Revised 12-29-01
The following directory is intended to be a comprehensive listing of “tools” and resources that can be used by SAR personnel during an emergency operation or pre-planning efforts. This is not intended to be an internet listing of all SAR-related resources, agencies and teams but rather an index of sites that actually provide data or information to be used during an emergency response. If you find a broken link to a URL or know of an additional listing that should be added to this directory, please e-mail: ken_phillips@.
The Following Headings Can Be Reached Through Hyperlinks:
Conversion Tools & Reference
Credit Reporting/Business Information
Critical Incident Stress Mgmt (CISM)
Disasters, Natural
Emergency Management
Footwear Impression
Forms Online
Geographic Names
Government Agency Resources
Government Information, Federal
Government Information, State & Local
Hazardous Materials
Language Translation
Law Enforcement Resources
Medical Information
Navigation, Land
People Locators
People Locators, Children
Photograph, Composite
Planning Tools, Search
References, General
Rescue References
SAR Related Links
SAR Software
Search Engines, Internet
Search Engines, Image Based- Internet
Standards, Search & Rescue
SAR Teams; Contacts/Tools
SAR Technology References
Telephone Directory Searches
Telephone Directory, Government
Water/River Flow Data
Weather Forecasts/Information
Weather, Fire
Weather, Hurricane
Winter Rescue
Colorado (conditions & hotlines)
- Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center (GNFAC)
-West Central Montana Avalanche Center
United States (conditions, data recording sheets)
-Utah Avalanche Information Center (USDA- Forest Service)
Jane’s Online- Jane’s Information Group
▪ Fee subscription site. Includes online access to All The World’s Aircraft, Military Aircraft Image Library, Terrorism Watch Reports, US Chemical-Biological Handbook, Merchant Ships, Major Warships.
▪ Virtually every aviation related link- Most comprehensive aviation site.
Search databases; aircraft registration (“N” tail number search), certificated pilots, airport information, FAA regulations, NTSB accident reports, related online calculators, organizations, companies, weather, FBO’s (Fixed Base Operators), supplies, manufacturers and airlines
National Cave Rescue Commission
WinKarst- Cave Mapping software
▪ Creates 3D visualization and modeling of cave passages. The model can be spun on the computer screen in real time. Links to several other cave mapping programs.
Internet Clocks, Counter and Countdowns
Official U.S. Time, National Institute of Standards and Technology
▪ Atomic Clock. NIST- Boulder, CO
▪ Exact local time by worldwide time zones
- The World Clock
▪ Current local times around the world
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC -Time Service Department; USNO Master Clock Time
Conversion Tools & Reference-
Conversions- Webcrawler Reference
▪ Comprehensive list of links to virtually all conversion sites.
Convert-: Interactive Units Converter
▪ Instant on-line conversion calculators for weight, capacity & volume, length, area, speed, pressure, temperature, circular measure and time.
USA Today- Revised Wind Chill Table
Credit Reporting/Business Information-
Dun & Bradstreet
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis & Retrieval)
▪ Database of forms filed by publicly held corporations.
Equifax- Credit Reporting Agency
Experian- Credit Reporting Agency
TransUnion- Credit Reporting Agency
Trans Union LLC is a leading provider of Information and Services serving both consumers and the business world by providing accurate credit and fraud-prevention data, and information-based solutions.
Critical Incident Stress Mgmt (CISM)-
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.
▪ 24 Emergency Hotline. Assistance in locating local CISM support. Provision of immediate stress consultation to emergency service organizations. Tips for dealing with CIS.
▪ International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.
10176 Baltimore National Pike, Unit 201 Ellicott City, MD 21042
Phone:(410) 750-9600 (410) 313-2473 [Emergency]
Divers Alert Network
▪ Telephone contact information regarding Diving Emergency Hotline and for non-emergency medical questions DAN Medical Information Hotline.
▪ DIVING EMERGENCIES: 919-684-8111 or -919-684-4DAN (collect)
DAN America Info Line: 800-446-2671 or 919-684-2948, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm (EST) Non-Emergency Medical Questions: 919-684-2948
▪ Divers Alert Network, Peter B. Bennett Ctr, 6 West Colony Place, Durham, NC 27705
Disasters, Natural-
Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder
▪ Disaster information database and links to additional disaster resources/sites.
Natural Hazards Data Resources Directory
▪ The Directory includes two types of information: 1) data resources organized by natural hazard topic; and 2) lists of hazard-related organizations.
USGS- Center For Integration of Natural Disaster Information
USGS- National Earthquake Information Center- USGS
Emergency Management-
National Emergency Management Association
▪ Directory of all state emergency management contacts
Footwear Impression-
Bootprint image gallery
▪ Very limited collection of hiking/mountaineering boot impressions.
National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC)-Recording, Enhancement and Recovery of Footwear Marks.
▪ Information on footwear impression documentation and collection including water-filled, snow impressions, blood stained, granular, etc.
Forms Online-
Electronic Forms Repository
▪ This web page serves as a repository of forms that you can download and also provides links to other sites on the web with electronic forms.
ICS Forms for SAR- Bay Area Search & Rescue Council
▪ Downloadable ICS Forms in .pdf format.
ICS Forms- National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)
▪ Downloadable ICS forms
ICS Forms- Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA
▪ Downloadable database or .pdf electronic ICS Forms.
ICS Forms- SAR Outfitter, Simi Valley, CA
▪ Downloadable ICS forms including SAR incident forms.
ICS Forms-
▪ Modified versions of the forms include Vessel Questionnaire Cumulative POD formula & table.
ICS Forms- US Coast Guard
▪ Downloadable ICS forms (including marine incident versions) in MS Word format.
ICS Forms- U.S. Forest Service
▪ Downloadable ICS forms.
Geographic Names-
Geographic Names Information Service- USGS
▪ USGS database of place names throughout the U.S.
Government Agency Resources-
COSPAS-SARSAT- International Satellite System For Search & Rescue
▪ 406 MHz alerting beacon information
▪ Comparison of 121.5 MHz & 406 MHz beacons, ground receiving station (LUT) information and satellite configuration.
▪ Maritime Mobile Access & Retrieval System (MARS) Database specified by International Telecommunication Union includes; International Call Signs, Maritime Identification Digits and Coast Station Identification Numbers used in maritime radio communication.
Department Of Interior (DOI) E-Mail Directory
NASA SAR Mission Page
▪ Information on beaconless search, laser scanning
National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)- USPHS Office Of Emergency Preparedness
▪ The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), provides assistance to state and local authorities in dealing with the medical and health effects of major peacetime disasters. Provides links to nationwide teams.
National Search & Rescue Committee (NSARC) [formerly ICSAR]
▪ NSARC, Suite 3106, 2100 2nd St., Washington, DC 20593-0001 (202) 267-1580
▪ Download copies of US SAR Committee Agreement, US National SAR Plan, current National SAR Manual and National Search & Rescue Supplement.
Office Of Aircraft Services
▪ Aircraft & Vendor Pilot Source List, Safecom, Departmental Manual- Aviation Management Policy, Information bulletins
SARSAT (Search & Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking)- NOAA
▪ Information on SARSAT system and emergency beacons.
Small Business Administration (SBA)- Business Resource Hot Links
▪ Links to media, internet search engines, federal government www servers, legal-regulatory, phone-directories and more.
U.S. Coast Guard- Vessel & Aircraft Datasheets
▪ Fact sheets featuring size, cruising speeds, range, capabilities and deployment locations of U.S. Coast Guard SAR vessels and aircraft.
Government Information, Federal-
Embassy/Consulate Directory
▪ Worldwide embassy information.
Federal Consumer Information Center- National Contact Center
▪ Federal telephone directories, Yellow Pages, Foreign & International, State & Local.
Federal Gateway
▪ Federal agency information
Federal Web Locator- Center For Information Law & Policy
▪ One stop shopping point for federal government information on the World Wide Web
▪ Puts the government at your fingertips through an official U.S. Government portal that accesses millions of local-and-federal Web pages.
Government Printing Office (GPO) Access- Federal Government Information
▪ Official federal government information “at your fingertips.”
Great American Website
▪ Citizen's Guide to U.S. Government resources on the internet. Guides to individual agencies as well as Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches.
Infomine, Government Information- Libraries Of The University Of California
USGovSearch- Northern Light
▪ Free edition includes comprehensive collection of millions of web pages from government and military sites for authoritative information by and about the US government.
- Recreation On Federal Lands
▪ Quick access to information and links on all federal recreation lands administered by NPS, US Army Corps of Engineers, BLM, TVA, USFS, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation and Federal Highway Administration.
Government Resources- Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center
Government Information, State & Local-
Library Of Congress Internet Resource Page- State and Local Government Information
▪ Meta-indexes, links to individual state information, state statutes
State Web Locator- Center For Information Law and Policy
Hazardous Materials-
CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center)
▪ Online Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).
▪ Downloadable Chemtrec users guide.
▪ HAZMAT related links.
National MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Repositiory
▪ MSDS search linked to manufacturer databases.
▪ Excellent MSDS dictionary tool.
Language Translation-
Altavista- Babel Fish
▪ Translations between English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
▪ Look up a foreign word. 200 different language dictionaries.
▪ Translations between English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Systan Software Homepage
▪ Makers of the translation software.
Travlang- Your Travel & Language Supersite
▪ Free translating dictionaries; Afrikaans, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, Friesian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
▪ Currency exchange
Law Enforcement Resources-
CopNet- Directory of Police Internet Sites and Resources
▪ Law enforcement agencies, law enforcement resources and internet search resources.
i2 Group- Investigative Analysis Software
▪ Fee service. The Analyst's Notebook is the world's leading visual investigative analysis software, used in 1200 organizations world-wide. It assists investigators by uncovering, interpreting, and displaying complex information in easily-understood chart form.
JUSTNET- Justice Technology Information Network- National Institute Of Justice
▪ Provides criminal justice professionals with information on technology, guidelines and standards for these technologies, objective testing data, and science and engineering advice and support. Product database, forensics support and links to internet resources.
- Select Investigative Resource Sites
Phone directories, reverse directory, general investigation links, law research links, search engines and directories.
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)- NOAA
▪ Weather and water information for NOAA moored data buoys and C-MAN locations. Some buoys report wave directions. All C-MAN stations report the winds, air temperature, and pressure; some also report wave information, water temperature, visibility, and dew point.
Tide and Current Predictor
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)- NOAA
▪ Historical and real-time observations and predictions of tides, water levels, coastal currents and other meteorological and oceanographic data.
Atlapedia Online
▪ Contains full color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.
Color Landform Atlas of The United States
▪ Shaded relief, county and other statewide maps.
Digital Map Data
Digital Raster Graphics Exchange- USGS Topographic Maps
▪ Available on CD-ROM for trade or purchase
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)- GIS/Mapping Products
▪ Disaster mapping, flood hazard mapping and on-line interactive hazard maps.
GPS Waypoint Database & Registry
▪ Worldwide database of GPS coordinates, distance and bearing calculator and GPS satellite information. Links to mapping related sites.
▪ Search for any business and obtain location geographically mapped.
▪ US and Europe street maps, driving directions, PDA interactive maps, city guides, aerial photos (GlobeXplorer), topographic maps () yellow pages, road atlas and world atlas.
National Park Maps
National Park Maps- University of Texas at Austin
▪ Downloadable .jpeg and .pdf files of maps of National Parks and Monuments.
Terraserver- Satellite Land Images
▪ Donwloadable topographic maps with a database that contains every USGS 1:100,000, 1:63,360, 1:25,000, and 1:24,000 scale topographic map for the entire United States.
Travel Maps
WinKarst- Cave Mapping software
▪ Creates 3D visualization and modeling of cave passages. The model can be spun on the computer screen in real time. Links to several other cave mapping programs.
USGS- Finding and Ordering USGS Topographic Maps
▪ Directory of map dealers, GLIS (Global Land Information System) Map Finder and online ordering.
USGS National Mapping Information
▪ Mapping products and services, online systems, downloadable mapping data and mapping library,
USGS Photofinder- National Aerial Photography Program
▪ National Aerial Photography Program products are used to revise maps . These photos are taken on roughly a 5-year cycle and produced to rigorous specifications, covering the entire lower 48 states. The photos are shot from airplanes flying at 20,000 feet. Each 9-by 9-inch photo (without enlargement) covers an area a bit more than 5 miles on a side. Cost starts at $10 for black & white prints.
National Atlas Of The United States(- Department of Interior
▪ Digital version of map-like views of America's natural and sociocultural landscapes.
Medical Information-
▪ Medical portal and search engine that searches through sites for hospitals, medical equipment manufacturers and more.
Merck Manual Home Edition
▪ Source for complete and comprehensive medical information including interactive online version. Medical reference of various diseases and medical conditions.
On-Line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang- Indiana Prevention Resource Center
Search by drug street name. Links to additional drug slang sites.
RxList- The Internet Drug Index
▪ Search any drug by name for indications, potential interactions and side effects.
Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA), Department Of Labor- Mine Rescue
▪ Directory of mine rescue teams- categorized by coal mines or metal/non-metal mines.
Navigation, Land-
▪ Map tools; UTM grid readers, instructions for using UTM grid and area estimators.
GPS Resource Library
▪ Numerous GPS related links; internet mapping programs, information on converting Lat/Long to UTM, satellite maps of the world, government GPS sites, manufacturers, image editing tools and GIS mapping programs.
Keith Conover’s Search & Rescue/Outdoor Page
▪ Map & compass, ASRC Grid, etc.
NOAA Magnetic Declination Calculator-
▪ Calculates current magnetic declination and other geomagnetic properties. Links to information on geomagnetism.
US Forest Service GPS Page
▪ Lists of GPS Community Base Stations and GPS related links.
USGS Land Navigation Information
▪ Fact sheet; finding your way with map and compass.
People Locators-
1-800-U.S. SEARCH
▪ Fee service. Accesses U.S. public record databases to locate people.
▪ Instant people searches, first name searches, search deceased records, court record searches, civil judgement searches and national bankruptcy searches.
A1 Trace USA
▪ Fee service. Conduct “investigative profiles of individuals.
Bigfoot; Tools for the internet
▪ People search, e-mail address search and Yellow pages.
▪ Fee site. Provide information background checks and database searches for all types of records.
National Credit Information Network- WDIA, Inc.
▪ Fee service. People locator, criminal arrest history, date of birth, death records, FAA records, national change of address, real estate property search, social security number trace, surname search and worker compensation claims.
▪ Search for a person by typing in their name, city and state.
Internet Address Finder
▪ Internet Address Finder (IAF), listed as the “Internet’s fastest and most convenient white pages service.”
▪ Search by name and address for internet address or search by e-mail for conventional name and address.
▪ People locator through public records (fee service), Yellow pages, White pages, comprehensive government website directory (local, state and federal) and embassy information.
▪ Fee service. Provides access to billions of public records.
▪ Fee site. One of the largest providers of credible, in-depth information products.
▪ Provides FREE search tools and services on the internet, with multi-Window and multi-engine search technology.
Ahha! People Finders- People Search USA
▪ Fee service. Public records search to locate individuals and conduct investigations. Links and tips to on-line investigative resources and information databases.
Who Where? People Finder- Lycos
▪ E-mail locator, phone number search or simply search for a person on the web.
Yahoo! People Search
▪ Telephone or e-mail search features
People Locators, Children-
KlaasKids- Polly Klaas Foundation
▪ “What To Do If Your Child Disappears” Checklist For Parents
▪ Associated links relating to Megan’s Law.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
▪ Free consulting service to investigating agencies of expert, retired LE officer, skilled in child sexual abuse and abduction.
▪ Cybertipline- receives leads that are provided to LE agencies.
▪ Information databases utilized by NCMEC are available for assisting LE agencies including; Infotek, Autotrack, and LexisNexis.
National Center for The Child Alert Network
Photograph, Composite-
Interquest “FACES” Software
▪ Software for producing composite pictures of a subject in near photo-like quality. Uses a 10-digit alphanumeric “intercode” for over 4,000 facial features, which permits easy exchange of a picture’s data by phone, e-mail or fax. Purchase of software is $50 and free demo download is also available.
Planning Tools, Search-
Robert Koester SAR Home Page
▪ Alzheimer’s Disease SAR Research including, summary statistics and suggested search techniques. Alzheimer’s links.
▪ Fatigue and SAR Research. Fatigue accident prevention. Safety Officer actions.
▪ Despondent subject SAR Statistics.
SARBC- Lost Person Behavior Characteristics
▪ Search & Rescue Society of British Columbia provides statistics for search planning based upon subject behavior.
▪ Purchase Search Manager software.
▪ Links to vendors, weather, avalanche, navigation and mapping sites.
▪ Download CASIE3software.
▪ Tech-tips for SAR techniques.
SARINFO Computer File Library- Downloadable Files
▪ Library of downloadable executable, database and software files including; CASIE3 (Computer Aided Search Information Exchange), Search Manager, Lat/Long-UTM conversion, wind chill & humidity index and many more.
SARINFO- Search Planning Library
▪ Extensive downloadable files relating to SAR planning and search theory.
References, General-
Acronym and Abbreviation Server
Acronyms Finder
▪ Acronym is a searchable dictionary of almost 60,000 acronyms.
Ask Jeeves!
▪ Ask Jeeves! allows you to ask a question to find out what you want by simply typing in a question and click on "ask".
BotSpot- Bots By Category
▪ Comprehensive listing! A bot is a software tool for digging through data. You give a bot directions and it brings back answers. The word is short for robot, which is derived from the Czech word robota meaning work. These “bots” are internet sites/tools for searching for information.
Britannica Encyclopedia
▪ Reference access to entire Britannica encyclopedia.
▪ Subscription fee access to multimedia resources including maps, video and images.
▪ Access free encyclopedia articles or the subscription “electric library” (eLibrary), which provides transcripts, newspapers, magazines, books, maps and images.
Eric’s Treasure Troves of Science
▪ On-line encyclopedias of math and science, including physics
▪ Find facts for any topic in the reference almanacs, encyclopedia and dictionary.
Library of Congress- Online Catalog
▪ Database of approximately 12 million records representing books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic materials, music, sound recordings, and visual materials in the Library of Congress collections.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
▪ Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary and Thesaurus.
Old Farmer’s Almanac
▪ Weather forecasts, tide references and lunar phases.
One Look Dictionaries- The Fast Finder
Opaui Pages: Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms
- My Facts Page
▪ Databases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, government, internet resources, law, phone book, population, postal, time & date, weights & measures and fast facts.
THOR (The Online Resource)
▪ The virtual reference desk with links to reference works including; Dictionaries, Thesauri, Acronyms and Encyclopedias, Information Technology, Maps and Travel Information, Phone Books and Email Directories, Science Data, Selected United States Federal Government Documents, Time and Date, and Zip Codes.
▪ Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Thesaurus, language dictionaries, specialty dictionaries, language identifier.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)- National Archives & Records Administration
US Code Search- US House of Representatives
Rescue References-
Petzl Technical Manual
▪ Illustrated technical manual with detailed reference information on many topics including; belaying, shock loads, hauling systems, knots and falling.
SAR Related Links-
Emergency Services Related Links
▪ Useful for quickly locating vendor information, EMS organizations, international EMS websites and federal, state & state fire and emergency services related sites. Sponsored by Advanced Rescue Technology Magazine.
Search & Rescue Internet Resources
▪ Numerous SAR related links which include SAR radio frequencies, ASTM standards, map generator and UTM grid overlays.
SAR Software-
CASIE3 (Computer Aided Search Information Exchange) Home Page
▪ Download latest version of CASIE search software.
▪ Lost person behavior files, form files and articles. Search effectiveness of helicopters research test results.
Search Manager Software- SAR Technology Inc.
▪ Software application for complete management of a search incident.
Search Engines, Internet-
▪ Special features include; Search Assistant that allows custom search by date and geographic location.
- Metasearch Site
▪ Megasearch site using the following search engines; AltaVista, Excite, GoTo, Hoybot, Infoseek, Lycos, Webcrawler and Yahoo.
▪ Permits users to search multiple engines, web directories and news databases simultaneously. The refers to its metasearch as a “megasearch.”
Dot Com Directory
▪ Search a domain name to find who owns the site.
▪ Perhaps the most popular and effective search engine on the internet.
▪ Special features include Web Page Translation, Phonebook, Street Maps.
▪ Google searches non-HTML file types including PDF documents, Microsoft Office, PostScript, Corel WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, and others.
▪ The "I'm Feeling Lucky™" button takes you directly to the first web page Google returned for your query.
▪ Image based search feature available directly from the home page.
▪ Search for a person by typing in their name, city and state.
InfoUSA- Business Database
▪ Business databases, consumer listings/databases, physicians & surgeons listings and new businesses.
▪ Searches through fourteen search engines at once (including Altavista and Yahoo)
Megasite Project- Health Information Metasite
▪ Metasite comparing health information megasites. Links to the most popular health sites with ratings and comparisons.
Northern Light
▪ The world wide web prioritized, categorized and organized into custom search folders.
Northern Light- Government Search Tool
▪ Search tool for public libraries and public schools. Comprehensive collection of millions of web pages from government an military site providing information about the U.S. Government.
▪ An advanced meta search tool that broadcasts a single query across a set of Web-enabled search engines. A query returns a single merged, ranked and conceptually clustered list.
▪ Specific focused search pages include; web search, news search, health search, money search and government search.
Search Systems- Pacific Information Resources
▪ Collection of free public record databases on the internet organized by state or country. Access to everything from marriage licenses to records of shipwrecks.
- CNET Inc.
▪ Internet metasearch engine.
Starting Page! .…to the best of the web- Best Search Engines
▪ Comprehensive listing of search engines, internet directories, newsgroups searches, multi-media searches and specialized searches.
▪ A document “clustering” search engine, which automatically groups your organized search results into categories.
▪ No frills search engine that organizes its results by how many other pages link to it and rnks them by quality of those links. Wisenut has a comparable database to Google, is searchable in different languages and allows users to set preferences.
World Email Directory (WED)
▪ This site is dedicated to email, finding people and locating businesses and organizations. Here you'll find everything : email software, email list servers, many worldwide email databases, business, telephone and fax directories.
Search Engines, Image Based- Internet-
Alta Vista- Image, Audio & Video Search
▪ Image, Audio & Video search tool. Permits searching for color vs. black-and-white.
- Image Search
▪ Image based search engine
▪ Image Based Search Feature
Standards, Search & Rescue-
American Society For Testing & Material- F32 Subcommittee; Search & Rescue
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
▪ NFPA SAR Related Guidelines (online publication sales);
▪ NFPA 1006: Standard for Rescue Technician Professional Qualifications
▪ NFPA 1670: Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Rescue Incidents.
▪ NFPA 1983: Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope and System Components.
U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department- Sun & Moon rise/set.
▪ Complete sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset information for an entire year. Phases of the moon. Altitude and azimuth of sun and moon by date.
SAR Teams; Contacts/Tools-
Mountain Rescue Association (MRA)
MRA team emergency phone list, SAR Tools and links.
National Cave Rescue Commission (NCRC)
Directory of NCRC Regional Cave Rescue Coordinators.
SAR Technology References-
SARINFO- SAR Technology Files
▪ References on the use of technology in SAR including; PLB, NVG, ground penetrating radar, effectiveness of FLIR and aerial imaging and sonar use for locating submerged cadavers.
Telephone Directory Searches-
▪ Fee service. Metasearch engine for telephone directory searches. Directory listings include; area codes, international directories, white pages, Yellow Page businesses by category, businesses by name, fax numbers, toll-free numbers and government.
Alaska White Pages
AT&T AnyWho Info
▪ Search for individual or business as well as reverse phone number lookup. Directory search for residential, business and government listings with name, address, fax, e-mail, home page and toll-free numbers.
AOL White Pages
▪ Phonebook Feature- US street address and phone number lookup to the information we provide through our search box. Publicly listed phone numbers and addresses at the top of results pages for searches that contain specific kinds of keywords.
Lookup USA
Reverse Phone Directory
▪ Reverse phone number lookup using PC411, Anywho or Infospace.
- White and Yellow Pages
Switchboard: The Internet Directory- Yellow Pages- White Pages- Phone Book
The Ultimate Directory-
▪ White pages, Yellow pages, classified, shopping sites, finance information, government data.
▪ White & Yellow pages
▪ Reverse lookup features
Telephone Directory, Government-
▪ Puts the government at your fingertips through an official U.S. Government portal that accesses millions of local-and-federal Web pages.
U.S. Blue Pages- Online Directory To The U.S. Government
▪ The U.S. Blue Pages project provides telephone directory to Federal, State, County, Local, and Tribal government services.
Water/River Flow Data-
USGS Real Time Water Data
▪ Real-time hydrologic data for water resources of the United States.
NWS Hydrologic Information Center- National Weather Service
Weather Forecasts/Information-
Intellicast- National Park Forecasts
NOAA Weather Radio-
▪ County by county coverage of NOAA weather radio
▪ Weather maps, forecasts and current weather conditions. Search for weather information by City or Zip Code.
WEATHER CHANNEL- National Park Forecasts
U.S. Weather- National Weather Service
Wind Chill Table (Revised Format)- National Weather Service
Weather, Fire-
NIFC Fire Weather Center
▪ National fire weather information
Weather, Hurricane-
FEMA Stormwatch- Tropical Storm Watch
National Hurricane Center- NOAA
Tropical Weather- Atlantic & Pacific Oceans
WeatherOnline!: Tropical Weather
Winter Rescue-
National Ski Patrol
Ski Patrol Web- National Ski Patrol
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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