UNM-020 - Northern Arizona University

National Park Service

Cultural Landscapes Inventory



Gran Quivira

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument


Inventory Unit Summary and Site Plan

Concurrence Status

Geographic Information and Location Map

Management Information

National Register Information

Chronology and Physical History

Analysis and Evaluation



Biography and Supplemental Information

Inventory Unit Summary

Cultural Landscape Inventory Name: Gran Quivira

Cultural Landscape Inventory Number: 850100

Parent Cultural Landscape Inventory Name: Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

Parent Cultural Landscape Inventory Number: 850097

Park Name: Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

Park Alpha Code: SAPU

Park Org Code: 7260

Landscape/Component Landscape Description:

Gran Quivira, also known historically as Las Humanas, is a 610-acre cultural landscape that includes ancient pueblo ruins and Spanish mission structures set atop a ridge, amidst the rolling piñon and juniper scrubland and grassland of central New Mexico. The site was historically used for hundreds of years by Native Americans, prior to Spanish colonization of the area in 1598. In that year, Franciscan missionary activity began with the designation of Las Humanas as a visita of the mission San Gregorio de Abó (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). Missionary activities converted natives to Catholicism and used the native population to extract goods from the region using the encomienda system, in which Spanish encomenderos were granted labor rights provided by natives. The pueblos and mission were abandoned by 1672, and remained so until the 19th century. In 1875 and into the early 20th century, homesteads were settled in the area, using the landscape for agricultural purposes. The first archeological investigations of the site also began around this time. In 1909, Congress established the Gran Quivira National Monument, seeking to preserve the pueblo and mission ruins at Gran Quivira.

From 1909 to today, Gran Quivira has remained under federal management. In 1980 the site became one of three units within the Salinas National Monument, changed in 1987 to Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. Although Gran Quivira is individually significant, the other two pueblo missions in the Monument, Abó and Quarai, form a regional complex, rich in shared history.

Today, features at Gran Quivira include the buried remains of ancient pit houses; surface remnants of jacal structures; a prehistoric and historic Tompiro Indian pueblo that developed over four hundred years, consisting of 20 house mounds (two are fully excavated and five are partially excavated), 14 kivas (6 stabilized) and several plazas. Also present are two Franciscan mission churches, accompanying conventos, and a cemetery that were part of the Spanish mission complex in place prior to the 1680 Pueblo Revolt (SAPU Statement for Management 1989, 13). The pueblo and mission buildings are constructed of gray limestone, unique among the pueblos and missions. The Spanish mission complex consists of two mission churches, their associated conventos, and a cemetery (SAPU Statement for Management 1989, 13). The pueblo and mission buildings are constructed of gray limestone, unique among the pueblos and missions. Man-made landforms such as dams and earthen detention basins, as well as treasure pits, also exist on site.

Additional resources include 19th and 20th century homestead debris, archeological excavations, and contemporary visitor facilities. Interestingly, the site has no perennial water source, which causes much discussion of the survival strategies of the early village inhabitants. Apart from a modern well on NPS property, the nearest surface water source is a spring at Montezuma Ruin two miles southwest of Gran Quivira (Toulouse 1943, 3; Hayes 1981, 6).

The unit is categorized as both historic vernacular (Pueblo) and historic designed landscape (Spanish mission). It is significant under National Register Criteria A, B, C, and D. There are four periods of significance associated with the site, including the Pit House Period (800-1200), Ancestral Puebloan Period (1200-1629), Spanish Mission Period (1598 – 1672), and Settlement Period (1875-1909).

Overall, Gran Quivira is in fair condition and retains integrity. It is sited as it was historically within a surrounding scenic vista relatively undisturbed by modern development. The original materials and design are clearly evident in the ruins, although the height of the walls has lowered with time. The association with prehistoric people’s adaptation to life in the landscape and with European exploration and colonization of North America is evident through the remaining landscape features.

Inventory Unit Size (Acres): 610.94 acres

Property Level: Component Landscape

CLI Hierarchy Description:

The Gran Quivira landscape is one of three component landscapes within Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, the parent landscape. The three component units are Gran Quivira, Abó, and Quarai, all of which are characterized by pueblo ruins and large Spanish colonial mission complexes.

Abó, located northwest of Gran Quivira, was built with red sandstone near a perennial spring along the route from the Rio Grande up through Abó Pass, a local trade route (Murphy 1993, 12). Nearby, Quarai was also built of local red sandstone at the foot of the Manzano Mountains along a stream. Although Abó and Quarai were located within ten miles of each other, the people of Abó spoke Tompiro, while the people of Quarai spoke Tiwa.

While it shares much cultural heritage and history, Gran Quivira is distinct from the other two units. Of the three units, Gran Quivira is more isolated. Constructed of gray limestone, the site is located farther from the mountains and the pass, and is without an apparent stream or spring. Like the people of Abó, inhabitants of Gran Quivira also spoke Tompiro.

The geographic proximity of the three units influenced the pre-historic and historic interactions between them. For centuries, architectural, trade, and other cultural relationships existed among the pueblo populations of the three sites and throughout the region. In addition, there were also relationships between Abó and Gran Quivira under Spanish administration. The Spanish created a hierarchy of Franciscan staff to share the mission administration. The Franciscans assigned to the Salinas pueblos were initially headquartered at the mission at Abó. From there, they provided visiting friars to Gran Quivira, categorized as a visita, and brought Puebloans from Abó to Gran Quivira for shared religious celebrations. (Note: Interestingly, the mission of San Gregorio de Abó was constructed at about the same time as the first visita structures were begun at Gran Quivira.) Under Spanish rule, the two pueblos also shared resources necessary for survival. When lack of water at Gran Quivira compromised livestock and crops, the Spanish relocated their stock and cultivation from Gran Quivira to Abó, where there was a stream (Vivian 1979, 28). Similar sharing of resources also occurred when food supplies diminished at Gran Quivira. Spanish central authority also pooled resources from the pueblos for other purposes such as the construction of the Spanish capital, Santa Fe.

Within the boundaries of Gran Quivira, the cultural landscape can be divided into several zones. The main pueblo and the Spanish mission complex are situated atop the ridge. The mission structures are sited west and south of the main pueblo structures and mounds. There are earthen water catchment basins, berms, and terraces located on the slopes of the ridge; an earthen dam sits in an arroyo to the south, and ponding areas are extant above the pueblo to the east and north. Concentrations of artifacts from early 20th century homesteaders exist in the far northwest and northeast acreage of the site. Mounds of excavation soils and rock remain around the main ruins area and slopes below the ridge top. Sherds and ancient hearths are scattered throughout the property, with heavier concentrations closest to the ruins. Buried pit house remains exist west and south of the main ruins. Remnant wood (juniper) fence posts and pieces of barbed wire remain in the far west and east acres of the park, likely from 1923 fencing by Edgar Hewett. The visitor center facilities are west of the ruins and down-slope, hidden from view at the ruins. The entry road comes in from the north, turning east and up the slope to the parking and picnic area just southwest of the visitor center. Along the south edge of the entry road there are staff residences tucked among the piñon and juniper trees.

Site Plan Graphics:


General Site Plan of Gran Quivira at Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. Source: Google Maps, 2010.


Detailed site plan of central area at Gran Quivira showing major features and layout of pueblo village and mission structures. Current access ramp not visible. Photo was taken between 1996 (year of visitor center location) and 2007 (year access ramp was installed). Source: Google Maps, 2010.


Site plan of Pueblo de Las Humanas. Source: Alden C. Hayes, no. 16, Excavation of Mound 7, Gran Quivira National Monument, New Mexico, 1981, National Park Service.


Gran Quivira Pueblo and Mission Features on Ridgetop. Source: Ivey, 1988.


Main ruins area with Mound 7 highlighted in red. Source: NPS, nd.

CLI Hierarchy Description Graphics:


Relative locations of Gran Quivira, Quarai and Abó, the three units of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. Source:


Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument parent and component landscapes.

Concurrence Status

Inventory Status: Incomplete

Hide Inventory Unit: No

Completion Status Explanatory Narrative: This CLI was completed under a cooperative agreement with the University of New Mexico and Morrow, Wilkenson, Reardon, Miller, Ltd. It was later edited by park staff at Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument and the regional CLI Coordinator.

Park Superintendent Concurrence: (To be filled in upon concurrence)

Date of Superintendent Concurrence

National Register Eligibility: (To be filled in upon concurrence)

National Register Eligibility

Concurrence Date (SHPO/Keeper): (To be filled in upon concurrence)

National Register Concurrence

Explanatory Narrative: (To be filled in upon concurrence)

Concurrence Graphic Information (To be filled in upon concurrence)

Geographic Information and Location Map

Inventory Unit Boundary Description: The Gran Quivira Unit comprises the southern half of the southern half of Section 34, Township 1N, Range 8E, the southern half of the southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 1N, Range 8E, Lots 3 and 4 of Section 2, Township 1S, Range 8E, the northern half of the northern half of Section 3, Township 1S, Range 8E, and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 4, Township 1S, Range 8E.

Counties and States

State: NM

County: Torrance County

Socorro County

Location Map Graphic Information


Location of Gran Quivira in relation to modern political boundaries and Pueblo sites along the Rio Grande. Note locations of Quarai and Abó to the northwest. Source:


Southwest corner of USGS 7.5’ 1972 Quad, Gran Quivira, showing the Gran Quivira unit boundary, location on Torrance-Socorro County line, topographic features, entry road, the village of Gran Quivira, with UTM coordinates, NAD 27.


USGS 7.5’ Quad, Gran Quivira, showing Monument Unit boundary, location on Torrance-Socorro County line, and topographic features, UTM coordinates, NAD 27.

Boundary UTM

|Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary UTM |Boundary Datum |

|Source |Source Explanatory|Type |Datum |Zone |Easting |Northing |Other |

| |Narrative | | | | | | |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |401240 |3791492 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |401235 |3791048 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |398012 |3791070 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |398017 |3791539 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |398529 |3791537 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |398547 |3791927 |Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

|Other Digital | GIS Files |Area |NAD 83 |13 S |400941 |3791513 | Google Earth |

|Source |obtained from park| | | | | |and Earthpoint |

Regional Landscape Context


Gran Quivira lies in the geographic center of the state of New Mexico. The ruins are 40 miles east of the Rio Grande, connected by Abó Pass. Thirty miles to the northwest are the Manzano Mountains. The Gallinas Mountains are visible about fifteen miles east of Gran Quivira. To the northeast lies the Estancia Valley or Basin, a closed basin where the salt flats of the Salinas Monument namesake are found. These salt deposits, a resource to the early people, are remnants of ancient lakes (Noble 1982, 6). To the west of Gran Quivira, Chupadera Mesa runs generally north-south. Extending east from Chupadera Mesa is a series of gently rolling east-west ridges and wide valleys. Gran Quivira sits upon one of these small ridges at approximately 6600’ elevation. North, west and east of the Chupadera escarpment are geologic formations known as the Jumano Plateau or Mesa de Los Jumanos. Generally sloping gently to the southeast, the formations of the plateau consist of limestone, gypsum, shale, sandstone, and arkose. With variable erosion of these materials, the country north and west of Chupadera Mesa rises to ridges and buttes and rolls into valleys. The mesas drain into sink holes in the basin below. Underlying the basin is gypsum and San Andres limestone (Bates, et al 1947, 9-11). Gran Quivira has no perennial water source, cause for much discussion of the survival strategies of the early village inhabitants. The nearest surface water source was a spring at Montezuma Ruin two miles southwest of Gran Quivira, although NPS now has an easement for a modern well about a mile from the main park property (Toulouse 1943, 3; Hayes no. 17, 1981, 6).


There were a number of other pueblos near the village at Gran Quivira during the Ancestral Puebloan Period. The following list consists of those pueblos that were nearby and contemporaneous with the village at Gran Quivira. Archeological sites in New Mexico have been listed as by the Laboratory of Anthropology as LA sites; for example, Gran Quivira is listed as LA 120. Other pueblo villages in the region include:

• Pueblo Pardo (LA 83) is three miles south of Gran Quivira

• Montezuma Ruin (LA 197) is six miles west of Gran Quivira

• Pueblo Colorado (LA 474, LA 476) to the northeast may not have been inhabited when Spanish were present (Toulouse, 1943-History, 32)

• Pueblo Blanco (known also as Tabirá) (LA 51) is six miles northeast of Gran Quivira and includes a Spanish church. (LA 572 is the same site as LA 51, mistake in LA records-see handwritten note in Toulouse 1943, 32)

However, these are not the only archeological sites in the vicinity. There are many other sites from the archaic, pit house, historic Anglo and Spanish periods and small Puebloan sites that were not villages (Stuart and Gauthier 1981, 333-337).

Each of the cultures that inhabited the region adapted to the landscape context. Early Ancestral Puebloan populations depended on gathering wild foods and medicines from native plants and hunting small and large game. Food plants included piñon (nuts), cactus (fruits and joints), juniper (berries), and Gambel oak (acorns). To further adapt to the arid ecosystem, pit house and Puebloan populations supplemented wild foods with agricultural crops, contructing reservoirs to concentrate scarce water for dry land agriculture. Native vegetation, such as juniper and ponderosa pine, provided wood for habitable structures, in addition to firewood. Puebloan structures, such as pit houses and villages, were aligned to the sun for winter solar gain. As game populations or water sources shrank below the level that could support their needs, Puebloans typically moved on to other sites, constructing new towns (Bandelier 1890). Overall, their adaptations in the arid environment allowed them a relatively small survival margin, though suitable to their population sizes and technology.

Later in the 19th and 20th centuries, homesteaders also adapted the landscape to suit their needs. They grazed livestock on the native grasses and planted corn and beans in lowland areas. Juniper and ponderosa pine provided wood for fence posts and firewood.


Gran Quivira is located on roadway New Mexico 55, a distance of 25 miles south of present-day Mountainair, New Mexico. The park straddles the Torrance-Socorro County line.

Regional Landscape Context Graphics:


Modern and Prehistoric Pueblos in the Rio Grande and Salinas region. Gran Quivira, Abó and Quarai are highlighted. Laguna del Perro is the largest of the Salinas lakes in the Estancia Basin. Note location of Isleta Pueblo, likely destination for many Humanos residents upon abandonment of Gran Quivira. Chupadera Mesa, Mesa de los Humano, and Gallinas Mountains surround Gran Quivira. The closest pueblos contemporaneous to Gran Quivira were Pueblo Pardo, Colorado and Pueblo Blanco (Tabirá).

Source: Alden C. Hayes, Excavation of Mound 7 Gran Quivira National Monument New Mexico no. 16, 1981, National Park Service.

Management Information

Management Category: Category A – Must be Preserved and Maintained

Management Category Date: November 1, 1909

Management Category Explanatory Narrative: Gran Quivira was established as a National Monument in 1909 under congressional legislation that set aside land for the protection, management and care of objects of historic and scientific interest.

Do Adjacent Lands Contribute: No

Management Agreement

Management Agreement: Other—Easement

Management Agreement Expiration Date: NA

Management Agreement Explanatory Narrative: There is a legal easement right‑of‑way across private land that leads to a 1‑acre water well located .8 mi. from the main Gran Quivira property. There is no expiration on the easement right‑of‑way. The easement is not on NPS property nor included in the park acreage.

NPS Legal Interest

Type of Legal Interest: Fee Simple

Fee Simple Reservation for Life: NA

Fee Simple Reservation Expiration Date: NA

Other Organization/Agency: NA

NPS Legal Interest Explanatory Narrative:

Interest is fee simple absolute, no expiration. There is also a legal easement right-of-way across private land that leads to a 1-acre water well easement located .8 mi. from the main Gran Quivira property. There is no expiration on the easement right-of-way. The easement is not on NPS property nor included in the park acreage.

Public Access to Site

Public Access: Unrestricted

Public Access Explanatory Narrative: Public must stay on established trails.

National Register Information

National Register Landscape Documentation: Entered-Inadequately Documented

National Register Explanatory Narrative:

Gran Quivira was administratively listed on the National Register in 1966 as part of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument listing. However, no formal documentation was completed at that time.

A Determination of Eligibility was conducted by the Monument in July 2006 and signed by the New Mexico SHPO. The Determination of Eligibility provides historic context, lists and describes Gran Quivira’s contributing features, and discusses the aspects of integrity and National Register eligibility under Criteria A, B, C, and D. However, the DOE failed to include important landscape features that are addressed in this CLI.

National Register Eligibility: (To be added upon SHPO concurrence)

National Register Eligibility Concurrence Date: (To be added upon SHPO concurrence)

National Register Concurrence

Explanatory Narrative: (To be added upon SHPO concurrence)

National Register Significance Level: National

National Register Significance Individual

National Register Classification: Site

National Historic Landmark Status: No

National Historic Landmark Date: NA

National Historic Landmark Theme: NA

World Heritage Site Status: No

World Heritage Site Date: NA

World Heritage Category: NA

Statement of Significance:

The landscape at Gran Quivira is significant for a variety of historic associations spanning over one thousand years. The earliest structures on site—pit houses and pueblos—were home to Native Americans for over 800 years. Later in the mid-1500s, Spanish colonial mission complexes were constructed as part of expansionist strategies within the region. After 1672, the Pueblo village and Spanish mission were abandoned for over two hundred years, altered only by natural forces and a few inhabitants. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, homesteaders of the western U.S. expansion altered the site, leaving behind domestic, agricultural, and automotive artifacts. At that same time, archeological investigations at Gran Quivira began as early pioneers, such as anthropologist Adolph Bandelier and archeologist Edgar L. Hewett, excavated the grounds. Later, Depression-era New Deal programs constructed minor public works on the site in the 1930s. Today, the site still embodies Native American and Spanish contact before the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

This evolution over time can be characterized into four different periods of significance, including the Pit House Period, Ancestral Puebloan Period, Spanish Mission Period, and Settlement Period.

Periods of Significance:

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

This period is characterized by the Native American adoption of agriculture and a transition from a nomadic or semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to more permanent settlement. Pit House and ceramic remains reflect the early presence of the Mogollon culture. The people’s relationship with their surrounding landscape was essential for gathering wild foods, planting crops, hunting game, and searching for water. During this period, Gran Quivira became a regional trade center with exchange reaching as far as Mexico, the plains, and the Pacific coast. Exports likely included salt, corn, cotton, piñon nuts, and pottery (Mogollon 2004, 9).

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

The period is characterized by the Native American transition from pit houses and above-ground jacal structures constructed of wood, adobe, and stone, to massive masonry pueblos. Ancestral Rio Grande Puebloan populations influenced and likely migrated to Gran Quivira as evidenced by burial practices and ceramic remains. A Tompiro-speaking population was established at the site by about 1300 AD until abandonment, circa 1672. Material culture indicates the continued presence of both Mogollon and Ancestral Rio Grande Pueblo practices (Hayes no. 17 1981, 10). Village life at Gran Quivira included several phases of architectural development in the masonry pueblos, beginning with a large circular pueblo enclosing a subterranean kiva. Later masonry pueblo forms were larger, linear, terraced, and contained multiple kivas. The people of the pueblos depended on their immediate environment for everything they needed. They adapted to the land by moving earth and rock to collect or concentrate water, planting crops, and quarrying stone for shelter and storage structures. They also carved tools from stone and bone, and made pottery to store and carry their goods. They continued to gather wild plant foods, hunt for large and small game, and raise turkeys.

Spanish Mission Period, 1540 – 1672 AD

When Europeans explored and colonized the New World, Gran Quivira was an early site of Spanish contact and missionary activity. Spanish explorers began visiting the region in 1540 when Francisco Vázquez de Coronado led a large, two-year expedition north from New Spain (now Mexico) to seek riches and explore the region. The Spaniards sought mineral wealth and claimed lands and resources for the Spanish Crown. Initial contact at Gran Quivira came in 1583 with the expedition led by Antonio de Espejo. After initial contact between the two cultures, Spanish colonization established the encomienda system. Encomienda granted control of Native American labor, food, and other goods to Spaniards in exchange for service to the Crown. The next phase of colonization began at Gran Quivira with construction of a missionary convento and church. Visiting Franciscan priests from other missions and resident friars were assigned to the village to convert the natives to Catholicism. As resident priests were assigned to Gran Quivira, the construction of a second mission church and convento began and continued throughout the period. Key figures include explorer Juan de Oñate and the Franciscan missionaries Fray Francisco de Letrado and Fray Diego de Santandér.

Settlement Period, 1875 – 1909 AD

During the 19th century expansion of the United States to western North America, homestead grants provided lands to settlers. Several grants in the vicinity of Gran Quivira, one including the ruins, were homesteaded. Both English and Spanish-speaking residents settled in villages of the area, grazing their livestock within what would later become Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. Prior to settlement of the area, many persons are reputed to have sought mythical buried treasure, but found only remnants of Pueblo and Spanish habitation at the site.

Also during this time period, many specialized professions, including the disciplines of anthropology and archeology, came into practice in the United States. The field of American archeology grew from interest in living and prehistoric Native American cultures and the exploration, settlement, and allocation of their lands by the federal government. As a result, Gran Quivira played an early role in the history of Southwestern archeology. A key figure of this period was anthropologist Adolph Bandelier, who began the first professional study of Native American sites, including Gran Quivira, in the late 19th century. Another key figure was archeologist Edgar L. Hewett, who took special interest in Gran Quivira in his pursuit of Spanish mission sites and Southwestern antiquities. Because of these early investigations, the ruins at Gran Quivira were proclaimed a National Monument in 1909.

With this span of associations and resources within these four broad periods, Gran Quivira is significant under National Register criteria A, B, C and D. It can be characterized as historic vernacular landscape (pit house and Puebloan) and as historic designed landscape (Spanish mission complex).

Criterion A (Events and Broad Patterns of History):

Gran Quivira is significant under National Register Criterion A, as the site exhibits evolution from some of the earliest patterns of adaptation by early Southwest inhabitants from pre-historic architecture, village and agricultural forms, to Spanish colonial mission efforts, to early homestead settlement patterns, to early preservation movements within the U.S.

The pit houses at Gran Quivira embody the period of transition from nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyles to sedentary communities. The Mogollon population settled in permanent communities and developed agricultural practices, which supplemented hunting and gathering. Later, Ancestral Puebloans established an agriculturally-based village lifestyle, typical architectural forms, and economic and trade networks throughout the region. The Salinas region was a crossroads of east-west and north-south trade routes among prehistoric populations (General Management Plan 1984, 93). Remnants of this early Settlement Period at Gran Quivira include numerous artifacts, buried remnants of pit houses, surface remnants of jacal structures, a prehistoric Tompiro Native American pueblo consisting of 20 house mounds (two fully excavated and five partially excavated) and 14 kivas (six stabilized), prehistoric roads, petroglyphs, quarries, dams, catchment basins, and terraces.

Features at Gran Quivira also reflect 16th and 17th century European exploration and colonization around the globe. This broad pattern in history is visible today in the architecture of Spanish colonization. As the Spanish expanded New Spain into North America, a primary mode of colonization included conversion of the native population to Catholicism. The Franciscan mission structures at Gran Quivira and the architectural modifications made to the pueblo by the Franciscans embody this major pattern of history. The features associated with this event are the church, convento, and campo santo of San Isidro, the addition of rooms to the pueblo (Mound 7), as well as the church and convento of San Buenaventura.

This historic event was initiated at Gran Quivira by the regional expeditions of Juan de Oñate and Antonio de Espejo as they sought gold and silver in the northern frontier of New Spain. Failing to find mineral wealth, these expeditions visited the site of Gran Quivira to claim food and other goods from the native inhabitants to support the expeditions, to declare jurisdiction and ownership of the lands on behalf of the Spanish monarchy, and to declare the village a Franciscan mission province. Hereafter, the Spanish Franciscans ordered the construction of the mission complexes at the Pueblo.

The Spanish presence had an enormous impact on the native population at Gran Quivira and throughout the region. Spanish colonization of Puebloan villages overwhelmed the subsistence economies of the villages, introduced diseases to which the Puebloan populations had no immunity, and enforced Native American labor. Patterns of native cultural adaptations to Spanish contact are visible in architectural modifications, material culture, and abandonment of Gran Quivira. Features which embody the native response include kivas at Gran Quivira that were destroyed, filled, and abandoned, some kivas that may have been rebuilt in hidden locations, and the abandonment of the pueblo by 1672.

Gran Quivira also embodies settlement patterns significant for homesteading and livestock ranching as part of westward expansion of the U.S. Through the Homestead Act of 1862, federal land was allocated to private settlers to encourage expansion, especially into western U.S. territories and states. Initially, 160 acres (a quarter section) of land were offered free of charge to eligible applicants. While land ownership was offered at no cost to private citizens, a few requirements had to be met before final title to the property was granted. To gain title, applicants had to build and live in a home and conduct farming activities such as sowing acres of crops, digging wells, and building farm structures. Many were unable to complete improvements and claim ownership due, at least in part, to hardships of survival and the difficulty of farming and ranching in arid western lands.

As part of this broader settlement pattern, Clara Corbyn received a patent in 1905 for land that included part of Gran Quivira. The Corbyn homestead is the only documented homestead within the boundaries of Gran Quivira, though others may have squatted on the land and never filed a claim. While no homestead residences remain, there are concentrations of household and agricultural debris, including cans, bottles, vehicle parts, remnants of corral posts and wire fencing, and dirt roads. Additionally, old road cuts that may date from this period are also visible today.

Gran Quivira is also significant for its contributions to archeology as a specialized discipline. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the specialized professions of archeology, anthropology and ethnographic study began to emerge in the United States. Looking for new areas to study, emerging archeologists turned to New Mexico’s pueblo and mission ruins, which played a significant role in the development of Southwest archeology and in validating American history. The first studies and excavations of the ruins at Gran Quivira were conducted by Adolph Bandelier in 1883. Archeologist Edgar L. Hewett later followed in the 1920s in his pursuit of documenting Spanish mission sites. Both Bandelier and Hewett’s studies of Gran Quivira resulted in scholarly publications about the site.

At the same time, popular national interest increased in the preservation of Western American antiquities and prehistoric sites. Additionally, the mapping and disposition of federal lands and assets became much debated, especially as it related to Native American prehistoric sites. In response, the federal government established institutions to study and preserve tracts of public land. One of the first institutions, the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology (later renamed Bureau of American Ethnology), was founded in 1879 to sponsor ethnographic, archaeological and linguistic field research and to promote the new disciplines. By 1906, national interest in the protection of prehistoric sites had increased, resulting in the 1906 Antiquities Act, which authorized the U.S. President to declare National Monuments on federal lands. Three years later, on November 1, 1909, Gran Quivira was designated a National Monument by President Taft in order to preserve “one of the largest and most important of the early Spanish church ruins” as well as "numerous Indian pueblo ruins in its vicinity" (Proc. No. 882).

Criterion B (Property Associated with Significant Persons):

Gran Quivira is significant under National Register Criterion B, due to its association with significant persons who have had defining roles in history. Spanish explorer Don Juan de Oñate first traveled to the Salinas region in 1598, and later that year administered the oath of obedience and vassalage to the people of Gran Quivira (Scholes and Mera 1940, 276). Acting under authority of the Spanish Crown, he was influential in creating the foundations that later resulted in the colonization of New Spain in North America and establishment of the mission at Gran Quivira.

Several other Spanish colonial figures associated with Gran Quivira have played important roles in history. Father Alonso de Benavides served as a Franciscan in New Mexico beginning in 1629. He oversaw the construction of missions and wrote extensively, providing valuable documentation of his times. His reports to the King of Spain and the Pope positively influenced the Spanish support of the missions in New Mexico.

In the late 19th century, additional important persons became associated with Gran Quivira. As the United States military explored and surveyed New Mexico territory, U.S. Army Major James Henry Carleton visited Gran Quivira in 1853. Carleton contributed to the documentation of the site and the perspective that Gran Quivira was a valuable historic resource.

Three decades later, a few significant figures who studied and excavated at Gran Quivira played a role in the development of American archeology as a serious academic discipline and profession. In 1883 Gran Quivira was studied and surveyed by historian and anthropologist Adolph Bandelier (1840-1914) and his associate Charles Fletcher Lummis. Bandelier was a founding figure in Southwestern archaeology and cultural anthropology and in professional research at Gran Quivira. Lummis (1859 -1928) was a prolific writer and photographer who figured in the portrayal of the Southwest and the pueblos of New Mexico. Lummis advocated for historic preservation and the rights of Native Americans. Edgar L. Hewett (1865-1946) was another founding figure of American archeology. Hewett drafted the Antiquities Act of 1906; founded the Museum of New Mexico; served as the first director of the School of American Research; and created the anthropology departments at the University of New Mexico and the University of Southern California. As an advocate for preservation of Native American and Spanish colonial sites and artifacts, Hewett was very involved with Gran Quivira. He conducted the initial scientific excavations and drafted the original plans for Gran Quivira.

Criterion C (Distinct Type, Period, Method of Construction):

Gran Quivira is also significant under National Register Criterion C, as the site embodies distinct types of architecture and methods of construction from pre-history to the Spanish Mission era. In general, construction types, methods, and materials at Gran Quivira relate to the local environment and are readily available materials.

A number of remaining structures reflect architecture and construction methods during the Native American periods of significance. These include pit houses, jacal structures, and masonry pueblos. All of these architectural types use materials readily available in the immediate environment.

Pit houses are subterranean residential structures created by prehistoric people of the Southwest. Pits were dug into the ground for living and working spaces, and roofs were constructed above ground level, supported on wood posts. Pit houses remain buried underground at Gran Quivira.

Jacal structures were constructed above ground of adobe, wood, and plaster walls with stone foundations. Only rows of upright foundation stones remain from jacal structures at Gran Quivira.

Masonry pueblos built from local gray San Andres limestone make up the majority of the architectural structures that remain today. Pueblo architecture is characterized by small masonry rooms aggregated in modular repetition, with pole and mud roofing. Over time, the modular assemblages evolved into various forms. A circular pueblo is typical of pueblos constructed in the Early Pueblo Period in the region. The early room blocks at Gran Quivira were assembled in a series of arcs, creating an inward-oriented form enclosing a plaza and kiva. Later room blocks evolved into linear assemblages with alley-like open spaces that are typical of the construction used in the Middle and Late Phase Pueblo periods. Eventually Pueblos developed into terraced multi-story buildings constructed with larger plazas and multiple plastered and painted subterranean kivas. The rooms of the pueblos were entered through small internal doorways and external roof-top entrances. Residential terraces and plazas of the pueblos were constructed facing south-southeast for winter solar gain with the rear of the structure to the north for protection from north winds, as was typical of the period. Examples of these pueblo types and construction phases are all represented at Gran Quivira today. Additionally, remaining Puebloan earth and rock dams, berms, and basins on the site also contribute to the types of construction methods used at Gran Quivira. (Note: It has documented that the later architectural forms at Gran Quivira lagged behind the forms developed along the Rio Grande, so these are representative of Ancestral Puebloan types with a 300-year shift in time period (Vivian 1979, 9, 149).)

Structures at Gran Quivira also exemplify Spanish mission architecture in the Southwest prior to the Pueblo Revolt. The churches Iglesia de San Isidro and Iglesia de San Buenaventura embody a blend of vernacular Puebloan construction forms with European design plans. The Franciscans used a consistent pattern for church layouts utilizing the same plan for the nave, altar, choir loft over a baptistry, sacristy, convento with central garth (enclosed yard), and walled atrial courtyard in each of the Salinas mission churches. However, the materials used in the construction of the churches exemplify Puebloan-style methods with stone and adobe-brick masonry walls and viga and latilla roof systems (layers of beams, round laths, vegetation and earthen construction). Traditional Spanish features and architectural details were also implemented through wooden doors on pintels, massive beams with hand carved designs, splayed openings, lintels, foundation trenches, plastered walls, and fireplaces (Ivey 1988, chs. 3, 6). The structures thereby embody the interaction between Native Americans and Spanish missionaries and reflect the distinctive forms of both cultures.

Criterion D (Has Yielded and May Likely Yield Important Information in Pre-History):

Gran Quivira is significant under National Register Criterion D, for its potential to yield archeological information. Past excavations at Gran Quivira have revealed a wealth of information about Tompiro and Spanish missionary practices that have contributed to the understanding of pre-historic and historic life in the region. For over one hundred years, numerous scholarly and popular volumes have been written that are drawn from the study of the ruins at Gran Quivira. The majority of publications focus on documenting and analyzing the native cultural artifacts, buildings, and practices and Spanish expeditions and colonization at Gran Quivira. Much has been learned about ancient pueblo practices, trade, diet, building and agricultural methods, and other aspects of ancient Southwest cultures. The forms of Spanish mission construction and tools found at Gran Quivira supplement written documentation by the early explorers, Franciscan missionaries and civil authorities.

The majority of the archeological features present at Gran Quivira remain unexcavated. The wealth of excavated and unexcavated materials, combined with other regional resources has the potential to reveal more information important to prehistory and history.

Criteria Considerations A and D

National Register Significance Criteria Considerations A and D also apply to Gran Quivira. National Register Criteria Consideration A allows for consideration of religious properties that are integral parts of eligible districts when properties derive their significance from architectural distinction or historical importance. Under Criterion Consideration D, cemeteries may also be considered for listing on the National Register if they are associated with historic events and distinctive design features. The churches (Iglesia de San Isidro and Iglesia de San Buenaventura) and cemetery associated with San Isidro at Gran Quivira fall within these categories.

NRIS Information

Park Alpha Code/ NRIS Name (Number): SAPU

Other National Register Name: Gran Quivira National Monument

Primary Certification Date: 1966

National Register Significance Criteria

National Register Significance Criteria:

A – X

B – X

C – X

D – X

National Register Significance Criteria Considerations

A—A property owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes

D—A cemetery

National Register Periods of Significance

Start Year: 800 AD

End Year: 1200 AD

Start Year: 1200 AD

End Year: 1629 AD

Start Year: 1598 AD

End Year: 1672 AD

Start Year: 1875 AD

End Year: 1909 AD

Historic Context Theme

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Post-Archaic and Prehistoric Developments

Historic Context Facet: Southwestern Farmers

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Southwestern Farmers

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Major Contributions to the Development of Archaeology

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Architecture/Shelter/Housing

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Arts/Handicrafts

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Cultural Change

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Demographics

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Diet/Health

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Economics/Trade

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Physical Human Remains

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Religion, Ideology, and Ceremonialism

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Settlements and Settlement Patterns

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Prehistoric Archeology: Topical Facets

Historic Context Facet: Prehistoric Technology

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Transforming the Environment

Historic Context Subtheme: Indigenous Peoples Use Of and Response to the Environment

Historic Context Facet: Indigenous Peoples Use Of and Response to the Environment

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Colonial Exploration and Settlement

Historic Context Facet: Spanish Exploration and Settlement

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Ethnohistory of Indigenous American Populations

Historic Context Facet: Native Cultural Adaptations at Contact

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Ethnohistory of Indigenous American Populations

Historic Context Facet: Readaptation of Native Populations

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Ethnohistory of Indigenous American Populations

Historic Context Facet: Varieties of Conflict, Conquest, or Accommodation

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Ethnohistory of Indigenous American Populations

Historic Context Facet: Establishing Intercultural Relations

Other Historic Facet: NA

Historic Context Theme: Peopling Places

Historic Context Subtheme: Westward Expansion of the Colonies and the United States, 1763-1898

Historic Context Facet: The Farmer’s Frontier

Other Historic Facet: Early Homesteading

Historic Context Theme: Expanding Science and Technology

Historic Context Subtheme: Other Expanding Science and Technology

Historic Context Facet: Other Expanding Science and Technology

Other Historic Facet: Early Archaeological Exploration

National Register Areas of Significance

Area of Significance Category: Archeology




Ethnic Heritage

Area of Sig. Category Explanatory Narrative: NA

Area of Significance Subcategory: Archeology: Pre-historic, Historic-Aboriginal

Ethnic Heritage: Native American

Chronology and Physical History

Primary Historic Function - Major Category: Domestic (Residential)

Primary Historic Function - Category: Village Site

Primary Historic Function: Multiple Dwelling - Other (Pit-House)

Primary Historic Function: Multiple Dwelling - Other (Pueblo)

Primary Current Use - Major Category: Landscape

Primary Current Use - Category: Landscape - Other

Primary Current Use: National Monument Site

Other Historic Uses/Functions

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Religion

Other Historic Function – Category: Religious Structure (kiva)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Funerary

Other Historic Function – Category: Grave/Burial

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Agriculture/Subsistance - Other

Other Historic Function – Category: Dam

Other Historic Function Use: Dam – Earthen

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Domestic (Residential)

Other Historic Function – Category: Domestic Residential – Other

Other Historic Function Type: (Earthworks)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Historic Function – Category: Landscape – Other

Other Historic Function Type: (Hearths)


Other Historic Function – Major Category: Religion

Other Historic Function – Category: Religious Structure (church)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Religion

Other Historic Function – Category: Church-Related Residence

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Religion

Other Historic Function – Category: Church Yard

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Funerary

Other Historic Function – Category: Cemetery

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Historic Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Historic Function Use: Road-Related Other (old Spanish entry road from NW)


Other Historic Function – Major Category: Domestic (Residential)

Other Historic Function – Category: Domestic Residential - Other

Other Historic Function Use: (Homestead household-automotive artifacts)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Historic Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Historic Function Use: Road-Related Other (Homestead roads)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Historic Function – Category: Functional Landscape

Other Historic Function Use: Enclosure/Exclosure (homested era fence posts

and wire)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Agriculture/Subsistence

Other Historic Function – Category: Livestock

Other Historic Function Use: (previous use- overgrazing)

Other Historic Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Historic Function – Category: Landscape - Other

Other Historic Function Use: (Treasure Pits)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Natural Area

Other Current Function Use: Natural Area – Other (Pinon-Juniper Forest and Grassland)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Scenic landscape

Other Current Function Use: Vista

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Landscape - Other

Other Current Function Use: (unexcavated features)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Government

Other Current Function – Category: Government Office

Other Current Function Use: Visitor Contact (Visitor Center)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Government

Other Current Function – Category: Government Office

Other Current Function Use: Comfort Station (Latrine)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Current Function – Category: Pedestrian-Related

Other Current Function Use: Interpretive Trail

Other Current Function – Major Category: Government

Other Current Function – Category: Government Office

Other Current Function Use: Interpretation Facility (Wayside Exhibits)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Landscape - Other

Other Current Function Use: (dump mounds from excavations)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Recreation/Culture

Other Current Function – Category: Monument (Marker, Plaque)

Other Current Function Use: Park Interpretive Plaques

Other Current Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Current Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Current Function Use: Road-Related Other (old wagon road, well road)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Current Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Current Function Use: Automobile (Park Access Road)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Current Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Current Function Use: Parking Area

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Functional Landscape – Other

Other Current Function Use: Other (Picnic Area)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Transportation

Other Current Function – Category: Road-Related

Other Current Function Use: Road Culvert

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Functional Landscape

Other Current Function Use: erosion Control

Other Current Function – Major Category: Landscape

Other Current Function – Category: Functional Landscape

Other Current Function Use: Enclosure/Exclosure (Park fence)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Domestic (Residential)

Other Current Function – Category: Institutional Housing

Other Current Function Use: Single Family House

Other Current Function – Major Category: Industrial/Processing/Extract

Other Current Function – Category: Water Works/Pumping Station

Other Current Function Use: Water Works – Other (well)

Other Current Function – Major Category: Industrial/Processing/Extract

Other Current Function – Category: Utility Service Structure

Other Current Function Use: (existing water, gas and electric) lines/valves/poles

Other Current Function – Major Category: General Storage

Other Current Function – Category: Equipment/Vehicle Storage

Other Current Function Use: existing earth moving equipment on site, other

Current and Historic Names

|Current and Historic Name |Type of Current and Historic Name |Display Sequence |

|Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument: Gran Quivira |Current |1 |

|Cueloce |Historic |2 |

|Cueloze |Historic |3 |

|Gran Quibira |Historic |4 |

|Gran Quivira |Both Current and Historic |5 |

|Gran Quivira-Humanas |Historic |6 |

|Gran Quivira National Monument |Historic |7 |

|Grand Quivira |Historic |8 |

|La Gran Quivira |Historic |9 |

|LA 120 (Laboratory of Anthropology ID number) |Historic |10 |

|Las Humanas |Historic |11 |

|Las Jumanas |Historic |12 |

|Misión de San Buenaventura |Historic |13 |

|Misión de San Isidro |Historic |14 |

|Pueblo de las Jumanes |Historic |15 |

|Pueblo de las Xumanes |Historic |16 |

|Sumana |Historic |17 |

|Tabirá (erroneously) |Historic |18 |

|Umanes |Historic |19 |

|Xoman |Historic |20 |

|Xumana |Historic |21 |

Cultural Landscape Types

Cultural Landscape Type: Historic Vernacular Landscape (Puebloan)

Cultural Landscape Type: Historic Designed Landscape (Spanish Mission)

Ethnographic Associated Groups

Ethnographic Study Conducted: No Survey Conducted

Ethnographic Significance Description: N/A

Ethnographic Associated Group Name:

• Mogollon

• Tompiro-speaking Ancestral Puebloans (See Brandt, Elizabeth A. Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Cultural Affiliation Study, 1997.)

Association Historic, Current or Both: Historic


|Start Year|Start Era |End Year |End Era |Major Event |Major Event Description |

|of Major |AD/BC of |of Major |AD/BC of | | |

|Event |Major Event|Event |Major Event| | |

| | |800 |AD |Inhabited |Nomadic Paleo-Indian Clovis and Folsom people lived in what is now |

| | | | | |the American Southwest. Two major clusters of Paleo-Indian sites are|

| | | | | |located at the north and south of the prehistoric Lake Estancia, |

| | | | | |near Gran Quivira (Stuart and Gauthier 1984, 321). Archaic cultural |

| | | | | |development followed Paleo-Indian peoples, followed by prehistoric |

| | | | | |Mogollon and Ancestral Puebloan cultures (Stuart and Gauthier 1984, |

| | | | | |33-36). No evidence of the pre-800 period has been discovered within|

| | | | | |the Gran Quivira unit (Toms and Roop 2006, 8). |

|800 |AD |1200 |AD |Inhabited |Pit houses: The native population began sedentary dwelling in pit |

| | | | | |houses at the Gran Quivira site (Toms and Roop 2006, 8). Pit houses|

| | | | | |were first used as temporary storage and housing for small seasonal |

| | | | | |crops by otherwise migratory populations. They eventually became |

| | | | | |permanent dwellings for agriculturally based subsistance living |

| | | | | |(Murphy 1993, 5-7). As agriculture was established, corn, beans, |

| | | | | |squash, and cotton became domestic crops. The people also kept |

| | | | | |turkeys. At Gran Quivira, hunting and gathering of wild plant foods |

| | | | | |continued as agriculture developed. Without a permanent water |

| | | | | |source, the people of Gran Quivira depended more on hunting than |

| | | | | |people at pueblos with streams and springs (Murphy 1993, 14). With |

| | | | | |settlement came pottery vessels used for water, seed, foods and |

| | | | | |ceremony. The many pot sherds that remain provide dating and |

| | | | | |evidence of the people who occupied Gran Quivira. |

|1100 |AD |1350 |AD |Built |Jacal Structures: Jacal structures overlapped with pit house |

| | | | | |construction, and later evolved into masonry structures. Jacal |

| | | | | |construction likely consisted of stone slab outlines, vertical wood |

| | | | | |posts, and adobe, wattle and daub, or adobe and stone (Toms and Roop|

| | | | | |2006, 8). Changes in ceramics, the change to jacal architecture, |

| | | | | |and a move to defensible ridge-top locations occurred about 1100 in |

| | | | | |the vicinity of Gran Quivira, either by migration of new residents |

| | | | | |or diffusion of ideas (Hayes no. 17 1981, 6). |

|1200 |AD |1629 |AD |Built |Ancestral Puebloans: Tompiro-speaking Ancestral Puebloan people |

| | | | | |settled on the mesa by 1300 AD. Architecturally, this period is |

| | | | | |characterized by the transition from pit houses to above-ground |

| | | | | |masonry and jacal construction, then larger, multi-room pueblos |

| | | | | |around kivas. The population subsisted in the arid landscape by |

| | | | | |hunting, gathering, agriculture, and trade with other populations. |

| | | | | |Ceramics reveal influences from the Mogollon culture to the south, |

| | | | | |plains culture to the east, and Ancestral Puebloans to the west |

| | | | | |(Toms and Roop 2006, 8-9). |

|1300 |AD |1500 |AD |Built |Early Pueblo Phase: A 150-200 room masonry pueblo on the ridgetop at|

| | | | | |Gran Quivira and another older ruin that lies beneath Pueblo Mound 7|

| | | | | |distinguish the architectural development of this time. There was a |

| | | | | |central plaza with a single kiva, encircled by 5-6 bands of rooms |

| | | | | |(Hayes no. 17 1981, 1). Excavations revealed clay-lined hearths and |

| | | | | |tools from the period that include shaft-straightening tools, full |

| | | | | |grooved axes, trough metates and one and two-handed manos (Toms and |

| | | | | |Roop 2006, 9). Beginning in the mid-1400s, bison artifacts increase|

| | | | | |and antelope bone decreases, indicating the increase in trade with |

| | | | | |plains tribes, and possible decrease in local game (Spielmann 1988, |

| | | | | |3). |

|1425 |AD |1500 |AD |Built |Middle Pueblo Phase: This period is characterized by a shift to |

| | | | | |room blocks constructed in linear forms. A linear block of rooms |

| | | | | |west of and adjacent to the Early Phase rooms is representative of |

| | | | | |the pueblo at this time. Most of the Early Phase structures were |

| | | | | |abandoned, with materials likely salvaged for the newer, linear |

| | | | | |structures. Three subterranean kivas were also constructed in this |

| | | | | |period (kivas K, L, N) (Hayes no. 17 1981, 1). Hearth, ceramic and |

| | | | | |burial features were consistent with the previous period. In |

| | | | | |addition, Corona plain ceramics were introduced. Tool artifacts |

| | | | | |included spiral grooved axes (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). |

|1545 |AD |1672 |AD |Built |Late Pueblo Phase: The beginning of the Late Phase is marked by the |

| | | | | |renovation of rooms at the west end of the Middle Phase pueblo. In |

| | | | | |the process, Early Phase rooms were buried in trash and new |

| | | | | |construction was built over the refuse-filled ruin of the Early |

| | | | | |Phase rooms. Porches were added. Expansion was greatest between |

| | | | | |1545 and 1607, based on tree-ring data. After this time, materials |

| | | | | |were salvaged from Early Phase rooms for limited new construction. |

| | | | | |By 1600, the pueblo was at its largest size, approximately 200 rooms|

| | | | | |in the shape of an elongated F. The short bars of the F enclosed a |

| | | | | |plaza. Some Late Phase Pueblo developments overlapped with Spanish |

| | | | | |presence. Circa 1659, roofs were removed from the five kivas of the |

| | | | | |Late Period and the kivas filled with trash. Six plastered and |

| | | | | |painted rooms were constructed, each adjacent to a destroyed kiva |

| | | | | |(Hayes no. 17 1981, 2). |

|1540 |AD |1598 |AD |Explored |Spanish Exploration: Spanish exploration in what is now New Mexico |

| | | | | |began in 1540, when Francisco Vázquez de Coronado led a large, |

| | | | | |two-year expedition north from Mexico to seek riches and explore the|

| | | | | |region. The party spent two winters on the banks of the Rio Grande |

| | | | | |adjacent to present-day Bernalillo. It is unknown if Coronado's |

| | | | | |party reached Gran Quivira. |

|1582 |AD |1583 |AD |Explored |In 1583 Don Antonio de Espejo led an expedition to the Salinas |

| | | | | |province. Accounts are interpreted to mean that these were the first|

| | | | | |Spanish to set foot at Gran Quivira (Toulouse 1943, 9-19). |

|1598 |AD |1599 |AD |Explored |In 1598, an expedition party led by Don Juan de Oñate traveled to |

| | | | | |the Salinas region (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). In 1599, Oñate reported |

| | | | | |his visits to the province of Abó and the Xumanes (Scholes 1940, |

| | | | | |276-277; Toms and Roop 2006, 9). Oñate was assigned by the Spanish |

| | | | | |Crown to colonize provinces earlier explored by Coronado and to |

| | | | | |convert the natives to Catholicism. He established himself as |

| | | | | |governor and declared mission provinces in the region. |

|1598 |AD |1672 |AD |Colonized |Spanish Colonization: Franciscan missionary activity begins at Gran |

| | | | | |Quivira with designation of Las Humanas as a visita of the mission |

| | | | | |San Gregorio de Abó (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). Tabirá is also a |

| | | | | |visita of San Gregorio at this time (Toulouse 1943, 3). Colonization|

| | | | | |was characterized by conversion of natives to Catholicism and |

| | | | | |extraction of labor and goods from the native population. |

| | | | | |Colonization under the Spanish crown practiced the encomienda system|

| | | | | |in the province. In this system, Spanish encomenderos were granted |

| | | | | |the right to labor provided by a number of natives (Hayes no. 17 |

| | | | | |1981, 1; Ivey 1988, ch. 2). The missions may have been constructed |

| | | | | |by this labor, but more likely through direct Franciscan levies of |

| | | | | |workers and materials. Conflict arose between the church and Spanish|

| | | | | |civil governors over control of native labor (Toms and Roop 2006, |

| | | | | |9). |

|1609 |AD | | |Established |As reputed mineral riches were found lacking, the Spanish shifted |

| | | | | |emphasis and resources to religious conversion. Don Louis de |

| | | | | |Velasco, Spanish Viceroy, decreed on January 29, 1609, that the |

| | | | | |northern territory (now New Mexico) would remain a missionary |

| | | | | |province. Support for this move consisted of six priests, two lay |

| | | | | |brothers, and ten soldiers, and supplies to be charged to the royal |

| | | | | |treasury (Vivian 1979, 16). |

|1629 |AD |1630 |AD |Reconstructed Built |Fray Francisco de Letrado was assigned to Gran Quivira. He initially|

| | | | | |stayed a few months at Las Humanas in order to negotiate access to |

| | | | | |and modification of rooms for Franciscan residences, storage, and a |

| | | | | |temporary chapel. He also negotiated land on which to build a church|

| | | | | |and convento. Eight existing rooms (located in the west end of |

| | | | | |Mound 7) were allocated and modified. The initial modifications |

| | | | | |primarily addressed doors and windows for light and access. Eight |

| | | | | |more rooms were also added. Initial physical changes included |

| | | | | |hand-formed adobe bricks, sealing and enlargement of doorways, and |

| | | | | |colored wall-plastering. Further modifications occurred in 1630 to |

| | | | | |enlarge the convento. New and reconstructed rooms included doors on |

| | | | | |wooden pintels, splayed wall vents and openings, ceiling and wall |

| | | | | |removal and construction, altars and other carpentry (Ivey 1988, ch.|

| | | | | |6). When Hayes excavated Mound 7 in 1964, he found the rooms |

| | | | | |converted for use as a convento by Letrado (Hayes no. 16 1981, 36). |

|1630 |AD |1635 |AD |Built |The small church, known as Iglesia San Isidro de Las Humanas, was |

| | | | | |constructed on a slope west of the pueblo under the initial |

| | | | | |supervision of Fray Francisco de Letrado (1630), and then completed |

| | | | | |under Fray Francisco de Acevedo (circa 1635). The church is built |

| | | | | |of limestone, quarried from the ridge where Gran Quivira is located.|

| | | | | |The entry to the church was located on the east elevation to take |

| | | | | |advantage of morning light in order to illuminate the altar at the |

| | | | | |west end. The layout was the same as the initial church at Abó, but |

| | | | | |longer. The interior dimensions are 109' x 29'. The east entry |

| | | | | |wall of the church is 4’ thick, with caliche mortar and fill. Other|

| | | | | |walls were two stones wide. The Spanish use of caliche required more|

| | | | | |labor but was more binding and durable than the soil and ash mortar |

| | | | | |of the Puebloans (Vivian 1979, 67-68). Stabilization and |

| | | | | |modification of the church and convento continued over the next |

| | | | | |thirty years (Ivey 1988, ch. 6). A campo santo (burial ground) was |

| | | | | |built in front of the church. A cross was mounted in the midst of |

| | | | | |the campo santo and a low wall surrounded the holy ground. The |

| | | | | |church was originally built to serve the three towns in the Humanas |

| | | | | |province, Pueblo de Las Humanas (Gran Quivira), Pueblo Pardo, and |

| | | | | |Tabirá. The closest resident priest, however, was at Abó (Hayes no.|

| | | | | |17 1981, 1). A Spanish road entered the pueblo from the northwest |

| | | | | |between Mounds 1 and 2 (Ivey 1988, ch.6). |

|1659 |AD |1669 |AD |Built |In 1659, Gran Quivira became a separate mission and the construction|

| | | | | |of a larger mission church and convento under Fray Diego de |

| | | | | |Santandér was begun after 1659 (Toms and Roop 2006, 9-10). The |

| | | | | |structure became known as the Iglesia de San Buenaventura de Las |

| | | | | |Humanas. At this time, the nearby small pueblo of Tabirá became a |

| | | | | |visita of San Buenaventura (Toulouse 1943, 3). Under the direction |

| | | | | |of several friars, construction of the church proceeded for several |

| | | | | |years until abandonment of the pueblo and mission complex sometime |

| | | | | |between 1669 and 1672 (Ivey 1988, ch.6). |

|1659 |AD |1659 |AD |Built |Provincial Governor López de Mendizábal recommended construction of |

| | | | | |landscape features to retain water for planting basins. Basins are |

| | | | | |created by building dam walls across drainages to enhance water and |

| | | | | |soil retention (Ivey 1988, ch. 6). |

|1659 |AD | | |Destroyed Built |In the pueblo, five kivas were unroofed and filled with debris. Six|

| | | | | |rooms, each opposite a destroyed kiva, were plastered and painted |

| | | | | |with murals. Archeological evidence, ceramic serration, and |

| | | | | |artifact analysis suggest that these alterations occurred at about |

| | | | | |the same time that San Buenaventura was constructed. The six new |

| | | | | |rooms were likely used to house pueblo ceremonies where the |

| | | | | |Franciscans could not see the prohibited activities. Resident |

| | | | | |priests were known to prohibit Puebloan religious practices (Hayes |

| | | | | |1981, 2). |

|1660 |AD |1668 |AD |Destroyed |Survival of the Humanas population became precarious under the |

| | | | | |stresses of requisitioned (encomienda and other) labor, disease, |

| | | | | |drought and raids (Hayes no. 17 1981, 1). Drought and famine led to|

| | | | | |starvation. Food from other Salinas missions aided survival, but |

| | | | | |450 Humanas starved to death in 1668 (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). |

|1670 |AD | | |Destroyed |Apache populations attack Spanish mission centers in outlying |

| | | | | |locations, destroying crops and property, in retaliation for capture|

| | | | | |and enslavement of their members (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). Las |

| | | | | |Humanas was the subject of multiple attacks, including a 1670 raid |

| | | | | |that destroyed the pueblo and a mission church (probably Iglesia de |

| | | | | |San Ysidro) (Ivey 1988, ch. 6 and Appendix 3). |

|1672 |AD |1870 |AD |Abandoned |Abandonment: Las Humanas was abandoned sometime between 1670 and |

| | | | | |1672 by its remaining 500 inhabitants (Hackett 1937, 298; Toms and |

| | | | | |Roop 2006, 10). Other regional populations abandoned nearby |

| | | | | |settlements at Quarai, Abó, Tajique, Chilili, Tabira, and Senecu |

| | | | | |during the same period (Toms and Roop 2006, 10). |

|1700 | |1700 | |Maintained |1700s. Spanish troops and Pueblo auxiliaries were stationed at the |

| | | | | |ruins at Quarai to watch for raiding Apaches. |

|1773 |AD | | |Explored |John Rowzee Peyton passed through the Spanish territory. Peyton |

| | | | | |believed the Gran Quivira ruins to be of Spanish origin. Peyton's |

| | | | | |letters recorded his travels up the Rio Grande Valley to Santa Fe |

| | | | | |and return across the western plains to St. Louis. His letters began|

| | | | | |the post-abandonment documentation of the region (Peyton 1966, |

| | | | | |35-36). |

|1846 |AD | | |Explored |Lieutenant James W. Abert, of the topographical corps of engineers |

| | | | | |under the command of U.S. Army General Stephen W. Kearny, visited |

| | | | | |the ruins and wrote descriptions of the site (Abert 1848). |

|1853 |AD | | |Explored |U.S. Army Major James Henry Carleton visited the ruins and wrote |

| | | | | |descriptions of the site (Toms and Roop 2006, 11). Major Carleton |

| | | | | |documented "deep pits, which were circular, and walled around like |

| | | | | |wells" and basins to collect precipitation. He measured one basin |

| | | | | |relative to the church (still extant today). He also documented a |

| | | | | |feature he called a road from the ridge to the southeast. Toulouse |

| | | | | |interprets Carleton’s road as a ditch (Toulouse 1943, 10). |

|1780 |AD |1933 |AD |Excavated |A local family, the Yrisarri family, began digging for treasure at |

| | | | | |Gran Quivira beginning in 1780. (Toms and Roop 2006, 12). |

|1875 |AD |1909 |AD |Settled |Settlement: The nearby village of Gran Quivira was established by |

| | | | | |Elisha Dow (Link 1999, 13; Toms and Roop 2006, 11). Local settlers |

| | | | | |salvaged materials from the ruins for construction in the village |

| | | | | |(Toms and Roop 2006, 11). |

|1883 |AD | | |Established |Anthropological Investigation: Professional anthropological |

| | | | | |investigation began at Gran Quiviria when anthropologist and |

| | | | | |historian Adolph Bandelier (1840-1914) conducted a survey of the |

| | | | | |ruins and landscape in 1883. Bandelier mapped, photographed, and |

| | | | | |described the ruins of the two churches, convento and pueblo, and |

| | | | | |four water collection ponds (Bandelier, 1890). |

|1896 |AD |1909 |AD |Homesteaded |Homesteading: Homestead certificate number 2921 was granted for 160 |

| | | | | |acres in 1896 to William G. Corbin. He intended his claim to |

| | | | | |include the site of Gran Quivira pueblo and mission ruins, although |

| | | | | |only a portion existed on the claim (Toms and Roop 2006, 11). His |

| | | | | |widow, Clara A. B. Corbyn, inherited the claim in 1898, completing |

| | | | | |it in 1905 (patent 4544). Others may have squatted on the land and |

| | | | | |never filed a claim. Several sites at Gran Quivira retain artifacts |

| | | | | |and small-scale features that date to the 1920s-1940s (Beckett |

| | | | | |1981). |

|1898 |AD |1898 |AD |Damaged |Elisha Dow salvaged materials from the Gran Quivira ruins in order |

| | | | | |to construct a store at the village of Gran Quivira (Toms and Roop |

| | | | | |2006, 11). |

|1909 |AD | | |Established |Gran Quivira National Monument: Gran Quivira National Monument was |

| | | | | |established on November 1, 1909 by the U.S. Presidential |

| | | | | |Proclamation #882, largely to preserve the Spanish mission complex |

| | | | | |(Land Protection Plan 1984, 36; Hayes no. 17 1981, 1). At this |

| | | | | |time, the church of San Buenaventura was the primary exposed ruin |

| | | | | |(Vivian 1979, 4). The monument initially consisted of 160 acres. |

|1916 |AD | | |Established |National Park Service (NPS) was established; Gran Quivira comes |

| | | | | |under NPS jurisdiction. |

|1919 |AD | | |Expanded |The initial 160-acres monument was expanded to 427.17 acres on |

| | | | | |November 25, 1919 when the State of New Mexico transferred lands to |

| | | | | |NPS (Land Protection Plan 1984, 36). |

|1923 |AD | | |Excavated |A team under the direction of Edgar L. Hewett, in association with |

| | | | | |the School of American Research, identified and mapped the features |

| | | | | |of the Spanish mission complex, pueblo mounds, kivas, and water |

| | | | | |features (Hewett notes, 1923). In the summer of 1923, the group |

| | | | | |focused on the two churches and conventos as part of a study of New |

| | | | | |Mexico missions. They drafted measured plans and architectural |

| | | | | |details of San Buenaventura, compiled old records and photos, and |

| | | | | |photographed their own process as they "cleaned out the debris" |

| | | | | |from the church (Hewett 1923, 79). Hewett's team also excavated the|

| | | | | |vestry and baptistry of San Buenaventura, cleared out the front |

| | | | | |entry, and repaired some walls. They exposed room walls to make a |

| | | | | |plaza area more visible and excavated two kivas within the plaza. |

| | | | | |They excavated the mound west of Kiva A. They also exposed walls at |

| | | | | |the northeast side of the site (Hewett 1923, 6-7). Because pueblo |

| | | | | |walls exposed by Hewett's team were not stabilized, they soon fell |

| | | | | |(Hayes no. 16 1981, v). Hewett did not publish results of the |

| | | | | |effort. |

|1923 |AD | | |Built |Edgar Hewett's team fenced Gran Quivira to protect it from vandals. |

|1923 |AD |1929 |AD |Stabilized |Between 1923 and 1929, San Buenaventura mission walls are |

| | | | | |stabilized, corners, doorways, and veneer are rebuilt, and potholes |

| | | | | |are filled under the direction of NPS staff Pinkley and Smith (Toms |

| | | | | |and Roop 2006, 12). |

|1924 |AD | | |Established |Wesley Bradfield continued Hewett's excavations (Beckett 1981, 72). |

|1925 |AD | | |Built |A custodian’s residence was constructed at the site (Beckett 1981, |

| | | | | |71). It is later converted into a visitor center. |

|1928 |AD | | |Built |The entry doorway of Iglesia de San Isidro was reconstructed (Vivian|

| | | | | |1979, 68). |

|1932 |AD |1933 |AD |Excavated |Under a 1930 permit given to Wofford and Otero, Jacobo Yrisarri was |

| | | | | |permitted to dig for treasure in the apse of the San Isidro Church |

| | | | | |(Atwell 1933; Toms and Roop 2006, 12; Beckett 1981, 8). This was the|

| | | | | |last treasure hunting allowed at Gran Quivira. |

|1932 |AD | | |Built |A staff residence was constructed (General Management Plan 1984, |

| | | | | |104). |

|1934 |AD |1935 |AD |Built |WPA construction projects were conducted within Gran Quivira |

| | | | | |boundaries as part of Depression-era federal New Deal programs. WPA |

| | | | | |improvements are largely unknown but did include the construction of|

| | | | | |drainage culverts (Beckett 1981, GQ-4 Survey Form). |

|1936 |AD | | |Established |France V. Scholes surveyed Gran Quivira; results of the survey are |

| | | | | |published in several articles. He clarified the identity of Gran |

| | | | | |Quivira as referred to in Spanish and in Bandelier's documents. |

| | | | | |(Gran Quivira has been confused with Tabirá [or Pueblo Blanco], a |

| | | | | |smaller nearby pueblo lying to the northeast.) |

|1940 |AD | | |Stabilized |The treasure shaft and tunnel dug by Yrisarri were filled by Joe |

| | | | | |Toulouse (Toulouse 1949). |

|1941 |AD |1942 |AD |Stabilized |New Deal WPA workers stabilized Gran Quivira ruins by constructing |

| | | | | |drainage systems where water pooled in the ruins (Toulouse 1949). |

| | | | | |They also constructed a road to the ruins (Toms and Roop 2006, 15). |

|1941 |AD | | |Excavated |Excavations at nearby Pueblo Pardo by Washington and Jefferson |

| | | | | |College increases interest in the Pueblo ruins (Toulouse and |

| | | | | |Stephenson 1960; Hayes no. 17 1981, 1). |

|1943 |AD | | |Established |Toulouse studied the water systems at Gran Quivira and published a |

| | | | | |study in 1943 (Toulouse-Water 1943). |

|1951 |AD |1951 |AD |Excavated |NPS archeologist Gordon Vivian directed excavation of ruins, |

| | | | | |primarily to provide visitors an exhibition of Pueblo ruins. |

| | | | | |Excavation included 37 (of 80) rooms of House A (Pueblo Mound 10), |

| | | | | |Kiva D, and Iglesia de San Isidro (Vivian 1979, iv-v). These were |

| | | | | |the first excavations since Hewett's initial 1925 effort to create |

| | | | | |visitor exhibits. Hewett's efforts and visitor interpretation |

| | | | | |focused on the Spanish ruins of Iglesia de San Buenaventura (Vivian |

| | | | | |1979, 5). House A was built upon an older structure, so two periods|

| | | | | |of construction existed at that location. Vivian believed the Gran |

| | | | | |Quivira pueblo structures to be a two-story at most, with many walls|

| | | | | |too weak to support a second story. The quantity of roof remnants |

| | | | | |and location under wall debris showed House A to be single story, |

| | | | | |rectangular house with a plaza opening at the center. Roofs |

| | | | | |consisted of layered poles, fine bark, grass and twigs, and soil. |

| | | | | |Vivian found walls to be two limestone courses wide, randomly |

| | | | | |placed, with amply applied mortar of poor non-binding quality. These|

| | | | | |rooms had 26 narrow doorways. Doors were only about two feet high, |

| | | | | |with sills set above floor level and wood lintels. There were only |

| | | | | |four window openings in these rooms, set several feet above floor |

| | | | | |level with wooden lintels. Small vents in walls and bins were |

| | | | | |discovered in a few rooms. Interiors were plastered, some were |

| | | | | |whitewashed, and a quarter of the outer rooms contained fire pits |

| | | | | |(Vivian 1979, 36-42). Vivian published discussions of his work and |

| | | | | |the history, architecture, and material culture of Gran Quivira in |

| | | | | |detailed and comprehensive publications. |

|1951 |AD | | |Excavated |Vivian conducted excavation and study of the Iglesia de San Isidro. |

| | | | | |He concluded that the church had a double row of log supports for |

| | | | | |the roof, on stone bases. Vivian argued that there was a choir loft,|

| | | | | |supported by posts from the floor of the nave. He also found stones|

| | | | | |which indicated a low wall separating the sanctuary from the rest of|

| | | | | |the nave. Larger stones may indicate a raised altar. Vivian |

| | | | | |speculates that there were small windows in the nave wall. He also |

| | | | | |conjectures that masonry, plaster and ceramic remnants within the |

| | | | | |nave, near the sanctuary, could be features for the baptistry and |

| | | | | |sacristy. In addition, Vivian located a stone base for the |

| | | | | |traditional wooden cross located in the campo santo (Vivian 1979, |

| | | | | |66-81). |

|1951 |AD |1951 |AD |Stabilized |Vivian led the stabilization of House A. Concrete caps were laid |

| | | | | |over upper stones of most rooms. Jambs and lintels were reset, |

| | | | | |replaced, patched, repaired and repointed (Toms and Roop 2006, 12). |

|1956 |AD |1956 |AD |Established |A photograph shows a low stone wall surrounding the campo santo. |

|1959 |AD | | |Expanded |An additional 183.77 acres of land was ceded to the government on |

| | | | | |May 12, 1959 in a federal/state land swap for land in Hidalgo county|

| | | | | |(Land Protection Plan 1984, 36). The additional acreage becomes |

| | | | | |part of Gran Quivira. |

|1959 |AD | | | |Richard M. Howard conducted test excavations in anticipation of |

| | | | | |construction for NPS housing (Beckett 1981, 73). |

|1959 |AD | | |Built |Two NPS staff residences are constructed and the entrance road is |

| | | | | |realigned as a result of Mission 66 projects within the Monument |

| | | | | |(Beckett 1981, 73). |

|1959 |AD | | |Established |The Park Service purchased a permanent easement across property |

| | | | | |owned by Jack and Louise Kite and one acre of land on November 5th, |

| | | | | |1959 in order to establish a well, power line, and water line to |

| | | | | |provide water to Gran Quivira. The well is .8 miles from the main |

| | | | | |Gran Quivira property (Easement Deed 1959). |

|1960 |AD | | |Abandoned |The old WPA road leading to the ruins was abandoned in 1960 (Beckett|

| | | | | |1981, GQ-4, GQ-5, GQ-9, GQ-10 Survey Forms). |

|1962 |AD | | |Excavated |Reichert and Voll excavated San Buenaventura seeking to answer |

| | | | | |long-standing questions about the church and convento. They sought |

| | | | | |roofing materials to determine whether the church had actually been |

| | | | | |completed before abandonment. They also examined the garth of the |

| | | | | |convento (the enclosed yard) for evidence of a kiva like the one at |

| | | | | |Quarai. They did not find a kiva at the convento or roof materials |

| | | | | |from the church (Beckett 1981, 73). |

|1962 |AD | | |Stabilized |Reichert and Voll conducted further stabilization of San |

| | | | | |Buenaventura mission (Toms and Roop 2006, 13). |

|1962 |AD | | |Reconstructed |Reichert and Voll located and replaced the original entrance beam at|

| | | | | |San Buenaventura (Toms and Roop 2006, 13). |

|1964 |AD |1965 |AD |Excavated |NPS archeologists, Ronald Ice and Douglas Scovill, excavated two pit|

| | | | | |houses. Ice dated the pit house occupation to the early 1200s (Ice |

| | | | | |1968, 1). Ice also excavated surface rooms west of the pit houses, |

| | | | | |which were constructed primarily of puddled adobe with some masonry |

| | | | | |(Ice 1968, 4). |

|1965 |AD |1967 |AD |Excavated |Alden C. Hayes, NPS archeologist, conducted excavation of Pueblo |

| | | | | |Mound 7, the largest of the village house blocks. Tens of thousands|

| | | | | |of ceramic artifacts, stone tools, and bone artifacts of Pueblo |

| | | | | |origin were excavated. Numerous Spanish metal artifacts were |

| | | | | |collected. Kivas E and F were also stabilized (Toms and Roop 2006, |

| | | | | |13). The Early Phase circular pueblo with enclosed plaza was found |

| | | | | |at this time. Hayes excavated a number of pits dug into bedrock |

| | | | | |which he believed to be cisterns (Hayes no. 16 1981, 22-25). Hayes |

| | | | | |excavated layers of pueblo rooms and kivas built over several |

| | | | | |hundred years and Letrado's convento, the first mission construction|

| | | | | |at Gran Quivira. He located firepits, storage and mealing bins, |

| | | | | |benches, vents, niches, hearths, courtyard walls, ceremonial rooms, |

| | | | | |quarries, and other features. Hayes concluded that the activities of|

| | | | | |daily life were conducted largely on rooftops, since metates and |

| | | | | |other artifacts were found above roofing materials. Most interior |

| | | | | |rooms were used for storage, while activity was reserved for outter |

| | | | | |rooms. He implies that what appeared to be 3-story pueblos were |

| | | | | |often one or two-story structures built upon older rooms filled with|

| | | | | |debris. Dating of sherds and wood from the pueblo provided a |

| | | | | |detailed chronology of building, remodeling and destruction. All but|

| | | | | |one of the numerous kivas were razed after the early 1600s, but |

| | | | | |before abandonment (Hayes no. 16 1981, 13-61). Extensive research |

| | | | | |and discussion of this large excavation were published in two |

| | | | | |volumes in 1981. |

|1965 |AD |1967 |AD |Stabilized |Hayes stabilized the exposed structures of Mound 7 in order to |

| | | | | |prevent their deterioration, as had occurred with previous |

| | | | | |excavations (Hayes no. 16, 1981). |

|1966 |AD | | |Established |Gran Quivira National Monument and Abó and Quarai State Monuments |

| | | | | |(established in the 1930s) were listed in the National Register of |

| | | | | |Historic Places on October 15, 1966 (SAPU Resources Management Plan |

| | | | | |1997, 12). |

|1965 |AD |1967 |AD |Built |The back access road was constructed using materials from Hayes’ |

| | | | | |excavation (NPS staff commentary 2009). |

|1976 |AD | | |Established |The NPS Draft Environmental Statement: Proposed Salinas National |

| | | | | |Monument, was generated. |

|1979 |AD | | |Established |A number of NPS reports were drafted, including Soil Survey and |

| | | | | |Interpretations: Gran Quivira National Monument; Vegetation of Gran |

| | | | | |Quivira National Monument; and Vertebrate Survey of Gran Quivira NM.|

|1980 |AD | | |Expanded |Salinas National Monument: On December 19th, 1980, Public Law 96-550|

| | | | | |establishes Salinas National Monument, by combining Gran Quivira |

| | | | | |National Monument with the Abó and Quarai State Monuments (SAPU |

| | | | | |Resources Management Plan 1997, 5). |

|1981 |AD | | |Established |Patrick H. Beckett conducted an archeological survey of the entire |

| | | | | |611 acres of Gran Quivira, establishing a record of artifacts in the|

| | | | | |Gran Quivira His survey is documented in the report An |

| | | | | |Archaeological survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National |

| | | | | |Monument (Beckett 1981). |

|1984 |AD |1986 |AD |Excavated |Katherine A. Spielmann, of the University of Iowa (later of ASU), |

| | | | | |conducted excavations at Gran Quivira. Approximately 10,000 objects|

| | | | | |collected were catalogued by the NPS Southwest Region Division of |

| | | | | |Curation. SAPU museum objects are stored at the Museum Collections |

| | | | | |Repository, Western Archeological and Conservation Center (MCR-WACC)|

| | | | | |(SAPU Resources Management Plan 1997, 14). Spielmann's full report |

| | | | | |and receipt of artifacts collected from Gran Quivira are pending |

| | | | | |cataloguing of the collection. |

|1984 |AD | | |Built |Circa 1984, New Mexico 55 was paved from U.S. Highway 54 to Gran |

| | | | | |Quivira (entry from the southeast) (General Management Plan 1989, |

| | | | | |99). |

|1985 |AD | | |Stabilized |Sam Chavez, NPS staff member, led further stabilization work in |

| | | | | |1985. Masonry joints were repointed for 82 rooms in Mound 7 and 23 |

| | | | | |rooms were backfilled. An asphalt trail through the ruins was |

| | | | | |removed and replaced with gravel. Two drain inlets were added to San|

| | | | | |Buenaventura (Toms and Roop 2006, 13). |

|1987 |AD | | |Established |Salinas National Monument was renamed Salinas Pueblo Missions |

| | | | | |National Monument (Resources Management Plan 1997, 5). |

|1988 |AD | | |Excavated |Katherine A. Spielmann, of Arizona State University, conducted a |

| | | | | |survey in the area surrounding Gran Quivira and Pueblo Colorado. |

| | | | | |Sites within 5.2 square miles of Gran Quivira included slopes and |

| | | | | |alluvial deposits covered in piñon-juniper forest and flat sagebrush|

| | | | | |grassland. Spielmann found artifacts and features from the period |

| | | | | |900 AD-1300 AD. She concluded that the sites were largely pit |

| | | | | |houses, hunting camps, and field houses that pre-date the pueblo. |

| | | | | |Her team located features such as hearths (Spielmann refers to |

| | | | | |roasting pits), rubble remains of structures, check dams, a shrine, |

| | | | | |wild plants collected for food, and lithic and ceramic artifacts |

| | | | | |(Spielmann 1989, 5, 19). |

|1989 |AD | | |Established |The 1989 Statement for Management listed existing facilities |

| | | | | |(construction dates not given), capturing the state of physical |

| | | | | |facilities at the time. The list included: |

| | | | | |- Contact station with exhibits |

| | | | | |- Restrooms |

| | | | | |- Office with storage area |

| | | | | |- Interpretive trail with trail guide |

| | | | | |- Picnic area (listed in Gen Mgt Plan, 1984 as 12 tables with |

| | | | | |firepits, 8 parking spaces) |

| | | | | |- Parking area (28 cars) |

| | | | | |- Paved entry road, secondary roads |

| | | | | |- Sanitary landfill (NE corner across roadway) |

| | | | | |- Water, sewer, electric, telephone utilities, propane tank (Gen Mgt|

| | | | | |Plan, 1984 details water well with 50,000 gal. storage tank, fire |

| | | | | |hydrants) |

| | | | | |- Two 3-bedroom residences, one 3-bedroom trailer |

| | | | | |- Boundary fence |

| | | | | |- Maintenance storage buildings and small shop |

| | | | | |- Trail to pueblo, 5% grade, not accessible |

|1990 |AD | | |Established |The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) |

| | | | | |was passed. All excavations at Gran Quivira ceased at this time. |

|1990 |AD | | |Established |The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed. |

|1995 |AD | | |Stabilized |In 1995, Chavez oversaw stabilization of 30 rooms in Mound 7, two |

| | | | | |rooms in House A, and the corral and rooms adjacent to San |

| | | | | |Buenaventura (Toms and Roop 2006, 13). |

|1996 |AD |1997 |AD |Built |The current visitor center was constructed at Gran Quivira in a new |

| | | | | |location. Two former residences adjacent to the parking area, used |

| | | | | |as an office and storage structure, were removed (General Management|

| | | | | |Plan 1984, 79). |

|2007 |AD | | |Built |The ADA access ramp and current interpretive trail were constructed.|

|2009 |AD |2010 |AD |Established |A CLI is completed for Gran Quivira. |

Physical History Narrative

Note: The periods of significance provided in the National Register section of this CLI have been further divided into sub-periods in this narrative to provide more detailed understanding of the progression of history.

Pre-Pueblo Period: Pre-800 AD

Ten thousand years ago, at the end of the last ice age (the Pleistocene era), the area adjacent to Gran Quivira (now known as the Estancia Basin) contained brackish lakes. Runoff from the surrounding uplands drained into the basin, which has no outlet, forming a series of small lakes. As the lakes evaporated, mineral and salt deposits were left behind, and were used and traded by the Native American populations.

About ten thousand years ago, the Clovis people lived in the vicinity and camped by local waters. They were followed by Folsom hunters. These nomadic Paleo-Indian populations were named for the present day New Mexico towns where artifacts from their cultures were first found. Archaic, Mogollon and Ancestral Puebloan cultures evolved from these earlier populations (Stuart and Gauthier 1981, 33-36). The Paleo-Indian peoples gathered plant foods and scavenged and hunted game in an environment more lush than exists today. Artifacts such as Folsom lance points have been found in the region. Paleo-Indian and archaic campsites are documented in the region, especially around the former lakes just northeast of Gran Quivira (Stuart and Gauthier 1981, 321). The salt deposits at the dry lakebeds of the Estancia Basin later became the namesake of the Salinas pueblos.

Pit House Period (Pueblo I and II): 800– 1299 AD

During the Pit House Period, native populations began to adopt a sedentary lifestyle as they constructed the first permanent settlements in the region. The pit house populations made hunter-gatherer camps, hearths, pit houses for habitation or storage, agricultural field structures, and left sherd scatters at pit house locations (Spielmann 1988, 22-44). Pit houses were clustered in villages of similar dwellings. Near Gran Quivira numerous pit house settlements were constructed along forested slopes and alluvial fans of Chupadera Mesa, indicating a considerable local population during this time period (Beckett 1981, 4; Spielmann 1988, 50-51, 77-78, 82).

The structural forms of pit houses vary, but they have several typical features. Some pit houses were circular, while others had rectangular forms. One excavated pit house in the region was found to be 15 feet wide and 33 inches deep. It would have also had an above-ground roof supported by four posts arranged in a rectangle (Green 1955 as reported in Vivian 1979, 142). Another pit house excavated by Ronald Ice at Gran Quivira was rectangular with rounded corners and approximately 7 feet by 8 feet—relatively small in size (Ice 1968, 2). Entry holes were either through the roof or subterranean, from the side. Other pit houses uncovered by Ice at Gran Quivira included ventilator shafts, plastered walls, low walls thought to be deflectors, footing holes for support posts, a roof entry hole, fireplaces, and ash pits (Ice 1968, 7-10).

The variety of pit house forms, sherd types, and stone artifacts reflect the cultural associations and influence of the Mogollon culture during this time. The Jornada Branch of the Mogollon culture occupied south central New Mexico, where they practiced agriculture and lived a sedentary lifestyle until about 1300 A.D. Gran Quivira was likely the northern reach of this population (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 5). Few imported items have been found for this time period, compared to the masonry pueblo periods that followed when interaction between different populations increased and trade developed. Spielmann explains that the type of stones used to grind foods (manos and metates) indicate different lifestyles. Primary villages with year-round occupation and greater agricultural cultivation are reflected in the presence of two-handed manos (large grinding stones used with both hands) and large quantities of ground stone. Villages with fewer heavy stone tools and single-handed manos (smaller grinding stones, used with one hand) are more likely found at the sites of seasonal processing of wild foods from gathering lifestyles. Spielmann’s study found limited quantities of one-handed manos at pit house sites in the vicinity of Gran Quivira. Higher quantities of larger, two-handed manos were typical at the masonry pueblo sites of later periods. Foods associated with grinding at pit house areas at Gran Quivira include scrub oak (acorns), cactus (fruits and joints), piñon pine (nuts), and juniper (berries).

In subsequent periods, the people of Gran Quivira followed the building and cultural practices of the Rio Grande Ancestral Puebloans as populations merged (Vivian 1979, 142-146).

Jacal Period (Pueblo III): 1100– 1350 AD

During the Jacal Period, architecture shifted from subterranean pit houses to above-ground masonry buildings known as jacal structures. Jacal structures were likely made with upright, ground-level stone slabs, upright wooden posts, a combination of adobe, wattle and daub, or only adobe. These structures ranged from a single room to ten rooms in a single structure, with clusters of structures forming villages. Rooms were placed in linear arrangements, I, L, E or F-shapes, with a north-south building orientation (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 4).

Jacal structures mark a transition in time that overlap with earlier and subsequent periods. Pit houses were still constructed when jacal structures came into being. Later jacal structures were contemporaneous with early pueblo masonry structures. Ceramics date the initial jacal structures to circa 1100 AD (Toms and Roop 2006, 8). Not coincidentally, jacal structures also mark a period when populations began to shift (see Ancestral Puebloan Period) (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 4-6).

Ancestral Puebloan Period (Pueblo IV): 1200– 1629 AD

This period is defined by a continuity of above-ground building forms and the departure from subterranean construction. Within the period, smaller, earlier structures evolved into distinct multi-room, terraced and more durable limestone pueblos with plazas and subterranean kivas. The three phases of the Ancestral Puebloan Period (Early, Middle and Late Pueblo) are described below. These phases reflect the evolution of structures and the influence of contact with other populations in the region. First, however, the following narrative outlines the context for the developments.

It was during the Ancestral Puebloan Period that the population and development of the ridge-top pueblo at Gran Quivira grew significantly. By 1400, most of the smaller pueblos in the vicinity were abandoned, as outlying populations likely moved to Gran Quivira. Farming became a primary food source, as opposed to hunting and gathering (Spielmann 1988, 83).

While the architectural and population shifts are evident, the reasons for these changes are less clear. Likely, a convergence of factors led to the construction and growth at Gran Quivira. One of these factors was the blending of Mogollon and Ancestral Puebloan cultures, as Gran Quivira was located at the northern reach of Mogollon culture and the southeastern reach of Ancestral Puebloan culture. The Ancestral Puebloan cultures of the Rio Grande likely assimilated the Mogollon people of the south, and as a result, the Tompiro-speaking population at Gran Quivira became the southeastern limit of Pueblo settlements (Vivian 1979, iv, 145).

The confluence of Mogollon and Rio Grande populations corresponds to a surge of population growth and construction during this period. With the increase in contact between populations, Hayes proposed that in the late-jacal and early masonry period, the population may have given higher priority to defensible, ridge-top locations such as at Gran Quivira (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 6, 8).

The persistence of mixed cultural elements, especially beginning around 1100 AD, is evidenced in the material culture of Gran Quivira. Sherd types show the primary influence of Puebloans from the north and west, while the evidence of Mogollon ceramics, burials, and body painting persisted in the midst of Rio Grande Pueblo culture (Vivian 1979, 9, 142-147; Hayes no. 17, 1981, 5-6).

The location of Gran Quivira along prominent regional trade routes also likely contributed to the blending of different cultures at the site. The pueblos of the province were mainly located along east-west and north-south trade routes (General Management Plan 1984, 93). Additionally, the presence of the salt deposits of the Estancia Basin about 20-25 miles from Gran Quivira contributed to the confluence of cultures, regional trade, and the development of population centers. Bison products from the plains tribes, as well as corn, cotton products, and ceramics from the pueblo tribes also served as trade goods. Trade aided survival, especially after the mid-15th century period, when game and water were scarce (Spielmann 1988, 3).

In addition to trade, the economy and subsistence at Gran Quivira depended heavily on hunting and gathering. Hayes’ 1965 excavation found a large quantity of bone from birds and large and small mammals. Comparing the proportion of bones found at other pueblos, and accounting for population sizes, there appears to have been a greater dependence on game at Gran Quivira. Piñon shells were also present in large quantity, and salt lumps were also found. Agriculture was still important, however, and corn was the primary crop raised at Gran Quivira (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 10-11).

Ancestral Puebloan Period, Early Pueblo Phase: 1300 – 1500 AD

During this period, the concept of town planning emerged, where village plans were determined in advance and were constructed incrementally over time. Circular villages and central plazas were a common feature to Puebloan construction at Gran Quivira and other locations such as the circular Tyuonye village at Bandelier National Monument (Hayes 1981, 6). A circular masonry pueblo of 150-200 rooms with enclosed plaza and subterranean kiva was built on the limestone crest of the ridge-top at Gran Quivira (beneath Pueblo Mound 7). The rooms were joined side to side along arcs, several bands deep (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 1). Overall, masonry pueblo structures, constructed of small rooms with adjoining walls, became much larger than previous jacal structures.

From 1325 to 1600, material culture flourished among the Rio Grande pueblos. The people made advances in axes, pipes, pottery and vessels, tools carved of bone, ritual figures, and mural painting. These advances and pueblo architectural developments predominated in the development of Gran Quivira. While Puebloan practices were in place, circular clay-lined hearths, brown pottery, and flexed burials indicated the simultaneous presence of Mogollon practices. Burials were located within walls or between buildings (Vivian 1979, 146). Tools that continued from the Early Period included shaft-straightening tools, full grooved axes, trough metates, and one and two-handed manos (Vivian 1979, 145; Toms and Roop 2006, 9).

Ancestral Puebloan Period, Middle Pueblo Phase: 1425 – 1500 AD

The Middle Phase is defined by the construction of linear masonry room blocks rather than circular groupings. Most of the Early Phase structures at Gran Quivira were abandoned during this time period, and materials from old rooms were salvaged for the construction of new rooms. Additional subterranean kivas (K, L, and N) were constructed during this time (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 1). Hearths, ceramics, and burial features continued as in the previous period. The people of this period used spiral grooved axes, and they began to make what is now referred to as Corona plain ceramics (Toms and Roop 2006, 9).

Ancestral Puebloan Period, Late Pueblo Phase: 1545 – 1672 AD

Larger pueblo architecture and the greatest expansion of the pueblo occurred in this time period, before changes were brought by Spanish influences. The greatest period of construction occurred between 1545 and 1607; after this time, materials were salvaged rather than created, and construction slowed (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 2).

By 1600, the pueblo at Gran Quivira was at its largest size, approximately 200 rooms in an elongated F shape. The short bars of the F enclosed the main plaza. Early Phase rooms were filled with refuse and built over; rooms were renovated and porches were added.

Vivian argues that Gran Quivira’s architecture was less advanced than the developments along the Rio Grande by some 300 years, meaning that the village plan consisted of a scattering of pueblo houses, not a formal, preconceived and orderly arrangement of rooms around a central plaza. Contemporaneous pueblos elsewhere developed more defensible enclosed plazas, unlike the haphazard alleys of Gran Quivira. Vivan noted other differences in the size and forms of the individual structures. Gran Quivira contained mostly single-story structures with some two-story structures at a few locations. In contrast, Rio Grande pueblos reached several stories. Kivas at Gran Quivira were round, similar to early Rio Grande kivas and unlike the D-shaped or square kivas of later Rio Grande developments. The final forms of pueblo buildings at Gran Quivira thus apparently represented an older state of Rio Grande pueblo development in times prior to Spanish intervention (Vivian 1979, 9, 46-47, 148-149).

Circa 1659, Spanish prohibitions on native religious practices likely affected Pueblo construction of the period. Around this time, the roofs of the five kivas dating to the Late Period were removed, and the kivas were filled with debris. Six new rooms were constructed, plastered, and painted—each adjacent to a destroyed kiva. Archeological evidence, ceramic serration, and artifact analysis suggest that the dismantling of kivas and construction of adjacent painted rooms occurred at about the time that Franciscans oversaw construction of a new, larger mission church, Iglesia de San Buenaventura (See Spanish Colonization Period and Chronology, 1659). Since native ceremonies were denounced by the Spanish church, native ceremonial practices may have gone into hiding within these new rooms (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 2; Kessell 2002, 118).

In addition to architectural changes at Gran Quivira, evidence indicates population changes took place as well. Excavations at the site have revealed a mix of Mogollon and Rio Grande Pueblo cultural practices. Half of the burials at the pueblo remained consistent with past practices, but cremation was introduced, as was a new pottery style. This evidence suggests an influx of newcomers with variant practices (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 2). New tools and practices were introduced, including rectangular, slab-lined hearths, as well as Tabira black on white, plain, and polychrome ceramics. Tools that were used included stylized formal shaft straightening tools, spiral grooved axes, fetishes, and slab metates (Toms and Roop 2006, 9). Pottery, bone artifacts, and allusions in Spanish records from the Late Pueblo Period also imply that the population conducted trade with plains populations (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 2). Spanish documents refer to the mixed population of the Later Pueblo Period, revealing that some of the people were rayados—a term referring to natives with striped paint or tattoos on or above their noses (Scholes and Mera 1940, 285). This was a practice of the southern Mogollon populations and the plains dwelling Jumano/Humano populations, who traded with the people of Gran Quivira (Benavides, Revised Memorial of 1634).

First Contact Period: circa 1598 – 1629 AD

First contact with the people of Gran Quivira came in 1583, when Don Antonio de Espejo most likely led a group to Gran Quivira. Reports by Espejo and expedition member Diego Pérez de Luxán mention a village with no water or spring and a village with four kivas in two plazas. Based on Espejo’s reference to the village with no running water or spring, it is believed that the village was Gran Quivira (Hammond 1966, 222).

Later in 1598, the large settlement expedition of Don Juan de Oñate traveled along the Rio Grande into what is now New Mexico in order to claim anticipated silver and gold mines and return profit to the Spanish crown (Hammond and Rey 1953, part I; Vivian 1979, 13-16). This expedition consisted of thousands of head of livestock, hundreds of soldiers and many of their families, weaponry, and goods. Oñate departed from his northern Rio Grande base encampment on October 6, 1598, to visit the Salinas region. Upon his arrival, Oñate noted three proximate pueblos referred to as the province of Abó and Xumanas. One of the pueblos was referred to by the Spanish as Las Humanas (now known as Gran Quivira), with various spellings. As governor, Oñate proclaimed ownership on behalf of the Spanish Crown and took oaths of allegiance to the king of Spain from the natives, initiating administrative reign over the region. Oñate also decreed the Salinas area as a mission province under the Franciscan Order (Scholes and Mera 1940, 276-277).

An anecdote from multiple Spanish records is often repeated in the histories of first contact to characterize the relationship between Spaniards and natives at Gran Quivira. Oñate’s nephew, Vicente de Zaldívar, demanded food from the residents of Gran Quivira; however, the Puebloans provided him stones. Details of reports conflict but confirm that in retribution for this act of resistance to his authority, Oñate marched troops to the pueblo in a punitive expedition. In the fighting that followed, a number of pueblo residents were killed or taken prisoner and the pueblo was set on fire (Kessell 2008, 47).

There was reluctance among the Spaniards, and genuine difficulty in establishing a foothold in the region. For about ten years, political turmoil, conflict, and indecision among the colonists predominated in the area. Debate about the feasibility of colonization and conversion of the natives, as well as difficulties of survival, seem to have dominated the decade from Oñate’s arrival until 1609. In 1601 a group of priests and colonists lobbied for a return to Mexico by sending reports to Mexico City and Spanish authorities that questioned the governor’s competence. The Spanish had not found mineral wealth in the northern reaches of New Spain, and the government had economic and political demands in other regions. In this context, Spanish authorities shifted their emphasis. Don Francisco de Leoz, fiscal agent to the king of Spain, wrote to the king noting problems and recommendations for the northern region of the kingdom. He wrote that Oñate and some religious leaders were bad examples and non-compliant with the intended mission. Leoz insisted on removal of the Oñate family control and recommended their replacement with a new governor who would not be in conflict with the religious orders. He also recommended Franciscan reinforcements with genuine religious zeal and integrity. He acknowledged the poor quality of the land and the importance of colonization, and he redirected the search for mineral wealth elsewhere (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1070-1074). This became the new order of the day.

After enormous expenditure by his family and investors, Oñate resigned the governorship in 1608 (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1080). He later left the region and in 1614 was convicted of a number of charges and exiled from the northern provinces of New Spain (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1113). Following his resignation of governorship, authorities were persuaded to renew the commitment to religious conversion of the natives rather than abandon any converted souls. The distant Spanish king urged a gentle approach, saying the

“Indians are not to be compelled to become subjects of his majesty, unless their preservation in the faith should otherwise seem impossible, but that they are to be left in the enjoyment of their liberty or native condition as they were at the time of their conversion; and that it would be well to employ mild and appropriate measures in dealing with them in order that they may become subjects of this majesty of their own free will without any direct or indirect pressure.” (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1078)

Reorganization, renewed commitment, and Don Pedro de Peralta, the new governor, arrived in 1609 (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1085). Peralta established the capital base for Spanish government at Santa Fe, created Missionary provinces, and assigned missionaries to each. Shortly thereafter, mission activities began in earnest.

Initially, Gran Quivira was designated part of the mission district of Pecos under the supervision of Fray Francisco de San Miguel. Several friars operated in the larger area during the first quarter of the 17th century, though most efforts were concentrated along the Rio Grande where some churches were constructed. After 1612, missionary activity extended east of the Manzano Mountains and to the Salinas region by Father Ordóñez. Fray Peinado and Fray Agustin de Burgos were based at Chililí Pueblo, north of Gran Quivira. Fray Juan de Salas visited the Salinas pueblos from his base at Isleta Pueblo located to the west on the Rio Grande. Then, during the 1620s, missionary construction spread through the Salinas region. The only specific action recorded at Gran Quivira during this time was noted by Fray Alonso de Benavides in his Memorial, a report to the king of Spain on activities in New Mexico. Benavides said that in 1627 the chieftains of the Xumanas were converted and worshipped a cross planted at the pueblo (Scholes and Mera 1940, 279-280; Toulouse 1943, 35). Spanish records refer to Las Humanas as a large place, clearly one of the larger structures and populations of the day in the Salinas region (Scholes and Mera 1940, 280).

No mission structures were built at Gran Quivira until 1629, but there were other significant changes. After 1599, the Spanish began a formal practice to extract goods and food supplies from the pueblos called encomienda. The Cédula of Philip II, 1571, defined encomienda as follows:

“The encomienda is a right granted by Royal Grace to the deserving of the Indies to receive and collect for themselves the tributes of the Indians that shall be given them in trust, for their life and the life of one heir….with the charge of looking after the spiritual and temporal welfare of the Indians and of dwelling in and defending the Provinces where they are given them in trust and of doing homage and making personal oath to fulfill all this.” (Simpson 1929, frontispiece)

Throughout the Spanish colonies of North and South America, grants by the Spanish governors to first-arrivals and leading Spaniards, called encomenderos, permitted them to collect tribute in the form of commodities from a given number of native households in a region. Land was granted separately, but often provided to the same individuals in the same region as their encomienda (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 13). Officials of the Spanish monarchy had tried to abolish the system of encomienda, but the practice continued in New Spain. Laws passed in Spain were ignored in New Spain (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 11). A ban on tribute in the form of personal service was established in 1549, although Indian labor was thereafter allotted outside the system of encomienda for temporary public works (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 16). The city of Santa Fe was constructed under such provision in 1610, using labor from various pueblos in the region. After 1549, only commodities could legally be collected as tribute and these were regulated “in proportion to the number of tributaries” so as not to overburden a native population (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 16). Intended by law as a benevolent exchange, the encomendero was charged with protecting and Christianizing the natives. In the complex relationships of this system, encomenderos were intended to support the Catholic friars who, in turn, were to provide for the spiritual needs and education of the natives (Bolton, Ed. Weber 1979, 52). Encomenderos were also obligated to provide the Spanish crown with military service or other duties and share the benefits of tribute.

Spanish ideals were embodied in extensive laws and prescription for settlements, but the reality in the distant frontier of the empire often diverged (Bolton, Ed. Weber 1979, 52). The Spanish had hoped that the expeditions, colonies, and missions would support themselves with mineral wealth, since mining had been productive in regions of New Spain to the south. However, in the northern frontier, the relatively few Spaniards were utterly dependent upon the Pueblos for survival. Unfortunately, survival at Gran Quivira was marginal to begin with, due in part to lack of a permanent water supply and an extended drought (Vivian 1979, 14-16).

Encomienda in New Mexico was established by both governors Oñate and Peralta (Hammond and Rey 1953, 1088). Standard tribute in New Mexico was a quantity of corn and a piece of cloth from each Pueblo household, collected in May and October, respectively. Other goods such as piñon nuts, salt, and hides were used instead of the standard measures (Kessell 2002, 112). Without the mineral production that Spaniards had anticipated, the wealth of the colonies “originated in one way or another with the natives… those controlling the Indians in reality dominated all aspects of society” (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 3). Power and wealth were obtained in the allocation of encomiendas. In explaining the abuse of allocations elsewhere, Himmerich y Valencia explain the general abuse of the system in New Spain stating, “members of the Cortés entrada must have understood that possessing Indians was in fact the wealth of the Indies” (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 11). Illegal violations of the system included substitution of labor for goods, which was common in New Mexico (Himmerich y Valencia 1991, 16). Native labor was conscripted to work the colonists’ farmland. Although payment for labor was sometimes mandated by governors in conflict over such labor with clergy, payment was nominal and often not made (Simmons, Ed. Weber 1979, 102-103). The timing and degree to which these various activities affected the village at Gran Quivira is not documented, but Encomienda likely was in place at Gran Quivira in the first decades of the 17th century (Vivian 1979, 20-21).

Spanish Colonial Period: 1629 – 1672 AD

In 1629, Franciscan reinforcements were sent to the region from Mexico, facilitating an expansion of missionary efforts. That same year, Gran Quivira was designated as a visita (a frequently visited satellite mission without a resident Father) of the mission of San Grégorio de Abó and the first mission buildings at Gran Quivira were constructed (Toms and Roop 2006, 10). A friar was assigned to Gran Quivira under the authority of Fray Francisco de Acevedo, the priest headquartered at Abó. Fray Francisco Letrado was assigned to live at Gran Quivira; he also initiated construction of the first convento and church at the site in 1629 (Toulouse 1943, 53-54).

The typical Spanish mission complex included mission church, convento or rectory (residential and domestic quarters), and atrial courtyard, with standard layout and features of each. There was an established formal design for these features and the rituals for which they were constructed. Gran Quivira saw the construction of two churches under Franciscan supervision. James E. Ivey provides a detailed history of the Spanish colonial architectural construction at Gran Quivira in his text In the Midst of a Loneliness: the Architectural History of the Salinas Missions, 1988.

For living quarters and probably a small chapel, Letrado negotiated use of rooms at the west end of the pueblo as a convento. He initially reconfigured eight existing rooms and then added eight new rooms to suit Franciscan purposes. The next year he returned to begin construction of the Iglesia de San Isidro and its associated campo santo (entry courtyard and cemetery) with its central cross and low, surrounding wall (Ivey 1988, ch. 6). Letrado was transferred to Zuni Pueblo after two years (where he was subsequently killed). For the next thirty years, there was no resident friar at Gran Quivira. After Fray Letrado’s departure, Iglesia de San Isidro was completed by the residents of Gran Quivira under the supervision of Fray Francisco de Acevedo, the priest based at the mission at Abó. Acevedo used San Isidro to serve the Pueblo de Las Humanas (Gran Quivira), Pueblo Pardo, and Tabirá, smaller local pueblos (Hayes no. 17, 1981, 1). San Isidro was built of local limestone on a slope just below the main pueblo. The 109’ nave is continuous, without a transept, and part of the church floor level was cut into the slope (Vivian 1979, 67). (See Settlement Period, 1950s excavation discussion for additional details).

Another wave of Franciscan friars was sent to the northern frontier in 1659. At this time, Fray Diego de Santandér was assigned as resident priest to Gran Quivira, and Las Humanas was given full mission status, replacing it’s previous visita status. As a result, a new church, Iglesia de San Buenaventura and its attached convento, were constructed under Santandér’s supervision, beginning in 1659. However, constructing the church proved to be a challenge, as Governor López restricted Franciscan authority over native labor. Under the restrictions, Santandér would have to pay his laborers daily, and the workers risked being whipped by López if they were caught working for the Franciscans (Ivey 1988, ch. 6, 402).

Despite the political conflict, Iglesia de San Buenaventura followed the formal Spanish cruciform plan with a choir loft, a separate baptistry near the entry, and a sacristy near the sanctuary. The attached convento followed the traditional plan of rooms surrounding garth (an enclosed yard). A corral and stable were attached at the south (Vivian 1979, 86-93). Toulouse and Ivey suggest that San Buenaventura may never have been completed, but more recent evidence suggests otherwise (Toulouse 1943, 54; Ivey 1988, ch. 6, Appendix 3).

Throughout the colonial period the Spanish clergy, encomenderos, and civil governors were in conflict with one another over profit, survival, and native souls; and thereby, in conflict over rules, native labor, food, water, and goods such as cloth and hides. The Spanish enlisted the Pueblos in the conflict, dividing the people’s alliance and unity. Governor López de Mendizábal, for example, gave orders and issued punishments or reprieve to the Native Americans that directly contradicted Franciscan policies (Kessell 2008, 101-103). The conflict ran deeper because anticipated mining profits never materialized and survival was marginal due to extended drought. Because of these factors, control of the native population became critical to Spanish survival. The civil governors sometimes demanded every last article of clothing and food from the native population to sell in markets further south (Vivian 1979, 19).

Later in the period, desperate measures revealed deteriorating subsistence for both the Spanish and the Pueblos. Governor López de Mendizábal wrote that he had recommended to Santandér the construction of landscape features to retain water for planting basins in 1659. In 1663 Nicolas de Aguilar (alcalde mayor of Salinas Province) wrote that it was not possible to keep livestock at Gran Quivira due to insufficient water sources; livestock was then relocated to Abó (Scholes and Mera 1940, 282).

In spite of such measures, drought, disease, and raids from the Apache plains tribe compounded the strain of survival. The Spanish captured and enslaved Apaches, who then sought revenge by attacking mission centers in vulnerable areas, including Gran Quivira (Toms and Roop 2006, 10). Agricultural fields shared by the regional pueblos were burned. Fray Bernal wrote that over 450 people from Las Humanas died from starvation in 1668. Bernal recorded that after crops had failed for three years, everyone was reduced to eating roasted hides.

The native population was also vulnerable to disease. Measles, smallpox, and typhus took lives in 1671 (Kessell 2002, 117-118). Starvation was followed by exodus. From an estimated population peak of approximately 1500, the last 500 or so residents of Gran Quivira left the pueblo by 1672 (Scholes and Mera 1940, 284). Spanish documents have been interpreted to indicate that the residents of Gran Quivira moved to what is now Isleta Pueblo, which shared linguistic background. Tompiro, spoken at Gran Quivira, and Tiwa, spoken at Isleta, were closely related tongues (Brandt 1997, 1). Many linguists believe these languages to be members of the Kiowa-Tanoan family.

The abandonment of Gran Quivira was part of a broader phenomenon throughout the region, as numerous pueblos in the area were abandoned within a few years. The demands of the early Spanish presence throughout the northern reach of the kingdom exceeded the capacity of finely balanced Pueblo life in the dry landscape. Ultimately, this and the conflicts of civil and ecclesiastical branches of Spanish government contributed to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. A decade after the Revolt, a more peaceful Spanish resettlement of New Mexico was based on different settlement patterns than those of the early and mid-17th century (Simmons, Ed. Weber 1979, 103-104). The village at Gran Quivira, however, was never resettled.

Abandonment Period: 1672 – circa 1870 AD

After abandonment in 1672, much of Gran Quivira deteriorated. During this 200-year period, the roofs and walls of the pueblo structures collapsed, and deposits of sand and detritus filled the spaces, forming earthen mounds and preserving artifacts within. Kiva roofs also collapsed, and the subterranean spaces filled with debris and soil deposits, leaving earthen depressions. Plants grew in the deposited soils until the mounds and depressions began to blend with the surrounding landscape. The mission churches fell into ruin too, as roofs caved in and walls crumbled, though the limestone walls remained visible.

As the site continued to deteriorate, it also became popular with treasure hunters throughout the centuries. Beginning shortly after the abandonment, treasure maps were sold to gold-seeking Spaniards in El Paso. Later, treasure hunting activities were conducted by the local Yrisarri family (Vivian 1979, 31). By 1884, Lummis wrote that Gran Quivira had long been known by treasure hunters, stating that the site is so “peppered with their shafts that it is unsafe to move about by night” (Lummis 1893, 230). Late 19th century attitudes toward Native American ruins only increased exploitation of Western resources and added to the destruction of such sites (Lummis 1893, 229-230).

Settlement & Homestead Period: 1875 – 1909 AD

The isolation of Gran Quivira ebbed as settlement of the American West reached the area at the end of the 19th century. Settlement in the area was characterized by vernacular reuse of materials and recreational use of Gran Quivira. Materials were salvaged from the ruins for the construction of the village of Gran Quivira, located northwest of the current Monument property and established by Elisha A. Dow in 1875 (Link 1999). The ruins also became the site of picnics, exploration, recreation, and the search for saleable artifacts.

Railroads first crossed New Mexico in the 1880s, including Mountainair, New Mexico, 26 miles north of Gran Quivira. This opened up the land to additional homesteaders, who later built roads and ranches in the Salinas region. The area became known for pinto bean farming up through the mid-20th century.

Settlers adapted to the land by using the local resources that were available, and supplementing those with industrial manufactured goods that were transported to the region by mule-drawn wagon, railroad, and motor vehicles. Ranchers and farmers dug wells or hauled water in trucks for water supplies. Local wood was utilized as a fuel source. Their agricultural practices depended upon the local land, but they planted non-native crops and raised non-native animals. They also participated in a cash economy to purchase goods, such as canned foods, bottles, washtubs, automobile parts, cast iron stoves, and other mass-produced domestic items (Beckett 1981). Remnants of which are still visible at Gran Quivira today.

Additional homesteads in the region brought attention to the ridge-top ruins. In 1905, William Corbin received a patent on his homestead located at the site of Gran Quivira’s pueblo ruins (BLM Patent, 1905; Toms and Roop 2006, 11). Later inherited by his wife, Clara A. B. Corbyn (who changed the spelling of her name after her husband’s death), the land was mainly used for grazing. In 1904, the year prior to receiving their homestead patent, Clara A. B. Corbyn published an account of life at Gran Quivira. In her account, she noted herds of goats, sheep, and burros that grazed and browsed at Gran Quivira (Corbyn 1904, 448). She also mentioned “rows of rocks found at the foot of every old cedar or pinyon tree” which she surmised were water basins (Corbyn 1904, 462). However, these structures could have also been jacal footings, the outlines of garden plots, or some other feature. Additionally, she noted the deterioration of the ruins through active dismantling and ongoing treasure hunting. Writing that her deceased husband had desired the homestead property at Gran Quivira in order to uncover and preserve the ruins, she claimed outrage at locals’ dismantling the ruins for building stones to construct a local store (Corbyn 1904, 446). She also referred to deep holes dug by treasure hunters and an active contingent of treasure hunters during her tenure on the land (Corbyn 1904, 463). However, in 1901, the El Paso Herald published a note that indicated the couple sought their own treasure at the ruins (Beckett 1981, 81).

Elisha A. Dow also claimed a homestead in the area for land immediately to the north of Gran Quivira’s boundary. Dow patented a homestead claim on September 24, 1908 (Patent 16359, 1908).

Sometime during this period, a structure was built at the ruins that may have been a temporary shelter for cattlemen, miners or others passing through the area (Hayes vol. 16, 1981, 61).

At this same time, national interest in western American antiquities and prehistoric sites grew extensively after the Civil War. Prior to this increase in interest, American prehistory was not considered an academic discipline of study and held low status against the study of the classical antiquities of ancient Rome, Greece, and the Middle East. However, this changed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as the professional disciplines of anthropology and ethnographic study gained traction in the U.S., and American history and American archeology became respected fields of study.

As part of this shift, New Mexico’s pueblo and mission ruins played a significant role in the development of American archeology, the validation of U.S. history, and the development of government agencies and law related to historic preservation of archeological sites. In 1879, the federal government sponsored the Smithsonian Institution’s new Bureau of Ethnology (later renamed Bureau of American Ethnology); the Archeological Institute of America was established that same year (Lee 1970, 1, 4). Also in 1879, the Archeological Institute of America chose Adolph F. Bandelier to head its first archeology project (Lee 1970, 4-7).

A year later in 1880, Bandelier began conducting his research on horseback and on foot throughout the Southwest and parts of Mexico. As his investigation of native peoples was scholarly, not commercial, he sought ethnographic understanding of peoples and their cultures. He viewed the native tribes in the context of the landscape that provided their sustenance. He compared linguistic groups, artifacts, and architecture to discern tribal relationships and interviewed living tribal members and locals to gain their knowledge of places and events. Additionally, he translated Spanish documents to gain understanding of the impact of historic events on native peoples and locate the places to which documents referred.

In his multi-faceted approach, he began to note the interrelationship between the Puebloan people and natural forces which drove larger patterns of settlement. He saw that when small watercourses silted in with use and shrank, people moved their pueblos. People also relocated when hostilities among tribes drove them to safer locations (Bandelier 1885, 255-256).

In the course of his investigations, Bandelier visited the site of Gran Quivira, where he measured and documented the two churches, convento, kivas, rows of room blocks, masonry forms, scattered pot sherds, arrowheads, metates, tools, and earthen water tanks and channels (Bandelier 1885, 283-287). He also composed a history of Gran Quivira from the 16th century onward. His extensive work became the foundational study of the Salinas pueblos and missions for all that came afterward.

In 1884, Charles F. Lummis, writer, photographer, and a friend of Adolph Bandelier, accompanied Bandelier on his site visit to Gran Quivira. In a detailed description, Lummis described pueblo room blocks in linear array, terraced structures with second stories, roofless, with six visible “estufas, partly subterranean.” Lummis was impressed by the tall ruin walls of San Buenaventura, roofless, but with beams adorned with carving. He also wrote about a “honeycomb” of rooms, the convento of San Buenaventura, with a “perfect fireplace” still intact (Lummis 1893, 228-229). Six years later, Lummis retunred to the site and photographed the ruins in 1890.

Bandelier’s years of study consequently led to extensive published volumes reflecting his research and a broad understanding of the native tribes of a large region of the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Perhaps more importantly, his first New Mexico report alerted the archeological community to alarming acts of vandalism to pueblo mission sites. In one such example, Bandelier reported that settlers had torn down the roof and pieces of the ancient church at the Pecos mission to build outhouses (Bandelier 1883, 42; Lee 1970, 8).

Because of these efforts, the U.S. government began to learn and map the remaining resources in the western frontier lands. The need for preservation of mission and pueblo ruins became apparent, but the exploitation, commercial sale and exportation of artifacts also grew with increased awareness. It took time for the nation to develop regulation and control of valuable antiquities. Similarly, it took time for the profession of archeology to evolve standards for excavation and collection (Lee 1970, 29-31).

Finally, in 1906, Congress passed the American Antiquities Act. In an effort to protect prehistoric structures and historic landmarks, the act gave the U.S. President power to declare federal lands as National Monuments and authorized punitive measures for destruction of archeological and historic sites. Presidential proclamation of such National Monuments streamlined the designation process and bypassed contentious Congressional debate at a time when control of public lands was much disputed (Lee 1970).

Gran Quivira National Monument Period: 1909 – 1980 AD

Gran Quivira became a National Monument in 1909 under the American Antiquities Act by a presidential proclamation signed by President William Taft (Land Protection Plan 1984, 36). The original 160-acre parcel included both pueblo and mission structures, although the San Buenaventura mission structures were the most visible features at the time. Establishment of the Monument occurred largely to protect these mission ruins. Interest in the pueblo ruins increased later.

During the first decade of its existence, few administrative activities took place at the Monument. Although Gran Quivira was now a National Monument with federally protected status, there was no federal agency to oversee the site. In addition, New Mexico was a U.S. territory until 1912, when it became a state. In 1916, the National Park Service (NPS) was established and, with its inception, administrative control of Gran Quivira was placed with the NPS. The Monument’s initial 160 acres were increased to 427 acres in 1919 in a withdrawal of federal land from the public domain (from the General Land Office) and the inclusion of state land, which the Museum of New Mexico had purchased after the death of Clara Corbyn.

Over time, there have been different phases of management and approaches to Gran Quivira’s ruins and visitor facilities. In the earliest years, Gran Quivira was remote and approached over dirt roads by wagons, mule or horseback. The Kite family, local ranchers, served as custodians of the ruins during the first years the Monument existed. Over the decades, the NPS authorized several excavations and numerous stabilization efforts. They built drainage structures to protect ruins, and to address storm water runoff and erosion from roads and trails. Visitor and administrative facilities have been created and replaced over time. Old roads and trails have been abandoned and new ones built. Water, power, electric and telephone utilities have been constructed along with residences and office space for park staff. Emphasis has changed as archeological standards, NPS policy, federal law, public interest, and research have evolved. Surges of activity and emphasis can be grouped into the following eras:

-1920s: Edgar Hewett’s Monument & Homestead Settlement

-1930s: The New Deal & Park Infrastructure

-1940s: Focus on the Pueblo

-1950s & 1960s: Post-War Boom, Visitor Exhibits, Excavations, Pit houses & Mission 66

-1970s: Assessment & Reports

-1980 – Present: Salinas (Pueblo Mission) National Monument Period

-1980s: Facility Improvements & Final Excavation

-1990s & 2000s: Federal Legislation in the National Parks

1920s: Edgar Hewett’s Monument & Homestead Settlement

In the 1920s, Edgar L. Hewett heavily influenced the early planning for Gran Quivira, in conjunction with the administration of National Park Service Superintendent Frank Pinkley. Hewett was the author of the American Antiquities Act and directed the School of American Research, as well as a number of other anthropological institutions in the Southwest. His interests lie in American antiquities, particularly the Spanish missions of New Mexico, and the development of tourism at mission sites.

In June 1923, Hewett brought a crew of workers to Gran Quivira and began excavation activities at the site. His 1923 Preliminary Account stated that he mapped out boundaries for fencing, a plan for roads, and recommendations for appropriate acreage to be included in the park. Hewett noted many treasure pits from “60 to 75 feet deep” (Hewett 1923, 80). He recommended canceling two 80-acre tracts as park land since there were no “remains of antiquity thereon” (Hewett, Preliminary, 1923, 3).

Hewett conducted and oversaw excavations in an effort to develop the ruins as exhibits and collect artifacts from the site. Hewett’s first action was to fence the park acreage to enclose and protect the ruins from collectors and livestock. His team also generated plans from a site survey. The plan mapped the pueblo ruins, discernable to some extent within earthen mounds, the mission structures, and topographical features that might have been part of water collection and distribution systems. Measured drawings of the missions were created as part of a comparative study of New Mexico missions. Additionally, Hewett’s team excavated a central plaza between large room blocks, kivas in the plaza and a mound (15) west of kiva A. They exposed walls surrounding the plaza and numerous room blocks. They cleared debris from the San Buenaventura mission nave, vestry, baptistry, sacristy, and entry area, and repaired walls as well. The convento associated with San Buenaventura was also excavated. Artifacts found during the excavations were shipped to the San Diego Museum (Hewett, Preliminary, 1923, 3-8; Beckett 1981, 71-72).

During his excavations, Hewett also reported on the need to develop the national monuments for visitors. Hewett noted the increase in automobile use and tourism of the day, although, at the time, it was a six hour drive to Gran Quivira from either Santa Fe or Albuquerque (under two hours in 2010) (Hewett, El Palacio, 1923, 80).

Settlement continued in the vicinity throughout the 1920s. The Beaty family patented homesteads near the northeast area of Gran Quivira (Beckett 1981, GQ-11, Survey Form). William R. Beaty received patent number 860023 on April 19, 1922 and Maude M. Idzior, formerly Maude M. Beaty, widow of Robert C. Beaty, received patent number 1028186 on June 6, 1929. There is some discrepancy whether the Beaty homesteads are located within the current NPS boundaries of Gran Quivira; however, the homesteads are indicative of settlement patterns throughout this time period.

Land in the far northwest corner of what is now Gran Quivira property was also used by locals (Beckett 1981, GQ-3, Survey Form). No ownership of this land is shown in land records, but the land immediately to the north was owned by Elisha Dow (Patent 16359, September 24, 1908), founder of the village of Gran Quivira. Homesteaders at these sites dug a well in the valley floor at the northwest site, and built a corral near the homestead residence on the Beaty site. They created road cuts across the land that were not graveled or paved, just vehicle tracks in the soil (Beckett 1981).

Other changes during this time included the construction of an NPS residence for the first site custodian in 1925 (Beckett 1981, 71).

1930s: The New Deal & Park Infrastructure

During the 1930s, federal New Deal programs ushered in new activities and changes at Gran Quivira, including alterations in site access and improved road conditions. Prior to New Deal programs and funding for road projects across the country, the condition of unpaved roads was always subject to weather. Their poor condition restricted visitation to national parks and historic sites. Road maintenance included scraping and grading, which proved to be endless tasks.

As part of New Deal improvements at Gran Quivira, the only access road to the site, from Mountainair, was graveled during the mid-1930s by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) to enhance access. The east entrance gate was closed in 1936, controlling access at a single entry (Southwest Monuments Report, July 1936, 11). In a 1935 Southwest Monuments Report, W.H. Smith, the Monument custodian, noted plans to extend NM 55 southeast from Gran Quivira (Southwest Monuments Report, March 1935, 115). Construction of this road to Carrizozo began in 1937. Other WPA improvements included the construction of culverts to address drainage issues throughout the site.

Other work of the era focused on basic maintenance and utilities. New signs were installed in 1936 to direct visitors to the entrance and parking area (Southwest Monuments Report, September 1936, 170). Construction of utilities for the park also occurred in the mid-1930s. Smith noted that work constructing a sewer line and septic tank was in progress during April 1935. A contract for a well driller was also arranged. Prior to completion of the park water system, water was hauled in barrels from a well six miles away. Even after the completion of the well, the park staff at Gran Quivira relied on collecting rainfall in cisterns and hauling water during instances there were problems (Southwest Monuments Report, March 1935, 166; 1936, 169). Smith also noted the practice during this time was to bury refuse in arroyos on the property (Southwest Monuments Report, March 1935, 115). Stabilizing and repairing walls and weeding out the ruins were recurring tasks. In the fall of 1939, the property boundary fence was repaired and boundary markers placed due to trespassing hunters (Southwest Monuments Report, November 1939, 355-356).

Since Gran Quivira was still fairly remote, visitors of the decade often camped at the site for a few days. Visitors in the first decades of automobile access drove in and parked as they pleased, often right on the ruins. George Boundey, custodian in 1936, deterred this use by installing a flag pole where drivers had previously parked. Drivers apparently left a respectful distance between vehicles and the flag pole (Southwest Monuments Report, May 1936, 333). Visitor attractions included a small museum of artifacts set up in the convento room roofed by Clara Corbyn in San Buenaventura (Southwest Monuments Report, August 1936, 110). The museum was robbed of saleable artifacts in the early 1930s.

Many treasure seekers persisted at Gran Quivira during the 1930s in search of buried gold (Southwest Monuments Report, July 1936 Supplement, 58; September 1936, 162). In 1930 a permit was issued to J.B. Wofford and Alfred J. Otero to excavate for treasure. Jacobo Yrisarri, whose family had dug for treasure at the site since the 1780s, conducted the work under this permit. He dug a deep shaft in the apse of San Isidro then tunneled toward San Buenaventura. No permit renewal was issued, finally putting an end to treasure hunting (Beckett 1981, 80).

Studies of the site also continued into the 1930s. France V. Scholes of the Historical Research Division of the Carnegie Institution and, later, the University of New Mexico, spent time at the Monument in 1936, surveying and studying the ruins. Kubler, Mera, and Scholes researched Spanish documents to identify the geographic locales of the place names in Spanish records, including Gran Quivira, Las Humanas, and Tabirá (a small nearby pueblo). These scholars concluded that Gran Quivira was, in fact, the place referred to by the Spanish as Las Humanas, and was later mistakenly identified at Tabirá (Scholes and Mera 1940; Vivian 1979, 8).

1940s: Focus on the Pueblo

In the 1940s, interest increased on pueblo culture and protection of resources, due in part from the excavation of nearby Pueblo Pardo (Toulouse and Stephenson 1960; Hayes no. 17, 1981, 1). As a result, NPS archeologist Joseph Toulouse stabilized some of the convento and church of San Buenaventura. Toulouse had been in charge of excavations at Abó during his tenure as a state employee. Early in 1940 a cover was placed on Yrisarri’s treasure shaft dug in the 1930s (Southwest Monuments Report, January 1940, 17). Approval to fill the shaft was received in February 1940, and Toulouse backfilled Yrisarri’s shaft and tunnel (Beckett 1981, 80). Also in 1940, the museum that had been located in the San Buenaventura convento was disassembled and its remaining artifacts were catalogued (Southwest Monuments Report, October 1940, 230). The WPA later provided stabilization on the convento that same year (Southwest Monuments Report, April 1940, 215).

Modernization of staff and visitor facilities continued into the 1940s as well. A gas tank and pump were installed on the grounds in March 1940. Prior to the installation of the gas tank and subsequent gas stove, wood was used for cooking and heat in the custodian’s residence. A bathroom was also added to the custodian’s resident during this time. Other improvements included plans for a telephone line to Gran Quivira and installation of electricity through the Rural Electrification Administration at the village of Gran Quivira (Southwest Monuments Report, May 1940, 285).

1950s & 1960s: Post-War Boom, Visitor Exhibits, Excavations, Pit Houses & Mission 66

After World War II, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by improved visitor facilities in conjunction with a period of major archeological work.

The post-war boom resulted in a surge in national automobile tourism within national parks. However, the parks, being underfunded during the war years, lacked modern visitor facilities. To improve the facilities with national parks, the NPS launched a program called Mission 66, which sought to upgrade facilities and visitor interpretation throughout the NPS by 1966—the 50th anniversary of the National Park Service. In 1959, Mission 66 funds provided two new residences at Gran Quivira and realignment of the entry road (Beckett 1981, 73).

In 1959, the Park Service also purchased an easement across the Kite family property for a well, powerline, pipelines, and an access road to provide water to the park (Easement Deed, 1959). The well was located eight tenths of a mile outside the Gran Quivira acreage on an acre of land also purchased by the NPS (Road Inventory 1980, 3).

Extensive excavations at the site also characterized the 1950s and 1960s. Past archeological work had emphasized the large Spanish mission church of San Buenaventura; however, in 1951 excavations began to enhance visitor exhibits, especially to reveal pueblo features (Vivian 1979, iv-v, 5). NPS archeologist Gordon Vivian oversaw excavation of three structures: 37 of 80 rooms of pueblo House A; Kiva D; and the mission of San Isidro church. House A and Kiva D were chosen for excavation because they were entirely within the park boundaries of that time and conveniently located for visitor interpretation. House A consisted of two large room blocks with a central open space. Vivian projected from layers of evidence of roofing that it had been a single-story structure, since the roof was made of poles (beams) and earthen layers. Beneath House A he found an older structure, a number of doors, a few windows, and fill left by inhabitants as they occupied and then abandoned rooms of the structure. He interpreted the open space as a plaza rather than an entry space to the room blocks (Vivian 1979, 43-44).

Work on the small, older church (San Isidro) was also undertaken, largely to preserve the often-looted structure (Vivian 1979, 5). Studying what treasure hunters had not destroyed at the Iglesia de San Isidro, Vivian determined the most likely configuration for the church plan, roofing, choir loft, and other features, based on traditional Spanish chapel forms, remaining masonry, load-bearing calculations, and comparisons with contemporaneous chapels. Knowing that the first, smaller churches built by Franciscans in the region were not cruciform, but had continuous naves, Vivian deduced that the church was relatively simple and roughly made. Features for a baptistry and sacristy, essential for church functions, were likely within the sanctuary of San Isidro since there were no separate rooms. Vivian also argued for a double row of support posts down the length of the church to hold a flat, layered, pole-and-earth roof (Vivian 1979, 66-82).

Further excavations were undertaken by C. B. Voll and Roland Reichert in 1962, when flooding of the sacristy created an opening in the San Buenaventura church. The purpose of the excavation was to determine whether the church had been completed prior to abandonment; however, the excavation did not locate conclusive evidence (Beckett 1981, 73-74). Later arguments and evidence for church completion have not been published as yet.

In 1964, NPS archeologists Ronald J. Ice and D.H. Scovill dug test trenches and cores at five sites at Gran Quivira suspected of being pit house locations. Four pit houses were located at the Mission 66 residential sites and most likely, on the slopes south of and northwest of the main pueblo. Two pit houses and four surface rooms were excavated (Ice 1968, 1). The pit houses uncovered at Gran Quivira were dated to the early 1200s A.D. and included ventilator shafts, plastered walls, low walls thought to be deflectors, footing holes for support posts, a roof entry hole, fireplaces, and ash pits (Ice 1968, 7-10). (See Narrative History, Pit House Period for further discussion).

Alden Hayes, also an NPS archeologist, conducted both excavations and stabilization of ruins at Mound 7, from 1965-1967. Until this time only mission structures had been stabilized, and Hayes’s excavation of Mound 7 became the largest excavated pueblo ruin at Gran Quivira. Hayes found that Mound 7 was occupied for about 400 years during the pueblo’s largest period of growth. At the lowest level, just above bedrock, Hayes found rooms of a circular pueblo enclosing a plaza and central kiva from the period 1300-1400 A.D. (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 15). Circular pits from the same time period were also located; Hayes speculated that these may have been cisterns (See discussion in Later Pueblo Period). On top of the Early Phase room blocks, Hayes revealed Middle Phase room blocks and outlying houses built on previously unconstructed areas of the mesa top. Rectangular fire pits and tools were found in these rooms. Hayes also found the Late Phase growth of the pueblo consisted of 12 major additions and much remodeling, based on research and tree-ring dating of the piñon timbers (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 26). He concluded that the activities of daily life were conducted largely on rooftops, since metates and other artifacts were found above roofing materials. Most interior rooms were used for storage, while activity was reserved for outer rooms. Hayes implied that what appeared to be three-story pueblos may have been one or two-story structures built upon older rooms filled with debris. The excavation determined that all but one of the numerous kivas were razed between the early 1600s and abandonment of the site (1670-1672) (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 13-61). Hayes’ team also unearthed Letrado’s convento with European room arrangements, more massive walls, corner fireplace, wooden doors, and enlarged passageways (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 31-33). As a result of his excavations, two volumes of studies were published (Hayes no. 16, no. 17, 1981).

In 1966, the National Historic Preservation Act was passed, creating the National Register of Historic Places. That same year, Gran Quivira was administratively listed in the National Register (Resources Management Plan 1997, 12).

1970s: Assessment & Reports

During the 1970s, the NPS generated a number of assessments and reports, partly in anticipation of the proposed Salinas National Monument, which would add Abó and Quarai State Monuments to Gran Quivira National Monument. The series of reports that resulted from this period included the following:

NPS Draft Environmental Statement: Proposed Salinas Monument (1976)

Soil Survey and Interpretations: Gran Quivira National Monument (1979)

Vegetation of Gran Quivira National Monument (1979)

Vertebrate Survey of Gran Quivira National Monument (1979)

An Archeological Survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument, New Mexico (1981)

Of importance is Patrick H. Beckett’s “An Archeological Survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument.” Beckett conducted an archeological survey of the entire 611 acres of Gran Quivira, establishing a record of artifacts at the site outside the main ruins area. This was the first time the area outside the main ruins had been surveyed and documented in a systemic and scholarly manner.

1980 – Present: Salinas (Pueblo Mission) National Monument Period

In 1980, Gran Quivira, Abó, and Quarai were combined to form Salinas National Monument under the management of the NPS. Grouped as one monument, the three units offered the visitor a more comprehensive understanding of the regional network of pueblos, cultures, and Spanish interaction. The Park Service also had the opportunity to protect major pieces of a regional cultural and colonial system, not just the isolated site of Gran Quivira.

Later in 1987, the Monument was renamed Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument (Resources Management Plan 1997, 5). In addition, the administrative functions, headquarters, and visitor center of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument became centralized in Mountainair, NM. This center offered another opportunity for visitor interpretation of the Salinas province, and housed related archives, collections, and office space for NPS staff.

1980s: Facility Improvements & Final Excavation

The 1980 reconfiguration of Salinas National Monument generated a focus on new assessments and studies of the three units of the newly established park. Although Abó and Quarai had previously been state monuments, the facilities at the two sites needed improvements to be brought up to NPS standards. Gran Quivira received some facility improvements as a result of the new plans, although it had been under federal management since 1909 (General Management Plan, 1984).

At Gran Quivira, the new plans addressed concerns that modern facilities were constructed on archeological resources, obstructed the historic scene, and were not adequate for visitors. The 1984 management plan called for the removal of a former residence being used for office and storage space, the relocation of the visitor contact center (the former custodian’s residence), and the provision of adequate restrooms, parking for buses and recreational vehicles, accessibility, and solar power generation. The intersection at the entrance road also required realignment to prevent vehicle collisions. As a safety concern, this item was slated for the first phase of upgrades. The need for ruins stabilization was noted, but was determined to be more urgent at Abó at the time (General Management Plan 1984, 33-34, 67, 69).

In 1980, the National Park Service and Federal Highway Administration conducted a joint effort to assess and improve roadways throughout the NPS system. The report for Gran Quivira identified four roads in use at the time: the paved park access road, the unpaved well road, the residence road, and the old wagon road running east and north from the ruins to the property boundary. The report determined a need for drainage culverts and ditches and widening of the entrance road (NPS 1980).

The last excavations at Gran Quivira were conducted from 1984 to1986 by Katherine A. Spielmann, University of Iowa Department of Anthropology (she was later associated with Arizona State University). Her preliminary report states that two square pits were excavated on the slope away to the south of the main ruins and three to the north. Many layers were documented and artifacts collected. Bones of numerous species, room floors, seeds, charcoal, limestone, adobe plaster, ceramics and tools were found. Spielmann sought information about trade among the Pueblos, Plains tribes and others. Her team also conducted a survey of areas outlying Gran Quivira that located numerous Pit House Period features. (See Narrative History, Pit House Period and Ancestral Puebloan Period) (Spielmann 1988).

1990s & 2000s: Federal Legislation in the National Parks

In 1990, the U.S. Congress passed the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), which changed operations at Gran Quivira. The Act mandated that excavation on federally owned lands may proceed only with consent of appropriate Native American tribes (NPS Cultural Resource Management Guideline 2010). Since Gran Quivira was known to contain human remains, funerary, and sacred objects, no new excavations have been conducted since the act was passed.

In that same year, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was also passed by Congress. The most recent facility change at Gran Quivira was construction of an accessible trail and ramp to the ruins, completed in 2007, in compliance with ADA. In 2000 a traffic engineering study was completed to assess the safety and condition of the entry road. The report made recommendations for signage, guardrails, drainage, and road surface maintenance (RS Engineering 2000, 14-16).

Facility upgrades during this time focused on enhancing the integrity of the ancient site and visitor experience, not just on adequate restrooms and visitor interpretation, as outlined in the 1984 Management Plan. The former residences being used as office and storage space were removed, and the visitor center and restrooms were relocated. A new visitor center was constructed from 1996 to 1997. It was located out of sight from the ruins, allowing the visitor to experience the prehistoric and historic scene without modern intrusion.

Summary Outline of Excavations, Surveys & Facilities


o 1923-1925: Hewett, School of American Research & Museum of New Mexico (San Buenaventura, Mound 15, kivas, plaza)

o 1924: Wesley Bradfield (continued Hewett’s work) (Beckett 1981, 72)

o 1933: Yrisarri, by permit (treasure hunting shaft & tunnel, San Isidro)

o 1951: Gordon Vivian, NPS (House A, Kiva S, San Isidro) (Vivian 1979)

o 1959: Richard M. Howard (test trenches prior to housing construction) (Beckett 1981, 73)

o 1962: Voll & Reichert, NPS ( San Buenaventura for roofing & garth kiva) (Beckett 1981, 73)

o 1964-1965: Scovill and Ice (pit houses)

o 1965-1968: Alden C. Hayes, NPS (Hayes 1981) (Mound 7)

o 1968: Sudderth and Kruse (campo santo burials) (Beckett 1981, 75)

o 1984-1986: Katherine Spielmann, University of Iowa, Arizona State University (report pending)


o 1883: A. Bandelier surveyed visible ruins

o 1923-1925: Hewett excavated pueblo and mission ruins and documented in reports printed in El Palacio, September 1, 1923, and in personal notes

o 1943: Toulouse mapped a dozen reservoirs, associated ditches, terrace gardens, dams and drainage watersheds (Toulouse 1943, 21, map 1)

o 1976: NPS report Draft Environmental Statement: Proposed Salinas National Monument

o 1979: NPS report Soil Survey and Interpretations: Gran Quivira National Monument

o 1979: NPS report Vegetation of Gran Quivira National Monument

o 1979: NPS report Vertebrate Survey of Gran Quivira NM

o 1981: Patrick H. Beckett surveyed the entire 611 acres and documented in the report An Archaeological survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument

o 1988: Katherine A. Spielmann conducted a survey of 5.2 sq. miles surrounding Gran Quivira

Visitor and NPS Facilities and Maintenance:

o 1925: custodian’s residence constructed (Beckett 1981, 71)

o 1932: residence constructed (General Management Plan 1984, 104)

o 1959: NPS residences were constructed (Beckett 1981, 73)

o 1960: entry road alignment abandoned (Beckett 1981, GQ site drawings)

o circa 1984: NM 55 was paved from U.S. Highway 54 to Gran Quivira (entry from southeast) (General Management Plan 1984, 99)

o 1965-1967: back access road constructed from Hayes’ excavation materials

o 1989: facilities existing in 1989 (construction dates undetermined) listed in Statement for Management, 1989, included:

▪ Contact station with exhibits

▪ Restrooms

▪ Office with storage area

▪ Interpretive trail with trail guide

▪ Picnic area (listed in Gen. Mgmt. Plan, 1984 as 12 tables with firepits, 8 parking spaces)

▪ Parking area (28 cars)

▪ Paved entry road, secondary roads

▪ Sanitary landfill (NE corner across roadway)

▪ Water, sewer, electric, telephone utilities, propane tank (GMP 1984 details water well with 50,000 gal. storage tank, fire hydrants)

▪ Two 3-bedroom residences, one 3-bedroom trailer

▪ Boundary fence

▪ Maintenance storage buildings and small shop

▪ Trail to pueblo, 5% grade, not accessible

o 1996-1997: current visitor center constructed

o 2007: ADA ramp and current trail constructed

History Graphic Information


Room blocks of Mound 7 with Early Period circular pueblo beneath. Convento constructed under Fray Letrado is highlighted at west end. Kiva J at west, Kiva K at east, and Kiva C shown at center. Source: NPS.


Mound 18, south elevation, borders the east edge of the East Plaza. Note limestone masonry. Source: NPS.


Kiva K with Kiva F in background set in the East Plaza at Gran Quivira. Mounds 16 (upper right background) and Mound 13 (left edge) frame the East Plaza at its southeast and north perimeter. Source: NPS.


Kiva K plan showing ventilator shaft, fire pit, deflector masonry and support post locations. Source: NPS.


West elevation view of Convento de San Isidro, constructed by Fray Letrado, 1629. The convento is located at the west end of Mound 7. See diagram below. Note limestone masonry and view to the distant mountains. Source: NPS.


The Convento of San Isidro was designed by Fray Letrado from remodeled pueblo rooms (217, 219, 218, 220, 208, 193, 210, and 211) and eight additional rooms (rooms 223, 225, 226, 224, 222, 221, 215, 214) in 1629. Pueblo rooms to the east (right) of the convento are from the Late Phase Puebloan Period. Source: NPS.


Portion of the east elevation of Mound 7 (foreground), entry of Iglesia de San Buenaventura (center background) and Convento de San Buenaventura (south-left- of the Church facade). Note view to the far distance from the village location, strong sunlight and shadows highlighting pattern of room blocks. Source: NPS.


The large aboriginal water basin with earthen dam near present day water tank east of the pueblo. Note presence, scale and density of juniper trees of piñon-juniper woodland. Source: NPS.


Entrance façade of Iglesia de San Buenaventura taken after Hewett’s 1923 excavation. Note crumbling condition of church prior to reconstruction efforts. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.18.


View of Iglesia de San Isidro and campo santo surrounded by low wall 1956. The cross was later removed. Note apparent vehicle traffic across landscape adjacent to ruins and native cholla cactus. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.04.3.

Analysis and Evaluation of Integrity

Analysis and Evaluation Summary:

Integrity is the ability of a property to convey its significance. The evaluation of integrity is sometimes a subjective judgment, but it must always be grounded in an understanding of a property's physical features and how they relate to its significance. To retain historic integrity a property must possess several of the seven aspects of integrity: location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association. The retention of specific aspects of integrity is paramount for a property to convey its significance. Determining which of these aspects are most important to a particular property requires knowing why the property is significant.

The physical features at Gran Quivira reflect the way in which the inhabitants of all periods adapted to the environment. The pueblo room blocks are ordered in tight rows and village clusters, reflecting the former community social structure. The kivas in central plazas illustrate the central role of community rituals and places for daily work and gathering. Remaining earthworks used to collect water provide insight to the prehistoric and historic means of survival. The system of Pueblo life is apparent in these forms, which remain in their original locations. The formal design of Spanish missions is clear in the churches and conventos, which reflect the structured rituals of the religious practice and lifestyle of the Franciscan friars. The native plants on surrounding slopes are the species used by the Puebloans and Spanish for wood and food. Features from the Settlement era are less visible today, but introduced plant species likely came from livestock during the period. The panoramic view of the plains, mesas, native vegetation, and open sky also contributes to the integrity of the site.

For the Pit House Period, Gran Quivira retains integrity of location, design, setting, materials, and workmanship. For the Ancestral Puebloan and Spanish Mission Periods, Gran Quivira retains all seven aspects of integrity. For the Settlement Period, Gran Quivira retains integrity of location and setting.

Aspects of Integrity


Location is the physical place where the historic property was constructed or the place where the historic event occurred.

Gran Quivira retains the original ridgetop locations of its Puebloan village and Spanish mission complexes, archeological sites, water system constructions, and natural systems and environment. The location of individual features, the village layout as a whole, and the locations of buried sites such as pit houses remain where they were constructed. Settlement Period homestead structures are no longer in existence, but domestic articles remain, indicating the locations of these features. Gran Quivira retains integrity of location for all periods of significance.


Design is the combination of elements that create the form, plan, space, structure, and style of a property. It results from conscious decisions made during the original conception and planning of a property or its significant alteration. The design of a historic property reflects the functions, technologies, and aesthetics of its period of significance, and can include elements such as massing, spatial arrangement, site layout, texture and color of materials, style of ornamental detailing, and type of vegetation.

The design of Gran Quivira’s structures is clear in the remaining walls of the pueblo and mission complexes. The vernacular forms of the pueblo houses are consistent with practices of regional pueblo styles. Clustered in a village on the ridgetop, the pueblos were modular, formed by small adjoining rooms of approximately equal size with shared walls.

There were three phases of Ancestral Puebloan architecture. The Early Phase pueblo was built in a circular pattern of concentric rooms, enclosing a circular plaza. This form created an internally focused space rather than outward oriented facades. The Middle and Late Phase pueblo forms were rectilinear rather than circular. In these phases, multiple house masses were built incrementally in a haphazard village cluster without discernible pattern, and the room blocks were arranged in linear rows. Later room blocks were grouped in larger aggregations, and rooftops were used for work and social spaces. While the rectilinear masses were outward facing, several house blocks were arranged around an open space to create a semi-enclosed outdoor area. These spaces are connected as fluid circulation routes that lace irregularly through the village as alleys and openings, plazas, entry spaces, small scale pedestrian streets, and open edges looking out from the mesa top. The shape and location of these open spaces in turn defines their social function. Larger spaces became plazas and community gathering places, where kivas were constructed. These enclosed circular subterranean rooms provided ceremonial space for pueblo ritual and gathering. Overall, the buildings and open spaces reflect the community lifestyle and social and ceremonial practices of the Puebloans.

The mission churches and conventos follow the formal design plans and reflect the religious practices of 17th century Franciscan tradition. Intended to be the predominant institutions in the lives of villagers, the churches were constructed with large, imposing facades. While the early church (Iglesia de San Isidro) was constructed with a continuous nave, without side rooms for special functions, the later mission church (Iglesia de San Buenaventura) was larger and constructed in a cruciform pattern. Church entries faced east to direct morning sunlight on the altar for morning religious services. Similarly, the long internal spaces of both churches were constructed to focus views toward the altar at the far end of the structure. In addition to the nave and alter, the mission churches had other dedicated spaces for the baptistry, sacristy and other functions for Catholicism rituals. Choir lofts were constructed over entries of the single nave and cruciform churches to project sound from above. In addition, conventos associated with each church provided residential quarters for the missionaries. Rooms of the conventos offered privacy and were arranged around a central courtyard that traditionally included a garden. The convento of San Buenaventura was attached to the side of the church.

The three-dimensional spaces of pueblo and mission structures, such as kivas, room walls, plazas, courtyards, churches, and conventos retain design integrity. The remaining features reveal the original fabric and historic design of the village dwellings, community and ritual spaces and mission.

Aspects of design from the Settlement Period focus on the division of land following systematic patterns. In the Settlement Period, homestead lands were claimed using the Township and Range survey system, which measured land in a rectilinear grid. Homesteads were granted in rectangular pieces divided within this grid, which remains evident today. However, details about the spatial organization and layout of actual homesteads in the area are unknown, and no buildings or structures remain from this era today. Overall, Gran Quivira retains integrity of design to the Pit House Period, Ancestral Puebloan Period, and Spanish Mission Period. The site does not retain integrity to the Settlement Period.


Setting is the physical environment of a historic property. Setting refers to the character of the site. Setting includes the physical elements of a site, including character-defining and contributing features, such as spatial organization, land use, vegetation, topography, circulation, and small-scale features. Setting also includes the character of the contextual lands that surround a historic property.

At Gran Quivira, the setting consists predominantly of the natural landscape surrounding the Puebloan village and mission complexes. The surrounding landscape appears nearly as it did at the time of pre-historic and historic occupation. The ridgetop setting provides nearly the same spectacular view that was seen by the inhabitants of past periods. This panoramic view extends for miles around Gran Quivira’s boundary to distant mountains, forested mesas, and the basins below. Views during the puebloan and mission eras would have mainly consisted of these surrounding natural features, while views during the Settlement era would have included the village of Gran Quivira, ranches and homesteads, grazing areas, and primitive roads. Today, modern intrusions include contemporary roads, wind turbines along Mesa de Los Jumanos to the north, NPS residences, and utility infrastructure. In spite of these, the visitor experience is dominated by the excavated features set in the natural piñon-juniper, upland scrub and grasslands.

This setting also includes the original species of vegetation and the piñon-juniper woodland ecozone that existed in the periods of significance, although daily needs of the Native Americans, Franciscans, and later homesteaders, would have cleared the land immediately surrounding the village of trees. Since existing vegetation consists of the same species that were used for subsistence by prehistoric and historic inhabitants, the vegetation provides a sense of context for the periods of significance. Today, NPS efforts to clear the mounds and surrounding ground of large vegetation are ongoing. In spite of a few changes, the landscape still conveys historic character and Gran Quivira retains integrity of setting for all periods of significance.


Materials are the physical elements that were combined or deposited during a particular period of time and in a particular pattern or configuration to form a historic property.

The pueblo village and Spanish mission complexes are composed of indigenous San Andres limestone, wood, and mud mortar—all locally available materials. The limestone is derived from the ridge beneath the site, while wood was taken from local mountains for use in roofing and lintels. Both the stone and wood materials were used in a manner consistent with pueblo architectural practices throughout the region. Masonry walls exhibit core and veneer construction, which is made of two layers of stacked stone with a space between that is filled with stone and earthen rubble. Mortar was made from local mud. Roofing was made with wood poles or beams, branches and mud. The presence of original wood provides the ability to date construction of sections of the pueblo by dendrochronological sequencing (Hayes no. 16, 1981).

The material culture of the Puebloans and Spanish Franciscans has provided a wealth of information about their trade with regional tribes, means of subsistence on the landscape, and other cultural practices. The wealth of material elements dates from the Late Phase Puebloan village and Spanish mission complex, giving Gran Quivira integrity of material for those periods of significance.

Materials for the Settlement Period largely consist of remnants of broken ceramics, glass, metal cans, and other domestic debris found in middens and trash dumps throughout the site. Other materials used during the period likely included stone and wood for the construction of buildings, outbuildings, and fences, though homestead building and fence materials no longer remain on site. Gran Quivira does not retain integrity of materials for the Settlement era.


Workmanship is the physical evidence of the crafts of a particular culture or people during any given period in history or prehistory. It is the evidence of artisans' labor and skill in constructing or altering a building, structure, object, or site.

Expressions of workmanship during the periods of significance for Gran Quivira are present in the remaining walls of the pueblo and churches. The workmanship of the pueblo and mission buildings reveals the vernacular construction methods of Puebloan architecture. The workmanship of the mission buildings also embodies the contact between Native American and Spanish cultures. The Franciscan mission complex design plan is based on Spanish colonial religious architectural forms, but the construction methods are Puebloan through the use of core and veneer masonry, mortar, and roofing layers (Toms and Roop 2006, 23). Additional examples of workmanship are seen in Puebloan and Spanish tools, pottery, and other artifacts in collections taken from Gran Quivira. These artifacts reveal hunting, agricultural, storage, cooking, carving and ceremonial practices, among others. Gran Quivira retains integrity of workmanship for the Pit House Period, Ancestral Puebloan Period, and Spanish Mission Period.

During the Settlement Period, homesteads were typically built quickly with locally available materials. As a result of the construction methods used, no examples of workmanship are extant from the era. Gran Quivira does not retain integrity of workmanship for the Settlement Period.


Feeling is a property's expression of the aesthetic or historic sense of a particular period of time. It results from the presence of physical features that, taken together, convey the property's historic character. For example, a rural historic district retaining original design, materials, workmanship, and setting will relate the feeling of agricultural life in the 19th century. A grouping of prehistoric petroglyphs, unmarred by graffiti and intrusions and located on its original isolated bluff, can evoke a sense of tribal spiritual life.

At Gran Quivira, the ruins of the existing pueblo village and mission churches and conventos with broad, panoramic expansive views create a feeling of an isolated landscape, practically untouched by 20th century development. A limited view of modern wind turbines along the top of a mesa to the north, however, is a modern intrusion into the historic scene. This detracts from the historic sense and feeling of the property. Further visual intrusions should be avoided at all costs as they would have a negative impact on the feeling of Gran Quivira. Even if visitors are unfamiliar with Puebloan and Spanish mission history and culture, the impression of ancient life is still apparent. Overall, Gran Quivira retains integrity of feeling.

The feeling of the Settlement Period was one of western expansion, homesteading, and ranching enterprises. The landscape was divided and settled, spurring the development of improved lands. In addition to the construction of cabins and houses, livestock were grazed at Gran Quivira and crops were grown in the surrounding valleys. While some ranches remain in the vicinity today, overall agricultural operations have decreased in the area. Feeling for the Settlement Period is not retained.


Association is the direct link between an important historic event or person and a historic property. A property retains association if it is the place where the event or activity occurred and is sufficiently intact to convey that relationship to an observer. Like feeling, association requires the presence of physical features that convey a property's historic character.

At Gran Quivira, the natural environment, pueblo structures, and Spanish colonial mission churches and conventos, have remained since the 17th century. Because of this, associations to the Ancestral Puebloan people and Spanish missionaries are strong. The presence of these features conveys a link with historic people and events. The ruins of the pueblo are associated with prehistoric adaptation to the land, while the Spanish mission ruins are associated with the expansion of New Spain and the religious conversion of the native population. Gran Quivira thus retains integrity of these prehistoric and historic associations.

Integrity is not retained for the Settlement Period, since no structures or buildings remain from the era.

Landscape Characteristics


Archaeological sites are the locations of ruins, traces, or deposited artifacts in the landscape and are evidenced by the presence of either surface or subsurface features. Archeological sites at Gran Quivira include pit houses, mounds, kivas and plazas, water basins and their associated berms, dams, channels, and terraces, sherd and lithic scatters, hearths and quarries.

Due to the nature of the features at Gran Quivira, some features are listed in several categories. Rather than duplicate discussion in several sections, however, the discussion has been divided amongst the landscape characteristic sections. For discussion of unexcavated pit house sites and Puebloan mounds, kivas and plazas, see Archeological Sites. For discussion of excavated Puebloan houses, plazas and kivas, and Spanish mission structures, see the Buildings and Structures section of this CLI. For discussion of small archeological sites such as sherd and lithic scatters, hearth sites, quarries, depressions of undetermined origin, treasure pits, petroglyphs, stone tools and points, rocks incised with cuts for sharpening, ground stone, digging tools, homestead and historic debris, and remnant fencing, see the Small Scale Features section. Earthen water basins and their associated berms, dams, channels, and terraces are discussed in Constructed Water Features. Road ruts and segments are discussed in the Circulation section.

Note: Sites labeled GQ sites and I.O. sites were designated in Beckett’s An Archaeological Survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument, 1981. GQ sites designated locations with significant features or dense concentrations of artifacts. I.O. features were smaller scatters or single artifacts.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

Pit houses and possible pit houses, based on associated cultural material such as sherds, are located at sites labeled in Beckett’s 1981 archeological survey as GQ-7, GQ-8, GQ-9, GQ-10 and GQ-21. Known pit houses are located near the NPS Mission 66 residences, while other possible pit house sites are likely on the north and south slopes of the ridge. There are an undetermined number of buried pit houses, but several sites that likely include villages.

Pit houses and associated sherd scatters representing ceramic styles between 800 and 1200 AD are associated with the Mogollon culture. NPS archeologist Ronald Ice and Douglas Scovill tested, excavated, and studied two pit houses, which were then reburied, in 1964. Ice dated the pit house occupation to the early 1200s (Ice 1968, 1). The pit houses at Gran Quivira are part of what is believed to be a series of pit house villages in the area, which are found on the same type of terrain and natural environment.

Archeologist Katherine Spielmann conducted a survey in the area surrounding Gran Quivira and Pueblo Colorado within 5.2 square miles of Gran Quivira. The terrain she surveyed included slopes and alluvial deposits covered in piñon-juniper forest and flat sagebrush grassland, similar to the slopes at Gran Quivira. The survey located artifacts and features from the period 900 AD-1300 AD. Spielmann concluded that the sites were largely pit houses, hunting camps and field houses that pre-date the masonry pueblo (Spielmann 1989).

Current surface features of buried pit houses may be shallow depressions in sandy locations with sherd scatters and little vegetative cover.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

Archeological sites from the Ancestral Puebloan Period include 14 earthen mounds (Mounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20) and the plaza spaces among them, and eight buried kivas (Kivas A, B, G, H, I, L, M, N, of 14 kivas). Mounds are the physical remains of ruined pueblo structures, including limestone masonry and adobe mortar walls. Current sizes of mounds at Gran Quivira vary, but they are roughly up to six feet high and covered in vegetation. The pueblos within the mounds date from circa 1300 AD to 1672 AD. Kivas may be seen as circular depressions within plaza areas, while plaza spaces are located in the relatively level areas between mounds. The mounds, kivas, and plazas are located in the main village atop the ridge of Gran Quivira, and likely contain numerous artifacts from the daily lives of former inhabitants.

There are also rock arrangements at Gran Quivira that are clearly man-made and are listed as undetermined archeological site features. These could be remnants of jacal or other structures from the Ancestral Puebloan Period. Jacal structures were made with footings of upright rocks at ground level and wood and adobe walls.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Sites from the Spanish missions include two churches, two conventos and a cemetery. See Buildings and Structures for additional details.

Settlement Period, 1875 – 1909 AD

There is one known archeological site from the Settlement Period—Feature 9. Located at the main Gran Quivira ruins, this feature consists of a stone foundation of a room or cabin of unknown origin. It was likely a miner’s cabin or line cabin used as temporary shelter. For additional details, see Buildings and Structures.

Also during the Settlement Period, in 1883, numerous archeological features began to be discovered as Adolph Bandelier and Charles Lummis mapped, photographed, and described the ruins, earthen basins, and terraces.

Archeological Sites Today, 2010 AD

Throughout the 20th century, excavations continued at Gran Quivira to study the archeological resources of the site. In 1923, Edgar L. Hewett and his team studied and mapped the pueblo and its agricultural system. Hewett and his team also excavated the exterior walls of Mounds 7, 13, 15, 16, and 18 to frame the east plaza; cleared debris from the east plaza floor, the two mission churches, and conventos; and excavated two kivas.

Throughout the 1940s and into the 1960s, archeological investigations continued at the site. Toulouse mapped water basins, dams and terraces in 1943. Shortly thereafter, Gordon Vivian led a team of NPS archaeologists in the excavations of House A (Mound 10), Kiva D, San Isidro, and San Buenaventura in 1951. During the 1960s, activity at Gran Quivira increased as Hayes mapped the mounds and kivas and began the excavation of Mound 7, the largest exposed Puebloan feature at the site. In 1964, Ronald Ice and Douglas Scovill excavated a pit house at Gran Quivira, measuring approximately 7 feet by 8 feet, rectangular with rounded corners (Ice 1968, 2). The pit houses Ice uncovered at Gran Quivira included ventilator shafts, plastered walls, low walls thought to be deflectors, footing holes for support posts, a roof entry hole, fireplaces, and ash pits (Ice 1968, 7-10).

During the early 1980s, some of the last excavations were carried out on site. In 1981, Patrick Beckett conducted an archaeological survey and assessment of the acres outside the area of the pueblo and mission ruins, locating a few possible pit house sites and many small scale features. During his survey, Beckett found clusters of homestead artifacts from 1920-1940s at the northeast and northwest areas of Gran Quivira. Katherine A. Spielmann also conducted excavations of small pits from 1984-1986 to examine midden layers for evidence of trade with other tribes in.

With this long history of archeological activity, the archeological record for Gran Quivira is quite extensive; however, while a number of archeological sites have been studied, the majority of the pueblo mounds, kivas, and plaza spaces remain unexcavated.

As investigations were undertaken, the process of archeological testing changed the Gran Quivira landscape. Many archeological test pits and archeological dumps from 20th century excavations, containing rock and earth, remain today. Most of the dates and origins are undetermined except for several Mound 7 dump sites which were identified in Beckett’s survey. Test pits and trenches listed in 1981 by Beckett are now faint or no longer visible, and their origin is uncertain. Locations and further details are listed in Beckett’s An Archaeological Survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument, 1981.

Additionally, there are also modern rock and gravel piles, pits, and disturbed areas that are not of archeological origin, but similar in form, that could be mistaken for archeological features, dumps, pits, or disturbances. These are likely from maintenance and utility work at Gran Quivira.

There are also a number of archeological features that are undetermined in nature and origin. These features include possible buried pit houses, excavation dump sites, possible jacal or other earth and rock arrangements. The undetermined sites are sometimes surface indications, such as sherd scatters or depressions, of below ground features. See Beckett’s survey for additional details.


1. GQ-7: Broken Limb Site-mound covered w/ limestone rocks, cultural material, noted with question mark by Beckett as “pit house _? _”

2. GQ-8: pit house village, cultural material

3. GQ-9: pit houses, cultural material

4. GQ-10 large sherd scatter, possible hearth

5. GQ-21 possible pit house site includes heavy sherd scatter

6. Pueblo Mounds (1-20, 20 total)

7. Kivas (A-N, 8 excavated, 14 total)

8. Plaza spaces among mounds

9. Hewett Burial Mound

10. Gran Quivira Pueblo East Plaza

11. Water collection basins and dams

12. Aboriginal Water Basin near Pueblo Mound 7

13. Large Aboriginal Water Basin

14. I.O. 1 through I.O. 859 (Beckett)

15. GQ-1 possible hearth, cultural material

16. GQ-2 hearth-small depression/fire cracked rock, cultural material, historic trash

17. GQ-4 Agua de Pozo: includes, possible well depression, cultural materials

18. GQ-5 heavy sherd scatter

19. GQ-6 heavy sherd scatter

20. GQ-12 hearth, cultural material

21. GQ-15 includes sherd scatter, pictograph

22. GQ-18 includes petroglyphs, sherd scatter

23. Iglesia de San Isidro de Las Humanas

24. Campo Santo de San Isidro de Las Humanas

25. Convento de San Isidro de Las Humanas

26. Iglesia de San Buenaventura de Las Humanas

27. Convento de San Buenaventura de Las Humanas

28. Feature 9 (remains of Settlement Period cabin or room)


1. GQ-23 faint test trenches possibly from Ice GROU 14

2. I.O. 357: Borrow pit

3. I.O. 356: Mound 7 excavation dump area

4. I.O. 359: Mound 7 excavation dump area

5. I.O.374: Mound 7 excavation dump area

6. I.O. 392: Mound 7 excavation dump area

7. I.O. 718: disturbed area south of visitor center with power line poles, utility manholes and covers, weather station, dump areas (mostly rock), equipment

8. I.O. 820: possible archeological test pit

9. I.O. 844: test pit, 2 x 2 m, 50 cm deep

10. I.O. 845 one meter test pit, 30 cm deep

11. I.O. 847 excavated area, 3 x 3 m, 20 cm deep

12. I.O. 843: modern limestone rock pile

13. I.O. 859: limestone dump from old trail relocation


1. GQ-10: sherd scatter indicating possible subsurface pit house

2. GQ-14: probable pit house village, cultural material

3. GQ-17: low limestone and soil mound, sherds, includes rock piles dumped from excavations

4. GQ-20: mound and depression, rubble, unknown origin

5. GQ-21: possible pit house site, heavy sherd scatter

6. I.O. 16 Seven large pieces of limestone rock (do not appear to be a hearth)

7. I.O. 147: Pile of rocks 25 meters SE of western residence, metates, manos, concrete and limestone

8. I.O. 195: possible pit house location, slight depression, no cultural material evident

9. I.O. 420: possible grave? Small pile of rock in center of a small hole

10. I.O. 681: Hundreds of limestone rocks in a horseshoe shape

11. I.O. 801: Rock dump from excavations used as dam across arroyo

12. I.O. 834: Possible 1923 church excavation dump area

13. I.O. 837: Limestone dump area from previous excavations

14. I.O. 839: includes likely debris and rock piles dumped from excavations

15. I.O. 857: modern dumping of limestone in arroyo

16. I.O. 858: limestone excavation dump


Buildings are defined as elements primarily built for sheltering any form of human activities. Structures are functional elements constructed for other purposes than sheltering human activity.

Buildings and structures at Gran Quivira include pueblo mounds, pueblo house blocks, kivas, plazas, constructed water collection basins, dams and agricultural terraces, Spanish mission churches, conventos and a cemetery, and NPS Mission 66 residences and storage buildings.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

Pit houses were the main building form during this era. See Archeological Sites for additional details.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

During this era, buildings consisted of pueblos and kivas (evolved from pit houses). The pueblo houses were composed of multiple, rectangular rooms, constructed of San Andres limestone and adobe mortar.  Juniper branches were used as lintels over windows and doorways. Rooftops would have been reached by ladders which could have been withdrawn when the pueblo was under attack. External access to rooms was through a small opening in the roof. Internal doorways or windows, if they existed at all, were very small by modern standards. 

Over time, older rooms were abandoned and filled with debris; new rooms were constructed on top of the older rooms. The Early Phase pueblo was circular with an enclosed circular plaza that contained one kiva. In contrast, the Middle Phase houses were linear rows of rectangular rooms, and the Late Phase houses became larger and were I, L, or F-shaped with multiple kivas.

Several of the Ancestral Puebloan Period features are excavated or partially excavated, including 6 Puebloan houses, 6 excavated subterranean circular kivas built into plazas, and the east plaza of the pueblo village. These features were clustered in the village situated on a ridge overlooking the surrounding lowlands.

The 6 excavated Puebloan houses are comprised of Mounds 7, 10, 13, 15 16, and 18, dating from circa 1300-1672 AD. Mound 7 is a large pueblo of 240 rooms and 17,291 square feet. Beneath these rooms is an older pueblo construction, a circular pueblo of the Early Phase Ancestral Puebloan Period (Toms and Roop 2006, 52). The pueblo also included eight rooms remodeled and eight rooms added by the Spanish friar Letrado in 1630 AD. (See Buildings and Structures, Spanish Mission Period). Mound 10 (also known as House A) was a 37-room house block of 3,126 square feet that was originally part of a larger block. The remaining portion was razed to create space for a mission plaza during the Spanish Mission Period (Toms and Roop 2006, 54). Mound 13 was a pueblo of 3,000 square feet. Additionally, a number of pueblos enclosed the east plaza. At 5,552 square feet, Mound 15 was located along the southern edge of the east plaza, while Mound 16 (3,685 square feet) was sited at the southeastern edge of the east plaza. Along the eastern side of the plaza was Mound 18 at 2,000 square feet. Other mounds remain unexcavated and are discussed in Archeological Sites.

Kivas at Gran Quivira were circular, located below grade in plazas, and entered by a ladder in a small hole in the roof. According to Toms and Roop, "a typical kiva design is east-oriented, subterranean (at least partially), usually round, and constructed of masonry and/or adobe with a thatched or plastered roof” (Toms and Roop 2006, 36). Mainly used for religious purposes during the Ancestral Puebloan Period, evidence also suggests interior kivas rooms were used after contact with the Spanish.

The 6 excavated kivas consist of Kiva C, D, E, F, K, and J.  Kiva C, 1300-1672 AD, is 327 square feet, located at the center of the Early Phase circular pueblo.  Kiva D, circa 1550-1672 AD, is 326 square feet and 6 feet deep, located south of Mound 7. Kiva E, circa 1550-1672 AD, is 493 square feet, located in the east plaza. Kiva F, circa 1550-1672 AD, is the largest of the kivas at Gran Quivira.  It is located in the center of the east plaza and features a deep bench around the inner circumference of the kiva. The smaller Kiva J is located on the slope northwest of Mound 7, dating to circa 1475-1672 AD. Kiva K, circa 1470-1672 AD, is 314 square feet and located east of Mound 7 (Toms and Roop 2006, 36-48). Other kivas remain unexcavated and are discussed in Archeological Sites.

The east plaza is one of two main plazas at Gran Quivira. Containing Kivas E and F, it dates to circa 1350-1673 AD. This plaza was shaped by the surrounding pueblo houses and measures approximately 120’ x 120’ and consists of earthen flooring (Toms and Roop 2006, 66).

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

There are two Spanish mission complexes at Gran Quivira, San Isidro de Las Humanas and San Buenaventura de Las Humanas. The architecture of both complexes embodies the convergence of Puebloan and Spanish cultures and “displays the design and form styles of Europe while being constructed with Native methods and materials” (Toms and Roop 2006, 16).

San Isidro de Las Humanas consists of a church, convento, and cemetery. Construction of this complex began in 1629 under the supervision of Fray Francisco de Letrado, and the church and campo santo were completed in 1635. San Isidro was a small, simple visita church, unlike the full mission church of San Buenaventura. San Isidro was a “continuous nave church without transepts and the main axis lies east to west. The entrance is at the east and the building is a single structure without attached rooms or appurtenances” (Vivian 1979, 67). Vivian provides a good description of the design plan for early mission complexes used in the region, based on five examples, including San Isidro. He notes that they tend to be ‘extended nave’ in form instead of cruciform (Vivian 1979, 82).

“None of these early mission chapels had attached conventos nor, as in the case of San Isidro, does an attached convento seem to have been planned. In at least four of these instances, nearby aboriginal quarters were probably taken over to function as storage and living quarters, offices, and the like” (Vivian 1979, 82).

To create a convento near San Isidro, Letrado remodeled eight rooms of adjacent Pueblo Mound 7 and added an additional eight rooms in about 1629-1630 AD. These rooms in Mound 7 provided residences and private rooms for the friars. Measuring 1,747 square feet, the convento exhibits pueblo-style masonry but larger, Spanish-inspired rooms, doorways, and windows. The cemetery, or campo santo, was a walled yard that was attached but offset from the church. Its north wall was aligned with the north wall of the church, but the remaining walls formed a rectangular yard extending southeast of the church. In the center was a rectangular masonry structure that likely was the base for a large wooden cross. It enclosed 5,468 square feet of ground with a 3 foot perimeter wall. The concept and form of the cemetery were Spanish, while the workmanship and materials were Puebloan (Toms and Roop 2006, 34).

As the Spanish were able to staff missions with full-time priests, design forms of mission buildings evolved from smaller, continuous nave visita churches (like that of San Isidro) to larger, cruciform mission churches. Construction of the second church, for the mission of San Buenaventura, began in 1659 under direction of Fray Diego de Santandér (Ivey 1988, ch. 6, 449). Compared to San Isidro, San Buenaventura is a massive complex consisting of the church and attached convento, later constructed in 1662. The complex forms the entire west side of a large plaza, which was created by removing a portion of Mound 10 (Toms and Roop 2006, 54).

The San Buenaventura complex is typical of large Spanish missions in New Mexico from the 1600s onward. Larger, cruciform churches were constructed after about 1630 (Vivian 1979, 82). Mission complexes ideally were built on the most prominent land within their respective communities. The churches themselves were typically single-nave and many had a transept. A baptistry was typically located adjacent to the front entrance while the sacristy was usually to be found at the rear adjacent to the sanctuary. Walls were massive, load-bearing masonry -- either of adobe or stone. Roofs consisted of large vigas over which latillas, brush, and earth were laid. Choir lofts were located above the entrance and were usually accessed by ladder or rope. The church entries were oriented to the east. Many churches had clerestories located at the transept that allowed morning light to shine in on the altar (Treib 1993, 32-48).

At 6,712 square feet, San Buenaventura exhibited many of these characteristics. Its plan is cruciform, but the transept is slight. The width of the nave varies between about 27 feet and about 30 feet, while the transept is only 35 feet wide. The church included a choir loft, a sanctuary (23 feet deep), and spaces for baptistry and sacristy. However, it is unknown whether it had a clerestory.

The convento of traditional Spanish mission complexes usually “took the form of a placita and was attached directly to the long side of the church or separated from it by a narrow corridor” (Treib 1993, 48). The convento was a multi-purpose structure that served as the missionaries’ residence, office, storage, animal corral, and many times included gardens. Rooms were arranged around an ambulatory which looked out on an open courtyard. In a few missions, a kiva was located in this courtyard.

The 14,903 square foot convento of San Buenaventura also demonstrates these common characteristics. The structure is attached to the south side of the church and consists of a rectangular courtyard surrounded by rooms with a corral and stable space to the south. However, there is no kiva in the convento of San Buenaventura.

Settlement Period, 1875 – 1909 AD

Buildings and structures of the Settlement Period are largely undocumented. The one known building of the era has been identified as Feature 9. This feature is the stone foundation of a single room measuring about 8 feet by 14 feet. Hayes investigated the feature during his excavations and dated it to the Settlement Period based upon material found within the foundation and in the adjacent area. Hayes speculated that the room was from the 1860s or 1870s and was built as a line cabin or miner's cabin. Similar cabins were constructed for temporary use by sheep or cattlemen, miners, and treasure hunters. Interestingly, the room was also shown on Bandelier's 1883 map. The structure was likely of wood frame construction as evidenced by many square cut nails found in the fill and ashes found within the foundation. The ashes found in the fireplace at the west end of the room also imply that later users may have used structure’s wood for fuel (Hayes vol. 16, 1981, 61).

Clara Corbyn, whose homestead patent included portions of the ruins, mentioned in her 1904 book that she pitched a tent among the ruins, and later lived in a shelter built among the ruins of San Buenaventura (Corbyn 1904, 446). The small metal-roofed structure is believed to have been located in either the long room of the convento or the room accessing the choir loft. The building was used later by the NPS as a small museum until the early 1930s when a portion of the collection on display was stolen.

Buildings and Structures Today, 2010 AD

Over time, archeological excavations have altered the buildings and structures of Gran Quivira.

The mission complexes, 6 kivas, and mounds 7 and 10 have been completely excavated, while Mounds 13, 15, 16, and 18 have been partially excavated. For additional details on the archeological excavations undertaken at Gran Quivira, see Archeological Sites. Most of these visible features date primarily to the Late Phase of the Ancestral Puebloan Period. Most of the earlier structures are buried below ground level and below Late Phase structures. Today Pueblo walls have fallen to heights that vary from a few feet to six feet. As a result of the multiple excavations at Gran Quivira, the pueblo and mission ruins are now subject to deterioration and vandalism. When the first archeological investigations were conducted, internal and external plastering was found on the exposed pueblo and mission walls. Over time, this plaster has eroded away entirely, leaving only limestone walls. To combat this deterioration, Gordon Vivian began the first stabilization efforts of the pueblo ruins in 1951.

Reconstruction efforts on the Spanish mission churches have also changed the buildings at Gran Quivira. Overall, the NPS has conducted on-going stabilization of mission ruins since 1923. Early 20th century photos of the church ruins show rounded, crumbled tops of walls and broken corners and edges. In contrast, post-reconstruction and stabilization photos from the mid-20th century show sharp corners and taller walls. The church of San Isidro and the campo santo were partially reconstructed by the NPS. According to Vivian “the entranceway and the (exterior) facing (of the east wall) were rebuilt, probably around 1928…” (Vivian 1979, 62). Further, “the east end of the north wall of San Isidro was rebuilt and raised from 2 to 3 feet at one time” (Vivian 1979, 62). Today, the walls of the Iglesia de San Isidro are 8 feet high and the convento de San Isidro only 4 feet high (Toms and Roop 2006, 24-31).

At San Buenaventura, WPA work installed drains in the church floor in 1941 to prevent damage from standing water. In 1962 the original entrance beam was located and put back in its original location at by Reichert and Voll (Toms and Roop 2006, 13). Photographs of the entrance of San Buenaventura taken before and after the reconstruction are not detailed enough to provide much information on the reconstruction efforts. The walls of the Iglesia de San Buenaventura are currently 15 feet high and those of the convento are 10 feet high.

The two buildings from the Settlement Period remain. Feature 9 is not visible today, but it still exists on site. Clara Corbyn’s room in the convento remains, but the roof and any improvements to make it habitable are no longer in existence.

In addition to those buildings and structures that remain from the periods of significance, there are several buildings and structures that were built during 20th century. A custodian’s residence was constructed in 1925 (Beckett 1981, 71) and another in 1932 (General Management Plan 1984, 104). Later, one of these residences was converted to a visitor contact station, while the other was used for office and storage space. These residences remained on site until 1997. In 1959, the construction of two NPS staff residences began as a result of the Post-War Mission 66 projects. The two residences were located at the end of a short spur road that runs south from the entry road.

Other 20th century structures included two sets of stone steps and a stone retaining wall. One set of steps is located at Mound 7, while the other steps were located between the upper and lower convento areas of San Buenaventura. The latter steps are no longer in place. A low retaining wall, built in 1985, is sited along the path south of Mound 7; it includes limestone edging of larger stones than those used in pueblo construction.

In 1989, the Statement for Management took an inventory of the buildings and structures on site. The list included restrooms, a contact station housed in the former residence, two Mission 66 residences, one trailer, storage buildings and a small workshop.

Today, the buildings on site include the two Mission 66 residences, the visitor center and restrooms (constructed in 1996-1997), shade pergolas north and east of the visitor center, storage building, water storage tank, and a pump house. Located near the Mission 66 residences are also two pads for former NPS trailers that are now used as pads for visitor recreational vehicles. One pad is gravel and one is asphalt and gravel. These RV pads include hook ups for power, water, and waste. A 30 x 50’ steel storage building is at the same location as an earlier cement block shed. This is in the service area east of the RV pads. Also present is a water storage tank along a dirt service road east of the ruins and a small pump house .8 miles from the main park property.


1. GQ-7: Broken Limb Site-mound covered w/ limestone rocks, cultural material, noted with question mark by Beckett as “pit house _? _”

2. GQ-8: pit house village, cultural material

3. GQ-9: pit houses, cultural material

4. Pueblo Mounds (1-20, 20 total; including Mound 7 (LCS 7970), Mound 10 (LCS 7973), Mound 13 (LCS 67589), Mound 15 (LCS 67559), Mound 16 (LCS 67587), Mound 18 (67588))

5. Kivas (A-N, 8 excavated, 14 total; including Kiva C (LCS 67556), Kiva D (LCS 7972), Kiva E (LCS 67553), Kiva F (LCS 67554), Kiva J (LCS 67557), Kiva K (LCS 67555))

6. All plaza spaces among Mounds at village site (including Pueblo East Plaza (LCS 67552))

7. Large Aboriginal Water Basin (GQ-13, LCS 67577)

8. Aboriginal Water Basin near Pueblo House Mound 7 (LCS 67578)

9. North Earthen Dam

10. GQ-15 prehistoric dam of limestone, soil, large sherd scatter, pictograph

11. GQ-16 small dam, sherd scatter

12. GQ-18 includes terraces

13. GQ-19 rock dam with two catch basins, coursed masonry in part of dam

14. I.O. 329: two possible catch basins

15. I.O. 833: earth berm or catch basin

16. I.O. 839: possible terracing intermixed with excavation dump

17. I.O. 841: terrace

18. Iglesia de San Isidro de Las Humanas (LCS 12088)

19. Convento de San Isidro de Las Humanas (LCS 67558)

20. Iglesia de San Buenaventura de Las Humanas (LCS 7971)

21. Convento de San Buenaventura de Las Humanas (LCS 67579)

22. Campo Santo de San Isidro de Las Humanas (LCS 67551)

23. Feature 9 (foundation stones of a small structure)

24. Room in San Buenaventura convento (former living quarters of Corbyn, former NPS museum)


1. Visitor access steps at Mound 7

2. Stone retaining wall along edge of path by Mound 7

3. Visitor Center

4. Restrooms

5. Pergola north and east of visitor center (2)

6. Maintenance building

7. Visitor RV pads with utility hookups (2)

8. Steel storage building

9. Water storage tank

10. Pump house for well .8 miles from main Gran Quivira property


1. Custodian’s residence (1925)

2. Residence (1932)

3. Steps at the convento of San Buenaventura


1. Two Mission 66 residences


Circulation is the spaces, features, and applied material finishes that constitute systems of movement in a landscape. Paths, roads, streams, canals, highways, railways and waterways are examples of circulation systems. At Gran Quivira circulation features include roads, paths, open spaces, and plazas.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

During the Pit House Period, circulation features likely consisted of open spaces between pit houses that doubled as both outdoor living space and pedestrian paths. Entrances to pit houses were either through the roof via a ladder or a subterranean entry along the side of the pit house.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

During the Ancestral Puebloan Period, puebloan house blocks shaped the spaces between them and thus the external pedestrian circulation patterns. Some spaces defined by the building masses were narrower alley-like passages, while larger central spaces or plazas served as outdoor living, work, and ceremonial spaces, as well as circulation nodes. The plazas would have taken on social meaning for their central social functions beyond mere corridors.

It is important to note that much circulation during this period was vertical as well as horizontal. Access into kivas and outer pueblo rooms was by wood ladders through rooftop openings. These spaces would have provided outdoor circulation above ground level, as witnessed at pueblos in later centuries (Hayes no. 16, 1981). Additionally, in his excavations of Mound 7, Hayes found metates and other artifacts of daily activity above roofing layers, suggesting that rooftops were not only circulation routes, but also living and work spaces. Within the pueblo houses, internal circulation was via small doorways between rooms.

Other circulation patterns during this time included regional trade routes. Among the area pueblos and plains tribes, trade routes were the predominant way to travel throughout the region. While the location of these trade routes are largely unknown, Beckett noted a possible prehistoric or early historic roadway remnant at site GQ 18. However, the origin of the feature is undetermined.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Circulation during the Spanish Mission Period included pedestrian paths, mule or horseback trails, and wagon routes. In terms of internal circulation within the Spanish mission churches, circulation was part of the formal design plans. Church entryways often had walled atrial courtyards creating formal outdoor entry spaces. One example of this is the walled entry yard, the campo santo or atrio, at San Isidro. Church naves were entered directly from outdoors through a single large doorway placed on the east elevation of the building. Within the conventos, public and private spaces were defined by circulation patterns. Private spaces could only be reached via several other rooms and numerous smaller doorways and passages.

Settlement Period, 1875 – 1909 AD

Circulation during the Settlement Period included wagon and automobile roads; however, the date of origin for various dirt road segments is unknown. Beckett’s 1981 survey documented five old road segments or possible road segments of undetermined origin.

Circulation Today, 2010 AD

In general, circulation features from the periods of significance are not readily apparent. Pedestrian circulation around pit houses is not visible at Gran Quivira as pit houses are buried. From the Ancestral Puebloan Period, Late Phase plazas are still visible today between excavations and mounds. The larger pattern of Puebloan circulation at ground-level is intact in the alleys and plazas around pueblo houses. However, since kiva and pueblo roofs have largely collapsed, none of the implicit rooftop circulation network remains. Additionally, there are no known early trade routes remaining at Gran Quivira.

Circulation features from the Spanish Mission era are more visible. East entryways to the two Spanish mission churches and conventos are intact. The courtyard of the convento of San Buenaventura also remains, as does the plaza space in front of the church structure. The wall of the church yard or campo santo of San Isidro was partially reconstructed, so it remains well defined.

As mentioned previously, roads and circulation patterns originating in the Settlement Period are undetermined. Sometime during the late 19th or early 20th century, a number of roads were cut through the area around Gran Quivira. An “old wagon road” (identified in the 1980 NPS road inventory) running north-south at the east side of the site is still evident by its linear grade and two-track formation. Another dirt road extends east from the ruins and intersects with the old wagon road. While these two roads remain visible today, other roads have become overgrown with vegetation and are no longer apparent. Traces of these former roads can be seen in historic aerial photographs.

During the 1930s, road improvement projects greatly increased visitor access to Gran Quivira. During the first part of the decade, the only access to Gran Quivira was an unimproved road from Mountainair. In the mid-1930s, this road was graveled. Around the same time in a 1935, W.H. Smith, the Monument custodian, noted plans to extend NM 55 southeast from Gran Quivira (Southwest Monuments Report, March 1935, 115). Construction of this road to Carrizozo began in 1937, and it was paved in 1984.

In 1936, the east entrance gate to the site was closed, limiting access to a single entry (Southwest Monuments Report, July 1936, 11). A few years later in 1941 the WPA constructed a road to the ruins. This road is visible on aerial photographs approaching the ruins from the northwest and is still evident today in some areas. This entrance road was later abandoned in 1960, and a new entrance road was constructed with Mission 66 funding (Beckett 1981, 73). This latter entrance road remains today.

Other circulation features that have been constructed at Gran Quivira include the visitor parking area (date unknown), access road to the NPS Mission 66 residences (date unknown), residence parking area (date unknown), access road to the well (1959), visitor interpretive paths (altered in 1984), and an accessible ramp (2007). While the construction dates of the parking areas and access roads are largely unknown, they likely date to the late 20th century.


1. Circulation patterns to and from pit houses (buried)

2. Circulation routes and spaces between pueblo mounds and kivas

3. Alley-like passages, large central spaces/plazas within pueblos

4. Campo santo or atrio, at San Isidro

5. Plaza in front of San Buenaventura

6. Courtyard of the convento at San Buenaventura

7. Entrances to mission churches on east building elevation

8. Interior circulation patterns of mission churches

9. Interior circulation patterns of conventos (separation of public and private areas)


1. Paved entrance road (1959)

2. Visitor parking lot

3. Access drive for NPS residences

4. Parking for NPS residences

5. Access drive to well (1959)

6. Visitor interpretive trails

7. Visitor access ramp (2007)


1. GQ-4 Agua de Pozo: includes abandoned road bed

2. GQ-3 Early 20th century probable homestead site with old road

3, GQ-6 includes old road beds (one is old road from village of Gran Quivira to ruins)

4. GQ-18 includes possible old road

5. I.O. 334: Old road cut

6. Dirt road segments


1. Vertical circulation through pueblos and kivas

2. Regional trade routes

3. WPA entrance road (1941-1960)


Cluster arrangement is the location and pattern of buildings, structures, and associated spaces in the landscape. The pit houses, pueblo structures, mission structures, and NPS features are each clustered in distinct areas of Gran Quivira.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

Pit house settlements were typically clustered on the forested slopes and alluvial fans of Chupadera Mesa and the ridge at Gran Quivira (Spielmann 1988, 82). The informal grouping of pit houses formed villages. These clusters of pit houses were sited on sandy slopes where it was possible to dig. An evolution of cluster patterns did occur during the period. Early single pit houses evolved from temporary use structures to permanent clusters of multiple pit houses as the population took up year-round sedentary residence and agricultural practices.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

The pueblo houses are clustered on the top of a ridge, on limestone bedrock, which provided for a ready supply of building material. In the Middle and Late Ancestral Puebloan Phases, the pueblo was composed of multiple house blocks. These were arranged in close proximity to one another, not widely distributed in the landscape. The clustering of pueblo houses into a village reflects the sedentary community lifestyle of the population.

Puebloan water and agricultural features were also clustered within the landscape, in close proximity to the pueblo. Water collection features were sited on ground at higher elevations to harvest water from natural drainages. Agricultural terraces were grouped on lower slopes in areas of more level topography, which allowed water to percolate into the soils. This clustering of water and agricultural features was based on the natural topography and natural drainage flows to aid in the collection, retention and distribution of water.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

The mission structures are clustered at the west and south of the pueblo village, where land adjacent to the pueblo was available. The mission churches were intended to be the primary institutions in the lives of the community, so the Spanish friars sought central locations close to the pueblo. The Spanish mission churches, convento, and campo santo are clustered together in the traditional mission design. The convento of San Buenaventura is attached to the south side of the church. The convento includes a rectangular border of rooms around a central enclosed yard, the garth. The walled atrial courtyard of the Iglesia de San Isidro forms the entrance yard of the church. The grouping of Spanish churches, conventos, courtyards, and other features forms a mission complex of residential and ceremonial spaces.

Settlement Period, 1875 – 1909 AD

There are no clusters associated with the Settlement Period at Gran Quivira.

Cluster Arrangement Today, 2010 AD

The clusters of pit house, pueblo, and mission features have not changed since the periods of significance. However, locations and patterns of some clusters are visible, while others are not. Earlier Pueblo phases and pit houses are not apparent to the visitor, but exist below the surface. The clusters that remain visible today consist of the excavated Late Phase pueblo structures, the mission complexes, and unexcavated pueblo mounds. In total, the clustering of remaining structures forms a cohesive village and colonial mission complex set on the ridge.

Since the periods of significance, additional clustering has occurred with the addition of modern facilities. The construction of NPS roads and visitor facilities has been concentrated along the west central slope of the property. This configuration limits the impact of modern facilities on the landscape and keeps contemporary features from intruding on the historic scene.


1. Clusters of pit houses

2. Clusters of pueblos

3. Clusters of Spanish mission churches, conventos, and plazas

4. Homestead clusters


1. Clusters of modern NPS facilities and visitor amenities


General examples of constructed water features are fountains, pools, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. All water features at Gran Quivira were likely constructed to collect snow and rainwater for drinking and irrigation water. There was no permanent water source, such as a spring or stream, at the site.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

There are no known water features from the Pit House Period at Gran Quivira.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

Constructed water features at Gran Quivira are associated with the Ancestral Puebloan cultures. The features include five earthen and stone dams, each with an earthen water collection basin (Toulouse 1943, 22). The five dams are found on site, placed in the landscape to take advantage of natural drainage patterns. Stone dams were built within natural drainageways, and soil was compacted over stone to hold water behind the dams (Toms and Roop 2006, 68). These reservoirs held runoff, rain, and snow for drinking, washing, and irrigation.

Terraces to the north and south of the pueblo have also been identified as constructed water features. The terraces are made with rock retaining walls and earthen berms (Beckett 1981, 42-43). Channeling water to these terraces, the Puebloans were able to irrigate their crops. These water terraces have been studied by archeologists Bandelier (1883), Halseth (working for Hewett) (1923), Toulouse (1943) and Beckett (1981).

Other constructed water features include a series of basins, ditches, and earth dams dating to 1300-1672 AD. One such feature is identified as an aboriginal water basin near mound 7 (LCS 67577). A constructed ditch conveyed water to this 50-75 foot diameter basin from the village and from higher ground (Toms and Roop 2006, 69). Another feature is classified as a large aboriginal water basin (LCS 67578; GQ 13), located at the intersection of the water storage tank road and the maintenance road east of the pueblo. An earthen berm several feet high surrounds the northwest half of the 50-75-foot wide basin. Constructed entirely of earth, this basin is the largest at Gran Quivira. During Beckett’s survey, this large basin was tested (by auger) down to 15 cm below the surface. A layer of caliche beneath the surface was found, which would have decreased permeability of the basin floor, aiding in the retention of water (Beckett 1981, 40). A northern earthen dam, located north and downhill of Mound 18, was also used to retain water (Beckett 1981, 40-41). For location and relationship of these specific features, see the Map of Aboriginal Water Systems by Toulouse.

There are also pits in the ridgetop created during the Early Phase of Ancestral Puebloan development. The function of these pits is unknown, but could be water-related.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

The Spanish probably used the existing features constructed by Puebloans. It is possible that the Spanish may have influenced features at Gran Quivira, as Spanish governor, Lopez de Mendizábal, claims to have recommended the construction of earthen features to retain water and plant crops (Ivey 1988, 6).

Historical documents from the time period indicate the presence of some type of constructed water features on site. Fray Alonso de Benavides, described 32 pozos (usually translated as wells) within a quarter league of the pueblo. Other documents describe extensive native labor to dig a few wells and even the native practice of saving urine for building mortar and watering plants. The depth of wells was reported variously as 40-50 estados or ten estados (1.85 yards equals 1 estado) (Scholes and Mera 1940, 282). Yet other Spanish testimony notes that the soils were too porous to hold water in ponds (Scholes and Mera 1940, 282).

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

There are no known constructed water features from the Settlement Period at Gran Quivira.

Constructed Water Features Today, 2010 AD

Over time, the earthen water collection and agricultural features have been degraded by cumulative erosion. Earth packed around rock dams has eroded away, and now features are less distinct than when recorded in past centuries. Alterations have also occurred as a result of dumping from past excavations near terraces. The abandoned entry road to the ruins runs along an ancient channel, dam, and basin. All berms and basins are covered in plant growth today.

In addition to the known basins and dams, other features that may be associated with the water and agricultural systems of the Puebloans, although they are undetermined in function or origin. In the 1960s Alden Hayes conducted excavations that uncovered a number of features that may be related to the water system at the site. One of these features were circular pits dug into bedrock, created during the Ancestral Puebloan Early Phase, based on their location and associated artifacts. Hayes theorized that these features were early cisterns (Hayes no. 16, 1981, 21-25). After testing some pits to see whether they would hold water, they found that one pit held rainwater without alteration and some pits that held water with careful plastering and plugging of rock crevices.

Other constructed water features date to after the periods of significance. In his survey, Beckett located a 20th century water well measuring 1.4 meters deep with a concrete lining (GQ-11) and a second possible well (GQ-4), marked by a depression in the soil. During the 1930s and 1940s, the WPA also constructed drainage features to slow erosion and to prevent damage to the ruins.

Today, there are a number of modern NPS water-related features at Gran Quivira. In 1959, the NPS established a permanent easement across property owned by Jack and Louise Kite and purchased an acre of land to establish a well, power line, and waterline to provide water to Gran Quivira (Easement Deed 1959). Located .8 miles from the main Gran Quivira property, the well is fenced and includes a small pump house building.

Additional contemporary water features include a water storage tank near the junction of the dirt service road east of the ruins, rock and wire erosion control features in an arroyo on the eastern side of the park, modern culverts at the entry road, and drains in San Buenaventura.


1. Earthen and stone dams (5)

2. Terraces north and south of the pueblo

3. Large Aboriginal Water Basin (GQ-13; LCS 67577; Prehistoric dammed catch basin and sherd scatter)

4. Aboriginal Water Basin near Mound 7 (LCS 67578)

5, North Earthen Dam

6. GQ-15 prehistoric dam of limestone, soil, large sherd scatter, pictograph

7. GQ-16 small dam, sherd scatter

8. GQ-18 includes terraces

9. GQ-19 rock dam with two catch basins, coursed masonry in part of dam

10. I.O. 329: two possible catch basins

11. I.O. 833: earth berm or catch basin

12. I.O. 839: possible terracing intermixed with excavation dump

13. I.O. 841: terrace


1. Modern erosion control features (wire and rock structures on east side of Gran Quivira property)

2. GQ-4 Agua de Pozo: includes possible well depression

3. GQ-11, Beaty homestead site with well

4. Drains in San Buenaventura sacristy and nave

5. WPA drainage culverts

6. Modern culverts

7. Modern water storage tank

8. Modern well/pump house (located .8 miles from main property)


Cultural traditions are the practices that have influenced the development of the landscape in terms of land use, patterns of land division, building forms, stylistic preferences, and the use of materials. Gran Quivira has been shaped by a multitude of cultural traditions and ethnic and religious institutions.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

The traditions of the Pit House Period were rooted in Mogollon culture. The pit houses at Gran Quivira were likely the northern reach of the Mogollon population. Pit house structures reflect the tradition of the Mogollon culture.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

The cultural traditions of the Ancestral Puebloan architectural forms of the Rio Grande valley influenced the pueblo village at Gran Quivira. Modular masonry pueblos have been the traditional building form among the pueblo people for approximately 1000 years. Dryland farming of corn and other crops has also been the traditional lifestyle of these agricultural villages. Other cultural traditions from this period focused on ceremonial practices.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Cultural traditions during the Spanish Mission Period were rich and diverse. Gran Quivira, like the other Spanish mission complexes within the region, became a site of acculturation; taking the traditional and religious ways of the Native Americans and converting them to become Catholic, Spanish citizens. Consequently, the site’s layout and overall design during this period were dictated by traditional Spanish mission design, rooted in medieval European and Mediterranean traditions. Additionally, traditional native building techniques were incorporated during the construction, yielding a blending of material cultures that created permanent structures at Gran Quivira.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Cultural traditions expanded during the Settlement Period with the introduction of livestock ranching in the late 19th and early 20th century. Ranching traditions are not particularly evident at Gran Quivira, although ranching operations still exist on lands surrounding the site. Today, this ranching tradition continues the historical and living tradition in the area, connecting the past to the future.

Cultural Traditions Today, 2010 AD

Although Gran Quivira is no longer inhabited, Puebloan architectural traditions and ceremonial practices continue in today’s pueblos along the Rio Grande and other areas of New Mexico and Arizona. In addition, some of today’s pueblos still use the site for occasional ceremonies. Some dryland farming is still practiced at the modern pueblos. The traditions of Catholicism, missionary activity, and ceremonial practices remain in New Mexico’s contemporary Catholic churches. Architectural forms of the Catholic Church continue to exhibit many of the same features as the historic mission churches. Today’s pueblos also retain Catholic churches within their bounds, continuing the Pueblo and church relationship. Homesteads are no longer granted (as of 1986), but rural agricultural practices in New Mexico continue to include ranching and farming.


1. Traditions of Mogollon culture (pit houses)

2. Traditions of the Ancestral Puebloans of the Rio Grande valley (Puebloan architectural features, house blocks and kivas

3. Blending of Ancestral Puebloan and Spanish cultures (Spanish mission complexes)

4. Traditions of the Catholic church

5. Continued use of the area by contemporary Native American groups




Land use is defined as the principal activities in the landscape that have formed, shaped, or organized the land as a result of human interaction. Fields, pastures, orchards, open range, terraces, commons, cemeteries, playing fields, parks, mining areas, quarries, and logging areas are examples.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

During the Pit House Period, Native Americans used the land for hunting of local game, gathering of wild plant foods, and small scale agriculture. The population also used materials in the immediate landscape for construction of pit houses.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

Land use of this era mainly included residential and ceremonial uses, as pueblos and kivas were constructed. Prehistoric and historic activities associated with these uses included damming and detaining water, agricultural terraces, rock quarrying, gathering wild foods and wood, and hunting game.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

During the Spanish Mission Period, land use continued to be residential with religious use. Specific activities included planting agricultural fields; woodcutting; construction of the churches, conventos, and cemetery; gathering wild foods; hunting game; and grazing livestock. A distinctly European and Spanish land use feature was the cemetery or campo santo of San Isidro. The campo santo often doubled as an atrio orchard in Spanish America, but there seems to be no sign of fruit-tree planting at San Isidro.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Land use during the Settlement Period largely reflected homesteading, agricultural, and ranching activities. Digging wells for water, woodcutting, gathering of wild foods, hunting game, and grazing livestock were common practices of the time. Other land uses of the time included archeological investigations.

Land Use Today, 2010 AD

Since 1909, Gran Quivira has been a National Monument, and land use has centered on the preservation of prehistoric and historic resources and interpretation of the site to visitors. The prehistoric and historic residential, ceremonial/religious, and agricultural/ranching land uses are no longer in practice at Gran Quivira, though residential and agricultural/ranching land uses are present on adjacent lands. Archeological excavations have also ceased at the site.




1. Preservation of prehistoric and historic resources

2. Interpretive functions


1. Residential land use

2. Ceremonial/religious land use

3. Homesteading land use

4. Agricultural/ranching land use

5. Archeological excavations


Natural systems and features include the geomorphology, geology, hydrology, ecology, climate and native vegetation that may have influenced the development and physical forms of the site.

Natural Systems in all Periods of Significance:

At Gran Quivira, subsurface karst features, composed of soluble carbonate rock layers, characterize the geology of the area. Typical of karst formations, once carbonate material is dissolved, sinkholes and caves form, and surface water is limited or absent due to subterranean drainage. A 2005 USGS study of near-surface geology at Gran Quivira noted that “Karst features such as sinkholes and caves have been found in the surrounding areas. Historic National Park Service records suggest that both natural caves and artificial tunnels may be present beneath and adjacent to Mound 7” (Ball 2005, 34).

The primary geomorphological feature at Gran Quivira is the gray San Andres limestone, a late-Permian formation found along the ridge on site. The middle extent of San Andres limestone contains cavities, gypsum, and white sandstone. The gypsum is soluble, causing uneven surface topography and sinkholes in the area (Ball 2005, 5-6). In the upper levels of the limestone and in the Permian sedimentary layers of the Yeso Formation, there are a number of igneous intrusions that contribute to the folding and dissolution of carbonate materials (Ball 2005, 5-6). Caliche layers intermixed with limestone are also present at Gran Quivira.

Subsurface water at the site is contained primarily in the Yeso Formation, which is comprised of siltstone, sandstone, gypsum, and limestone of the Permian age (Ball 2005, 4). Surface water of Gran Quivira is limited to precipitation, as there is no spring, stream or surface perennial water source. Most of the precipitation comes as late summer rains, but there is also periodic winter snow.

Gravel and sandy surface features are shaped by ongoing alluvial and Aeolian processes. In addition, alluvial sediment that ranges from silt to gravel fills the valleys below Gran Quivira and undrained depressions of the area.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

During this time period, the natural materials and features were used in the construction of pit houses. Rock and adobe plaster were the two common building materials. See Natural Systems in all Periods of Significance, for additional details.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

In the Ancestral Puebloan Period, the natural ridge formation provided a solid foundation and an ample supply of building material for the limestone pueblo structures. The limestone naturally fractures in planes, making stone suitable for use in masonry (Beckett 1981, 7). Local soils also supplied adobe mortar.

The small watersheds and natural drainages on the ridge allowed the collection of water. The dams and berms placed across small watersheds by the Puebloans detained the natural flow of water. At strategic locations, the inhabitants terraced the ground and retained soils and water with rock.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

The limestone outcrops and soils used for adobe mortar in the pueblo structures also provided the building materials for the Spanish mission structures. For additional details, see Natural Systems in all Periods of Significance.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Settlement Period homesteaders from the village of Gran Quivira adapted to the aridity by digging wells in the lowlands below the ridge to reach water below ground in the Yeso Formation. This water was often found to be non-potable, and used only for watering livestock (Beckett 1981, 20). Settlers also hauled water from springs and wells elsewhere. Beckett identified a depression (GQ-4) that might have such a well.

Natural Systems and Features Today, 2010 AD

There have been few major changes in the ecosystem, hydrology, geomorphology or geology since the periods of significance. In 2005, concern that subsurface sink holes from the dissolution of gypsum and carbonate layers could cause damage to the ruins at Gran Quivira led to a geologic study of the area. The subsequent report, “Characterization of Near-Surface Geology and Possible Voids Using Resistivity and Electromagnetic Methods of the Gran Quivira Unit of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Central New Mexico, June 2005” suggested the possibility of open voids within 50 meters below the surface.


1. Subsurface karst features

2. Ridge morphology

3. Gray San Andres limestone

4. Subsurface water in the Yeso Formation

5. Limited surface water

6. Alluvial and Aeolian processes

7. Natural arroyos and watershed drainages




Small scale landscape features include fences, benches, flagpoles, signs, foot bridges, cow paths, isolated vegetation, curbstones, trail ruts, culverts, foundations, and minor ruins.

At Gran Quivira the predominant small scale features are thousands of sherd and lithic scatters, possible prehistoric hearths, petroglyphs, quarries, stone tools such as points, grinding stones (manos and metates), digging tools, and incised rocks. Beckett’s survey, An Archaeological survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument (1981), provides additional details and location of these small scale features.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

Small scale objects at Gran Quivira from the Pit House Period include sherds at known or possible buried prehistoric pit house locations. Sherds are also important in dating layers and associated activities where they are found. Sherd scatters from the Pit House Period include sites identified by Beckett as GQ-7, GQ-8, GQ-9, GQ-10 and GQ-21. GQ-7 includes a small mound, Chupadero black and white and Jornada brown ceramic sherds, and a limestone discoidal tool 90 mm in diameter. GQ-8 includes a large pit house village site with hundreds of sherds, including Chupadero black and white, Jornada brown, and Corona corrugated pieces. GQ-9 includes a sherd scatter with Chupadero black and white and brown wares. Similarly, GQ-10 contains Chupadero and Tabira black and white sherds and a possible hearth. GQ-21 contains thousands of sherds that include Chupadero black and white, brown wares, Corona corrugated, glaze wares and knapped debris. Scattered throughout Gran Quivira there are clusters of fractured and sometimes charcoal burned rock. These are probably hearths from the Pit House or Ancestral Puebloan Periods.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

Small scale objects at Gran Quivira from the Puebloan period also include thousands of sherds, possible prehistoric hearths, petroglyphs, quarries, stone tools such as points, grinding stones, digging tools, and rocks incised with cuts for sharpening. Sherd and lithic scatters are nearly ubiquitous on the soil surface at Gran Quivira, but distributions closer to the masonry pueblo village are denser. Sherds indicate cultures of origin, based on regional ceramic styles. Beckett’s survey provides details of sherd types and locations. Rock art, petroglyphs, and pecked rocks are found north of the pueblo. Incised rocks served the practical function of sharpening bone or wooden tools. Others have worn basins from axe sharpening (Beckett 1981, 58-60). There are other rocks with pecked figures such as snakes. The ceramic vessels, flakes, points, discoidal tools, manos and metates, and various other small artifacts reflect the technology and daily activities of the pueblo cultures.

Quarries are another small scale rock feature from the Puebloan period. These exist today as depressions and holes in limestone deposits around the pueblo. They were the source of rock for construction of the masonry pueblo and mission structures. Some of these may have been backfilled with soil, then used for agricultural plots (Beckett 1981, 35).

Other small scale features include hearths of cracked limestone and fractured and (sometimes) charcoal-burned rock and many ground surface depressions of undetermined origin or function.

Hundreds of small scale features were surveyed and listed in Beckett’s An Archaeological Survey and Assessment of Gran Quivira National Monument, 1981 (listed as I.O. 1 through I.O. 859). Some of these are modern sites, but the vast majority of them are sherd and lithic scatters. Sherds found at Gran Quivira include Chupadero plain, Tabira plain, Tabira black on white, Chupadero black on white, Jornada brown, Salinas red ware, Agua Fria glaze on red, El Paso brown, Espinosa red ware and glaze ware, and corrugated, Corona, and White Mountain red ware. A number of sites in Beckett’s survey also include hearths and possible hearths of broken and burned limestone, probable quarries, many depressions of undetermined origin, likely treasure pits, petroglyphs, and rocks incised with cuts for sharpening, stone tools such as projectile points and flakes, manos, metates, and digging tools, all associated with pit house and Puebloan periods. Beckett lists sites of heavy artifact concentration as a GQ-site number.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Small scale features associated with the Spanish Mission Period include the wooden cross within the campo santo of San Isidro.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Small scale features associated with the Settlement Period likely included fences, corrals, and other smaller homestead items.

Small Scale Features Today, 2010 AD

Most remaining surface artifacts are sherds dating to the pit house and puebloan periods. Over time, sherd scatters have moved downslope with the movement of soil and runoff. Other features, such as hearths, have been buried or eroded out of soils. In addition to deterioration, tens of thousands of small scale artifacts have been removed by both treasure hunters and archeological excavation, though many remain buried on site. Most visible mutates, manos (forms of grinding stones), tools, and points have been collected.

Although there are limited small scale features specific to the Spanish Mission Period, many small scale items such as tools and hardware of Spanish origin have been collected in past excavations. The wood cross within the campo santo of San Isidro was likely removed or deteriorated during the abandonment period. Interestingly, there was a cross in this location in photographs from 1956; however, it was removed at an unknown date.

Small scale features from the Settlement Period have likely been deteriorated, buried, or removed. There is no evidence of these features on site today.

In addition to those small scale features that remain from the periods of significance, a number of small scale features date to the mid-20th century. Beckett recorded several homestead features at site GQ-11, including buckets, cans, bottles, a wash tub, numerous vehicle parts, lumber, and other debris from the period 1925-1950. Today, metal objects are rusted and flattened. Glass objects are generally broken and scattered. The partial remains of a corral of sticks and barbed wire was also located in the area, as was a 1.4 meter-deep well.

Another early 20th century site identified as GQ-3 includes three cast iron stove legs, an auto fender, tire rims, headlight, and seat, two barrel hoops, a lamp wick holder, lard buckets, cans, glass jars, and broken china fragments. Although Beckett identified this as a probable homestead site, there appears to be no record of homestead patent for this location is available at the National Archives. The site may have been either used by squatters in the area or as a trash dump by neighboring property owners.

Generally, the debris scatters from the mid-20th century reflect the industrial technology of the time, and the mass-manufacture and transportation of goods from distant sources. The remnants of a cast iron stove embody the use of manufactured articles transported long distances, but also a dependence on local wood for heat and cooking fuel. Homestead ranchers and farmers were also partially dependent upon the land for livestock grazing, water, and soils for agriculture. Overall, the small scale artifacts reflect a mixed lifestyle and land use dependent on both the imported industrial goods and the local natural environment.

Other 20th century small scale features relate to NPS management of the site. In 1923, Hewett erected a fence around the site; most of this fencing has rotted away, fallen or been removed, but a few posts remain in the far west and east areas of Gran Quivira. A wood post and metal wire fence surrounds the present-day property. Additional 20th century features included a metal pipe railing at the steps between the convento of San Buenaventura and Mound 7. This railing was removed at an unknown date between 1957 and the present.

Today, contemporary small scale features include benches, trash cans, recycling containers, picnic tables, vending machines, signs, solar panel, and utility boxes. Additionally, a hands-on archeology exhibit north of the visitor center features archeological sifting screens for educational programs.


1. GQ-7: Broken Limb Site-mound covered w/ limestone rocks, cultural material, noted with question mark by Beckett as “pit house _? _”

2. GQ-8: pit house village, cultural material

3. GQ-9: pit houses, cultural material

4. GQ-10 large sherd scatter, possible hearth

5. GQ-21 possible pit house site includes heavy sherd scatter

6. GQ-1 possible hearth, cultural material

7. GQ-2 hearth-small depression/fire cracked rock, cultural material, historic trash

8. GQ-4 Agua de Pozo: includes, possible well depression, cultural materials

9. GQ-5 heavy sherd scatter

10. GQ-6 heavy sherd scatter

11. GQ-12 hearth, cultural material

12. GQ-15 includes sherd scatter, pictograph

13. GQ-18 includes petroglyphs, sherd scatter

14. I.O. 1 through I.O. 859


1. GQ-3 Early 20th century trash, old road

2. GQ-11 Beatty Homestead, well, small corral, old fence, historic trash

3. GQ-22 pits-treasure pits or quarries

4. Property boundary fencing (1923)

5. Property boundary fencing (current)

6. Benches along visitor access trail (5)

7. Trash cans (3)

8. Interpretive signs and wayside exhibits

9. Entry sign

10. Road signs

11. Picnic tables

12. Solar panel

13. Hands-on archeology exhibit


Spatial organization is defined as the three-dimensional organization of physical forms and visual associations in the landscape.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

A defining characteristic of pit houses is their subterranean construction, a three dimensional form. They were dug into the ground, taking advantage of the insulating properties of surrounding earth and minimizing the materials necessary for construction. Portions of pit houses stood above ground to varying degrees. Pit houses were typically clustered together in village-like formations.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

Spatial organization of pueblos focused on the aggregation of room modules to compose massive three-dimensional blocks. The masonry pueblo houses were clustered in a village along the top of the east-west ridge that runs through the Gran Quivira property.

Throughout the period, the spatial organization of the pueblos evolved with different massing patterns. While pueblo houses were continuously built on the ridgetop, pueblos of the Early, Middle, and Late Phases were grouped differently. During the Early Phase, a circular pueblo enclosed a single plaza. As the pueblo architecture changed to linear rows of rooms in the Middle and Late Phase Pueblo Periods, room blocks were arranged in rectilinear patterns. In the Ancestral Puebloan Middle Phase rooms were constructed in rows. Late Phase blocks were larger in three dimensions. As older rooms in the pueblo were abandoned, the structures were filled with debris and new room blocks were constructed on top of existing rooms, obscuring older patterns.

Building orientation within the landscape was also a significant feature of the village spatial arrangement. Typical of pueblos found in New Mexico, the house blocks at Gran Quivira face south for solar gain in winter and protection from northern winter winds. The plazas opened to the east-southeast for winter warmth, so that the surrounding pueblo walls reflected radiating heat.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Building orientation was also a significant feature of the mission churches, which were often positioned in the landscape facing east-southeast to illuminate the altar with morning sunlight for religious services. The churches at Gran Quivira also faced room blocks in the pueblo village with plaza spaces at their entries. In addition, the churches were tall and massive structures. This combination of three-dimensional components was rooted in the intent that the church was the central institution and authority in the community and lives of its inhabitants.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

The land division practices of the Settlement Period generated distinct spatial patterns on the landscape. Homesteads were granted in 160-acre parcels divided within the Township and Range system, creating rectilinear land parcels, roads and fences. This gridded system not only created the division between Torrance and Socorro counties and formed the rectilinear boundaries of Gran Quivira, but also helped disperse homesteads throughout the western United States. The Corbyn homestead was granted in this period, but no features appear to have been constructed.

Spatial Organization Today, 2010 AD

Since the periods of significance, there have been changes to historic three-dimensional spatial organization at Gran Quivira. The pit houses remain subterranean, but are now filled in with soil. The three dimensional form of the pueblo house blocks is intact where excavated. Where they are not excavated, the pueblo house blocks appear as mounds, which provide a sense of size, shape, relationship to adjacent mounds or excavated house blocks, and the definition of spaces between. The relationship of the house blocks to one another and the spaces among them are thus intact.

Masonry walls of the pueblo and Spanish mission churches and conventos have been reduced in stature. Although the pueblo and mission structure walls are shorter than during the periods of significance, their three-dimensional forms are still apparent. Additionally, the orientation of the pueblos and churches to the sun remains intact, as does the relationship between churches and the pueblo. Overall, the spatial organization and spatial relationships of between the pueblo and mission complex are clear.

Additional modern facilities and structures have been added throughout the 20th century that have affected the spatial organization of the site. However, siting of the new facilities at lower elevations, using low profiles for new buildings, and screening new structures with vegetation has preserved the historic spatial organization of Gran Quivira. Parking and visitor facilities are located just below the ridge and west of the ruins to preserve views. The visitor center, restrooms, and NPS residences are single-story structures and therefore less obtrusive in the landscape. Additionally, the staff residences south of the entry road are screened from view among large junipers at the bottom of the slope.


1. Buried pit houses clustered together

2. Pueblo mounds, kivas and plaza spaces clustered in villages

3. Pueblos oriented to the south for winter solar gain

4. Mission churches oriented to the east

5. Mission churches and plaza spaces at their entries

6. Township and Range system of land division

7. Rectilinear boundaries of Gran Quivira


1. Clusters of modern facilities (visitor center, NPS residences, picnic area)


Topography is defined as the three dimensional configuration of the landscape surface characterized by features such as slope and articulation. Examples include earthworks, drainage ditches, knolls, and terraces.

The major topographic feature of Gran Quivira is the ridge where the pueblo village and mission complex were constructed. This ridge runs east-west across the site and continues northeast for several miles beyond Monument boundaries. The high point of the ridge within Gran Quivira is approximately 6560 feet in elevation at the east end of the property, while the low point to the west is 6350 feet in elevation. Generally, flat topography and gentle slopes characterize the ridgetop.

To the north of the ridge, the topography slopes gently to a broad valley to the northwest and to a low drainage and low-lying hills to the north. To the south of the ridge, the topography is steeper and has several drainages cut sharply into the slope. Rolling hills continue beyond the ridge to the south, east, and north.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

During the Pit House Period, natural topography predominated, created by the subsurface karst formations and limestone formations and by surface alluvial and Aeolian processes. (See Natural Systems for discussion of these features.) Alterations were made in the topography during the construction of pit houses, which were dug into the sandy north and south slopes of the ridge. As subterranean structures, pit houses were, at times, dug five feet into the earth’s surface. The roofs of the structures met the natural ground plane or extended above grade a few feet.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

This period is characterized by an increase in human-manipulation of topography. The natural ridgeline was selected as the village location and construction of pueblos soon followed. The ground plane was likely leveled to construct paths, alleys, and plaza spaces surrounding the pueblo. Kivas were dug into the ground plane, similar to pit houses of the previous period.

Over centuries, as pueblo structures were abandoned, filled with debris, dismantled for reuse of materials, and new rooms constructed above older rooms, the pueblo house blocks rose to higher elevations. Quarries were also residual features of construction, creating open pits and holes within the topography as limestone was removed.

Additionally, the Puebloans manipulated the topography for the construction of earthen water collection basins, rock and earth dams, and agricultural terraces. As cultural adaptations to the arid environment, water collection systems were built to take advantage of existing natural watersheds and slopes. Earthen berms were constructed to enclose basins to retain water; terraces were located below the village on the north and south slopes; and rock and earth dams were located in existing drainage ways. This system maximized efficiency by taking advantage of the natural topography to collect water and convey it by gravity in trenches or in vessels toward the village and agricultural fields. Overall, the daily social and agricultural activities shaped topographic features around the pueblo village.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

The Spaniards took advantage of the ridgetop topography (just as the Puebloans had earlier) as a site for the mission structures. They sought prominent ground within the village that provided a relatively flat surface in which to construct their churches. San Isidro was built into the southwestern slope at the edge of the village. This sloping site required cutting into the slope for a level floor, but may have been chosen to allow room for a later, larger mission church at the site of San Buenaventura. Construction of the mission at Gran Quivira also created quarry pits in the ground plane.

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Prior to and during the Settlement Period there were numerous small-scale alterations of surface topography at Gran Quivira. Treasure hunters first dug for buried gold and artifact curios that could be sold, creating many treasure pits, holes, and depressions in the ground plane. These surface features generated uncertainty and confusion as anthropologists began to interpret the site. Later on, as archeologists began to excavate the site, additional alterations were made in the topography.

Topography Today, 2010 AD

Topographic features from all periods of significance have deteriorated by varying degrees. The pit houses have collapsed and filled in—now only evidenced by slight depressions in the ground plane. The pueblo houses have also collapsed over time. The areas surrounding the pit houses and pueblos have been completely altered by blowing sands and vegetation growth. Because of these changes, the pueblo houses now appear as small rounded hills or mounds, only a few feet high. Manipulations in topography for the water collection system are also less visible today, as the profiles of earthen dams, berms, and basins have all softened with deterioration. Terraces have become less obvious than those indicated by the descriptions of the 19th century.

Other undetermined topographic features have generated various interpretations and uncertainty. Undetermined holes and depressions have been identified variously as quarries, wells, and treasure pits.

One of these undetermined features included holes east of the pueblo located at former quarry sites. Beckett dug small test pits at these locations found soils appropriate for agriculture, mixed with small rock fragments, unlike the sand found in surrounding areas. He theorized that old quarries were intentionally backfilled to create planting areas that would more likely retain soil moisture; however, this has yet to be proven with further evidence (Beckett 1981, 35-36).

There are a number of other 20th century changes to the topography at Gran Quivira. These include grading of the entrance road, residential roads, parking lot, visitor center site, and Mission 66 residential sites. Trenching and refilling also occurred as utilities were installed, sometimes leaving cleared and graded swaths.


1. East-west ridgeline topography

2. Sloping topography to the north and south of the ridgeline

3. Subsurface karst and limestone formations

4. Alterations in topography dating to all periods of significance


1. Alterations in topography dating after the periods of significance (treasure pits, excavation dumps, road grades, utility trenching, grading of visitor center and residence sites)


Vegetation is defined as the deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers and herbaceous plants, as well as plant communities, whether indigenous or introduced in the landscape. Examples include ornamental trees, orchards, groves, woodlots, pastures, gardens, allees, shelter belts, forests, woodlands, and grasslands. At Gran Quivira, the native vegetation of the natural environment and crops raised for foods during the periods of significance constitute the vegetation of the cultural landscape.

Vegetation for all Periods of Significance

Gran Quivira and about three-quarters of New Mexico is considered to be in the Upper Sonoran biozone—a large area that contains common communities of plants and animals. Upper Sonoran communities exist above 4500 feet in elevation and include grasslands and piñon-juniper woodland located on rolling plains and foothills of mountain ranges. The piñon-juniper woodland is common in the American Southwest between 4500 feet and 6500 feet in elevation. It grows between the higher Ponderosa pine-Gambel oak and fir-aspen communities, and the hotter, drier desert scrub communities at lower elevations.

At Gran Quivira, piñon and singleseed juniper trees dominate the landscape. The trees are small, shrub-like, and scattered throughout the landscape. Understory species include shrubs and grasses like cholla cactus, prickly pear cactus, four-wing saltbush, Gambel oak, yucca baccata, wolfberry, snakeweed, three-leaf sumac, amaranth, and grama grasses, all widely spaced with exposed soils. Soils are generally dry, with summer rains and winter snows. Average annual precipitation for the area is between 10 and 20 inches. All of these native plant species are drought resistant. The dominant plants found within the site are profiled below.

Piñon Pine (Pinus edulis) grows to 35 feet in height. This tree periodically produces large crops of small edible nuts (released from the cones) in late summer. The delicious nut, full of protein and calories, has been used as a food crop in prehistoric and modern times. The wood contains useful pitch and grows in an irregular, crooked form, less useful for lumber. Tree growth is very slow, and trees 6 feet in height may be over 100 years of age.

Singleseed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma) is the dominant tree today at Gran Quivira, growing to approximately 20 feet in height. Junipers are often erroneously referred to as cedars, and look like large shrubs. The wood and branches can be used for construction materials and the berries are edible. Puebloans used all parts of the tree for food, medicine, teas, and other purposes (Dunmire 1995, 105-107).

Four-Wing Saltbush (Atriplex canescens) is also known as shadscale, saltbrush, or wingscale. The shrub grows in disturbed soils and can reach up to 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. As a common species at Gran Quivira, they are characterized by papery bracts on the seeds of female plants. It was commonly used as a food source in prehistoric and historic times, as the seeds could be ground and the leaves could be dried and cooked. Wildlife and domesticated animals also browse the plant. It may be considered an indicator plant for ruins (Dunmire 1995, 130).

Banana Yucca (Yucca baccata) is also known as Spanish bayonet—aptly named for its stalk with white flowers and broad, stiff leaves. Like other plants, the Puebloans used it in many ways. Its fruit is edible, its fibers can be woven into rope or used to paint pottery, and its root produces soap (Dunmire 1995, 124-126).

Cholla Cactus (Opuntia imbricata), known also as cane cholla, grows about 6 feet tall with many narrow, spiny branches. A reddish purple fruit is edible cooked or raw. An abundance of cholla often indicates overgrazing, as it is not eaten by cattle.

Wolfberry (Lycium pallidum), also called tomatillo, is a spiny shrub of only a few feet tall. It produces an edible red berry in mid-summer. The plant serves medicinal uses as well. It is found in disturbed soils and often at the site of ruins.

Pit House Period, 800-1200 AD

The pit house population depended vegetation for food sources, such as acorns from Gambel oak and nuts from piñon pines, in addition to cultivated corn crops. Corn, or maize, had previously been introduced from Central America to the Mogollon populations of southern New Mexico. Dunmire noted that pit house dwellers in other New Mexico locations (not at Gran Quivira) apparently depended heavily upon the cholla cactus as a food source. Scraped of spines and then cooked, cholla buds, joints, and fruits were a source of calcium, important in a diet without dairy sources (Dunmire 1995, 141-142). For additional details about vegetation present during this period, see Vegetation in all Periods of Significance.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200-1629 AD

In addition to the native vegetation at Gran Quivira, the Puebloans grew corn and, possibly, other crops. Corn is a non-native species that did not naturalize in the environment, but required active cultivation. A member of Onate’s party documented that the Puebloans of northern New Mexico grew beans, corn, squashes, and grapes (Dunmire 2004, 171).

Ancestral Puebloans also utilized the native trees for fuel and construction materials, which would have resulted in fewer trees in the immediate area of the village. Additional information about the vegetation of this period is included in the Vegetation in all Periods of Significance section.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598-1672 AD

The Spanish brought fruit trees, grains, vegetables, and herbs from Europe and Mexico to New Mexico. Specifically, they introduced wheat, cabbage, lettuce, peas, carrots, turnips, onions, artichokes, cucumbers, garlic, cumin, chiles, melons, lentils, peaches, plums, apricots, apples, and other foods to the region between 1598 and 1630 (Dunmire 2004, 171, 176). Exact species that were grown at Gran Quivira are unknown. The Spanish also grazed their livestock on the native bunch grasses of the Gran Quivira area, and used metal tools to cut wood, facilitating the harvest of trees and tree limbs. Continued wood harvesting for fuel and construction would have created an open landscape around the village with few trees. Additional details about the vegetation present during this period is included under Vegetation in all Periods of Significance.

Settlement Period, 1875-1909 AD

During the Settlement era, major changes in vegetation patterns occurred due to livestock grazing at Gran Quivira and surrounding areas. Tree density as well as grass coverage at Gran Quivira was reduced because of grazing mules, horses, sheep, and goats. Additionally, homesteaders cut trees for wood and to increase grass coverage for grazing. The presence of livestock throughout the region also likely introduced horehound (Marrubium vulgare), a non-native plant species, often found with four-wing saltbush and cholla cactus in the area. Agricultural crops were also raised during this period. For additional details about vegetation present during this period, see Vegetation in all Periods of Significance.

Vegetation Today, 2010 AD

Vegetation has changed in several respects over time. The Native American crops of corn, beans, and squash are no longer found around Gran Quivira. Likewise, fruit trees, grains, vegetables, and herbs brought from Europe by the Spanish are absent today. Horehound, introduced by livestock, probably during settlement years (though its exact origin is unknown), did naturalize and continues to grow wild at Gran Quivira. Although it is an invasive species, it does not predominate in the landscape.

The native piñon-juniper woodland has been retained, although likely in greater density around the village in the absence of wood harvesting and prehistoric and historic crops. Nevertheless, the native plant species that currently exist at Gran Quivira are the same species that would have existed during the periods of significance.

Throughout the 20th century, management decisions at Gran Quivira have also directly and indirectly altered the vegetation at the site. Beginning in 1923, fencing was erected around the site to keep grazing livestock out of the property. This action resulted in the restoration of grasslands and enhanced the growth of native bunch grasses. Early and mid-20th century Southwest Monument Reports indicate that the property was lush with growth and wildlife compared to lands surrounding the Monument which were still actively grazed.

In more recent years, efforts to stabilize and protect the ruins have resulted in vegetation changes. In 2002, efforts to remove cactus and other vegetation cleared considerable growth surrounding the ruins. This created a condition more like the hard-packed dirt plazas that would have existed with heavy pedestrian usage during village life in the Ancestral Puebloan and Spanish Mission Periods. Efforts to clear the ruins, mounds, and exhibit areas are ongoing. NPS fire management also has called for a reduction in fuel loads within the area in order to protect the resources from potential fire damage.

Additional changes to vegetation include a small planting bed and potted plants outside the Gran Quivira visitor center. Planted to showcase and identify native plant species, both the planted bed and potted plants are considered non-contributing because they are contemporary features for visitor interpretation.


1. Native trees (piñon pine, singleseed juniper, and Gambel oak)

2. Native shrubs (four-wing saltbush, three-leaf sumac, cholla cactus, prickly pear cactus, banana yucca, wolfberry, and snakeweed)

3. Native bunch grasses (blue grama, black grama, and sporobolus species ; including sand dropseed)

4. Piñon-juniper ecosystem and plant community


1. Modern planting bed with labeled plant species just outside the visitor center

2. Potted plants at visitor center


1. Native American agricultural crops (corn, beans, squash, and grapes)

2. Spanish missionary agricultural crops (wheat, cabbage, lettuce, peas, carrots, turnips, onions, artichokes, cucumbers, garlic, cumin, chiles, melons, lentils, peaches, plums, apricots, apples)


1. Non-native, naturalized species (Horehound)


Views are defined as the expansive or panoramic prospect of a broad range of vision which may be naturally occurring or deliberately contrived. In contrast, vistas are controlled prospects of a discrete, linear range of vision that is deliberately contrived. At Gran Quivira, there are 360 degree panoramic views of the surrounding natural landscape that extend for miles. These views are a strong, dominant characteristic of the site and contribute greatly to its integrity. The view to Gran Quivira from the valleys below includes the remarkable profile of the ruins on the horizon of the ridgetop.

Pit House Period, 800 – 1200 AD

During the Pit House era, views extended for miles in nearly all directions and consisted of natural landforms, such as basins, mesas and mountains. The Gallinas Mountains could be seen 15 miles to the east, while the slopes and basin at the foot of Chupadera Mesa and Mesa de Los Jumanos could be seen to the west and north. From the ridgetop, views of the valleys below would have revealed the presence of large game herds. The piñon-juniper woodland trees were likely small and widely spaced on the slopes below the ridge, allowing for nearly continuous views to the distance.

Ancestral Puebloan Period, 1200 – 1629 AD

The Puebloan village was set on top of a ridge with expansive 360 degree panoramic views of surrounding mesas, valleys and mountains. Views remained similar to those of the Pit House era with views to the Gallinas Mountains to the east, Chupadera Mesa to the west, Mesa de Los Jumanos to the north, and Sierra Blanca to the south. Internal views of the village would have been more enclosed, with room blocks surrounding central plazas. In addition, internal village views would have included the people and the activities of the population, their crops and daily contrivances.

Views from the ridge may have been a factor in siting the Native American village. The views of the valleys below would have revealed game herds and approaching human populations, affording an advantage in hunting and defense.

Spanish Mission Period, 1598 – 1672 AD

Views from the mission complex to the surrounding landscape would have been similar to those from the previous periods. The mission churches and convento of San Buenaventura were larger, taller, and more massive than the pueblo structures, thus affecting both internal and external views. They would have been the dominant buildings in views from the low-lying valleys to the ridgetop and in views from the village

Settlement Period, 1875– 1909 AD

Views during the Settlement Period are like those of the Ancestral Puebloan and Spanish Mission Periods, with the addition of late 19th and early 20th century features. Views from the ridge would have included the village of Gran Quivira, dirt roads, homesteads, agricultural fields, and grazing lands within the valley. Changes in vegetation patterns at this time, would have also affected views, likely making them more open.

Views and Vistas Today, 2010 AD

Today, the expansive panoramic view at Gran Quivira remains a key characteristic of the site. The contributing views to distant mountains, mesas, and valleys have changed little since the periods of significance. Subtle changes in vegetation and the deterioration of pueblo and mission era structures have altered views somewhat; however, more recent modern features of the 20th century have changed some historic views more substantially. Glimpses of the NM 55 roadway, wind turbines along the top of Mesa de Los Jumanos to the north, and a few modern buildings are found in the landscape surrounding Gran Quivira today. Despite these contemporary changes, the majority of the views continue to contribute to the historic scene.

Internal site views have also changed to a degree. During much of the 20th century, modern NPS buildings were built within view of the village and mission complex. The relocation of the visitor center and facilities in 2006 removed the structures from view of the ruins and enhanced visual relationships between the village and mission structures. As of 2010, only a few visitor amenities such as benches, wayside exhibits and modern trails are within view of the ruins.

Overall, the view afforded from the ridge top is a critical aspect of the integrity of Gran Quivira and must be preserved. The viewsheds at Gran Quivira are greatly important to the site. Further compromise of the views and vistas of Gran Quivira should be avoided as this would have a negative impact on the site’s integrity.


1. 360 degree panoramic view from Gran Quivira with limited modern intrusions

2. View of the Gallinas Mountains 15 miles to the east of Gran Quivira

3. View of Mesa de Los Jumanos to the north of Gran Quivira

4. View of Chupadera Mesa and rolling foothills to the west of Gran Quivira

5. View of rolling hills and of distant Sierra Blanca to the south of Gran Quivira

6. View of the ruins along the horizon of the ridgetop from the valleys below Gran Quivira

7. View of the mission structures from the pueblo ruins


1. Views of wind turbines along the top of Mesa de Los Jumanos to the north of Gran Quivira

2. Views of modern features and buildings, such as NM 55, entry road, visitor center and restrooms, and NPS Mission 66 residences


Aerial photo of Gran Quivira from 1979 showing major Puebloan and Spanish mission features, and former location of two NPS structures (visitor center and office building) near parking lot, both originally constructed as residences.


Plan of major Archeological Sites and LCS (List of Classified Structures) Buildings and Structures located at Puebloan village and Spanish mission complexes of Gran Quivira. Source: Hayes no. 16, 1981.


Aerial photo of Gran Quivira showing old entry road (upper left), current entry road (lower left), visitor center, (NE of parking loop), San Buenaventura church and convento (east of visitor center), San Isidro (east of San Buenaventura) pueblo mounds, access trails and dirt roads. Source: Google Maps, 2010.


Aboriginal Water Systems at Gran Quivira mapped by Joseph Toulouse. Source: Toulouse, Early Water Systems at Gran Quivira National Monument, 1943


The former Gran Quivira visitor center, viewed from the convento of San Buenaventura, taken in 1993. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.00.472.


Taken in 1929, this photograph looks south to Iglesia de San Buenaventura. Note the informal vehicle tracks, mounds and flagpole to left of building, native vegetation, and existing landscape. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.34.


Iglesia de San Buenaventura in crumbling condition prior to reconstruction and stabilization efforts. Compare with the following photograph. Note pueblo mound in foreground with rows of stone on surface and long view to the southwest. Although this photograph is undated, the condition of the church resembles photographs that date from 1923. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.4.


Iglesia de San Buenaventura after reconstruction and stabilization efforts, 1935. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.36.


Iglesia de San Buenaventura in July, 1973 after reconstruction and after the entrance beam was replaced. Note visitor access paths and wayside exhibit. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.164.


This photograph, looking southwest, shows the relative locations of several features. At left is the former visitor center, originally a custodian’s residence. In the distance is the structure used as a museum, storage, restroom, and office space. The trail from the visitor center leads to a corner of the Convento de San Buenaventura. No date. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.01.143.


This photograph shows the former visitor center that was originally a custodian’s residence at far left, and the structure used as a museum, storage, restroom, and office space at center. Photo is labeled “looking south off parking area.” 1935. Source: NPS Archives, SAPU 2.00.95.


Architectonic Representation of a typical New Mexican Spanish mission church. Source:Treib, 1993.


Plan of the San Isidro Mission Complex. Source: Ivey, 1988, 37.


Plan of the San Buenaventura de Las Humanas mission complex. Source: Ivey, 1988, 363.

Condition Assessment

Condition Assessment Good

Assessment Date May 26, 2010

Condition Assessment Explanatory Narrative: The overall landscape at Gran Quivira is in good condition.

Impacts to Inventory Unit

Impact Type: Adjacent Lands

External/Internal: External

Impact Explanatory Narrative: Adjacent lands outside of the Monument’s authorized boundary, but within view of Gran Quivira, are in private ownership and have the potential to become subdivided and developed in the future. Development of these lands has already occurred with the installation of wind turbines on a nearby hilltop.

Impact Type: Exposure to Elements

External/Internal: Internal

Impact Explanatory Narrative: Constant exposure to wind and rain has resulted in some deterioration of the Puebloan and Spanish mission ruins. The Monument engages in periodic stabilization measures when necessary.

Impact Type: Impending Development

External/Internal: External

Impact Explanatory Narrative: Development of some adjacent lands has already occurred with the installation of wind turbines on a nearby hilltop. In 2010, an additional proposal was put forth by SunZia to install more wind turbines, transmission lines, and access roads on lands surrounding Gran Quivira.

Impact Type: Pests/Diseases

External/Internal: Internal

Impact Explanatory Narrative: Rodent burrowing in the ground around the ruins can undermine masonry ruins and disturb soils and artifacts.


Approved Landscape Treatment: Undetermined

Approved Landscape Treatment Completed: N/A

Approved Landscape Treatment Document: N/A

Approved Landscape Treatment Document N/A



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