Deer Valley Unified School District

Deer Valley Unified School District

Hillcrest Middle School

7th Grade Social Studies

2010-2011 Syllabus

|Teacher: Mrs. Kathy Franklin |Course Schedule (subject to change): |

|Room: D-16 |1st Quarter: Pre-Civil War through Civil War |

|Phone: 623-376-3343 |2nd Quarter: Reconstruction, Immigration, Industrialization |

|E-mail: Kathy.Franklin@ |3rd Quarter: Progressivism, Imperialism, World War I |

|Website: |4th Quarter: Finish WWI , Great Depression, Pearl Harbor |

Course Description and Objectives

Seventh Grade Social Studies will emphasize American history from the Civil War through the Great Depression. We will study the impact of the Industrial Revolution, immigration, and imperialism on world events. Throughout, we will also incorporate geography, economics, and current events as appropriate.

It is my goal to assist students in acquiring and using the basic tools of historical research, so they learn to frame and answer questions by historical study. Students will also learn to analyze and evaluate historical materials which offer varied points of view. To read a complete description of the Arizona State Standards for Social Studies for each academic quarter, go to my website and click on “State Standards.”

Text Creating America, McDougal Littell, 2007

ABSOLUTELY NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED unless arrangements have been made with your parents. The Hillcrest Student Handbook states that for each day of an excused absence, a student has one school day, plus one more, to finish and hand in missed work. No absent work will be accepted after this time. (See page 7 of Student Handbook.)


Each student is requested to bring a notebook, ruled paper, blue or black pen, pencil, grading pen or pencil, and reading book every day.

Grading Scale: Grades are weighted as follows:

A = 90-100 % Tests and Projects = 40% of total grade

B = 80-89 % Classwork and Notebook Checks = 30% of total grade

C = 70-79 % Quizzes and Homework = 30% of total grade

D = 60-69%

F = 0-59%

* “Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplemental items, which you may supply at your own discretion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school.”

7th & 8th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Kathy Franklin, Room D16

Phone: (623) 376-3343

E-mail: Kathy.Franklin@

Web site:


• All of my assignments align with the DVUSD curriculum. The objectives for each assignment are based on standards from the Arizona Department of Education. You can find all of these on their web site:

• ABSOLUTELY NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED unless arrangements have been made with your parents.

• If a student has missed my class, it is HIS OR HER RESPONSIBILITY to check my Make-Up Book for work missed.

• The Hillcrest Student Handbook states that for each day of an excused absence, a student has one school day, plus one more, to finish and hand in missed work. No absent work will be accepted after this time. (See page 7 of Student Handbook.)

• Note: Because we will be doing many participation and group activities in class rather than paper-and-pencil worksheets, make-up assignments may not be the same as work done in class. However, they will cover equivalent material.

• You are responsible for putting your name on each assignment! WORK TURNED IN WITHOUT A NAME MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT.

• There are NO EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES in this class. There will be many opportunities for scoring points during the course of a grading quarter and the expectation is that all assignments are to be completed.

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• Because grades are available online through Power Schools, printed progress reports will be sent home on request only. Dates will be announced in class and available on my website and also on the Hillcrest website.

• Of points possible for each quarterly grading period, report card grades are based on the following weighted scale (Please note: This system is based on different weighted percentages, NOT on total points.):

|Tests/Projects |40% of grade |

|Quizzes/Homework |30% of grade |

|Classwork/Notebook Checks |30% of grade |

| | |

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1. Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings signaling the start of class.

2. Have all the materials you need for the class each day.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Show respect for the feelings and belongings of others.

5. Stay on task during all work time.


1. 1-inch 3-ring Binder to be used for my class only (may keep binder in my classroom)

2. 5 notebook dividers that stick out and that you can label

3. Lined loose-leaf notebook paper (Please do NOT use a spiral notebook. All those little pieces of paper add up to a HUGE mess at the end of the day.)

4. Pencils (should have at least three EACH DAY in case you lose one or it breaks) OR

5. Pens (Only Black or Dark Blue Ink is acceptable for assignments in my class. Using any other color will result in loss of credit, but you may do the assignment over for credit. When taking notes, you may use any color you like.)

6. A leisure book to read if you finish your class assignment early—You should have this with you every day.

Also Nice to Have

1. Color pencils with sharpener

2. Small pencil sharpener that catches its own shavings

3. Red pen for grading

4. Highlighter

5. Extra erasers

6. Pencil grips

7. Extra lead if you have a mechanical pencil

8. Individual box of crayons

9. Sharpies or other markers

Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplementary items which you may supply at your discretion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school. If purchasing these items will be a hardship for your student, please see me.


We have read and reviewed Mrs. Franklin’s classroom information and policies (available online at ) for the 2010-2011 school year.

Student Name (print) ____________________________________________

Student Signature _______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________

Any additional information you want me to know about your child:



* If you have any questions or would like to talk to me about your student, please contact me at Kathy.Franklin@ or 623-376-3343.

Please initial in the appropriate spaces below:

_____ We have access to the internet and DO NOT need a copy of the complete syllabus sent home.

_____ We have access to Power Schools and DO NOT need a copy of our student’s progress reports sent home.

_____ We do not have access to the internet and DO need a copy of the complete syllabus sent home.

_____ We do not have access to Power Schools and DO need a copy of our student’s progress reports sent home.

Thank you for your time,

Mrs. Kathy Franklin

Class Procedures

1. Beginning the hour -Line up outside the classroom door in two lines. When all students are quiet, the teacher will invite you in. You must be in your assigned seat when the bell rings signaling the start of class or you are late and will be sent to Sweep. You are to start your Bell Work immediately, in your notebook. You will have about 5-7 minutes to complete it.

2. Supplies –All students are expected to bring a notebook, ruled paper, blue or black pen, pencil, grading pen or pencil, and reading book every day. If you need to sharpen a pencil or borrow a supply from the Supply Center do so at the beginning of class. All borrowed supplies must be returned to the Supply Center before the end of class.

3. Seating -Seating is assigned by the teacher. Students are to begin each class sitting in their assigned seats. At times, students may be asked to move for paired or group work, but movement to other seats may only be done with teacher’s permission.

4. Text Books -Classroom text books are to be used in class only. Each student will be given a copy of the text to take (and keep) home for the year. These must be returned at the end of the year in good condition or students will be charged for them.

5. Notebooks -You are to keep a notebook just for Social Studies. Bring this notebook every day. There will be a place provided in class where notebooks may be stored if students prefer.

6. Dividers –Your notebook should have five dividers that stick out and that can be labeled. The Syllabus must be kept in your notebook at all times. Keep all returned work in your notebook until the end of each Quarter. You will have a Notebook Check each quarter, and points will be given for having all returned work in your notebook. A sample notebook will be available for you to check to make sure you have everything you need to have in your notebook.

7. Homework -Assignments are not given on a daily basis. Your completed homework will be collected on the day it is due. Late work will not be accepted! Please refer to the Student Handbook p.7 for the homework procedure.

8. Missed assignments -Each class has a numbered folder in the Make-Up Book on the table by the printer as you come in the door. If you are absent, pick up all assignments with your name on them from the appropriate folder for your class period. (If you were absent and do not find your missed work in the Make-Up Book, please see me as soon as possible!) You have as many days that you were absent plus one day to turn in missed assignments. For example, if you were absent two days you have three days to turn in your missed work. Again, please refer to the Student Handbook p.7 for the homework procedure.

9. Restroom -You are expected to use the time in between class periods to use the restroom. For emergencies, you will be given two “Bathroom Passes” per quarter to be used in my class. If needed, hand the pass to me, sign out on the clipboard hanging by the door, take the yellow pass, and sign back in when you return. Only ONE STUDENT may be out of the room at any one time.

10. Teacher’s desk -Do not touch the teacher’s desk or go inside any file cabinets.

11. Discipline -Please refer to the Student Handbook for specific rules pertaining to proper school behavior. School infractions will be dealt with according to those rules. Note: Incident Reports and Referrals must be signed and returned the day after they are handed out. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure this is done.

12. Ending the hour -You are dismissed from your seats when the teacher indicates that you are dismissed. This will happen when the area around your desks has been picked up and you have returned all your supplies to the Supply Center. You may not get up before the bell and wait by the door.

13. Expectations -In the classroom, in order to ensure every student’s success, please follow these expectations: Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings signaling the start of class. Have all the materials you need for the class each day. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Show respect for the feelings and belongings of others. Stay on task during all work times.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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