English I, Pre-AP SEMESTER EXAM Study Guide December …

English I, Pre-AP SEMESTER EXAM Study Guide December 2008 Mrs. Shettles

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is NOT among Aristotle’s rules for tragedy:

|a. |Time |c. |Hamartia |

|b. |Place |d. |Dialogue |

____ 2. A character, action, or situation that is a prototype or pattern of human life which is generally a situation that occurs over and over again in literature is also known as a(n)_____________.

|a. |protagonist |c. |hubris |

|b. |reversal |d. |archetype |

____ 3. Diction is

|a. |words or phrases a writer uses to represent persons, |c. |word choice intended to convey a certain effect |

| |objects, actions, feelings, and ideas descriptively by | | |

| |appealing to the senses | | |

|b. |the atmosphere or predominant emotion |d. |the dictionary definition of a word |

____ 4. Stylistic techiniques that convey meaning through sound

|a. |synecdoche |c. |metaphor |

|b. |simile |d. |sound devices |

____ 5. People or animals who take part in the action of a literary work.

|a. |Characters |c. |Personification |

|b. |Dialogue |d. |Hamartia |

____ 6. Which of the following is a scene that interrupts the aciton of a work to show a previous event?

|a. |Foreshadowing |c. |Plot |

|b. |Mood |d. |Flashback |

____ 7. A form of personification in which the absent or dead are apoken to as if present and the inanimate, as if animate.

|a. |apostrophe |c. |tone |

|b. |figures of speech |d. |simile |

____ 8. A play on words that are identical or similar in sound but have sharply diverse meanings

|a. |pun |c. |sound devices |

|b. |synecdoche |d. |oxymoron |

____ 9. The following is an example of which kind of figure of speech?

“Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.” (Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet)

|a. |Synechdoche |c. |Oxymoron |

|b. |Pun |d. |Paradox |


Which of the following did NOT occur when the main character was a prisoner of war?

|a. |a guard kills Rabozzo |c. |the main character intrigues the guards with his juggling|

| | | |skills |

|b. |the prisoners are forced to work in a coal mine |d. |the prisoners were forced to walk thirty miles to the |

| | | |next camp |

____ 11. Why did Eddie take the full time job at Ruby Pier?

|a. |to look after his mother |c. |to help out his brother |

|b. |to keep his father’s position while he was sick |d. |Marguerite asked him to |

____ 12. What literary term describes the following phrase, "Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it, hold it, dance with it."

|a. |paradox |c. |personification |

|b. |alliteration |d. |simile |

____ 13. Who is the pier amusement park named after?

|a. |Eddie’s wife |c. |Emile’s wife |

|b. |Eddie’s daughter |d. |Emile’s daughter |

____ 14. What is Ruby’s primary purpose in waiting for the main character in Heaven?

|a. |to explain his father’s death |c. |to tell him about Mickey Shea |

|b. |to explain his mother’s relationship with his father |d. |to guide him toward forgiving his father |

____ 15. Why was the main character upset about the fire in the village where he had been a prisoner of war?

|a. |he believed a child was inside one of the huts |c. |he hated the men who had killed his friend |

|b. |his Captain was still inside the house |d. |he did not want revenge |

____ 16. What happened to Ruby Pier after Eddie’s death?

|a. |The owner sold the park. |c. |It reopened after a few days. |

|b. |The park closed for good. |d. |They found out Eddie owned it. |

____ 17. What are Eddie’s last words on Earth?

|a. |“I forgive you, Dad.” |c. |“Get back!” |

|b. |“It’s fixed.” |d. |“I love you, Marguerite.” |

____ 18. Where does Eddie’s “one true love snapshot” occur?

|a. |Looking at the amusement park from his window |c. |When Marguerite is saying goodbye to him |

|b. |While he is drinking a lemon fizz |d. |Dancing with his mother at the band shell |

____ 19. What happens to the main character as he moves through the stages of Heaven?

|a. |he becomes physically weaker |c. |he is angry about the people he does not see in Heaven |

|b. |he becomes frustrated with misunderstanding |d. |he is looking for his mother |

____ 20. How does Eddie help his comrades escape captivity?

|a. |Juggling |c. |Singing |

|b. |Fighting |d. |Wrestling |

____ 21. What were the main character’s final words before his death?

|a. |“Look out!” |c. |“No!” |

|b. |“Get back!” |d. |“Stop!” |

____ 22. Who is NOT a person Eddie meets in Heaven?

|a. |Blue Man |c. |Marguerite |

|b. |Emile |d. |Ruby |

____ 23. What represents heaven to the Blue Man?

|a. |An amusement park |c. |A diner |

|b. |The sea |d. |The factory where he worked with his father |

____ 24. Who is the second person Eddie meets in Heaven?

|a. |The Blue Man |c. |Marguerite |

|b. |Emile |d. |The captain |

____ 25. How is Eddie injured during the escape?

|a. |The enemy shoots him |c. |He is hurt in hand-to-hand combat |

|b. |Eddie’s captain shoots him |d. |He steps on a land mine |

____ 26. Who teaches Eddie the importance of forgiving?

|a. |Ruby |c. |His mother |

|b. |His father |d. |Captain |

____ 27. What did Eddie never learn to do well as a soldier?

|a. |To whistle through his teeth |c. |Become a prisoner |

|b. |Take a prisoner |d. |Leave his friends behind |

____ 28. Which best describes Eddie’s relationship with his father?

|a. |They never make peace with one another |c. |They are best friends |

|b. |They don’t speak because Eddie’s father was abusive |d. |Eddie is not his biological son |

____ 29. What made the Blue Man turn blue?

|a. |He has thin blood |c. |He turned blue after receiving radiation treatments |

|b. |He ingested silver nitrate |d. |He was born that way |

____ 30. What happened to the girl Eddie tries to save his last day on Earth?

|a. |Eddie saved her by covering her body with his own |c. |Tala saved her |

|b. |She was crushed by cart number two |d. |Eddie saved her by pushing her to safety |

____ 31. Which BEST describes why people meet five people in heaven?

|a. |To help people atone for their sins |c. |To help people reunite with their favorite people from |

| | | |Earth |

|b. |People come to understand what happened to them on Earth |d. |To help people understand their purpose in life and why |

| | | |things happened to them |

____ 32. What killed Eddie?

|a. |Cart #2 |c. |Old Age |

|b. |Shingles |d. |Arthritis |

____ 33. Who is the last person that Eddie meets in heaven?

|a. |He meets the girl from the amusement park |c. |He meets his wife |

|b. |He meets the girl he burned in the Philippines |d. |He meets his father |


Ralph is elected chief mainly because he possesses

|a. |the conch |c. |knowledge of the island’s terrain |

|b. |Piggy’s backing |

____ 35. The “beast on the mountaintop” is actually a

|a. |“snake thing” |c. |dead parachutist |

|b. |pig’s head |

____ 36. Accoring to the writing notes, suitable essay topics should do three things. Which of the following is NOT one of those three?

|a. |Have an impact on the reader |c. |Be narrow enough to be treated with penetration in a |

| | | |reasonable length |

|b. |Be interesting |d. |Be something the writer knows enough about. |

____ 37. There are four broad purposes for writing. Which of the following is NOT one of those purposes?

|a. |To share feelings, ideas, and/or experiences with the |c. |To entertain the reader |

| |reader. | | |

|b. |To inform the reader of something |d. |To report on current events |

____ 38. Which of the following IS the definiton of a writing topic?

|a. |A broad area you decide that you want to write about. |c. |The background of a subject. |

|b. |The narrow territory within a subject area that you stake|d. |Something that you decided that you want to write about. |

| |out as a specific focus for your writing. | | |

____ 39. Jack’s triumph in capturing his first kill is marred by his

|a. |regret that Ralph did not accompany them |c. |being wounded by the animal |

|b. |letting the signal fire go out |

____ 40. According to our class notes, which of the following is NOT one of the three things that you should remember before you begin writing.

|a. |Writers think about their topics all of the time. |c. |Writers read. The more you read, the better you will |

| | | |write. |

|b. |Writers write. Most do so everyday. |d. |Writing takes practice! |







____ 41. 1. just begun; in an initial or early stage of development; incipient. 2. not yet fully formed; undeveloped, incomplete

____ 42. lasting only a very short time; transitory

____ 43. 1. to make less intense or severe 2. to moderate the force or intensity of, soften; diminish, alleviate

____ 44. seemingly unaffected by pleasure or pain; indifferent; impassive

____ 45. lasting only a very short time; fleeting, transitory, brief.

____ 46. 1. offensive, foul, especially in odor; putrid. 2. harmful, noxious

____ 47. 1. dirty, wretched, squalid. 2. morally degraded

____ 48. excessively greedy, rapacious; having a great appetite for something, devouring greedily

____ 49. feeling or showing uncertainty; hesitant, indecisive

____ 50. 1. to make something less intense or severe; mitigate, alleviate; to gloss over, put a positive spin on. 2. to provide relief from pain


|b. |BILK |g. |PURLOIN |




____ 51. deserving rebuke or censure

____ 52. a court of justice

____ 53. 1. an absolving or clearing from blame or guilt

2. a formal declaration of forgiveness; redemption

____ 54. to free from blame, to clear from a charge of guilt

____ 55. a villain, criminal; evil person

____ 56. disobedient, unruly; refusing to obey authority

____ 57. easily bribed or corrupted; unprincipled

____ 58. the deliberate willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony

while under oath

____ 59. a secret agreement between two or more people for a deceitful or

fraudulent purpose; conspiracy

____ 60. to inflict a severe punishment on; to chastise severely

CHARACTER IDENTIFICATION- Choose the character that is described by each quotation. Not all of the characters will be used, and some may be used more than once.

|a. |Roger |e. |Simon |

|b. |Piggy |f. |Jack |

|c. |Johnny |g. |Lord of the Flies |

|d. |Ralph |h. |parachutist |

____ 61. “...a boy of perhaps six years, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit.”

____ 62. “The water rose farther and dressed [his] coarse hair with brightness. The line of his cheek silvered and the turn of his shoulders became sculptured marble. The strange attendant creatures, with their fiery eyes and trailing vapors, busied themselves round his head.”

____ 63. “The hangman’s horror clung around him.”

____ 64. “He sighed....Then, with the martyred expression of a parent who has to keep up with the senseless ebullience of the children, he picked up the conch, turned toward the forest, and began to pick his way over the tumbled scar.”

____ 65. “But there was a stillness about [him] as he sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch.”

____ 66. “A thing was crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a pain. The beast stumbled into the horseshoe.”

____ 67. “The tears began to flow and sobs shook him....[he] wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise, friend....”

____ 68. “[His] arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins.”

____ 69. “...for a minute became less a hunter than a furtive thing, apelike among he tangle of trees....He passed like a shadow under the darkness of the tree and crouched, looking down at the trodden ground at his feet.”

____ 70. “...something like a great ape was sitting asleep with its head between its knees....and the creature lifted its head, holding toward them the ruin of a face.”

English I, Pre-AP SEMESTER EXAM Study Guide December 2008 Mrs. Shettles

Answer Section


1. ANS: D

2. ANS: D

3. ANS: C

4. ANS: D

5. ANS: A

6. ANS: D

7. ANS: A

8. ANS: A

9. ANS: B

10. ANS: D

11. ANS: A

12. ANS: C

13. ANS: C

14. ANS: D

15. ANS: A

16. ANS: C

17. ANS: C

18. ANS: C

19. ANS: A

20. ANS: A

21. ANS: B

22. ANS: B

23. ANS: A

24. ANS: D

25. ANS: B

26. ANS: A

27. ANS: C

28. ANS: B

29. ANS: B

30. ANS: D

31. ANS: D

32. ANS: A

33. ANS: A

34. ANS: A

35. ANS: C

36. ANS: B

37. ANS: D

38. ANS: B

39. ANS: B

40. ANS: A


41. ANS: B

42. ANS: A

43. ANS: D

44. ANS: H

45. ANS: I

46. ANS: E

47. ANS: G

48. ANS: J

49. ANS: C

50. ANS: F

51. ANS: H

52. ANS: I

53. ANS: A

54. ANS: D

55. ANS: E

56. ANS: G

57. ANS: J

58. ANS: F

59. ANS: C

60. ANS: B

61. ANS: C

62. ANS: E

63. ANS: A

64. ANS: B

65. ANS: D

66. ANS: E

67. ANS: D

68. ANS: A

69. ANS: F

70. ANS: H


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