Exhibit A (Discussion Points/Questions)

July 2, 2015Dear School District, School Risk Management Association, Charter School Representative, Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, or other Office working with Schools:I am pleased to report that the Coyote Crisis Collaborative - a disaster preparedness nonprofit organization in Arizona (the "Collaborative") - in conjunction with school district emergency management representatives, law enforcement, parents, and others, completed production of a video for teachers offering information on what to do in an Active Shooter incident. Entitled Active Shooter Action Plan (ASAP), the video is intended to encourage teachers (including substitute teachers) to understand their school's plan for a shooting incident and to spur discussion that will enable teachers to think through complexities that may arise in a shooting incident.Prior to making the video available nationally, a group of school districts in Arizona convened focus groups to identify questions and/or key points that could be used with teachers to generate discussions after they viewed the video. The list is attached as Exhibit A to this letter for your use.The ASAP video is available to you at no cost. It was created with student, law enforcement, and other actors who volunteered their time. It builds upon information derived from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security and the City of Houston's Run, Hide, Fight video. It has been adapted using language that is familiar to teachers, and is available in closed captioned as well.The ASAP video is a very sobering film, lasting approximately six minutes. It is password protected to enable only those individuals authorized by superintendents within school districts, charter school administrators (if not associated with a school district), or school risk management association authorities to access and download it. Due to the mature content, it is not recommended for children.To access or download the ASAP video, it is necessary for the Collaborative to receive a letter, in the form substantially set forth in Exhibit B, on school district, charter school, school risk management association letterhead. The letter must be signed by an authorized agent (e.g., superintendent, head administrator, director, and/or similar authority). The school district, charter school, or school risk management association and signature must be verifiable via website. Thiswebsite, together with a point of contact (name, telephone number , and email address) , must be added in the request letter.If 80454566294000you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Collaborative. Respectfully,Deborah Roepke, Executive Director Coyote Crisis Collaborative10323 E. Sutton DriveScottsdale, AZ 85260 Deb.roepke@. Exhibit A (Discussion Points/Questions)It is recommended that schools consider having a school resource officer or local law enforcement officer available during discussions about the ASAP video. Some key considerations during discussion are listed below.How do you know there is an active shooter?How do you know if you should lockdown, evacuate, or take action? What if it's after school or the administration can't send out a notification?Are there any obstacles to locking doors in your classroom (e.g., substitute teachers don't have keys, doors lock from the outside, or there are no locks on the doors)?Are there any obstacles to covering windows in your classroom?Do you have closets?How will you know when the incident is over, particularly if the administrative area cannot communicate with you?What's the best way to barricade within a classroom?What are the escape routes available to you in your classroom, the library, the lunchroom, or other areas (e.g., windows or doors to the outside)?Do your students have any limitations to their movements (e.g., students with cognitive, hearing, sight, mobility, behavioral, or other restrictions)?Do you know what to expect and what to do when police arrive?Do you have a plan for assembly/reunification after an evacuation?Do you know your school's active shooter plan?Do you exercise in a manner that challenges you to think through what you will do with your students in an active shooter incident?Exhibit B(Form Letter)[Date]Deborah Roepke, Executive Director Coyote Crisis Collaborative10740 E. Becker Lane Scottsdale, AZ 85259Re: Active Shooter Action Plan VideoDear Ms. Roepke:The purpose of this letter is to request access to the Active Shooter Action Plan ("ASAP ") video produced by Coyote Crisis Collaborative (the "Collaborative"). I understand that the ASAP video will be provided to [school/district/association name] at no cost, in furtherance of the nonprofit mission of the Collaborative.I, as an authorized agent of [Organization Name] (the "Organization "), do hereby agree to the following as terms and conditions for access and use of the ASAP video:The ASAP video will only be accessed by authorized personnel within the Organization. The Organization will not distribute the ASAP video to any individual, organization, or third party, other than the one authorized by the letter.The Organization will not charge its authorized personnel for viewing the ASAP video.The Organization will not and shall not instruct nor permit its authorized personnel to make any alterations to the ASAP video.The Collaborative owns the ASAP video. All rights, title, and interest in the ASAP video shall remain with the Collaborative.The Collaborative reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate access to the ASAP video, at any time, for any reason.Further, the Organization hereby releases the Collaborative and its employees, successors, and designees from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, and damages from the Organization's use of the ASAP video.The name and contact information for the Organization's authorized agent is as follows:[Name][Telephone number] [E-mail Address] [Website]I understand that the website listed above will be used to verify the authority of the agent.Sincerely[Authorized Agent] [Organization Name] ................

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