Information about Arizona SCRL (MS Word)


Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Plan



Team Name

|Arizona State Literacy Plan Committee |

Responsible Agency

|Arizona Department of Education |

Team Membership

|Membership Types and Numbers |

|A State that receives a Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy formula grant establishes a Literacy Team comprised of individuals with |

|expertise in literacy development and education for children birth to school entry; kindergarten through grade 5; grades 6 through 8; and |

|grades 8 through 12. Provide the name of the Comprehensive Literacy Team members for each age /grade category and type of expertise. |

|Birth-school entry |Mindy Zapata, Cathy Otto, Pamela Powell, Amy Corriveau |

|K-5th Grade |Laura Noel, Michelle Olguin, Ruthjane Willow, Bette Lovelace, Tina |

| |Stephens |

|6th grade - 12th grade |Jean Kilker, Debbie LeBlanc, Cynthia Nicholson, Becky Rapier, Mark |

| |Hammill |

|Managing/implementing literacy programs |Adriel Grieshaber, Whitney Crow, Joanie Judd |

|Evaluation of literacy programs |Lois Williams, Karen Grimwood |

|Planning and implementing Response-to-Intervention |Linda Barr, Janet Chouteau, Marjorie Jones, Mary Wennersten |

|Screening and performance measurement |Melissa Penniman, Judy Campbell |

|Validated interventions and instruction for struggling readers, English |Polly Foudray, Ana Doan, Jennifer Guerra, Joy McCain, Cassandra |

|learners and students with disabilities |Smith, Irene Tipton, Marlene Johnston |

|Professional development for principals, teachers and coaches |Terry Doolan, Rachel Stafford, Richard Hull |

|Teacher preparation and State licensure/accreditation in literacy |Patricia Anders, Josephine Marsh |

|development and instruction | |

|Other members and/or experts required |Holly Henley, Michele Parker Rock |

Add more rows if needed.

Applicable Standards

|Birth – School Entry |Kindergarten – 5th Grade |6th Grade – 12th Grade |

|Arizona’s Early Childhood Standards |Arizona’s Common Core Standards - English |Arizona’s Common Core Standards - English |

| |Language Arts (ELA) |Language Arts (ELA) |

|Common Core English Language Arts Standards |Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards |Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards |

| |(ELL) |(ELL) |

Add more rows if needed.

Team Activities

|Proposed Implementation Plans |

|The following analysis reflects only priorities cited as program requirements in the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program State |

|Formula Grant Application. Also include any additional priorities addressed as part of a broader plan. (Reference page numbers for each |

|priority in your Plan) |

|U.S. Department of Education Priorities |Satisfied |Details in the Literacy Plan |

|Address the literacy needs and improve the learning outcomes| |The purpose of the Arizona State Literacy Plan is to create a |

|of children from birth through Grade 12 | |cohesive, seamless roadmap for parents, educators, |

| | |professionals, policy makers, and community stakeholders that |

| | |clearly and articulately outlines the stages of literacy |

| | |development from birth through grade twelve (8) |

|Address the literary needs and improve the learning | |Arizona has structured a comprehensive program of English |

|outcomes of disadvantaged students, such as students who | |language development for students k-12 who are identified as |

|are English Language Learners (ELL) and students with | |ELLs (91-95) |

|disabilities | |See Reading Instruction for Students with Disabilities (97-98) |

|Include the use of clear content standards in the areas of | |Adoption of the rigorous Common Core English Language Arts |

|pre-literacy, reading, and writing. Also use curriculum and | |standards, recognizing that while there is a high degree of |

|instructional material that align with State standards | |alignment between the new and previous standards, students will|

| | |be challenged with expectation of increased text complexity and|

| | |the development of content area literacy (10) |

|Enable more data-based decision-making | |Instructional/intervention teams consisting of teachers, |

| | |specialists, paraprofessionals and administrators will use |

| | |timely data from all of these types of assessments to plan and |

| | |implement differentiated instruction to improve student |

| | |learning. The collaborative teams will use data to make a |

| | |variety of instructional decisions (79) |

|Provide evidence-based teacher preparation and professional | |The Arizona Department of Education K-12 Literacy Section is |

|development | |utilizing the state’s online portal IDEAL (Integrated Data to |

| | |Enhance Arizona’s Learning) staff at Arizona State University |

| | |to develop sustainable professional development online courses |

| | |in Language and Literacy (122) |

|Use coherent assessment and screening systems that are | |A data coordinator sets up and manages a system for |

|aligned with State standards | |administering, scoring, reporting, sharing and analyzing |

| | |assessment, including universal screenings. The data system is |

| | |used to monitor student progress and effectiveness of |

| | |instruction. Teachers use assessment data to determine |

| | |flexible/differentiated groups and deliver differentiated |

| | |instruction as needed. Teachers discuss literacy assessment |

| | |data twice a month at grade level meetings or cross curricular |

| | |team meetings (113) |

|Implement targeted interventions | |A three-tiered Response to Intervention (RTI) process (80-89) |

|Propose use of technology to address student learning | |The Literacy Plan does not address the use of technology |

|challenges | | |

|Action Plans |

|(List major implementation activities; include page numbers where activities are referenced in Comprehensive Literacy Plan) |

|Page 105 |

|Exploration and Adoption |

|Identify need for change |

|Learn about possible solutions |

|Learn about what it takes to implement effectively |

|Decide to proceed |

|Program Installation |

|Prepare for use of the innovation |

|Establish the resources needed to use and implement the innovation with fidelity and good outcomes for students |

|Initial Implementation |

|Actively engage in learning how to do and support the doing of the innovation |

|Initial use of practices by newly trained staff |

|Full Implementation |

|Actively work to make full use of the innovation as part of the organization’s typical functioning |

|Skillful use of an innovation well-integrated into the repertoire of staff |

|Routinely support and monitor implementation |

|Innovation |

|Advances in knowledge and skill that come from evaluated changes in how teachers and others make use of a science-based intervention |

|Refine and expand both implementation practices and programs |

|Sustainability |

|Persistent and skillful support for teachers and staff using an innovation effectively |

|Consistently achieve |

|Long term survival and continued effectiveness of the implementation |

Add more rows if needed.

|Leadership and Sustainability |

|(Activities leadership teams undertake to develop and sustain implementation of their SRCL Comprehensive Literacy Plans. Examples include |

|collaborative partnerships, communication strategies for sharing information with partners, and shared tasks among the leaders.) |

|The inclusion of state and school library, higher education, and community and family literacy professionals extends the collaborative |

|partnership to truly encompass birth through grade 12 development (9) |

|ADE is partnering with the Virginia E. Piper Foundation to support the position a of State Literacy Director who will be responsible for |

|supporting the implementation of the State Literacy Plan across multiple agencies and organizations dedicated to literacy instruction. The |

|collaborative leadership team coordinating this work includes representatives from First Things First, Head Start and ADE. |

|Ongoing collaboration with First Things First, Arizona’s early childhood agency to coordinate literacy activities for families and young |

|children |

Add more rows if needed.

State Comprehensive Literacy Plan Website

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