AZUTM Tree Inventory Form - Arizona

|Inventory Form Key: |

| | |

|Tree Record |Genus and species |

|Individual Tree Identifier |Scientific Name OR i-Tree Species Code |

|(unique ID or GPS location) | |

| | |

|DBH |

|Diameter at Breast Height (4.5ft) |

|Round up diameter to whole DBH inch; see tips in information box to the left. |

| | |

|Insect |Disease |

|YES/NO or type of insect |YES/NO or type of disease |

| | |

|Condition - healthy tree cover |

|Good > 75% healthy tree cover |

|A nice, healthy tree. |

|Fair 50-75% healthy tree cover |

|Some dead branches but mostly healthy. |

|Poor 25-50% healthy tree cover |

|Lots of dead branches mixed with healthy branches. |

|Dead/Dying ................

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