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chapter 1

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The word philosophy means ________.

|a. |knowledge of the truth |

|b. |wisdom and virtue |

|c. |inner sight |

|d. |the love of wisdom |

|e. |enlightenment |

____ 2. In philosophy, we examine our religious, political, and moral beliefs in order to ________.

|a. |justify them |

|b. |reject them |

|c. |ask whether we should continue to hold them |

|d. |learn how to persuade other people to accept them |

|e. |realize that they are only opinions |

____ 3. By philosophically examining our basic beliefs about reality and life, we ________.

|a. |make them our own |

|b. |learn how to teach them to others |

|c. |learn to understand our society better |

|d. |draw closer to one another as a community |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 4. The freedom of being able to decide for yourself what you will believe in by using your own reasoning ability is ________.

|a. |religion |

|b. |philosophy |

|c. |autonomy |

|d. |acculturation |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 5. Philosophy seeks to understand ________.

|a. |what it means to be a human being |

|b. |the fundamental nature of God and reality |

|c. |the sources and limits of knowledge |

|d. |what is good and right in our lives and in our societies |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 6. Plato's Myth of the Cave illustrates how ________.

|a. |philosophy is difficult |

|b. |philosophy is an activity |

|c. |philosophy deals with basic issues of human existence |

|d. |the aim of philosophy is freedom |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 7. For the prisoners in Plato's Myth of the Cave, reality would consist of nothing but ________.

|a. |mathematical propositions |

|b. |theatrical performances |

|c. |shadows |

|d. |religious beliefs |

|e. |clear and distinct ideas |

____ 8. Plato's Myth of the Cave is part of ________.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |The Apology |

|d. |Crito |

|e. |Man's Search for Meaning |

____ 9. Groupthink is the tendency of cohesive groups to ________.

|a. |gradually lose touch with reality |

|b. |split over divisive issues |

|c. |become increasingly extreme in their doctrines |

|d. |fixate on one or two hot-button topics |

|e. |follow a strong, charismatic leader |

____ 10. According to the Greek philosopher Perictione, while other subjects study a particular aspect of the world, philosophy is different because it ________.

|a. |serves no practical purpose |

|b. |is vague and abstract |

|c. |is concerned with the universe as a whole |

|d. |studies "extra-worldly" things |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 11. Western culture is the cultural tradition that began in ________.

|a. |North and South America |

|b. |ancient Greece and Rome |

|c. |Western Europe and Northern Africa |

|d. |Medieval England |

|e. |the Middle East |

____ 12. The three traditional fields of philosophy are ________.

|a. |metaphysics, epistemology, and logic |

|b. |religion, ethics, and logic |

|c. |metaphysics, logic, and ethics |

|d. |epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics |

|e. |ethics, metaphysics, and religion |

____ 13. Epistemology is the study of ________.

|a. |the origins of language |

|b. |knowledge and related concepts |

|c. |the nature and structure of reality |

|d. |the foundations of human behavior |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 14. Epistemology is concerned with ________.

|a. |the structure, reliability, extent, and kinds of knowledge |

|b. |the meaning of truth |

|c. |logic and a variety of strictly linguistic concerns |

|d. |the possibility and foundations of all knowledge |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 15. According to the feminist philosopher Gail Stenstad, male thinking assumes that there is only one true view of reality and that any contrary views must be rejected as ________.

|a. |false |

|b. |patriarchal |

|c. |heresy |

|d. |feminist |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 16. Metaphysics is the study of ________.

|a. |the origins of language |

|b. |the meaning of truth |

|c. |the nature and structure of reality |

|d. |knowledge and related concepts |

|e. |logic and a variety of strictly linguistic concerns |

____ 17. Metaphysics is concerned with ________.

|a. |the place of humans within the universe |

|b. |the nature of mind, self, and consciousness |

|c. |the purpose and nature of reality |

|d. |the existence of God |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 18. The deterministic thesis is defended by ________.

|a. |Viktor Frankl |

|b. |Baron d'Holbach |

|c. |Mahatma Gandhi |

|d. |Harry Browne |

|e. |James Rachels |

____ 19. Hindu philosophers such as Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan appeal to the idea of karma in order to ________.

|a. |show that human beings are completely determined |

|b. |show that human beings are completely free |

|c. |show that all suffering is deserved |

|d. |combine both determinism and freedom |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 20. Viktor Frankl believes in human freedom because of his experiences ________.

|a. |in prison camps |

|b. |conducting medical research |

|c. |working with drug addicts |

|d. |working with violent criminals |

|e. |gained from studying animals in the wild |

____ 21. Ethics is the study of ________.

|a. |knowledge and related concepts |

|b. |the origins of language |

|c. |values and moral principles |

|d. |the nature and structure of reality |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 22. Ethics is concerned with ________.

|a. |the purpose and nature of reality |

|b. |the destiny of the universe |

|c. |the immortality of the soul |

|d. |the nature of moral obligation |

|e. |logic and a variety of strictly linguistic concerns |

____ 23. ________ held that we should love and serve our enemies.

|a. |Harry Browne |

|b. |Mahatma Gandhi |

|c. |James Rachels |

|d. |Gail Stenstad |

|e. |Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan |

____ 24. The position that morality is a sham because ultimately humans are selfish is known as ________.

|a. |ethics |

|b. |egoism |

|c. |metaphysics |

|d. |logic |

|e. |altruism |

____ 25. Egoism is presented and defended in a selection by ________.

|a. |Viktor Frankl |

|b. |Baron d'Holbach |

|c. |Mahatma Gandhi |

|d. |Harry Browne |

|e. |James Rachels |

____ 26. A selection by ________ argues against egoism, claiming that "if we speak slowly, and pay attention to what we are saying, it sounds plain silly."

|a. |Viktor Frankl |

|b. |Baron d'Holbach |

|c. |Mahatma Gandhi |

|d. |Harry Browne |

|e. |James Rachels |

____ 27. The pre-Socratic philosophers questioned ________.

|a. |conventional morality |

|b. |existing political structures |

|c. |the value of human wisdom |

|d. |religious authority |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 28. ________ shows Socrates questioning traditional religious beliefs and the nature of religious duty.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Crito |

|d. |The Apology |

|e. |Theaetetus |

____ 29. ________ is a dialogue written by Plato.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Crito |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 30. ________ is a dialogue written by Socrates.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Crito |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 31. ________ shows Socrates at his trial, defending his life-long commitment to philosophy and interpreting the Delphic oracle regarding the nature of wisdom.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Crito |

|d. |The Apology |

|e. |Theaetetus |

____ 32. ________ shows Socrates awaiting execution, refusing escape, and arguing that people are obliged to obey the laws of the society in which they live.

|a. |The Republic |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Crito |

|d. |The Apology |

|e. |Theaetetus |

____ 33. Socrates asks Euthyphro to ________.

|a. |provide examples of holiness |

|b. |identify the characteristic that makes all holy things holy |

|c. |drop the charges against his father |

|d. |provide refuge for Socrates against his own accusers |

|e. |testify at his trial |

____ 34. In the dialogue of the same name, Euthyphro defines holiness as ________.

|a. |prosecuting anyone who is guilty of murder, sacrilege, or similar crime |

|b. |doing what is loved by the gods |

|c. |that part of justice that involves service to the gods |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 35. In the dialogue of the same name, Euthyphro is represented as charging his father with ________.

|a. |impiety |

|b. |corrupting the youth |

|c. |drunkenness |

|d. |murder |

|e. |sexual misconduct |

____ 36. In The Apology, Socrates argues that ________.

|a. |the unexamined life is not worth living |

|b. |wealth does not make you good within, but from inner goodness comes wealth |

|c. |a good man should not calculate his chances of living or dying, but should ask only whether he is doing right or wrong |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 37. In Crito, Socrates argues that we should obey the laws of society because ________.

|a. |laws are established by God and it would therefore be unholy to disobey them |

|b. |we have no other choice |

|c. |we entered into a contract to obey the laws simply by living in the society |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 38. ________ was Socrates' disciple.

|a. |Plato |

|b. |Aristotle |

|c. |Parmenides |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 39. Civil disobedience consists of ________.

|a. |peaceful protest against national policy |

|b. |theft or vandalism for political reasons |

|c. |breaking the law for reasons of conscience |

|d. |the promotion of anarchy by nonviolent means |

|e. |mass protests against racial injustice |

____ 40. According to Buddhism, philosophical wisdom will free us from ________.

|a. |mundane tasks and activities |

|b. |the time and effort of study |

|c. |the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth |

|d. |deciding for ourselves what to believe |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 41. Maintenance needs are needs associated with ________.

|a. |securing one's position in society |

|b. |achieving one's full potential |

|c. |developing one's mind and emotions |

|d. |living as a human being |

|e. |having a life that is comfortable |

____ 42. A self-actualized or fully functioning person is characterized by ________.

|a. |profound self-awareness |

|b. |flexibility |

|c. |creativity |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 43. The term actualizing needs is associated with the psychologist ________.

|a. |Albert Ellis |

|b. |Viktor Frankl |

|c. |C. G. Jung |

|d. |Carl Rogers |

|e. |Abraham Maslow |

____ 44. Philosophy can help satisfy actualizing needs by ________.

|a. |promoting autonomous beliefs |

|b. |equipping us to deal with uncertainty |

|c. |eliciting creativity |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 45. Philosophy can ________.

|a. |contribute to satisfaction of maintenance as well as actualizing needs |

|b. |make us less biased and provincial |

|c. |prepare us for life's uncertainties |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 46. Actualizing needs include ________.

|a. |self-fulfillment |

|b. |self-expression |

|c. |being all that one can be |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 47. In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, one learns to reject the irrational belief that ________.

|a. |feelings are important |

|b. |there is a God who loves us |

|c. |every person has value |

|d. |life must be fair, or else it's awful |

|e. |people are responsible for the bad things that happen to them |

____ 48. According to feminist philosopher Janice Moulton, the "adversarial method" ________.

|a. |is used by most philosophers |

|b. |uses counterexamples |

|c. |is rooted in male aggression |

|d. |is used to attack others' views |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 49. According to Genevieve Lloyd, philosophy has historically valued ________ over ________.

|a. |cooperation, competition |

|b. |seeking wisdom, finding answers |

|c. |emotion, reason |

|d. |playing games, serious pursuits |

|e. |aggression, nurturing |

____ 50. Progress through philosophy ________.

|a. |involves intellectual suffering for some people |

|b. |generally produces tangible, material benefits |

|c. |makes people happier |

|d. |benefits societies, not just individuals |

|e. |a and d |

____ 51. ________ is usually considered the first Western philosopher.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Plato |

|c. |Thales |

|d. |Heraclitus |

|e. |Parmenides |

____ 52. ________ believed everything is composed of water.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Plato |

|c. |Thales |

|d. |Heraclitus |

|e. |Parmenides |

____ 53. ________ is known for his argument that seeks to prove that "a runner cannot move from one point to another."

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Hesiod |

|c. |Zeno |

|d. |Aristotle |

|e. |Heraclitus |

____ 54. The thesis that all is water is significant because it ________.

|a. |demonstrated the possibility of explaining a complex reality in terms of a few basic elements |

|b. |initiated a preference for natural versus supernatural explanation |

|c. |rejected the authority of the past, especially unprovable religious myths |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 55. ________ proposed that change is the fundamental reality.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Hesiod |

|c. |Thales |

|d. |Heraclitus |

|e. |Parmenides |

____ 56. ________ argued that change is but an illusion.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Plato |

|c. |Thales |

|d. |Heraclitus |

|e. |Parmenides |

____ 57. ________ is known for his argument that nothingness or "nonbeing" cannot be real.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Plato |

|c. |Thales |

|d. |Heraclitus |

|e. |Parmenides |

____ 58. The contributions of the pre-Socratics include ________.

|a. |teaching us to rely on reason |

|b. |teaching us to search for new ways of looking at reality |

|c. |introducing the problem of "the one and the many" |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 59. ________ was the great idea contained in the Vedas.

|a. |All reality is changing |

|b. |Change cannot exist |

|c. |Reality must be explained in terms of nature |

|d. |All reality is made of water |

|e. |There is a fundamental reality underlying everything in the universe |

____ 60. Brahman is ________.

|a. |a poetical hymn |

|b. |ultimate reality |

|c. |one's past actions |

|d. |one's deepest self |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 61. Indian philosophers held that ultimate reality can only be understood if one understands ________.

|a. |nature |

|b. |God |

|c. |the ultimate constituent(s) of the universe |

|d. |one's deepest self |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 62. The foundational idea of Indian philosophy is that ________ and ________ are actually the same.

|a. |deepest self, God |

|b. |God, ultimate reality |

|c. |deepest self, ultimate reality |

|d. |nature, God |

|e. |nature, change |

____ 63. In Voltaire's "Story of a Good Brahman", the Brahman is unhappy because ________.

|a. |he is poor |

|b. |he is ignorant |

|c. |he lives alone |

|d. |no one listens to him |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 64. In "Story of a Good Brahman", the narrator concludes that we would rather be ________ than happy.

|a. |miserable |

|b. |wise |

|c. |rich |

|d. |virtuous |

|e. |free |

____ 65. Jiddu Krishnamurti thinks that the function of education is to ________.

|a. |to give each person a clearer vision of his or her personal goals |

|b. |to bring the realization that life is ultimately meaningless |

|c. |to improve one's career possibilities |

|d. |to help people be truer to their faith communities |

|e. |to help each person to live freely and without fear |

____ 66. According to Jiddu Krishnamurti, the only way to discover the truth is to ________.

|a. |conform to tradition |

|b. |be in constant revolt |

|c. |study great thinkers |

|d. |not believe anything |

|e. |a and c |

____ 67. Groupthink tends to be caused by ________.

|a. |a desire to preserve friendly intra-group relations |

|b. |an "us-versus-them" mentality |

|c. |an illusion of the group's invulnerability |

|d. |self-censorship |

|e. |Gail Stenstad |

____ 68. Socrates was brought to trial on charges made by ________.

|a. |Plato |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Chaerephon |

|d. |Meletus |

|e. |Crito |

____ 69. ________ was told by the Delphic oracle that no one was wiser than Socrates.

|a. |Plato |

|b. |Euthyphro |

|c. |Chaerephon |

|d. |Meletus |

|e. |Crito |

____ 70. Euthyphro takes place at ________.

|a. |a synagogue |

|b. |the court of the king |

|c. |the marketplace |

|d. |a religious sacrifice |

|e. |the trial of Socrates |

____ 71. The term fully functioning person is associated with ________.

|a. |Abraham Maslow |

|b. |Carl Rogers |

|c. |Bertrand Russell |

|d. |Viktor Frankl |

|e. |Mahatma Gandhi |

____ 72. Twentieth-century process philosophers hold views similar to those of ________.

|a. |Parmenides |

|b. |Zeno |

|c. |Heraclitus |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 73. ________ is the proud young man in the parable from the Upanishads.

|a. |Sarvepalli |

|b. |Mahatma |

|c. |Chandogya |

|d. |Svetaketu |

|e. |Brahman |

Chapter 2

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Our views about human nature affect ________.

|a. |our relationship to other people |

|b. |our relationship to the universe |

|c. |what we do with our lives |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 2. Thomas Hobbes believed ________.

|a. |humans are basically selfish |

|b. |humans desire power over others |

|c. |humans are basically machines |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 3. Psychological egoism is the belief that ________.

|a. |beings act only from self-interest |

|b. |it is psychologically beneficial to act only from self-interest |

|c. |it is psychologically harmful to act only from self-interest |

|d. |psychology cannot be taken seriously because psychologists cannot separate their selves from their studies |

|e. |ultimately there is only one ego |

____ 4. Desmond Morris suggests that apparently unselfish behavior is actually a kind of selfish activity, aimed at ________.

|a. |satisfying a desire to feel virtuous |

|b. |building a reputation for kindness |

|c. |intimidating others |

|d. |preserving one's genes |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 5. Plato believed the self consisted of ________.

|a. |reason, appetite, and desire |

|b. |reason, spirit, and appetite |

|c. |mind, body, and soul |

|d. |reason, spirit, and soul |

|e. |id, ego, and psyche |

____ 6. According to a rationalist view like Plato's, the ________ part of a human being should rule over the ________.

|a. |material, immaterial aspects |

|b. |emotional, aggressive impulses |

|c. |physical, emotions |

|d. |reasoning, appetites |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 7. One possible danger of a rationalist view of human nature is that ________.

|a. |human beings who are less than fully rational may be considered subhuman |

|b. |it may mislead people into thinking they can control their aggressions |

|c. |some people may stop believing in immaterial souls |

|d. |it encourages people to deny the existence of free will |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 8. According to Max Baezerman, people regularly overestimate the risk of dying from something like ________.

|a. |an auto accident |

|b. |smoking |

|c. |eating fatty foods |

|d. |being attacked by a bear |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 9. In the Judeo-Christian view, ________.

|a. |humans have both intellect and will |

|b. |the level of intelligence is unimportant |

|c. |life's ultimate purpose is love and service to God |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 10. According to Aquinas, the ultimate purpose of human beings is ________.

|a. |to overcome desire through reason |

|b. |to obtain pleasure |

|c. |to know God |

|d. |to know good and evil |

|e. |none of the above |

____ 11. According to Darwin, ________.

|a. |man is just a higher animal |

|b. |evolution produces purposeful behavior |

|c. |God does not exist |

|d. |a giraffe with a longer neck is likely to have more offspring |

|e. |a and d only |

____ 12. The starting point of existentialism, for Sartre is the idea that ________.

|a. |we spend most of our lives trying to escape anguish |

|b. |the ultimate meaning of the universe is beyond our understanding |

|c. |human beings are "condemned to be free" |

|d. |a human being is defined by rationality |

|e. |humanism is better than religion |

____ 13. The ________ view holds that the human self creates its own nature.

|a. |Eastern |

|b. |existential |

|c. |essentialist |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 14. Sartre believed ________.

|a. |there is no God |

|b. |there can be no external justification for our values |

|c. |we are responsible for all our behavior, except that which results from unconscious mental states |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 15. According to Sartre, because there is no God, ________.

|a. |traditional religions are dangerous |

|b. |we are each responsible for creating our own nature and purpose |

|c. |we cannot know where we came from |

|d. |all human beings are one family, not separated by religion |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 16. ________ wrote: "Existence precedes essence."

|a. |Aquinas |

|b. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

|c. |Albert Einstein |

|d. |Aristotle |

|e. |Plato |

____ 17. The concept of "bad faith" is associated with ________.

|a. |Aquinas |

|b. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

|c. |Aristotle |

|d. |St. Augustine |

|e. |Konrad Lorenz |

____ 18. Existentialism deals with concepts such as ________.

|a. |freedom |

|b. |responsibility |

|c. |anguish |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 19. Plato and Sartre disagreed as regards ________.

|a. |human nature |

|b. |reason |

|c. |morality |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 20. Existentialism views freedom as ________.

|a. |a socially conferred condition |

|b. |a divinely conferred condition |

|c. |a state of being |

|d. |an illusion |

|e. |a prescientific concept |

____ 21. Feminists object that the rationalist view of human nature ________.

|a. |is biased against women |

|b. |values reason above emotion |

|c. |associates women with emotion |

|d. |associates men with reason |

|e. |all of the above |

____ 22. Genevieve Lloyd argues that the rationalist view of human nature can only be changed if we acknowledge that ________.

|a. |women are just as rational as men |

|b. |emotion is just as valuable as reason |

|c. |the concepts of "emotion" and "reason" are biased |

|d. |the emotions should rule over reason |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 23. Aristotle believes that men should rule over women because ________.

|a. |women are physically weaker than men |

|b. |women are less intelligent than men |

|c. |women bear children |

|d. |women are less rational than men |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 24. According to René Descartes, ________.

|a. |all human selves are essentially the same |

|b. |the essence of a human self is conscious |

|c. |the essence of a human self is immaterial |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 25. The defining characteristic that makes something what it is is its ________.

|a. |essence |

|b. |definition |

|c. |existence |

|d. |freedom |

|e. |determining factor |

____ 26. Thomas Hobbes denied the existence of an immaterial mind partly because ________.

|a. |he did not want to be forced to use strictly quantitative methods to describe the mind |

|b. |he disagreed with Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler |

|c. |he did not see how an immaterial mind could affect a material body |

|d. |the mind is not the same thing as the soul |

|e. |the immaterial mind was a religious concept, and he considered all religion to be false |

____ 27. The idea that one kind of reality can be completely understood in terms of another kind is called ________.

|a. |scientific |

|b. |reductionism |

|c. |realism |

|d. |explanationism |

|e. |physicalism |

____ 28. According to J. J. C. Smart, ________.

|a. |"brain state" is part of the meaning of the term "sensation" |

|b. |there is a contingent identity between sensations and brain states |

|c. |there is an analytic connection between "brain state" and "sensation" |

|d. |a and b only |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 29. The difference between behaviorism and functionalism lies in the different things they say about ________.

|a. |what behavior an intelligent organism is capable of |

|b. |the relation between mind and matter |

|c. |private mental states |

|d. |the relation between thought and emotion |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 30. Eliminative materialism says that in an adequate theory of human nature, all reference to ________ will have to be given up.

|a. |feelings |

|b. |beliefs |

|c. |desires |

|d. |consciousness |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 31. The ________ view denies the reality of the self.

|a. |Eastern |

|b. |traditional |

|c. |rational |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 32. ________ teaches that the self is an illusion.

|a. |Judaism |

|b. |Christianity |

|c. |Buddhism |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 33. Buddhism is characterized by ________.

|a. |extreme asceticism |

|b. |the view that humans have no self |

|c. |the view that all reality is in a constant state of flux |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 34. ________ was a Western philosopher whose commitments to empiricism led him to conclude the self was but a fiction.

|a. |René Descartes |

|b. |Thomas Hobbes |

|c. |David Hume |

|d. |Immanuel Kant |

|e. |C. J. Ducasse |

____ 35. Nirvana means ________.

|a. |eternal life |

|b. |no self |

|c. |all is suffering |

|d. |blowing out |

|e. |sleep |

____ 36. Descartes and Kant both see the self as ________.

|a. |illusory |

|b. |socially defined |

|c. |independent and self-sufficient |

|d. |infinite |

|e. |none of the above |

____ 37. According to Hegel, each person depends on other people to provide ________.

|a. |spiritual community |

|b. |information about the world |

|c. |emotional support |

|d. |recognition as a free being |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 38. Plato believed his forms ________.

|a. |must be real |

|b. |must exist outside the mind |

|c. |must exist in a transcendent realm |

|d. |are inaccessible to human senses |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 39. For Plato, all true knowledge ________.

|a. |depends on the senses |

|b. |is a recollection from a prior existence |

|c. |is knowledge of geometry |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 40. Plato believed the forms ________.

|a. |are more real than their replicas |

|b. |are abstractions of the human mind that exist only in the mind |

|c. |are abstractions of the human mind that exist in spatio-temporal objects |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 41. Plato's forms ________.

|a. |are unchanging |

|b. |depend for their existence on physical objects |

|c. |include truth, justice, and horse |

|d. |a and b only |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 42. Plato's story about Leontis is used to demonstrate that ________.

|a. |reason is separate from appetite |

|b. |reason is separate from spirit |

|c. |spirit is separate from appetite |

|d. |reason is superior to spirit |

|e. |spirit is superior to appetite |

____ 43. Plato held that personal happiness and virtue ________.

|a. |depend on properly subordinating the parts of the soul so that the whole is harmonious |

|b. |are possible only in an afterlife |

|c. |require great wealth |

|d. |a and b only |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 44. Plato held that the best political ruler would be a ________.

|a. |Greek |

|b. |philosopher |

|c. |lawyer |

|d. |man |

|e. |god |

____ 45. In the chariot analogy in Plato's Phaedrus, the horses represent ________.

|a. |the two ruling classes in the ideal state |

|b. |the two parts of the soul that obey reason |

|c. |the male and female elements in the human spirit |

|d. |virtue and vice |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 46. Plato argues that a man is just when ________.

|a. |each part within him does what is proper for it to do |

|b. |he does not take unfair advantage of anyone else |

|c. |he obeys the laws of the society |

|d. |he does not criticize others |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 47. Aristotle founded a school called ________.

|a. |the Academy |

|b. |the Lyceum |

|c. |Plato's Heaven |

|d. |the Peripatetic |

|e. |the University |

____ 48. Aristotle's students included ________.

|a. |Socrates |

|b. |Plato |

|c. |Alexander the Great |

|d. |a and b only |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 49. Aristotle believed that Plato's forms ________.

|a. |do not exist |

|b. |exist in a transcendent realm |

|c. |exist in physical objects |

|d. |b and c only |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 50. Aristotle believed there were ________ different kinds of causes.

|a. |two |

|b. |three |

|c. |four |

|d. |five |

|e. |six |

____ 51. The substance of which something is composed is called its ________.

|a. |substantial cause |

|b. |formal cause |

|c. |efficient cause |

|d. |material cause |

|e. |esse |

____ 52. The reason or purpose of something is called its ________.

|a. |first cause |

|b. |final cause |

|c. |rational cause |

|d. |real cause |

|e. |formal cause |

____ 53. For Aristotle, to say that something has a soul is to say that ________.

|a. |it is human |

|b. |it is alive |

|c. |it is immortal |

|d. |it is rational |

|e. |it is conscious |

____ 54. For Aristotle, knowledge of forms depends on ________.

|a. |knowledge of mathematics |

|b. |experiences in a prior life |

|c. |experiences in this life |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 55. For Aristotle, happiness is ________.

|a. |to be found in this world |

|b. |an end that is never a means to anything else |

|c. |best achieved by regulating one's life according to the dictates of reason |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 56. For Aristotle, the natural function of a human being is the exercise of ________.

|a. |spirit |

|b. |appetite |

|c. |reason |

|d. |dominion over nature |

|e. |artistic talent |

____ 57. For Aristotle, aiming at the mean ________.

|a. |means avoiding both excess and deficiency |

|b. |will promote happiness |

|c. |will promote moral virtue |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 58. The cornerstone of Confucius's philosophy is jen, a word which means ________.

|a. |virtue |

|b. |discipline |

|c. |reason |

|d. |prudence |

|e. |courage |

____ 59. According to Confucius, virtue ________.

|a. |is the foundation of a well-ordered society |

|b. |is love for all humanity |

|c. |is the basis of all morality |

|d. |requires self-control |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 60. For Confucius, the heart of virtue is ________.

|a. |honesty |

|b. |reciprocity |

|c. |bravery |

|d. |obedience |

|e. |intelligence |

____ 61. According to Confucius, in order to ensure social harmony it is of particular importance that ________ practice virtue.

|a. |women |

|b. |rulers |

|c. |subjects |

|d. |children |

|e. |teachers |

____ 62. Confucius held that the best way for a ruler to instill virtue in his subjects is to ________.

|a. |have severe penalties for wrongdoing |

|b. |establish a democracy |

|c. |practice virtue |

|d. |educate them |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 63. According to Confucius, ________ is the ultimate value.

|a. |knowledge |

|b. |virtue |

|c. |reason |

|d. |power |

|e. |beauty |

____ 64. The ethics of Confucius is based on ________.

|a. |reason |

|b. |equality |

|c. |self-sacrifice |

|d. |individualism |

|e. |human nature |

____ 65. In "Warm," the protagonist discovers that ________.

|a. |he has no voice |

|b. |he likes being in love |

|c. |other people do not really exist |

|d. |he really exists |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 66. C. E. M. Joad argues that mind is distinct from brain because ________.

|a. |the spirit survives after death |

|b. |the mind is a computer program |

|c. |brains cannot pass the Turing Test |

|d. |minds understand nonmaterial meanings |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 67. E. V. Spelman argues that ________.

|a. |the mind is distinct from the body |

|b. |mind simply is the brain |

|c. |the mind/body distinction must be rethought |

|d. |women need to develop their minds more |

|e. |mind is like a computer program |

____ 68. William James decided to believe in free will, ________.

|a. |because he rejected determinism |

|b. |in order to be able to look at life more realistically |

|c. |after he had abandoned his studies in engineering |

|d. |after he had been through a period of emotional struggle |

|e. |because this fit with his socialist political views |

____ 69. ________ once wrote: "Reason and routine kept people in a straitjacket which made their living flesh rot beneath it."

|a. |Arthur Koestler |

|b. |Georg Hegel |

|c. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

|d. |William James |

|e. |St. Augustine |

____ 70. In the Christian tradition, ________ was influenced by ________.

|a. |Plato, Plotinus |

|b. |Aristotle, Plotinus |

|c. |Augustine, Plato |

|d. |Zeno, Plotinus |

|e. |Plotinus, Augustine |

____ 71. René Descartes argued that body and soul must be separate because ________.

|a. |if they were the same we could not survive the death of the body |

|b. |we are created in the image of God |

|c. |we can conceive of one without the other |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 72. The Buddha's followers ________.

|a. |were wealthy businessmen |

|b. |were ascetics |

|c. |practiced a middle way between asceticism and worldly indulgence |

|d. |did as they pleased since the Buddha refused to recognize their existence |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 73. ________ believed that all reality is in a constant state of flux.

|a. |Heraclitus |

|b. |The Buddha |

|c. |Twentieth-century process philosophers |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 74. Following the Buddha's death, the core doctrines of Buddhism were passed down through the generations by the ________ school of Buddhism.

|a. |Theravada |

|b. |Mahayana |

|c. |Mahasanghika |

|d. |Vajrayana |

|e. |Soka-Gakkai |

____ 75. ________ wrote: "Even if there were a perfect Good that existed apart from the many things in our world which are good, . . . this good would not be anything that we humans can realize or attain."

|a. |Plato |

|b. |Aristotle |

|c. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

|d. |Aquinas |

|e. |Jesus of Nazareth |

____ 76. ________ asked: "While you do not know about life, how can you know about death?"

|a. |Confucius |

|b. |Aristotle |

|c. |Plato |

|d. |The Buddha |

|e. |Arthur Koestler |

____ 77. According to David Chalmers, mind-body dualism is true in the sense that ________.

|a. |either a mind or a body can pass the Turing Test |

|b. |mind is a different substance from matter |

|c. |mental properties are not physical properties |

|d. |one can conceptualize the world as either entirely mental or entirely physical |

|e. |None of the above |


Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Metaphysics is ________.

|a. |the study of the nature of ultimate values |

|b. |the critical study of the nature of reality |

|c. |the scientific study of traditional beliefs |

|d. |the study of subjects that are not related to the physical sciences |

|e. |the analytical study of human consciousness |

____ 2. Saint Augustine ________.

|a. |was an idealist |

|b. |was a materialist |

|c. |was a pragmatist |

|d. |thought of reality as an illusion |

|e. |thought of reality as a continuum with humans somewhere in the middle |

____ 3. ________ is the view that matter is the ultimate constituent of reality.

|a. |Idealism |

|b. |Materialism |

|c. |Pragmatism |

|d. |Existentialism |

|e. |Phenomenology |

____ 4. ________ and ________ were materialists.

|a. |Thomas Hobbes, Pierre Laplace |

|b. |George Berkeley, Isaac Newton |

|c. |Jean-Paul Sartre, Thomas Hobbes |

|d. |Pierre Laplace, Norman Malcolm |

|e. |Goethe, Pythagoras |

____ 5. Materialists ________.

|a. |embrace the scientific method |

|b. |embrace determinism |

|c. |are reductionistic |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 6. ________ is a term used to express the fact that the objects of consciousness need not exist.

|a. |Idealism |

|b. |Awareness |

|c. |Intensionality |

|d. |Phenomenology |

|e. |Reductionism |

____ 7. According to Werner Heisenberg, modern physics seems to show that ________.

|a. |idealism is false |

|b. |materialism is true |

|c. |reality is ultimately unknowable |

|d. |reality depends on the mind |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 8. ________ and ________ were idealists.

|a. |Arthur Eddington, Plato |

|b. |Pythagoras, Pierre Laplace |

|c. |Thomas Hobbes, Plato |

|d. |Augustine, George Berkeley |

|e. |Jean-Paul Sartre, Søren Kierkegaard |

____ 9. ________ is the belief that reality is essentially idea, thought, or mind.

|a. |Idealism |

|b. |Materialism |

|c. |Pragmatism |

|d. |Essentialism |

|e. |Existentialism |

____ 10. ________ is the position that the world consists of my own mind and things that are dependent on it.

|a. |Subjective idealism |

|b. |Objective idealism |

|c. |Pragmatic idealism |

|d. |Phenomenology |

|e. |Egoism |

____ 11. According to Vasubandhu, the way to realize that the external world is only a dream is ________.

|a. |to study and to have faith |

|b. |to shut out all sense experience |

|c. |to realize that our dreams seem real when we are having them |

|d. |to practice meditation and to live ethically |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 12. Voltaire's Candide ________.

|a. |argues in favor of materialism |

|b. |argues in favor of idealism |

|c. |argues in favor of existentialism |

|d. |rejects the choice between materialism and idealism as a false dichotomy |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 13. Pragmatism is ________.

|a. |not concerned with traditional philosophical problems |

|b. |defined by the range of topics it handles, not by its method |

|c. |rationalistic and pessimistic |

|d. |humanistic and scientific |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 14. For ________ pragmatism was a tool for understanding the function of ideas in fostering reasoned consensus.

|a. |C. S. Peirce |

|b. |John Dewey |

|c. |William James |

|d. |Herbert Spencer |

|e. |Edmund Husserl |

____ 15. For ________ pragmatism was a tool for social criticism and reassessment of the functions of education, the arts, etc.

|a. |C. S. Peirce |

|b. |John Dewey |

|c. |William James |

|d. |Herbert Spencer |

|e. |Edmund Husserl |

____ 16. For ________ pragmatism was a tool for understanding the function of ideas in personal experience as instruments of will and desire.

|a. |C. S. Peirce |

|b. |John Dewey |

|c. |William James |

|d. |Herbert Spencer |

|e. |Edmund Husserl |

____ 17. According to John Dewey, philosophy arises from ________.

|a. |wonder |

|b. |boredom |

|c. |struggle with social or moral problems |

|d. |confusion |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 18. Logical Positivists ________.

|a. |try to understand the world by understanding language |

|b. |object that neither idealism nor materialism has paid sufficient attention to their use of language |

|c. |invented the process of bracketing to set aside language that fails to satisfy the criterion of verifiability |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 19. According to A. J. Ayer, metaphysical claims are ________.

|a. |relations of ideas |

|b. |matters of fact |

|c. |tautologies |

|d. |empirical claims |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 20. According to A. J. Ayer, ________.

|a. |propositions are never significant |

|b. |there is one type of significant proposition |

|c. |there are two types of significant proposition |

|d. |there are three types of significant proposition |

|e. |there is an indefinite number of types of significant proposition |

____ 21. Critics object that ________ have tried to define away the genuine problems underlying metaphysical speculation.

|a. |idealists |

|b. |pragmatists |

|c. |phenomenologists |

|d. |existentialists |

|e. |logical positivists |

____ 22. Critics charge that if we apply the criterion of verifiability to itself it turns out to be ________.

|a. |circular |

|b. |a tautology |

|c. |false |

|d. |true, but trivially so |

|e. |meaningless |

____ 23. According to Rudolf Carnap, metaphysical claims ________.

|a. |have an expressive function only |

|b. |have a representative function only |

|c. |have both representative and expressive functions |

|d. |have neither representative nor expressive functions |

|e. |may have either representative or expressive functions, but not both |

____ 24. Realism is the view that there exists a real world with features that are independent of ________.

|a. |our language |

|b. |our perceptions |

|c. |our beliefs |

|d. |our thoughts |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 25. The new idealists think that reality is dependent on ________.

|a. |our ideas |

|b. |our language |

|c. |our perceptions |

|d. |our system of concepts |

|e. |b and d |

____ 26. According to ______, the number of objects in the world depends on the counting system we use.

|a. |Jean Grimshaw |

|b. |Dale Spender |

|c. |John Searle |

|d. |John Gribbin |

|e. |Hilary Putnam |

____ 27. According to _______, we make realities by drawing boundaries around things with language.

|a. |John Searle |

|b. |Nelson Goodman |

|c. |A. A. Luce |

|d. |Jean Grimshaw |

|e. |V. S. Pritchett |

____ 28. Max Tegmark argues that other parts of the universe must be just like the part we see, because the visible universe is ________ and the overall universe is ________.

|a. |composed of matter, composed of energy |

|b. |orderly, chaotic |

|c. |non-self-sustaining, self-sustaining |

|d. |finite, infinite |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 29. According to Dale Spender, a "multidimensional framework" would ________.

|a. |give the one true picture of reality |

|b. |do away with all limiting classification systems |

|c. |not privilege some experiences over others |

|d. |not give an adequate account of oppression |

|e. |a and b |

____ 30. Jean Grimshaw objects to the new idealism on the grounds that ________.

|a. |many different languages describe the same reality |

|b. |the world consists of objects, not ideas |

|c. |its truth depends on what classification system you use |

|d. |it does not give an adequate account of oppression |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 31. According to John Searle, our linguistic practices presuppose ________.

|a. |a classification system |

|b. |metaphysical realism |

|c. |idealism |

|d. |a language |

|e. |a multidimensional framework |

____ 32. John Searle objects to antirealism on the grounds that it ________.

|a. |confuses language-dependent descriptions with language-independent reality |

|b. |confuses classifications systems with language |

|c. |claims that description depends on language |

|d. |is language dependent |

|e. |privileges one language system over others |

____ 33. ________ is the study of what appears to consciousness.

|a. |Idealism |

|b. |Existentialism |

|c. |Pragmatism |

|d. |Phenomenology |

|e. |Solipsism |

____ 34. According to what Edmund Husserl calls the natural standpoint, the fact-world ________.

|a. |exists outside time |

|b. |does not include the perceiving self |

|c. |is the same as the phenomenal world |

|d. |is an illusion |

|e. |is "out there" |

____ 35. Phenomenology and existentialism both ________.

|a. |are unsympathetic to science as a cognitive enterprise |

|b. |stress contemplation of truth |

|c. |are critical of abstractions |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 36. One important theme in the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard is ________.

|a. |the victory of reason over passion |

|b. |overcoming the sense of a need for God |

|c. |objectivity in the sense of getting outside the subjective self |

|d. |an understanding of the self as a thinking being |

|e. |clarity about what a person is to do |

____ 37. ________ and ________ were existentialists.

|a. |Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus |

|b. |Martin Heidegger, Paul Tillich |

|c. |Martin Heidegger, Martin Buber |

|d. |Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty |

|e. |George Berkeley, Edmund Husserl |

____ 38. ________ divides reality into being-for-itself and being-in-itself.

|a. |Edmund Husserl |

|b. |Martin Heidegger |

|c. |Martin Buber |

|d. |Friedrich Nietzsche |

|e. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

____ 39. Critics of ________ have objected that what appears as self-given may be relative to the bracketing process.

|a. |Edmund Husserl |

|b. |Martin Heidegger |

|c. |Martin Buber |

|d. |Friedrich Nietzsche |

|e. |Jean-Paul Sartre |

____ 40. The determinist view of reality holds that ________.

|a. |causal determinism does not rule out human freedom and personal responsibility |

|b. |humans are not free nor are they personally responsible for what they do |

|c. |some events are not causally determined by previous events and the laws of nature |

|d. |only the determined person can succeed in life |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 41. The libertarian view of reality holds that ________.

|a. |humans are not personally responsible for what they do |

|b. |human freedom and causal determinism are both true |

|c. |political liberty is the key to prosperity |

|d. |human actions are not causally determined by previous events and the laws of nature |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 42. The compatibilist holds that ________.

|a. |Freedom is compatible with indeterminism (or randomness) |

|b. |Freedom is compatible with obedience to duty |

|c. |Freedom simply means an absence of prior causes for one's actions |

|d. |Freedom simply means an absence of external restraints or confinements |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 43. According to Immanuel Kant, determinism and libertarianism ________.

|a. |are both false |

|b. |do not really conflict |

|c. |can be reconciled by a compatibilist approach |

|d. |are each correct, depending on one's point of view |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 44. ________ said "If no one asks me, I know what time is; if someone asks and I want to explain it, I do not know."

|a. |J. M. E. McTaggart |

|b. |J. J. C. Smart |

|c. |Saint Augustine |

|d. |Immanuel Kant |

|e. |Henri Bergson |

____ 45. The subjective view of time as we experience it, is a view ________.

|a. |that all philosophers reject as an illusion |

|b. |that sees time as flowing from future, through present, and into the past |

|c. |that McTaggart says makes sense and is not contradictory |

|d. |that J. J. C. argues is not an illusion |

|e. |that Henri Bergson argues is an illusion |

____ 46. ________ construes the self as part of the matter that composes the universe, subject to deterministic laws.

|a. |Pragmatism |

|b. |Idealism |

|c. |Phenomenology |

|d. |Existentialism |

|e. |Materialism |

____ 47. ________ rejects absolutes, thus creating a picture of the self as a multidimensional entity that both influences and is influenced by its environment.

|a. |Pragmatism |

|b. |Idealism |

|c. |Phenomenology |

|d. |Existentialism |

|e. |Materialism |

____ 48. ________ construes the self as an entity whose perceptions are the basis for the reality of physical objects.

|a. |Pragmatism |

|b. |Idealism |

|c. |Phenomenology |

|d. |Existentialism |

|e. |Materialism |

____ 49. For the ________, the self is whatever we choose to make it.

|a. |pragmatist |

|b. |idealist |

|c. |phenomenologist |

|d. |existentialist |

|e. |materialist |

____ 50. For the ________, the self is pure being.

|a. |pragmatist |

|b. |idealist |

|c. |phenomenologist |

|d. |existentialist |

|e. |materialist |

____ 51. According to Thomas Hobbes, ________ is the origin of all thought.

|a. |reason |

|b. |sensation |

|c. |anamnesis |

|d. |imagination |

|e. |instinct |

____ 52. For Hobbes, decaying sense can be either ________ or ________.

|a. |imagination, reason |

|b. |imagination, memory |

|c. |unguided, regulated |

|d. |random, guided |

|e. |reason, memory |

____ 53. For Hobbes, mental discourse can be either ________ or ________.

|a. |imagination, reason |

|b. |imagination, memory |

|c. |unguided, regulated |

|d. |random, guided |

|e. |reason, memory |

____ 54. According to Hobbes, a desire is ________.

|a. |different from an appetite |

|b. |the result of deliberation |

|c. |not important to how one acts |

|d. |an impulse to move toward something |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 55. As Hobbes uses the term, a Leviathan is ________.

|a. |a sea monster |

|b. |a government |

|c. |an irrational desire |

|d. |a political despot |

|e. |a religious myth |

____ 56. The phrase esse est percipi means ________.

|a. |I think therefore I am |

|b. |the unexamined life is not worth living |

|c. |know thyself |

|d. |to exist is to be perceived |

|e. |existence precedes essence |

____ 57. The phrase esse est percipi is associated with ________.

|a. |David Hume |

|b. |René Descartes |

|c. |Thomas Hobbes |

|d. |George Berkeley |

|e. |Thomas Aquinas |

____ 58. According to George Berkeley, experience reveals ________.

|a. |only one sort of existent |

|b. |two sorts of existents |

|c. |three sorts of existents |

|d. |a rich diversity of many different types of existents |

|e. |no existents of any type |

____ 59. According to George Berkeley, when a tree is not being perceived by any human being or animal, ________.

|a. |the tree does not exist |

|b. |God still perceives the tree |

|c. |the tree still exists as a material object |

|d. |the tree still exists as a collection of unperceived sensations |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 60. In V. S. Pritchett's short story "The Saint," the narrator ________.

|a. |meets a religious leader |

|b. |has religious doubts |

|c. |at first believes that disease is only in the mind |

|d. |loses his religious faith |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 61. According to A. A. Luce, the basic constituent of reality is ________.

|a. |language |

|b. |ideas |

|c. |sense data |

|d. |matter |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 62. A. A. Luce claims that we only directly experience ________.

|a. |sense data |

|b. |matter |

|c. |ideas |

|d. |concepts |

|e. |c and d |

____ 63. In the "Schrödinger's cat" thought experiment, the cat ends up being ________.

|a. |dead |

|b. |alive |

|c. |neither dead nor alive |

|d. |nearly dead but not quite |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 64. According to John Gribbin, quantum mechanics shows that ________.

|a. |there is an underlying reality to the world |

|b. |there are infinitesimally small particles |

|c. |Schrödinger's cat is dead |

|d. |we can predict the behavior of all particles with exactitude |

|e. |there may be no underlying reality to the world |

____ 65. ________ believed that this is the best of all possible worlds.

|a. |Voltaire |

|b. |Candide |

|c. |Leibniz |

|d. |Sartre |

|e. |Camus |

____ 66. Anthropomorphism is the fallacy of ________.

|a. |ascribing human characteristics to something nonhuman |

|b. |ascribing nonhuman characteristics to human beings |

|c. |making human opinion the measure of all things |

|d. |giving a false account of the human form |

|e. |trying to change human beings into something else |

____ 67. ________ and ________ were logical positivists.

|a. |G. E. Moore, A. J. Ayer |

|b. |Edmund Husserl, Rudolf Carnap |

|c. |Rudolf Carnap, A. J. Ayer |

|d. |Gilbert Ryle, G. E. Moore |

|e. |Rudolf Carnap, Gilbert Ryle |

____ 68. According to Thomas Hobbes, memory is like ________.

|a. |a sculpture being eroded by wind |

|b. |heat given off by a fire |

|c. |water being frozen into ice |

|d. |water moving after the wind stops |

|e. |ice being melted by a fire |

____ 69. George Berkeley wrote ________.

|a. |Leviathan |

|b. |A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge |

|c. |Candide |

|d. |Critique of Pure Reason |

|e. |An Essay Concerning Human Understanding |

____ 70. ________ wrote that "the meaningfulness of our public utterances already presupposes an independently existing reality to that expressions in those utterances can refer."

|a. |George Berkeley |

|b. |Thomas Hobbes |

|c. |William James |

|d. |John Searle |

|e. |Edmund Husserl |

| | |

chapter 4

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ________ is the rational study of religious beliefs by scholars committed to those beliefs.

|a. |Philosophy |

|b. |Theology |

|c. |Religion |

|d. |Theism |

|e. |Dogma |

____ 2. Religion ________.

|a. |stresses personal commitment |

|b. |is generally founded on belief |

|c. |frequently finds expression through institutionalized ritual |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 3. ________ is belief in a personal God who is creator of the world and with whom we may come into intimate contact.

|a. |Monotheism |

|b. |Theism |

|c. |Pantheism |

|d. |Panentheism |

|e. |Animism |

____ 4. ________ was the first to present the ontological argument in a formal, self-conscious manner.

|a. |Saint Augustine |

|b. |Saint Aquinas |

|c. |Saint Anselm |

|d. |Saint Francis |

|e. |René Descartes |

____ 5. ________ is belief that there is only one God.

|a. |Monotheism |

|b. |Theism |

|c. |Pantheism |

|d. |Panentheism |

|e. |Polytheism |

____ 6. The ________ argues for the existence of God from the nature of God's being.

|a. |ontological argument |

|b. |cosmological argument |

|c. |design argument |

|d. |existential argument |

|e. |natural argument |

____ 7. The ________ argues that since an infinite causal chain is impossible, God must be an uncaused cause.

|a. |ontological argument |

|b. |cosmological argument |

|c. |design argument |

|d. |atheist |

|e. |pantheist |

____ 8. In Wilbur Daniel Steele's "The Man Who Saw Through Heaven," Herbert Diana responds to the discoveries of science by ________.

|a. |giving up his religious belief |

|b. |rejecting the teachings of science |

|c. |realizing how religion and science can work together |

|d. |sinking into despair |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 9. By "God," Anselm meant ________.

|a. |nature |

|b. |the greatest being imaginable |

|c. |an uncaused cause |

|d. |an unmoved mover |

|e. |nothing: he left the term undefined. |

____ 10. Against the ontological argument, ________ reasoned that existence is not a property but a relationship between the thing conceived and the world.

|a. |Saint Anselm |

|b. |Thomas Aquinas |

|c. |René Descartes |

|d. |Immanuel Kant |

|e. |Baruch Spinoza |

____ 11. Some critics of the cosmological argument say that it contradicts itself, because ________.

|a. |the idea of an omnipotent being is not self-consistent |

|b. |the idea of an uncaused cause is not self-consistent |

|c. |there may in fact be an infinite regress of causal sequences |

|d. |if everything must have a cause, God must have a cause |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 12. The ________ argues that the order and purpose manifest in the working of things demand a God.

|a. |ontological argument |

|b. |cosmological argument |

|c. |design argument |

|d. |pantheist |

|e. |panentheist |

____ 13. William Paley's example of finding a watch in the heath is used to illustrate ________.

|a. |the ontological argument |

|b. |the cosmological argument |

|c. |the design argument |

|d. |atheism |

|e. |pantheism |

____ 14. Pantheism is the belief that ________.

|a. |God is limited |

|b. |God and the universe are identical |

|c. |God is transcendent, beyond experience |

|d. |everything is in God |

|e. |everything that happens is necessary |

____ 15. Panentheism tries to merge ________.

|a. |theism and atheism |

|b. |theism and pantheism |

|c. |pantheism and atheism |

|d. |pantheism and monotheism |

|e. |atheism and agnosticism |

____ 16. According to Étienne Gilson, the most basic questions asked by modern science are ________.

|a. |unanswerable |

|b. |answered by traditional religion |

|c. |fundamentally different from religious questions |

|d. |fundamentally nonscientific |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 17. The problem of ________ is the problem of reconciling the apparent existence of evil with the presumed existence of an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God.

|a. |evil |

|b. |theism |

|c. |God |

|d. |omniscience |

|e. |numinous experience |

____ 18. Arguments against the problem of evil include: ________.

|a. |evil is only the absence of good |

|b. |evil is caused by humans |

|c. |a world without evil would be ill-suited to the purpose of moral and spiritual development |

|d. |evil is necessary for good |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 19. ________ claim that the existence of God can neither be proved nor disproved, and thus that we should neither accept nor reject the proposition.

|a. |Atheists |

|b. |Agnostics |

|c. |Pantheists |

|d. |Panentheists |

|e. |Animists |

____ 20. Sigmund Freud's proposal that the image of God as Father is based a religious person's recollection of his or her human father ________.

|a. |is part of Freud's theories about adolescence |

|b. |is offered without much support |

|c. |is today widely rejected |

|d. |has been borne out by psychoanalytic research |

|e. |has been shown to be false |

____ 21. As James uses the terms, a genuine option is not ________.

|a. |living |

|b. |momentous |

|c. |forced |

|d. |avoidable |

|e. |both forced and living |

____ 22. James's three pairs of hypothetical options are ________.

|a. |living/dead, good/bad, momentous/trivial |

|b. |momentous/insignificant, living/dead, forced/genuine |

|c. |genuine/forced, living/dead, momentous/avoidable |

|d. |living/dead, forced/trivial, momentous/avoidable |

|e. |forced/avoidable, momentous/trivial, living/dead |

____ 23. A numinous experience is often characterized by feelings of ________.

|a. |terror |

|b. |infinite dependence |

|c. |mystery |

|d. |bliss |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 24. ________ is the experience of a reality we can truly know only when we surrender our individual selves and sense a union with the divine ground of all existence.

|a. |Agnosticism |

|b. |Mysticism |

|c. |A momentous option |

|d. |A living option |

|e. |Animism |

____ 25. For most Americans, the proposal "Believe in the gods of the Vikings or those of the Greeks" would probably be a ________ option.

|a. |living |

|b. |dead |

|c. |trivial |

|d. |momentous |

|e. |forced |

____ 26. According to physicist John Polkinghorne, the real point of the question "Can a scientist pray?" is whether ________.

|a. |a sense of wonder is a kind of prayer |

|b. |we can ask God for something |

|c. |God cares what we think |

|d. |a scientist can believe in a Creator |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 27. What Kierkegaard calls objective thinking is, in his view ________.

|a. |the goal of philosophical speculation |

|b. |irrelevant to anything important |

|c. |limited in what it can accomplish |

|d. |easy for the person who is determined |

|e. |impossible |

____ 28. According to Kierkegaard, religious faith ________.

|a. |involves subjective thinking |

|b. |involves an encounter with the unknown |

|c. |defies objective analysis |

|d. |involves a leap of faith |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 29. Kierkegaard believes that ________.

|a. |faith can be based on direct observation of God |

|b. |faith can be based on rational inferences from the nature of the world |

|c. |we should not be dissuaded from believing in God by doubts arising at the level of objective reason |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 30. According to Paul Tillich, God is ________.

|a. |the supreme being |

|b. |being itself |

|c. |not a being at all |

|d. |a and b only |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 31. According to Paul Tillich, only ________ can seriously say, "Life has no depth. Life is shallow. Being is surface only."

|a. |mystics |

|b. |animists |

|c. |pantheists |

|d. |agnostics |

|e. |atheists |

____ 32. A tautology is ________.

|a. |a blind leap of faith |

|b. |a mystical experience |

|c. |a statement in which the predicate repeats the subject |

|d. |a statement in which the predicate is undefined |

|e. |a scientific law |

____ 33. According to Mary Daly, Christianity and Judaism present God as our "Father in heaven" in order to ________.

|a. |justify the domination of men over women |

|b. |reassure people that someone is watching over them |

|c. |justify the association of "up" with good things and "down" with bad things. |

|d. |explain the role of rain in the rhythms of nature |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 34. Daly believes that traditional conceptions of God are oppressive to women and should be ________.

|a. |revised, because God isn't really male |

|b. |replaced by worship of "The Goddess" |

|c. |replaced by atheism |

|d. |abandoned, because "maleness" is essential to our conception of God |

|e. |b and d |

____ 35. Worship of "The Goddess" will differ from traditional Judeo-Christian worship because it will ________.

|a. |be for women only |

|b. |be nonhierarchical |

|c. |be matriarchal |

|d. |not value men |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 36. Pamela Dickey Young shares Daly's goal of moving away from a conception of God as male, but differs with Daly ________.

|a. |over how crucial the issue of God's gender is |

|b. |over how widespread the image of God as male is |

|c. |in wanting to picture God as neither male nor female |

|d. |in preferring a non-personal God to a personal one |

|e. |in believing that maleness is not essential to the Judeo-Christian God |

____ 37. Hinduism is characterized by ________.

|a. |belief in the fundamental oneness of reality |

|b. |a hierarchical, tiered system of values |

|c. |belief in the law of karma |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and c only |

____ 38. The Four Noble Truths do not include ________.

|a. |the existence of suffering |

|b. |the cause of suffering |

|c. |the Noble Eightfold Path |

|d. |the possibility of release from suffering |

|e. |the merging of the five streams |

____ 39. In Buddhism, our ignorance and lack of awareness is ________.

|a. |avidya |

|b. |samsara |

|c. |nirvana |

|d. |karma |

|e. |dharma |

____ 40. In Buddhism, the reincarnative pattern of life-death-rebirth is ________.

|a. |avidya |

|b. |samsara |

|c. |nirvana |

|d. |karma |

|e. |dharma |

____ 41. Tillich's "existential despair" is similar to ________.

|a. |the First Noble Truth |

|b. |the Second Noble Truth |

|c. |samsara |

|d. |nirvana |

|e. |karma |

____ 42. The Bhagavad-Gita is a sacred scripture of ________.

|a. |Hinduism |

|b. |Buddhism |

|c. |Taoism |

|d. |Christianity |

|e. |Islam |

____ 43. The Hindu law of sowing and reaping is the law of ________.

|a. |brahman |

|b. |atman |

|c. |karma |

|d. |nirvana |

|e. |avidya |

____ 44. Tillich's "experiencing the depth" is similar to ________.

|a. |the First Noble Truth |

|b. |the Second Noble Truth |

|c. |samsara |

|d. |nirvana |

|e. |karma |

____ 45. In Buddhism, the teaching of the Buddha is ________.

|a. |avidya |

|b. |samsara |

|c. |nirvana |

|d. |karma |

|e. |dharma |

____ 46. Zen Buddhism emphasizes ________.

|a. |the inadequacy of language |

|b. |reliance on direct experience |

|c. |the oneness of Mind and Nature |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |a and b only |

____ 47. Eastern religions are less concerned with ________ than Western religions are.

|a. |religious ritual |

|b. |reliance on mystical experience |

|c. |the question of God's existence |

|d. |one's relationship with the divine |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 48. ________ is not an Eastern religious movement or practice that has found increasing appeal in the United States.

|a. |Unitarianism |

|b. |Zen |

|c. |Yoga |

|d. |transcendental mediation |

|e. |Krishna Consciousness |

____ 49. ________ religions speak of personal commitment and experience and our need to find our place in the cosmos.

|a. |All |

|b. |A few |

|c. |Western but not Eastern |

|d. |Eastern but not Western |

|e. |No |

____ 50. ________ offered five ways of proving the existence of God.

|a. |Saint Augustine |

|b. |Saint Anselm |

|c. |Saint Aquinas |

|d. |The Buddha |

|e. |Immanuel Kant |

____ 51. Aquinas's proofs do not include an argument from ________.

|a. |motion |

|b. |causality |

|c. |conceivability |

|d. |imperfection |

|e. |order |

____ 52. Aquinas's proofs do not ________.

|a. |begin with experience |

|b. |provide positive knowledge of God |

|c. |argue that God's existence is required to account for some feature of the world |

|d. |require the existence of something utterly different from the objects of our experience |

|e. |b and d only |

____ 53. Aquinas's via negativa is ________.

|a. |a refutation of atheism |

|b. |his third way |

|c. |a path that requires us to remove certain ideas from our concept of God |

|d. |the cosmological argument |

|e. |the knowledge of God that results when we remove doubt |

____ 54. When a word like "good" is applied both to human beings and to God, says Aquinas, the meanings involved are ________.

|a. |univocal |

|b. |contradictory |

|c. |analogical |

|d. |equivocal |

|e. |identical |

____ 55. By "natural law," Aquinas means ________.

|a. |the laws of physics |

|b. |the inclinations of our nature |

|c. |the law that the stronger rules the weaker |

|d. |the law that everything in nature is good |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 56. Descartes's rules of method do not include: ________.

|a. |doubt everything that is not clear and distinct |

|b. |analyze difficulties into as many parts as possible |

|c. |proceed in an orderly fashion, from the simple to the complex |

|d. |review often |

|e. |rely on God |

____ 57. Descartes inferred his existence from ________.

|a. |the goodness of God |

|b. |his sense experience |

|c. |his cognitive experience |

|d. |his parents' existence |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 58. From the fact that he could conceive of the nonexistence of his body without thereby conceiving of the nonexistence of his mind, Descartes concluded ________.

|a. |God exists |

|b. |God is a deceiver |

|c. |the physical world is an illusion |

|d. |mind and body are distinct entities |

|e. |our thoughts sometimes lead us astray |

____ 59. Conway attempts to ________.

|a. |prove the existence of God |

|b. |argue that God is not male |

|c. |deduce the nature of the world from the nature of God |

|d. |argue that God is not completely perfect |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 60. According to Conway, since God is purely spiritual ________.

|a. |he creates only purely spiritual beings |

|b. |he is perfect |

|c. |all things created by God have spirit |

|d. |he cannot create anything material |

|e. |he is infinitely good |

____ 61. Conway holds that there are an infinite number of creatures because ________.

|a. |all creatures reproduce themselves |

|b. |creativity is an essential attribute of God |

|c. |God is infinite |

|d. |all creatures have a material component |

|e. |b and c |

____ 62. The "eternity" in which God exists, according to Conway, is ________.

|a. |the infinite future |

|b. |the infinite span that includes the past, present, and future |

|c. |a timeless state |

|d. |a changeless instant in the flow of earthly time |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 63. Many of Conway's ideas were adopted by ________.

|a. |Descartes |

|b. |Leibnitz |

|c. |Aristotle |

|d. |Hobbes |

|e. |Augustine |

____ 64. Conway proposed that body and spirit are ________.

|a. |two aspects of the same thing |

|b. |interdependent |

|c. |both illusions |

|d. |both mortal |

|e. |b and c |

____ 65. The title character in "The Death of Ivan Ilyitch" is ________.

|a. |suffering from an intestinal disorder |

|b. |suffering from failing kidneys |

|c. |religious |

|d. |afraid to die |

|e. |All of the above |

____ 66. In "The Death of Ivan Ilyitch," the title character ________.

|a. |moves from forgiveness to happiness |

|b. |moves from happiness to sadness |

|c. |moves from bitterness to forgiveness |

|d. |moves from happiness to bitterness |

|e. |b and c |

____ 67. Flew's parable of the jungle clearing (taken from John Wisdom) is meant to show that ________.

|a. |God is at work even though He is invisible |

|b. |an untestable claim is vacuous |

|c. |not all proof is empirical |

|d. |theists and atheists do not really disagree |

|e. |None of the above |

____ 68. Mitchell claims that one ought to treat the proposition "God loves us" as ________.

|a. |a provisional hypothesis |

|b. |a significant article of faith |

|c. |a vacuous formula |

|d. |false |

|e. |intuitively obvious |

____ 69. Panentheists include ________.

|a. |G. T. Fechner |

|b. |Friedrich von Schelling |

|c. |Charles Peirce |

|d. |All of the above |

|e. |b and c only |

____ 70. Paul Tillich has been accused of ________.

|a. |denying that God exists |

|b. |defining God into existence |

|c. |relying too heavily on modern science |

|d. |failing to make room in his theory for religious experience |

|e. |being too uncomfortable with mystery |

____ 71. ________ wrote that "although God's re-presentation of Godself to Christians takes a male form, this can in no way be used to argue that God could never be represented in a female form."

|a. |Pamela Dickey Young |

|b. |Mary Daly |

|c. |Thomas Aquinas |

|d. |Anne Conway |

|e. |Carol P. Christ |

____ 72. What Abraham Maslow calls "peak experiences" do not necessarily include a feeling of ________.

|a. |everything falling into place |

|b. |clarity of mental vision |

|c. |meaningfulness in one's life |

|d. |certainty of one's place in the order of things |

|e. |oneness with all humanity |

____ 73. ________ wrote The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy.

|a. |René Descartes |

|b. |Thomas Aquinas |

|c. |D. T. Suzuki |

|d. |Saint Anselm |

|e. |Anne Conway |


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