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Algebra 2H

Chapter 11: Sequences and Series


• Recognize mathematical series?

• Distinguish between arithmetic series and geometric series and show support for your conclusion?

• For both arithmetic and geometric series:

o Write recursive and explicit formulas for the terms of the series?

WS 11.1: 1-4 WS 11.3: 1-6

o Find the value of a specified term?

WS 11.1: 1-4, 7-9, 17-18 WS 11.3: 1-6, 10-14, 19

o Use formulas to find the value of the partial sums of the series?

WS 11.1: 5-6, 10, 14 WS 11.3: 8-9, 20

o Find the sum of a series written in sigma notation?

Page 634: 3, 6 Page 341: 6-7 Page 647: 4, 7

o Given the partial sum and either the common ratio or common difference or the initial value, find the other value.

WS 11.3: 14

o Find the sum of a convergent infinite geometric series?

Page 640: 1, 4-9

• For an arithmetic series, given the partial sum and two of the following: first term, last term, number of terms, find the other value?

WS 11.1: 10

• Solve real world problems using arithmetic and geometric series?

WS 11.1: 14-15 WS 11.3: 26-29

Page 634: 8-9 Page 641: 8-9 Page 647: 8


• Reviewed your notes and practiced the vocabulary

• Practiced additional problems or homework problems you originally missed

• Investigated the online resources at

o Condensed Lessons

o More Practice Your Skills

• Reviewed resources at ca.


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