

Back where Charles is… Charles is sitting on a chair, scratching his balls furiously…

Charles: STOP! STOP IT!

Joule: ::looks at Lavian:: why are you making him do that?...

Lavian: I’m… not…

Charles: ::slowly stops his hand… blushes, and puts it behind his back:: umm… SHUT UP!

Miharu: ::tied up to another chair next to Charles:: Smiley-kun… can you control your own body now?

Lavian: Nope… he’s still under my control… he can’t do anything that I don’t want him to do…

Charles: ::scratching his balls again:: ::whiny:: sttttoooopppppp…


Miharu: ::smiles:: I see…

Lavian: Tch… what’s with this girl… she smiles at everything… I’ll rip her teeth out…

Miharu: Wow… that would hurt… ::smiles::


Miharu: I know it would hurt… ::smiles::

Lavian: …this girl really angers me…

Charles: ::still scratching his balls:: stoooppppp…

Joule: Can’t you make him stop doing that?...

Lavian: DON’T DO IT!

Charles: ::stops scratching his balls:: DAMN! But my balls are itching like crazy!

Lavian: …

Charles: I mean… FINALLY YOU MADE ME STOP DOING IT…! ::slowly putting left hand down towards his balls::

Lavian: YOUR LEFT HAND TOO! STOP WITH BOTH HANDS… and your feet… ::eyes widen:: GEEZ! AND YOUR FACE! YOU SICK…

Joule: Hyena…

Hyena: Yes?

Joule: You can leave here… your assistance is no longer needed…

Hyena: I see…

Joule: And Lei…

Lei: ?...

Joule: I have an assignment for you…

Joe and Khoi are now outside of Joule’s hide out…

Joe: People say they saw Miharu come in here…

Khoi: ooooOOOoooh!

Naharu: …I don’t have time for this… I’ll just kick your asses and leave… ::rolling up sleeves::

Joe and Khoi: AHHHHHH!

Joe and Khoi run into the dark room…

Miharu: it’s a trap! Get out!

Joe: Hell no!

Khoi: Your sister’s going to rape us! AND I’M A VIRGIN!... ::starts jumping up and down:: I’m saving it for the man of my dreams! THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!

Joe: …uhh…

Naharu: ::walking in:: …okay… ::notices Miharu and Charles:: What the hell are you guys doing? Is there some perverted stuff going on?...

Charles: ::trying to scratch his balls:: DAMN! I NEED TO SCRATCH MY BALLS!

Naharu: …

Khoi: ::running up to Charles:: HERE! LET ME ASSIST YOU!


Khoi: But, but, but… VIET BROTHERHOOD! VIET BROTHERHOOD! ::starts shaking Charles by the nipples:: VIET BROTHERHOOOODDDDDDD!!!

Joe: …what the hell?

Miharu: Umm… did I mention it’s a trap?...

Joe: yeah…

Naharu: …not much of a trap…

Charles suddenly gets up and grabs Khoi by the arms…

Charles: ?!

Khoi: how… forward… YET TOO SUDDEN! I’M A VIRGIN! ::kicks Charles in the nuts:: YOU’RE NOT THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!

Charles: AHHHHHH! ::falls to the ground::

Joe: Whoa, Charles, you okay?


Joe: …

Charles: …what?!

Khoi: It’s okay Charles… I’m here for your nuts… UN-NUTTAP!

Joe: ::kicks Khoi into a wall before he does a “un-nuttap”:: Dammit… AL!

Khoi: ::looking sad again::

Al: Yes?...

Joe: …huh? ::looks behind him::

Khoi: ::also looking back:: …Al?...

Al: Yes…

Khoi: …

Joe: …

Naharu: …

Charles: … ::on the floor::

Miharu: …didn’t she…?

Al: …die?... I’m right here… in the flesh…

Joe: …

Khoi: …

Joe and Khoi: ZOMBIE! ::pull out shotguns::


Joe and Khoi: get what? ::the shotguns are suddenly gone::


Joe and Khoi: ::hugging:: do what?...

Al: …what the…

Joe: But… how… ::realizes something::


Al: …no… Vlaka… his powers… do you not remember that they can immediately heal his own body, but also those of others?

Joe: …Just like with Joule…

Joule: when I was a human that is…

Khoi: ::shocked:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! IT’S CHARLES! ::pointing at Charles::

Joe: …

Khoi: I mean… Joule… ::shifts eyes::

Joe: …Al…

Al: What?...

Joe: Oh, I meant… never mind…

Khoi: BUT I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE ALIVE! ::hugs Joe::

Joe: …wrong person…

Khoi: ::shifts eyes::…WHY ARE YOU HUGGING ME?! FAG!

Khoi nuttaps Joe and goes up to Al…


Al: …

Khoi: ::notices al’s face expression… which is not that happy::

Joule: I have led you here… to ask something of you…

Khoi: You want us to get naked?

Joule: …no…

Khoi: Cause I’ll do it for free…

Joule: I said no…

Khoi: Come on, you know you want to see it…

Joule: …no…

Khoi: I sensed some doubt in your voice…. ::starts to take off his shirt::

Everybody: DON’T DO IT!

Khoi: awwww….

Naharu: …this is pointless… why’d you drag me here?...

Lavian: ::suddenly showing up:: Oh?... I thought you were tied up… ::staring at Naharu… then looks at Miharu:: …oh… twins…?

Naharu: …what’s with this pale freak?...

Khoi: Oh, his name is Charles…


Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: I ALREADY SAID CHARLES!

Naharu: …he’s not a girl…

Khoi: … ::shifts eyes:: YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!

Al: Your man?...

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU!

Joule: …

Joe: Anyways, what do you want?...

Joule: I have a proposition for you…

Khoi: …you want to marry Joe?


Khoi: ahhhh… I see… what’s a “proposition…?”

Miharu: Websters defines it as “A plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal.”

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: SO HE IS TRYING TO MARRY JOE!

Miharu: ::smiles:: ::nods in agreement:: I think so… I’m so happy for you Joe Choe…


Khoi: … ::nudges Joule in the stomach:: Hear that… he refuses your proposition of marriage…

Joule: …You really think I wouldn’t notice?...

Joe: …

Khoi: …

Joule: Now I suggest you listen before you try any more foolish attacks…

Naharu: ?...

Khoi: …?

Joe: …?

Joule: Those hugs were to deliver plans to each other without detection… then just right now… you elbowed me in the stomach to judge if I was really an elemental… and whether or not you can hurt me…

Joe: …uhh… yeah… of course… those hugs…. Were for that…

Khoi: yeah… ::shifts eyes:: we’re not… fags…

Joule: …anyways, I suggest you listen because Lavian has that light user under her control, he’ll even die if she tells him too.

Joe: ?!...


Al: …what?

Khoi: I MEANT YOU!...

Al: WHAT?!

Khoi: …I mean… who said that?!

Joule: Anyways… let’s continue this proposition…



Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: WE’LL TALK ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP ISSUES LATER!


Joule: …ahem…

Joule indicates Charles and Miharu.

Joule: I will release those two… if you two come along with me… and open the gates for me… with your earth berserker power…

Joe: Like I would ever do that…

Joule: Your comrade will die then…

Joe: …

Khoi: ?...

Joule: I’ll continue… As you can see, Alpha Z is alive… if you go to my world without pain, you’ll be able to be together… ::indicates Khoi::

Khoi: …

Joule: As for you… ::looks at Joe:: I have the power to fuse you back together with Seph… so that you can be with Project SSE… and I guarantee you’ll be happy in my world without pain…

Joe: …you idiot…

Joule: ?...

Al: …

Naharu: …

Joe: There can never be such at thing… PAIN WILL ALWAYS EXIST! Because… pain is what makes us human! Or something like that…

Khoi: ooooOOOooh! And if there was no pain! I COULDN’T DO THIS! ::hits Joe in the nuts:: NOBODY UPSTAGES LIL’ VICKY!

Joe: ::on the floor grabbing his nuts:: but your name isn’t…

Khoi: YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! You won’t let me have anything! ::starts to cry::

Charles: Uhh… can you guys hurry up and save me?...

Naharu: … ::thinking as she looks at Joule:: So he’s an elemental… huh…

Joe: Oh well…

Joule: hmmm… pain will always exist…? You’re wrong because I will eliminate it.

Khoi: hmm… ::rubbing chin:: a world without pain does sound very appealing… I WON’T HAVE SUCH PAIN IN CHILDBIRTH!... ::whispers loudly:: throw in honeybuns and I’ll join you…

Joe: …uhh…

Khoi: Uhh… you didn’t hear that… oooOOOooh!

Joule: …they’re ignoring me again…



Charles: ::rubbing chin:: or am I?...

Lavian: …did I mess up your brain when I probed it?

Khoi: …oooOOOoooh! Who said that?! Okay Joe, here’s the plan… I’ll nuttap that guy and we’ll grab charles and Miharu… then we’ll go to south central LA and hide out… WE’RE BOUND TO BE SAFE THERE!

Joule: …I heard everything…


Joule: …you practically yelled your plan…

Khoi: ::makes more struggling noises:: SHUT THE FUCK UP! DON’T MAKE ME NUTTAP YOU! ::shakes fist at Lavian:: I’ll nuttap you too!

Lavian: I’m a girl…

Khoi: … ::looks over at Joe who nods:: ::looks back at Lavian:: …really?

Lavian: YOU BITCH!

Suddenly… huge beams of light totally tear through the roof of the hideout…

Joule: ?!

The light beams hit Joule… but his body turns to flame at that instant… the light passes through…

Lavian: What?! But I have him totally under control…

Charles: yeah… I didn’t do that…

Sora is sitting on the edge of the hole in the roof she created…

Sora: Yo… sorry for being late, I was taking a nap… then I woke up and noticed a bunch of people heading here…

Joe: Who the hell is that?!

Khoi: SHE’S HOT! ooooOOOooh! I HOPE SHE’S A STRIPPER! OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY! ::jumping up and down idiotically::


Khoi: Never mind… she’s too slutty… she wants to be a stripper… slutty mcslut…

Sora: ::suddenly enraged:: I’LL KILL YA!

Miharu: That’s…?!

Naharu: ::eyes widening:: SORA OF THE SKIES AND HEAVENS…!

Sora: in the flesh…

Khoi: stop saying slutty words…


Joe: Sora?... who’s that?

Joule: who are you?

Lavian: …?!

Sora: My name is Sora… I’m 16 years old… and I’m the most beautiful girl in the world… my three sizes are…

Khoi: HOLD ON! I’m taking notes! GEEZ! ::writing in a notebook::

Joe: …what the hell?

Joule: ::points hand at Sora… the hand transforms into flame which shoots out at Sora:: Die, you’re unwanted here.

Sora: ::suddenly serious:: me? Die?

Sora drops down to the ground quickly… avoiding the flamethrower…

Joule: ::turns his whole body into flame and rushes at Sora::

Sora: Hmph, annoying elemental… ::fires a couple of blasts of light into him… they pass through him without doing anything::

Joule: Useless…

Lavian: urgh!

The blasts of light have hit Lavian, knocking her through a wall…

Joule: ?!... ::stops in his tracks:: ::thinks:: Those blasts weren’t intended for me…?

Sora: ::looking at Khoi, Joe, and Naharu:: I suggest you three get out of here with those two… I’ll cover you…

Khoi: cover me?!... oooOOOooh! YOU ARE A SLUT!

Sora: YOU FUCKING BASTARD! ::jumps over Joule as he rushes past in his flame form::

Joule stops and the flame that makes up his body suddenly transforms into a large red dragon of flame which flies up at Sora.

Sora: DAMN BASTARD! ::points palm at the flying flame dragon:: Magic of Ten Thousand Years, Void regardless of time, STRIKE HIM DOWN! BEAM ENERGY!

Several rays of light fires down from Sora’s palm into the flame dragon… but it does nothing…

Sora: damn!

Joe: RYUUSEI! ::slams a ryuusei into Joule::

The red flame dragon is thrown to its side… it reforms automatically into several large fireballs… they fly towards Joe…

Jason: ::transformed from Khoi:: …hmph… is this it?

Joe: You get it, right?… Use force against the flame to blow it back… things like light will have no effect on him…

Jason: I know!

Sora: You guys… you saved them pretty quickly…

Miharu and Charles are still there…


Naharu: ::looking intently as Joe and Jason dodge the large fireballs which keep on turning around and heading for them again::

Joe: There’s only one thing to do!

Jason: what?






Miharu: ::still tied to a chair:: Umm…

Naharu: …sigh… fine… I’ll save you two… hopefully that elemental and those berserkers kill each other…

Al blocks Naharu’s path towards Charles and Miharu.

Al: I can’t let you take them…

Naharu: Move aside…

Al: I said… I can’t let you take them… ::a glowing red tattoo of a heart of ice appears on her chest:: Fusioncharge… Ice breaker…

Naharu: …a fake trance?

Al: …no… this is fusioncharge! It’s better than your measly trance

Naharu: fusioncharge? What the hell? Get outta my way… or die!

Sai: ::appearing behind Naharu:: naharu… stop this now…

Naharu: ::eyes widen, slowly turns around:: it can’t be…

Sora is watching as flame follows Jason and Joe around as they dodge and run away from it.

Sora: DAMMIT! ::fires a beam of light into the flame::

Joule: ::still in flame form, the beam passes through him:: WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! I AM INVINCIBLE! ::suddenly turns into his regular body… eyes glowing red, flames can be seen in his eyes:: Demon… Phoenix… FLIGHT!

Joule suddenly transforms into fire which takes the form of a flaming skull… it roars and unleashes flame everywhere…

Al: UGH! ::blocks Sai, Naharu, herself, Miharu, and Charles with a wall of ice… which automatically melts::

Joe: ::flame coming towards him:: DAMMIT! ::points hand to the sky:: HOKIBOSHI!

A pillar of blue flame rises from Joe… negating the red flame…

Jason: CRAZY 8!

The Crazy 8 starts to spin the flame around, sucking it all up. Jason spins it for a while then throws it to the ground, canceling it out..

Jason: This kind of attack…!

Sora: Sigh…

Flame heads towards Sora… she disappears for a second… it hits nothing… she appears again… after it disappears…

Sora: This guy’s annoying… ::has a key in her hand::

Joe: Indeed…

Jason: Then let’s hurry up and beat him… it’ll solve a lot of problems…

Joule: beat me?... you mean you can try futiley… ::turns back into his original body and jumps onto a nearby counter:: DIE! ::punches towards Jason, Joe, and Sora… his fist becomes flame which blows out at them::


Shards of light suddenly form all around Sora… they fly behind her back… and form large wings… made up of the shards, so the shards look like feathers…

Sora: ::puts the wings down, the flame hits them and does nothing::

Beams of light fire from the shards making up sora’s wings, heading towards Joule…

Joule: ::the beams of light pass through his body which becomes flame at every point they hit:: when will you learn?...

Joe appears behind Joule in an instant…

Joule: ?!...

Joe: CURSED RYUUSEI! ::swings the cursed ryuusei to his opposite side, then swings it back, the long tail trailing behind it… he then swings it forward towards Joule::

Joule: ::the cursed ryuusei slashes him, but does nothing… as his body turns to flame at that instant:: ::puts hand right in Joe’s face:: DIE!

Sora: GO! Formation Shield!

The wings of Sora suddenly break up into the many shards again and fly in front of Joule’s hand, creating a shield… the flame bounces off of it…

Joule: ::thinking:: Even as an elemental… fighting these three at the same time is difficult…


Jason kicks at Joule’s head… it passes right through, as his head turns into flame…


Jason: What?!

Joe: we maybe limited in this tight space, but so is Joule… he can’t use all of his elemental powers because he can’t risk killing his own team. So this is our best chance!

Jason: I got it… ::eyes turn red, but no wings of energy appear:: Infinite Heaven! REIS DRAGOON! ::eyes suddenly turn gold::

Sora: Those two… are using half of their full strength because their real attacks can’t fit in this small of a space… but Joule is limited too…

Jason: ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen except made up of gold energy and with gold lightning crackling around them:: TSUKI NO KAASU!

A golden, crackling wave of energy heads towards Joule…

Joule: You really think that’ll hurt me?

Joe: ::materializes the nagareboshi and hokiboshi and connects them by the hilts, he throws them at Joule:: INFINITE HERO! HERO RYUUSEI!

Blue flame rushes out of the connected swords, forming a large dragon of blue flame which roars and flies at Joule…

Sora: I guess I’ll help too… OVERFLOW!

The shards of light glow pink…


All the shards of light transform into pure pink light energy and fire towards Joule.

Joule: URGH!

All the attacks hit Joule head on…

Al: NO!

Naharu: what power…!

The entire hiding place exlodes… Sora comes flying out carrying Joe and Khoi(who is now untransformed.)

Khoi: oooOOOooh! WHEE! I CAN FLY!

Sora suddenly drops Joe and Khoi on their asses and lands on the ground gracefully…


Joe: ::dying::

Sora: …did I forget something?... ::starts rubbing her chin::

Naharu jumps out of the wreckage carrying Miharu…

Naharu: ::looks like she’s thinking::

Lavian jumps out of the wreckage carrying Al.

Lavian: Tch… I was out for this long?...

Sai is leaning against a wall in a nearby alley, already having escaped…

Miharu: Are you all okay?

Joe: I think so…

Khoi: Yeah…

Naharu: … ::very pensive looking::

Sora: ::still rubbing her chin:: did I forget something…?

Charles crawls out of the wreckage, scratching his nuts…

Charles: ::covered in dirt:: YOU GUYS ALL SUCK!

Khoi: ::winks and clicks tongue:: Only if you want me too… oooOOOooh! Who said that?! ::slaps self:: SHUT THE HELL UP YOU SONUVABITCH!

Charles: …

Sora: ::points at Charles and looks very happy:: I GOT IT! I FORGOT TO SAVE HIM!

Everybody: ::yelling at Sora:: YOU REALIZE THAT NOW?!

Sora: Eh, it was unimportant anyways…

Charles: …

Suddenly… a large phoenix of flame bursts from the wreck, incinerating the remains… the phoenix grows smaller then transforms into Joule, who is perfectly unharmed…


Sora: yeah…


Sora: ::hits Joe on the head:: THAT’S NOT WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!

Joule: You see now, the difference in our abilities? I’m sure those were your strongest attacks… but like I said… you can’t beat the embodiment of fla…

Joule’s eyes widen… he chokes up some blood…

Joule: ?!

Lavian: ?!

Al: What?!

Sai: … ::raises eyebrow:: an elemental… got hurt?

Joule: how… ::thinking as his eyes are wide:: which attack did this?! WHAT COULD HAVE DONE THIS?! ::remembers Joe’s attack:: No… ::remembers Sora’s attack:: Not that one either… ::remembers Jason’s::NO ?!

Naharu: Heh, looks like elementals aren’t that strong after all…

Jason: what the hell kinda person could withstand an attack like that?

Khoi: But it’s good he’s alive, I want to at least molest him once before he dies…

Joule: That attack… ::remembers the tsuki no kaasu:: It throws back your own energy against you? ::stares at Khoi::

Khoi: ::confused:: oooOOOooh?

Joule: It must have absorbed surrounding aura, including my own… then hit me…

Joe: ::also confused:: huh?...

Naharu: For a brief second, that attack absorbed some of his elemental energy… turning him human…

Khoi: So what you’re saying is… I can fuck him now…

Naharu: NO!

Khoi: Awwww….

Naharu: The tsuki no kaasu seems to be an attack that adjusts with the amount of energy your opponent uses against you… it throws it back against them… it’s the ultimate offensive counter… That’s why it worked against him…

Joe and Khoi: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11…


Joe: I know…

Khoi: I know too… ::shifts eyes:: uhh… what comes after eleven?

Joe: You idiot! It’s 12!

Khoi: hee hee, like how old Romi is…

Joe: haha, yeah… friggin’ romi… so short…

Khoi: haha, yeah… I’d fuck him… haha

Joe: hahaha, yeah… haha… wait, what did you… AH! HE’S GONE!

Joule and his group members are gone.





Jon: Oh, right… ::suddenly disappears::

Miharu: Anyways… we now know we can beat him… by sucking his bloooddddd… mUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joe: …you’re scary…

Khoi: oooOOOooh! But what if Charlie still has his mind taken over by that vampire girl?...

Joe and Khoi look over at Charles… their eyes glow…

Charles: …why are you looking at me like that?

10 seconds later…

Charles: OH MY GOD! LET ME GO!


Khoi: ::sprinkling holy water on Charles:: Uh… Jon?

Joe: Other creepy pale vampire lady…

Khoi: Oh…

Charles is tied to a bench…

Charles: I’M BUDDHIST!

Khoi: hee hee… no you’re not, you’re Charles…

Charles: …

Khoi: See what she has done to him?!

Charles: …why does this holy water smell like piss?!

Khoi: Well, I’m catholic… so… I went into the bushes… and…

Joe: …really? Wow… didn’t think you’d do that twice…

Khoi: yeah… I couldn’t help it… I really needed to go!


Joe: I’ll have no part in this… ::runs away::

Khoi: Umm… ::dumps the rest of the piss on Charles and runs away::

Charles: AHHHH!

Miharu: …umm… should we untie him?

Naharu: I’m not touching him…

Sora: Uhh… I’m going back home… ::takes out a key and puts it in the middle of nowhere, a door opens and she enters it… the door closes and disappears::

Miharu: ::smiles:: I’m sure the police can handle this…

Naharu: stop smiling! We have much to discuss…


Joe and Khoi are running back to the stadium…

Joe: damn, Joule got away…

Khoi: oooOOOooh! Oh well, at least I was able to mark my territory… ::points at all the people around him:: YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!

Joe: …righhhhttt…

Someone is following behind Joe and Khoi… she’s standing in an alley.

Lei: ::smoking a long cigarette:: Hmm…

Meanwhile, back at the stadium…

Jon: ::on the floor, totally soaked… breathing heavily::

Hamtaro: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

Jon: ::jumps back to his feet and runs towards Tohru, who’s still liquidy:: OREGA! ::creates a group of white flame and throws it up into the air…::

Tohru: ?...

The white flame falls down right in front of Tohru… Jon slides under it and kicks it straight up into Tohru’s face..

Tohru: ::head blown away, reforms by water::

Jon: URGH! ::punches at Tohru with white flame::

Tohru: ::dodges, by shifting her watery body:: enough…?

Jon: ::smiles::

The white flame in Jon’s hand fires out from his fist and hits Tohru… sending her flying… the flame eventually passes through her body and Tohru stops on the ground… she looks unimpressed…

Tohru: Hmph… worthless… any projectile attack like that is sure to pass through my body of water…



Jon: ::shrugs::

Tohru: Seems that you haven’t had enough…

Tohru’s body expands again and covers the entire field in a pool of water… the water begins slamming Jon into the walls of the stadium again…

Jon: ::gurgling, thinking:: BLAST! How do I win?!

Jon grabs onto the edge of one of the holes in the ground when he rushes by… the current suddenly gets stronger trying to get him to release his grip…

Jon: ::thinking:: DARN!

Jon loses his grip and is slammed hard into one of the fighting floor walls…

Jon: ugh… ::swims up to the top again::

Jon’s head bursts through the surface of the water as he takes in big breaths of air.


Water rises above Jon and smashes him down back to the stadium floor.

Cuong: Geez…

Chris: ::eating Jon’s pocky:: If he dies, I can eat this right?

Cuong: …give me some too…

Aya: Where is that fatass and that four eyes… and smiley girl…?

Neko-chan: they’ll be back… don’t worry about it…

Aya: Now that I think about, where’s Mika?

Jon suddenly bursts out of the pool, propelled by white flame…


Tohru: ::in liquidy voice:: I DON’T TASTE LIKE POO!

Cuong: Geez, is she unbeatable or something? How do you beat water…?

Aya: One way is to wait for the effects of that elemental potion she took to wear off… actually… that’s probably the only way…

Jon: ::grabs onto the roof of the stadium:: HAHA! YOU CAN’T COME UP HERE!

The water suddenly rushes up at Jon like a geyser…

Jon: WHAAAA?! ::smiles widely:: FINE THEN!

Jon lets go and flies down at the geyser, white flame surrounding his right fist… he punches into the water… steam rushes out of the water violently…

Jon: ::falling lower and lower as his white flame evaporates the water:: GLORIA!

Gloria: ::girl in the crowd:: huh?

Jon finally reaches the ground… the water has totally turned into steam…

Aya: ?! Did he kill Tohru?!

Cuong: ::eating the pocky:: ::shrugs::

Suddenly… it starts to rain in the stadium…

Jon: Oh fiddlesticks…

The rain forms into Tohru… but…

Jon: ?...

Tohru: Damn… ::in her real form:: The effect has worn off… ::breathing hard::

Aya: Damn, that special vial has taken its toll on Tohru… her aura is almost gone…

Tohru: It seems like… I only have enough energy for one more attack… ::body turns liquidy again, but it looks unstable:: ::liquidy voice:: Let’s finish this now…

Jon: ::staring at the unstable form of Tohru:: Fine… ::takes off jacket and throws it high into the air:: ::crosses arms over chest as he crouches down:: Raging…

Wind starts to blow around Jon as white flame ignites on his gloves… his hair is blowing to and fro as are his clothes… his jacket is in the air, floating with this violent wind…

Tohru: tsunami dragon missile! ::body transforms into a dragon made of water which rockets at Jon::

Jon: ::swings arms to be fully extended at his sides, then swings them down into the ground as he takes one knee, white flame trailing from his hands:: …STORM!

Wisp like waves of white flame rise violently from Jon’s hands… Tohru gets hit by it and gets knocked up… her body transformed back into its real form… she floats for a second, then hits the ground with a thud… Jon stops the flame attack then spins back up to his feet, his back to Tohru… the crowd is silent.

Crowd: …

Aya: …

Cuong: …

Chris: ::munching on the pocky::

Kevin: …

Seiji: …

Tohru is lying on her back, a bit of blood trickling from her mouth… her shirt is ripped up a bit from the raging storm.

Jon: …I’ve won…

Jon’s jacket suddenly falls from the air and lands on Tohru…

Hamtaro: …do I even need to count…? The winner is Jon of the Furry Sexy Vampire Tubbies…

Cuong: Damn Jon… trying to look sexy… I’M THE SEXY BEAST HERE!

Jon suddenly stumbles and falls on the floor, choking up blood…

Aya: Tohru’s attacks took their toll on him… not only the impact… but the lack of oxygen must have been devastating to his lungs… if she was going for the kill… she would’ve won…

Neko-chan: wrong…

Aya: ?...

Neko-chan: This was a stalemate… he was conserving his aura for a while… so that he could rocket himself out of the pool and get air… he was repeating that process for quite a while… probably waiting for the effects of her potion to wear off… it wouldn’t have mattered if she was going for the kill… the result would’ve been the same… he won…

Medics with stretchers come and pick up Jon and Tohru…

Medic #1: WHOA, Tohru did a number to this guy’s face…

Medic #2: You fool, that’s not a human, it’s obviously some sorta mutant…

Medic #1: Ohhhh…

The damage to the fighting floor suddenly repairs itself…

Hamtaro: Well then, let’s start the next match… Neko-chan…? What the… weird name… versus… Miharu… both of the basilisk.

Neko-chan jumps to the stadium floor…

Neko-chan: well, I’m ready…

Miharu isn’t there…

Hamtaro: … ::Looks around… then checks his laptop:: Huh… Arisaka Miharu is nowhere near here… so by default… the winner is… neko-chan!

Neko-chan: ::walks back up to his seat::

Voice from the crowd: ::odd odor is emanating from where the voice is:: WAIT!

Hamtaro: ?...

Charles: ::Hopping down the steps, still tied up and covered in viet piss:: I’LL TAKE HER PLACE IN THIS MATCH!

Hamtaro: …really?...

Charles: YES!

Hamtaro: well… NO!

Charles: DAMN!

Charles hops next to Seiji and sits down…

Seiji: UGH! You smell like a Malboro’s bad breath attack!

Charles: uhh… thanks? Where’s Khoi and Joe… I need to… kill… them…

Where Khoi and Joe are…

Khoi: Uhh…

Joe: I told you! It’s this way to the stadium you fag!




Lei is watching them from a distance…

Lei: …they’re lost?

Joe: LOOK! ::points at a rock:: MOSS GROWS ON THE EAST SIDE!



Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: YOU DON’T KNOW THAT!

Meanwhile, back at the stadium…

Hamtaro: Okay, now then… let’s move onto the fourth match… Chris of the speedy ninja bobas versus kancho of full metal.

Kancho: ::jumps down from his seat:: I’m ready…

Chris: ::jumps down from his seat::

Cuong: Good luck…

Chris: what?


Chris: Oh… I’m not gay…


Kancho: …are you done?...

Chris: ::turns to face Kancho and nods::

Hamtaro: Well, let’s go… START THE FOURTH MATCH!

Back to Khoi and Joe…

Joe: Well, okay… we know now that you can hurt Joule… but now he knows too… he’s going to have people with him all the time…

Khoi: And Al’s alive…

Joe: yeah… we were careless… we should’ve remembered Vlaka’s power to heal…

Khoi: His group is getting larger and larger… and they’re all really strong… can the two of us beat them?

Joe: why just the two of us?...

Khoi: Because… the rest of them don’t need to fight… the less they fight, the less they are in danger…

Joe: true… but then again… they probably won’t stop even if we tell them to…

Jason: Hey fag… someone’s following us…

Khoi: I know…

Joe: …

Vanity suddenly walks out in front of Joe and Khoi…

Vanity: Hey…

Joe: you…!

Khoi: YOU! ::goes to a nearby store and looks at a white rabbit:: IT’S THAT RABBIT FROM DNANGEL!

Vanity: …You two sure did a number on us back at the stadium… let’s forget that ever happened…

Joe: …?

Vanity: By starting anew, right here… ::eyes turn purple::

Joe: ugh…

Lei is watching from the corner…

Lei: Damn… Joule doesn’t know about this…

Joe: I don’t want to fight you…

Vanity: Then don’t fight, JUST DIE! ::runs at Joe::

Joe: Dammit! ::eyes turn blue:: STOP!

Vanity punches at Joe… Joe catches the fist…


Vanity: Stop whining, fool…

Khoi: ::transforms into Jason::

Jason: geez! ::does a flying kick towards Vanity::

Vanity: ::breaks off from Joe and jumps back to dodge:: heh… I was prepared for this…

Joe: ?!

Jason: ::looks around:: What… what is this?!

Several masked people(same masks as Meta X, Beta Y, and Alpha Z), with elongated limbs and hunched backs jump down from respective hiding spots…

Joe: What are these? Monsters?...

Jason: They’re not human… that’s for sure…

Vanity: Let me introduce you… you see, the company of N.O.D.A.T.S.S.T.U.P.I.D. has great power… they might not let us do what we want… so we needed this army… of supercharged clones… Supercharge Version 2… aka SV2’s…

Joe: SV2’s?...

Vanity: Joule had the scientists create them for us… aren’t they works of art?...

Joe: … ::Looking at them… they’re all quite deformed and demonic looking::

Jason: Tch… messing with human genes again…

Vanity: they’re spliced with all sorts of different animals… and are not quite as smart as their predecessors Meta X and Beta Y… but… they do for mindless muscle… and are quite bloodthirsty…

The SV2’s light up with electricity… their eyes turn different colors…

Joe: Supercharge v2… ugh…

Jason: These things seems pretty tough…

Joe: Yeah… they do… but I don’t have time for this! ::eyes turn blank, time seems to stop in Joe’s eyes… all the SV2’s glow blue in Joe’s eyes as if being targeted… time starts up again as twin ryuuseis appear on each of Joe’s hands:: SHIROKI TSUKI NO SHITA DE!

Joe disappears in a puff of blue flame… he’s suddenly caught from his high speed by one of the SV2’s…

Joe: ?!

Jason: what?!

Vanity: Don’t underestimate the Sv2’s!

The sv2 slams Joe into a wall, the twin ryuuseis disperse…

Joe: ::thinking:: The shiroki tsuki no shita de… was… stopped?!

Jason: Hey, don’t let your guard down, these aren’t normal creatures…

One of the Sv2’s roar and run at Joe…

Joe: Something like this! ::dodging attacks from the Sv2…:: HEY JASON!

Jason: ?...

Joe: Leave these things to me… go after Deity…

Vanity: I’m Vanity! VA-NI-TY! YOU FUCKING MORON! The person you’re talking about has been dead for a long time…

Joe: Whatever…! ::delivers a punch of blue flame into the abdomen of one of the Sv2’s… the punch does almost nothing:: ?!...

Jason: Are you sure you can handle those things by yourself?!

Joe: I’m fine! ::jumps onto a nearby roof, the sv2’s follow him…:: HANDLE HER!

Jason: …okay…

Vanity: Ha… he didn’t want to face me?... doesn’t he realize yet that that girl is gone?...

Jason: Hey, stop talking behind other people’s backs… especially when I’m here…

Meanwhile, Joe stops in a nearby park… the Sv2’s land all around him…

Joe: So you can block the “shiroki” huh?...

Sv2: ::not talking, but breathing hard and drooling through its mask::

Joe: NAGAREBOSHI! ::wings of blue flame burst from Joe’s back for a split second… he rushes at one of the Sv2’s at an extremely high speed and kicks towards its face with a kick of blue flame:: TAKE THIS!

The kick hits the Sv2 dead on… the Sv2 ignores it and grabs Joe’s leg… it throws him THROUGH a nearby tree…

Joe: Dammit! What’s with these guys?!

Two more sv2’s jump down at Joe, about to attack… Joe rolls out of the way… their long arms rip through the ground…

Joe: …Damn… I don’t know how you’re absorbing and catching my fast attacks… but I’m putting a stop to it right now! ::swings hand to his side and creates a furious looking twin ryuusei with a long tail extending from it:: CURSED RYUUSEI! ::looks up slowly at the Sv2’s… with menacing eyes:: Come…

Back with Jason and Vanity…

Vanity: …

Jason: …

Vanity: You do realize that… the Sv2’s are going to kill him… they’re far stronger than you’d think… of course, I’d have no problem with them…

Jason: You two lost to us…

Vanity: Hmph… only one battle… which I seem to not recall at the moment…

Jason: …whatever… I don’t have all day, I have to make it to my match, so if you’re going to attack… I suggest you do it now…

Vanity: Sorry, I have no intention of playing fair against a freak like you…

Jason: ?...

Vanity: Did I forget to mention… I brought more than those Sv2’s?

More Sv2’s gather behind Vanity…

Lei: ::looking on:: She released the Sv2’s?... this is not what Joule had in mind…

Back with Joe…

Joe: ::slashes straight through a Sv2… Sv2 body parts are lying everywhere:: what’s wrong?... can’t seem to block this twin ryuusei? You dumbasses…

An Sv2 rushes at Joe’s back… it’s about to attack…

Joe: ::braces for impact by digging his feet into the ground:: Nagareboshi…

The wings of light burst from Joe’s back for a split second… they knock away the Sv2…

Joe: Now then… ::spins, the tail of the cursed ryuusei trailing around him… then back:: You guys know what shiroki tsuki no shita de means?...

Sv2’s: ::random grunting and roars::

Joe: It means “under the light of the moon”… they are the words associated with the hokiboshi… the cursed sword… so let me tell you why that’s the attack’s name… it’s because anything under the light of this cursed moon, will be striked. ::eyes turn blank, the Sv2’s glow blue in Joe’s eyes::

Joe disappears for a second… however… the trail of the blue flame’s light from the tail of the cursed ryuusei is clearly seen, moving about, trailing along gracefully around the Sv2’s… Joe suddenly hops on the floor behind them… the cursed ryuusei in his hand…

Joe: …did you see that cursed light?...

The Sv2’s suddenly all get slashed up…

Joe: Shiroki Tsuki no Shita De…

Joe looks down at his shirt… there’s sv2 blood all over it.

Joe: …AHHHH! Ewww! Sick! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!! Dammit! I knew I shouldn’t have acted cool…

Meanwhile, with Jason…

Jason: …They’re nothing once you get their natural patterns down… ::eyes glowing red:: ::wings of red and white energy on his back::

Calamity: …hmph… looks like I yet again underestimated you…

The Sv2’s are all lying on the floor… totally demolished…

Calamity: Geez, you’re troublesome…

Jason: whatever…

Calamity: Hmph… or are you?...::her 8 wings burst out of her back:: RECHARGE!

The Sv2’s suddenly pull themselves back together…

Jason: Well… that’s a nice trick…

Calamity: Hmmm… not shocked? The supercharge can revive these guys in an instant… they are the strongest troops in the world…

Jason: good for you… but I don’t really care about something like that…

Calamity: We’ll see…

Jason: Hmph… let’s go…

Joe rushes past the revived Sv2’s… he slams the cursed ryuusei into the abdomen of one of the Sv2’s… he rushes, carrying it along… then throws it into another Sv2.

Jason: Back?

Joe: Yeah…

Calamity: dammit…

Joe: By the way… Where the hell is Seph?

Calamity: Hmph, that’s none of your business… Sv2’s! KILL THEM!

Sv2: ::roars::

Joe: Deity… You really… ::looks up, his blank blue eyes look like they have blue flames in them:: DON’T FEEL ANYTHING?! ::wings of blue flame burst from his back, but don’t disappear… he flies up into the air, Jason, and Calamity follow…::

The sv2’s suddenly grow wings out of their back organically, wings like a pterodactyl’s. They fly up also.

Joe: ::eyes blank and blue… time seems to stop in his eyes, the sv2’s all glow blue:: ::looks up, time starts up again, the wings of the nagareboshi burst from his back:: SHIROKI TSUKI NO SHITA DE!

Joe rushes into the group of Sv2’s, the tail of the cursed ryuusei trailing behind him. He seems to roll once in the air… Several Sv2’s fall back to the ground, having been slashed.

Calamity: So you got SOME moves…


Jason throws a flying kick at Calamity.

Calamity: ::blocks it::

Joe: Star shower! ::swings the cursed ryuusei across, unleashing several ryuuseis at the flying Sv2’s::

The ryuuseis hit them in the chests, but barely do anything.

Joe: ::rushes past a nearby Sv2 and slashes it across the chest with the cursed ryuusei:: DAMN THESE THINGS!

One of the Sv2’s blow out supercharged flame at Joe.

Joe: Don’t mess with me!

Joe suddenly starts swinging the cursed ryuusei around wildly, even though he’s not even near any Sv2’s… the long tail however is swinging along with the cursed ryuusei… hitting the Sv2’s and slashing them into pieces…

Joe: Don’t underestimate me!

Joe flies right into another Sv2 and slashes it cleanly in half…

Jason: …geez, what’s wrong with him?...

Calamity: STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF! ::attacks with a heavenly 8::

Jason: ::grabs Calamity’s arm and throws her over his shoulder towards the ground:: STOP THAT!

Calamity: ::wings spread out, slowing her down enough to avoid a fall, she flies back up, spins, and aims the tengen at Jason:: TENGEN!

8 beams fire out at Jason.

Jason: Damn this! ::points his wings of energy at the 8 beams… he fires two beams of red energy from them at the 8 beams, deflecting them enough to be able to dodge::

Calamity: Hmph… cheap…

Jason: ::forms a crazy 8 and flies at Calamity from above:: I GOT YOU!

Calamity: NOT THIS TIME! ::flips in midair and kicks Jason away::

Jason: ::thinking:: Damn, she’s seen my moves from the last battle…

Meanwhile, with Miharu and Naharu…

Naharu: :: her back to Miharu:: You’re going to miss your match… are you okay with…?

Miharu: Yes… I didn’t want to enter the tournament in the first place anyways… but you saw him didn’t you… our brother?

Naharu: …yes… I saw him…

Miharu: Then you agree that we must turn him back to our side, and…

Naharu: Let’s join him.

Miharu: ?!

Naharu: ::looks back at Miharu with a smile on her face:: he’s alive…

Miharu: sister…

Meanwhile… Mika is walking along walls, grabbing her arms, which are wrapped in bandages.

Mika: I have to go help them…

Back to Joe and Jason…

Joe: DAMN THESE THINGS! ::puts his hand with the cursed ryuusei together with his empty hand… he then releases his hands… a ryuusei has transferred from the cursed ryuusei to his other hand, so now he has a regular ryuusei in each hand… but they both have really long tails:: TWIN CURSE!

Joe flies through another crowd of Sv2’s and rips them apart with the two twin curses in each hand. He then puts his hands back together and creates the cursed ryuusei again.

(Joe note: Cursed ryuusei is a twin ryuusei except with a really long tail and other cosmetic changes. Twin curse basically just split the two ryuuseis that make up that attack and put them in each hand… basically a regular ryuusei in each hand that has a long tail)

Jason: Damn, this is getting annoying!

Jason is exchanging blows with Calamity.

Calamity: DAMN YOU! ::splits into two people, one with 4 white wings, and one with 4 purple wings… they fly at Jason::

Jason: Damn, that used to be my move… unfortunately for you… I have something better than that now… 100% INTEGRATION!

Calamity: ::the one with purple wings:: I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT ATTACK DOES! BUT…!

Vanity: ::the one with white wings:: IT DOESN’T MATTER!


Jason: oooOOOooh! HONK HONK!

Jason flies through the middle of Vanity and Calamity then turns around and gropes them once… then flies off…


Calamity: WHAT THE FUCK?! ::covering chest::

Vanity: What’s wrong with you?!

Jason: Heh… nothing’s wrong with me... you bitches…

Calamity: ?!

Jason: Now! HONK HONK CRAZY 8! ::starts spinning his hands rapidly and starts chasing after Calamity and Vanity:: LET ME GRAB YOUR BOOBS! YOUR BOOBS! oooOOOooh!

Calamity and Vanity are running away…

Calamity: WHAT’S GOING ON?!


Jason punches at Vanity…

Vanity: ::catches the punch:: Not enough!

Jason: Heh… whatever… oooOOOooh! NUTTAP!

Jason suddenly kicks Vanity between the legs…


Jason: oooOOOoh! Who said that?!

Calamity: ::forms back with Deity:: Something’s weird here… his attacks are erratic and unpredictable! And PERVERTED!... wait… lemme guess…

Jason: That’s right… oooOOOoh! Two minds in one body at the same time! It’s a random fighting style… similar to drunken boxing… YOU’LL NEVER PREDICT MY MOVES… or… I’ll… cry… You weakling… ooooOOOooh!... heh…

Calamity: …gay…

Jason: WE’RE NOT GAY!... or are we… NO WE’RE NOT!

Meanwhile… back with Chris and Kancho…

Chris: …

Kancho: …

Hamtaro: …


Spectator #2: WE’RE WAITING!

Kancho: ::staring at Chris:: I would like it… if you… wouldn’t… ::eyes widen as he stares at Chris:: Hold back!

Chris: ?...

Kancho: …fast legs… fast speed… yet you use your fists to fight? I don’t buy it… against Hamtaro, you used punches as your main offense… but… because of the constant training with your legs… shouldn’t you be kicking more often?!

Chris: Uhh… I guess?

Kancho: …Hmph… ::smirks:: you’re pretty strong…

Chris: You have smelly breath…

Kancho: …sorry, but I can’t laugh at something like that… when I fight… I fight seriously… ::remembers Al…:: Otherwise, you make sloppy mistakes…

Chris: Okay…

Kancho: So I’m going to say this now… DON’T HOLD BACK!

Chris: …

Chris takes off his sweater and throws it to the ground… it gives off a loud thud… it’s weighted.

Kancho: …hmmm… I see…

Hamtaro: ::thinking as he watches Chris:: that’s the guy who beat me… so what the hell does Kancho mean, “stop holding back?”… that guy could beat me…

Chris: The reason why I didn’t use my legs as much against that small guy… I forget his name… was for one reason…

Kancho: ?...

Chris: My legs… weren’t as strong as my arms then… I wasn’t as comfortable with them… but I’ve trained now… ::pulls out a pair of track sneakers from outta nowhere::

Kancho: …I see…

Chris: ::takes off his regular shoes and puts on the track ones:: ::throws the regular ones into a wall, the wall cracks upon impact::

Cuong: ?!... his shoes were weighted?

Charles: …so sweater for upperbody and shoes for his legs?

Aya: Wrong… think about that sweater… think carefully…

Cuong: …? ::realizes it:: No way… the sweater… puts the most pressure on his legs… the force is pointing down…

Aya: ::nods:: All of those weights are for one purpose… to train his legs… If you remember correctly… he came here with no martial arts knowledge… yet he was able to use moves against Hamtaro that stunned the crowd… now… with his knowledge now… he has trained his ultimate offensive weapon…

Cuong: …?...

Aya: He has trained… HIS LEGS!

Neko-chan: quite interesting… I want to see how he fights now…

Chris: Well, let’s do this…

Kancho: Okay… Trance… RAIDER!

A tattoo of a silver eagle appears on Kancho’s back…

Chris: ::disappears in the blink of an eye::

Kancho: fast… where’d he go?...

A sudden kick from above hits Kancho straight on the left shoulder… delivering a huge amount of force into his body…

Kancho: ?! ::thinking:: This is…?! ::eyes widen::

Chris: ::staring at Kancho intently::

Kancho: ::still thinking:: The speed… of… god…

Chris: ::flips off of Kancho then spins, his right leg has some sort of heat wave over it::

Cuong: That’s the move he used against Hamtaro, the seeking fist! BUT IT’S COMING FROM HIS LEG!


Kicks at Kancho, even though he’s far away… the heat wave explodes… the ground rips up as it runs towards Kancho… the force hits Kancho and sends him flying into a wall… he’s stuck on it…

Chris: ::slowly puts his leg back down to the ground::

Aya: I see… he’s a kicker…

Neko-chan: The final fighting style of the guy who uses natural aura energy and speed… hmmm… this is interesting…

Kancho: ::chuckling:: hahaha… it wasn’t a fluke… I can see why Hamtaro lost to you… ::falls down from the wall:: I’m so happy…

Chris: ?

Kancho: I’m so happy that I can die…

Chris: ?...

Kancho: That first kick… it would’ve broken my spine if I didn’t have my trance… and then that attack where you sent the force of your kick flying at me… you’re strong… I couldn’t be happier facing you.

Chris: …I see…

Kancho: so, let’s get stronger…

Chris: Uhh… I don’t get it, but okay…

Kancho: ::swings his arms to the side, the winglike arrangement of swords pop out of his forearms:: Come…

Chris: … ::runs at Kancho, jumps off one foot and spins in the air… kicks his other foot straight at Kancho’s face::

Kancho: ::blocks with his swords… the swords block the kick, but the force of the kick carries through the swords and hits Kancho in the face… he slides back::

Chris: ::jumps back:: …

Kancho: …what did you call that attack again?... the seeking kick?...

Chris: ::Nods::

Kancho: I see… the force of your kick carries along air currents to hit me… hmm… yeah… this will be fun…

Chris: …

Kancho: Cause when two strong guys are fighting against each other… ::looks at Chris happily:: There is no greater feeling in the world…

Chris: What about when you take a dump for the first time in a new toilet?... sweet sweet porcelain…

Kancho: …

Cuong: So basically… in Chris’ fight against Hamtaro, he was using kicks and punches… but now Chris is just using kicks?... Doesn’t that limit him?

Aya: for a normal person, it would… but because of Chris’ speed… it makes his power devastating…

Cuong: So, he’s not going to use seeking fist or the shockwave shift again?...

(Joe note: Memory boost! Shockwave shift was the move Chris used to beat Hamtaro)

Aya: He used the seeking fist just now… but as to the shockwave shift… hmm…

Neko-chan: He probably converted all his moves to his legs… those two legs of his are now… the strongest weapons you can ever have. Chris probably realized the problem in his fight against Hamtaro, when his kicks and punches were barely doing any damage… he probably realized it’d be more effective to make devastating attacks rather than multiple ones.

Cuong: Uhh… okay? Oh wait, they’re starting again…


Kancho rushes at Chris, spinning.

Chris: ::lifts his right leg up off the ground and kicks at Kancho:: SHOCKWAVE SHIFT!

Hyena: ::watching from his seat:: Joule said he no longer needed me so I came back here, but… I see nothing interesting…

Chris’ kick opens up a vacuum which slashes into the ground… while Kancho dodges it.

Hyena: IMPOSSIBLE!?!... a kick cannot open up a vacuum! THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! You need a sharp object, and and…

Chris jumps and kicks across at Kancho, who blocks with his swords, Chris then spins again and kicks with his other leg… Kancho spins around Chris’s kick… then ducks under Chris’ body…

Chris: ugh…

Kancho: Hmm… ::smiling::

Hyena: ::breaks one of his armrests in rage:: That boy… he’s… mocking me… ::eyes widen:: Wait… high speed… wasn’t my student Mateo employed to recruit… I see… hahahaha… so… he’s the one… he’s the one… who killed my precious pupil!... I’ll… kill him… ::eyes slant angrily as he stares at Chris::

To be continued…


35th Installment: Chris, burst speed action!

Kancho: TAKE THIS! ::rushes at Chris and does a swift slash across::

Chris: ::disappears… the swords go through nothing::

Kancho: ?!

Chris appears behind Kancho.

Chris: Take this!!

Chris jumps onto his hands and starts spinning, kicking everywhere.

Kancho: ::dodging the kicks easily:: hmph…

Neko-chan: ::watching Chris’ moves:: Capoeira style?...

Chris flips back up to his feet by pushing up off the ground… Kancho rushes forward and spins towards Chris, his swords making whistling noises.

Chris: ::jumping back to dodge the slashes:: tch…

Chris sees an opening and kicks at Kancho’s shoulder.


Kancho stops spinning and actually catches Chris’ leg which is smoking.

Kancho: …

Chris: ?!

Kancho: Raider…!

A black tattoo glows on his swords…

Aya: He’s released his true power now… his body has become a total weapon just like against that ice user…

Kancho spins and flings Chris into the air… he disappears and reappears over Chris.

Chris: Ugh!

Kancho: ::crosses his arms, crossing the swords in the process:: CROSS CLUTCH!

8 simultaneous slashes fly towards Chris.

Kuro: ::watching from the stands with Hiruma::

Hiruma: He’s taking his sweet time…

Kuro: seems like he wants to enjoy this…

Chris: ::kicks off of Kancho’s body hard towards the ground to avoid the 8 slashes:: damn!

Chris hits the ground and flips away and back to his feet. Kancho lands on the ground.

Kancho: ::runs at Chris and spins:: TATSUMAKI!

Chris: Fast…! ::dashes to the side to avoid the tatsumaki, slides to a stop and kicks a burst of natural energy towards Kancho’s face:: SEEKING KICK!

Kancho: ugh! ::stops on the ground and punches his own burst of energy at Chris’ kick::

Two forces suddenly hit each other in midair and explode…

Cuong: DAMN! I forgot about that! ::remembers when Kancho used a seeking fist type move against Al to punch her through a wall of ice::

Aya: I told you before in his previous match… it’s no surprise… he is one of the strongest people here…

Cuong: geez…

Aya: However, don’t forget… I also told Chris once… that he’s faster than Kancho.

Kancho: You have impressive speed…

Chris: ::breathing hard:: ::gets serious again and jumps high into the air towards Kancho, rotating and spinning:: SHOCKWAVE SHIFT! ::drops down close to Kancho and kicks towards him with an extremely fast kick::

Kancho: ::leans back, the kick misses him barely:: SOMETHING LIKE THIS!

Kancho spins into the air and counters by kicking Chris straight into the ground.

Chris: Ugh!

Kancho: ::slams his wing sword mechanism into the ground and runs at Chris, slashing up the ground in the process:: CROSS CLUTCH!

Chris: ::starts to kick rapidly at Kancho, releasing bursts of natural energy at him:: SEEKING KICK! ::punches a burst of natural energy at Kancho:: SEEKING FIST!

Kancho: ::dodging the blasts of natural energy which look like heat waves floating in the air:: ::stops in front of Chris and releases the 8 simulataneous slashes on him::

Chris: ::jumps over the slashes, spins and delivers a flying back heel kick towards Kancho’s face:: Take this!

Kancho moves his head to the side… the kick goes past… Kancho grabs Chris by the shirt as he goes past his head and slams him hard into the ground… Kancho stabs down at Chris… Chris rolls away as Kancho chases him, continuously stabbing at the ground.

Chris: ::rolls back to his feet and spins to the side, jumps up, and kicks towards the side of Kancho’s head::

Charles: HEAD SHOT!

Cuong: …we aren’t playing counter strike here…

Kancho: ::dodges it by leaning back again:: ::rushes forward and punches Chris in the stomach… then releases the force of the punch to send Chris flying:: I GOT YOU!

Chris flies high into the air then hits the ground with a thud… Kancho jumps up towards Chris, all of his swords aiming down.

Chris: ::eyes widen then turn normal, he flips back to his feet backwards and jumps out of the way of Kancho::

Kancho hits the ground and suddenly spins.


Chris gets slashed on his arm.

Chris: UGH!

Kancho rushes at Chris again… black energy flowing off of his 8 swords.

Kancho: NOW! IT’S OVER!

Chris disappears and suddenly reappears right in front of Kancho.

Kancho: ?!

Chris jumps up and delivers a hard kick into Kancho’s side, simultaneously kicking him in the head with his other foot…


Chris: I’M NOT DONE!

Chris then touches the ground with his hand and using his legs and rotational force of his body, slams Kancho into the dirt. Kancho stops the force of the throw by stabbing his swords into the ground.


Chris brings his foot up again and slams it into Kancho’s side again, then jumps back up to his feet.

Kancho: OW! That hurt!

Neko-chan looks at Charles.

Neko-chan: Oh, you’re back?


Cuong: Oh yeah, sorry… but the piss smell from you is distracting…

Charles: ?...

Seiji: So… did they torture you like how Seifer tortured Squall?

Charles: …

Neko-chan: Hold on… ::looks into Charles’ eyes as his eyes dilate:: Damn… she’s still in your mind…

Charles: Huh? Who is?...

Neko-chan: ::closes then opens his eyes quickly, staring into Charles’…:: RELEASE!

Charles: huh?

Neko-chan: there… she should have no more connection to you… I know you broke out of her spell last time… but it seems like she really outdid herself this time… I had to step in… so now tell us… what happened…?

Kevin: ::nodding and smiling::

Meanwhile, on the fighting floor… Chris runs past Kancho at lightning speed… the force of Chris’ speed hits Kancho like a truck.

Kancho: UGH! The resulting shockwave from his speed?! ::chuckles:: THIS IS GETTING INTERESTING!

Chris: ::stops a little distance from Kancho and sets himself up in a race start position:: 50 METER DASH!

Chris disappears in the blink of an eye.

Kancho: ::smiles:: fast… BUT YOU CAN’T ESCAPE! ::swings one winglike mechanism of swords across, Chris appears again and ducks under it::

Chris: ::thinking:: He could keep up with my speed?...

Kancho: OREGA!

Kancho suddenly jumps back and a huge number of slashes head towards Chris.

Chris: ::disappears::

Kancho: ?!

Chris reappears behind Kancho and kicks towards the side of his head… Kancho disappears and reappears above Chris.

Chris: ?!

Kancho swings down his swords at Chris… Chris disappears again and appears above Kancho.

Kancho: ::turns and blocks a straight kick from chris, but is still knocked into the ground:: ugh!

Chris: NOW! ::jumps off of Kancho’s body with the force of the kick and hits the ceiling of the stadium… he gets in the starting position again but is hanging off the ceiling:: 100 METER DASH!

Chris disappears… a flash of his body can be seen as it hits the floor… the ground starts to break up under huge steps seemingly coming from an invisible source.


Footprints are being slammed all around the ground…

Kancho: He’s moving too fast… where will he come from?... DOESN’T MATTER! ::sticks his arms out… the 8 swords on his forearms suddenly fire out, they’re connected by wires to the mechanisms Kancho’swearing on his forearms that prop them up when they are in the wing formation… Kancho swings them around and is in complete control of them even though it looks like a clumsy weapon:: COME!

The crowd roars...

Spectator #1: What kinda weapon is that?!

Spectator #2: so cool!

Kuro: Well, he’s done something new…

Hiruma: … I’ve never seen that move before

Kuro: They’re retractable blades…

Hiruma: ?...

Kuro: Those metal wires are connected to the blades which will come back and form the regular formation when tugged… He basically has a much longer range of attack now… the metal wires are also quite sharp… thin as can be, almost like string yet as hard as steel. He uses the sword blades on the ends as weights to swing them around…

(Joe note: he basically has some yo yo thing going on, except it’s powered by machines.)

Hiruma: why hasn’t he used this before?

Kuro: He must have recently added this to his hidden arsenal… it really is ingenious

Hiruma: …I see… so you just know all this by analyzing it?... heh, we are from two different worlds even though we are on the same team.

Kuro: …

Kancho swings his arm up… the blades come shooting out connected by the metal strings… a whirring rotor sound can be heard as the wires give slack, the blades rip up the stadium ground… the metal strings retract the blades back quickly into their original position on Kancho’s forearms… he continues the process with his other arms…

Chris: UGH! ::stops running::

Kancho: THERE YOU ARE! ::turns to his side then swings his right arm strong to the side… the swords fire out again, connected by the metal strings, they are flying straight at Chris::

Chris: ::jumps up to avoid them::

Kancho: ::tugs on the strings a bit, the blades swing up at Chris::

Chris: ?!

The swords slash Chris as he falls down to the ground… Kancho retracts the blades back into their original position again then runs at Chris who is on the floor.

Chris: ::scratched by the blades a bit, but nothing serious:: damn…

Kancho: TATSUMAKI! ::spins quickly with his 8 swords extended::

Chris: ::disappears and reappears about 20 yards away from Kancho, running backwards::


The swords on Kancho’s left arm shoot out at Chris.

Chris: !!!! ::drops to the ground in a hurry, the swords shoot over him… but they suddenly swing down at him… Chris rolls to the side as the 4 swords rip up the ground where he was a moment before. The swords fly back onto the machine on Kancho’s forearm, forming the wing like arrangement of 4 swords again::

Kancho: STOP MOVING AROUND! ::makes struggling noises:: I’M TRYING TO HIT YOU! ::sticks out both arms in front of him, then spins:: TATSUMAKI!

The blades shoot out as Kancho spins… they swing in a perfect circle, far from Kancho’s body.

Aya: Get out of his range! It’s a radius of death!

Chris tries to jump back, but the wires suddenly give more thread and the front of Chris’ shirt gets slashes by some swords. Kancho stops spinning and the wires retract… the blades forming their original position with a metallic thud.

Chris: That was close…

Kancho: sorry, but if you can’t get near me… you can’t win… and I can almost guarantee… you will not get near me…

Chris: ::smiles:: We’ll see… ::crosses his hands and arms over his face::

A huge amount of natural energy in the form of heat waves start to rise from Chris’ body.

Chris: ::veins popping around his body::

Neko-chan: ::shocked:: Adrenaline is rushing through his body?... Such a huge amount…

Kancho: Sorry transferee… but… I WON’T GIVE YOU THE TIME TO DO IT! ::fires four of his swords off at Chris::

Chris: ?! ::eyes widen as swords get closer to him::


Joe: ::floating in the air, breathing heavily… pieces of Sv2’s lying under him:: Against you soulless pieces of trash, I didn’t need to hold back at all.

The pieces of the Sv2’s start to pull themselves back together…

Joe: What the fuck? Just like that one guy?! ::remembers Vlaka:: GOSH! YOU GUYS HURT MY BRAIN MORE THAN THAT TIME I FINISHED WATCHING NEON GENESIS EVANGELION! Or that time I first saw Khoi Alba… ::suddenly grows angry:: KHOI ALBA! ARGH! ::the wings of the nagareboshi suddenly transform into the Hero Ryuusei, Joe jumps on it and flies down at the pieces of Sv2:: KHOI ALBBBAAAAAA!!!!

The hero ryuusei roars and slams into the pieces of Sv2… It suddenly explodes in a wave of blue flame, totally annihilating the Sv2’s… Joe flies up out of the wreckage riding on the hero ryuusei.

Joe: ARGH! Khoi alba!

Jason: ::hears something:: Khoi… Alba?

Calamity: What?

Jason: ::suddenly angry:: KHOI ALBA?!!!!!!

Joe: ::flying back up to where Jason is:: KHOI ALBA!!!!

Jason: KHOI ALBA?! ::really angry::

Joe: ::Nods:: KHOI ALBA!

Calamity: what the hell is a khoi alba?...

Jason’s eyes and wings of energy suddenly turn gold…

Calamity: I won’t let you attack me again with that weird power! TENGEN! ::fires the 8 beams at Jason::

Jason: HOLY LIGHTNING! ::his whole body lights gold… the 8 beams of the tengen do nothing::

Calamity: ?!

Electricity is crackling around Jason’s body.

Jason: ::in rage:: KHOIIIII ALBAAAAAA!



Joe’s wings of blue flame transform into the hero ryuusei which flies straight at Calamity as Jason’s wings of gold energy fire off several beam which hit the hero ryuusei, turning the dragon of blue flame into a dragon of holy lightning… it looks very similar to the form Reis took in Jason’s memories.


Jason: Uhh… let’s call that one… Reis Ryuusei?... AKA THE KHOI ALBA DESTROYER!

The dragon of holy lightning roars, it’s roar being a high pitched squeal with crackling noises in the background…

Calamity: They combined their attacks?! ::thinking:: I can sense the power of that attack… it’s… FILLED WITH MURDEROUS RAGE! If I get hit by it… I’ll surely…!

Joe and Jason: DIE!

Calamity: NEVER! TSUKI NO KAASU! ::fires the large translucent beam at the reis ryuusei:: YOU DIE!

Seph: ::coming out of nowhere, injured a bit:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI! ::pointing finger in the sky… several black ryuuseis rain down towards Calamity::

Calamity: ?! ::flies down to avoid the black ryuuseis:: SEPH! You?!


The reis ryuusei is actually slashing through the energy of the tsuki no kaasu.

Calamity: ?! ::thinking:: The tsuki no kaasu can’t reflect it…

Jason: Seph?! He’s injured!... This is the perfect chance to stop Joule’s plans… ::takes out a toy soul slayer:: DANCE… CLEFAIRY! oooOOOooh!

Joe: …uhh, Jason?...

Jason: …DAMN THIS 100% INTEGRATION! I SHOULD NUTTAP IT! ::releases the 100% integration:: Gosh…

Joe: Anyways… let’s go get them…

Jason: Are you okay with this though?... you sent such a powerful attack towards…

Joe: She’s already dead… she’s not coming back… I realize that now… it’s impossible… So this was her final wish to me, to take her out before she does any harm to… OH SHIT, WE WERE TALKING TOO LONG!

Jason: they’re gone?! DARN YOU! YOU FAG!


Jason: YES YOU ARE! Or I’ll nuttap you!... dammit… 100% integration wasn’t released yet?!

While this was going on…

Miharu: Join him?...

Naharu: Yes… join him…

Miharu: But…

Naharu: What’s more important? Those berserkers or your family?...

Miharu: … ::Looks down:: Our parents wouldn’t want us to do this…

Naharu: You don’t know that… they’re not here to tell us if they would or wouldn’t… all I know is that in the world they speak of… there will be no pain aka no berserkers… yet there will be our brother…

Miharu: You will sacrifice the memories of Team Basilisk for that?!

Naharu: Those three… gave their lives to me… They would want me to do this.

Miharu: …Naharu… If you are going to go join them… ::gets in a fighting stance:: I will have to kill you…

Naharu: … ::eyes grow menacing as she looks at her sister:: Just who… DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO?

Back with Chris…

Chris: ::the swords an inch from his face and advancing::

Chris disappears in an instant… the swords missing him and then retracting back to Kancho’s arm.

Kancho: This speed again?... you think it’ll work?... ::eyes suddenly widen as Kancho slowly turns around…::

Chris is some distance away from Kancho, in the race-start position. Except this time, he has an unprecedented amount of natural energy rising from his body.

Chris: 50 meter…

Kancho: DAMMIT! ::spins, his swords shooting out:: TATSUMAKI!

Chris: …DASH!

Chris disappears… the ground breaks up under the force of Chris’ steps… Kancho has created the radius of death again…

Kancho: ::thinking:: The estimated time for each of my swords to reach a certain point in this radius of death is less than a tenth of a second… nobody can cut through the radius of this circle in that amount of time… NOBODY!

Kancho suddenly gets hit in the chest by both of Chris’ knees… the shockwave resulting from Chris’ speed also slamming into Kancho’s body.

Kancho: uso! ::thinking as he flies from the force of Chris’ attack:: He cut across 35 feet of wire in less than a tenth of a second… impossible…

Kancho slams into a wall…

Cuong: …damn…

Aya: That was… fast…

Neko-chan: …he covered such a distance so quickly…

Cuong: ahem… ::takes out white board:: For those of you who are math illiterate… let Mr. Cuong explain…

Kevin: ::Nods::

Cuong: OKAY! Okay, imagine it like this… There’s a HUGE fan that’s on its side… and you have to get through the two blade thingies to the center… to touch it… but the blade thingies are 35 feet long… and they spin at a rate that allows them to reach any point along the circumference in less than a tenth of a second… so you basically have to cover 35 feet in less than a tenth of a second… WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING FAST!

Charles: …huh? I don’t get it…

Cuong: Okay, what don’t you get?

Charles: why am I 100 pounds when I eat as much as Joe?

Cuong: …That one’s easy… there’s a black hole in your stomach… and a white hole in Khoi’s… So when you eat… the fat gets sucked in the black hole and released in Khoi’s white hole… making his fat grow exponentially…

Charles: oh…

Kevin: uhhh… okay?


Seiji: Didn’t you originally say “Mr. Cuong”

Cuong: …NO… ::shifts eyes::

Khoi and Joe arrive…

Khoi: We’re back from making out! oooOOOooh!


Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: WE’LL TALK ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP ISSUES LATER! The important thing is, who won?

Cuong: Seems like Chris won…

Khoi: I see…

Hiruma: no way… Kancho was…

Kuro: …

Hamtaro: …I guess I should count… although I don’t think anybody could’ve withstood that… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…

Suddenly… swords fire up out of the ground around Chris.

Chris: ?!

The swords fly around Chris… and then tighten… the wires tied around his neck, arms, and legs…

Chris: ?!

Kancho bursts out of the ground behind Chris… the wires coming out of the mechanisms on his arms.

Kancho: ::blood trickling from his mouth… looks really banged up:: Don’t move… I’ve stopped the slack of the wires…. You move… you get ripped to pieces…

Chris: …

Kancho: These wires are really sharp, with one tug… it’s over… say you forfeit the match… or you’ll die…

Chris: … ::moves his arm… the wires tighten… his arm starts to bleed::

Kancho: BAKA! What are you doing?! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!

Chris: No… there’s something we must accomplish in this tournament… so I will keep moving… no matter what…

Chris moves his leg which also starts to bleed under the pressure of the wires around it…


Chris: Sorry, that’s not an option for me…

Kancho: … ::presses a switch on the mechanisms on his arms… the wires release and launch off the mechanism::

The wires around Chris loosen and release…

Chris: …?

Kancho: …seems like… I totally lost this one… Hamtaro!

Hamtaro: ?...

Kancho: I give up…



Khoi: Hee hee… speedy ninja boobs…

Kancho: ::walking away with his hands in his pockets:: That was a fun match… ::stops and looks back at Chris:: I expect you to be stronger the next time I see you…

Chris: Uhh… I don’t think… that I’m stronger than you… you’re the one who actually won that match…

Kancho: No… if Hamtaro counted properly… it would’ve clearly been seen that I was down for ten seconds after your attack. Also… ::looks back at Chris:: The moment I resorted to a killing move was the moment I lost… because… you probably could’ve killed me with any of your previous attacks…

Chris: But the same goes for you too…

Kancho: Nah… you’re too fast for me… But I’ll tell you one thing…

Chris: ?...

Kancho: The leader of our team is fighting next… against your friend… that chubby emoish looking guy…

Chris: Khoi?

Kancho: Uhh… I think? Anyways… your friend… will not win that match… No matter what you do… if you face Kuro in a match… you will lose…

Chris: …

Kancho: I kinda feel glad I got beaten by you… every year before this, I was always beaten by Kuro… it’s refreshing to not look at his face after losing…

Chris: Is it as refreshing as taking a piss?

Kancho: …Yes… actually…

Khoi walks down from his seat…

Kancho: Sorry… ::thinks of name, but can’t remember:: guy… but I won’t be able to face you in the next match…

Khoi: that’s fine… and… that girl is still alive…

Kancho: …I see… that’s good to hear…

Khoi and Kancho start to sniffle… then they hug each other crying…

Khoi and Kancho: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!

Joe: ::hugging Aya:: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!

Aya: WHAT THE hell?! ::throws Joe far far away::


Charles: uhh, isn’t the next match yours?...

Cuong: …oh right…

Hamtaro: ::twitching:: …GET OFF THE FIGHTING FLOOR!

A couple minutes later…

Hamtaro: now then… let’s get on with the next match… IT’S BETWEEN CUONG OF THE FURRY SEXY VAMPIRE TUBBIES AND KURO OF THE FULL METAL TEAM!

Kuro and Cuong go down to the fighting floor.

Kuro: I wished for this match…

Cuong: I wished for some food… it didn’t happen… ::looks disappointed::

Meanwhile, in the stands…

Neko-chan: Sv2?...

Joe: yeah… some weird pieces of crap…

Aya: …by the way… did you see Mika anywhere…?

Joe: Nope…

Aya: I see…

Khoi: ::still crying:: I MISSED HIM SO MUCH… I LOVE HIM… LOVE HIM!

Jon: ::coming to sit down, wrapped in bandages:: I love him too… who are we talking about?


Jon: …Joe?

Joe: WHAT THE FUCK?! I’M NOT HIS BOYFRIEND! ::starts strangling Jon:: I’LL KILL YOU!

Khoi: Uhh, Joe… I already said we’ll talk about our relationship issues later…

Joe: …I despise you…

Khoi: is that a word for love?... NOW DANCE CLEFAIRY! ::takes out fake katana again::

Jon: Umm… ::starts to dance::

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: YOU’RE NOT CLEFAIRY! Bitch! ::nuttaps Jon::

Jon: WOOOOTTTT?! ::falls down in pain::

Charles: ...right…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: AND YOU REALLY SMELL LIKE BAD! SMELL LIKE PISS!

Charles: ……… ::walks over to a bag that came out of nowhere… unzips it… and pulls out a chainsaw:: DIE! FOOLIO!

Khoi: hee hee… is that some sorta sex toy?... CAUSE I’M A VIRGIN! ::nuttaps Charles::

Charles: ah! ::falls to the ground:: DAMN YOU!

Khoi: hee hee… now Joe… take that sex toy… and stick it up Jon’s ass…

Jon: … ::Looks at the chainsaw:: … ::faints in his seat::

Aya: ::knocks out Khoi:: SHUT UP! THE MATCH IS STARTING!

Joe: Right… ::Looks up and notices something:: …I’ll be… right back…

Aya: ::stares at Kevin and Seiji as Joe leaves::

Kevin: uhh?

Seiji: …why are you staring at me?... Are you trying to cast some sort of spell?


Khoi: ::still knocked out:: ::sleeping::

Khoi’s dream…

Khoi: ooooOOOooh!

Panda Bear: Hello Khoi… my name is fred… I love pandas…

Khoi: Hello fred… DONG! ::nuttaps the Panda Bear::

Panda Bear: Unfortunately for you… I don’t have any nuts… cause I’m a bear… and bears don’t have nuts…

Khoi: Oh… oooOOOooh! ::goes flying off into space::

Panda Bear: Good luck Khoi… and Godspeed… only you can stop the martians from stealing out toilets…

Then Khoi is in a hot tub with Aya, Mika, Miharu, Naharu, Tohru, Deity, Al, Tila Nguyen, Jessica Alba, Cuong’s sister, a Yuna cosplayer, a Rikku cosplayer, Charles, Chansey, Triple H, Stacy Keibler, that 17 year old, that 19 year old, a old monkey, and George Washington.

Khoi: So… do any of you girls know a bear named Fred?

The girls nod…

Khoi: ooooOOOooh! He was sexy!

Fred the Panda Bear: ::in the hot tub also:: Yea, he was…

Khoi: I’ll drink to that! ::drinks some of the hot tub water::

Aya: oooh, Khoi… you have such big muscles… I made you a cake for having such big muscles… your muscles are big…

Miharu: I made you these cookies… and I made them while I was naked…

Khoi: eeewwww… take them back… sicko…

Al: I made you this ice cream… it’s butter flavored…

Khoi: oooOOOOoh! My favorite!

Deity: I made you this jello… it’s jiggly like your fat… so I love it too…

Khoi: awwww…

Tila Nguyen: I knitted you a bib for lobster…

Khoi: oooOOOOoh!

Cuong’s sister: ::looks like Cuong in a wig:: Here’s some popcorn and pepsi…

Chansey: woof! ::gives Khoi a bone::


Charles: …what am I doing in this hot tub?...

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: STOP RUINING THE MOOD!


Khoi: hee hee… you’re funny…

17 year old: …who are you?...

19 year old: I think he’s some sorta penguin? A sexy penguin…

17 year old: Yeah… so hunkily dreamy…

Old monkey: oooh oooh! Ah ah!

George Washington: Khoi, I made you this declaration of independence… I hope you like it… ::blushes::

Khoi: awww… you shouldn’t have…

(Joe note: by the way, Washington did NOT create the declaration of independence.)

Suddenly, Joe enters the room…

Joe: …a hot tub? FULL OF GIRLS?!... and charles… and a president… and some animals… and Cuong in a wig… but still… FULL OF GIRLS?! Oh mighty Khoi, you are surely ten thousand times more sexier than I… and other guys such as with balls that they indeed do have…

Khoi: no no, I am no… ACTUALLY YEAH! oooOOOOoh! ::goes up to Tila Nguyen:: Hi Cuong’s sister!

Tila: Uhh… isn’t he Cuong’s sister? ::points to Cuong in a wig::

Khoi: psh, no silly… that’s Cuong in a wig… and that’s Charles! ::points to George Washington:: oooOOOooh! I’M BOUND TO BE RIGHT!

Joe: uhh… why is Deity in the hot tub?...

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: SHE’S MINE NOW BITCH!

Joe: ::tear:: … ::runs away crying::

Joe somehow is still there…


Charles: …why am I here again?...

Khoi: SHUT UP! You sexy fag!

Charles: I’m not a fag…

Khoi: …damn… ::shifts eyes:: nor am I… ooooOOOOoh! NOW THEN!

Jessica Alba: LET’S FUSE!

Jessica Alba and Khoi: ::doing the fusion dance:: Fussssiiiooonnnnnn…. HA!

Khoi alba: ooooOOOooh! I’M HOT!

Jon: … ::eyes widen:: That’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…

Joe: eh, put a paper bag over her head and I’m fine… eh… I should gag her too so that she doesn’t say “oooOOOoooh” cause that would be disturbing…

Jon: …she’s perfect the way she is you unrefined maggot! ::nuttaps Joe::

Joe: ow, my balls!

A giant hippo falls on Joe…

Joe: ow, my most of me!

Cheerleader: OKAY MY GALLIES!

So and So: aiite?

Ugly one: aiite?

What’s her face: aiite?

Khoi: oooOOOOoh!

Triple H: WOOOO!

Khoi: YOU’RE NOT RIC FLAIR! ::nuttaps Triple H::


Khoi: …umm… put your balls on the back of my head?

Triple H: YEAH!

Khoi: okay, but after I make out with everybody here…

Girls: yay!

Charles: nay!

Khoi: MAJORITY VOTE WINS! I’ll start with Charles! ooOOOOoooh!

(Joe note: Holy shit.. the last four lines… just made me laugh like crazy after rereading them… hahaha)

Charles wakes up…

Charles: What a nightmare!

Khoi: …uhh… wasn’t that MY dream?... oh wait, I’m still dreaming… DAMMIT!

Khoi wakes up…

Khoi: What a nice dream…

Aya: geez… why aren’t they starting yet?...

Spectator #1: I feel sorry for that tubby guy, having to face the metal alchemist…

Spectator #2: Yeah, especially this year, when he is at his peak…

Aya: ::overhearing the spectators:: ::thinking:: It is true that Kuro came to Jugan tournaments in the past… and he has always been one of the strongest… but I never felt like he was serious in his matches… how much is he holding back?

Down on the fighting floor…

Kuro: …

Cuong: …what’d you say?

Kuro: hit me… with that shadow sword attack…

Cuong: …why?

Kuro: …The full metal team… has never been interested in winning this tournament for the prize and control of this school… we’ve only been interested in facing strong opponents and perfecting ourselves in the process…

Cuong: ?...

Kuro: We believe in teamwork, strength, fair fights… and I’ll tell you this now… without hitting me first… this will not be a fair fight… ::takes out a metal lighter and a cigarette… and starts smoking it:: So hurry up, attack me with that shadow sword.

Meanwhile… Vlaka is watching from the stands.

Vlaka: heh… my worthy prey… and the bloodless man who threatened to kill me… who will win?... It doesn’t matter… they will both eventually die at my hands…

Back on the fighting floor…

Kuro: Hurry up…

Cuong: …even if you tell me to do it… it’s not like I can…

Kuro: …?... Really? You used that attack fine against my teammate Hiruma… you ripped through his spears and finished that match easily if I remember correctly…

Cuong: yea… uhhh… ::rubbing back of head:: that was kind of a… fluke?

Kuro: …well then, I am disappointed… I told you before that I wanted to fight you… yet you obviously didn’t take me seriously… ::looks down then looks back up at Cuong:: whatever… attack me with your strongest attack then…

Cuong: …okay… but remember, you asked for it… SHADOW FANG! ::flies at Kuro in spinning shadow missile form::

Cuong hits Kuro dead on…

Kuro: ::hardly phased:: …disappointing… too disappointing…

Cuong: ::stops the shadow fang and jumps back with a shocked expression on his face:: what… are you?!

Kuro: ::eyes turned menacing… he throws off the trenchcoat he’s wearing…::

Cuong: ?!

Kuro has metal sheets, nails, bolts… etc… all over his body… his right arm is totally robotic and made of steel… his left arm has metal sheets bolted on several places… he has another metal sheet on the right side of his chest. He has weird cooling vents on either side of his body. The lower left side of his upper body has metal replacing several parts… there are some wires seen through the metal sheets… that seem to be pumping something that looks like blood.

Kuro: what am I?... I am Kuro, the metal alchemist…year after year perfecting my body through my metal alchemy…

Aya: …his right arm changed from last year…

Neko-chan: …don’t tell me… that guy… reorganized organs and muscles in his body using bolts and wires… for more efficiency?!

Aya: yes… any normal person would’ve died from operations such as those… but Kuro’s metal alchemist trance allows him to incorporate metal into himself… because he can make metal into anything.

Khoi: that’s sad…

Aya: …not really, he lives a perfectly normal life… he has a girlfriend…

Khoi: ?... how?...

Aya: ::scoffs:: you really don’t get it, do you?...

Back on the fighting floor…

Kuro: does my appearance frighten you?...

Cuong: NO SHIT!

Kuro: Hmph… trance… metal alchemist… ::a black symbol glows all along his left arm… he points his hand at himself… all the metal on his body and in his body rip out…::

Cuong: Ugh!

Kuro looks perfectly normal now… but the metal that he ripped out of himself is floating in midair in a liquidy form.

Kuro: …Does this appearance look better to you?

Cuong: no, cause now you’re a guy without a shirt… and I’m not gay.

Kuro: …I see…

Back in the stands…

Aya: ?! THIS IS BAD!

Jon: wot?!

Aya: kuro… is serious.

Back on the fighting floor…

Kuro: ::the black tattoo glowing on his left arm:: Take this…

The mass of liquid metal in the air suddenly transforms into several spears of steel… they rocket at Cuong and impale him in several places…

Cuong: UGH!

Khoi: What was that?!

Aya: he can create any weapon from metal… seems like he won’t play around… he only incorporates that metal into his body when he wants to have equal defense and equal offense… the style he’s using now is highly offensive!

Back on the fighting floor…

Kuro: I did not hit any of your vital points… but if I want too, the spears that are impaling you now can transform and do high damage to your entire body… killing you instantly…

Cuong: …ugh…

Kuro: I suggest… you surrender…


Seph: YOU MORON! ::slamming Vanity to a wall::

Vanity: What’s your fucking problem? You were injured, so I went to take them out myself!

Seph: Are you stupid? I was injured, but you think that would stop me from going after them? I had to see that guy’s match… I HAD TO VERIFY SOMETHING! He’s probably transformed already, I LOST MY CHANCE!

Vanity: what the fuck are you talking about?!

Seph: ::gritting his teeth:: That tubby… He might be…!

Meanwhile, with Joe…

Joe: ::is at Mika’s grandma’s inn… he materializes three katanas, the nagareboshi, hokiboshi, and ryuusei:: ::he throws them up into the air and they start floating around him:: okay… I did it…

Mika’s grandma: …good… are you sure you want to do this?

Joe: yes…

Mika’s grandma: Okay… ::touches the nagareboshi and hokiboshi:: RELEASE!

The nagareboshi transforms into a beautiful girl with wings while the hokiboshi transforms into a gruff looking warrior with a big black sword, both are wearing odd clothes.

Nagareboshi: ara ara… someone summoned us?

Hokiboshi: It’s the previous holder… hmph, what do you want?

Mika’s grandma: It’s not what I want… but it’s what he wants…

Joe: yo…

Hokiboshi: Well, what is it? We don’t have all day…

Joe: I have a request…

Nagareboshi: Oh my? A request?... odd…

Joe: …I want… you two… to choose different holders…

Hokiboshi: I refuse…

Nagareboshi: when we chose you… it meant we CHOSE you… it cannot be undone…

Hokiboshi: My cursed sword of darkness is only for you…

Nagareboshi: And my wings of light are only for you.

Hokiboshi: you are the user of santoryuu now… the sword of light and the sword of darkness are yours and yours alone!... why doesn’t he want me?! ::starts to cry on the shoulder of Nagareboshi:: is it because I’m not strong enough?

Nagareboshi: there there…

Joe: uhh… right…

Hokiboshi: you do understand… your power will probably be only one third of what it used to be.

Joe: yea…

Nagareboshi: We are carrying a lot of your aura…

Hokiboshi: Ever since the moment you picked us up… you will not be able to use anything you learned after you absorbed us… so I don’t quite understand.

Joe: ::grabs the ryuusei from the air:: This is all I need for what I’m about to do next…

Hokiboshi: ?

Joe: I’m going back to California… to destroy that entire company! NODATSSTUPID!

Joe absorbs the ryuusei back.

Joe: That company destroyed someone I cared about… they made Sv2’s… they created Seph… the key to stopping Joule lies there… Those scrolls they stole… must be there! Also, since Joule and his group are here… that place must have less power than it usually does. This is our chance…

Mika’s grandmother: …

Nagareboshi: Then why do you not take us with you?...

Joe: No, I want you two to stay here because in tactics… you always need more than one plan of attack… I am enacting plan B… plan A is to still win the tournament… plan C is to counter joule’s other plans… one of which probably involves stealing the prize.

Hokiboshi: …so you wish to leave us here

Nagareboshi: because you think they will need our power?

Joe: Yes…

Hokiboshi: You won’t be able to use Infinite Trance…

Nagareboshi: You won’t be able to use my powers…

Hokiboshi: Nor mine…

Nagareboshi: You won’t be able to use the hero ryuusei…

Hokiboshi: or the cursed ryuusei…

Nagareboshi: Your speed will be lower…

Hokiboshi: As will your strength…

Nagareboshi and Hokiboshi: YOU’RE INSANE!

Joe: HEY! I WAS STRONG EVEN BEFORE I ABSORBED YOU TWO! I still have my trance and other stuff!

Nagareboshi and Hokiboshi: Impossible, impossible…

Joe: ARGH!

Mika’s grandma: I am also quite skeptical… that company still has quite a bit of power…

Joe: But what other choice do we have?!

Nagareboshi: Just take us with you.

Hokiboshi: Indeed…

Joe: Seph and Vanity are here! Not to mention all of Joule’s other flunkies… you two have to stay here and help!

Hokiboshi and Nagareboshi: Leave the ryuusei here…

Joe: NO WAY!

Kevin: ::walking in:: uhh… I’ll go too… and help

Joe: …uhh, yeah… SEE! I HAVE KEVIN TO HELP ME!


Kevin: ::in the corner, sad::

Joe: …that wasn’t nice…

Hokiboshi: but fine… go then… You’ll have to break the link we have with you.

Nagareboshi: Yes… we can never enter your body again.

Hokiboshi: You will never again be able to use santoryuu.

Joe: ::Nods::

Nagareboshi: ::smiles:: very well then…

Hokiboshi: Hah, good luck… you’ll need it…

The nagareboshi and hokiboshi transform back into swords and fly away…

Mika’s grandmother: Was that smart?

Joe: It’s for the best.

Mika’s grandmother: Is this a suicide mission?

Joe: …

Kevin: ?...

Mika’s grandmother: well?

Joe: Plan D…

Mika’s grandmother: ?...

Joe: I die at that company and Vanity dies… so does Seph… no gates can be opened…

Mika’s grandmother: …smart plan… stupid… but smart.

Joe: If I was using santoryuu, I would probably be able to survive easily… I needed just the amount of strength to destroy the company, yet also die.

Mika’s grandmother: Don’t you think you’re taking too much responsibility yourself?

Joe: No… I HAVE KEVIN! ::grabs Kevin::

Kevin: uhh… yeah…

Mika’s grandmother: …sigh… I guess I’ll come too…

Back with Mika…

Mika: …no way… ::eyes wide and shaking:: Who could’ve done this?!

Miharu is on the floor and looks dead.


To be continued.


36th Installment: Swordplay

Joe, Kevin, and Mika’s grandma are on a plane.

Joe: Well, we left immediately… glad you’re paying for us grannie!

Mika’s grandmother: Yeah… you’ll pay me back later…

Joe: …damn…

Kevin: uhh… yeah…

Mika’s grandmother: But still… giving up the nagareboshi and hokiboshi… are you insane?

Joe: No… I don’t think I am… but didn’t you do the same thing?

Mika’s grandmother: Hmm… I only placed all of my aura into the zentimaru because my aura was far too great at the time for my body to handle. I had to get rid of those two… and plus, the zentimaru had a lot more aura in it than just my own…

Joe: ::materializes the ryuusei katana, the person behind him yells “what the fuck?!”:: This is all I need…

Suddenly, people start screaming…




Joe: Uhh, I’m not Brian…

Kenfield: You shut the fuck up you sonuva bitch!

Joe: Anyways… ::the ryuusei disappears::

People: …what the fuck?!

Joe: without the zentimaru, can you even do anything?

Mika’s grandmother: Don’t worry about me… I haven’t grown too old to let someone weaker than me criticize my actions…

Joe: uhh… I guess…

Kevin: I’m finally going home…

Joe: yes… now shut up, I’m sleeping… ::is automatically asleep::

Mika’s grandmother: what the…?

Back at the stadium…

Cuong: ::on the floor, with the spears still in him:: Damn…

Kuro: Give up, or I’ll have the spears change shape and kill you.

Cuong: …

In the stands…

Khoi: ::making struggling noises:: I WANTED TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO PENETRATE CUONG!

Jon: Urr… what does that mean?

Khoi: …uhhh… ooOOOOooh!

Charles: …right…


Charles: I’m not clefairy…

Khoi: Or are you? ::rubs chin::

Charles: I’m not…

Khoi: LOOK! THE POINT IS! Cuong needs to get a girlfriend! HEE HEE!

Charles: …riiiiggggghhhhttttt…

Khoi: speaking of which! WHY DON’T YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!

Charles: …because… I don’t…

Khoi: …I see… so Charles… if you had a girlfriend, would you still go to a strip club?

Charles: No, I’m very commited…

Khoi: …HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oooOOOooh!... oh shit, you’re serious.

Back on the fighting floor…

Kuro: ::staring at Cuong:: give up…

Cuong: ::thinking:: what can I do in a situation like this?... if I try to pull these out, they’ll change shape… if I wait too long, he’ll change their shape to kill me… if I hug Khoi, my mom will think I’m gay… wait, what the hell?... damn, did I have any homework?... FOCUS! FOCUS! There is only one way to get out of a situation like this… I must call upon… DOMINO’S!... I’m so hungry… I mean Tsubasa… but how?... how do I do it? Last time I was in a situation like this, he appeared automatically, but it’s not happening this time… why?

Kuro: I’ll give you five seconds…

Cuong: dammit…

Kuro: Five…

Cuong: Ugh…

Kuro: four…

Cuong: ::on his knees::

Kuro: Three…

Cuong: …

Kuro: Two…

Cuong: uhh… ten…

Kuro: one…

The spears start to change shape…

Cuong: FUCK THAT! ::time seems to stop in Cuong’s eyes as his eyes turn pink. The ground underneath Kuro glows pink as if that entire area is being targeted, like a shadow:: ::time starts up again:: SHADOW… ::points palm upside down at Kuro:: DISPERSION! ::spins palm upright and swings it to his side…::

The area around Kuro becomes dark…

Kuro: Nani?...

A flurry of Cherry blossoms bursts from the ground and starts flying around Kuro like enraged hornets.

Kuro: ?!... ::one of the cherryblossoms fly by his cheek… it leaves a cut mark:: ::thinks:: Sharp?!

The metal spears suddenly fly out of Cuong and into the storm of cherry blossoms… The cherry blossoms suddenly explode away… Kuro jumps out of the cherry blossoms in his previous form, melded with the metal.

Kuro: I could’ve died from that…

Kuro hears a whistle from above… as a shadow fang comes at him. The shadow fang has cherry blossoms flying out from the sides…

Kuro: UGH! ::punches the shadow fang with his metal fist and knocks it away to the ground as he lands…::

The shadow fang disperses… and it seems like a different person’s back is towards Kuro.

Kuro: You?...

Tsubasa: Heh, what? Were you waiting for me or something?

Kuro: …so you decided not to hold back anymore…

Tsubasa: Sure, whatever…

Kuro: Hmm… ::smiles:: Good, then I… won’t have to hold back either! ::the silver tattoo all over Kuro’s left arm suddenly glows brightly:: TRANCE… METAL ALCHEMIST!

Chains fly our of Kuro’s left arm towards Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: ::crouches and puts both his hands at his sides, as if he has two swords on either side:: Shadow… SWORD! ::spins and unleashes two shadow swords against the chains… cherry blossoms bursting from the long whiplike blades made of shadow::

The chains and shadow swords collide and create an explosion…

Charles: What the?! Why was there an explosion?!

Aya: Those are both aura attacks… the aura chains must’ve reacted with the aura from the shadow swords…

Kancho is in a different seat with Hiruma… they both cover their faces as the smoke billows through the crowd.

Kancho: Amazing… nobody has ever stopped Kuro’s indestructible aura chains…

Hiruma: It’s not over yet… don’t count Kuro out yet… after all, he’s our ace!

Tsubasa is in the smoke… unable to see Kuro…

Tsubasa: ::thinking:: Where will he come from?... left? The right?...

Kuro: ::voice echoing throughout:: If you’re wondering where my attack will come from…

Tsubasa hears a noise behind him and turns around… a chain comes towards him…

Tsubasa: ::dodges to the side:: ugh…! ::realizes something:: SHIT!

Kuro appears behind Tsubasa… and punches towards him with his fist of steel.


Tsubasa: ::jumps on top of Kuro’s fist::

Kuro: ?!

Tsubasa: ::forces the fist down and points palm at Kuro’s face:: SHADOW SYMMETRY!

A hand of shadow extends from Tsubasa’s hand, bursting with cherry blossoms. It slams into Kuro’s face and carries him along, finally slamming him against one of the fighting floor walls…

Kuro: ::grabs onto the arm of shadow with his hand of steel and shatters the hand of shadow:: useless…

Suddenly, from the smoke, hundreds of hands of shadow come after Kuro…

Kuro: ::the silver tattoo on his left arm grows brightly:: AURA CHAINS!

Hundreds of chains rush out of his left arm, colliding with the hands of shadow. Tsubasa appears above Kuro, ready to draw his invisible sword.

Tsubasa: SHADOW SWORD! ::draws the sword, the long whiplike blade of shadow heading straight for Kuro::

Kuro: ::sticks his metal fist out, the shadow sword strikes it, and breaks into nothingness::

Tsubasa: ::landing on the floor across from Kuro:: Tch…

Kuro: ::the smoke from the first explosion has cleared up now:: ::Kuro digs in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter… he lights it up and smokes it… then breathes deeply… he looks at Tsubasa and motions with his finger for him to come::

Tsubasa: cocky bastard, eh?

Aya: He’s one to talk…

Tsubasa: Hey you! Unattractive girl! I heard that!

Aya: What was that?! ::rolling up her sleeve::

Neko-chan: geez, calm down…

Meanwhile… Sousuke is watching from one of the entrances.

Sousuke: …This battle… may just be the greatest we’ve seen yet in the jugan tournament… who shall win?

Tsubasa turns from Aya to face Kuro again.

Tsubasa: Huh… not only the physical form of my attacks were stopped by you… but you also stopped the aftereffects of the hidden sword…

Kuro: I saw your match with Hiruma… ::still smoking:: It’s simple to analyze attacks…

Tsubasa: Well then, enough talking… ROUND 2! ::rushes at Kuro, his hands together, fingers pointing up::

Kuro: … ::takes one last puff::

Tsubasa: Shadow…!

Kuro: ::flicks the cigarette straight at Tsubasa’s forehead::

Tsubasa: ?! ::ducks to avoid the cigarette::

Kuro: ::sends a couple of chains towards Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: Damn! ::spins to the side to dodge one, then jumps over another… the chains continue to chase after him::

Tsubasa lands back on the floor and stares at the chains which are about to hit him…

Tsubasa:::slams hand into the ground:: ARISE! OSARU!

Shadows on the ground begin to take form… into Osaru the inebriated shadow bear… Osaru throws his mug of ale away and grabs the chains with his paws.

Osaru: ::hiccup:: roaoooooar?

Tsubasa: HOLD THEM LIKE THAT! ::jumps on top of Osaru’s head:: Now… Osaru… SHADOW FANG!

Osaru hiccups and puts its snout into its fur…

Kuro: ::struggling to drag back the chains:: That bear… so strong…

Kancho: duh… it’s a bear…

Kuro: …

Hiruma: that’s true… bears are strong…

Osaru pulls out a bottle of skotch and tips its head up so that he can drink the alcohol… he drinks the last drop then begins to float…

Kuro: what is he trying to do…?

Tsubasa: NOW! SPIN!

Osaru starts to spin rapidly, creating a large shadow fang that has cherry blossoms billowing out. The chains are being pulled into it… dragging Kuro closer and closer to the deadly shadow attack.

Kuro: ugh! ::digging his feet into the ground, but still being dragged towards it:: argh! ::punches through the chains with his fist of steel::

Osaru flies at Kuro… the chains flying off of him…

Kuro: such a huge attack… IS STILL MEANINGLESS! ::punches at the center of it with his arm of steel::

Kuro is trying to hold it back, but the attack is pushing him back.

Kuro: Ugh….! ::sticks his free hand up in the air as the silver tattoo around it glows:: aura chain… SPEAR!

Aura chains fly out of his arm and wrap around it… forming a long lance type weapon on his arm…

Kuro: OWARGH! ::slams the spear made of chain into the huge shadow fang::

Smoke rises up from the collision… blocking the two combatants from view.

Hamtaro: ::sitting on one of the fighting floor walls:: Geez, where’d they…

Tsubasa appears, standing on the fighting floor wall next to Hamtaro… chains fly out from the smoke and strike towards him… Tsubasa dodges them as they slam into the wall, shattering it.

Hamtaro: ::falling down:: DAMMIT!

Tsubasa: SHADOW SWORD! ::swings the long whiplike blade of shadow into the smoke::

There’s a large clang… Kuro comes running out, his right arm of metal creating sparks along the shadow sword.

Tsubasa: ?!

Kuro jumps up and kicks Tsubasa in the head… Kuro’s leg suddenly opens up, revealing spikes… which shoot out into Tsubasa’s head.


Tsubasa suddenly transforms into cherryblossoms which fall to the ground…

Kuro: decoy?!

Osaru flies down towards Kuro and punches towards him… Kuro dodges as Osaru’s punch shatters even more of the wall.

Kuro: damn! ::jumping back on the fighting floor::

Tsubasa: ::pointing his palm at the back of Kuro:: SHADOW SPELL!

A large wave of shadow mixed with cherry blossoms fly at Kuro.

Tsubasa: I GOT YOU!


The metal on Kuro’s body rises off of it, forming the liquidy metal form again… they form into spears which slam into the shadow spell… then they suddenly spread branches of metal throughout the shadows, ripping them apart.

Tsubasa: Tch…

Kancho and Hiruma are watching intently…

Kancho: Hey, is it just me… or are those two trying to kill each other?

Hiruma: ::shrugs:: Maybe they figured there’s no other way to win against each other…

Kuro calls back the liquidy metal… as he forms the lance out of the aura chains again… however, the liquidy metal surrounds the chains… making it a lot smoother…

Kuro: METAL LANCE! ::rushes at Tsubasa, the lance pointing forward::

Tsubasa: DAMN! ::points hand at Kuro:: SHADOW BARRICADE!

A wall of shadow appears between Tsubasa and Kuro… the lance rips through the shadow barricade… however, Tsubasa is no longer behind it…

Kuro: ?!

Tsubasa: ::pointing both palms at Kuro’s back:: Shadow… SORCERY!

A large face of shadow begins to grow under Kuro… the face grows angry and opens its mouth… sucking in everything near through a tornado of cherry blossoms…

Kuro: ::immediately jumping off the face, but is still getting sucked in:: urgh!

The liquid metal rises off of the lance of aura chains and the aura chains suddenly wrap themselves around Kuro’s body… the liquid metal then surrounds that, forming heavy armor… Kuro hits the floor… the face is unable to suck him in due to his weight.

Tsubasa: Geez…

Kuro: DON’T YOU LET YOUR GUARD DOWN! ::the metal on Kuro’s chest suddenly branches out towards Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: damn! ::points palm at the incoming branches of metal:: SHADOW DESTRUCTION! ::shadows rip along the ground, bursting with cherry blossoms… towards Kuro’s attack… the two attacks collide and continue to slash at each other, sparks flying from them::

Kuro: tch!

Tsubasa: damn!... OSARU!

Osaru appears behind Kuro.

Kuro: The bear again?!

Osaru reaches in his fur and pulls out two large bottles of alcohol.

Osaru: ::hiccup:: ::looks like he might be smiling::

Kuro: ?!

Osaru throws the two bottles into the middle of the shadow destruction and Kuro’s attack… the sparks ignite them, exploding…

Kuro: What does that bear drink to create such an explosion?! Gasoline?!

Kuro splits his armor back into the liquid metal after the explosion ceases… he forms them into shuriken.

Kuro: ::points palm directly above him… the shuriken go flying up::

Tsubasa: ::was preparing to draw a shadow sword:: He spotted me?! ::draws the shadow sword and knocks away the shuriken by swinging once across, then again to the opposite side::

Kuro: ::puts his hand behind his back and crouches down as if he’s preparing to jump… the shuriken come to his hand and form together to create a giant axe, Kuro jumps up at Tsubasa carrying it:: take this! ::swings at Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: I’D RATHER NOT TAKE IT! ::catches the axe with both hands::

Kuro: ?...

Tsubasa: ::hands glowing with dark energy:: shadow… destruction…

Shadows rip through the axe… shattering it… both Kuro and Tsubasa land on the floor… opposite each other.

Kuro: …This is quite exciting…

Tsubasa: …

Kuro: …Tell me your name again…

Tsubasa: It’s Tsubasa Cuong… the death god…

Kuro: I see… I am Kuro… leader of the full metal team… and the Metal Alchemist…

Tsubasa: …So… what’s with the sudden need to introduce each other? Are you trying to hit on me?

Kuro: No, the need is because… I will now show you a technique that I have not yet perfected… it’s in its beta version… you should be glad… that I find you a nuisance strong enough for me to use this… I was saving this for Sousuke… but… ::smiles:: YOU deserve this…

The liquid metal rises around Kuro again.

Kuro: ::sticks his left hand out to his side… the liquid metal goes to it, and forms two dragons which start spinning around each other over his hand:: TWIN RYUUSEI!

Tsubasa: ?!

Kuro starts to run at Tsubasa with the attack…

Kuro: DIE! ::stabbing at an angle towards Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: SHADOW SWORD! ::quickly unleashes a long whiplike blade of shadow against the twin ryuusei of metal, knocking it away:: COPYING THAT TOTALLY UNATTRACTIVE GUY’S ATTACKS WON’T DO ANYTHING!

Kuro: ::backs off a bit and sticks both hands out in front of him… the metal forms floating wings around them… 8 symbols of liquid metal also get formed as the wings of metal start to spin…:: TENGEN!

The metal from the symbols shoot out at Tsubasa in 8 long metal spikes mimicking beams…

Tsubasa: what is this?! ::jumping and dodging inbetween the metal spikes::

Kuro: ::calls back the liquid metal as the Tsubasa lands on the floor:: ::looks like he’s about to draw an invisible sword:: SHADOW SWORD! ::draws a long whiplike blade of metal at Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: bastard… ::jumps over the attack:: ::draws his shadow sword towards Kuro:: NOBODY COPIES ME!

Kuro: ::points palm at Tsubasa:: Shadow Symmetry…

The liquid metal forms into a hand which flies at Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: ?! ::abandons the shadow sword as he hits the ground again and rolls to dodge the incoming hand of metal::

In the stands…

Kancho: What’s Kuro doing?...

Hiruma: He’s… using…

With Khoi and the others…


Aya: And seriously, who would want to…?

Khoi: …damn…

Chris: why would copying other people’s moves be good?... I don’t get it… what’s he trying to do?...

Tsubasa is staring intently at Kuro.

Tsubasa: Are you kidding me? Your previous moves were much stronger than this… why copy others?

Kuro: I’m not copying… ::puts a pair of goggles over his eyes:: I’m perfecting… that’s what we blacksmiths do… we perfect what has been created… now then… let’s try that again… TWIN RYUUSEI! ::forms the twin ryuusei of metal again::

Tsubasa: …?!

The metal dragons have grown blades for scales… making them spin faster.

Kuro: ::runs at Tsubasa:: TWIN RYUUSEI! ::strikes down at Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: ::thinks:: faster than before?! ::shoots out a shadow sword at it:: IT’LL STILL BE LIKE LAST TIME!

The spinning blades on the dragons rip through the shadow sword… Kuro stabs towards Tsubasa…

Kuro: You lose…

Tsubasa: ::ducks under it… but one of the blades scrapes him across the face… Tsubasa rises back up with his palm under Kuro’s chin:: SHADOW SYMMETRY!

An arm and hand of shadow extends from Tsubasa palm, knocking Kuro up towards the roof…

Kuro: ::slashes the shadow symmetry away with the twin ryuusei of metal and points his palm down at Tsubasa:: Shadow Symmetry…

A hand and arm of metal flies at Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: ::rolls to dodge it… the hand suddenly changes form and does a perfect 90 degree angle towards tsubasa… the hand slams into Tsubasa’s chest and knocks him straight into the ground… the hand is moving in square type motions:: urgh!

Kuro lands back on the ground…

Kuro: …

Tsubasa: this is… ridiculous… ::springs back up:: ::holding his chest:: you’re modifying the attacks…

Kuro: I’m making them stronger… that’s what you do when you forge something new…

Tsubasa: Hmph… you forget one thing…

Osaru is right behind Kuro about to strike…

Kuro: I forget nothing… Tengen!

The wings of metal are floating in the air above Osaru, spinning… they fire the 8 metal “beams” into Osaru… he disappears in a buff of black smoke…

Tsubasa: A mobile tengen?!

Kuro: ::smirks:: Damn… it seems that I haven’t gotten the hang of this yet… I really wanted to make a technique where I’d see your new moves and automatically counter and perfect it… yet I have to use it once to do it… ::points finger in the air:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI!

Metal ryuuseis begin to rain down on Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: ?!

Tsubasa jumps back to dodge… the ryuuseis suddenly shatter into bullets which fire off at Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: shrapnel?!

They hit Tsubasa as he goes down…

Kuro: ::looks like he’s about to draw an invisible sword as Tsubasa is on the ground:: Shadow…

Tsubasa: Ugh! ::springs back up although he’s still bleeding from the reign of ryuusei shrapnel attack:: ::gets ready to draw his invisible sword:: SHADOW…!

Kuro and Tsubasa: SWORD!

Kuro swings a long whiplike sword of Metal as Tsubasa swings a long whiplike sword of shadow… they collide… and the metal one rips the shadow one apart… also slashing Tsubasa on the chest.

Tsubasa: ?!

The metal shadow sword has some chainsaw effect going around it…

Kuro: Give up… there’s no way you can win this…

Tsubasa: ::smiles:: Who do you think you’re talking to? No way I can win? Perfecting MY attacks?... my attacks are already perfect… I am perfect… I will win…

Kuro: ?...

Tsubasa: Can you really kill the god of death?

Kuro: kill the god of death? I do not intend to do that… I intend… to beat you…

Tsubasa: Then you have no chance… ::rushes at Kuro:: ROUND TWO! SHADOW… sword! ::unleashes the long whip like blade of shadow at Kuro::

Kuro: foolish… SHADOW SWORD! ::unleashes his long whiplike blade of metal towards Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: ::jumps over the metal copy of his attack as it rips through the first shadow sword, then Tsubasa uses his left hand to unleash a shadow sword bursting with cherry blossoms down towards Kuro:: DIE!


The mobile tengen appears in front of the shadow sword and spins rapidly… it rips through the shadow sword… Tsubasa lands back on the ground.

Tsubasa: Tch… how about this then?! SHADOW DESTRUCTION! ::slams palm onto the ground, larger shadows than before rip along the ground towards Kuro, rushing alongside cherry blossoms::

Kuro: ::eyes flash, goggles reflect a bit of light… he slams his hand on the floor, metal chains mimicking the shadow destruction rushes towards Tsubasa’s attack:: SHADOW DESTRUCTION!

The two attacks collide… the metal shadow destruction rips through the original and heads towards Tsubasa.


The large face of shadow appears in front of Tsubasa… it opens its mouth and sucks in the metal chains. Tsubasa jumps over the face and rushes at Kuro, in sword drawing position.

Tsubasa: ::draws three shadow swords quickly at Kuro with both hands, one from above, one from the left, and one from the right::

Kuro: ::draws three metal shadow swords at the same speed in the same directions… they rip through the long whiplike blades of shadow, Tsubasa barely dodges them::

Tsubasa: ::sliding back:: Damn…

Kuro: I think it’s time for me to end this… ::points finger in the air… the remaining liquid metal rises up into a ball:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI!

The liquid metal bursts into hundreds of metal ryuuseis, all smaller than the regular ones made of black flame… they look more like bullets and fire at Tsubasa much faster than the dark ryuuseis.

Tsubasa: urgh! ::puts hand to the side, pink energy glows around it:: ::fires the pink energy at the incoming attack… it bursts into several cherry blossoms:: SHADOW DISPERSION!

The cherry blossoms slash through the bullets.

Kuro: Damn, I forgot about that attack…!

Tsubasa jumps up towards Kuro… and kicks him straight in the face… sending him flying for a bit… He spins automatically and unleashes a long whiplike blade of shadow bursting with cherry blossoms at Kuro.

Kuro: UGH! ::thinking:: I made a mistake… looks like I’ll have to finish this quickly with THAT…

Kuro sends aura chains firing out of his arm. They wrap around the shadow sword and then tighten… destroying it.

Tsubasa: NOT ENOUGH! ::unleashes another shadow sword from the opposite side::

Kuro: ::closes eyes:: Chain Cell…

Chains suddenly fire out from Kuro’s arm again… spreading all throughout the fighting floor… creating a maze of chains… the shadow sword hits some and breaks up.

Tsubasa: What is this?!

Tsubasa is now trapped in a jungle of chains.

Kancho: This attack…

Hiruma: Is he serious?...

Khoi is watching…

Khoi: umm… oooOOooh! How kinky?

Jon: …ummm… yes…

Back to tsubasa…

Tsubasa: ::thinking:: He scattered chains all over the place… why?... I know it’s hard for me to move around now… but it must be hard for him too… No… I shouldn’t underestimate him… ::suddenly gets into a sword stabbing motion like a gatotsu, but is holding no sword:: I will cut him with this sword of stealth…

The chains start to move…

Tsubasa: …?

In a different part of the maze of chains…

Kuro: ::thinking:: this is the ultimate one hit kill technique… first I surround the area with aura chains to impede movement… right now, one aura chain must be within at least one foot from any point of his body… He probably is thinking that this hinders my movement, but these chains are like an extension of my body, I can navigate through them easily and they will open up a path for me… these indestructible chains lead to the one hit kill… sorry about this… but as these are extensions of my body, I can sense where you are within this maze… I promise to stop the attack as soon as I’m sure you cannot move…

Kuro grabs onto one of the chains and pulls…

Tsubasa: ?!

The chains suddenly wrap around Tsubasa in the span of a second. They tighten hard.

Kuro: ::the jungle of chains is gone, all of the chains tightening around Tsubasa, Kuro’s holding a single chain in his hand, pulling on it:: This is my one hit kill… it’s unavoidable and once I have you in these chains, the smallest movement is impossible… I can tighten it even more right now and turn you into nothing more than spaghetti… but I won’t kill you…

The chains suddenly tighten up quickly… as if something inside them just escaped.

Kuro: ?!

A shadow rushes along the ground towards Kuro from the chains… it stops in front of him and cherry blossoms burst out, along with Tsubasa who is still in the gatotsu stance.


Tsubasa: DON’T UNDERESTIMATE MY MANY TECHNIQUES! ::about to stab at Kuro with nothing in his hands::

Kuro: ::thinking:: I see nothing, but I know there will be something...!

Liquid metal rushes down on Kuro… forming thick armor.

Tsubasa: IT WILL NOT WORK! NO MATTER HOW MANY SLASHES IT TAKES! MY SWORDS OF DARKNESS WILL STRIKE YOU! ::stabs at Kuro with nothing in his hands… cherry blossoms suddenly burst out of his hand as he stabbed forward… the cherry blossoms whiz around Kuro, slashing against the thick armor::

Kuro: It will not work!

Tsubasa: ::jumps backwards out of the storm of cherry blossoms and puts both hands at his sides, as if he’s about to draw two invisible swords… he suddenly shifts into a shadow which rushes back into the storm of cherryblossoms and seems to disappear… shadows slash all around Kuro’s armor along with the cherry blossoms.::

Tsubasa jumps out the opposite side of the cherry blossom storm, with his hands out and crouching as if he drew two invisible swords. The cherry blossoms disperse…

Tsubasa: …Shadow Stab…

In the stands…

Aya: …was that all… part of that one move? ::remembers when Tsubasa started out in the stab position::

Khoi: umm… oooOOOooh!


Chris: you made that?

Jon: of course!


Aya: no, he didn’t make that… gosh…

The armor on Kuro begins to crack… then it totally explodes off of him… Kuro falls to the floor.

Hamtaro: …geez, do I even have to count? ::runs next to Kuro:: damn… 1, 2, 3…

Tsubasa: ::gets up from his crouching position:: You did good, but not good enough…

Hamtaro: 7… 8…

Kuro suddenly flips up to his feet.

Tsubasa: ::slowly turning around and shocked::

Kuro: AURA CHAINS! SPEAR FORMATION! ::aura chains suddenly surround his right arm creating a spear:: ::rushes at Tsubasa and stabs forward:: TAKE THIS!

Kuro’s aura chains suddenly crack up and break… Kuro stops running… and stands then falls onto his back…

Tsubasa: …damn, even at the end, you wouldn’t give up…

Hamtaro: …I think it’s over… the winner is Tsubasa of the Furry Sexy Vampire whatevers…

All the girls cheer… along with Jon…


Khoi: HE’S MINE! ::nuttaps Jon::

Aya: …righhhtttt….

Tsubasa: Damn… this guy made me use too much energy… ugh……….

In a puff of smoke, Tsubasa transforms back into Cuong.

Cuong: …

Girls in the stadium: … ::jaws dropped::

Jon: ::jaw dropped:: …

Girls in the stadium: ::start to barf::

Jon: ::starts to barf::



Girls in the stadium: WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! WHERE’S TSUBASA?!

Cuong: …didn’t you guys see me transform, I AM Tsubasa…

Girls in the stadium: LIAR!

Cuong: …


Khoi: YEAH! Can I be Tsubasa then?

Jon: umm… maybe…

Chris: All these girls like Cuong… but don’t know they like Cuong… I say cuong should transform and get laid by like three of them… then transform when they wake up… so they’ll be shocked… and we’ll have it all no video… it’ll be funny…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: STOP STEALING MY IDEAS YOU DIRTY CAMBODIAN!... ICE CREAM?! ::jumps onto some ice cream that’s spilled on the floor and melted and covered with ants:: MINE! MINE!

Charles: Dammit, am I the only one who lost?

Khoi: ::with ants and ice cream in his mouth:: Only cause you’re committed…

Charles: Huh?

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: MY MOUTH IS ITCHY FROM THE ANTS!

Charles: …I’m going to go eat spaghetti…

Khoi: Make sure you get some breadsticks and meatballs…

Charles: yes, but those balls are so big… I can only handle two… and maybe one breadstick…

Jon: I have some breadsticks…

Charles: UGH! Your stick is skinny and covered in salt… tastes too salty…

Khoi: what about my balls?


Khoi: …awwww…

Aya: …are they doing this on purpose? Or do they really don’t know what they’re saying?

Charles: I’m pretty sure Aya’s balls would taste best… her stick too…


Charles: what?

Aya: … ::punches charles away::

Charles: DAMN!

Khoi: ooooOOOooh!

Aya: ::punches Khoi:: this is for being annoying! ::punches Jon:: This is for being pimply! ::punches Chris:: This is for being Cambodian! ::punches Seiji:: This is for… well… YOU JUST BUG ME!

Seiji: …hey………

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: I WILL hit back even if you’re a girl!

Aya: Huh?! ::pulls out a bat::

Khoi: AHHHH! ::running away::

Another girl appears in front of Khoi with pepper spray.

Girl #2: HUH?!

Khoi: ::runs the other way:: AHHHH!

Another girl blocks Khoi with a tazer…

Girl #3: HUHHHHH?!

Khoi: Umm… FUNURABA! ::grabs the girls boobs:: Umm… damn… do you even have boobs? Here, feel mine…

Ten seconds later…

Charles: I wonder where Khoi is now…

There’s a khoi shaped hole in the wall…

Jon: huh… I’d think that a khoi shaped hole would be bigger…

Charles: me too…

Cuong: yeah…

Hamtaro: Okay, now that we cleaned up everything… it’s time for the next match… let’s move this along people… SHINKA VS. KHOI!

Shinka drops down to the fighting floor.

Shinka: YOSH! I will win… FOR JUSTICE!

Charles: AND FREEDOM!...

Shinka: …uhh… okay?

Hamtaro: uhh… where’s that fag?

Khoi appears on the fighting floor… with big bumps on his head.

Khoi: oooOOOOoh! I’m ready to fuck… I mean fight… ::shifts eyes::

Shinka: finally, I get to face you…

Khoi: oooOOOooh! Finally, I get to umm… oooOOOooh! ::realizes who he’s fighting:: DAMN! AREN’T YOU THAT REALLY STRONG GUY?!

Shinka: uhh… yes…

Khoi: I didn’t know I was facing you… if I knew… I would’ve wore my miniskirt… CAUSE THEN YOU’D BE BLINDEDED! oooOOOooh! Who said that?! At least I brought my sports bra… ::checks for it:: OH SHIT! I forgot it… but where did it go?...

On the plane…

Joe: ::opens up his bag to get a blanket… there’s a sports bra:: ::picks it up:: What the hell?

Kevin: ::staring at Joe quizzically::

Joe: Dude, it’s not mine…

Kevin: …

Joe: I’M SERIOUS!...

Kevin: …gay…


People on the plane start to scream again…


Joe: People people! Calm down! ::stands up holding the sports bra::

Everybody stops and stares at Joe… they all point…

Everybody: pervert…

Joe: I’M NOT A PERVERT! It’s not mine!

Everybody: …rigggggghhhhhhhtttt….

Joe: …

Back in the stadium…

Khoi: Well then, let’s go!


Up in the stands…

Cuong: Joule couldn’t hurt this guy with all that fire, so how can Khoi hurt him?

Charles: I don’t know…

Back on the floor…

Shinka: Since I still feel sorry about my brother stealing your wallet… I’ll let you have the first shot… come on…

Khoi: …Uh…. Are you sure?

Shinka: yes, I would be thoroughly ashamed if you could hurt me with just a single hit…

Khoi: Umm… okay… ::shrugs:: DONG! ::nuttaps Shinka::

Shinka: ::grabs his balls with a shocked expression on his face and falls onto his side:: My one weakness… ughhhhh….

Cuong and Charles: …

Jon: …

Chris: …

Meanwhile… at Miharu’s house… Mika wakes up… for some reason she’s in a bed and naked under some sheets.

Mika: ugh… what happened?

Miharu: ::wearing a turban:: I brought you back here, you were unconscious…


Miharu: ::smiles:: no… I was not…

Mika: I see… ::sigh of relief… then realizes something:: what happened to my clothes?...

Miharu: I made this cool hat with them… ::points at her turban::

Mika: …

(Joe note: GO GO WHITE NINJA!)

To be continued…


37th Installment: Shinka is Evolution

Kevin is in his seat repeatedly putting down the tray in front of him, then putting it up.

Joe: Stop that!

Kevin: ::shrugs::

Mika’s grandmother: ::sleeping::

Kevin looks away and Joe looks at the back of his hand…

Joe: dammit…

Meanwhile, back at the stadium… Shinka has gotten back up…

Shinka: I did not expect such a perverted attack…

Khoi: oooOOOooh!

Shinka: Well then… that was your first hit… ::cleans up his martial arts uniform a bit and gets in a fighting stance:: it will be your last.

Aya is watching intently.

Aya: Shinka is the most technically advanced fighter in the Jugan School… his physical strength is incomparable… he’s the best natural aura user in the school… His fighting techniques and style along with his physical endurance and athleticism makes him overpowering…

Charles: I could beat him… I HAVE A SIX PACK!... well, four pack…

Cuong: I have a kegger!


Chris: that guy beat Joule badly… I wonder how Khoi will fight…

Aya: Between their fighting styles, I wonder whose is greater…

Khoi transforms into Jason.

Jason: Let’s go… I haven’t had a sparring match in a long time…

Shinka: Your hand to hand fighting is not as good as mine… you’d be smarter to attack with all you got… such as going berserk…

Cuong thinks a bit then realizes something…

Cuong: Uhhhh… I don’t think Jason ever used the tengen in the matches… how did Kuro know about it?

Aya: When he first used that technique, everybody most likely sensed it… Hamtaro can also monitor these things… it’s no secret that he’s a berserker…

Jason stares down Shinka…

Jason: You shouldn’t underestimate my regular fighting abilities…

Shinka: Okay then, LET’S SEE WHAT YOU HAVE!

Shinka rushes at Jason spins off the ground, propelling himself off his hand and sends both feet kicking towards Jason, one at his head, and one at his stomach.

Jason: ::blocks the kick near his head and grabs the kick towards his midsection:: ha!

Shinka: ::reaches down to the floor with his hand, bends his knees and kicks Jason a bit off, then flips to his feet:: Try that again…

Jason: Nah, it’s my turn now… ::Jason rushes at Shinka and punches forward at his face, Shinka grabs the punch with his left arm and spins to his left, going for a backhand punch with his right. Jason ducks under the backhand and punches towards Shinka’s side… Shinka brings up his leg to block the punch, then spins violently in the air kicking Jason in the stomach and sending him sliding on the ground a bit:: Well, you got some moves... I’ll give you that… ::grabbing his stomach::

Shinka: ::smirks:: It’s all for my justice…

Iketani and Hiko from the stands: SENSEI! KAKOI!

Hiko: And sexy!

Iketani: Hey, shut up… ::looks back at Shinka:: SEXY! Fight for justice! There’s no way our sensei can lose.

Hiko: We may have lost in this tournament… but our sensei is far too skilled to waver!

Shinka: Now then… ::brings his leg up, ready for a kick as he stands on his other leg…:: Come…

Jason: GLADLY! ::rushes and jumps at Shinka, kicking sideways at his head::

Shinka: ::amazingly jumps avoiding Jason’s kick and delivers his own kick into Jason’s chest::

Jason slams into the ground… embedding himself in it a little… He flips back up to his feet ignoring the pain and rushes back towards Shinka who has landed back on the floor…

Jason: ::punches at Shinka’s head, Shinka jumps backwards to avoid the punch and kicks down into Jason’s thigh, then pushes himself off of it to flip, kicking Jason under the chin with his other leg, then landing back on his feet… Jason flips in midair due to the force of the kick and lands flat on his frontside:: dammit…

Shinka: ::gets into another martial arts stance:: Get up and continue… you may learn something new about justice…

Jason: You know, that’s starting to get really annoying… ::suddenly goes into a hand stand and pushes himself off the ground, back to his feet:: ::rushes at Shinka::

Jason goes low and attacks Shinka’s midsection… Shinka grabs Jason’s punch and Jason punches for Shinka’s head. Shinka grabs that punch with his other hand, but Jason suddenly moves in close to Shinka… Jason headbutts him in the face, puts his leg around shinka’s leg and throws him overhead into a belly to belly suplex with bridge. Shinka suddenly stops the attack however by landing his feet on the ground, Jason can’t slam Shinka down.

Jason: Fine… I didn’t expect it to be that easy… ::rolls Shinka’s body back up into the original position they were in, Jason pushes Shinka off a bit then grabs both his hands, Jason jumps off the ground and delivers both feet into Shinka’s stomach… Shinka slides back from the force of the kicks but doesn’t look to be phased… Jason kicks off of shinka’s stomach and backflips to his feet::

Shinka: That kind of hurt… but you’ll need much more than that if you want to beat me…

Jason: ::smirks:: Okay then…

Jason disappears and reappears behind Shinka.

Jason: It’s called ghosting…

Shinka suddenly kicks his leg straight up, flipping backwards and delivering two swift kicks to Jason’s chest and stomach, Jason slides back a bit and grabs the hit areas.

Jason: Ugh!

Shinka: ::turns and jumps towards Jason, spinning rapidly in the air, he sends a flying kick towards Jason::

Jason flips back on his hands and kicks Shinka’s kick down to the ground… As soon as Shinka’s foot his the ground, he spins to delivers a roundhouse kick to Jason’s midsection.

Jason: ::jumps off of his hands to avoid the kick and jumps back to his feet:: ::forms a crazy 8:: TAKE THIS! ::rushes at Shinka with the crazy 8::

Shinka: I’d rather not! ::heat waves surround his hand, he punches into the ground… natural energy rushes along the ground towards Jason… Jason hits it with the crazy 8… it shatters the natural energy wave:: WHAT?!

Jason: ::stops the crazy 8 and begins to pop out Khoi’s:: Now, go after him!

Khoi #2: …umm… ooooOOOoh!

Khoi #5: …We get to touch a guy! How… nice?

Khoi #15: ::makes struggling noises:: YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’m going to touch him! AND ME ALONE!

Khoi #12: ::nuttaps Khoi #15:: STOP LOOKING LIKE ME BITCH! FUCKING POSER!

Khoi #20: oooOOOoh! Who said that?!


Khoi #21: …umm… ::takes out a box of honeybuns and hugs it:: KAA-SAN!

Khoi #21 takes out a honeybun…

Khoi #21: ::Looking straight at Shinka::

Shinka: …uhh…

Khoi #21: Would you like to see my reunion?... ::eats the honeybun:: oooOOOooh! Now I’ll turn into Sephiroth! ::starts running around the fighting floor flapping his wings:: I CAN FLY!!!!

Khoi #30: Hey, I want some kaa-san’s too… WHERE’S KAA-SAN?! KAAAAA-SAN?!

Khoi #25: Joenee-sama must have it… oooOOOooh!

Khoi #12: You think Joenee-sama will welcome us?

Khoi #20: No way, not since we nuttapped him… don’t cry Khoi…

Khoi #12: I’m not crying…

Khoi #20: ::crying:: WHY DID ERIKA LEAVE ME?!

All the other Khoi’s: CAUSE YOU’RE UGLY! ooooOOOooh!

All the Khoi’s together: …KAA-SAN!

Jon: ::suddenly with a huge sword:: Well then, shall I give you despair? Or something like that…

Everybody in the stadium looks highly confused…

Cuong: Uhh… what the fuck is going on?...

Charles: I’d rather not think about it… I’m going to think about spaghetti now… ::closes eyes:: Oh yes… oh yes… sooooo good… put my breadstick in there nice and slowly… twirling it… twirling it… ::drools::

Cuong: … ::takes a different seat::

Jason smacks his forehead…

Jason: OKAY! ::points at Shinka:: HE’S GOT YOUR KAA-SAN!

All the Khoi’s: ::stare at Shinka:: KAA-SAN?!

Shinka: …

All the Khoi’s run at Shinka…

Shinka: urgh… ::crouches then jumps at the large number of Khoi’s… he swings his leg across, and five Khoi’s go flying… he grabs another Khoi by the arm and starts to spin, hitting all the other Khoi’s with him… finally throwing that Khoi into another group of Khoi’s::

A Khoi rushes at Shinka, aiming for a nuttap…


Shinka: What are you talking about?! ::kicks the Khoi in the side of the face, then drags him down into the ground with his leg::

6 Khoi’s jump in the air at Shinka…


Shinka: Bakuryuuha… ::suddenly jumps up into the group of Khoi’s, heat waves trailing from his body, and blocks the nuttap explosion, he then knocks the Khoi higher into the air, sending their own fists back into their nuts::

Khoi #3: HE MADE ME TOUCH MYSELF! It better be nighttime or else I… won’t care…

All the Khoi’s suddenly disappear… being beaten badly…

Shinka: Did you really think those would have any effect on me?.......... ::shock:: ?!

Jason is coming down straight at shinka from above with a crazy 8.

Jason: I have you in my sights… and I always get what’s in my sights!

Shinka puts his arms up to block… the crazy 8 hits his arms and mangles them up pretty bad… Shinka spins by the rotational forces of the crazy 8 and is thrown into one of the stadium walls with a huge explosion… dust flies up from where he hit the wall…

Jason: It’s over…

Hamtaro: ::typing on his laptop:: Nope… not yet…

Jason: ?...

Shinka is standing in the clearing dust… his eyes have rolled back and his arms are knocked outta their joints from the crazy 8 and are pointing the wrong way…

Jason: …

Aya is looking on…

Aya: He was able to get into that mode before the crazy 8 hit…

Cuong: isn’t that what he used against Joule? That senseless pounding thingy…

Hiko: ::suddenly appearing behind Cuong:: YOSH!

Cuong: waah! ::jumps into Charles’ arms::

Charles: yumm… spaghetti… ::starts to eat Cuong’s hair::



Aya: Didn’t you say something like that last time? I don’t care what he did and if he did that, he must be crazy…

Iketani: …

In another part of the stadium, Isumi(shinka’s little brother that stole Khoi’s wallet in a previous installment) sits in a seat.

Isumi: Heh, my brother can’t lose to that freak… it’s impossible… there is no way some pervert like that can defeat my brother…

Jason is staring at Shinka…

Shinka: ::roars and slams his arms against the wall, popping them back into their original positions:: ::suddenly puts both hands in a sorta dragon ball z beam kind of way and points it at Khoi:: ::blue energy waves start to encircle his two hands::

Jason: …what is he doing?

Cuong is staring at the attack that Shinka is about to unleash…

Cuong: I’VE SEEN THAT BEFORE! ::points at Hiko:: Didn’t you use that against Kuro?! That was pretty sad…

In Hiko’s match vs. Kuro some installments ago…

Hiko: ::starts moving his arms in a circular motion, blue aura circles his hands:: ahhhhhh…

Hiko: ::dirt flying up from his gathering energy:: hoooooo….

Kuro: ::sighs:: any time now…

Cuong: …what are Kuro’s powers…?

Aya: You’ll see… he’s a metal alchemist…

Jon: …?…

Cuong: You mean like Ed and Al from Full Metal Alchemist?

Aya: shut up…

Cuong: okay…

Kuro: I’m tired of waiting…

Hiko: good, because I am finished! BLAST OF JUSTICE! ::fires a huge blue blast of aura at Kuro::

Kuro: ::sticks his fist out… the blue blast hits the fist and is shattered into nothing:: Is that all?

Hiko: Yes, Kuro… destroyed my most powerful attack…

Iketani: Indeed…

Cuong: Well then, Jason shouldn’t have any problem with this attack…


Cuong: ?...

Aya: There is a huge difference… between master and student…

Blue energy waves form a small orb in the center of shinka’s hands…

Shinka: ::eyes roll back to his conscious state:: BLAST OF JUSTICE! ::fires a huge blue blast of aura at Jason::

Jason: ::eyes suddenly turn red:: ::wings of red and white energy appear on his back… the wings shift to be over his shoulders and point at The blue blast of aura coming at him and fire off two red beams of energy at it::

The blue blast of energy engulfs the red beams, absorbs them, and hits Jason dead on.

Cuong: ?!

Charles: spaghetti… ::chewing on Seiji’s hair::

Seiji: STOP!

Aya: everyone… get down for the aftershock… ::ducks under her seat::

Cuong: what aftershock?...

There a blue flash in the smoke where Jason was hit by the attack… the blue light grows and suddenly explodes around the stadium… sending people flying outta their seats… Cuong is grabbing onto charles’ hair for dear life… as Charles holds onto a chair…


The aftershock dies down… and everybody falls from where they were…

Hamtaro: ::shield of his own aura around him… he puts it down:: Geez… we’ll need to get medics in the crowd… I’m positive some people were hurt…

Cuong looks around…

Cuong: Is everybody okay?

Seiji: ::hair blown up like crazy:: …yes… I think… where am I? I can’t hear…

Cuong: let’s see… Chris… is here… Seiji is here… charles is here… I’m here… Aya’s here… I think that’s everybody important…

There’s a jon shaped hole in the stadium wall. Back on the fighting floor…

Shinka: …did I overdo it?... Darn… I was in my subconscious berserk state… I must’ve started forming the attack unconsciously… I had no choice but to release it when I came to… good thing it was only at about seventy five percent strength… but that guy couldn’t have survived it…

There’s a figure in the smoke glowing gold, totally unharmed…

Shinka: ?!

Jason: ::walking outta the smoke with gold eyes and gold wings… his body glowing gold:: Holy lightning…

Shinka: …a shield of gold aura?... He didn’t have that before…

Sousuke: ::looking on:: What in the world…?

Aya: what is that?...

Cuong: ::shrugs::

Shinka is staring at Jason…

Shinka: Interesting…

Jason: Give up, you no longer can win this match…

Shinka: I disagree... There is always a way… when you fight on the side of justice…

Isumi is watching the whole scene…

Isumi: …impossible… that kinda guy had that power?!

Iketani and Hiko are speechless…

Aya: Well then, it seems like your master is going to lose…

Iketani: …

Hiko: No… he cannot…

Aya: Can you not sense the power difference right now?

Hiko: He will NOT lose… our master has spiritually, mentally, and physically evolved above other fighters… SHINKA IS EVOLUTION!

Iketani: …our master… will not lose… is what I’d like to say, but…

Hiko: Don’t be foolish… I’ve been his student longer than you and he has always told me one thing… “The light of justice shines brightest when the situation is the darkest.”

Aya: ::scoffs:: Seems like he’s not the one shining right now…

Hiko: …

Shinka is slowly moving to the side of Jason…

Shinka: Your power right now is frightening… even those who can’t sense aura can feel the extreme pressure of your berserk powers…

Jason: these aren’t berserk powers…

Shinka: ?...

Jason: these are elemental powers… they are the remains of a special person I had long ago…

Shinka: …elemental?… ::stops shifting to the side:: ::thinks:: My fighting intuition… I’ve been looking for a weak spot, but I can’t see one… if he wants to, he can take me out right now with his powers… I suppose I should thank him for holding back so much at the start of the match… However… ::looks up angrily:: Do not underestimate me… when you underestimate me and bring your own power down to my own just to be nice… it shows that I am truly weak… and those who are weak… cannot carry out their justice.

Shinka’s body starts to emit heat waves…

Jason: Enough, just as I couldn’t get through your fighting abilities, you can’t get through my trance abilities…

Shinka: It’s funny how you should mention Trance… ::eyes suddenly turn blue:: Trance… Aura Evolution!

The heat waves around Shinka suddenly turn larger and blue colored.

Jason: ::eyes widen, then return to normal state:: So you had a trance?

Iketani and Hiko look at each other and back at Shinka…

Iketani: …Master had a trance?

Hiko: ::shrugs:: I did not know about this…

Everybody in the stadium looks shocked…

Kancho: ::watching:: That guy… had a trance? It’s different from my raider… it almost looks like Sousuke’s aura…

Sousuke is watching intently…

Sousuke: A trance ability… since when did he…

Shinka is staring at Jason…

Jason: …

Shinka: This Trance is different from all of the others… it does not last or give me increased physical strength… it is a one shot trance…

Jason: ::thinking:: One shot trance?

Shinka: I can only send this all out in one attack… then it’s over… I’m back to my regular state… this trance just modifies my aura to become much more volatile… the reason being is that your aura has several different purposes: Life, Mind, and Body… In these three categories are several sub categories… under the body category is your fighting aura…

Jason: …

Shinka: My three categories of aura have changed with this trance… fighting aura is no longer a sub category… my three cate… actually two categories are… are Life and fighting…

Meanwhile… Mika and Miharu are walking back to the stadium….

Miharu: where are you taking me? I need to go after my sister…

Mika: NO! We need to tell my sister what happened…

Miharu: My sister’s situation is more dire right now!

Mika: that’s why we’re going to see MY sister… she can help a lot…

Miharu: time is of the essence… with every second, MY sister grows farther and farther away…



Suddenly, a group of Sv2’s fly around Mika and Miharu…

Mika: …wha… what are these things?!

Miharu: Seems that we’ve been bickering far too long… ::smiles:: Looks like they don’t want us to reach the others for some reason…

Mika: But for what reason?!

Miharu: … ::shocked::

The Sv2’s are not hovering over them… but they are hovering over the entire city.

Miharu: what’s… going on?...

The sky is getting darker… In a new hideout, Joule and his group are there… as those who were absent come and sit down.

Joule: I can’t wait any longer… seems that some troublesome people… are on their way to the location of the gates…

Seph: Huh…? So that’s why you called us here?

Hyena: ::looks really pensive, thinking about the match he saw:: ::thinking:: That boy…

Vlaka: Heh, so we’re going ahead with it? How? I wanted to play with the shadow boy a bit longer…

Joule: Seph… ::looks over at him:: Would you like to finish this tournament with a bang?

Seph: …hmm? ::smirks::

Vanity: What do you mean by a bang?

Lavian: Oh… little girl… you do not need to know…

Vanity: What was that?!

Sai: Joule… wait…

Joule: ?...

Sai: You do not want to initiate the plan just yet…

Joule: …explain.

Sai: There is another way… you should call back the Sv2’s… and have five go after the troublesome one… with their speed… they should be able to catch him…

Joule: …

Seph: But what about the bang?

Sai: your “bang” can come later… I will tell you this now… the Sv2’s will not be able to carry out the plan as of now…

Lei: Why not? I’m getting impatient…

Sai: Don’t be foolish…! I’m telling you Joule, not going through the tournament is a big mistake…

Joule: …Well, we’ll see…

Sai: Joule!

Joule: I’ll carry out the plan right now, if it does not work… then we’ll go with your plan…

Outside, the sv2’s are circling the entire city… a large number of them across a darkened sky…

Miharu: …these… ::eyes widen:: ::thinks:: Sky seal?... Are they trying to summon something?... It’s a blood ritual… brother, did you?!

The Sv2’s suddenly swoop down on spectators, attacking them…

Spectator #1: What are those things…?

An sv2 comes close to grabbing him.

Spectator #1: OH SHIT! ::ducks::

Kenji: Bokutou Renkin! KAZE KIZU! ::stabs wooden sword into the ground in front of him… a large amount of gashes appear on the Sv2 as it falls to the ground::

Spectator #1: …waaa! ::runs away quickly::

Deiji: ::jumps towards a large group of Sv2’s that are about to attack some more people:: SENPUU! ::swings sword down… a large amount of wind strikes the Sv2’s::

Meiji: Bokutou Baki! KATANA! ::wooden sword becomes abnormally polished looking:: SHI! ::rushes at another group of Sv2’s… they get slashed up::

Kenji: What are these weird things who challenge us?! THE BOKUTOU TEAM?!

In another part of the city… the sv2’s are tearing a person into pieces… several darts suddenly fire outta nowhere and stab into the Sv2’s back, electrocuting it…

Fro-man: Huh?????

Yumi: These things are annoying…

Fishy: Got that right… ::watch suddenly turns into a tazer which he uses to electrocute another nearby sv2::

Fro-man: ::takes out staff, it suddenly turns into a rifle as two sv2’s fly at him:: Don’t underestimate the hidden weapons team! ::fires a large fireball from his rifle at the sv2’s::

In yet another part of the city…

Handsome: ::strikes a pose::

Richie: ::takes out sacks of money::

Famous: ::winks::

Group of Sv2’s: ::staring at them with hearts in their eyes::

Suddenly, a large group of girls trample the Sv2’s in order to get to the three…


There are still several Sv2’s flying in the sky… an Sv2 flies down at Mika, its fangs bared… Mika suddenly swings out her arm quickly to her side… several knives fly out of her sleeve and rip up the face of the Sv2. Miharu jumps into two of the Sv2’s and slams her palms into their chests… they go down hard and dissolve into nothingness…

Miharu: they leave no remains?.... ::landing back on the ground::

Mika: What are these things?!

Miharu: ::thinking:: These things are not trying to fight us… they just want to rip us apart for the blood ritual in the sky… So it’s easy to take them out, for people who are strong enough anyways… several bystanders must have already fallen victim to these things… but these are drones… so who is giving the commands…?

Back in Joule’s hideout…

Joule: ::closing his eyes:: Pockets of Sv2’s are being destroyed all over the city… I almost forgot that this town possesses several students from the Jugan school… however, most of them are watching the finals… so my plan should succeed…

Vlaka: ::sniffs the air:: yes, I can smell the air… ::digs his nails into his arm:: I can smell the blood in the air… they are still able to take some kills… makes me want to go out there myself…

Lavian: …Why don’t the ones who can sense these things notice it at the stadium?

Sai: A match there is probably involving high aura levels… it confuses those who have the power to sense other auras… this WOULD be something of the best time to go with this plan… however, you forgot a factor Joule…

Joule: ?... ::still with his eyes closed:: and what is that?

Sai: you forgot about them…

Joule: …them?

Sai: …

Naharu is in a graveyard… Sv2 bodies lying all around her…

Naharu: … ::remembering what happened before Mika found Miharu::

Before Mika found Miharu…

Miharu: Join him?...

Naharu: Yes… join him…

Miharu: But…

Naharu: What’s more important? Those berserkers or your family?...

Miharu: … ::Looks down:: Our parents wouldn’t want us to do this…

Naharu: You don’t know that… they’re not here to tell us if they would or wouldn’t… all I know is that in the world they speak of… there will be no pain aka no berserkers… yet there will be our brother…

Miharu: You will sacrifice the memories of Team Basilisk for that?!

Naharu: Those three… gave their lives to me… They would want me to do this.

Miharu: …Naharu… If you are going to go join them… ::gets in a fighting stance:: I will have to kill you…

Naharu: … ::eyes grow menacing as she looks at her sister:: Just who… DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO?

Miharu rushes forward and pushes a palm towards Naharu’s chest… Naharu swings her own arm up, knocking away Miharu’s arm with a backhanded graceful swing… she then spins, rotating her extended arms, then pushes both towards Miharu… Miharu jumps backwards, spinning in the air… She lands on her feet and leans forward at the incoming Naharu… with a kick and both palms extended… Naharu suddenly spins to Miharu’s side and grabs her arm and leg…

Miharu: ?!

Naharu: you’re still far too weak compared to me!

Naharu throws her sister a bit off, then rushes towards Miharu, after images flowing from her graceful movement… Miharu also rushes at Naharu, after images flowing from her own graceful movement… They each strike at the same moment… Miharu goes for Naharu’s midsection as Naharu goes for Miharu’s neck… Naharu strikes Miharu’s neck… Miharu strikes Naharu’s midsection, but barely… she goes down as Naharu stays up…

Naharu: Now stay there as I join him…

Back in the present… Naharu is standing in front of a tombstone…

Naharu: toh-san… ka-san… I will join brother… in A world without pain… the world he speaks of cannot exist… so I will take him to a true realm that exists without pain… the realm of DEATH… ::remembers Miharu… and suddenly gras her midsection as if she’s in pain:: …There’s always been two of us… we don’t need two…

A large group of Sv2’s who have successfully killed are flying in the skies… stained in crimson red.

Miharu: ::watching as they fly in a circle:: they’re commencing the blood ritual…

Mika: What is this blood ritual?! ::violently ripping out one of her knives from a sv2 head that is slowly dissolving::

Miharu: They’re trying to make a regular berserk ascend into one of the three highest levels… most likely a hero berserker…

Mika: they can do that?!

Miharu: …Yes… ::remembers Joule’s plan involving Charles:: How many plans did he have in that head of his? He must have gotten this idea from my brother…

The Sv2’s suddenly stop flying and float… a red symbol lights up the sky… using Sv2’s as connectors…

Miharu: …it’s started…

Mika: Can’t we do something?!

Miharu: they’re too high up… we can’t reach them…

Back in joule’s hideout…

Joule: Well then, seems as if the plan is going smoothly… ::eyes still closed:: But who are the “them” you were talking about?

Sai: The directors of the Jugan School… who have brought back a legend to investigate you… sora of the skies and heaven…

Outside… a blast of light suddenly hits an Sv2… it goes down, part of the symbol disappears…

Miharu: huh?...

Several shards of light zip around the Sv2’s… blasting them all into nothingness… the symbol is now nonexistent… the shards of light fly back to Sora, and form the feathers which make up the wings on her back…

Sora: Wow, that was easy…

Miharu: …what took you so long?

Sora: I was taking a nap… I just noticed some weird things going on down here… phew, made it in time… ::gives a thumbs up:: AREN’T I THE GREATEST?!

Miharu: Umm… quite… ::smiles::


Sora: ::looks quite sad about the fact that they killed some people:: yeah… OH WELL! ::suddenly gets happy again:: I’LL JUST HAVE TO DO BETTER NEXT TIME!


Sora: hey, you should be glad I came at all… it takes a lot outta a person to travel from the moon to here in an instant…

Mika: …

Back at Joule’s hideout… Joule opens his eyes in shock.

Joule: ::regains himself:: All the Sv2’s… have been annihilated…

Sai: I told you… such a obvious plan will not work as long as she is here… our only option is the tournament…

Seph: Well, I have no problem with that… I’ll just have to crush them all… ::smiles::

Sai: I’d hurry and send some Sv2’s to attack the troublesome one before he can reach the gates…

Al: …no…

Sai: …?

Al: He’s too strong to be bothered by only a couple sv2’s… send the F2’s…

Sai: F2’s…

Lei: will they get the job done? ::smoking slowly::

Al: They should be able to… and if not… what will we do?...

Vanity: I’ll go with them…

Al: ?!

Vanity: After all, if he makes it… it will be troublesome, right? ::smiles::

Back in the stadium with Jason and Shinka…

Jason: …

Shinka: Now then… let’s see which of our resolves is greater!

Shinka begins to slowly move his hands in a wide circle in front of him… blue aura waves being generated off of them…

Jason: Dammit… ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen except made up of gold energy and with gold lightning crackling around them:: TENGEN!

Several rays of gold energy fire out from the tengen of energy, but also from the golden wings of energy on Jason’s back.

Shinka: BLAST OF JUSTICE! ::suddenly fires a large blast of blue aura at the gold beams::

The two attacks collide and explode… smoke rushes out of the middle of the arena…

Hiko: WHO WON?!

Iketani: SENSEI!

Aya: Those attacks were almost on par with each other…!

The smoke clears… Jason is fine… but he’s breathing heavily and although his eyes are still gold… his golden wings are gone…

Jason: damn…


Shinka rushes out of the smoke, obviously injured… but his eyes are blank and white…

Aya: No way… he used that technique right before the explosion!

Shinka: ::roars and runs at Jason:: ::punches at Jason::

Jason: ::blocks the punch, Shinka automatically punches at Jason again… Jason blocks the second punch… Shinka roars and kicks down at Jason’s knee… Jason jumps over the kick and rushes back at Shinka, punching at his face… Shinka disappears in the blink of an eye and appears above Jason… Shinka kicks straight down at Jason’s face… Jason rolls out of the way… Shinka’s leg gets embedded deep in the ground… Shinka rips it out of the ground, dirt flying from it… and rushes back at Jason in his frenzied state::

Aya: ::looking on:: Amazing… the two attacks from before… Shinka went into his enraged form to avoid the pain… and Jason lost some of his aura… so that he can’t bring out his wings of elemental energy… yet he still has the strength of that form… this will be interesting… because really… those wings were the only thing keeping shinka from fighting him totally… flight would’ve definitely been a heavy advantage for Jason…

Cuong: … ::still kinda confused about why Jason had golden wings of energy::

Charles: You’re wrong…

Aya: ?...

Charles: From what I remember… he can only stay in that form for a limited amount of time… he needs to finish this quickly…

Jason rushes at Shinka…

Jason: REIS RISING SUN! ::forms a huge beam sword of crackling gold energy that he is holding with both hands:: ::runs at Shinka with it::

Shinka: ::roars and rushes forward at Jason:: ::kicks down straight into the ground, the earth begins to cave in under Jason::

Jason jumps up to avoid the caving ground and strikes down at Shinka… the sword of energy misses Shinka, but electicity begins to surge through him.

Cuong: Lightning?!

Charles: it’s over!

Shinka: ::electricity surging through him:: ::he ignores it and suddenly grabs Jason::

Jason: ?!

Charles: what?!

Aya: remember… Shinka is in his enraged form… he won’t stop attacking until he dies… he will ignore any type of pain his body is in…

Shinka jumps up with Jason and slams him into the ground… Shinka cocks his fist, ready to hit Jason while he’s pinned…


Jason’s body surges with gold light… Shinka is suddenly thrown off and flies far away across the fighting floor…

Jason: ::rushes towards where Shinka landed, Shinka suddenly jumps to his feet:: TAKE THIS! ::Jason starts to slam electrified fists into Shinka’s midsection… then kicks up into Shinka’s chin with a flipping kick… as Shinka’s in the air… Jason lands on the floor and automatically launches himself into Shinka with a spinning tackle.::

Shinka flies into the wall, cracking it up, but automatically recovers and runs at Jason… he kicks hard at the back of Jason’s leg… forcing Jason to lose his balance as Jason falls backwards…

Jason: ?!

Shinka: ::slams his elbow down into the falling Jason, impacting him into the ground:: ::spins back to his feet and kicks Jason back up into the air:: ::jumps up after Jason and knees him in the back, then uses both hands together to hammer Jason down to the ground::

Jason: ugh!

Shinka: URGHA! ::punches straight down at Jason with a heavy fist::

Jason: Shit! ::springs onto his hands, then springs backwards to his feet to avoid Shinka’s downward fist… which forces Shinka’s arm deep into the ground… Shinka rips his arm out of the ground and rushes after Jason again::

Aya: He seems to be at a disadvantage…

Cuong: wait, wait, wait… when did Jason get all these powers?...

Charles: a couple installments ago…

Cuong: Oh… I see…

Seiji: …was I there?

Charles: Uhh… no, I think the only people who know about these powers are probably Joule’s guys cause Joule, Seph, and Vanity saw it… me, Joe, Sora, and Miharu?

Cuong: I see… umm… are you sure I didn’t know?

Charles: Uhh… yeah?

Cuong: …okay?

Neko-chan: …right… Jason’s Infinite Trance is about to run out…

Cuong: Infinite Trance?...

Jason’s gold eyes start to flicker from red to gold…

Jason: Tch! Dammit!

Shinka: OREGA! ::jumps, spins and kicks towards Jason’s head::

Jason blocks the kicks and pushes shinka’s leg away…

Jason: HOLY LIGHTNING! ::Jason’s body pulses with gold energy, blowing Shinka away::

Shinka stops himself and Jason’s eyes turn totally red…

Jason: dammit!

Shinka: ::rushes at Jason:: OREGAAAA!

Aya looks on in shock…


Cuong: What?...

Shinka jumps high at Jason, spinning and rotating a lot… about to deliver a mind blowing kick…

Jason: DAMN! ::time seems to stop in Jason’s eyes:: ::thinks:: I need to dodge this kick or I’m done for!

Jason looks to see where the kick will come from… when he suddenly sees a certain change in movement in Shinka…

Jason: ::thinking:: The left!

Jason ducks under a swinging kick from the left…

Shinka: urgh!

Jason: ::rises up again as Shinka lands back on the floor:: ::creates two beam swords of red and white energy in both hands and puts them together to form a two sided beam sword:: ::he puts it inbetween his hands and begins to spin it rapidly while also spinning his hands rapidly:: CRAZY 8! ::rushes at Shinka::

Shinka: aoargh! ::dashes at Jason::

They pass by each other, Shinka kicks at Jason… Jason spins his entire body once as his crazy 8 spins… they land on opposite sides of each other, their backs to each other… Jason’s red and white energy is gone and his eyes are normal color… Shinka’s eyes roll back to their conscious state…

Shinka: …

Jason: …

Shinka: ::stands up:: I think I kicked you three times in that last exchange…

Jason: they rolled off my body as I spun… you got in partial blows… still hurt though…

Shinka: I see…

Jason: …

Shinka: ::smiles:: Your justice… shines quite brightly… ::falls face first on the ground::

Hamtaro: …Geez… do I really need to count?... THE WINNER IS JASON OF THE FURRY SEXY VAMPIRE TUBBIES!

Jason gets up slowly, holding his side…

Jason: That was a good match… it could have gone either way…

Hiko and Iketani are staring in disbelief… at the shattered fighting floor and at their mentor lying on the floor…

Hiko: Sensei… was defeated…

Iketani: …

Isumi is watching in shock…

Isumi: Bro… lost?...

Jason walks back up to his seat, holding his side in pain…

Chris: …how did you do it?

Jason: ?... ::puzzled look on his face::

Chris: How’d you dodge that kick of his before the final exchange?

Jason: Earlier on in the match… when we were fighting regularly with just our own physical strength… I saw his moves then… I became familiar with them…

Cuong: …

Jason: Don’t misunderstand this match… even if we didn’t resort to using our special auras… I would have still won… it’s just that he used his special technique first…

Aya: …true… in his unconscious state, he used the blast of justice… I’m sure Shinka would have wanted to face you with just his physical strength alone… but it was unavoidable…

The fighting floor magically repairs itself… However, no medics are coming up to help Shinka…

Sousuke: ::walking down on the fighting floor with Hamtaro:: Where are the medics?

A pale looking man with half rim glasses and a green plaid shirt walks up to Sousuke…

Pale looking man: the board of directors called all medics out to the town to assist in… some unpleasantness…

Sousuke: What?...

Hamtaro: what do you mean by unpleasantness?...

Pale Looking man: some people were severly wounded… some even “died”… don’t worry, the medics are good… they can revive them… since they didn’t “die” but were “sacrificed” for a blood ritual…

Sousuke and Hamtaro: ::shocked:: blood ritual?

Pale Looking man: Yes… so don’t be alarmed… nobody can die from a blood ritual… as long as they are properly treated within 24 hours of their “death”…

Sousuke: …

Pale looking man: The damage wasn’t that great… several Jugan students are here after all… previous jugan winner Sora was able to take care of it…

Sousuke: I see… Sora…

Pale looking man: So, the board of directors has told you to do as best as you can until the medics return…

Sousuke: …I don’t know who here can use healing techniques…

Shinka suddenly springs to his feet…

Shinka: ugh… ::walks off::

Hiko: MASTER! ::runs down with Iketani::


Shinka: yes… I’m just a bit woozy from that last attack…

Hamtaro: ::eyes widen:: You?... DID YOU… did you stay down on that last attack on purpose?!

Shinka: ::scoffs:: Of course not… I couldn’t have possibly gotten up in ten seconds… but if this wasn’t a tournament match… ::smiles:: I would not lose… my will would not allow it… ::walks off::

Hiko: MASTER! ::tears in eyes::


Hamtaro: …but… he did lose… what the hell?...

Isumi stands in front of Shinka, leaning against a wall.

Isumi: Bro… wasn’t this your last jugan tournament?

Shinka: Yes, I’ll be going back to establish my dojo now…

Isumi: …I’m going to win this tournament the year I’m in it…

Shinka: …go ahead… I’ll be in the crowd then… ::walks past Isumi and out the door::

Isumi: …

Shinka: ::stops:: Well, aren’t you going to come? We have some training to do…

Isumi: … ::chases after his brother:: ::stops and looks back at Jason:: ::yells:: ONE DAY! Let’s have a match! I’ll give you back your wallet if you win…!

Jason: …sure… if I’m around that long…

Aya: …? ::looks at Jason:: ::thinks:: around that long?...

In the air with Joe… he’s now sleeping… Kevin is also sleeping… Mika’s grandmother is reading a small book… Outside the plane… 5 figures follow it… they look like Sv2’s, but are smaller and have more human like features… They also have human like eyes.

F2 #1: Is that the plane?!

F2 #2: yes, it is…

A sixth figure joins them…

Calamity: ::flying above them:: ::motions for them to attack with her hands::

F2 #3: ::smiles:: hehahahahaha! LET’S GET WILD!

F2 #4: Kyaaaaa! Hahahahahakayakay!

F2 #5: rip them apart!

F2 #1: Let’s make that tin bird crash into the ocean!

To be continued…


Final Installment: END

In the air with Joe… he’s now sleeping… Kevin is also sleeping… Mika’s grandmother is reading a small book… Outside the plane… 5 figures follow it… they look like Sv2’s, but are smaller and have more human like features… They also have human like eyes.

F2 #1: Is that the plane?!

F2 #2: yes, it is…

A sixth figure joins them…

Calamity: ::flying above them:: ::motions for them to attack with her hands::

F2 #3: ::smiles:: hehahahahaha! LET’S GET WILD!

F2 #4: Kyaaaaa! Hahahahahakayakay!

F2 #5: rip them apart!

F2 #1: Let’s make that tin bird crash into the ocean!

The F2’s are about to attack the plane when they suddenly get blasted out of the sky by eight golden beams…

Calamity: ::Just fired her tengen:: ::looks serious, but a bit sad, then flies off again::

Back on the plane…

Joe: ::gets a weird feeling:: what was that?

Mika’s grandmother: what was what?

Joe: …I felt… something nostalgic…

Kevin: ::farts::

Joe: …okay, never mind…

Mika’s grandmother: We should be getting close soon…

Joe: yeah… are you getting nervous?...

Mika’s grandmother: …I feel some strange energy… but it should be fine…

Joe: yeah…

Back at the tournament…

Hamtaro: Okay… let’s move onto our next match! Seiji vs. Vlaka!

Seiji: ::goes down to the fighting floors:: Umm… yeah…

Aya is staring at Jason, who has now turned back into Khoi.

Aya: What did you mean by “if I’m around that long?”

Khoi: oooOOOooh! It means… WHAT’S THAT?! ::points to a stain on Cuong’s shirt::

Cuong: what’s what?..... ::looks at shirt:: DAMMIT! When did that happen?!


Hamtaro looks around, but Vlaka isn’t coming down.

Hamtaro: Is Vlaka here?...

At Joule’s hideout…

Vlaka: Joule… it’s about time for my match… but your failed blood ritual has delayed me… they probably already made me forfeit… was this a smart thing to do?

Joule: It will be fine… I never expected you to be able to beat THAT man anyways… only seph had a chance… but… I just felt something extraordinary just now. ::was feeling the aura from the shinka vs. khoi match:: We have no chance of beating him here… especially if his fat little friend is what I think he is.

Vlaka: his fat little friend?

Lei: If we have no chance of beating him? Then what the hell are we supposed to do?... We need that prize.

Joule: Don’t worry… I sense that someone has just given me the last key of the puzzle to create my world without pain… ::eyes have flames around them::

Sai: ::staring at Joule:: ::thinking:: His elemental powers have grown just now… he can sense auras… how much more will he grow if this continues?...

Joule: Call Vanity back here immediately… we’re returning to the NODATSSTUPID headquarters… we’re going to the gates…

Sai: Why?... we don’t have a earth berserker spirit yet… we need the jugan tournament prize…

Joule: Don’t worry Sai… things have a way of… falling into place. ::smiles a little, which is creepy because he never smiles::

Hyena: Hold on here Joule! You promised me my revenge! If we’re leaving now, how are we going to get it?! My student Mateo demands revenge!

Joule: Hyena… I brought you here… I told you everything you needed to know. So trust me now when I say… things are about to be completed. You will have your revenge… tenfold.

Seph: I can beat the gay freak… we don’t need the fake me to open the gates!

Joule: Seph, don’t worry… you’ll still be able to kill them… in fact, I need you to stay here… ::looks intently into the eyes of seph:: and kill them all… make sure they do not follow us… once you are done with them… fly back to our “home”… we will still need you to complete it.

Seph: …You… You’re saying I can kill ALL of them?

Joule: ::nods:: each and every one…

Joule looks over at Al.

Joule: Al, call off the F2’s…

Al: What?...

Joule: Call the f2’s off of project ID… we want him to reach the gates.

Lei: What?... why?!

Joule: …he’s got what I need… ::walks off:: I want us off the ground in thirty minutes… we must catch up to ID… ::thinking:: I never thought that you’d be stupid enough to go to the gates…you fool…

Meanwhile, at the tournament…


Seiji: …yay?

Cuong: Wait, what the hell?... why wouldn’t he be here?!

Neko-chan: the fatass is right!

Cuong: …what fatass?...

Neko-chan: Something’s wrong here! Joule desperately fucking needed to win this tournament for the hero berserker spirit! Why would he halve his chances by doing something like this?! FUCK! This is fucking suspicious!

Aya: The only reason why he would do something like this is if he had another plan… some other way to get the berserker spirit he needed…

Khoi: Like masturbation?

Aya: NO!

Miharu and Mika suddenly rush into the stadium… sweaty and breathing heavily.

Mika: Sister!

Aya: Mika, what’s wrong?! Why do you look like you’ve been in a fight?...

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: Were you two having hot lesbian action and not invite me?! oooOOOoooh!

Everyone: AL!

Khoi: ::makes more struggling noises:: SHE’S ALIVE! stoOpids!

Everyone: Oh yeah…

Miharu: ::looks up, totally serious and not smiling:: They tried to do a blood ritual… to ascend one regular berserker into a hero berserker…

Aya: ?! ::immediately looks down at Sousuke and remembers the pale-looking man that visited him just seconds before:: YOU FUCKING BASTARD! ::rushes down at Sousuke and punches him in the face, knocking him straight to the ground::

Sousuke: Takahashi Aya?! What are you doing?! ::jumps back to his feet::

Aya: You knew that there was a blood ritual and you didn’t tell me?!

Sousuke: You are no longer part of team leader! You have no right to any of our information! Besides, their operation failed!

Aya: You bastard!

Cuong: Uhh… so… what happened between those two again?

Mika: Sigh… I guess I should tell you… since I don’t think anybody ever mentioned it… as if some guy was writing this and tried to prolong telling the truth because he sucks at planning out storylines and decided to fit everything into this one installment…

Charles: …umm… yeah.

Mika: Aya and Sousuke used to be together…

Khoi: oooOOOooh! Like conjoined twins?! Hee hee… I wonder what having sex with conjoined twins would be like…

Everybody stares at Khoi…

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: YOU KNOW YOU WONDERED TOO!

Jon: No I didn’t! ::blushes:: WOT?!

Mika: Umm… anyways… Aya and Sousuke used to be in a relationship… and both were in team leader along with Hamtaro… Aya should have won the final match between her and Sousuke… but Sousuke convinced her to let him win the final bout… since they were dating.

Cuong: uh huh…………

Mika: Sousuke received the final prize… but he grew angry at Aya for not recognizing his strength… He challenged her to a match… and he lost… He was filled with anger and jealousy… so he broke up with her and kicked her off team leader. She’s been pissed off ever since…

Khoi: this is just like that time I touched Jon in his sleep…

Jon: Yeah…… wait, what?!

Khoi: Jon, you know I’m kidding! That was Charles on grad nite! oooOOOooh!

Charles: …uhh… we didn’t have grad nite yet… the story’s lagging, remember?

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! oooOOOooh! Who said that?!

Aya is still screaming at Sousuke.

Aya: did you even check the prize room?! Are the guards still up?! Members of the teams who were suspected of trying to steal the prize have suddenly disappeared without cause! THEY MIGHT HAVE ALREADY TAKEN IT!

Sousuke: That’s impossible you fool! They would have had Sora of the Skies and Heavens on them in an instant… they couldn’t break through her light barrier and they wouldn’t be able to get past her!

Aya: You arrogant prick!

Jon: ::stepping inbetween them:: Now, now… you guys… it’s not nice to fight… after all… who knows… this could be your last day to live… I mean, you can suddenly get a random disease which pops your eyeballs out and makes you throw up your own organs! Then you’d regret ever fighting! DO YOU WANT THAT?! I lost mashimaro in a fit of rage…. You don’t want to lose your friendship… do you?


Jon: Oh, right… ::starts to play a sad song on his violin:: I call this song… Jon… sad that people called him an idiot… wot?!

Cuong: Anyways, we should find out where Joule is right now…

Neko-chan: Yeah, I feel some fucking danger in the air… we need to find him NOW! He’s not going to fucking just appear out of fucking nowhere! ::takes a swig of whiskey::

Suddenly, black ryuuseis bombard the stands…people begin to scream and run away in panic…

Seph: ::his black wings outstretched, floating in the middle of the stadium:: Don’t run! You’re ruining my fun!

Neko-chan: …right on cue… motherfucker… ::Throws whiskey bottle away::

Khoi: Seph! ::about to stand back up, but grabs his midsection:: ::thinking:: Fuck, I’m still hurt from my match with Shinka!

Sousuke: Seph… that bastard…! What the hell does he think he’s doing?!

Aya: He’s randomly attacking people with his black flame, we have to stop him before he kills somebody!

Suddenly a shower of spears rains down on Seph from above…

Seph: What?!... ::points finger in the sky:: Reign of Ryuusei!

A shower of black ryuuseis intercepts the spears… stopping them before they hit…

Hiruma: ::just threw the spears:: tch… bastard…

Kancho: come on Hiruma… you gotta do better than that…

Kuro: Shut up, both of you… he’s coming…

Seph is flying down at the full metal team… when a blast of light is fired in front of him, forcing him to change direction…

Seph: What?...

Charles: Geez! ::just fired the beam of light:: All I wanted to do was watch some matches and touch my stick!

Khoi: uhh…

Charles: ::automatically answering:: NO YOU CANNOT JOIN!

Khoi: o….

Charles: ::automatically answering:: YEAH YEAH! OOOOOOOOH! ::points at Khoi:: SHUT UP!

Khoi: … ::sadly:: oooOOoooh…

Cuong: attacking us like that! Does he want to be disqualified?!

Miharu: It’s obvious…

Cuong: …

Miharu: He doesn’t care anymore… ::frowning::

Cuong: but why?! They couldn’t have gotten the third berserker spirit already!

Neko-chan: yeah… that’s quite the fucking pickle… ::looks around:: uhh… where the fuck is Joe?

Cuong: …

Mika: ………….oh my god…


Cuong: No, but Joe is stupid enough to do something like go back to California…. Without telling us…

Mika: …where’s that other guy?

Cuong: What other guy?

Mika: the silent guy?

Cuong: …where the hell is Kevin?!

Khoi: oooOOOooh! Maybe he and Joe eloped! I CALL BEST MAN!... to fuck Kevin… ::shifts eyes::

Cuong: There’s no time for jokes! This is serious!

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: I was being serious!... but fine… ::transforms into Jason:: Let’s get serious…

Meanwhile… Joe’s plane finally touches down in California…

Joe: Okay, the company’s headquarters are the exact location where the gates are… so we need to go there…

Kevin: uhh… you know where it is?

Joe: Yeah… ::points to his head:: When I was harboring Deity in my mind… we made a strange connection… I can feel out her memories and sense where the company is… we also were led there once by Ecstasy.

Mika’s grandmother: Good… we need to get there as quickly as possible… so do you have a car?...

Joe: …

Mika’s grandmother: ...sigh… young people these days…

An hour later…

Joe: Thanks man…

Romi: Don’t mention it… but Joe… who’s the old asian lady?... She your girlfriend?...

Joe: NO! Now shut up!

Romi: So how was Texas? Eat a lot of peaches?

Joe: yes yes! Now shut up!

Romi: So is it true? Is everything bigger in Texas?

Joe: I swear romi, one more thing about Texas and I’m throwing you out the window and jacking your car.

Romi: Okay, okay…

Awkward silence…

Romi: So… where’s your cow?

Joe: ::cringes::

Romi drops Joe, Mika’s grandmother, and Kevin off at the company…

Joe: Thanks Romi…

Romi: So, why did you want to come here?... You applying for a job?

Joe: No, I plan to beat the shit out of everyone in there and blow up the building.

Romi: Oh, okay… good luck! ::drives off::

Mika’s grandmother: …why didn’t he think that was weird?

Joe: Meh, I said the same thing when I was moving to Texas…

(Joe note: That is not true, it’s a joke… A JOKE!)

There’s a single guard outside the door…

Guard: Do you have an id, sir?

Joe: here’s my id… ::grabs the guard and slams him against a wall:: I want to talk to your boss…

Guard: umm… I’m still going to need some id sir…

Joe: ::lights his hands on blue flame::

Guard: …holy shit… IT’S PROJECT ID!

Ten seconds later… inside the company doors…

Guard #2: So man… my girlfriend… she’s just… I don’t know… how old do you have to be to go through menopause?

Guard #3: dude, shut up… that’s disgusting…

Guard #2: That’s not disgusting, it’s a part of the human life cycle…

Guard #3: yeah, a part of the human life cycle I don’t want to know about!

Guard #2: Come on, it’s not as gross as say… taking a dump…

Guard #3: How do you know that? Have YOU personally gone through menopause?

Guard #2: No…

Guard #3: Exactly, so shut the fuck up.

Guard #2: No, YOU shut the fuck up…

Guard #3: …you know how I know you’re gay?... you wish you could go through menopause…

Guard #2: …you know how I know you’re gay?...

Guard #3: How?

Guard #2: You pack low fat strawberry yogurt for lunch.

Guard #3: You know how I know you’re gay?... you cried while watching Titanic.

Guard #2: You know how I know you’re gay?...... you dance with your nightstick when you’re on patrol.

Guard #3: what the fuck? How’d you know about that?!

Guard #2: There ARE security cameras…

Guard #3: …oh… right… damn…

The doors suddenly explode off with a burst of blue flame… the guard from outside gets thrown into the floor…

Guard #2 and Guard #3: …DAYUUUUUUUMMMMM!

Joe rushes in and smacks both of the guards on the back of the necks… taking them out in an instant.

Joe: Alright, here we go…

Several Swat Team looking people with “nodatsstupid” on their back suddenly rush into the lobby… pointing guns at Joe, Mika’s grandmother, and Kevin…

Swat #1: Project ID?! ::looks at Mika’s grandmother:: an old lady?! ::looks at Kevin:: a laotian?!

Kevin: ::looks confused:: How’d he know?...

Joe: ::shrugs:: I don’t know…

Swat #2: surround them! Fire if they move!

Joe: Oh, come on guys… I just want to see your boss… ::kicks up straight behind him with a kick of blue flame… knocking one swat member straight in the air:: ::spins and jumps, kicking him into several other swat members::

Swat Leader: FIRE! FIRE AT WILL!

Kevin: ::smoke starts to billow from his feet::

It surrounds the room and attacks all the swat members… knocking them into a state of unconsciousness…

Joe: …gee… uhh… thanks Kevin… I could’ve handled the situation though… You know… with a little bit of hyah! And woosh! And… oh screw it… let’s go… ::goes up to an elevator and presses the button to go up::

Mika’s grandmother walks over the fallen bodies of swat members and kicks the person who called her an old lady.

Mika’s grandmother: …tch… “old lady”… I still have fifty years left in me…

Joe: Dammit, hurry up old lady… the elevator’s waiting…

Mika’s grandmother walks into the elevator… the doors close… and Joe screams a high pitched sound. Meanwhile, back at the Jugan tournament grounds…

Seph: ::swings a black twin ryuusei to deflect several beams of light:: Do you think those weak attacks can hurt me?! This is a real fight to the death now! Not some tournament matchup!

Kancho flies in the air towards Seph and kicks straight towards his head… Seph flies backwards to avoid it… Kancho spins in the air and swings all eight of his blades at him…

Kancho: gotcha!

Seph: You got nothing! ::blocks the slashes with his wings as feathers fall off, turn into black ryuuseis and fire off at Kancho::

Kancho: ::fires off his blades from his forearms… mechanical whirring loud as the wires give off slack… he spins, swinging his blades… they slash away the ryuuseis::

Seph: Tch…

Kuro: ::spins rapidly then points his fist at Seph, several chains of steel fly out from his arm at Seph::

Seph: Aura chains… I already saw those from your match with that bastard! ::remembers the match with Cuong and Kuro:: THOSE TRICKS WON’T WORK ON ME! ::unleashes a burst of black flame which knocks the chains away::

Jon rolls and positions himself below Seph…

Jon: ::swings both of his arms to his sides:: Raging…


Black flame ryuuseis suddenly burst from the ground and attack Jon…


Aya: Fuujin Ryu! ::creates a blade of wind on her hand… slashes through the black flame ryuuseis::

Jon: Phew… thanks… YOU SAVED MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR! The obnoxiously good looking Jon is in your debt!

Aya: …shut up…

Cuong points his palm at Seph…

Cuong: Shadow… hunter! ::three wolves of shadow rocket out of cuong’s hand and fly at Seph::

Seph: ::spins rapidly, black flame igniting from his body, to knock away the shadow wolves… stops spinning and opens up his wings… points the black twin ryuusei at Cuong. They stop spinning around his hand and fire down at Cuong::

Cuong: Gosh!

Seiji jumps in front of Cuong and grabs the two black ryuuseis with his hands and crushes them…

Seph: ?!

Cuong: Whoa… Seiji… how’d you do that without getting hur…

Seiji: ::on the ground, in pain::

Cuong: never mind…

Hitokiri suddenly appears out of nowhere and jumps behind Seph…

Seph: ?...

Hitokiri: It’s over… ::swings his large sword around at Seph...::

Seph blocks with a newly formed twin ryuusei and points his palm at Hitokiri’s face…

Seph: Useless! ::ignites his hand on black flame, spins and slams it into Hitokiri’s face… Hitokiri falls to the floor and disappears in a puff of smoke::

Charles: uhh… is it just me… or is he stronger than before?...

Cuong: Hell no! We’re just uhh… not trying hard enough?...

Charles: Oh… okay… ::points both fingers at Seph in gun mode::

Charles fires two beams of light at Seph… Seph flies around them to be right in front of Charles…

Seph: Hello whitey…

Charles: I’M NOT WHITEY!

Seph: ::swings his black twin ryuusei down::

Charles: ::blocks with a shield of light… the shield of light bursts into shards which knocks Seph back… the shards fire beams of light at Seph as Charles continues to fire also::

Seph: ::flying to dodge the several beams of light… when his foot suddenly gets caught with aura chains:: ?!

Kuro flies up at seph… his aura chains drawing him closer and closer to him…

Kuro: die!

Seph: You first! ::pupils grow bigger and darker… he forms a larger twin ryuusei and slashes aura chain off his leg::

Kuro: ::falling down to the floor… lands on his feet with a thud:: He… cut the aura chains?!

Seph: Unbreakable my ass!

Aya: ::her eyes totally green:: As to be expected… the black flame… is way too deadly…

Jason: Psh… yeah right… it’s overrated…

Aya: Why aren’t you helping?! You lecherous fool!

Jason: I’m not a lech! I just haven’t had my power return to me yet… the fight with shinka drained almost all of my power… I can’t use trance until I rest a bit… be happy I’m even trying… it usually takes me days to recover my power.

Aya: Only because you’re weak! ::throws the fuujin ryu off her hand, spins it around her body with her finger then swings it at Seph… it grows into a flurry of wind blades::

Seph: Tch! Can’t stop that shit… ::quickly slashes off a large piece of the stadium ceiling with his black twin ryuusei and lets it drop into the torrent of wind blades… the wind blades slash it up and disappear::

Chris runs a bit forward at a high speed and jumps high at Seph… he kicks straight at Seph’s face… Seph ducks under it and pushes Chris in the back, straight back to the floor…

Chris: ::on the way down, he spins and delivers a seeking kick towards Seph… the heat wave along the air flies at Seph and hits him under the chin… exploding upon impact::

Mika: He got him!

The smoke clears and Seph flies straight down at Chris in extreme anger…

Chris: oh, crap…

Seph: ::slashes Chris in half…::

Chris: ::in shock… his body suddenly bursts into many cherry blossoms::

Seph: What?!

Chris is back on the ground… crouching and grabbing his midsection as if he was expecting to get slashed in half… right next to him is Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: ::swinging his finger from right to left:: tsk tsk tsk… That’s a no no…

Seph: You!

Tsubasa: ::shrugs:: Me… ::a black and pink tattoo is glowing on the back of his hand::

Seph: You bastard…

Tsubasa: ::puts his hand right in front of his face so that the back of it is totally visible:: ::it’s a picture of black and pink wings… black on the top outside, with pink on the inside bottom:: I am the god of death…

Seph: YOU DON’T DESERVE… THAT TITLE! ::points finger in the air:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI!

A torrent of black ryuuseis rockets down at Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: ::eyes turn bright pink:: ::hand glows pink:: ::goes into a gatotsu type stance as if he’s about to stab the onslaught of black ryuuseis:: Heh… I hope you’re ready for the consequences of saying something like that… ::stabs forward with nothing in his hands::

Cherry blossoms suddenly burst out from his hand as he stabs forward, they whiz around the black ryuuseis, slashing them up into nothingness.

Tsubasa: ::automatically jumps back and puts both his hands at his sides as if he’s about to draw two invisible swords:: ::he suddenly shifts into a shadow which travels along the ground under seph and black ryuuseis… the shadow suddenly rises up along the wall and stops when it reaches the top of the stadium ceiling, right above seph… several shadows slash all over Seph and the black ryuuseis…:: ::The shadows stop and the cherry blossoms fall to the floor as Tsubasa flies out of the storm of shadow slashes and cherry blossoms straight to the ground with both of his hands extended to his sides as if he just drew two swords::

Seph: ::still managing to float in the air, but he’s bleeding badly, his clothes are slashed up, as are his wings…:: Damn you…

Tsubasa: ::hits the floor and swings his arm to his side:: Heh… Shadow Stab…

Seph: Fuck you… I HATE YOU! I HATEEEE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU! I HATE ALL OF YOU! ::freaking out::

Tsubasa: Calm down… fool…

Sousuke: … ::thinking::

Hamtaro: You sense it too… right?...

Sousuke: …Yeah… I think it’s finally time for me to get involved in this fight…

Seph: ::eyes bulging out of their sockets, veiny and bloodshot:: ::veins bursting from several points of his body:: I hate you! I HATE ALL OF YOU!

Neko-chan suddenly jumps on Jason’s shoulder…

Neko-chan: this isn’t good…

Jason: Why?...

Neko-chan: The black flame… is volatile and responds to the emotions of its master… it must be dying to attack right now… ::looks at Jason:: with all its got… you better hurry and get into trance…

Jason: I’m trying…

Seph: ::laughing maniacally:: hehehahahahahahHAHAHAHAHA! ::stares at everyone below him:: DIE… DIE NOW! STOP MAKING ME FEEL BAD!

Seph’s whole body suddenly bursts into black flame… as does his wings… the black flame forms a large birdlike creature…


The large bird of black flame caws loudly…with a crackle of flame in its voice… it flaps its wings and several people go flying…

Hiruma: What is this?!

Kuro: This must be… his strongest attack!

Hamtaro: ::staring at it:: If we get hit by that… we’ll surely die… just because of the burning power of the black flame!

Sousuke: yeah… his killing intent is obvious…

Several people who were still in the stands and couldn’t escape suddenly burst into black flame…

Sousuke: ::Listening to the screams ringing around the stadium:: That son of a bitch… the people with weaker auras are already succumbing to that freak of nature attack…

Tsubasa: Tch… because I used the shadow stab… I don’t think… I can… sustain my infinite… ::suddenly transforms back into Cuong::

Cuong: Dammit… ::Looks over at Jon and Chris who are on the ground near to him:: Hey! We gotta stop that thing before it attacks!

Chris: ::Nods:: all at once?

Cuong: all at once!

Jon: Well then… I guess if this doesn’t work… we’re screwed… wot wot…

Cuong: STOP ACTING BRITISH! ::points palm at the giant figure of black flame in the air::

Jon: ::forms white flame in his hand::

Chris: ::Heat waves begin to fly off of his body::


Jon: ::fires the white flame at the giant bird of black flame:: ALCHEMY TRIGGER!

Chris: SEEKING FIST! ::unleashes a burst of natural energy at the giant bird::

Miharu: I’ll help too…! ::forms seals and points palm at the giant flame bird:: ::unleashes another burst of natural energy at it::

The blasts hit the giant bird and explode but disappear into its body of black flame… the black flame just replaces itself…

Cuong: shit!

Chris: Well… should we run now?

Jon: We can’t let that thing out of this stadium! People will spontaneously combust all over!

Charles: DUDE! Why didn’t you let me join in on the blast barrage?!

Cuong: it doesn’t matter! It didn’t work anyways!

Charles: But still!

Suddenly, several beams of light fire through the bird of black flame… the black flame just reforms again…

Charles: uhh…

Cuong: did you do that Charles?...

Charles: …no…

Sora: ::suddenly flies in on her wings made of shards of light:: Damn, you guys really fucked up on this one!

Cuong: We didn’t do anything!

Sora: Exactly! You should have finished him before he got like this!

Cuong: I tried! I hit him with my strongest attack!

Sora: Then you’re weak! FOOL! I brought reinforcements! We can’t let that thing get out of this stadium! It will kill many people in the town!

Shinka: I shouldn’t have left… ::still injured from the Jason fight though::

Iketani and Hiko: Sensei…!

Aya: ::joining in:: Let’s try blasting it again! All of us!

The full metal team walks up to the crowd…

Kancho: geez… this is getting troublesome…

Aya: Can you guys fire long range?

Kancho: seeking fist…

Hiruma: spears

Kuro: anything steel…

Aya: Okay…

Miharu: We have at least tripled the power of our blasts now… but we probably still need more to eradicate that abomination totally!

Sousuke: We have enough… ::joining in::

Aya: …

Hamtaro: ::in unrestricted form:: definitely…

Jason: don’t look at me… I’m still out of strength… but I guess… I’ll do what I can…

Aya: Dammit… if only more jugan students were here…

Sousuke: stop wishing and hoping… in this situation… all there is to do… is fight…

Aya: For once… I agree with you…

Seiji: ::getting up:: Uhhh…

Aya: what?! What is it?!

Seiji: I want to help too…

Suddenly… almost every person who took place in the tournament runs into the stadium… including team the steve, the bokuten team, and even the hidden weapons team…

Jon: Uhh… is this a result of his power to have anything he wants to happen if he doesn’t know he does or something like that?

Cuong: Probably… but I’m not fucking complaining!

Aya: Alright… we should have enough firepower now…

The bird of black flame is growing bigger and bigger…

Aya: At some point! It’s going to swoop down at us! That’s when we all concentrate our power and blast it out of the sky!

Sora: ::Looks over at Charles:: Use your overflow… give it all you got… because this is our only shot.

Charles: Uhh… okay…

The bird of black flame reaches its biggest size and suddenly caws again… it flies a little up, burning several parts of the stadium… then it flies down at everyone… Meanwhile… with Joe…

Joe: well, that was pretty easy… ::breathing hard::

Kevin: ::also breathing hard::

Mika’s grandmother: ::perfectly fine::

There are several more swat members lying on the floor… at least in the fifties…

Joe: these guys weren’t amateurs… that’s for sure… it’s like every floor has stronger and stronger people… and still no sign of that boss bastard…

Kevin: Shouldn’t he be on the top floor?...

Joe: well, that’s the first place we checked… but he wasn’t there…

Kevin: oh yeah… sorry… tired…

Joe: Yeah… a lot of these swat guys have powers… must’ve been a recent development in their security program...

Mika’s grandmother: yes… these people’s auras are not right… they feel fake… just like your friend…

Joe: I know… shit… where the fuck is the boss? We tore this entire complex apart and not one sign of him…

Mika’s grandmother: ::senses something:: I feel… erratic… power… not from the building… but below it…

Joe: …the basement?

Joe, Kevin, and Mika’s grandmother head down to the basement…

Joe: It’s just a regular basement…

There’s just cleaning supplies, mops, and other things like that.

Kevin: hmm…

Joe: ::walks past a broken lamp, another mop, then a broom:: Shit… I know this is the right place… but where the fuck do we go?............... wait a minute… ::goes over to the broken lamp::

Kevin: what?

Joe: This is the only thing out of place… everything else here deals with cleaning equipment… like floor buffers and shit like that…

Kevin: So? Maybe they just brought it down here to fix it…

Joe: …yeah… or… ::turns it on:: ::waits for something to happen::

Nothing happens…

Joe: …dammit… grannie! You said that you felt something coming from this place!

Mika’s grandmother: Yes… from even farther below… below the basement…

Kevin: …wait… ::grabs the lamp and starts to study it:: There’s no lightbulb…

Joe: So?...

Kevin: The place where you screw in the lightbulb… it’s too narrow for a lightbulb… but a key would fit.

Joe: ::looks at the lamp:: Dude, someone just stuck gum in there… that’s all.

Kevin: …oh…

Suddenly, a door opens up under them… revealing a flight of stairs… made of marble and fully lighted…

Joe: …

A scientist woman walks up the stairs…

Scientist lady: This way please…

Joe: …what the? Who are you?...

Scientist lady: I’ve been watching you over the security cameras… please, no time… just follow me…

Joe: …yeah, but first… who are you?

Scientist lady: …I’m project SSE’s mother… in other words, I’m deity’s mother.

Joe: …umm… ::shrugs::

Joe, Kevin, and Mika’s grandmother follow the scientist lady down the stairs… the door closes after them…

Joe: Are you really deity’s mother?

Scientist Lady: Yes… I’m her birth mother… and… her other mother as well…

Joe: uhh… okay… why are you helping us?

Scientist Lady: It’s simple… ::turns to face them:: I want you to kill the company…

Joe: …oh, okay…

Scientist Lady: …they took my daughter away from me… they changed her completely and killed her… I want to return the favor.

Joe: flavor?...

Scientist Lady: No, you dumb shit… favor.

Joe: Oh… I see…

Scientist Lady: We created all the projects… except for you and SS… I knew something was off… but… I thought it was all for the best.

Kevin: Breast?

Scientist Lady: …NO! Dammit!

Joe: I see… anyways… tell me more about this boss person…

Scientist Lady: I’ve never seen him… he’s hidden himself very well… only Project RF has ever been fully in contact with him.

Joe: …but do you know anything about him?

Scientist Lady: I know… that he’s mysterious… and a guy..

Joe: uhh… thanks… doesn’t really tell me much about the mysterious boss guy…

The stairs stop and the group finds themselves in a bright sterile area… there are glass walls all around along with preserved fetuses, test tubes, cat scans, and other medical equipment.

Joe: …what the hell is this place?

Scientist Lady: this is where we tested the projects and created all of our technology… on the far left of this floor is the testing facility where we review the abilities of the projects we create… right now… we are where we spliced them together.

Joe: So… this is where Seph was created…

Scientist Lady: Created?...

Joe: never mind… it’s a long story…

Scientist Lady: ::gets back to what she was talking about:: This underground lab is huge… it makes most college campuses look like ant hills. There are over two hundred and fifty workers here all with degrees in genetics, biochemistry, and the works…

Joe: If there are so many geniuses here, how the hell doesn’t anybody know about this place?

Scientist Lady: …haven’t you ever heard of devry institute?

Joe: …they don’t have good programs…

Scientist Lady: Oh, that’s just a cover-up… Devry is actually the number one college in the country. Urr… next to ITT Tech… ::shakes fist:: Those damn preppy bastards…

Joe: …

Kevin: …umm… okay…

Scientist Lady: The building up above is where our security forces are housed… it’s a fake company that stands in for our legitimate side… everyone in the building has been trained to fight…

Joe: I see… what’s your legitimate side?

Scientist Lady: Ever see those homeless people selling roses on the street side?

Joe: yeah…

Scientist Lady: Those aren’t homeless people, those are OUR people… how do you think they got a dozen roses anyways?

Joe: …ummm… yeahhhhh… ::whispers to Kevin:: This is getting stupider and stupider as it goes along.

Scientist Lady: I heard that!

Joe: ::points to Kevin:: IT WAS THE BOY!

Kevin: …boy?

Scientist Lady: anyways… below this floor are three more floors. Containment cells below this one… then a housing center and a bowling alley… and a nice little smoothie machine that’s actually pretty fast…

Joe: …

Scientist Lady: Then below those floors is the boss’s floor… then a secret floor that nobody’s allowed to go into…

Kevin: dun dun dun!

Scientist Lady: …riggghhhhttttt….

They go past the containment cells and the smoothie floor… and finally reach the boss’s doors…

Joe: …okay… it’s time to see who this boss guy really is… ::slurps down some smoothie he has in his hand::

Scientist Lady: Well, this is as far as I go… good luck you guys… ::Leaves::

Joe: Okay then… it’s time to get physical!

Joe attempts to kick the doors open, but his foot just bounces off.

Joe: ::grabs his foot and starts rubbing it:: OWIE OWIE OWIE OWIE!

Mika’s grandmother: …let me handle this… ::kicks the doors wide open…

Mysterious Boss Guy: ::sitting on a large leather chair that has its back towards the group:: ::has two very pretty female secretaries sitting on each side of his table:: So, you’ve finally come…

Joe: so, you knew I was coming…

Mysterious Boss Guy: …so… where’s my pizza?!

Joe: …what?

Mysterious Boss Guy: You’re thirty minutes late!

Joe: Uhh… we’re not here to deliver a pizza.

Mysterious Boss Guy: …oh… then you must be Project ID…

Joe: I guess so… you can call me Joe…

Kevin: or Joemo…

Joe: shut up Kevin!

Mysterious Boss Guy: oh, I know your name… I know all your names… Cuong, Khoi, Seiji, Chowles, Bon, urrr…. Some other people… yeah… those are your names…

Joe: Anyways… why have you been messing with us? What is your intention, you bastard?

Mysterious Boss Guy: …I once… had a love… so great… we’d frolic in the grass… singing and dancing… dancing and singing… eating and dancing… dancing and eating…

Joe: … ::Looks at Kevin::

Kevin: ::shrugs::

Mysterious Boss Guy: But she left me… SHE left me! I will use the power of the gates to get her back...! Or at least get some sorta revenge!

Joe: …wait wait wait… you’re doing this all over some girl who died?

Mysterious Boss Guy: NO! She didn’t die… she just… uhhh… it’s a long story… I’ll tell you later… We gotta set aside a day for me to tell you the story… we’ll visit all the places we went to… like her house!

Joe: …

Mika’s grandmother: …

Mysterious Boss Guy: ::spins his chair around:: so, anyways… what are you guys doing here?

Joe: I don’t believe it…!

Kevin: ?!

Joe: The mysterious boss guy is Jose Conseco?!


Joe: …oh… wait, LEO?!

Kevin: Leo’s black?!

Leo: NO! I’m not black! I’m from a little country called El Salvador!

Joe: … ::blinks a couple times:: …so, you’re black?

Leo: …………geez… NO!

Joe: …wait, how can you be the mysterious boss guy? When Necro attacked the school before… you were affected by his power!

Leo: NO I WASN’T! I was just horny!

Joe: Oh… OHHHHHH… well, that makes a lot more sense…

Leo: Well then, Joe… I wish I could give you a good homecoming… but since you found out my true identity… I can’t let you leave this place alive… My beautiful secretary assassins will see to that…

Secretary #1: ::Looking at a picture of Chris on Leo’s desk:: Hey, he’s pretty cute…

Secretary #2: yeah… I wonder what his name is…

Leo: …NO! NOT AGAIN DAMMIT! DAMN YOU CHRIS!!!! DAMN YOUUUUU!!! ::shakes fists at the sky::

Joe: ...uhh… Leo… you’re not THAT rich… how the hell do you own this company?

Leo: I import drugs and roses!

Joe: Wait, what?

Leo: I mean… I import roses!... I also bought stock in google… cause I thought the name sounded funny… that paid off really well… but then I made the mistake of buying stock in enron cause it sounded like that planet from star wars… WHOA, was that a mistake…

Joe: …yeahhhh… so how’d you manage to steal the scrolls from Mika’s grandmother?

Mika’s Grandmother: I’m wondering about that too…

Leo: Well, a little bit of this… a little bit of that… but mostly… a LOT of this! HADOUKEN! ::about to fire a fireball at Joe::

Joe: AH! ::blocks, but nothing happens::

Leo: ::punching randomly:: Damn Seiji! I forgot how to do the hadouken… oh wait… I didn’t know how to do it in real life… hmm…

Joe: Uhh… okay, anyways… Leo! ::points at him:: I’m going to destroy this whole facility… so you better run far, far away…

Leo: And if I don’t?...

Joe: …I just said I’m going to destroy this whole facility…

Leo: I know you did…

Joe: Oh my god… ::rolls eyes:: Leo, when this place comes down… you’re going to die too…

Leo: uhh… yeah… I don’t think so… because I won’t let you interfere with my dream… ::about to draw a sword… but pulls out a dildo instead:: …DAMMIT! Where’d this come from?!

Joe: ……………………………………

Leo: urrr… oh hell, let’s just do this the normal way… ::sticks hand up which starts to have an ethereal glow around it:: ::swings it fast and points it at Joe… a blast of energy knocks Joe into the wall::

Joe: What the hell?! He has powers too?... what kinda power is that?!

Leo: since this is going to be your last couple minutes… I’ll tell you… my powers are highly concentrated energy blasts that are stronger than natural aura… in short… I can shoot hadou…!

Leo suddenly gets kneed in the face with blue flame by Joe… Leo falls to the ground…

Leo: dammit! At least let me finish!

Joe: No time…

Leo: fine… ::the ethereal glow suddenly surrounds Leo again:: then you can just die by my hands!

(Joe note: I have a very hard time imagining Leo saying that…)

Leo starts to fire more energy blasts at Joe… who begins to dodge them with the aid of blue flame…

Leo: You can’t run forever!

Mika’s grandmother: ::appears above Leo, point palm down at him:: Shadow Bind!

Shadows from all around the room begin to head towards Leo… Leo creates the ethereal glow again and spins once quickly… the shadows get ripped to pieces.

Leo: Is that all you got?... ::points palm straight up at Mika’s grandmother and fires a blast of energy at her::

Mika’s grandmother: ::gets hit by it, but disappears into nothing but shadow::

Leo: ::pulls out a long lance type sword… this time it’s not a dildo:: Okay, now then… time to show you my real power… this is called an amplifier… we built it months ago… it’s the only one of its kind… and its purpose is to amplify my power…

Joe: yeah, I kinda guessed that…

Leo: ::swings it at Joe… it fires a blast of energy at him::

Joe: ::Jumps over the blast and sends a ryuusei flying across the ground at Leo::

Leo: ::the lance type sword suddenly crackles with energy as Leo jumps up to avoid the ryuusei, while swinging it, unleashing more energy blasts at Joe::

Joe: geez… this is some Guilty Gear type crap going on right now… so I guess I’ll be Sol Badguy for you… ::lights hand on blue flame::

Back at the stadium…the combined blast of everyone hits the bird of black flame…The bird of black flame explodes… heavy smoke surrounds the stadium…

Cuong: uhh… did we get him?...

Jon: Hmmmmmm…. Hmmmmmmm…. There’s only one way to find out… ::runs into the smoke, then runs back out, choking and gasping for air::

Cuong: …stupid…

Jason: well… maybe we finally killed Seph…

Evil laughter suddenly echoes through the stadium…

Jason: …please tell me that’s Charles…

Charles: Umm… nope…

Neko-chan: ::jumps up on Jason’s shoulder again:: Look, there’s no time to worry about Seph… he’s just a fucking diversion… they’re probably fucking planning to use that one fucker to open the gates… we need to follow after them quickly… or we’ll get fucked right up the ass!

Charles: …but I don’t want to get fucked up the ass!

Neko-chan: Nobody does! That’s why we must! And I mean we must! Finish Seph quickly so that we can chase after Joule.

Jason: it’s going to be hard… we can’t kill Seph…

Aya: Like hell we can’t…

Jason: No, I mean… if he dies… it will spark a chain reaction that will also kill Joe and Deity.

Neko-chan: Which would probably save a lot of people…

Jason: …that’s our last resort.

Sora: …forget it… they already have an hour head start on you… there’s no way you’d be able to reach them in time…

Cuong: But as long as Seph is here, they can’t complete the gate opening, right?

Neko-chan: Yeah… but don’t you guys remember?... SEPH CAN FLY! Probably over the fucking pacific to meet up with them.

Cuong: …oh, right… who here can fly?...

Jason: Don’t look at me… I’m still too weak from my fight with Shinka… ::shakes fist at Shinka:: Damn you!

Sousuke: Well, Seph shouldn’t be that hard for us to deal with… Sora can probably take you to the location of the gates with her keys…

Sora: yeah right… that place’s negative energy locks down any sort of connection with the keys…

Cuong: Well, we better think of something soon… Seph’s probably going to attack again once he recovers from our attack.

The smoke clears… Seph is gone…

Cuong: or… not…

Sousuke: he ran away?!

Jason: Shit… it’s only a matter of time before the gates open now…

Neko-chan: …looks like there’s only one thing we can do to prepare for it…

Jason: ?...

Neko-chan: ::Looks over at Sousuke:: The Jugan Prize… you know what it is…

Sousuke: …

Neko-chan: …you don’t have to tell me, but I can guess… it’s a key to crevice… isn’t it?

Sousuke: ?!

Jason: Crevice?... ::remembers the place where he initially got his infinite trance:: So it wasn’t a hero berserker spirit in the box?...

Sousuke: No… not exactly… to open a doorway to Crevice, a berserker spirit is necessary… it cannot be done by yourself… so the box that contains the key is actually infused with a hero berserker spirit… the reason why winners of the tournament become stronger is because they spend some time in Crevice’s forest… with the baby youkai… that place is a breeding ground for strong, tough fighters… you fight till the brink of your existence.

Neko-chan: yeah… as I thought… so your power… ::looks at Sousuke:: is actually the result of fighting youkai to the brink of death… heh, I guess that fits the theme of this tournament…

Sousuke: …I guess you can say that.

Neko-chan: …Anyways, I need that key…

Sora: what?... are you insane?

Neko-chan: If Joule changes this world… it’ll change all of us… according to his will, we may not even exist. However, if we are in crevice at the time the changes take place… his will won’t have any effect on us… and we’ll be free to kill him in his own world.

Sora: …that’s impossible… once he changes this world, we’ll be on his turf… we won’t be able to win… and there’s no guarantee that killing him there would change this world back!

Neko-chan: yes there is! They’re not doing this by the book, they haven’t gathered all the aura types needed, they’re trying to cheat by using an elemental’s power… once the elemental is killed… the world of his will be broken… and it’ll change back.

Sora: Well, I can’t come with you… going to crevice again means death for me…

Sousuke: As with me…

Neko-chan: I know… none of you are coming… only the gatekeeper… will go…

Hamtaro: gatekeeper?...

Neko-chan: None of you are strong enough to survive in that world of Joule’s… except the gatekeeper and his friends.

Kuro: Why is that?...

Neko-chan: ::smiles a weird cat smile:: Haven’t you noticed? Throughout this tournament, none of them have lost… they’ve only forfeited, quit, or have advanced through the rounds… they’re probably stronger than all of you…

Kancho: …hell no… why the hell do you say that?!

Neko-chan: Because, they’re a set of all the aura types… the reason why Joule couldn’t gather all the aura types was because they’re all here… the assassin of flame, the guardian of love, the swordsman of darkness, the belief of hope, the guidance of light, the messenger of wind, the silent dagger, the alchemist of faith… in short: Joemo, fag, short guy, final fantasy fucker, chowles, piss aka Chris, chili cheese fry fuck, pocky fucker…

Jon: Why is Charles called pocky fucker? ::grabs his pocky and stares at charles suspiciously::

Charles: THAT’S YOU! DAMN!

Neko-chan: You all have a guiding light around you…

Charles: me?

Neko-chan: NO! You guys were destined to enter his world and fight him, it was inevitable… ::looks at Jason:: It’s your fate as the gatekeeper...

Jason: …gatekeeper?... but I’m the guardian of love!

Neko-chan: Not you… the fag…

Khoi: whaaa?!

Neko-chan: It’s no accident that Jason’s within you… you’re the gatekeeper, he was supposed to be within you… in fact, most of the strength that Jason has comes deep from inside you.

Khoi: …umm… ooOOOoooh?! Can’t I be the ass grabber instead of the gatekeeper?!

Neko-chan: NO!

Khoi: what about the nuttapper?...

Neko-chan: NO DAMMIT! Now shut up!

Everyone: Who’s he talking to?

Jon: So what you’re saying is… we all have to be locked in the room with Khoi… until Joule opens the gates?!

Everybody stares at Jason…


Jason turns back into Khoi…

Khoi: No escape this time Charles! ::slams fist in palm:: Your nuts are mine!

Charles: no they’re not!


Charles: …Who’s Jen?

Khoi: ::Makes more struggling noises:: SHUT THE HELL UP YOU SONUVA BITCH! oooOOOOooh!

Charles: ::Falls to his knees:: Oh please… let Joule open those gates quickly…

Jon: So we’re going to go into Joule’s world… to uhhhhh… fight him… umm… can I bring an extra pair of undergarments?... or do we not have time?

Neko-chan: ::shrugs:: who knows, maybe Joe will do something that will stop Joule from opening the gates… but if he doesn’t… it’s better that we’re safe than sorry…

Miharu: …I’d like to come with you guys… and help… but…

Aya: yeah… it seems as if you’ll need to do this yourself…

Khoi: yeah… just like sex!

Aya: You don’t do sex by yourse… ::stops and thinks:: UGH!

Everybody: ugh!

Khoi: What?! Don’t make it seem like you guys haven’t done it either! oooOOOooh! Bastards…

Sousuke: You sick, perverted… okay, everybody here okay with sending this freak and his friends to another world!

Everybody: YEAH!

Khoi: ::quietly:: no…!

Sora: ::looks at Neko-chan:: I’ve changed my mind… I’ll risk losing my life at Crevice…I want to come along... there’s no way someone’s attacking the world without me being involved.

Neko-chan: I told you, only the chosen ones can go…

Aya: Hell no… this is the jugan school… I’m definitely going…

Neko-chan: …

Sousuke: I have to say, I’m going too… as current president… it’d be disgraceful if I don’t…

??????: I’m coming too!

Naharu enters the stadium…

Miharu: sister?...

Naharu: I have some unfinished business with my brother… and you’ll need the expertise of an Arisaka to get through this.

Miharu: Umm… ::smiles:: I’ll go too…

Neko-chan: FUCK! I’M TELLING YOU ALL! ALL OF YOU WON’T FIT! ::thinks:: ::counts Miharu, Naharu, Sousuke, Sora, and Aya:: okay, maybe not… I guess I can send you through…

Kancho: So, any more room?

Kuro: …

Hiruma: No reps from the full metal team… it would be a really big… you know… no no…

Shinka: Yes, I’d have to agree… I should go too…

Hamtaro: As should I…

Neko-chan: ::blinks:: Well, you can’t…

Everyone: why?!

Neko-chan: …Because I like you all too much to fucking send you to die.

Kancho: …

Kuro: …

Shinka: …

Hamtaro: ::pats Sousuke on the back:: have fun Sousuke!

Thirty minutes later… the people who are going are in the room with the mysterious prize box… The room is surprisingly small… and they’re severely cramped…

Sora: Did someone just touch my ass?!

Chris: it was me… but charles pushed me!


Cuong: help, my fat is suffering! IT’S ALL BURNING!

Khoi: oooOOOOoh! This is like an orgy!

Everybody: no it isn’t!

Aya: anybody touch me, I’ll kill you!

Sousuke: why the hell am I here?... dammit…

Jon: I think I just pooped in my pants…

People back off from Jon…

Jon: ha! It worked! I got my own space now! And all it took was a little bit of my already failing dignity!

Seiji: whose hand is on my butt?!


Miharu: …what twins? ::smiles::

Naharu: shut up stupid…

Miharu: I’m so glad you decided to join us sister… instead of joining their side….

Naharu: I didn’t join your side! I’m only here to end this curse on our family!

Miharu: ……………………..so… you joined our side?

Naharu: ::sigh of exasperation:: you’ve been hanging around the retarded people too long.

Jon: ::picking his nose:: What retarded people?

Naharu: ::slaps her own forehead:: I don’t think I can take much more of this…

Khoi: oooOOOoh! I wonder what Joe’s doing! Probably making out with mika’s grandmother…

Aya: what?!

Khoi: Umm… who said that?! ::points at cuong:: IT WAS THE BOY!

Cuong: …what?

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: Shut the fuck up you sonuvabitch!


Khoi: …so… does anybody here have some food?

Cuong: I might have some food… wait, no… that’s just Charles’ arm.

Charles: …did you just bite my arm?!

Cuong: Of course not… ::munching noises::

Charles: STOP BITING MY ARM! Damn!

Chris: I need to go peeeee…

Khoi: chris… I think we’d all like to see that…

Everybody: NO WE WOULDN’T!


Jon: Who’s Jen?!

Khoi: ::makes more struggling noises:: YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! NEVER TALK OF HER AGAIN!... ::shifts eyes:: She’s mine! Bitch!

Jon: …Jen… jon… oh my god, did you create a pet name for me?! You sick freak!

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: NO! YOU FOOL! I’m going to nuttap you good!... If I get out of here! oooOOOoh!

Chris: ::squirming around amongst all the bodies:: It’s really tight in here…

Seiji: I think I just reached second base………

Charles: DAMN SEIJI! Everybody around you is a guy!

Seiji: …Yeah, not a very good first experience… I’m like a chocobo in a chocobo pen… I just want to run free, but I can’t… oh how I long to be a wild chocobo… but I can’t… because they ride me…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: SHUT THE HELL UP SEIJI! BEFORE I RIDE YOU!

Cuong: … ::shudders::

Khoi: I didn’t mean ride in THAT way… I meant ride as in humping! oooOOOooh!

Cuong: …then you DID mean it in THAT way.

Khoi: …uhh… no?

Cuong: …………………

Aya: …what the hell… I’m glad my sister isn’t here…

Khoi: I wish your sister was here… she’s hot!


Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: why does everybody say that?! I just want some love tooooo! ::starts to cry::

Cuong: …man, we should like… donate Khoi to some sorta charitable organization…

Chris: I say we dump him off to VSA… that’d teach him… ::remembers when he met VSA:: They’re like a bunch of Khoi’s…

Chris remembers when he went to a VSA meeting…

VSA member #1: oooOOOooh!

Other VSA members: oooOOOOoh!

Khoi: oooOOOOooh!

Chris: umm… oooh?

The VSA members look mad at chris…

Chris: ::slowly backs away and out of the door::

VSA member #2: That’s right you Cambodian! RUN AWAY! Now let’s continue with the meeting!

Vsa members: oooOOOooh!

All they’re doing is going “oooOOoooh!”… Back to the present…

Chris: Yeah, that was weird…

Cuong: Uhh… Chris, that actually hasn’t happened yet… since we’re still in high school right now…

Chris: …oh right… why is that?

Khoi: eh, it’s almost as if some fag that’s writing this didn’t finish until just now when he should have finished a year ago…

Charles: wait wait wait… you guys know what’s going to happen in the future?! Do I have a girlfriend?!

Cuong: Well, you see Charles… you liked some half Japanese girl named… something… I think it was megaman... but then your commitments were too high and you told her you liked her but she didn’t like you and put you in the friend zone…

Everyone: ::like a zombie:: The friend zoneeeee...

Charles: DAMN!

Cuong: Well, you make a lot of money though…

Charles: …But I’m lonely!

Cuong: Don’t worry Charles… you eventually resort to homosexuality and aren’t lonely anymore…

Charles: …but I don’t want to be gay!

Khoi: Come on Charles! It’s not like it’s hard to be gay! Just grab my balls and see if you like it! oooOOOooh! Now hurry up young lady! I don’t have all day!

Charles: ::shudders::

Aya: what the hell are you guys talking about?


Cuong: still pimply…

Jon: …what?! Dang it… at least I make it into John Hopkins, right?!

Cuong: Well… you’re sorta going there… actually, your parents disown you and you end up going to ucsd.

Jon: UCSD?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! No damn you! ::shakes fist at the sky:: DAMN YOU ALL!

Charles: My sister’s going to UCSD too… I think…


Cuong: She doesn’t hate you… she just thinks you’re weird…

Jon: oh… wait, I’m not weird! ::picking his boogers again::

Cuong: …right…




Neko-chan: Thank you, you punk ass bitches… fuck… you guys are fucking homoooooo…

Back with Joe…

Joe: ::dodging energy blasts from Leo::

Leo: stop dodging!!!! Or I’ll get angry!

Kevin: ::points palm at Leo, smoke rockets out at him… it hits Leo and knocks him against a wall::

Leo: ::the ethereal glow surrounds him again and Leo blasts the smokes away with an energy blast:: Man, are you guys really going to attack me?! Leo! I’m your friend! DAMMIT! ::shoots more energy blasts at Joe, Mika’s grandmother, and Kevin as they dodge::

Joe: …stop firing at us then!

Leo: No!... ::points palm at Joe:: BANG! ::fires one energy blast:: BANG! ::fires another energy blast:: BANNNNNGGGGG! ::fires a huge energy blast::

Joe: ::dodges the first and second, but can’t dodge the third… he lights his hands on blue flame and slams them against the blast… pushing it back… the blast is pushing Joe back on his heels though:: dammit!

Mika’s grandmother points her finger at Leo’s amplifier… a shadow rushes up from the ground and grabs it… Mika’s grandmother swings her finger behind her back… the amplifier is thrown far away from Leo by the shadow.

Leo: No! My thing! I need that to do things! How dare you get rid of my things!

Joe: This is for batman! ::creates a ryuusei and rushes at Leo:: Ryuusei!

Leo: wait wait wait… stop…

Joe: ::stops in his tracks:: what?...

Leo: Which batman are you talking about? Like Batman batman, or batman Emily?

Joe: …uhh… batman Emily…

Leo: Oh… then why are you doing it for her? Do you like her?

Joe: NO! I don’t even know who she is! I’m just saying… I thought it would be kind of funny.

Leo: Well, it isn’t… that was a very sensitive point in my life.

Joe: Oh, I’m sorry…

Leo: it’s okay… but we have to set aside a day where I tell you all about the story… I’ll drive you around and I’ll show you her house!

Joe: I don’t know… that’s kind of stalkerish…

Leo: I don’t care, she ruined my perception of love.

Joe: oh come on, how could she…

Mika’s grandmother: ::stopping the situation:: OH GEEZ! COME ON!

Joe: oh, right…

Leo: oh yeah…

Joe: RYUUSEI! ::rockets at Leo again with a blue flame dragon rushing from his right hand::

Leo: Shoryuken! ::releases a spinning uppercut to Joe… ducking under the ryuusei and knocking Joe under the chin::

Joe: ::flies back from the force of the blow:: dammit! ::falls onto the ground:: ::springs back to his feet backwards:: I’m out of shape!

Leo: Hah! You’re no match for my Street Fighter fighting style!

Joe: …you based a style of fighting off a video game? What kind of loser does that?... ::thinks of Jon:: …oh, right…

Leo: Now then… feel my wrath! ::gathers energy into his two hands as he puts it to his side… releases it as he pushes it towards Joe… a huge blast of energy flies towards him::

Joe: ::thinks:: Damn, can’t dodge in time!

Two strange objects suddenly fly down in front of Joe… a bright light releases from them… the energy blast gets blown away…

Leo: …?!

Two katanas are floating in the air in front of Joe…

Joe: You?!

Hokiboushi: we changed our minds…

Nagareboshi: Yes… we decided that we should just stay with you for the time being…

Joe: I told you to stay with them! They need you!

Hokiboushi: Hah! Right when we came, they were already in a place we could not reach.

Nagareboshi: Indeed… and on top of that, it seems that the tournament has been interrupted because the elemental Joule and his group are coming here… for you…

Joe: what?...

Leo: Joule?... he’s coming back here?... he better have my pizza!

Joe: Leo, you do know that Joule’s crazy as hell and is trying to open the gates to pretty much rule the world, right?

Leo: …well, I did kind of suspect that… but man, he makes such a good enchilada…

Joe: …

Leo: I did send some operatives to see what he was up to… but they never returned… I see now… He was trying to take the power of the gates from right under my nose… well, I will not allow that…

Joe: You can’t stop him anymore… he’s grown way too strong… we have to destroy this location before he arrives.

Leo: ::sighs:: You underestimate me… I’m not just some horny Salvadorian who looks black… I’m the boss man! Nobody can beat the boss ma…!

Joe punches Leo in the face…

Joe: Take us to the gate location now…

Leo: …what gate location?

Joe: don’t act dumb with me! It’s underneath this floor isn’t it?...

Leo: uhh… maybe, maybe not… we’ll have to set aside a date to…

Joe: ::starts to bitchslap Leo::

Leo: Okay okay! Follow me… geez… ::gets up and grabs his wrists to take off some weird gauntlet types of things::

Mika’s grandmother: …were you using those to attack us with energy blasts?

Leo: Yeah, I don’t have powers of my own. So I have to use these things…

Joe: Okay okay, just take us to the gates…

Leo: But I want to tell you the story of why I don’t have powers!

Joe: umm… yeah… let’s leave that for another time… ::grabs the nagareboshi and hokiboushi::

They get absorbed back into him…

Joe: what the hell?... I thought our bond was broken forever.

Mika’s grandmother: …it should have been… odd…

Leo: uhh, guys… hurry up… I don’t have all day, I have some more evil scheming to do.

Joe: fine, let’s go.

Leo leads Joe, Mika’s grandmother, and Kevin down to the last floor… there are several pillars around a semicircle… in the middle of the semi circle are several strange artifacts. On each of the pillars is a picture of either an angel or a demon.

Joe: I don’t understand… how’d you find all this?

Leo: Well, after I stole the scrolls from Japan… I pretty much got the design for this… then I imported cheap labor from Canada.

Joe: …Canada doesn’t have cheap labor…

A penguin suddenly walks by Joe carrying a pillar and wearing a hard hat.

Joe: What the fuck?

Leo: yeah… they work pretty hard… and they’re so cute too! They’re like little waiters with their tuxedos and…

Kevin: ::staring at Leo with one eyebrow raised::

Leo: Okay fine… so, what do you want to do here again?

Joe: I’m going to destroy it… and blow up the building.

Leo: …oh… I see… well then, uhh… PLEASE DON’T JOE! ::grabs Joe’s feet:: I NEED THE GATES TO GET BACK EMILY AND ALL THE GIRLS I LOST TO CHRIS!

Joe: …dude, you’re going to use the ultimate power… to get back a girl? An okay looking girl, when you can use the ultimate power to get anybody you want?

Leo: …well, I guess I can go for…

Joe: ::slaps Leo:: NO YOU CAN’T!

Leo: ::starts to cry:: You don’t even know what I was going to say…

Joe: Yes I do!

Leo: Please Joe! Pleeeeeaassssseeeee… My hands get tired from the constant masturbation!

Joe: ugh! Get off my leg dude! This is just like that time with Charles’ dogs!

The time when Charles’ dogs were humping Joe’s legs…

Charles: Go down into the swimming pool! They won’t go down there…!

Joe: ::goes down to the unfilled swimming pool:: Okay, now what…

Charles: ::shrugs:: wait it out? ::starts to laugh evilly:: MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Julie: ::starts to laugh evilly:: MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joe: …

Happy: ::staring at Joe, waiting for him to come out:: ::in dog talk:: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joe: …

Back to the present…

Joe: …yeah…

Leo: dammit, okay, you can destroy it… but you need to set me up with a girlfriend!

Joe: What?! NO!

Leo: come onnnnn, come onnnnnnnnnnnnn…!

Joe: Leo, you know as well as I do… I’m in much need of a girlfriend as you are…

Leo: …oh yeah…

Joe and Leo: ::sighs:: yeah…

Mika’s grandmother: What the hell are you wasting time for? Hurry up and destroy this thing… ::smacks Leo on the back of the head:: And that’s for stealing the scrolls from my shrine!

Leo: urr, yeah… sorry about that…

Joe: Also, why the hell are you doing evil things anyways?... Like creating projects with mind bending drugs and stuff?

Leo: dude, when the projects first started, I was six. You think I own this company? Hell no, I didn’t even make it…

Joe: so you lied to me.

Leo: no… okay yes… but yeah… this company and its weird experiments were started by…

There’s a sudden explosion above them… a large amount of flame billows through the roof down to where Joe and Leo are.

Leo: what the…?!

Joe: Dammit, it’s Joule!

The flame begins to take shape and finally changes into Joule.

Joule: Well then, looks like I’ve finally arrived.

Leo: Project RF?... what the hell are you doing here?

Joule: I’m here to open the gates and to finally rid this world of its agony.

Leo: Joule… how dare you betray me?

Joule: You think this is the first time? I betrayed you already, by stealing your girls.

Leo: …DAMMIT! Why does everybody do that?!

Joule: Now then, if you’ll excuse me, I have the perfect world to create. ::sticks out his hand towards Joe:: Come with me and I promise you’ll enjoy my new world.

Joe: …dude, that’s so gay

Joule: I see, till the end you will not agree with me… then I shall force you to agree with me.

Leo: You’re going to rape him?

Joule: … ::stares at Leo:: to think that I was under the service of someone like you.

Leo: uhh, yeah… Joule, you made a big mistake… several of my agents are on their way to…

Joule: do nothing… my men have already incapacitated them. You are nothing compared to the strength I have now.

Joe: Shut up, you really think I’m going to help you open the gates?

Joule: You already have… the Berserker’s acceptance of their fate is not necessary… all I needed… was for you to be in this location… and once Calamity and Seph arrive… my world will be complete.

Joe: I know I can’t kill you…

Joule: good…

Joe: But you underestimate me…

Joule: And why is that?

Joe: …you will never be able to keep me in this place… nagareboshi! ::wings of blue flame explode from Joe’s back for a split second… Joe grabs mika’s grandmother, Kevin, and Leo and rockets through the hole that Joule had created upon his arrival::

Joule: …foolish… ::his body turns to flame and expands… it rockets up after Joe::

Mika’s grandmother: You must get as far away from this place as possible.

Joe: I know! GOSH!

Leo: just drop me down, it’ll make you faster!

Leo looks down to see a bunch of red flame billowing up towards them.


Joe: Dammit… ::wings of blue flame burst again several times from Joe’s back, rocketing him up multiple times::

Kevin: uhhh… ::notices the red flame catching up to them::

Joe: I know!

Suddenly, a figure appears above Joe and kicks him straight back down…


Joe: Dammit! You?!

Joe and company are about to fall into the storm of fire… when a hole suddenly opens up in the flames and leads them back down to the gate location. They land with a hard thud. The red flame gathers back together and turns back into Joule.

Joule: Well then, are you ready to cooperate?

Calamity enters the room through the hole.

Calamity: You guys really thought that would work?

Lei: Boss… ::leaning against one of the pillars:: We finally did it… we took out most of the agents of NODATSSTUPID.

Joule: good.

Leo: They’re calling YOU, boss?... that sucks…

Joule: …

All of Joule’s group is in the room…

Vlaka: ::also there, leaning against a wall:: It was pretty easy… of course, there was a bit of trouble… but not…

Vlaka suddenly gets shot through the head…

Joule: heh… you failed to take out project WY.

Vlaka: ::wound from his head heals up, the bullet being pushed out of his skull:: Project WY?

Joule: Don’t worry about it… he’s probably sniping at us from the building rooftop… shooting through layers and layers of walls to get at us…

Hyena: How the hell can he see us?!

Joule: He’s probably listening for us… but no matter… ::Looks at Vlaka:: Vlaka…

Vlaka slashes his palm with his thumbnail and points it up… blood splatters out then takes solid shape as a shield that covers up the walls.

Vlaka: He won’t get through that…

On the rooftop of NODATSSTUPID hq…

Project WY: dammit…

Back in the gate location…

Leo: ::thinking:: Damn, I guess he came a bit too late… and the other operatives are probably late too… dammit…

Calamity: Well then, all we need is the hero berserker.

Joe: ::kinda hurt from the fall:: ughh…

Calamity: should we kill the rest of them?

Mika’s grandmother: ::Looking around at everyone:: ::thinking:: Dammit, this is not good… Even I can’t do anything in this type of situation… surrounded on all sides… an elemental, about three berserkers, and just many skilled people…

Kevin: ::looking around:: ::thinking:: I wonder if I can ditch Joe here and escape… no no no, can’t think like that…………………………………… or can I?

Leo: ::looking at Calamity:: Project SSE?... what the hell?

Calamity: that was a long time ago… I’m project white wings now…

Leo: oh, okay… uhhhh… yeahhh… ::nudges Kevin:: I banged her before…

Calamity: NO YOU DIDN’T!

Leo: …oh, okay… ::winks at Kevin::


Leo: …did you? ::winks again::

Calamity: ::smacks Leo in the face hard::

Leo: OW!

Seph suddenly arrives… the blood shield making a hole for him to enter through.

Seph: ::badly hurt:: ::lands on the ground:: dammit!

Joule: …well, did you take them all out?

Seph: No, damn you… I would’ve finished them… if you told me… ::stares intently at Joule:: they had a death berserker on their side!

Joule: …hmm, sorry, I didn’t know.

Seph: Well, you should get informed then… you bastard. He damaged me with an infinite Trance… and my infinite was just blown away by the students of that damn school… I almost died because of you!!!

Joe: ::lying on the ground, still hurt:: ::thinking:: So they have infinites too?

Joule: Seph, ::stares at him:: I don’t care about any of that… you failed… that’s all. So they might be planning a counterattack now.

Seph: Well, what the fuck can they do?... if the whole world’s going to change?

Calamity: Well, well… you don’t care if you don’t get your revenge anymore?

Seph: Shut up bitch!

Joule: ::looks like he’s thinking::

Vlaka: Well then, ::about to slash his wrists again:: Shall we kill these guys?...

Joule: no… we may have use for them in our new world… except for you… ::points at Mika’s grandmother::

Mika’s grandmother: …

Joule: Two hostages are enough… three is a bit overkill… Vlaka… do it.

Vlaka: Heh… fine by me… ::points palm at Mika’s grandmother:: Crimson…

Mika’s grandmother: ::suddenly spins rapidly into the air towards Vlaka, her hand surrounded by shadow::

Mika’s grandmother stabs her hand through Vlaka’s chest…

Vlaka: ::does not look impressed:: Old lady, you’re one of the ignorant ones… I CAN’T DIE!

Vlaka slits his wrist a bit with his nail and swings a whip-like blade of blood at her… it passes through her and she disappears…

Vlaka: ?... where’d she…

Joule: Her aura disappeared… you killed her… I guess the body disappears after you kill an old woman that powerful.

Vlaka: ::drops hands to his sides:: …how disappointing…

Joe: ::thinking:: Mika’s grandmother can’t be dead… dammit… looks like as it is now… I’m going to have to do it… I have to kill myself now… before anybody realizes I regained consciousness.

Joe’s hand lights on blue flame a bit… when suddenly…

Calamity: ::forms a tengen and fires 8 beams straight into the ceiling… bringing down rocks upon everyone::

Seph: ?!

Sai: ::smacking rocks out of the way with his palms:: What are you doing?!

Ecstasy: I’m not Calamity stupid asses… ::rushes at Vlaka and Lavian, jumps inbetween them and kicks them both in the side of the head::

Vlaka: What?!

Lavian: ::Just growls::

Joule: She regressed again?

Joe: ::thinking:: She regressed again?! WHY NOW?! I don’t want to kill her!

Seph: Not again…

The blue flame on Joe’s hand disappears…

Joe: ::whispers:: shit…

Joule looks totally calm…

Joule: ::turns into flame which surrounds all the pillars:: ::in echoing voice around the room:: too late…

Ecstasy: dammit!

Joule: ::echoing voice:: three ascended berserkers… one elemental… I force the gates to open for me now…

Three gates suddenly appear between the pillars, a red evil looking gate, a blue heavenly looking gate. Then, there is a gate between them… with both evil, and good looking statues built into it.

Joe: the gates of ragnarok?...

Sai’s about to attack Ecstasy when Joe slams into him and knocks him away.

Joe: Get out of here now!

Ecstasy: That’s going to be a little difficult you know!

Kevin: yeah…


Ecstasy: What are you…?

The blue heavenly gate suddenly opens wide and sucks in Ecstasy.

Ecstasy: What?!

The gate closes behind her.

Seph: …?! Joule! What the hell?!

Joule: ::echoing voice:: don’t worry Seph… she’s fine… she’s already in our perfect world… she just needed to take that gate… as you…

The red evil looking gate opens up… it sucks in Seph and suddenly closes with a large clamping sound.

Joule: needed to take that route…

Joe: What the hell?!

Wind and fire suddenly starts to surround the room…

Sai: Is this the power of the gates?...

The middle gate begins to open…

Joe: Damn, this shit… I have to kill myself before…

The middle gate suddenly bursts wide open and sucks in Joe…

Joe: damn! That lagggggg!

Kevin: ?!

Leo: What’s next?!

All the gates suddenly form together to create one large gate of good and evil. They open up… the flame that’s surrounding the pillars suddenly takes on the form of Joule again…

Joule: Open up… ::fires some of elemental flame into it:: And create for me a new world…

The gates open up with a flash of bright light that engulfs the whole world… Back with Khoi and company… Khoi slowly opens the door of the room…

Khoi: …oooOOOooh…

Miharu: This is…

Sora: ::the box in her hands… it disintegrates into sand:: ?...

Neko-chan: Well, the plan worked… we were able to stay in Crevice long enough to be unaffected by the changes that took place… which means… that fucking Joe failed.

Seiji: …

Sousuke: Why weren’t there any baby Youkai in Crevice? Where were they all? We weren’t attacked…

Neko-chan: Yeah, I was fucking surprised too… I thought for sure you fuckers that tagged along would fucking die in Crevice since you’re not chosen ones…

Naharu: …

Miharu: …

Sousuke: …

Aya: …but anyways, look at all this

The world is covered by trees and greenery… the sun is shining brightly… it looks as if the world had never gone through any industrial revolutions. It also looks as if the world has been untouched by man.

Aya: It’s beautiful…

Jon: ::suffocating:: air, so clean! CAN’T BREATHEEEEE!

Khoi: oooOOOOooh! Now what do we do?...

Neko-chan: Well, the theory is… if we kill the elemental that started this… the world should change back…

Sora: It’s strange… this is what Joule wished for?... a world without pain?... it certainly is beautiful… but I don’t see any humans around.

Neko-chan: It wouldn’t be impossible to just eliminate all the humans using his newfound powers… but I don’t think he would do something like that…

Charles: … ::Looking at the sun:: the sun’s my enemy…

Neko-chan: I’m sure it is… fucking retard.

Charles: …Anyways! Let’s hurry up and find Joule! I don’t see a bathroom anywhere around here! So we better change the world back NOW!

Jon: ::still suffocating:: can’t breathe…

A couple hours later… they’re walking through the lush forests… searching for people… or anything that will lead them to Joule.

Neko-chan: Dammit… what the hell is going on?... We’ve been walking for hours, yet haven’t seen any animals or any fucking humans…

Jon: I see an animal… ::staring at Neko-chan::


Jon: uhh… well, let’s just see if I can find fellow humans with my… millennium headphones! NUNNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNU!

Khoi: ::at the back of the group:: YOU FOUND ME!

Neko-chan: ::smacks his forehead:: YOU IDIOTS! FUCKING SHUT UP AND LOOK AROUND FOR!

They suddenly reach the end of the jungle…

Neko-chan: The fuck…?

Instead of lush forests and jungles… it’s a barren desert as far as the eye can see… no sand, just cracked up dirt clumps all around… no plants in sight.

Khoi: umm… oooOOOooh! Looks like Charles’ ass… ::hugs charles::

Charles: …get away from me! ::pushes khoi off::

Neko-chan: why would Joule wish for something like this?...

Sora: …well, the gates were never really reliable sources of power…

Neko-chan: No… he should have had complete control.

They hear a loud noise and look off into the distance… there is someone riding a motorcycle while something is flying in the air and shooting at them.

Aya: what’s that?...

Naharu: …that’s seph!

Khoi: Whaaa?

Jon: who’s he attacking?

The motorcycle gets closer… it’s a little girl that none of them recognize.

Cuong: uhh… why is Seph attacking a little girl?

Khoi: ::shrugs:: Maybe he’s a pedophile?...

Charles: NO! You’re the pedophile!

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: ONLY WHEN I’M HERE!... wait, whaa?

Sora: Well, whatever’s going on… we need to find out what happened to this world… so let’s…

Seph finally connects with the motorcycle… it explodes…

Sora: …let’s hide in the jungle and see what Seph does…

Charles: …damn! Did he kill her?!

Aya: shut up and get in here! ::drags Charles into the bushes::

Everyone hides and looks over at Seph.

Seph: heh, stupid little girl… how dare you defy us…

Jon: ::whispering:: What’s he saying?

Charles: what?

Jon: what’s he saying?

Charles: what?....


Charles: OMG! SHUT UP!

Seph looks over at them.

Charles: You fool!


Cuong: shut up!

Seph turns around and flies away…

Cuong: phew…

Khoi: Umm… you know, we could have taken him just then…

Girl who was on the motorcycle: ::hiding in the bushes next to Khoi:: No way, he’s too strong…

Khoi: Oh…

Khoi and the little girl look at each other…

Khoi: ::high pitched scream:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Little girl: ::high pitched scream:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Khoi: ::slaps the little girl::


Khoi: sorry, I thought she was Charles…

Charles: wha…? ::gets slapped by Khoi before he can finish::

Little girl: who are you people?!

Jon: ::hisses:: WE’RE VAMPIRES!

Little girl: WHAT?!

Aya: ::hits Jon over the head:: No, we’re just people looking around in the forest… for…


Aya: ::smacks Khoi again:: No, we’re looking for a guy named Joule… can you take us to him?

Little girl: to Joule?! Who are you guys?

Miharu: now now, it’s not nice to ask who others are before introducing oneself… ::smiles::

Naharu: in other words… ::grabs the little girl by the collar and pulls her up:: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!

Little girl: …uhh… my name is Sarah… I’m from the village of Harbor.

Naharu: Okay, good for you… now then… WHERE’S SAI?!

Sarah: Who are you people?!

Khoi: Allow me to introduce ourselves… I’m Khoi, friends call me fag… and these are all other people who aren’t that important. oooOOOooh!

Sarah: Okay, fag…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: I SAID MY FRIENDS CALL ME FAG! I don’t even know you!

Sarah: ::gets put down by Naharu:: Anyways… you guys better get out of this forest… nobody’s allowed in here except citizens of Utopia.

Cuong: Utopia?

Khoi: what’s that?! Is it delicious?!

Sarah: In the center of this forest is a massive city called Utopia… that’s where its citizens live... along with the guardians.

Khoi: guardians?! OF THE MOON?!

Sarah: …what the hell are you talking about?

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: You know what I’m talking about!

Sarah: …are you men of Joule?... why are you looking for him?!

Khoi: Joule has men?! I KNEW HE WAS GAY! All those looks he gave me… I’M SENSITIVE!

Sarah: …anyways, he lives in Utopia… that’s where he operates… I live in the badlands… the village of harbor… we’re a village that harbors fugitives from Joule… people who go against him… that’s why he sent one of his guardians after us…

Khoi: Seph?... He’s a guardian?! I’m the Guardian of Love! HOW DARE HE TAKE MY NAME!


Khoi: No! I’m not a hooker!

Sarah: …yeah, actually… never mind… you’re too gay and weak looking to be one of the guardians…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: Look here little girl! I’ve nuttaped squirrels before! What makes you think I can’t nuttap you?!

Sarah: What’s a nuttap?

Khoi: …

Neko-chan: anyways, little girl…



Sarah: …I was just cussed out… by a cat…

Later… Sarah has led them through the desert to the village of Harbor… it’s surrounded by huge walls. Everybody’s sweating really badly… the dryness in their mouths the only thing they can think about.

Sarah: Geez, you guys really aren’t from around here, are you?...

Cuong: ::dying:: water! Water!

Charles: ::has a tan:: OMG! I HAVE A TAN! NEED SHADDDEEEE!

Jon: My pimples are burnening!!!

Jason: Geez, you’re so out of shape…

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: AT LEAST I MADE IT! ::riding on Seiji’s back:: Thanks Seiji!

Seiji: …My back… My bacckkkk…

Chris: I feel perfectly fine… ::falls facefirst on the ground::

Sarah: …okay…

Later, they’re all inside… sitting at a table in a tent with Sarah’s grandfather…

Khoi: so tell us… what happened here?

Jon: ::in the back eating a bunch of fruit::

Sarah’s grandfather: Well, for as long as I can remember… Joule has been in control of this world… from his center in Utopia… at first, under his rule… everybody was happy… but it wasn’t true happiness… in fact, we didn’t even know what happiness was.

Chris: How could you not know what happiness is?

Sarah’s grandfather: Everything in Utopia is laced with a strange chemical that numbs several areas of your brain, making you emotionless and nothing but a gawking, smiling idiot.

Khoi: Even the condoms?!

Sarah’s grandfather: Especially the condoms!


Aya: who’s Jen?

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: Who the fuck told you about Jen?!

Aya: …

Sarah’s grandfather: anyways… a few of us… grew a resistance to the chemical. Our immune systems began to reject it… we eventually became conscious of the world we were living in. We became conscious of a lot of things…

Neko-chan: Like what?

Sarah’s grandfather: Joule’s guardians who in our emotionless states seemed like heroes, were revealed to be bloodthirsty and evil… Bishop Vlaka kills several citizens every night to feed his thirst for blood… The Guardian Angels Seph and Vanity kill for fun… while several of the other guardians merely kill those who build up an immunity to the chemical.

Sousuke: So they banished you to this desert?

Sarah’s grandfather: No… Joule created this desert… several of the rebels… myself included, took refuge in the rich jungles and forests… we could not fight the guardians… but we could hide and do guerilla attacks on utopia… until Joule scorched the land with his fire god powers…

Neko-chan: so you think he’s a god?

Sarah: Of course not! He has to be something though! There’s been several assassination attempts, but we just can’t do it… nobody can be living flame! He’s obviously a demon!

Khoi: ::transforms into Jason::

Khoi: ooOOOooh?

Jason: ::looks at Neko-chan:: what’s going on?... I thought Joule could just do anything he wanted with the power of the gates.

Neko-chan: He did do what he wanted… but he still can’t affect the inner workings of people… he could change history and the planet, but even with the gate’s powers, you can’t change the inhabitants. He probably imbedded in their minds that he was a god and that they should all live in harmony… but they were probably still killing, raping, stealing, etc. etc…. so he created the chemical… He also probably had a tough time negotiating with Vlaka, Seph, and his other chemically imbalanced friends… this must have been his solution.

Sarah: what are you talking about?

Jason: Nothing little girl.

Sarah: ::thinking:: Why does he seem so different now?

Jason: So he tried to force everyone to be perfect and tried to kill everyone who wasn’t… while appeasing Vlaka and other members of his group with human lives? ::stretches his arms behind his back:: Geez, this “perfect world” of his doesn’t seem so perfect…

Sarah: It’s getting worse… so far, he hasn’t found the location of this village… but we need water and food… so we have to sneak into the jungle and forest areas… this land is barren, we can’t grow anything here. I was collecting food when one of the guardians attacked me.

Cuong: so they’re trying to find the way here by attacking you when you sneak in for food?

Sarah’s grandfather: yes… it’s a dirty tactic… but this place is hard to find thanks to our champion.

Jason: champion?...

Kevin rushes into the room and starts to cry…

Kevin: you guys are here! I don’t believe it!

Seiji: …so much emotion, so loud… ::points at Kevin:: YOU’RE NOT KEVIN!

Later at night: Jason, Jon, Cuong, Charles, Chris, Kevin, and Seiji are talking to each other next to the giant walls…

Charles: Uhh… so you’re saying you used your smoke powers to hide this place from Joule?

Kevin: ::nods::

Charles: That’s good… where’s Joe?

Kevin: Uhh… well…

Kevin remembers back to when Joule entered the gates…

Leo: ::suddenly takes out a small device from his pocket and hands it to Kevin:: Keep this with you!... It’ll stop Joule from changing you when the world changes… we used it when Justin changed the world! It should work here too! Since the gates are much more powerful than Justin though… you need to use it all for yourself… I can’t use it!

Kevin: uhh… what about you?

Leo: don’t worry about me!

Kevin: Okay…


The world changes… back to the present…

Cuong: …so basically, Leo was the mysterious boss guy? Wow, that explains a lot… of NOTHING! How the hell is a horny Mexican the boss of a evil organization?

Charles: eh, how the hell is Khoi the main character of a story?

Cuong: …true… this story must be written by some retarded viet-washed Korean…

Charles: Seiji?

Cuong: No! Joe!

Charles: Isn’t Joe viet?... oh wait… yeah, he’s just vietwashed…

Cuong: yeah…

Seiji: And I’m not Korean…

Chris: yeah, he’s half samurai, half ninja…

Seiji: that’s right!

Jason: So… in addition to Leo being the evil boss guy… Joe got sucked through the gates?

Kevin: ::nods::

Charles: wow, the only time Joe will ever get sucked in his life.

Everybody stares at Charles.

Charles: It’s true!... ::laughs evilly::

Jason: Yeah… so since Seph… and Vanity are here… shouldn’t that mean that Joe’s around here somewhere? ::looks at Kevin:: How long have you been here?

Kevin: about a month.

Jason: Hmm… so that means that if Joule was always in this world that he created, Joe must’ve been here from the start too…

Sarah: ::was listening in on the conversation:: Umm… ::steps from out of where she was listening::

Jason: What do you want?

Sarah: This Joe guy you’re talking about… does his name rhyme?...

Jon: no.

Everybody hits Jon on the head.

Jon: Okay okay! Yes! Why?!

Sarah: He came here a week before you guys… we didn’t tell the champion though…

Kevin: uhh… me?

Sarah: Yeah, we didn’t tell you about him though… we found him wandering in the desert, he looked exactly like Seph so we assumed it was Seph trying to do a really bad impression to try and get into Harbor… so, we uhh… did what we had to do…

A week before…

Joe: Man, where the hell am I?... It’s so hot out here… I want to take off all my clothes… but then I’d get sunburn… ::rubs chin:: or would I?...

Sarah and some burly looking guys pop out of nowhere and point bows and spears at him.

Joe: …umm, hi guys…

Sarah: SEPH?!

Joe: WHERE?! ::looks around:: …wait, he’s not around… ::looks back at Sarah who’s staring back at him:: …ohhhhh… you think I’m Seph, I’m not Seph… I’m Joe… see? ::slide kicks a bit:: see?

Everybody looks unimpressed…

Joe: …tough crowd… okay, look guys… I’m just looking for Joule… so I can sorta kill him… but can I get some food first?... maybe some nice tea with lemon?...

Burly guy #1: …

Joe: Okay… I can tell that this… ::motions between himself and them:: Isn’t going to work out… so I’ll just find some other people who don’t look like they want to kill me… if you will excuse me…

Sarah: You’re not going anywhere Seph… until you tell us how to kill Joule…

Joe: Umm… yeah… who are you guys again?

Sarah: We’re from the village of Harbor, we were going to get food until we spotted you wandering around here… probably looking for our village, eh?

Joe: Look, guys… all I know about harbor is that there is a zoot suit store there, okay… I don’t know what you guys are talking about… I just want to find Joule so I can get home.

Sarah: So, Utopia is your home, huh?!

Joe: utopawah?...

Back to the present…

Cuong: uhh… then what happened?

Sarah: well, we poked him in the ass a couple times with our spears… then he ran away… ::makes a face expression as if she just remembered something weird:: He ran away screaming like a woman.

Jason: yeah, that’s Joe alright…

Sarah: We haven’t seen him since… he probably died in the desert…

Chris: No way, Joe would find a way to adapt and… oh who am I kidding, he dead… he real dead.

Seiji: ::to reiterate:: REAL dead.

Charles: SHUT UP MY NIGGAS! FO SHO! It’s off the heezy fo sheezy!

Joe: Shut up charles before I bust a cap in your ass… ::leaning against a wall::

Charles: ::turns around to Joe:: Shut up before I bust a…! DAMMIT! I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT!

Joe: when did you guys get back here?



Joe: Well, after that, I used my wings to follow you guys to the village… and to survive, I’ve been pretending to be a pet dog…

Sarah: …how the hell would you pretend to be a pet…

Joe: ::gets down on all fours:: ::unconvincing woof:: woof woof… give me food…

Sarah: …buttons?... you’re not a dog? ::tears start to well up in her eyes::

Joe: ::gets back up:: but yeah…

Jon: ::takes of his glasses, rubs his eyes, and stares at Joe:: Amazing…

Jason: ::smacks the back of jon’s head::

Kevin: uhh… why didn’t you say you were here to me?

Joe: I don’t know… I kinda got too into the dog thing… the scent of your own ass makes you go crazy after a while…

Cuong: okay, so we’re all here now?

Charles: yeah… pretty much… everyone who matters anyways…

Chris: What about leo?

Charles: I said everyone who matters…

Jason: well then, now that we’re all here… what should we do?

Neko-chan drops down from the wall onto Jason’s shoulder…

Neko-chan: Okay fuckers… here’s what we’re going to do… we’re going to go to fucking Utopia to kill that mother fucker Joule… and fuck up all his crew… ::starts to drink some tequila::

Joe: Sounds easy enough…

Jason: yeah… I guess…

Neko-chan: Yeah, shut the fuck up when I’m talking! ::drinks some more:: Anyways, just know this… Joule still has the power to manipulate things from the gates so do not take him lightly. On top of that, he still has his elemental powers… and can probably fuck you all up without shit hesitation.

Joe: Don’t worry… I’ve been thinking about how to defeat Seph and Vanity all this week… and I created a new technique for the occasion… ::puts his hand on Jason’s shoulder:: So don’t worry about them, just go for Joule.

Charles: yeah, I can take on the rest of his guys…

Jon: Yeah, I can probably order some pizza… to help us eat…

Cuong: It shouldn’t be that hard to defeat them all…

Neko-chan: You fools!


Neko-chan: He created this world from fucking scratch… his group has been living here for years knowing what your powers are, what your attacks are like, who you are… to think that they have not improved upon their skills is suicide! YOU WILL BE FACING MUCH TOUGHER PEOPLE THAN WE SAW AT THE TOURNAMENT! We must fucking plan… or else, we will all fucking die…

Cuong: Well, nobody else here seems to be capable of killing Vlaka and Lavian because of their regeneration abilities… so I’ll take them on…

Jon: hmm… I’ll join you in taking them on… I can take dog-girl…

Cuong: okay, so that leaves me with Vlaka…

Joe: nobody here seems to have the speed to beat Hyena except Chris… so you should probably take him…

Chris: umm… okay… who’s he again?

Joe: someone who’s very fast…

Chris: oh… ::remembers something from long ago::

Jason: I’m taking on Al and Joule…

Joe: Both of them together, isn’t that kinda…?

Jason: ::stares at Joe::

Joe: Okay then, you got it… I’ll take on Seph and Vanity…

Cuong: Shouldn’t I get Seph?

Joe: …yeah, but you never turn into Tsubasa at the right time, so I should probably hold them off from the main group long enough for you to defeat vlaka and to come help me.

Cuong: alright…

Joe: that leaves Sai and Lei…

Miharu and Naharu suddenly appear out of nowhere…

Miharu: it will probably be safer if you leave our brother to us…

Naharu: none of you can handle the gentle fist or our family’s techniques… you need to know them to stop them…

Miharu: and our brother’s the genius of our family’s legacy… even with us two, it may not be possible to take him down…

Joe: Alright, then Kevin will back you guys up against Sai… and Charles… that leaves you with Lei… she’s a berserker, so you have to be careful…

Charles: psh… she’s nothing… it’ll be easy.

Aya and Sousuke appear…

Aya: I hope you’re not thinking of leaving us out of this…

Sousuke: yes, your plan is flawed… you need our strength to do this…

Sora: ::also appearing:: I have to agree… you can’t leave us out of this one…

Neko-chan: ::sighs:: why the fuck do you all just go on with your own plans and never listen?... Your plan of attack is inefficient because you all don’t take into account how much stronger these guys have become… and Joule’s ability to manipulate this world still.

Joe: Then what do you suggest?...

Seiji: in final fantasy, it’s usually three or four on one if it’s a tough opponent…

Neko-chan: I agree with shit bag here… don’t think like you have to buy each other time… think like you have to all fight one opponent together to survive… pick them off one by one…

Sora: that will be extremely difficult…

Miharu and Naharu: ::at the same time:: I agree.

Neko-chan: Well, you guys are all seriously underestimating…

There’s a loud scream in the village…

Cuong: what the hell was that?

Khoi: Sounded like someone just got nuttapped…

Sarah: It was really close… let’s hurry up!

They rush towards the screaming noises…

Jason: ::skids to a halt:: Holy… shit…

There’s a small child-like creature… it has a head too large for its body, brownish muddy colored skin… long silver hair, small horns, and large green eyes. In one hand it’s holding a child’s head, in the other hand, it’s holding a child’s body… a woman who looks like she’s the mother of the child is screaming loudly. As the small creature smiles and makes strange noises a baby would make.

Jason: that’s…

Neko-chan: ::breathes in deeply:: it’s a… baby youkai… from crevice…

Sousuke: So that’s why they weren’t in Crevice… they’re here!

Baby Youkai: ::giggles as it throws away the pieces of the body it has dismembered::

Neko-chan: Impossible… how did they… ::realizes something:: Joule… brought them here… he used the gates to enter crevice and used his elemental power to make them do his bidding…

Sousuke: How the hell can he be controlling them?! They’re pure evil! They don’t listen to anything!

Neko-chan: …only a fucking emotionless person could bind them to his will… looks like Joule… has lost all human feeling…

Baby Youkai: ::staring at the group:: ::makes more baby noises::

Joe: That thing is really starting to creep me out guys…

Neko-chan: shit, if Joule has an army of Youkai at his disposal… fuck, fuck, fuck…

Sora: ::points her palm at the baby youkai as it jumps at her, she blasts it though the head with a beam of light:: No big deal… I’ve dealt with these little shits before.

Neko-chan: Yes, but you have not dealt with an army of full grown youkai…

Sora: Baby youkai don’t grow…

Neko-chan: YES THEY DO! When they have something to feed upon… in Crevice, there is nothing… but here… they have been growing… this one’s new, I can tell… they’ve also been spawning themselves… shit… shit… shit…

Jason: ::suddenly remembers when he fought a full grown youkai in front of the gates:: I fought one before, yes, it was powerful… but it was dispatched pretty easily…

Neko-chan: I WAS THERE YOU FUCKING MORON! I know all of your memories! That was a master youkai… a conscious being who’s really evil…

Jason: …?

Neko-chan: the baby youkai from crevice will only turn into one type of youkai… soldier youkai… they are not conscious, are about two times stronger than a master type, and just as evil… they’re the strong arms for a master youkai… but since there is none, they must be listening to Joule. That fucker…

Jon: So… uhhh… how’d this even find this place?

Sarah: yeah! Joule doesn’t know about this place!

Neko-chan: He probably does now… the baby youkai probably could feel the emotions coming from this area and tracked them here… if that’s the case… if Joule has released more of these things… they’ll totally ignore the emotionless of Utopia and come straight here… this is bad… he must have hundreds of these things…

Jon: Bah! I’ll take them all out with my pimp cane!

Joe: ::looks at Jon:: What?

Jon: what?

Joe: You just said… never mind…

Jason: So what you’re telling me is that… there is an army of these things coming here?

Neko-chan: No fucking shit…

Jason: …dammit, what the hell…

Khoi: I’ll just nuttap them! oooOOOooh!

Jason: So, tell me the specific differences between the soldiers and the masters…

Neko-chan: The masters have the power to corrupt things, but soldiers just have massive brute strength… the soldiers are the much stronger fighters… and that’s basically fucking it…

Joe: So… we should just hurry up, go to Utopia, and kick Joule’s ass, right?

Jon: yeah! It shouldn’t be that hard!

Cuong: We can’t just leave these people here to die when the youkai come…


Sousuke: …

Aya: …

Charles: We have some hard decisions to make…

Seiji: yeah…

Suddenly, there’s large explosions outside the walls… along with some screams…

Sarah: What?!

Guard: ::runs up to them:: MONSTERS! LOTS OF MONSTERS!

Jason: Shit… they’re already attacking?!

They rush over to the walls and climb up the stairs to reach the top… lots of Harbor’s people are already there, armed with several weapons.

Jason: holy crap…

There are several fully grown youkai on the ground… they look twice as big as a regular man and have thick tree trunk arms. In the sky, there are several youkai flying around except, unlike the ones on the ground, they have wings made of bone and thin lairs of skin. Some have already started to attack the wall…

Sarah’s grandfather: What the hell are these things?!

Aya: ::realizes something:: ::goes up to Sarah’s grandfather:: Is there any possible breach in the walls?

Sarah’s grandfather: why?

Aya: A baby youkai made its way into here! That means it found a way to get in!

Sarah’s grandfather: …dammit… the back! There’s a crack in the walls that the children use to go out sometimes to play… we’ve been meaning to fix it!

Aya: Damn…

Jon: I got it… ::jumps down the wall, sliding on the wall down to the ground… slowing his fall down to the ground… he reaches the floor and starts running towards the back::

Seiji: I’ll help him… ::runs down the stairs::

Cuong: ::Looks at the villagers of harbor on the wall:: Hey! You guys, keep them off my back... I’ll keep them away from the walls… ::jumps over the wall to the outside where the youkai are:: Shadow Fang! ::turns into a spinning shadow missile which hits the ground and disperses… Cuong has landed safely on the ground::

Charles: Sigh… I guess I’ll help… ::jumps down also and falls onto Cuong, breaking his fall::


Charles: I’m helping you! DAMN! ::fires two beams of light behind Cuong to hit two youkai right behind him::

Cuong: I don’t need your help! ::points palm directly behind him:: shadow destruction! ::shadows rip along the ground and take out a group of youkai::

Charles: OH MY GOD! SHUT UP! ::backs up so that his back is to Cuong’s:: You cover my back and I’ll cover yours!

Cuong: Oh well, sounds like a plan… BUT DON’T TOUCH MY ASS!

Charles: ::blasts a youkai that rushes forward, then releases another beam of light into another one that rushes forward::

Cuong: ::points both palms directly out to his sides:: Shadow Hunter! ::wolves of shadow rush out of Cuong’s hands and begin to dismantle several Youkai near them::

Jason: ::looks at the villagers:: Damn, keep as many off of them as possible…

Sarah’s grandfather: okay, fire at the monsters around them! Don’t let them gang up on them!

Aya: Tch… ::jumps down into a group of Youkai… crushes two under her feet, spins and delivers a heel kick to one more:: ::eyes turn green:: ::spins and releases blades of wind into several more youkai, ripping them apart::

Sousuke: Damn her… ::jumps down right next to her, grabs a youkai’s head that was about to attack and spins it with ease, snapping its neck::

Aya: What are you doing down here?! I can handle it!

Sousuke: Against hundreds of these guys?... Maybe even thousands?... don’t be foolish! ::punches into the ground, releasing a burst of energy that knocks a group of youkai back::

Aya: There you go, underestimating me again…

Sousuke: I never underestimated you dammit!

Sora: ::looking at all the villagers shooting arrows and other homemade projectiles at the youkai, having no effect… and Charles, Cuong, Aya, and Sousuke struggling to keep them off of them:: heh… ::Looks over at Jason:: I’m going to ask you to take care of the one’s in the air…

Jason: I got it…

Sora: ::wings of light appear behind her, made up of shards of light… points all her fingers down at the youkai:: I’ll do my best to cut down their forces…

Her shards of light fly off, bursting like feathers, they fly all around the ground blasting the youkai away… beams of light burst from her fingers also taking out a good number of youkai.

Charles: ::a beam of light almost hitting him:: OH MY GOD! That almost hit me!

Sora: ::yelling down from the wall:: Shut up!

A youkai is about to attack Charles when he is screaming at Sora… it suddenly gets hit by a blast of smoke and flies far back into the army of youkai…

Charles: whaaa?

Kevin: ::also on the ground now:: ::shooting smoke out at several youkai, pushing them back::

Youkai: ::roars and fires a blast of black energy at Cuong and Charles… Cuong and charles dive to the ground to avoid it… they roll back to their feet and fire shadow and light at the youkai, ripping it in pieces::

Cuong: Okay, long range isn’t going to work now… melee will probably work better…

Charles: umm… okay…

Cuong: Shadow fang! ::turns into a spinning shadow missile that fires into the army of youkai, cutting down their forces::

Charles: Sigh… here we go…

Five youkai jump up at Charles, flowing with black energy…

Charles: ::spins and blasts one of the youkai away with a beam of light, points his finger behind him and blasts another one away, stands back up and points both fingers to his sides blasting two more… the remaining youkai attacks Charles with a claw of black energy, Charles creates a shield of light that blocks it… the shield of light bursts into shards of light which pushes the youkai back… the shards of light rush around the youkai around Charles like hornets, blasting away several of them… Charles points his palm at the army of youkai and fires a bigger beam of light at them… some youkai jump out of the way, but a good number of them get taken out, it does almost nothing to their total number though:: dammit…

Back on the wall…

Joe: The ones on the sky will probably pose a problem to us…

Naharu: Me and Miharu will use our techniques to strengthen the walls… it will take both of us so we can’t help you guys fight…

Miharu: ::smiles:: yeah, sorry…

Joe: Just do what you can… ::looks at Jason:: ready?

Jason: yeah… ::glowing red tattoo of folded wings appears on his right hand:: ::wings of red and white energy burst from his back as his eyes turn red… he flies up in the air and creates two swords made of red energy… he flies right by a flying youkai and slashes it, he then spins and points both the swords like guns at the youkai, while his wings also shift to be pointing over his shoulders:: ::blasts four beams of energy which take out some of the flying youkai::

Joe: ::glowing blue tattoo appears on his left hand:: ::wings of blue flame burst from his back, but don’t disappear:: ::rockets up and creates a cursed ryuusei, its long tail flowing behind him:: ::rushes by several youkai, slashing them up as he goes:: ::thinking:: one, two, three… four…

On the ground, Kevin is about to get attacked from behind by a youkai when Chris suddenly flies by and kicks it in the face.

Kevin: ?!

Chris: I got it… ::lands back on the ground, spins and kicks another one in the stomach, propels himself off of its stomach and rushes into another group of youkai, jumps into the air and kicks down several bursts of natural energy at the remaining youkai… they explode, taking out several youkai::

Meanwhile, at the back of the village…

Jon: ::stops running::

There’s a large hole in the wall now… several youkai are pushing their way through it…

Jon: bah…! How dare you fools penetrate the back! Urrr… that sounds wrong… but whatever! ::creates some white flame and kicks it straight into the group of youkai, knocking them back out of the hole…::

Jon runs through the hole to the outside…

Jon: okay guys, let me introduce myself… my name is Jon… you can call me the obnoxiously good looking sexy beast!...

Youkai: ::roars and attacks::

Jon: ::blows it away with a blast of white flame:: let me finish my super cool monologue dang it!

Jon crosses both of his arms over his chest as several youkai jump at him…

Jon: Raging… ::swings both of his arms to his sides and falls to one knee, slamming his hands to the ground:: STORM!!!!

A vicious torrent of wisps of white flame fires out from Jon’s gloves, extending far away from his body and up… knocking away the youkai and taking out a good number of their forces.

Jon: Bah! ::a youkai rushes at Jon from behind, Jon spins and puts his hand right below the youkai’s chin, Jon’s glove ignites on white flame:: ALCHEMY TRIGGER! ::the white flame explodes, the youkai flies back:: raging reload! ::rushes at the youkai and slams another hand of white flame into him:: alchemy trigger!

The white flame explodes again, knocking the youkai up…

Jon: Second…!

A youkai moves really fast behind Jon and knocks him straight into the ground, it jumps up at him and stabs its claws down…

Jon: ????

Hitokiri: ::points a palm at the youkai:: firaga!

The youkai bursts into flame…

Seiji: ::rushes forward and grabs two youkai by the faces and crushes them:: ::jumps back:: Uhh, I’m not good against this many of them, so you two will have to do most of it…

Hitokiri: okay then… ::takes out his giant sword, jumps into the group of youkai and spins, swinging his sword, taking out several of them::

Jon: gah! Saved?! Me?! Nooooo, one hit in heaven and hell mode kills me!

Seiji: What are you talking about? You’re like a level forty chimera…

Jon: shut up! ::runs into a group of youkai and spins, white flame bursting from his gloves, he takes out several of them:: ::punches another one away with white flame:: ::extends both of his hands out in front of him:: sigh… so many… so little of Jon to go around…

Joe is up in the air above Jon… notices that he and Seiji are swamped… slashes a youkai that rushes up towards him…

Joe: Dammit, I didn’t know there were this many in the back… how the hell are we going to handle them all?! ::eyes turn blank, time seems to stop:: ::several of the youkai on the ground glow blue as if being targeted:: ::the cursed ryuusei makes a high pitched noise:: ::time starts up again:: SHIROKI TSUKI NO SHITA DE! ::wings of blue flame burst from his back even larger, rocketing him down at the youkai… only the trail of the cursed ryuusei’s tail can be seen… moving around the group of youkai::

Jon: Uhh, what the heck is that?!

Joe flies back out of the group of youkai… many of them fall onto the floor, dead…

Joe: dammit, so many…

Back in the front…

Charles: ::blasts two more away with beams of light, runs towards the wall being chased by five more… he runs up the wall and jumps off and lands behind the youkai on his feet, quickly dispatches them all with blasts of light to the back:: ::creates a ball of energy quickly, jumps and spins twice, kicking it into the army of youkai as they continue to move forward::

Two youkai suddenly grab Charles from the sides…

Charles: ::high pitched scream:: AHHHHHH!

Aya: ::rushes forward and slashes the two away with the fuujin ryu on her right hand:: dammit, there’s way too many of…

Aya suddenly gets slashed on the arm by one of the youkai… she jumps back and kicks it straight in the face, knocking it back…

Aya: ugh…

Charles: are you okay?!...

Aya: I’m fi… ::looks at the scratch which is seeping with black energy:: damn, an injury from a youkai isn’t normal after all…

Several of the youkai around Charles and Aya suddenly seem like they’re about to throw up…

Charles: ?...

They suddenly spit acid at Charles and Aya…

Charles: damn!

Shards of light suddenly blast away the acid…

Sora: ::from the wall:: GET BACK WITHIN THE WALLS YOU TWO!

Charles: I’m still okay! I can still…!

Charles suddenly gets slashed from behind by a youkai… Charles quickly turns around and blasts it away…

Charles: Ow! Damn!

Sora: get the hell back in here! ::fires more shards to dispatch the youkai which are attacking the injured Aya and Charles::

Youkai: ::suddenly bites into one of the shards, ripping it apart:: ::rushes at aya and Charles::

Charles: dammit!

Sousuke rushes towards the youkai from the side and punches it in the head, ripping it clean off…

Sousuke: You idiots, get back in there! ::grabs aya and Charles and throws them right over the wall::

Aya: holy shit!

Charles: AHHH!

Shards of light appear below them and carry them safely to the wall… they both sit down… Charles has a nasty black slash on his back…

Charles: …why does this hurt so much?!

Sora: It has evil energy seeping into you! It won’t be easy to heal!

Several youkai fly down at Sora from above.

Sora: What?!

They suddenly get taken out by beams from above…

Jason: ::pointing two of his beam gun/swords at them:: Dammit… so many… ::puts the two beam swords together and spins it between his hands:: CRAZY 8! ::rushes past several of the youkai in the air, ripping them apart::

Sarah’s grandfather goes by charles and aya… the injury on Aya’s arm is growing darker and bigger…

Aya: ::sweating:: It’s ripping away my flesh?!

Sarah’s grandfather: This is bad…

Naharu: ::suddenly appears in front of Charles and aya:: ::forms some seals with her hand then pokes both fingers hard into both of their injuries::

Charles: OW! WHY’D YOU DO THAT?!

Naharu: It will stop them from growing… now just stay here for a while… let us deal with it…

Miharu: yes… ::starts to form seals with her sister::

A youkai rushes back down at the villagers, Charles, and aya… but it suddenly hits some sort of barrier and bursts into flame.

Charles: …

Meanwhile, Jason is getting desperate… the number of them is not getting lower…

(Joe note: ohhhh shit… meteor started playing on my playlist… you know what that means)

Jason: there’s only one thing to do… Infinite Heaven, REIS DRAGOON! ::eyes turn blank, then change color from red to gold:: ::red and white wings of energy tranform into wings of gold energy::

The youkai stare at Jason as if they’re perplexed…

Jason: Okay you bastards… ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen except made up of gold energy and with gold lightning crackling around them:: ::time seems to stop and several lines of gold appear to come from jason’s wings and tengen towards several youkai, as if targeting them:: ::time starts up again:: TENGEN!

Several rays of gold energy fire out from the tengen of energy, but also from the golden wings of energy on Jason’s back… they all hit the youkai who were targeted, taking out almost all of the ones in the sky… looks down at the ones on the ground, time seems to stop as they get targeted too… fires rays of gold energy at them too, blasting them away.

Jason: ::rapid firing the attack at the youkai::

Sora: ::staring at Jason:: Holy shit… he’s taking out so many of their forces…

Charles: Damn! Let me get back down…

Sora: I think it’s okay…

Aya: ::thinking:: He’s doing it again… that power…

Jon and Seiji are staring at the youkai in the back… all of them have been taken out…

Jon: what was that flash of light?

Seiji: ::shrugs::

Jon: It took out so many of them…

Hitokiri: It’s the berserkers… they’re turning the tides…

Cuong is still wreaking havoc against the youkai in his shadow fang form…

Cuong: ?! ::his leg suddenly gets grabbed and stops him from spinning… he gets dragged down into a group of youkai who pile on top of him:: oh crap!

Suddenly, the youkai suddenly get burst into the air… cherry blossoms fluttering about them…

Tsubasa: Don’t just pile on top of me… you bastards… ::without warning, he swings two whiplike blades of shadow which are flowing with cherry blossoms and takes out huge numbers of the army of Youkai:: wow… you guys are strong… not…

Chris suddenly gets stabbed in the front by a youkai… Chris grabs its arm and flips backwards, kicking it under the chin as he does…

Chris: ::lands on his knees as more youkai surround him:: ::grabbing his injury:: ugh…

There’s a puff of smoke as Kevin appears behind Chris and grabs him… there’s another puff of smoke and they both disappear… Kevin and Chris appear on the wall.

Kevin: ughhh…

Chris: I’m hurt…

Kevin: ::is also scratched up a lot, is breathing hard::

Aya: Shit, our numbers are dropping…

Sousuke is still fighting with several of them… a youkai is about to attack him from behind when it suddenly gets slashed in half.

Joe: You should watch yourself! ::flies back up in the air::

Sousuke: ?!

Joe: ::swings his cursed ryuusei, firing down several of them at the youkai… they explode upon impact::

Jason: ::appears above Joe from directly behind and fires more rays of golden energy into the youkai::

Joe: Well then, we should just take them all out, right?

Jason: yeah, I guess…

Joe: okay then, here we go…

The remaining youkai, still numbering in the hundreds, grow wings similar to the flying ones and take to the sky…

Jason: here they come…

Joe: ::suddenly senses something:: Wait…

Jason: what?

8 golden beams suddenly fire down at Joe and Jason… Joe and Jason dodge…

Calamity: Never though I’d see you two fools again!

Joe: dammit!

Seph: ::rushes down at Jason with a black twin ryuusei, he swings it down at Jason, Jason flies back to dodge:: Heh, I’m glad you’re here… I can finally get my revenge…

Jason: You’ll receive nothing! ::fires several beams of the tengen at Seph::

Seph: ::flies around the rays rapidly and swings the twin ryuusei at Jason again::

Jason: ::creates a large beam sword of gold energy and rushes at Seph::

Seph: heh, let’s go then!

They both rush at each other, clash… and rush at each other again… their attacks bouncing off each other’s…

Seph: I’m much stronger than the last time we fought! Your electricity powers won’t affect me this time around!

Jason: Let’s see… HOLY LIGHTNING! ::his whole body bursts of gold energy… it knocks Seph away::

Seph: Ugh! ::gains back his flight:: Dammit… you bastard…

Jason: Looks like it still affects you…

Joe is flying near to the ground, dodging golden beams which are firing down at him rapidly…

Joe: Can’t we talk this over?!

Calamity: NO BITCH! DIE!

Joe: Dammit! ::spins and swings his cursed ryuusei at Calamity, firing several blue dragons of flame at her::

Calamity: ::forms a heavenly 8 and slashes them all away:: As if that’ll work!

Joe suddenly rushes by Calamity and slashes off a couple of her 8 wings…

Calamity: YOU BASTARD! ::fires the 8 golden beams straight at Joe once more::

Joe: dammit… hero ryuusei! ::the wings on Joe’s back suddenly turns into a large dragon of blue flame, it flys off as Joe fall down, the beams fire inbetween them, hitting nothing::

Calamity: you bastard! ::flies down at the falling Joe again::

Joe: behind you…

Calamity: ?!

The hero ryuusei is flying down towards her from behind… Calamity suddenly flies back up to avoid it…

Calamity: tch…

The hero ryuusei stops under Joe as Joe lands on top of it… it flies off with him… as Calamity continues to fire the 8 golden beams at him… the hero ryuusei suddenly blows a flamethrower of blue flame at her… She dodges around it in a freefall to the ground…

Calamity: bastard!

Jason and Seph are still fighting each other… Jason’s eyes suddenly start to flicker from gold to red…

Seph: Well, I admit you have a slight advantage now… but once your infinite wears off, we’ll be even and I’ll kill you!

Jason: Nobody gives a shit!

Seph: heh…

Jason’s golden wings and eyes suddenly turn back to red and white… Jason fires two beams of red energy at Seph from his wings… Seph dodges them and points his finger at the sky…

Seph: Reign of ryuusei!

Several black ryuuseis begin to rain down at a much higher speed than before at Jason… they hit him as Jason goes down…

Jason: dammit! ::regains himself and flies back up, fires two more beams at Seph’s legs… hitting them right on target… Seph spins from the force of the blasts and begins to fall, but regains himself also::

Seph: you bastard…!

The remaining youkai are flying over the village, they are hitting the barrier and bursting into flame… but it’s obvious that Miharu and Naharu are having a hard time…

Miharu: ::sweating:: I don’t know how long we can hold it…

Naharu: keep it up you weak fool!

Charles: Damn… let me hit them back!

Sora: Shut up you fool! ::seems to be tired:: my shards have been taking them out… but I just lost the ability to control them well enough… my aura is almost totally depleted…

Aya: I can’t believe this sort of injury is stopping me…

Sora: Well, it can’t be helped… now that they’ve all grown wings… there’s nothing we can do to them… unless you guys have the ability to fly…

Jon: ::on top of the wall now, back from the back gate:: well, no… but what?!

Seiji: We can use long range attacks…

Neko-chan drinks some more scotch that he has…

Neko-chan: Not good enough… to use the long range attacks, we’ll need to take down the aura barrier… then the villagers are fucking screwed…

Charles: why weren’t you helping us down there?...

Neko-chan: bah, I’m not fighting youkai… I’m not suicidal you bitch… just be glad that soldier youkai are fucking stupid shitheads, that’s why you’re all still alive…

Suddenly, the barrier breaks and the youkai start flooding through…

Villager #1: They’re coming!

Sarah: Dammit!

Miharu: ugh…

Naharu: dammit!

Up in the air, Jason notices that the barrier has gone down… and that hundreds of youkai are flying into the village…

Jason: Damn!

Seph: Pay attention dammit! ::feathers fly off of his wings to turn into black ryuuseis which fire at Jason::

Jason: ::forms the double edged energy sword again and spins it inbetween his hands:: CRAZY 8! ::slashes the ryuuseis away and rushes at Seph::

Seph: not enough! ::forms the black twin ryuusei and blocks swings from the crazy 8::

Jason: You bastard!

The youkai are about to attack, when they all suddenly get ripped up by a torrent of razor sharp cherry blossoms… rushing around them like crazy bees.

Tsubasa: hahaha, these things make me laugh… ::has angel wings that are black around, but are pink on the bottom::

Charles: ::stares at Tsubasa:: OH MY FUCKING…! YOU BITCH JOE! WHY DON’T… I WANTED WINGS YOU…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ::full of frustration and maybe constipation::

Tsubasa: Umm… okay?

The pieces of youkai fall to the ground… Jason and Seph are still colliding with each other…

Jason: you asshole… this world is what you wished for?!

Seph: It was Joule’s wish stupid! Not that I’m really complaining, you don’t get in trouble if you kill people who annoy you! LIKE YOU! ::knocks the crazy 8 away with the black twin ryuusei and points his finger at the sky again, black ryuuseis start to flood down at Jason::

Jason: you bitch, you think I’ll let you have your way?! ::spins around the ryuuseis rapidly and appears behind Seph with the crazy 8::

Seph: what?! ::wings burst into nothing, slashes appear on his chest:: you bastard! ::wings reform as the slashes on his chest reheal::

Jason: ?!

Seph: Heh, see how my berserker powers have grown?!

Jason: well, good for you… but let’s see if they can protect you from this! ::rushes right up to Seph and kicks him in the balls::

Seph: I’M WEARING A CUP! Ha! ::fires down more black ryuuseis at Jason, which are now following him like homing missiles::

Khoi: He’s wearing a cup?! THAT’S CHEATING! IT’S AGAINST THE RULES!

Sousuke is back up on the wall now…

Sousuke: psh, Aya… how’d you manage to get hurt?


Sousuke: ::has several injuries also, including what seems to be two broken fingers:: They’re nothing compared to yours!

Aya: you shut the hell up! You piss me off!

Charles: ::inbetween them:: Umm… can I move?

Aya and Sousuke: NO!

Charles: …but you’re spitting all over me…

Chris: ::with bandages over his stomach:: Well charles, that means they just gave you tongue…

Charles: …uhh…

Jon: Wot?!

Tsubasa: ::standing on the wall:: Where the hell is the fag and the joemo?

Miharu: ::helping to bandage Kevin:: I thought I saw them fighting with Seph and Calamity… ::smiles:: it was kinda funny…



Miharu: umm… yes?...

Everybody: Why didn’t you tell us?!

Miharu: ::cocks her head to the side and smiles:: I wanted it to be a surprise!

Naharu: ::smacks Miharu on the back of the head:: You idiot!

Miharu: ::starts to cry::

Joe is flying around, dodging Calamity’s attacks…

Joe: Stop it! I don’t want to hurt you!

Calamity: As if you could!

Joe: ::thinking:: She’s within range… I can probably kill her now… and take out Seph… and myself… but… why is it so hard?! JUST DO IT!

Calamity: fool! You let your guard down! ::stabs forward with the heavenly 8::

Joe: ::ducks under it and is about to attack Calamity’s midsection with the cursed ryuusei, he has it right up next to her:: I don’t want to hurt you…

Calamity: Do it… fool…

Joe: …

Calamity: ::smiles with eyes looking like Deity’s:: Do it… there’s more youkai coming right now… if you don’t kill me now… they’ll kill everyone in that village…

Joe: …I…

Calamity: and that’s why you’re a JOEMO! ::knees Joe in the nuts, then kicks him away and fires 8 golden beams at him from her tengen::

Joe: ::seemingly angry:: oh… bitch…! ::flies up to dodge the 8 beams:: ONLY KHOI CAN HIT ME THERE!... wait, what the fuck am I saying?!

Jason and Seph are still fighting each other…

Seph: You’re still as strong as ever!

Jason: you’re still as gay as ever!

Seph: That’s not nice! ::points his black twin ryuusei at Jason, it stops spinning and both the black ryuuseis fire at Jason::

Jason: ::stops them with his bare hands which are flowing with red energy::

Seph: ?!

Jason: ::spins and sends them back at Seph… they hit Seph and explode::

Seph: asshole!

Joe suddenly flies by Jason and Seph… followed by Calamity…

Joe: Hey Jason, let’s switch for a second!

Jason: OKAY! ::fires four red beams of energy at Calamity… they hit her and knock her far away::

Calamity: What?!

Joe: ::unexpectedly fires several blue ryuuseis into Seph which knock him far away::

Seph: you?!!!!

Joe: ::turns to Jason:: They have more youkai ready to attack the village… we have to go to Utopia quickly and kill Joule…

Jason: yeah, so let’s hurry!

Khoi: oooOOoooh! Finally, time to grab some nuts! KHOI SMASH!

Back at harbor… the walls are pretty badly damaged…

Sarah’s grandfather: More youkai?

Jason: yeah… they’ll be attacking, so we must immediately launch a counterattack and attack Joule as quickly as possible… we’ll need someone to lead us to Utopia.

Sarah’s grandfather: Hmm… we won’t survive another attack by the youkai without you… what if they attack when you all are away?

Jason: I expect it… that’s why we’re leaving some of us here with you…

Charles: what?! NO! I WANT TO GOOOO! ::grabs on Jason’s leg:: don’t leave me!

Jason: get off! I’m not leaving you!

Charles: phew…

Cuong: So who’s staying here?...

Jason: I’m going to leave Aya, Sousuke, and Sora…

Aya: WHAT?!

Sousuke: you bastard!

Sora: You need me you fool!

Jason: Well, the thing is… you guys are probably the most experienced of our group in addition to the strongest… in the matches, you guys showed that you’re as strong as people with Trance… so against the youkai… you guys will be necessary… and besides… we’re the ones who started it, so we should finish it…

Joe: yeah, this was never your fight to begin with…

Sora: …bah…

Aya: I hate to admit it, but they’re right…

Sousuke: Fine, I’ll let you call this once… but don’t come crawling back to me when you die.

Sora: Fine! But under one condition! You fools have to leave one of your group here too, you can’t really expect us to hold off more youkai by ourselves, do you?

Jason: Fine… who here wants to stay…

Seiji: ::raises hand::

Jason: NO, NOT YOU! We need you!

Seiji: Why?...

Jason: I don’t know, I just like making you do things against your will

Seiji: …

Jason: what can I say, it makes me happy… I’m going to leave Jon with you…

Jon: WHAT?! WHY?!

Jason: cause you’re the only junior here… age before beau… ::looks at Jon:: urr…. Age before pimples…

Jon: ………but I don’t want to stay!

Joe: okay Jon… here… let’s play a game… If you win, you can go and I’ll stay… but if I win, I go and you stay…

Jon: okay, what’s the game?

Joe: yu gi oh!

Jon: But I don’t have my cards…

Joe: Oh, so then you automatically lose…. Look like I’ll be the one that’s going…


Joe: Yeah I do…

Jon: then show them to me!

Joe: sorry, but you already lost… bye!

Everyone leaves…

Sousuke: Well then, looks like we have to do this without Miharu and Naharu’s barrier…

Jon: ::in shock:: they left Japkid here with the Japs?!

Sousuke: WHAT?!

Jon: …nothing?

Sora: I’m not Japanese! You bitch…!

Aya: What’s wrong with being Japanese?!

Sora: Nothing, it’s jus… dammit!

They continue to squabble…

Jason: ::outside the walls:: Okay, so who’s going to lead us to Utopia?

Kevin: Uhh… iono…

Charles: damn! This heat makes my balls itchy…

Miharu: ::smiles:: I like the sun… it’s shiny

Naharu: Oh geez… shut the hell up…

Neko-chan: Fucking… SHUT THE FUCK UP EVERYONE!...

Jason: Okay guys… this is going to be dangerous and not all of us are going to survive… in fact, the most likely ones who are going to die are Kevin and neko-chan…

Kevin: …

Neko-chan: …what the fuck?! WHY?!

Jason: Because Kevin’s power is kinda lame… and you’re just a cat who gives me powers…

Kevin: …my powers… aren’t lame…


Joe: he’s just kidding… everybody knows that in movies, the ugliest always dies first… and now that Leo’s already dead presumably… the next one to go will probably be ::looks around:: ::looks around some more:: FUCK! I’M GOING TO DIE?! ::looks at Charles:: Oh thank God… I’m not going to die…

Charles: …WHAT?! Cuong’s uglier than me by far!

Cuong: …I’M JUST FAT! Girls think I’m cute! I remind them of Garfield!

Everyone stares at Cuong…

Cuong: …I’m tubby okay! TUBBY!... bitch…


Cuong: Nothing…!

Chris: he called you a bitch…

Naharu: ?!

Sarah: ahem…

Jason: ::turned back into Khoi::

Khoi: ooooOOOooh! Look! It’s a gremlin!

Sarah: I’M NOT A GREMLIN! I’m here to guide you guys to Utopia… so follow me, it’s going to be a long walk…

Khoi: Dammit! Another long walk?! ::jumps on Joe:: Well, get a move on horsey!


Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: Only when the main horse is unable to perform its duties! IN SHORT! YOU! Now giddy up! Or I’ll nuttap you! oooOOOooh!

Joe: …

They start walking through the desert and finally reach the forest… they go by a stream and start to rest…

Joe: GET THE FUCK OFF ME! ::throws Khoi off::

Khoi: oooOOooh! Finally! Something to drink! ::drinks the water:: ::starts to spit it out:: WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!

Chris: uhh, water?

Khoi: …wa… ter?... what the fuck is that?! I only drink Gatorade and soda! ooOOOoooh! It’s what gives me my nuttapping power!

Cuong: And your fat power…

Khoi: fat power?... since when do I have THAT power?! oooOOooh! ::looks at his reflection in the stream:: ::points:: hahaha, this guy is so fat… oh wait, that’s me… awwwww… ::looks sad::

They continue on and finally reach the city of Utopia… they walk inside… it’s drastically different from Harbor. Everyone is wearing pure white and the houses are made of marble as are the streets…

Charles: Wow, this must be a bitch on a rainy day… you could slip and fall and… ::slips and falls:: OW!

Joe: ::pointing down at Charles and laughing:: hahaha, you’re such an… ::slips too and falls on his face:: OUCHIES!

In fact, everybody is slipping and falling… the people smile blindly at them all…

Naharu: this marble floor is annoying!

Sai: Hmm, you get used to it after a while…

Naharu: brother?!

Sai is standing in front of the group…

Sai: Joule has been expecting you ever since Calamity and Seph came back…

Sarah: that’s Sai… he’s one of the guardians too… he’s one of the more nicer ones though… if you can call any of them nice…

Sai: Joule wants me to take care of you all before you reach the palace… so… ::gets into a gentle fist stance::

Suddenly, Miharu and Naharu run at him and grab both of his arms…

Sai: what?!

Miharu: brother…

Naharu: we will… take you down…

Miharu: you guys go ahead! We’ll handle him!

Sai: What are you…?!

Neko-chan: well you heard them, let’s go!

They all run past Sai towards Joule’s palace.

Sai: …okay, so you will handle me?

Miharu: Brother… stop this!

Sai: I can’t… it’s far too long gone for me to go back… I’m already dead! ::throws both Miharu and Naharu off, swings his arms backwards and pushes his palms forward at them::

Naharu: ::dodges to the side and grabs his arm under hers, she then uses her other arm to swing up at his arm to attack his joint::

Sai: ::spins once quickly and throws Naharu off::

Miharu: ::spins her arms backwards and takes a gentle fist stance, one hand forward, with the other above her head::

Sai: ::puts one leg forward and puts both palms out:: ::suddenly moves quickly at Miharu while swinging his arms and attacks with his left::

Miharu knocks it away with a graceful backhand while switching form… she brings both her arms up and swings them both down at Sai… Sai blocks with his knee before she can connect and pushes forward with both of his palms… Naharu comes from the side and knocks his arms away… she kicks forward with both her palms pushing forward also… Sai leans back to dodge her, Miharu attacks with a palm uppercut towards him as he comes back up… his body suddenly splits into several afterimages and her palm hits nothing… he starts to attack them with his palms and they also split into afterimages as he hits nothing. They continue the process at a rapid speed. Miharu and Naharu jumps back as Sai does… who has his arm out prepared for attack in an upright position with his other arm behind his back…

Sai: You guys are better than I remembered… able to do the lotus technique like this…

Miharu: you’re still as good as I remember… able to take on two of us at the same time…

Sai: yes… but your memories mean nothing, I am not the same person as I was then… ::eyes suddenly grow dark, a tattoo of a large demon face glows on his back, easily seen through his shirt::

Naharu: A trance…?

Sai: Trance… Demon Berserker…

Miharu: So you still had your berserker spirit…

Sai: That’s right… ::Rushes forward::

Meanwhile, with the others… they have reached Joule’s palace…

Jason: okay then… here we go… ::opens the doors::

Charles: …what the hell?...

Sarah: This is…

The inside makes no sense… it’s totally red and organic as if they’re inside of a person. Stairs go up, but they lead down, doors are on the ceiling… doors are on the ground… tables are on the ceiling and have flowers on them that don’t fall.

Sarah: what is this… ::wanders inside::

Khoi: Is this what Joule wished for?

Neko-chan: this might be what his mind set is like… fucked up…

Sarah: well, what are you all waiting for? Let’s hurry up and… ::blood suddenly bursts out of her eyes, ears, and skin without warning:: ::falls to the ground::

Cuong: …?!

Seiji: What?...

Vlaka suddenly rises up from the ground, covered in blood…

Vlaka: well, hello… I’m really glad that you finally could make it…

Cuong: You bastard, how could you just attack a little girl like that?

Vlaka: Little girl? I didn’t know she was a little girl… she was just the first person to enter within range of my crimson rain… I guess it was your fault for making a little girl the front runner… not that I feel guilty about killing her… ::smiles:: All living creatures are the same, they live, they die… just some a little younger than others.

Cuong: …bitch! ::steps forward::

The walls suddenly rearrange so that it is blocking off Cuong from the rest of the group…

Khoi: ooOOOooh?!

Joe: What the hell happened?! Where’s Cuong?!

Chris: ::kicks through the wall, knocking it down, but Cuong is gone:: what?

They’re also in a totally different room… this one is normal looking and is made of marble… the group steps into it.

Neko-chan: Fuck, Joule’s manipulating this place…

Khoi: But what happened to Sarah?!

Neko-chan: she’s dead… don’t think about it though, we need to keep on with our job at hand… we must find Joule…

Joe: …what about Cuong?

Kevin: ::nods::

Neko-chan: He should be fine… hopefully… let’s move on…

With Cuong…

Cuong: ::looking around for the rest of the group:: What the hell?! What’d you do?

Vlaka: hahahaha… don’t look at me… Joule’s the one that did it… I suppose he wants to split you guys up… after all… 7 against one is a bit unfair… but not that I’m complaining… I’ve wanted for a long time to kill you.

Cuong: You tried, you failed… what are you going to do?...

Vlaka: I’m going to drink your blood…

Cuong: oooohhhh… scary… not.

Vlaka: Heh, I’m so happy I can’t stand it… well then… let’s begin! ::cuts his wrist and swings out a whiplike blade made of blood at Cuong::

Cuong: ::ducks under it and points his palm at Vlaka:: You’re going to regret killing that girl…

Vlaka: No, I don’t think so… I don’t regret… ::swings the long whiplike blade of blood again::

Back with the rest of the group… they’re walking through the marble halls…

Khoi: …I wonder if tubby is okay…

Neko-chan: Just fucking worry about yourself dammit… this is going to be dangerous if you’re worrying about others…

They suddenly hear footsteps…

Seiji: Uhh… what’s that?

Hyena: ::suddenly appears:: Hello there friends…

Khoi: …what’s a male stripper doing here?

Hyena: I’M NOT A MALE STRIPPER! I’m Hyena you bastard… and I’m here for you… ::points at chris::

Chris: Uhh… ::grabs Seiji and puts him in front, hiding behind him:: ::in girly voice:: Chris isn’t here right now…

Joe: Man, let’s just beat this guy quickly and find Joule…

Hyena: Well you see… that’s going to be difficult… ::takes out his really thin knife:: Because… I really just have a grudge against him…

Chris: what did I do to you?

Hyena: You killed my student!

Chris: …if this is about that toilet I broke… I can fix it…

Hyena: hmph… ::slashes in front of him and creates a vacuum of space:: ::jumps into it and disappears in a flash, grabs Chris on his way by them all::


Khoi: bring the Cambodian back!

Suddenly, the ground opens up under the rest of the group as they fall through it…

Khoi: …trap hole?! BUT I CAN FLYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

They all fall through… and land in a different room… this one is dark and seems like a crypt.

Charles: DAMN! My ass!

Khoi: ::looks up in sadness:: But, but… I can fly…

Joe smacks Khoi…

Joe: bitch! You really gotta stop stealing my lines…

Khoi: umm… indeed…

Joe: ::smacks Khoi again::

Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: BUT I’M THE MASTER OF THE SWARM!

Joe: …

Lavian: Welcome all… ::sitting on top of some sort of coffin::

Seiji: hey look, it’s a geisha…


Seiji: oh… so does that mean you’re easy?

Lavian: …

Seiji: …yeah…

Lavian: …I will kill you…

Charles: AHHHH! ::points at Lavian:: It’s the pale freak again!

Lavian: I’m not a pale freak! YOU’RE THE PALE FREAK!

Charles: …well, the sun IS my enemy… but so is salsa… ::shakes fist::

Lavian: …enough! I’m here to kill one of you… and I choose you! ::points at Charles::

Charles: uhh… why me?

Lavian: you just piss me off…

Charles: …is it because I’m as pale as you?

Lavian: No! The rest of you… are no concern of mine… ::motions for Charles to come forward, Charles suddenly gets moved closer::

Charles: huh?! Psychic powers?! Like mewtwo!

Lavian: …mewtwo…? Be gone the rest of you!

The rest of them suddenly get blown through a wall and into another room… this one just looks like a normal bedroom…

Khoi: Uhh, maybe Joule wants us to have sex…


Khoi: ::makes struggling noises:: YOU WON’T KNOW UNLESS WE TRY! ::points to Kevin:: now bend down!

Kevin: …

Seiji: …sick…

Meanwhile… back at Harbor…

Jon: ::bored:: I’m so bored…

Aya: shut up, you’re just making it worse…

Sora: I’d have to agree… shut up.

Sousuke: yeah… shut the hell up…

Jon: …

Off in the distance, they see several large creatures approaching…

Sousuke: well then, the youkai are here… and we’re outmanned, outgunned… we just have to wait and hopefully that gay guy will defeat Joule…

Aya: don’t call him gay you fatass!

Sousuke: I’m not fat! And he is gay!

Aya: no he’s not! He just acts gay!

Sora: uhh… where’s the pimply guy?...

Aya: ::looks around, Jon’s not there… he’s running towards the youkai:: Damn… is he stupid?...

Jon: ::stops near the youkai:: Bah, if everyone’s going to ditch me… I might as well make a big impression… I call this one, Jon’s solo performance…

Jon swings his arms over his chest as a large amount of white flame starts to billow from his hands… he swings them to his sides and falls to a knee, crossing them over the ground again…

Jon: RAGING STORM! ::a huge torrent of wisp-like trails of white flame starts to grow from the point where Jon hit the ground… it grows vertically and horizontally… a large majority of the youkai begin to fly into the sky, being dismembered by the huge attack, much bigger than the times Jon did it before…

Aya shields her eyes as sand and dust begins to blow in her direction…

Aya: what the?!

Sousuke: What the hell?!

Sora: …this kid…!

The raging storm stops… the smoke clears slowly… Jon’s in the middle of a large crater that his attack has created… he has taken out at least thirty percent of the youkai…

Jon: ::sweating:: HA! How do you like that?! I’m Japkid! Fear me! ::the youkai begin to climb down the crater towards Jon:: ::Jon screams like a girl:: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! ::starts to run in the other direction::

Aya: that idiot!

Back at Joule’s palace… inside the normal bedroom… Lei is sitting behind everyone, she points a gun at them…

Lei: Hello guys… glad you can make it…

Khoi: Hey look, Joule sent a prostitute… hee hee…


Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: WHO SAID YOU WERE A PROSTITUTE?!

Lei: …what, but you… and then… you said!... Never mind… I’m here to take on a couple of you losers… so who here wants to take me on?... you guys aren’t going to fuck up this world of ours…

Seiji: …shut up, hacker… I’ll take her on…

Khoi: In bed?! Seiji! Oh my…!

Seiji: …no…

Lei: okay then…

Neko-chan: you fool, she’s a berserker… you can’t take her on that easily! Even if she’s only a beast berserker!

Seiji: It’s okay… if she goes berserk, all she can do is attack… while I can still use magic…

Neko-chan: …this isn’t fucking final fantasy!

Seiji: It’s okay…

Neko-chan: Well, it seems like Joule hasn’t switched us out yet, so let’s all fucking attack her before he…

Everyone except Seiji suddenly gets swallowed up by the ceiling…

Seiji: …?...

Lei: ::gets up:: well, you’re pretty brave I guess for trying to take me on alone…

Seiji: alone?... ::Hitokiri appears from behind Seiji:: I’m not alone…

Lei: …

Joe, Kevin, Khoi, and Neko-chan find themselves in a wide open area… the sky is clearly visible but it’s red and orange… they are standing on some kind of canyon rock formation. They see a strange looking tower off in the distance…

Neko-chan: Well, well, well… doesn’t that Joule mother fucker have a flair for the dramatic… I’m guessing he’s in that tower… I can sense him there… well then, let’s hurry up and…

Suddenly, Kevin gets stabbed from behind by a black twin ryuusei…

Seph: you guys left your guard down…

Joe: SEPH YOU BASTARD! ::punches at Seph with a fist of blue flame::

Joe’s fist suddenly hits a black sheet which strangely wraps around the entire place they’re at, creating a strange black dome that they are now in…

Joe: Kevin, are you all right…?

Kevin: … ::bleeding a lot::

Neko-chan: I think he’s dead… he’s not talking…

Joe: dammit, Kevin…

Khoi: ::transforms into Jason::

Jason: You are going to regret that you asshole!

Calamity and Seph suddenly appear in front of them…

Calamity: somehow… I don’t think we will… hahahaha…

Seph: well, well, well… Khoi… or should I say Jason… looks like this will be our final encounter… so you better make this count…

Jason: oh, I will… ::about to use trance::

Neko-chan: Stop! You have to save your energy for Joule! There’s no way you can face an elemental after being in a fight with an ascended berserker!

Seph: Oh, so listening to your pet now, huh? You coward…

Neko-chan: I’M NOT A FUCKING PET HOMO! S and M motherfucking faggot!

Seph: …

Jason: …ugh… don’t worry, this will be quick…

Joe: ::grabs Jason’s shoulder:: Leave this to me…

Jason: …you can’t handle these two by yourself…

Joe: Don’t worry, it will be over in an instant… and remember… there’s still Al and Joule… you take them on…

Jason: …Al… I forgot about her…

Joe: don’t let her cloud your judgment… take out Joule… if you do and the world changes back, Kevin will survive… he’s dying right now… you have to beat Joule or he will die, you understand?

Jason: I understand! But how the hell is a Joemo like you going to beat the two of them?... and what you said to me still applies to you… “don’t let her cloud your judgment.” ::looks at Calamity::

Joe: I won’t… and don’t worry… I developed a new technique that won’t fail to kill a target… as long as I’m within 30 yards of them… so I’ll end this quickly… ::scratches head:: I think…

Jason: …your new technique isn’t some sort of ice ball that enters your opponent and explodes them from inside is it?

Joe: No, it’s not that messy… this is a pure assassin move… fast, quick, and deadly… so don’t worry and go beat the shit out of Joule… I’ll take care of Kevin.

Jason: Okay… ::spins his arms rapidly and creates a crazy 8:: CRAZY 8! ::rips through the black dome wall and flies out of it with Neko-chan close behind::

The black dome reforms after them…

Seph: hahahaha… so do you really have such a powerful attack? I doubt it…

Joe: well, if you doubt it… why don’t you come within 30 feet of me and see… ::eyes turn blue as wings of blue flame burst from his back:: Let’s go…

Calamity: okay then, you asked for it fool… don’t blame us when you die!

Vlaka and Cuong are facing off against each other in the strange room that has organic walls…

Cuong: this place smells…

Vlaka: Well it should… I redecorated the place… with human carcasses. It’s funny how in this world, nobody gives a shit if you do something like this… nobody even notices how their babies are missing or their daughters or their fathers or their…

Shadows rip along the ground towards Vlaka… Vlaka steps to the side to avoid them as they slam into the organic wall and explode with blood.

Cuong: …

Vlaka: hahahaha, I set up this place just for you my friend… look at us… we’re surrounded by walls of blood… and as you know… I love blood… ::points palm up::

Blood suddenly bursts out of every wall in sharp needle like forms and fire at Cuong…

Cuong: ::needles about to hit him:: oh, shit…

Meanwhile, with Chris…

Chris: ::runs and skids to a stop… Hyena appears out of nowhere and swings his extended knife out at Chris:: ::moves to the side to dodge the swing:: ugh…

Hyena: is that the fastest you can go?! ::shifts the knife to be backhanded behind him:: aero slash! ::swings it up and gets sucked into a vacuum before Chris can hit him::

Chris: …you’re not fast…

Suddenly, stabs come at Chris from every angle… cutting him up…

Chris: ?!

Voice echoing through the room…

Hyena: how can you defeat something you can’t catch or even see?!

Chris: ::thinking:: Endless vacuum…

Hyena: ::appears briefly and slashes at the air again to create another vacuum::

Just as Hyena steps into it, Chris also steps into it…

Hyena: HE FOLLOWED ME THROUGH THE?! ::going at a very high speed::

Chris: ::also going at a very high speed, kicks Hyena in the face and out of the vacuum::

Hyena: ::gets up slowly:: ugh… how the hell… I trained my body all my life to be able to survive getting sucked through a vacuum of space… but this guy… just…

Hyena suddenly gets bashed from all over the place…

Hyena: ::falling down, thinking:: is using my vacuum against me?! You think I’ll let you?!

Hyena suddenly swings his knife to the side… the blade extends even farther than a sword and into a whiplike sword… he swings it around him… and it suddenly whips around extremely fast… it becomes a blur… Chris appears out of the vacuum having been slashed by the extended knife… he’s trying to block against it, but the knife seems to be creating a vacuum for itself, whipping through the air at high speeds…

Chris: ugh!

Hyena: just… die! ::twitches his wrist as the knife goes stabbing towards Chris::

Chris: ::eyes grow intense, spins and kicks the knife away and straight towards Hyena…::

Hyena: ::moves to his side as he retracts the knife back into its regular form:: tch…

Back outside, Miharu swings a palm at Sai… Sai knocks it away with a palm of his own which is also glowing black, spins and releases a palm sideways at her… Naharu appears from above and knocks the attack straight down… spins with a kick to make Sai back off then spins towards him, swinging down a palm from above.

Sai: ::black energy bursts from him, knocking Naharu away before she can do anything::

Miharu: ::forms some seals then forms a circle in the air, pushing her palm into it::

The area around Sai explodes… Sai suddenly rushes through the smoke and attacks with a straight palm… Miharu blocks by bringing her knee and her arms up… spins so her back is to Sai, kicks backwards as Sai spins to the side to avoid it… Miharu’s leg moves towards him, he ducks under it, Miharu spins quickly and pushes both hands towards his stomach.

Sai: enough! ::black energy bursts from him again, blowing Miharu away::

Naharu: ::attacks from behind, spins so her back is to Sai… she leans back and pushes her palm towards him::

Sai: ::quickly turns around and knocks her arm down::

Naharu rolls so that she’s facing him and leaning forward, attacks with her palms again… then suddenly disappears…

Sai: ?!

Naharu: ::spins around Sai and attacks down at his head:: I got you!

Sai: ::automatically stabs with two fingers up… hitting Naharu’s arm… pushes it back up, spins his arms then slams a palm into Naharu’s chest:: you got nothing…

Naharu: ::rolls back grabbing her chest and arm:: ::breathing heavily::

Sai steps towards them…

Miharu: …

Naharu: …

Sai: You two can’t beat me… I’ve already gone to hell and back… so give up…

Miharu: …well, I have to admit… it isn’t looking good… ::smiles::

Naharu: shut up… we can beat him…

Back with Chris… he’s staring down Hyena…

Chris: …

Hyena: What?...

Chris: I don’t have time for you… I have to go help Khoi… so move out of my way or die.

Hyena: Kill me?... I’d like to see you try! Aero slash! ::slashes the air in front of him and jumps into the vacuum he creates:: ::voice begins to echo from all over the room:: I’m faster than you… more skilled than you… there’s nothing you can do to me!

Chris: Faster than me?... yeah right… there was only one person faster than me… and I’m still trying to catch up to him… but just know, you aren’t faster than me…


Hyena’s knife suddenly stabs towards Chris from all angles… Chris suddenly sticks his hand up… it’s surround by what seems to be a heat wave…

Chris: I will prove it… ::heat waves begin to surround his legs:: 40 meter…

Chris suddenly disappears in a flash… Hyena is in his vacuum moving around… can’t see Chris, but sees foot imprints being slammed into the walls, ceilings, and floor…

Hyena: ?! ::thinking:: He’s moving so fast that I can’t see him even when I’m moving like this?!

Hyena suddenly gets bombarded by kicks from all sorts of angles…

Hyena: What?!

Chris: ::voice echoing through the room:: You can’t beat me…

Chris suddenly appears again, kneeing Hyena in the face… and onto the ground…

Chris: It’s over, I’ve won…

Hyena: ::gets up slowly:: you’ve won nothing! Aero…! ::about to swing his knife down again::

Chris: ::disappears in a flash and appears behind Hyena::

Hyena: …what?!

Chris: ::heat waves generating off his body::

Hyena: ::has a large imprint on his body as if he was just hit by a speeding bullet:: You hit me?...

Chris: of course…

Hyena: well done… well done… I tip my hat to you… you’ve hit some vital organs of mine… good job… ::falls on the floor::

Chris: don’t worry, I didn’t hurt you badly enough to kill you… it’ll be alrig…

Suddenly, Hyena’s knife shoots out from his body in extended form and stabs Chris in the chest.

Chris: ?!

Hyena: ::bleeding heavily:: I don’t care if I die… as long as I take you with me… you son of a bitch…

Chris: ::grabs the extended knife and pulls it out:: ::falls on his knees:: I won’t die…

Hyena: ::silence:: ::seems to have killed himself::

Chris: ::grabbing his wound:: to sacrifice yourself to kill me… why are you so stupid… ::falls down on the ground also::

Song starts to play strangely…

Finding hope in a strange place,

Reasoning for a tomorrow,

Let me be what I have always been.

Find with me some sorrow,

Drink with me,

Find the way,

And I’ll lead you to your destiny.

Meanwhile, with Seiji…

Seiji: :: runs at Lei who’s in her bestial form:: ::grabs at her but she disappears, she is now clinging to a wall:: …cat?

Lei: heh… ::points gun at Seiji and fires a couple times::

Hitokiri: ::jumps behind Seiji and blocks the bullets with his sword:: ::points palm at Seiji:: shell!

A shell of protectiveness surrounds Seiji… Seiji jumps up and grabs at Lei again… Lei runs off, red energy feeding off of her… she fires at Seiji again…

Seiji: ::the shell intercepts the bullets::

Lei: you guys are so annoying!

Hitokiri: ::points palm at Lei:: FIRAGA!

The bed bursts into flame as Lei leaps to safety…

Lei: fools!

Seiji: ::suddenly runs behind Lei and grabs her arm::

Lei: ?!

Seiji: ::throws Lei overhead into a wall::

Hitokiri jumps up and points his palm down at her…

Hitokiri: blizzaga!

Lei rolls to safety as the place she was in suddenly freezes.

Lei: you bastard! ::Rushes at Hitokiri and Seiji at a high speed::

Seiji: ::swings down a grab at Lei::

Lei: ::dodges to the side… Hitokiri blocks her off:: tch…

Hitokiri: ::swings his sword down at her:: GOT YOU!

Lei: ::grabs the sword with her bare hands:: yeah right!

Seiji: ::rushes by Lei and grabs at her again with his strong grip… she throws the sword away and jumps up to avoid Seiji::

Seiji’s attack hits the ground which shatters into pieces…

Seiji: …ow…

Lei: fool! You can’t beat what you can’t hit!

Seiji: You’re right… ::Hitokiri suddenly gets absorbed into Seiji::

Lei: ?...

Seiji: ::sticks his hand out, a katana appears in it::

Lei: uhh… what the hell?

Seiji: ban…kai!

Nothing happens…

Lei: …what the hell?

Seiji: I was just kidding… ::katana suddenly glows with energy, Seiji swings it down at Lei, unleashing a burst of energy at her::

Lei: ::slams her fist into it, splitting it in half, her knuckles are bleeding:: ugh…

Seiji: ::rushes at Lei and flies up right in front of her, slashing upwards::

Lei: ::barely avoids it by leaning backwards::

Seiji: climhazzard… ::swings the katana up and rockets down at her doing a slash straight down::

Lei: ::jumps back to avoid it::

Seiji: braver… ::swings the sword again at Lei:: meteorain!

Meteors suddenly rocket out at Lei… exploding on the floor upon impact… Lei dodges all of them by flipping around…

Lei: what the hell is going on?!

Seiji: ::suddenly appears in front of Lei::

Lei: ?!


Seiji starts to unleash a flurry of slashes at Lei…

Lei: ::getting hit by most of them:: AGH!

Seiji: ::stops the flurry and spins up, and performs a braver on Lei, striking straight down at her from his sword being over his head::

Lei: … ::her wounds starting to smoke up and heal as Seiji jumps back:: Nice try, freak… but it didn’t work… ::suddenly splits into two:: ??????????????/

Seiji: I guess you can’t heal if you’re… ummm… halved?...

Lei’s two sides hit the ground in a sickening fashion.

Seiji: ::final fantasy battle ending song:: dudududududududududuDU!

Suddenly… something seems to be moving in Lei’s remains…

Seiji: …?

A beast like monster suddenly bursts from the sides… resembling a werewolf.

Seiji: Umm… ::battle start music:: ddudududududduuuu…….

Beast Lei: You really didn’t think it would be that easy did you? ::smacks Seiji into a wall::

Seiji: ugh!

Lei rushes at Seiji and bites at him… Seiji drops his sword and grabs the top and bottom of her mouth, desperately pushing her back…

Seiji: don’t bite me…! I’ll get rabies! How will I explain that to my mom?! Ultima!

A huge green blast explodes from Seiji’s hands… blowing Lei across the room…

Beast Lei: fufufufufufu… ::red energy blowing from her:: you really thought you could beat a berserker?...

Seiji: umm… yes…? ::puts his foot under the katana on the floor and throws it up back to his hand:: ::runs his hand on the blade, it glows:: ::it suddenly changes shape into a large buster sword kind of thing::

Beast Lei: A bigger sword will do you no good!

Seiji puts the buster sword in front of him… and puts both hands on the hilt… he swings both hands to the side, revealing that he has a buster sword in each hand…

Seiji: Well then, how about two…

Seiji rushes at Lei and spins, slashing his two buster swords…

Beast Lei: ::blocks the swords with her claws:: is that the best you got?! ::bites towards Seiji’s head::

Seiji: ::buster swords glow ethereal blue:: ::jumps away and releases two slashes of energy at her, one after the other:: Take this!

Beast Lei: ::slashes down at the first beam blade with her claws… ripping it into pieces… the second one hits her and suddenly splits into four beam blades which pass through her:: ARGH!

Seiji: …did I win? ::about to sing the battle end music again::

Beast Lei: No, you didn’t… ::her wounds suddenly begin to heal, red energy smoking off of them:: Now then, is it my turn?! ::opens her mouth at Seiji… a ball of red energy starts to form… it fires a beam at Seiji::

Seiji: ::puts one buster sword in front of him and starts to spin it rapidly, the beam of energy hits it and the spinning sword acts as a shield… ripping it up before it can hit:: ::the beam ends as Seiji swings the spinning sword back to his side and swings his other sword down at Lei:: DIE!

Seiji unleashes another beam blade at her…

Beast Lei: ::dodges to the side, clinging to the wall, avoids the blade beam, jumps off the wall at Seiji:: I GOT YOU!

Seiji: no, I have you! ::jumps at Lei, blue energy surrounding his whole body as he holds both swords out::

They both clash and land on opposite sides of each other…

Seiji: …

Beast Lei: …

Seiji: …

Beast Lei: …well… then… ::a line of blood suddenly appears on her head and starts to appear straight down her body:: At least I won’t be… a monster anymore… ::falls on the ground::

Seiji: …what a sad person… that must have been her true form… hiding behind a human side… no wonder she desperately wanted to change… I’m sorry for you… ::Seiji has 2 very large claw marks on his front:: …it’s up to… you now… Khoi…

Seiji falls on the ground… a strange song starts to play again…

I want to protect something greater than me,

I want to see a life that’ll let me breathe.

Let me hold a dream deep within my heart,

My last request,

My memories,

For just one last time…

Back outside with Miharu and Naharu…

Miharu: ::runs at Sai and grabs one of his arms::

Sai: ?!

Naharu: ::runs towards Sai’s other side and grabs his other arm::

Sai: ::swings both of his arms up to throw them off, they both land on their feet… they run at Sai again:: stop you fools!

They both start attacking at the same time… Miharu swings a palm down, spins then release a palm from behind… Sai dodges the first and knocks away the second… Naharu spins her arms in an angle and swings her left palm at Sai as Miharu attacks from the bottom with a right… Sai grabs both of their arms, spins as he moves forward and knocks them both into each other… he then rolls his arms back again and delivers palms to both of their midsections…

Miharu: …

Naharu: … ::grabbing her stomach::

Sai: give it up… you can’t beat me like this…

Miharu: ::eyes look intense::

Naharu: …no, we can… sorry, brother… but you must die again…

Sai: ?...

Miharu: forbidden technique… ::sticks her palms out at Sai::

Naharu: berserker destroying method… ::in the same stance as Miharu, sticks her palms out at Sai::

Sai: ::shocked look:: Don’t tell me… you learned… that?... Father never taught me that one…

Miharu: He also probably didn’t tell you how to avoid it either!

Naharu: Goodbye brother!

Miharu and Naharu suddenly turn transparent as their hair blow wildly in the air… wind starts to envelop them all… Miharu and Naharu suddenly move into each other… and turn into one…

Sai: …what is that?...

Miharu/Naharu: We are the epitome of the clan who looks over berserkers… come now brother…

Sai: … ::rushes at Miharu/Naharu::

Before Sai can even move… a palm hits his chest then his stomach… he couldn’t even see what happened, but he sees Miharu/Naharu roll their hands back as if they just attacked…

Sai: ?!

Miharu/Naharu suddenly spins at him, alternating each hand, one going up as the other goes down…

Sai: … ::grabs a nearby utopian and throws him into Miharu/Naharu… he just passes through::

Miharu/Naharu: ::voice echoing as if there’s two:: It’s useless brother…

Sai: ::grabs more utopians and desperately throws them into Miharu/Naharu:: what are you?...

Miharu/Naharu: We are what we are… and nothing else…

Miharu/Naharu disappears in a flash and appears behind Sai, crouching down with both hands off to the sides as if she just attacked…

Sai: … ::suddenly rockets backwards as if hit by a shockwave:: ::coughs up blood as his berserker trance disappears:: Heh… ::smiles as he hits the ground:: Good job… looks as if you finally might have… surpassed even me…

Miharu/Naharu turns back into their respective forms…

Miharu: Brother?...

Sai: Run…

Miharu: ?...

Miharu and naharu kneel down beside their brother…

Sai: get as far away from here as possible… Joule… has gotten far too powerful… the only one who has a chance against him… is… the gatekeeper…

Naharu: gatekeeper?

Sai: I… knew from the beginning that this was going to happen… but I… ::tears running down:: I knew this is what had to come to pass…. So I helped Joule… but I was never with him… I was always with you…

Miharu: brother?!

Sai: goodbye… ::eyes close:: you’ve gotten… prettier…

Naharu: …bastard…

Miharu: ?...

Naharu: ::crying:: YOU LEFT US AGAIN!

Naharu screams into the sky as the emotionless citizens of Utopia look on… back at Harbor…

Jon: ::punches a youkai away with white flame:: so many of them!

Shards of light rush by several more of them… blasting them away…

Sora: we took out at least half… don’t give up!

Aya: ::slashing them away with a blade of wind on her left hand:: we’re getting tired… auras being drained… it’s only a matter of time before their sheer numbers destroy us!

Sousuke: ::crushes two youkai easily:: Shut up! I hate your pessimistic attitude…!


Jon: ::looks around and notices something weird:: Hey, umm… do you guys also notice that the number of youkai has gone down… by like… a lot?...

Aya: …he’s right… what’s going on?

Suddenly, they hear large footsteps in the distance… it’s getting closer…

Sousuke: …

Sora: No way…

A giant youkai appears in front of them… towering as high as a skyscraper… it seems that youkai are getting sucked into it, making it bigger…

Jon: … ::screams like a girl:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Sora: Don’t get too scared! IT’S ONLY BIG! We can take it! ::swings her arm at it:: ::eyes glow pink:: OVERFLOW!

The shards of light all gather around the giant youkai… they glow pink and fire huge blasts of pink light energy at it… the giant youkai suddenly forms pure black evil energy from every crevice of its body… blocking out the light energy…

Jon: …look out…!

The pure black evil energy suddenly forms into a huge beam which fires at aya, sousuke, jon, and Sora… they all jump out of the way… it turns the ground into a tar like substance… totally destroying it.

Jon: …anybody have any bright ideas?...

Sora: We can’t let that thing get to harbor! It will totally demolish those people!

Aya: What the hell can we do to it?! It’s too big!

Sousuke: Even my big bang fist wouldn’t do anything to it…

Jon: …bah! All we have to do is start at the bottom and work our way up!

They all stare at Jon like he’s an idiot…

Jon: umm… look out…

They all jump out of the way of another pure black energy beam… Meanwhile… with Joe…

Joe: ::flying in the air, dodges several black ryuuseis, while knocking a lot away with his cursed ryuusei:: tch!

Calamity: Heh! Having trouble?! ::fires 8 golden beams from her tengen at Joe::

Joe: ::turns to face them and rockets upwards to avoid the beams::

Seph appears above Joe…

Seph: hello fake!

Joe: damn you!

Seph strikes with his black twin ryuusei… Joe blocks with his cursed Ryuusei… they collide in an explosion of blue and black flame…

Seph: So, where’s this powerful “technique” of yours?!

Joe: I don’t feel like telling you anything!

8 golden beams suddenly fire at Joe again… Joe flies away from seph as the beams fire inbetween them… Calamity flies in front of Seph and fires the 8 golden beams at Joe again… Joe dodges by rolling and spinning in the air as he flies away… Seph suddenly appears above Joe and kicks him straight into the ground…

Joe: ugh! ::right as he’s about to hit the ground, the wings of blue flame burst from his back, boosting him back up:: ::looks down at Kevin, who’s not moving:: dammit!

Seph: ::points his finger at the sky:: REIGN OF RYUUSEI!

A group of black ryuuseis suddenly rocket down at Joe…

Joe: … ::time stops, eyes suddenly turn blank blue as the black ryuuseis glow blue as if being targeted:: ::time starts up again:: SHIROKI TSUKI NO SHITA DE! ::blasts through the black ryuuseis, ripping them all apart with his cursed ryuusei::

Calamity: heh! DIE! ::fires more golden beams at Joe::

Joe: ::deflects them with his cursed ryuusei:: ::flies right up to Calamity::

Calamity: ?!

Joe: ::kicks her straight down into the ground, when he suddenly gets hit in the back by several black ryuuseis:: ugh!

Seph: ::firing more down at joe:: DIE DIE DIE!

Joe: … ::spins and swings his cursed ryuusei to the side:: STAR SHOWER!

Blue ryuuseis and black ryuuseis collide and explode… meanwhile, with Cuong…

Cuong: YOU BASTARD! ::bleeding a lot:: ::points palm at Vlaka:: SHADOW HUNTER!

Wolves of shadow suddenly burst out of Cuong’s hand towards Vlaka…

Vlaka: hah! BLOOD SWORD! ::cuts his wrist a bit and swings a whip-like blade of blood, ripping apart the wolves of shadow:: ::points hand at Cuong:: CRIMSON RAIN!

Cuong: ::suddenly feels blood rushing in his veins:: Hell no… bitch! ::points palm at Vlaka’s legs:: SHADOW DESTRUCTION!

Shadows rip along the ground towards Vlaka’s legs…

Vlaka: …? ::jumps over it:: You’re not really helping yourself…

Cuong: SHADOW FANG! ::turns into a spinning shadow missile which rockets off at Vlaka::

Vlaka: ::dodges to the side as the Shadow fang misses and turns in the air to go for him again:: persistent, but you really should turn into that bastard if you want to stand a chance!

Blood bursts from the organic walls again and suddenly grab onto Cuong… stopping him…

Cuong: What the?!

Vlaka: I have much more control over blood than I had when we last faced off! Having so much time and so many carcasses at my disposal was very very… beneficial to me.

Cuong: You bastard…!

Vlaka: heh, now then… time for you to die…

Cuong’s still being held by the blood…

Vlaka: ::cuts his wrist again and swings it to the side:: BLOOD SWORD! ::a whip-like blade of blood extends from his wrist towards Cuong::

Cuong: ::cherry blossoms burst from his body, ripping apart the vines of blood that are holding him::

Vlaka: heh, finally! I get to kill you…!

The cherry blossoms disperse, revealing Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: you’re going to pay for everything you have done… ::wings of black and pink burst from his back::

Vlaka: Interesting addition…, but I also have some interesting additions! ::wings of blood burst from his back:: ::takes off his robe, revealing that he has several scars over his body:: I’ve been experimenting… hahaha!

Tsubasa: You sick freak…

Vlaka: Well then, let’s go!

Tsubasa: ::quickly points palm at the ground:: OSARU!

Vlaka: ::cuts a large scar on his chest… blood splatters out as the cut heals immediately::

A large shadow bear appears from shadows on the ground… this time, he seems to be totally sober… the blood turns into a strange demon resembling a skeleton…

Osaru: ::roars::

Blood demon: ::shrieking sound::

Osaru and the blood demon rush at each other and begin to fight…

Tsubasa: ::swings his hand to his side as if he’s about to draw an invisible sword and releases it, unleashing a long whiplike blade of shadow, bursting with cherry blossoms towards Vlaka::

Vlaka: ::unleashes a blood sword at the shadow sword::

The two attacks collide and cancel each other out…

Tsubasa: you bastard! ::wings flap as he rises in the air and rushes at Vlaka::

Vlaka: heh! ::points at tsubasa::

Blood bursts from the walls again, shooting out several needles of blood at Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: enough! ::wings open up, the pink part of the wings suddenly release cherry blossoms which zip around and slash away the needles of blood::

Vlaka: ?!...

Tsubasa: Even in this environment… you have no advantages against the god of death! ::flaps his wings, cherry blossoms fall out… rockets at Vlaka… cherry blossoms flowing from his wings::

Vlaka: Tch! ::flaps his wings of blood and also rises in the air::

Meanwhile, with Charles…

Charles: ::fires two beams of light at Lavian::

Lavian: ::nails glow red, she knocks them away with her claws:: ::smiles, revealing long fangs:: heh! Is that the best you got?! ::disappears in a flash and appears behind Charles, slashing him on the back::

Charles: ack! ::jumps away from Lavian and points his palm at her… small balls of light energy gather into his palm which is glowing white with light energy…:: ::fires a large beam of light at Lavian from his palm::

Lavian: ::disappears and reappears, clinging to the ceiling above Charles, she drops down towards Charles and slashes him on the front again::

Charles: ugh! ::moves back away from her again:: ::notices two mirrors in the crypt on either side of him… points his fingers at both and fires beams of light into them… which bounce and reflect straight towards Lavian::

Lavian: ::dodges them by rocketing to the side on all fours:: ::rushes by charles again and slashes his leg::

Charles falls to one knee in pain…

Charles: ::breathing heavily::

Lavian: so then, have you realized yet?...

Charles: …

Lavian: In this crypt, there is no light… so you can’t seem my movements that well… you also can’t use your power to absorb light particles… your multitude of long range attacks are useless in this small of a place and are neutralized by my speed… and my ability to see in the dark… hahaha… in other words, I’m going to enjoy feasting on your bones…

Charles: I’m not done yet! ::hand is collecting light particles again as it glows bright:: ::Runs at Lavian and points his hand at her:: SHINING FINGER!!!

A huge blast of light gets fired at Lavian from point blank…

Lavian: ::disappears::

Charles: ?!

Charles gets slashed on the back again…

Charles: urgh! ::moves backwards again as he continues to get slashed all over the place::

Lavian: heh… how funny… you’re weak when there’s no light to absorb… your blasts are so much weaker than they were in the tournament!

Charles: shut up! ::points fingers in gun mode at Lavian and fires beams of light at her again::

Lavian: ::dodges them, and stops right in front of Charles::

Charles: ?!

Lavian: ::runs to the side of Charles while slashing him across the midsection::

Charles: ::falls to his knees again:: ugh…

Lavian: come on… little boy… is that all you got?...

Charles: ugh… ::thinking:: I can’t… use overflow… there’s no light here… how I wish the sun wasn’t my enemy anymore…

Lavian: ::sitting on one of the coffins in the tomb as Charles slowly gets back up:: haha, well, I had fun playing with you… but now… the fun is over… ::eyes widen and dilate as she stares at Charles:: Cat’s eye!

Charles’ body suddenly goes stiff.

Charles: mewtwo powers again!

Lavian: Shut up you cow… you’re just a slab of meat to me now… I’ll enjoy eating you tonight…

Charles: Eating me????

Lavian: hahaha, shocked? Surprised?... I’m a vampire… what do you think I eat?

Charles: umm… dog biscuits?

Lavian: NO! Well then… shall I let you in on a little secret?

Charles: ?...

Lavian: In this world of Joule’s… the people in the previous world are actually here too… just with different life experiences… and as bishops of Joule… me and Vlaka got our pick of these people to feast upon…

Charles: …what are you talking about?

Lavian: heh, the reason why I chose this place for us to have our battle in… not only because it makes you weak… but in this tomb… I have stashed the bodies of your entire family.

Charles: ?!

Lavian: In fact, one of your family members is in this coffin which I’m sitting on right now… oh don’t worry though… I’m sure they didn’t feel a thing… after all… they were part of the emotionless of Utopia… of course, after I found they were related to you, I couldn’t resist. They were quite delicious…

Charles: you’re bluffing.

Lavian: hahahaha, maybe… but it doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not… the truth of the matter is… I don’t lie… and since you’re connected to me by my cat’s eye right now… you must realize it also… hahahahaha…

Charles: … ::light suddenly pulsates from his body::

Lavian: ?...

Charles: ::light energy pours out from his body, exploding throughout the tomb and knocking Lavian and even the lid of the coffin away…::

Lavian: what?!

Back at Harbor…

Sora: We can’t dodge this thing’s blasts forever! We need to counterattack…!

Sousuke: with what?! Even your overflow attack couldn’t harm it!

Jon: umm… yeah… I can do it…!

Aya: what?

Jon: Just watch… I’m the amazing Japkid after all! ::points at Sousuke:: YOU! INSECURE MUSCLE GUY! Throw me at that thing! At its head!

Sousuke: …insecure muscle guy…

Aya: …are you a fool?! You’ll never be able to do it!

Jon: umm… ::acting like a british guy again:: well, love… we shall never know if we umm… shalln’t try?

Aya, Sousuke, and Sora: …

Jon: now then! Let’s do it! ::jumps into Sousuke’s arms:: THROW MEEEEE! THROW MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Aya and Sora: Omg, just throw him…

Sousuke: …fine… I’ll be doing everyone a favor… ::throws Jon straight at the head of the giant youkai::

As Jon flies straight at the head of the giant youkai… it opens its mouth and fires a beam of pure black energy at him…

Jon: bwahahahahahaha, you think that’ll work?! ::punches at it with a fist of white flame which surrounds his entire body… it rips through the pure black beam as Jon enters through the mouth of the youkai::

Aya: …uhh… did he just get eaten?

Sora: ::sighs:: This was a retarded plan…

Suddenly, the giant youkai starts to implode… white flame begins to burst from several parts of its body…

Jon: ::inside the body of the youkai, falling down throughout the body, ripping apart anything he comes across with a raging storm that he has released in the body of the giant youkai:: RAGING STORM!!!

Jon pops out of the bottom of the youkai… covered in black youkai blood…

Aya: ugh! That better not be what I think it is!

The giant youkai falls backwards onto the ground with an earth shattering thud.

Sousuke: …did he just come out of the youkai’s…

Sora: let’s not speak of it…

Jon walks back up to them, brushing the black blood off of his body…

Jon: well, that was an interesting experience…

Aya: ::Notices something:: are you okay?

Jon: Never better! WHY?!

Sora: …this isn’t good…

Jon: why? What’s going on?!

Jon suddenly has trouble breathing…

Sora: He’s just absorbed a lot of the evil energy that was in that giant youkai… it’s eating away at him from the inside…

Jon falls to the ground…

Sora: We have to do something now!

Aya: This is too much evil energy to purge…!

Jon’s skin is turning white.

Sousuke: Stand back… I can do it.

Aya: ?!... no way…

Sousuke: I said… stand back… ::puts both of his hands on Jon’s chest as they glow blue::

Aya: …

Sora: …this is some ET shit right here…

Back with Charles…

Charles: ::standing over the coffin, looking down:: ::his hands on the edge::

Lavian: ::gets up slowly behind charles:: I don’t know where you got that burst of power, but…!

Charles: You know…

Lavian: ?...

Charles: I was never really… the best brother… and she was never really the best sister… but you know… right now, it’s sorta like… none of those bad times matter… and I suddenly wish that I gave her every ride she wanted… actually, still no… but yeah…

Lavian: What are you babbling about?...

Charles: ::turns to face Lavian:: I’m going to kill you, no matter what it takes…

Lavian: heh, just try it… what can you do?!

Charles: ::light particles are gathering into him… a huge amount of them… are entering his entire body::

Lavian: ::thinking:: overflow?! But there’s no light in this tomb… is he… GATHERING IT FROM OUTSIDE?!

Charles: ::his entire body shining brightly as he walks towards Lavian::

Lavian: …stay back! I command you!

Charles: ::continues to walk forward::

Lavian: ::thinking:: My cat’s eye… has lost its effect?!

Charles body suddenly explodes with light energy, illuminating the entire room… Lavian shields her eyes…

Lavian: what is this?!

Charles: ::his entire body is almost as if it’s light itself… you can’t see his face or his body… it’s just like every part of his body is light… however, his eyes are still somewhat visible:: ::the light energy around him suddenly explodes out so that his body is now visible, except he has a strange aura of light around him::

Lavian: …tch, you think you scare me?! ::rushes forward and strikes at Charles with her glowing red nails… her hand collides with Charles’ body and suddenly melts away:: ?!

Lavian rushes back screaming as her hand is melted off…

Charles: It’s over for you…

Lavian: ::her hand isn’t regenerating since it’s melted away:: ugh!

Charles: Try to heal from this! ::points both hands out at her as if he’s about to fire a beam::

Lavian: wait, wait…!

Charles: ::moves towards Lavian, his body creating afterimages behind it from the light::

Lavian: stop!

Charles appears right in front of Lavian, pointing both hands at her face as if he’s about to fire a beam from point blank…


The light explodes into a beam which covers the entire room in a blinding flash...

Lavian: ::screaming, her body being disintegrated… every single part of it::

The light calms down and disappears… Charles is now the only one in the room…

Charles: … ::the slashes that Lavian gave him are bleeding heavily:: Looks like I absorbed too much light energy for my body to handle… damn… ::falls to the ground:: ::his fingers are turning into light particles and flying away, moving down to his hand, his arm, and to his body:: ::thinking:: So this is what happens if you overdo on overflow?... you disintegrate into light?... DAMN! Oh well…

Charles’ entire body disintegrates into light particles which fly away… a strange song begins to play again…

Finding no reason to fight,

Yet having a burning desire to give your all,

Having heart is but one part,

Having love is the other.

Meanwhile, with Tsubasa and Vlaka… Tsubasa has Vlaka in a hold… he explodes out of the organic walls and outside into the sky above utopia…

Vlaka: tch! How the hell can you defeat me?! I’ll just regenerate again!

Tsubasa: Well then, let’s fucking see! ::throws Vlaka into the air as Vlaka regains his balance with a flap of his wings of blood:: ::Tsubasa goes into a gatotsu type stance with nothing in his hands::

Vlaka: Bring it on!

Tsubasa: ::stabs forward with nothing in his hands… cherry blossoms burst out from his hand and start to whiz around Vlaka, slashing him up:: ::Tsubasa puts both his hands to his sides as if he’s about to draw two invisible swords, he flies in a 360 degree circle then straight into the storm of cherry blossoms… Tsubasa disappears in the storm of cherry blossoms as several shadows start to slash Vlaka from all sides… Tsubasa flies out of the back of the cherry blossom storm, holding out his hands as if he just drew two swords::

The cherry blossoms disperse…

Tsubasa: …shadow stab…

Vlaka is missing an arm and a leg… and has several parts of his body severely damaged… and bleeding profusely…

Vlaka: ::starts to laugh:: ::blood surrounds his entire body and it heals up automatically:: You can’t kill me… it’s impossible!

Tsubasa: …I’ll just have to do it as many times as it takes! I’m already pretty sure that your stupid girlfriend is dead too! So that means it’s possible to kill you regenerating freaks!

Vlaka: ::suddenly grows angry:: I’m going to kill you!

Tsubasa: just try you freak!

Vlaka: ::suddenly sheds his entire skin… he is now just a skeleton with blood surrounding it, similar to the thing he sent to fight Osaru::

Tsubasa: so that’s your true form?

Death Vlaka: hahaha, yes… do you like it?...

Tsubasa: No, it’s disgusting…

Death Vlaka: Well I’m sorry… but… ::creates a scythe of blood:: I LIKE IT! ::flies forward at Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: Shadow Slash… ::turns into a shadow fang which rips through Death Vlaka, he appears out of Death Vlaka holding both of his hands out as if he just drew two swords::

Death Vlaka: ::is cut into four pieces as if he was just cut diagonally:: ::his body suddenly reforms:: Impossible I’m telling you! IMPOSSIBLE! ::throws the scythe of blood at Tsubasa, then repeatedly creates scythes and throws them::

Tsubasa: ::flies over one spinning scythe then knocks another one away with a kick:: bastard…

Two more scythes of blood are flying at Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: ::puts both of his hands to his sides as if he’s about to draw invisible swords:: TWIN SHADOW SWORD! ::swings both of his hands to his sides as whip-like blades of shadow knock the scythes away:: ::automatically points his palm at Death Vlaka:: SHADOW SYMMETRY!

A hand of shadow bursting with cherry blossoms fires out of Tsubasa’s hand and towards Death Vlaka.

Death Vlaka: ::creates another scythe of blood and slashes it away:: hahahaha! ::points hand at Tsubasa:: Crimson rain!

Tsubasa: ::points hand at Death Vlaka:: SHADOW SPELL!

The two invisible attacks meet in midair and explode…

Death Vlaka: hah! ::blood bursts from his body in spike form and fire at Tsubasa::

Tsubasa: ::a storm of cherry blossoms surrounds him, ripping up the spikes of blood:: You’re really testing my nerves!

Death Vlaka: why?! BECAUSE I’M STRONGER?!

Blood suddenly comes out from the organic walls of the room they were originally in and rushes out the hole Tsubasa and Vlaka created… it surrounds itself in the air around Vlaka…

Death Vlaka: Now then… die!

The large amount of blood transforms into large spikes which fire rapidly at Tsubasa…

Tsubasa: ::dodges the spikes by flying around and barrel rolling in the air:: ugh!

Death Vlaka: come on god of death! LET ME TASTE YOUR BLOOD!

Tsubasa: ::stops barrelrolling and quickly unleashes a shadow sword which cuts Death Vlaka in half::

Death Vlaka reforms his body again…

Death Vlaka: How many times do I have to tell you?! You can’t kill me! We’re even in our skills… it just depends on who wants it more!

Tsubasa: ::smiles:: you’re right… ::flys at Death Vlaka as his wings burst with cherry blossoms::

Death Vlaka: …heh, fool!

Down where Miharu and Naharu are...

Miharu: Isn’t that…?

Naharu: It’s that tubby guy… and the blood monster.

The citizens of utopia suddenly begin to explode with sprays of blood…

Naharu: …!

Miharu: ::looks at Vlaka:: He’s doing this?!

Naharu: The extent of his powers reach all the way down here?...

The blood from all the citizens of Utopia surround Death Vlaka.

Death Vlaka: ::as Tsubasa is rocketing towards him:: EVEN YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO LEAVE UNSCATHED FROM THIS! The attack I prepared just for you!


Death Vlaka: ::points palm at Tsubasa:: YES!

The massive amount of blood surrounds Death Vlaka’s body and creates a much larger one… just as big as the giant youkai if not larger. His body is still in the shape of a skeleton with bloody wings…

Devil Vlaka: DIE!

Tsubasa: you first! ::points hands at Devil Vlaka as if he’s about to stab him… he stops in midair and thrusts his hand forward… a shadow rushes out like a very long sword, cherry blossoms are spinning around it as it stabs through Devil Vlaka’s body::

Devil Vlaka: Not enough! You can’t come within this range of me and not expect to survive!

Blood sprays out of Devil Vlaka’s body in the form of skeletons with scythes… they fly at Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: ::stops the shadow stab he just did, spins and unleashes long whip like blades of shadow at the mini devil vlakas::

The smaller vlakas explode when hit and like shrapnel… the blood sprays out in every direction… stabbing Tsubasa in several places.

Tsubasa: Tch! Damn!

Devil Vlaka: Now that you have wounds… it’s over! ::puts giant skeleton hands on either side of Tsubasa:: Crimson rain!

Blood starts to pour out of Tsubasa’s wounds and form around his neck, legs, and arms… strangling him… so his own blood is basically binding him while killing him…

Devil Vlaka: ::evil laugh, booming:: GOOD BYE!

Blood splatters out of Tsubasa’s wounds… a huge amount… and Tsubasa goes falling to the ground.

Devil Vlaka: I finally have your blood to add to my collection!

Tsubasa: ::eyes closed, thinking as he’s falling:: Who do you think you are?... I’m still breathing… I’m still alive… even if I lose my organs, brain, liver, what have you… I’m still the god of death… don’t underestimate me! ::eyes suddenly burst open as he regains his position in the air and bursts off with a flap of his wings, releasing cherry blossoms from them with each flap::

Devil Vlaka: …what?! How are you still moving?!... I sucked the blood right from your body!

Tsubasa: Shut up… bitch! I shall show you the interdimensional slash… ::swings hands to one side as if he’s about to draw an invisible sword:: Shadow Spell Sword!

Devil Vlaka: Shadow spell sword?... YOU THINK I’LL LET YOU?!

Devil Vlaka moves towards Tsubasa to attack before he can unleash it, but shadows suddenly burst out of his body, ripping it up and stopping him from moving.

Devil Vlaka: what’s this?! ::eyes widen, remembers when Mika’s grandmother stabbed her hand through him and disappeared:: SHE SOMEHOW STABBED HERSELF INSIDE OF ME?!

Tsubasa: ::smiles a maniacal smile:: your luck just ran out… ::draws and swings an invisible sword… a flurry of cherry blossoms whips through the air, but nothing else happens::

Devil Vlaka: …well then, where’s this powerful attack of yours?!

A large black gash is on Devil Vlaka’s body.

Devil Vlaka: ?!

The large black gash suddenly begins to grow.

Devil Vlaka: NO! I will not go! You will never be rid of me!

Tsubasa: ::pointing palm at Devil Vlaka::

Devil Vlaka: ?!

Tsubasa: Goodbye… ::closes his palm into a fist::

The black gash explodes into a torrent of shadow… the shadow settles down and grows smaller and smaller until it disappears… along with Death Vlaka.

Tsubasa: that’s right… bitch… ::wings disperse into cherry blossoms as Tsubasa falls towards the ground::

Osaru moves right under him and catches him.

Tsubasa: Damn… I thought that I’d be the one to kill Joule…

Osaru disappers and Tsubasa lands on his ass, transformed back into Cuong.

Miharu: ::runs up to Cuong::

Naharu: ::standing back, looking at him::

Miharu: ::looks back at Miharu:: he’s really pale.

Naharu: …it’s because he’s lost all the blood in his body… he shouldn’t have been able to do that last attack… but I guess it was a mixture of willpower and the death berserker spirit… he cheated death one last time…

Miharu: …he’s dead…?

Naharu: yeah… ::looks over utopia, which has blood splattered all over its marble floor and white buildings:: perfect world… nonsense…

A strange and eerie song begins to play…

Life goes on,

No matter if you want to stay.

Time is time,

Even for those who pray,

For the times to stop,

The pain to drop…

So I’ll give you one last voice,

One last time,

To be here again…

Once more.

Back with Joe…

Joe: urgh! ::kicks Seph straight to the ground and unleashes several blue ryuuseis after him::

Seph: ::knocks the blue ryuuseis away with his black twin ryuusei and flies back up:: I’m getting tired of you!

Calamity: ::attacks Joe from behind with a heavenly 8::

Joe: ::spins quickly and blocks with the cursed ryuusei:: Dammit!

Calamity: Come on you moron! Where’s this powerful new technique of yours?!

Joe: give me one chance and I’ll show you it!

Joe knocks Calamity away… both her and Seph rush at Joe at the same time from opposite sides.

Joe: ::puts the cursed ryuusei together with his other hands and splits them apart so that one ryuusei is on each hand… both have really long tails:: twin curse!

Joe blocks both of their attacks with the ryuuseis on each hand… he then pushes them away a bit and starts swinging the two ryuuseis around… the long tails trailing along…

Calamity: ::can’t get closer because of the slashing effect of the tails:: damn…

Seph: ::fires more black ryuuseis at Joe::

Joe: ::reforms the cursed ryuusei and slashes the black ryuuseis away::

Joe suddenly gets hit in the back by 8 golden beams…which blast him straight into the ground…

Joe: dammit!

Seph appears right in front of Joe and kicks him straight in the face… Joe slides along the ground for a while… Calamity hits him with 8 golden beams again while he’s sliding. Joe hits the ground hard as his wings disperse from the pressure of the attacks…

Joe: ::thinking:: Dammit… I need to get one of them to stop attacking for a while so I can take out the other… damn… ::breathing heavily::

Seph: I hate people who are all talk… you seriously need to die! Telling us about a new technique… hah!

Calamity: Yeah… I knew you were full of shit…

Joe: Why don’t you guys stop attacking two on one and then we’ll see if I’m full of shit or not…

Seph: hmm… no, I don’t think so…

Seph and Calamity get ready to fire their attacks at Joe while he’s on the ground.

Joe: …

Suddenly, smoke billows up and surrounds Calamity, binding her…

Calamity: what?!

Kevin: ::on the floor, pointing his palm at Calamity as smoke surrounds her::

Calamity: you?!

Joe: …Thanks Kevin!... ::looks serious and stares at Seph:: Now it’s over… ::looks back at Kevin:: Just hold her for a couple more seconds!

Kevin: ::Looking weak::

Calamity: what are you?!

Seph: you bastard… ::flies at Kevin::

Joe: Seph… it’s time for you to go bye bye! ::blue flame bursts from his back, he disappears in a flash and reappears in front of Kevin before Seph is about to attack::

Seph: ?!

Joe: ::eyes turning blank blue:: Goodbye Seph…

Seph: what?!

Joe: ::time seems to stop as the area within a 30 yard radius of Joe gets illuminated blue in his eyes… Seph is inside the blue area… as if he’s in range and being targeted::

Back to the week Joe was pretending to be a dog… one night…

Joe: ::staring at a makeshift dummy:: ::the dummy has slash marks all over it:: …the shiroki won’t do enough damage to Seph to kill him quickly enough… I need an attack that can kill a berserker before he can regenerate or counter attack… a pure assassination type of technique…

Joe goes up to the dummy and checks it out…

Joe: This is hopeless… I have to do something drastic to Seph to kill him with one move… especially if the others can’t get here…

Joe realizes something… ten minutes later…

Joe: ::counting the number of steps he walks:: 30… 30 yards… ::makes a line in the sand with his foot and looks back at the dummy:: okay… ::turns to face the dummy, eyes turn blue:: focus… visualize what you want to do and do it… just like when you created the ryuusei… focus… ::wings of blue flame explode from Joe’s back for a split second, rocketing him instantly in front of the dummy, Joe skids to a stop:: …Too slow… I need more power to get there as quickly as possible… ::realizes:: I need the speed of the shiroki… that time stopping type of technique like the tengen… to target them so I can’t mess up… and to generate the speed to do it… I could also rip through the air with the cursed ryuusei to get the strike in… okay… let’s try it…

Joe runs back to the 30 step mark…

Joe: Okay, start out like you want to do the shiroki… urr… how’d I do it?... whatever… visualize the times you did the shiroki… don’t use the slashes though… and get faster… use all the explosive speed from the attack without saving some in case they’re far away because they’ll be 30 yards in front of you for this attack… no farther… so no need to save the rest of your energy… go as fast as possible… and raise enough destruction to kill them with one hit… ::eyes turn blank blue:: ::an area of space 30 yards away in all directions glows blue in Joe’s eyes as if everything in the area is being targeted… the dummy is within the area::

10 seconds later…

Joe: uhh…

The dummy’s shoulders, neck, and most of its upper body including the heart and lungs are cleanly gone.

Joe: okay… that worked…

Back to the present…

Joe: ::time starts back up again:: SANDANZUKI! ::the wings of the nagareboshi burst explosively from his back for a split second as the cursed ryuusei screeches::

Joe disappears and all Seph can see is the long comet like tail of the cursed ryuusei coming towards him quickly and silently.

Seph: this?... ::flies backwards, but the strange tail keeps on following him aiming at his heart:: ::getting desperate:: TAKE THIS! ::swings the twin ryuusei at the tail’s image…::

It does nothing and the next thing Seph knows… Joe has reappeared, the cursed ryuusei stabbed through his heart.

Joe: Seph… this is the end…

The two ryuuseis that make up the cursed ryuusei suddenly unravel and fire out at 90 degree angles through Seph’s shoulders… the long tails of the ryuuseis ripping through his entire upper body. It takes out his shoulders, heart, neck and chest… striking three places at once… Seph looks shocked as his body begins to disappear into black feathers…

Joe: ::lands on the ground and watches as the black feathers slowly float away:: You were but a nightmare… and the nightmare is over…

Calamity: ::shocked look::

Kevin’s eyes are slowly flickering… and they shut finally… the smoke around Calamity disappears as she flies straight down at Joe…

Calamity: YOU ASSHOLE! ::kicks towards Joe’s head… but her leg passes right through:: ?!

Joe: ??????

Calamity’s leg is transparent and is disappearing…

Calamity: what is…?

Joe: ::looks down at his hands, which are slowly flickering transparent:: I killed Seph… so now, both of us are going to die too…

Calamity turns back into Vanity…

Vanity: You… damn you! Why would you do this if you were going to go down too?! You idiot!

Joe: It’s better this way… better than seeing you like this… I don’t want you to be this way! You’re so much better than this!

Vanity: what the hell are you talking about? The only thing you have done is kill us all!

Joe: us all?... shut up… ::fading away quickly::

They both disappear totally… Joe and Vanity find themselves in a large field of flowers…

Joe: …what the…? I’ve been here before…

Deity: Yeah…

Joe: After I died… this is where you talked to me…

Deity: Yup, it is…

Joe: What happened? Weren’t you Vanity just now?

Deity: Don’t know… but I guess after we disappeared… we must have changed back to our original forms…

Joe: ::looks at the back of his left hand:: my trance is gone…

Deity: My powers seem to be gone too…

The edges of the giant field of flowers begin to wither away… it’s moving towards Joe and Deity.

Joe: well, I guess this is how berserkers die…

Deity: Probably… this sucks… so… shitty.

Joe: yeah… but at least we have each other’s company… hahaha

Joe and Deity look at each other awkwardly…

Cuong: ahem… ::sitting between the two:: I’m here too…

Joe: CUONG?! What the hell?!

Cuong: yeah… it was getting kinda weird here… I guess since I’m “technically” a berserker… I’m here too…

Joe: …I see… so you died…

Cuong: …DIED?! Shit… is that what happened?...

Deity: …idiot…

Cuong: umm, guys… the decaying stuff is getting near us…

Joe: …yeah… this sucks…

Deity: majorly…

Cuong: sigh… guess I’m going into “seclusion”…

The rotting flowers reach the three… and they disappear… instead of a song, one word echoes throughout…


Jason: ::senses something::

Khoi: what was that feeling?

Jason: …don’t know…

Neko-chan: …it seems that our numbers are dropping like flies…

Jason: No, nobody would lose that easily…

Jason and Neko-chan are right in front of the tower…

Jason: well, should we go in?

Neko-chan: You should fucking knock….

Jason: Not my style… ::kicks the doors down::

Jason and Neko-chan whistle… the inside of the tower is like an old stone cathedral, except the stained glass windows depict flame and flame alone.

Jason: wonder how much this place cost Joule…

Neko-chan: fucking… probably a lot… ::scratches Jason:: HE HAS THE POWER TO MANIPULATE ANYTHING NOW! So remember, be on your guard!

Khoi: oooOOooh! Can he make my dick bigger?!...

Jason: …

Neko-chan: …


Jason: ::punches his own head:: Shut up in there… this is the final battle… against a god-like opponent… ::walking through the tower:: We must be on our guard…

Khoi: yeah… but how are we going to hurt an elemental? Now that he has the power to manipulate things… we probably can’t hurt him.

Neko-chan: Well… I have a plan for that… ::jumps off of Jason’s shoulder and runs off:: When you fucking find him… don’t fight him until you get the sign…

Jason: What sign?...

Neko-chan: You’ll see…

Neko-chan runs off…

Jason: ::looking around:: ::sees a giant malevolent looking door:: Well then, I bet he’s behind this door… so yeah…

Jason opens the door… the inside of the room is totally red… there’s stone steps leading up to a huge piano… and in front of the steps is a large crevice... there’s a red glow, indicating that there might be flames at the bottom…

Jason: well, well, well… isn’t this quite… uhh… the home…

Flame bursts from in front of the piano… the flame takes human shape and turns into Joule…

Joule: I was wondering when you’d get here SS…

Jason: Well, I hate to disappoint…

Joule: ::looks around:: all alone?... odd… I could have sworn that you brought more people than my men were capable of taking out… maybe Vlaka was able to take care of more of them than I thought…

Jason: All he took care of was a little girl… you sick son of a bitch…

Joule: ::confused:: I’m sick?... You are wrong SS… I’m not sick… you and your kind are sick…

Khoi: viets?

Jason: ::punches his head again:: shut up!

Joule: look at my utopia… no pain, no suffering…

Jason: You allowed Vlaka to butcher them… you raized the land when they rebelled…

Joule: what did you expect me to do? To maintain a perfect society… some sacrifices are necessary… they felt no pain when Vlaka used them, I guarantee you that.

Jason: Has the power of the gates warped your perception of no pain?

Joule: I guarantee you… I am in full control of those powers… ::stares at Jason:: How much do you know about me SS? How much did Ecstasy tell you during the short time she was with you?

Jason: She taught me enough…

Joule: I see… heh… I was born in a war torn country SS… I was sold to the company at a young age and was the first of many projects… I was treated constantly with mindbending pills… pain was always a requirement for these. The company had gotten twenty children from my country to experiment on… I was the only one to survive…

Jason: …

Joule: yet… I was grateful that I survived… the pain I experienced during the project creation… was nothing compared to that country… fighting as children… forced to fight… fight… fight… and kill… I always asked myself, how long would I have to do this? How long would I have to survive? I wanted to die so that the anxiety of death would disappear… I didn’t want anyone to experience what I did… so I made some changes…

Jason: your changes were stupid

Joule: … ::smiles::

Jason: don’t smile… you don’t mean it…

Joule: you’re right… ::sits down on a nearby throne-like chair:: will you join me SS?

Jason: …what?

Joule: the group I created has been destroyed by the group you have brought… I need to build up a new group of guardians… and start a new people… because Vlaka went a little too crazy on using them for ammo… it will be fine though, I still have enough power to do it.

Jason: I would never join you…

Joule: … ::serious:: Even when you have nobody else to go back to?

Jason: …?

Joule: the group you have brought… all of them are dead… I can sense it… my elemental powers have grown far beyond what they originally were… yours and mine are all dead.

Jason: you’re wrong…

Joule: No, trust me, I know… they are all dead… and as for the other three from the Jugan tournament… I will kill them as soon as I’m done here… so join me SS… you have nowhere else to go back to… there’s no guarantee that you can change the world back to that shithole.

Jason: even I believed you about them being dead… why the hell would I ever join you?... fag…

Khoi: yeah, fag…

Joule: Fine, I tried to reason with you… but it seems that my words fell upon deaf ears…

Jason: ::eyes suddenly turn red and wings of red and white energy burst from his back, he rushes at Joule::

Joule: trying to take me by surprise… will not work…

Joule’s body expands into flame which knocks Jason back and through a pillar.

Jason: ugh…

Joule: here SS… just to show you that you can’t hurt me… ::opens arms wide:: take your best shot

Jason: ::points wings of energy at the ceiling and fires two red beams::

The beams of energy hit the ceiling which crumbles down on joule…

Jason: there, that’s my best shot.

Flame rises from the mound of stone and turns into Joule again…

Joule: When will you learn?... ::points two fingers at Jason:: I am flame!

Parts of Jason’s body start to explode in flame…

Jason: ugh!

Joule: Flame can’t be hurt… Flame is all consuming… ::fires at Jason again:: Flame destroys one thing to lead to the creation of another!

Jason: flame doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up! ::eyes turn gold, wings turn into wings of gold energy:: infinite trance… reis dragoon! ::creates a sword of golden energy and slashes the ground up, throwing large slabs of the ground at Joule::

Joule: ::blows them away with flame:: is that all?

Jason: No! This move hurt you once… and it can hurt you again! ::sticks out his arms in front of him… gold energy starts to circle them as he spins his hands rapidly… the gold energy spinning around his hands look like the wings of the tengen with gold lightning crackling around them:: ::time seems to stop and several lines of gold appear to come from jason’s wings and tengen towards Joule, as if targeting him:: ::time starts up again:: TENGEN!

A large number of golden beams fire from Jason’s wings and energy tengen… they all pass through him as he turns to flame…

Joule: pointless…

Jason: ::eyes grow fierce:: ::the tengen starts to spin in the opposite direction:: TSUKI NO KAASU!

A large translucent beam fires at Joule…

Joule: It will not work again…

The tsuki no kaasu hits Joule… but does nothing…

Jason: ?!

Joule: Do you understand Project SS?... In this world, even your most powerful attacks cannot harm me… ::points palm at Jason::

Flame explodes around Jason then implodes… the smoke from the attack clears and Jason is breathing heavily… his trance is off…

Jason: dammit…

Joule: This is my world super suave…

Jason: sure it is… fatty…

Joule: … ::not fat:: You’re not worth any more of my time… I will have to start this world anew without you… but with my other apprentice… ::suddenly throws his hand up at Jason again and fires a flamethrower at him… slamming him through many more pillars and through a wall::

Jason turns back into Khoi…

Khoi: ow…

Khoi notices something falling at him fast… he rolls out of the way as a huge icicle slams into the ground…

Khoi: Al?

Alpha Z: ::wearing the same mask she used to wear:: ::takes it off:: Yes…

Khoi: umm… WE CAN WORK IT OUT! I mean… I like parts of you, you like parts of me…

Al: I don’t like parts of you… you disgust me

Khoi: … ::Makes struggling noises:: STOP LEADING ME ON THEN WOMAN!

Al: shut up! ::swings her hand up, firing more icicles at Khoi::

Khoi: Umm… ::makes drifting noises as he “drifts” around them:: oooOOOooh!

Al: …retarded fool! ::points both hands at Khoi:: ::fires bursts of cold wind at him::

Khoi: My fat insulates my body heat! LIKE A WALRUS! SO TAKE THAT YOU SONUVABITCH!!... ::crouches below the bursts of cold wind:: ::the tips of his hair are frozen:: ::Makes struggling noises:: DON’T MAKE ME LOOK METRO!...

Al: why won’t you die?!

Khoi: don’t make me nuttap you!

Al fires more ice attacks at Khoi… all of them seem to be missing.

Khoi: umm… are you even trying?

Al: of course I am you fool! I’m Joule’s apprentice! He’s the only one who’s ever cared for me!

Khoi: …umm… ::raises hand:: I LIKED YOU TOO!

Al: you don’t like anyone! YOU LUST AFTER ANYONE WITH HAIR!

Khoi: ::Makes struggling noises:: STONE COLD DIDN’T HAVE HAIR AND I LUSTED AFTER HIM…!... wait, what the fuck am I saying? ::dodges more ice blasts::

Al: shut up! Shut up! You confuse everything!

Khoi: Umm… I’m confused too…

Al: …

Khoi: umm… if I touch your boobs, will that clear anything up?

Al: NO!

Khoi: umm… can I do it anyways?...

Al: … ::points her fingers at Khoi… they shoot out icicles at him::

Khoi: ::smacks the icicles away:: stop it now!

Al: … ::thinking:: How’d he…

Khoi: You know as well as I do that this world is messed up! For one, I haven’t seen a hooters at all since I’ve been here!

Al: …

Khoi: So, why are you helping him?... you’re made up of parts of Joe and Deity, so you should understand that this is wrong! You should also understand that nuttaps hurt! A LOT!

Al: …

Khoi: ::thinks about what he just said:: OH SHIT! You’re made up of parts of Joe and Deity… that’s pretty sick… why’d I like you?! I’LL SMACK THE JOE OUTTA YOU!


Khoi: …oooOOOoooh? PROVE IT! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT! oooOOOoh! Who said that?...

Al: …shut up! ::rushes at Khoi and creates a blade of ice on her hand::

Al swings the blade of ice at Khoi… Khoi catches it with a finger…

Al: ?!

Khoi: You can’t hurt me… can you? It’s not in you.

Al: What’s not in me! I HAVE EXACTLY WHAT IT TAKES!

Khoi: ::spins and pokes her in the stomach::

Al: ::walks backwards from the poke:: what the hell are you doing?!

Joule: ::appears behind Al:: Al, if you can’t kill him… shall I?

Al: No, I can do it!


Joule: …joemo?

Khoi: …oh right… that only applies to Joe… I MEAN, YOU… ::thinks:: FAG!

Al: …

Joule: enough… I shall finish him for you Al… ::points hand at Khoi:: goodbye SS…

Neko-chan suddenly drops on Joule’s face…

Joule: ?!

Neko-chan: dammit you fucking fag… ::looking at Khoi:: I told you not to fight him until I gave you the fucking sign!

Khoi: ?!

Neko-chan: ::as joule is trying to pry him off his face:: faggot… this is the last power I’m going to fucking give you… so this is sayonara and good riddance mother fucker…

Khoi: what are you…?

Neko-chan: I’m going to give you the power… to kill Joule… so fuck him up good… or I’ll be pissed…! ::starts to glow bright white::

Khoi: …?!

Neko-chan suddenly disappears into nothingness…

Joule: That cat… scratched me… ::grabs the sides of his face which are actually bleeding from the scratches:: … ::shocked::

Al: ?!

Khoi: ::staring at Joule:: He wasn’t a cat! HE WAS A FUCKING BERSERKER SPIRIT YOU ASSHOLE!

Khoi runs at Joule and tackles him away…

Joule: My elemental powers… aren’t working?!

Al: Joule!

Khoi: ::points at Joule:: Give up now! You have no chance of winning without your powers!

Al: stop it all of you! ::points at Khoi:: your opponent is me!

Khoi: No! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! I’m defeating joule now! No time for you fatty!

Al: …fatty?...

Joule: ::totally serious:: Just because I don’t have elemental powers… doesn’t mean I’m weak! ::actually looks angry:: ::runs at Khoi and punches at him with a fist of red flame::

Khoi: ::ducks under it and hits Joule in the nuts::

Joule: ::grabs his balls and moves backwards:: Ugh… ::puts his middle and index fingers together and points them at Khoi:: flame shotgun!

Khoi: ::parts of his body start to explode in red flame:: ::thinking:: a fast attack!

Joule: ::sticks his hand out in claw position, it surrounds itself with red flame:: PHOENIX METEOR! ::rushes at Khoi::

Khoi: ::forms a crazy 8:: CRAZY 8! ::rushes at Joule::

The two attacks collide… the crazy 8 splitting the flame every which way from the phoenix meteor… Khoi jumps back and does a leg sweep towards Joule… Joule jumps over it and points the flame shotgun down at Khoi again…

Joule: flame shotgun!

Khoi spins into a headstand and jumps off his hands at Joule… his foot connecting directly under Joule’s chin…

Joule: ::lands on the ground and quickly rolls to his feet:: Since when did you get so powerful without transforming?

Khoi: umm… I don’t feel like telling you?

Joule: fine then… but… It’s over now…

Khoi: …how so?

Joule: I have placed the mark of the phoenix on you… ::snaps his fingers… Khoi suddenly explodes into red flame::

Khoi: argh!

The red flame dies down, but Khoi is totally fine…

Khoi: ?!

Joule: The flame will keep burning you until it breaks your mind… then the flame will burn your body… even if I’m not an elemental, this attack still makes me stronger than you!

Joule continuously burns Khoi as he screams…

Joule: ::kicks Khoi in the stomach and back into the room with the large piano and red walls:: You sicken me SS… I gave you a chance to join me and you spat in my face… You must die!

Al ::looking on::

Khoi: ::notices Al:: Al… you’re not a bad person… so you don’t have to listen to someone like…

Khoi’s body gets ignited into flame again…

Joule: ::seething:: Silence! Why would anybody listen to you? Nobody respects you at all! That’s why you’re now alone… your so-called friends couldn’t even pull through for you at all! ::kicks Khoi again as the flame dies down:: They all died, none of them thinking to help you during this battle… AND THAT’S WHY YOU MUST SUFFER SO! ::kicks Khoi again::

Khoi suddenly rises up quickly and punches Joule in the stomach… he then spins and punches at his head…

Joule: ::grabs Khoi’s arm, steps forward, puts it behind Khoi’s head in a lock and slams him down to the floor:: You’re a fool… you are worthless… you can’t stop me because you’ll never amount to anything but a bumbering fool whose only recluse is to act as stupid as possible…

Khoi: shut up!

Joule: You tell me to stop because you know it to be true…! You won’t join me! You won’t help me! It’s your ignorance… your dirty ignorance that inhibits you! You’re worthless SS! YOU HEAR ME?! WORTHLESS!

Khoi: geez, what made you so angry… was it because I hit you in the nuts?

Joule: ::stomps on the back of Khoi’s head again:: You’re stupid… in every sense of the word… ::walking away from Khoi:: You think you can win, but you can’t… you think you have friends, but you don’t… you think you’re a good person, BUT YOU AREN’T… You’re just a fool and nothing more! And fools must die! ::points at a pillar that he knocked Jason through earlier::

The pillar rises up off the ground and suddenly sharpens up…

Joule: I still have the power to control this world… remember that! Yet I can’t do anything to change you… because you’ll never amount to anything anyways! SO JUST DIE! ::points at Khoi::

The sharpened pillar of stone fires at Khoi…

Khoi: ::thinking:: I can’t dodge… too much pain…

Al jumps in front of the pillar and fires a sharp icicle through it… the icicle splits the stone apart and hits Joule right in the chest, impaling him… pieces of the stone pillar explode and shatter… large and sharp pieces embedding themselves in Al’s body.

Khoi: ?!

Joule: ::shocked as he looks at the icicle lodged in his chest:: Al… why… you…

Al: ::pieces of stone stuck in her body:: let’s stop it now… we’ve gone far enough…

Joule: … ::backing away to the crevice:: Al… ::choking up blood::

Al: I wanted to help you do everything you wanted… but you’ve changed… the power has warped your mind.

Joule: …

Al: Joule… I loved you… but you’re gone now…

Joule: ::angry:: YOU CHOSE HIM OVER ME?!

Al: No! ::bleeding badly:: I just… this world… the people… there’s more suffering than there was before… and nothing good to balance it!

Joule: Al… I’m… disappointed in you… ::falls backwards into the crevice::

Al: Joule! ::moves forward, but falls to her knees while choking up blood::

Khoi: ::on the ground, in pain:: you… why…? Why?!

Al: get out of here… don’t… just… get out…

Khoi: ::getting up slowly:: are you kidding me?... You didn’t have to do that!

Al: heh, it’s fine… I was supposed to die anyway… I was never supposed to exist… I wasn’t born… I was created in a laboratory… I don’t… need this life…

Khoi: …again… ::remember Anne:: it’s happening again… it’s always the same…

Al: It’s not your fault… it’s always… our own choices… ::eyes close::

Khoi: ::stands up, staring down:: our own choices…?

The tower suddenly starts to creak and shift… Khoi looks around in surprise…

Khoi: What’s…

The tower totally disappears… the only thing remaing is the glowing orange crevice… they’re now in Utopia… there is blood everywhere along with destruction… every utopian citizen is dead… the blood skeletons that Joule was using are all on the ground, melting…

Khoi: ::looking around:: Jason… are you seeing this?

Jason: I’m still hurt from fighting with Joule… but yeah… this is horrible…

Khoi: … ::Notices familiar bodies on the floor:: He wasn’t lying…

Jason: yeah… they’re all gone…

Khoi: …dammit… DAMMIT! Why the hell isn’t this world changing back?! JOULE’S DEAD! NEKO-CHAN! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU FURRY BASTARD! BRING THEM BACK! BRING THEM ALL BACK!

Jason: shut up… there’s nothing more we can do…

Khoi: they were my friends! DON’T TELL ME THAT THERE’S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO!

Jason: wait… do you feel that?

Khoi: ::senses something::

Flames explode all throughout Utopia… disintegrating the dead bodies…

Khoi: ::the flame not touching him::

Jason: BEHIND!

Khoi: ::transforms into Jason and turns around::

A giant monster like creature resembling a giant snake with several claws on its side and flame burning on pores throughout its body rises up from the crevice where Joule fell…It towers over Jason…

Jason: What the hell is that?...

The creature’s mouth opens up… revealing a human face… the face of Joule… really disfigures as if it’s been burned and scarred horribly.

Joule: ::in a voice that resembles Joule’s except it’s as if two voices are speaking at once, one deep malevolent one and Joule’s:: This is MY WORLD! The world I have strived to create! A world without pain, suffering, sadness… a world without humans! I see now! I have ascended into a greater being! I realize now what was wrong with my world! THERE WERE STILL HUMANS! THE ROOT OF ALL PAIN! NOW THAT THEY’RE GONE! THERE IS NO MORE PAIN!

The Joule monster stares at Jason…

Joule: You are the only one left… AND YOU MUST DIE!

Jason: what kinda youkai is that? ::being blown back just by being in the presence of it:: It’s fused with Joule?! HOW’S THAT POSSIBLE?!

Khoi: he still had the power to manipulate this world, he must have dumped the rest of that power all into this… he seems to have lost it!

Jason: damn…! All alone… I’m not sure if I can take this thing!

The giant Joule monster fires a black beam of evil energy down at Jason… the beam is huge and is like a giant flood of darkness…

Jason: ::eyes turn red as wings of red and white energy appear on his back:: ::creates a tengen of red and white energy and fires it at the oncoming onslaught of evil energy::

The two energies collide… and start to push against each other… Jason’s is being easily overwhelmed by the monster’s…


The evil energy starts to get much larger and pushes it very close to Jason…

Jason: dammit! INFINITE TRANCE! REIS DRAGOON! ::eyes turn gold and his wings of red and white energy turn gold:: TSUKI NO KAASU!

A huge burst of energy comes from jason’s tengen of gold energy… the large translucent beam of the tengen is desperately pushing against the onslaught of evil energy…

Jason: I can’t pust the evil energy back! I can’t do it! ::drops to one knee as he desperately tries to hold up his attack::

Khoi: come on! We can do it! Just a little more!

The evil energy flooding around Jason’s tsuki no kaasu is destroying the ground all around him… leaving Jason on the only chunk of land able to be stood upon.

Khoi: give it everything! NOW!

Jason: ::wings glow gold and fire out more energy… Jason’s body glows bright gold as the tsuki no kaasu grows even bigger:: ::cuts appearing on his body from the stress of holding up the tsuki no kaasu:: I… CAN’T!

Khoi: dammit!

The evil energy is inching closer and closer to Jason…

Jason: …!

A bright light… Khoi and Jason are in the same place at the same time, looking right at each other…

Khoi: uhh…

Jason: Where the hell are we?

Khoi: …did we lose?

Jason: …it’s possible…

Khoi: ::sighs and sits down:: It’s useless… we can’t win against that thing… not all alone… maybe Joule was right… maybe I’m just an idiot who acts gay all the time…

Jason: Hell no…

Khoi: wah?

Jason: We’re one in the same stupid… if I admit you’re an idiot who acts gay all the time… then I’m an idiot who acts gay all the time… besides… you still managed to have a pretty happy life… and have some good friends… so you see… they must not just think of you in that way.

Khoi: …

Jason: …okay, except maybe Charles… but you have to realize, there are times when you’ll be alone…

Khoi: But I don’t want to be alone…

Jason: You won’t be…. You’ve never been alone… you always had me… and…

More and more people start to enter the void white space that Jason and Khoi are in…

Jason: everybody else…

Cuong: Seriously fatty… if you’re going to give up now, why the hell try in the first place?

Charles: do it foolio! BUT JUST DON’T TOUCH ME!

Jon: …umm… nunununununununununununu?

Seiji: …uhh… don’t know what to say…

Chris: if you don’t win… I’ll smack the french outta you, you failure…

Kevin: ::nods::

Leo: man, Charles’ sister… is hot…

Joe: ::pushes Leo:: Man, you just like anything with hair… hey Khoi, if you don’t beat this guy… you’ll never get laid because he pretty much killed every girl in the world… also… if you can’t beat someone like this… then you’re pitiful… just try your best and it should work out. DO IT, fool!

Sophack: No idea why I’m here… I think I’m going to be in the sequel to TRANCE, but whatever… just do it Khoi… or I’ll never have a role in the story.

Joe: …yeah, what sophack said… and remember since Joule’s really big, you can’t nuttap him… just try your best to do it… we’ll all help too…

Jason: we’re always with you… most of the time…

Khoi: …how could you always be with me most of the time?

Jason: OKAY! We’re always with you… and together… we’re stronger than anything… so it should be easy to overcome this… let’s go.

Jason/Khoi’s eyes open up… the Tsuki no Kaasu is about to be overtaken by the evil energy…

Jason: ::gets back to his feet, the tsuki no kaasu grows bigger::

Joule: it’s futile! YOU ARE NOTHING!

Jason: ::energy is gathering into him from unknown places::

Joule: you are nothing!!!

At Harbor…

Aya: … ::seeing a lot of energy running across the skies:: What is this?...

Sora: …it looks like… energy from the fallen...

Aya: energy from the fallen?

Sora: …just like how on palm island there is the lifeline, a spirit stream of youkai aura… this must be a spirit stream of aura from something else…

Aya: what’s something else?

Sousuke: ::still trying to heal Jon, barely keeping him alive::

Sora: …The aura feels familiar… it must be from those guys…

Miharu and Naharu are watching as the energy floats towards Jason…

Miharu: what is this… ::runs her hand through it:: pure energy?

Naharu: … ::staring off in the distance at the giant youkai and Jason:: What happens now will determine whether we all live or die…

Miharu: ::smiles:: We will definitely live…

The aura is pouring into Jason…

Jason: Joule!

Joule: What is it? You insignificant fool!

Jason: You made one big mistake…

Joule: WHICH IS?!

Jason: You thought you were facing only me… but really… I’M NOT ALONE!

The energy from the tsuki no kaasu bursts brightly as images of everybody appear next to Jason, pointing their hands at Joule…

Joule: Impossible…! YOU’RE ALL DEAD!

Jason: Tengen Final Technique… Holy Dragoon!

A bright golden light extends from Jason… eradicating all the evil energy and surrounding Joule…

Joule: UGH!! ::groans as the light overtakes him::

The light surrounds everything… Khoi is left in a void white space again with Jason…

Khoi: …why are we back here?

Jason: don’t know…

Khoi: …

Jason: I… well… we knew this day would come…

Khoi: …true

Jason: ::sighs:: Well, my job is done here… I guess I can leave you now…

Khoi: That… was what… yeah… it’s supposed to be like this…

Jason: two minds in one body… hah… not a good thing… I had my time… it’s yours now… so I guess… later… ::walks off into nothingness::

Khoi: Later…

Jason: It’s been… a pleasure.

One month later… Khoi wakes up in bed…

Khoi: what a nice dream… it had girls in it! oooOOOooh!

Khoi looks under his sheets…

Khoi: uh oh! Spaghettios!

Khoi’s mom: it’s time for school! Go to school! Now!

At school…

Khoi: ::thinking:: yeah, so… uhh… after all that… I guess you’re wondering… WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!... well, I’m not really sure… oooOOOooh! Nobody remembered anything… they didn’t remember having powers or adventures… they didn’t remember deity, joule, necro… or any of the jugan school people… I didn’t even mention it either… some things said just make you look crazy.

Khoi’s in room 83 talking with the guys…

Khoi: ::thinking again:: It’s really weird…sometimes I wonder if it was just a dream… some fantasy I created…

Khoi’s in his room and finds a bunch of whiskey bottles, catnip, and cigarettes under his bed…

Khoi: ::thinking:: Then I realize it wasn’t…

Khoi is playing games online…

Khoi: ::thinking:: Of course, all of our powers were gone… girls weren’t that attracted to me anymore… so I had to stalk people again… oooOOOooh! But yeah… I seriously did… The good news is…

Khoi is hanging out with everyone…

Khoi: ::thinking:: everybody survived… even Jon… I don’t know what I would do if charles was to leave me… hahahahaha! He’s too commited… that bitch… anyways, for some odd reason… the excuse of Joe moving to Texas when he was actually in Canada with Mika and Aya became true… and he did go to Texas… that bitch… he didn’t remember shit either… and doesn’t remember Deity… of course…

Khoi is walking on the street and sees her pass by…

Khoi: ::staring at Deity walk by with his mouth wide open, he drops a hot dog he has, he quickly picks it up and eats it anyways:: ::thinking:: I found out that she was also real… urr… I mean, still alive! She also lost all her powers… her life also seems to have been changed for the better… I don’t know what her name is now since all her previous names were code… umm… something to do with an –ity?... oooOOOooh? Or maybe she just dropped it, so it’s like dei… or… ecst… ecsta? oooOOOoooh! Yeah, she’s hot… I should… stalk her… online… like a khoi should… and as for Joe…

Khoi’s at the airport holding a Joe “the fag” choe sign…

Khoi: ::thinking:: he eventually came back for our graduation… it was pretty cool…

Joe: uhh…

Khoi: ::starts the 87:: OMG, IT WORKED?!

Joe: …

Khoi: …



Khoi’s on the field for graduation, taking pictures and stuff…

Khoi: ::thinking:: There’s too much new shit to do anyways… WHERE THE HELL IS FUCKING JON AT THE GRADUATION DAMMIT?! Eh… Jon got a car…

Jon: It has buttwarmers!

Khoi: ::nuttaps Jon:: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’M THINKING HERE! So anyways, I guess that’s the end of it all… we graduated… nobody remembered… and we all somehow ended up at the same school… except for Sophack… damn USC bastard… ::shakes fist:: thinks he’s so much better than us because his mascot is a condom!... oh yeah, and Joe’s in Texas now… doing college there… BECAUSE HE’S A FAG! ooOOOoooh! Learning to make pornographic movies!... or at least I hope so… so he can cast me! oooOOooh! So yeah… that’s the story… and whatnot… now I go to eat… ::leaves::

The VSA members blink… not understanding shit about the story Khoi just told them.

VSA member #1: …why the hell did he tell us that story?

VSA member #2: Iono… shut the hell up you sonuvabitch!

VSA member #3: oooOOooh!

All the VSA members: oooOOOooh!



Leo: well then, let’s see what damage Joule did to the world when he changed it… ::turns on a computer:: ::looks shocked:: oh… shit…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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