ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-third Legislature - First Regular SessionMAJORITY CAUCUS CALENDAR #17April 4, 2017BLUE SHEET #8 (concur/refuse)BLUE SHEET #10 (concur/refuse)BLUE SHEET #11 (concur/refuse)FREE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT – HB2486 candidate committee names; officeFREE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT – SB1202 forestry and fire management; conformityBill NumberShort TitleCommitteeDateActionCommittee on AppropriationsChairman:Don Shooter, LD13Vice Chairman:David Livingston, LD22Analyst:Jennifer ThomsenIntern:Marlee McCormickSB 1153municipal improvement districts; sale certificate (APPROP S/E: JTEDs; courses; programs; review)SPONSOR:BORRELLI, LD5SENATE2/9/2017(29-0-1-0)(NV: PESHLAKAI)APPROP3/29DPA/SE(11-0-0-3-0)(Abs: NORGAARD,RIVERO,UGENTI-RITA)SB 1161courthouse security; fund (APPROP S/E: improvement districts; retention; detention basins)SPONSOR:BORRELLI, LD5SENATE2/16/2017(27-2-1-0)(No: PETERSEN,FARNSWORTH D; NV: WORSLEY)APPROP3/29DPA/SE(13-0-0-1-0)(Abs: RIVERO)SB 1406contributions; committed youth; repeal; committee (APPROP S/E: public accommodation; exemptions; enforcement; sanctions)SPONSOR:FANN, LD1SENATE2/21/2017(30-0-0-0)APPROP3/29DPA/SE(13-0-0-1-0)(Abs: RIVERO)Committee on Banking and InsuranceChairman:David Livingston, LD22Vice Chairman:Eddie Farnsworth, LD12Analyst:Paul BennyIntern:Sheridan SmedeSB 1331workers' compensation; tiered rate filings (APPROP S/E: workers’ compensation rates; deviations)SPONSOR:FANN, LD1SENATE2/16/2017(29-0-1-0)(NV: WORSLEY)BI3/20DPA(7-0-0-1-0)(Abs: SALMAN)APPROP3/29DPA/SE(10-0-0-4-0)(Abs: FERNANDEZ,RIVERO,UGENTI-RITA,SHOOTER)SB 1442corrections officer retirement plan; modifications (Now: modifications; corrections officer retirement plan)SPONSOR:LESKO, LD21SENATE3/6/2017(17-13-0-0)(No: DALESSANDRO,CAJERO BEDFORD,OTONDO,PESHLAKAI,FARLEY,BRADLEY,BOWIE,CONTRERAS,HOBBS,MENDEZ,MIRANDA,QUEZADA,MEZA)BI3/20DPA(5-2-0-1-0)(No: POWERS HANNLEY,BUTLER; Abs: SALMAN)Committee on EducationChairman:Paul Boyer, LD20Vice Chairman:Douglas Coleman, LD16Analyst:Aaron WondersIntern:Andrew BadertscherSB 1042teacher certification; reciprocitySPONSOR:ALLEN S, LD6SENATE2/6/2017(17-13-0-0)(No: DALESSANDRO,CAJERO BEDFORD,OTONDO,PESHLAKAI,FARLEY,BRADLEY,BOWIE,CONTRERAS,HOBBS,MENDEZ,MIRANDA,QUEZADA,MEZA)ED3/6DPA(8-2-0-1-0)(No: ALSTON,BOLDING; Abs: SALDATE)SB 1384school-sponsored media; student journalistsSPONSOR:YEE, LD20SENATE2/13/2017(30-0-0-0)ED3/6DPA(10-1-0-0-0)(No: STRINGER)Committee on GovernmentChairman:Douglas Coleman, LD16Vice Chairman:Bob Thorpe, LD6Analyst:Mike HansIntern:Kassandra HendricksenSB 1137vendor; payment by warrant; feeSPONSOR:KAVANAGH, LD23SENATE2/16/2017(26-3-1-0)(No: BARTO,FARNSWORTH D,BURGES; NV: WORSLEY)GOV3/2DP(5-1-0-2-0)(No: SALMAN; Abs: CLARK,UGENTI-RITA)APPROP3/1DP(9-2-0-3-0)(No: ALSTON,FERNANDEZ; Abs: COBB,LEACH,RIVERO)SB 1191political parties; notice; meetingsSPONSOR:PETERSEN, LD12SENATE2/13/2017(30-0-0-0)GOV3/9DP(7-0-0-1-0)(Abs: UGENTI-RITA)Committee on HealthChairman:Heather Carter, LD15Vice Chairman:Regina E. Cobb, LD5Analyst:Rick HazeltonIntern:Emma HurleyHYPERLINK \l "SB1003"SB 1003financial responsibility; verification; technical correction (Now: DCS oversight committee)SPONSOR:BARTO, LD15SENATE2/28/2017(30-0-0-0)HEALTH3/23DPA(8-0-0-1-0)(Abs: NAVARRETE)SB 1004technical correction; real estate licensing (Now: human rights committee; membership)SPONSOR:BARTO, LD15SENATE3/9/2017(28-0-2-0)(NV: CAJERO BEDFORD,PETERSEN)HEALTH3/23DPA(8-0-0-1-0)(Abs: NAVARRETE)SB 1201medical examiner; communicable diseases; disclosureSPONSOR:GRIFFIN, LD14SENATE3/9/2017(28-0-2-0)(NV: CAJERO BEDFORD,PETERSEN)HEALTH3/23DP(7-0-0-2-0)(Abs: RIVERO,NAVARRETE)SB 1319telemedicine; audio visual requirements. (HEALTH S/E: influenza vaccinations; committee reference review)SPONSOR:MONTENEGRO, LD13SENATE2/23/2017(30-0-0-0)HEALTH3/23DPA/SE(8-0-0-1-0)(Abs: NAVARRETE)SB 1435osteopaths; fingerprintingSPONSOR:BARTO, LD15SENATE2/20/2017(25-4-1-0)(No: ALLEN S,SMITH,PETERSEN,FARNSWORTH D; NV: MONTENEGRO)HEALTH3/9DPA(9-0-0-0-0)SB 1440AHCCCS; clinical oversight committeeSPONSOR:BARTO, LD15SENATE2/20/2017(29-0-1-0)(NV: MONTENEGRO)HEALTH3/23DP(6-0-0-3-0)(Abs: CARTER,RIVERO,NAVARRETE)SB 1452health profession regulatory boardsSPONSOR:BARTO, LD15SENATE3/6/2017(30-0-0-0)HEALTH3/23DPA(7-0-0-2-0)(Abs: RIVERO,NAVARRETE)Committee on Judiciary and Public SafetyChairman:Eddie Farnsworth, LD12Vice Chairman:Anthony T. Kern, LD20Analyst:Katy ProctorIntern:Sue LuntSB 1236psychotropic drugs; foster children; report (APPROP S/E: statewide petition circulators; registration; committees)SPONSOR:LESKO, LD21SENATE2/22/2017(24-6-0-0)(No: DALESSANDRO,HOBBS,MIRANDA,BROPHY MCGEE,QUEZADA,MEZA)JPS3/22DPA(6-3-0-0-0)(No: GONZALES,HERNANDEZ,ENGEL)APPROP3/29DPA/SE(7-6-0-1-0)(No: ALSTON,CARDENAS,CARTER,CLARK,FERNANDEZ,FRIESE; Abs: RIVERO)Committee on Land, Agriculture and Rural AffairsChairman:Brenda Barton, LD6Vice Chairman:Darin Mitchell, LD13Analyst:Sharon CarpenterIntern:Benjamin KapplerSB 1245state lands; perpetual rights-of-way. (LARA S/E: Wesley Bolin memorial; Rick Lavis)SPONSOR:GRIFFIN, LD14SENATE2/23/2017(30-0-0-0)LARA3/23DPA/SE(7-0-0-1-0)(Abs: RUBALCAVA)Committee on Military, Veterans and Regulatory AffairsChairman:Jay Lawrence, LD23Vice Chairman:Mark Finchem, LD11Analyst:Brittany GreenIntern:Maddison PowersSB 1114outdoor advertisingSPONSOR:BORRELLI, LD5SENATE3/1/2017(20-10-0-0)(No: DALESSANDRO,CAJERO BEDFORD,OTONDO,PESHLAKAI,FARLEY,BRADLEY,HOBBS,MENDEZ,BROPHY MCGEE,QUEZADA)MVRA3/20DPA(8-1-0-0-0)(No: ANDRADE)SB 1186alarm industry; fingerprint requirementsSPONSOR:KAVANAGH, LD23SENATE2/22/2017(30-0-0-0)MVRA3/13DP(9-0-0-0-0)center-44209500ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1153: S/E: JTEDs; courses and programs; approvalPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Borrelli, LD 5BILL STATUS: HYPERLINK "" \o "Bill Status Inquiry" Caucus and COWAPPROP: DPA/SE (11-0-0-3)right1501775Legend:ADE – Arizona Department of EducationCTE – Career and Technical EducationJTED – Joint Technical Education DistrictAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADE – Arizona Department of EducationCTE – Career and Technical EducationJTED – Joint Technical Education DistrictAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment AbstractRelating to JTED courses and programs.ProvisionsAllows credits earned from CTE courses to be awarded towards the minimum course of study. (Sec. 1)Requires specialized materials, in addition to specialized equipment, that exceed the cost of standard education courses to satisfy JTED course or program qualification requirements. (Sec. 1)Exempts community college JTED courses and programs from the requirement to spend a majority of instructional time in a laboratory, field-based or work-based environment. (Sec. 1)Exempts community college programs from student career and technical student organization participation. (Sec. 1)Allows JTED programs to meet qualification requirements by providing assessments that lead to career readiness and entry-level employment if certification or licensure is not appropriate. (Sec. 1)Instructs JTED programs to qualify students for employment rather than employment for which the student would not otherwise qualify. (Sec. 1)Allows JTED programs to lead to career readiness and entry-level employment where relevant certification or licensure does not exist and qualify students for at least entry-level employment if business practicalities do not require certification or licensure. (Sec. 1)Requires ADE to not fund JTED courses or program in the current year rather than the preceding year for failure to meet qualification requirements. (Sec. 2)States the removal of JTED courses or programs failing to meet qualification requirements from the approved course and program list is for the purposes of funding. (Sec. 2)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)Current Lawright7838440? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteFor a course to qualify as a JTED course it must meet certain criteria, including: a) not being required under the minimum course of study; and b) requiring specialized equipment that exceeds the cost of standard education courses. Additionally, for a program to qualify as a JTED program it must meet certain criteria, including: a) requiring assessments that demonstrate skills, knowledge and competencies or that are necessary for certification; b) requiring specialized equipment that exceeds the cost of standard education courses; and c) leading to certification or licensure or if no licensure exists, that qualifies students for employment in the designated vocation or industry for which the student would not otherwise qualify. (A.R.S. § 15-391). Programs and courses that do not meet JTED qualification requirements will lose funding for the preceding school year and be removed from the approved program and course list (A.R.S. § 15-393).center-38608700ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1161: S/E: retention basins; improvement districtsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Borrelli, LD 5BILL STATUS: Caucus & COWAPPROP: DPA/SE (13-0-0-1)32575501524000Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment Abstract:Relating to improvement districts. ProvisionsIncludes retention and detention basins in the purpose for the formation of an improvement district. (Sec. 1)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteAn improvement district may be formed for the sole purpose of the operation, maintenance, repair and improvements of pedestrian malls, off-street parking facilities, and parkings and parkways.If a petition for the formation of an improvement district is presented to the governing body of a municipality and a resolution is signed by all of the real property owners in the district, the governing body must adopt the resolution of intention to order the improvement. The governing body has immediate jurisdiction to adopt the resolution ordering the improvement.Expenses for the improvement district are provided by either:The levy and collection of ad valorem taxes upon the assessed value of all the real and personal property in the district; orAn assessment of the total sum upon the several lots, each respectively in proportion to the benefits to be received by each lot (A.R.S 48-574). center-38852900ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1406: s/e public accommodation; services; civil actionPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Fann, LD 1BILL STATUS: Caucus & COWAPPROP: DPA S/E 13-0-0-1right1524000Legend:ADA—Title II of the Americans with Disabilities ActAG—Attorney GeneralGOYFF—Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and FamilyAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADA—Title II of the Americans with Disabilities ActAG—Attorney GeneralGOYFF—Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and FamilyAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything AbstractRelating to litigation arising from violations of public accommodation and services requirements.ProvisionsGeneral EnforcementLimits who may file a civil action for relief under the public accommodation and services enforcement statutes to a person who is aggrieved. (Sec 1)Provides that the civil action may be filed if the aggrieved person:Is subjected to discrimination; orHas reasonable grounds to believe that the person is about to be subjected to discrimination. (Sec 1)Adds violations related to exams or courses for applications, licensing, certification or credentialing for education, professional or trade purposes in the list of violations that may result in a civil action. (Sec 1)Permits specific injunctive relief for the following violations:Public buildings/facilities (A.R.S. § 41-1492.01);Transportation provided by a private entity (A.R.S. § 41-1492.05); andExams and courses (A.R.S. § 41-1492.11). (Sec 1)Prohibits filing a civil action for specific violations before providing written notice to the private entity. Specifies that the notice requirements only apply to the following violations:The height of a parking sign, if the sign is visible with the presence of a parked car;The width of a van-accessible parking space, if the space meets ADA standards;The lack of exterior signs;Does not include parking and directional signs;Includes signs that indicate the location of accessible pathways or entrance/exit doors if not all of the pathways or entrance/exit doors are accessible;The order of placement, exact location or wording of parking signs if the signs are clearly visible and indicate the location of accessible parking;The color of parking signs, if the background contrasts with the color if information on the sign;Faded, chipped, damaged or deteriorated paint in otherwise compliant spaces and aisles in parking lots;Presence or condition of warning surfaces on ramps. (Sec 1) right7780655? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteRequires the notice to include sufficient detail to allow the entity to cure the violation or comply. (Sec 1)Permits the filing of a civil action if the entity does not cure the violation or comply with the law within 30 days. (Sec 1)Requires the aggrieved person to file an affidavit under penalty of perjury when filing a civil action. The affidavit must state that the aggrieved person;Read the entire complaint; andAgrees with the facts/allegations in the complaint. (Sec 1)Permits the court to stay an action to determine if:The filer is a vexatious litigant; orThere are multiple civil actions involving the same filer that should be consolidated. (Sec 1)Defines sufficient detail. (Sec 1)Enforcement by the AGSpecifies that certain relief options are only available in cases brought by the AG. (Sec 2)Permits the court to additionally impose a sanction on a plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney if the court finds the action was brought for the primary purpose of obtaining a payment from the defendant due to the costs of defending the action in court. (Sec 2)Allows the court to consider the totality of the abusive litigation-related practices in imposing the sanction. (Sec 2)Allows a portion of the sanction to be paid to GOYFF. (Sec 2)Requires GOYFF to use any sanctions received to:Educate about compliance obligations; andAward attorney fees to claimants who file a meritorious complaint with the AG and resolve the complaint without litigation. (Sec 2)Miscellaneousexempts websites from the article outlining accessibility requirements, unless:the ada is amended; orthe united states supreme court determines that the ada applies to websites. (jps)Contains legislative finding and a severability clause (Sec 3,4)Current LawA.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 9, Article 8 outlines requirements for public accommodation and services. A.R.S. § 41-1492.02 states that no individual may be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases to others or operates a place of public accommodation. This section outlines specific discriminatory acts and requirements for compliance. Specifically:All public buildings and facilities are required to comply with the ADA (A.R.S. § 41-1492.01); Building codes must reflect all standards and specifications as outlined in law (A.R.S. § 41-1492.03); New-build construction and existing facility changes must meet requirements (A.R.S. § 41-1492.04)No individual may be discriminated against in the use of public transportation by a private entity (A.R.S. § 41-1492.05); Exams and courses related to applications, licensing, certification or credentialing for education, professional or trade purposes must be offered in a place/manner that is accessible or offer alternative accessible arrangements (A.R.S. § 41-1492.11). Definitions for terms used in this Article, including public accommodation, disability and public entity are provided in A.R.S. § 41-1492. Enforcement of these requirements may be accomplished through civil action. A person who believes that a covered person or entity has engaged in or will engage in an illegal act or practice as outlined above may file a civil action for preventative or mandatory relief (A.R.S. § 41-1492.08). The AG is required to investigate alleged violations and if the AG determines reasonable cause exists, the AG must seek a conciliation agreement for up to 30 days. If no agreement can be reached, the AG will file a civil action. A.R.S. § 41-1492.09 grants the court several options to address violations, including granting equitable relief and awarding monetary damages that do not include punitive damages. If the AG brought the action, the court may also impose a civil penalty of $5,000 for a first violation and $10,000 for any subsequent violation. The court is required to consider good faith attempts and efforts to comply by an entity in assessing penalties. The prevailing party may also recover reasonable attorney fees (does not apply if the AG is the prevailing party). center-38898300ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1331: S/E: workers' compensation; deviationsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Fann, LD 1BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWBI: DPA 7-0-0-1APPROP: DPA/SE 10-0-0-4right1524000Legend:APAAC - Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council Fund – County Attorney Deferred Prosecution FundJLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteeAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:APAAC - Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council Fund – County Attorney Deferred Prosecution FundJLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteeAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment AbstractRelating to deviations of workers' compensation rate filings.ProvisionsAllows a member insurer of a rating organization to file up to six uniform percentage deviations to the rating organization's rate filing. (Sec. 1)Requires the deviations to be established consistent with the underwriting rules that are based on criteria that would lead to a logical distinction of potential risk. (Sec. 1)Makes a technical change. (Sec. 1)Current LawEvery rating organization and insurer that transacts workers' compensation insurance is required to adhere to plans approved by the Director as the uniform statistical plan, uniform classification plan and uniform experience rating plan (A.R.S. § 20-344).Insurers are required to file any proposed rating systems with the Director. Each filing must include a proposed effective date as well as an indication of the character and extent of the coverage contemplated. If a filing does not include sufficient information for determining whether or not it meets the rate regulatory requirements, the Director must require the insurer to provide supporting information. The supporting information may include the experience or judgement of the insurer or rating organization. An insurer for workers' compensation may become a member of a licensed rating organization that makes filings. The rating organization must make an annual filing of rates with the Director on the insurer's behalf to be effective on January 1 of each year (A.R.S. § 20-357).Pursuant to A.R.S. § 20-359, insurers who are members of a rating organization may file the following with the Director:A uniform percentage decrease or increase to be applied to the statewide rate portion of the rating organization's rate filing.A subclassification rate related rule that deviates from the rules or schedule rating plan filed by the insurer's rating organization. Insurers cannot apply a deviation and a schedule rating plan within the same insurance companycenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note. center-49784000ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1442: modifications; corrections officer retirement planPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Lesko, LD 21BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWBI: DPA 5-2-0-1right1524000Legend:Board – Board of Trustees of the PSPRSCOLA – Cost of Living AdjustmentCORP – Corrections Officer Retirement PlanPSPRS – Public Safety Personnel Retirement SystemPSPDCRP – Public Safety Personnel Defined Contribution Retirement PlanAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Board – Board of Trustees of the PSPRSCOLA – Cost of Living AdjustmentCORP – Corrections Officer Retirement PlanPSPRS – Public Safety Personnel Retirement SystemPSPDCRP – Public Safety Personnel Defined Contribution Retirement PlanAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to CORP.ProvisionsCORPRequires corrections officers hired on or after July 1, 2018 to participate in PSPDCRP. (Sec. 9)Allows probation and surveillance officers hired on or after July 1, 2018 to elect to participate in either PSPDCRP or CORP.Election must be made within 90 days after the hiring date or they are automatically enrolled in CORP PSPDCRP. (BI) (Sec. 9)Stipulates if an employee becomes eligible for an accidental disability pension, the employee is automatically enrolled in CORP. (Sec. 9)Adds that a member of CORP who has less than 10 years of credited service, on or after July 1, 2018 and leaves employment will be paid accumulated contributions plus interest at a rate determined by the Board. (Sec. 10)Sets the eligibility for normal retirement for members enrolled after July 1, 2018 to at least age 55 and 10 or more years of credited service.Outlines the credited service multiplier. (Sec. 11)Permits a member hired after July 1, 2018 with at least 10 years of credited service to retire at age 52.5. (Sec. 13)ENTITLES AN ELIGIBLE CHILD A CHILD'S PENSION OF A DECEASED MEMBER THAT DOES NOT HAVE AN ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE. (BI)Modifies the amortization period for unfunded liability to a closed period at not more than 30 20 years. (BI) (Sec. 15)ALLOWS AN EMPLOYER, BEGINNING FY 2019, TO MAKE A ONE-TIME ELECTION TO REQUEST THAT THE BOARD USE A CLOSED PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 30 YEARS IN CALCULATING THE UNFUNDED LIABILITY AMORTIZATION PAYMENTS PROVIDED CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE MET.EXCLUDES AN EMPLOYER OF THE STATE OR ANY STATE AGENCY. (BI)Prescribes member and employer contributions for members hired after July 1, 2018.Employer: 33.3% of the normal cost plus 50% of the total unfunded liability,rightbottom? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteMember: 66.7% of the normal cost plus 50% of the total unfunded liability divided equally. (Sec. 15) Specifies contributions cannot be less than the actuarially determined normal cost for that FY.The Board cannot suspend contributions to the plan (CORP) unless both:Actuary determines that continuing to accrue excess earning could result in disqualification of the plan's tax-exempt status.Additional contributions required would conflict with its fiduciary responsibility. (Sec. 15)Stipulates if a member's employment is terminated, the total liability associated with the member's service with the employer remains with the employer. (Sec. 15)Clarifies the $200,000 compensation limit is adjusted at the same time and manner as adjusted by the Internal Revenue Code. (Sec. 16)Sets the compensation limit for members hired after July 1, 2018 to $70,000.Beginning FY 2022, and every 3rd FY, the amount is adjusted by the average change in the probation wage index as determined by the Board. (Sec. 16)Allows members hired after July 1, 2018 to elect deferred annuity. (Sec. 19)Modifies the definition of average monthly salary, designated position, member, and normal retirement date. (Sec. 8)COLAEstablishes a compounded COLA for members hired before June 30, 2018.The COLA amount is based on the average annual percentage change in the Metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa consumer price index with the immediately preceding year as the base year, capped at 2%. (Sec. 18)Establishes a compounded COLA for members hired after July 1, 2018.The COLA amount is based on the average annual percentage change in the Metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa consumer price index with the immediately preceding year as the base year; however, cannot exceed:2% if the funded ratio is 90% or more.1.5% if the funded ratio is 80% > 90%.1%if the funded ratio is 70% > 80%.COLA is paid on July 1 each year the funded ratio is 70% or more. (Sec. 18)Provides a member is eligible for a COLA beginning the earlier of either:The first calendar year after the 7th anniversary of retirement, orWhen the retired member is or would have been age 60. (Sec. 18)PSPRSIncreases the amortization period for unfunded liability from not more than 20 years to not more than 30 years. (BI) (Sec. 1) ALLOWS AN EMPLOYER, BEGINNING FY 2019, TO MAKE A ONE-TIME ELECTION TO REQUEST THAT THE BOARD USE A CLOSED PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 30 YEARS IN CALCULATING THE UNFUNDED LIABILITY AMORTIZATION PAYMENTS PROVIDED CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE MET.EXCLUDES AN EMPLOYER OF THE STATE OR ANY STATE AGENCY. (BI)PSPDCRPRequires a corrections, probation, or surveillance officer who participates in the plan to contribute 7% of their gross pensionable compensation. (Sec. 3)Permits a corrections, probation, or surveillance officer to make a one-time irrevocable election, before eligibility to participate in any qualified plan, to contribute less than 7%, but not less than 5%. (Sec. 3)Requires an employer of a corrections, probation, or surveillance officer to contribute 5% of the employee's gross pensionable compensation. (Sec. 3)Requires a corrections, probation, or surveillance officer and their employer to contribute to the PSPDCRP Disability Program. (Sec. 3)Vests a corrections, probation, or surveillance officer after three years of service, with employer contributions vesting at the following rates:25% after 1 year.50% after 2 years.100% after 3 years.ADDS THAT IF A CORRECTIONS, PROBATION, OR SURVEILLANCE OFFICER DIES BEFORE COMPLETING THREE YEARS OF SERIVCE, THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY FULLY VESTED. (BI) Modifies the definition of compensation, employer, and participant. (Sec. 2)PSPDCRP Disability ProgramSpecifies corrections, probation, and surveillance officers participating in the PSPDCRP Disability Program receive death and disability benefits equal to benefits that would be provided to a CORP member, reduced by an amount equal to the monthly annuitized value of the participant's annuity account (excludes COLA). (Sec. 6, 7)ADDS THAT A PARTICIPANT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A DISABILITY BENEFIT FOR AN ORDINARY DISABILITY AS DEFINED BY STATUTE. (BI)Defines local board. (Sec. 4)Modifies the definition of participant. (Sec. 4)MiscellaneousRepeals statutes relating to CORP benefit increases. (Sec. 17)Makes conforming changes. (Sec. 5, 6, 12, 14, 19)Contains a conditional enactment clause. (Sec. 20)Current LawPSPRS was created in order to provide a uniform, consistent and equitable statewide program for public safety personnel who are regularly assigned to hazardous duty and are employed by the state or a political subdivision (A.R.S. § 38-841). Employers are required to make contributions sufficient to meet the normal cost for members plus an amount required to amortize the unfunded accrued liability on a level percent of compensation basis for all employees over a 20-year period, beginning July 1, 2017 (A.R.S. § 38-843).Additional InformationPSPRS and CORP are agent multiple‐employer defined benefit plans and are administered at the local level by 230 (PSPRS) and 27 (CORP) individual local boards. As agent multiple‐ employer plans, the assets and liabilities of each individual local board are accounted for separately, thereby allowing for individual funding levels and employer contribution rates. (CORP 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report).Currently, there are 21,423 CORP members, of which 4,785 are retirees or beneficiaries. The average age at retirement is 56.5 and the average annual pension is $26,463. CORP funded status is 57.3% (Arizona CORP Consolidated Report, 2016).center-37070600ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1042: teacher certification; reciprocityright1484630Legend:LEA – Local Education AgencyFCC – Fingerprint Clearance CardSBE – State Board of EducationSEI – Structured English ImmersionSTEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and MathAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:LEA – Local Education AgencyFCC – Fingerprint Clearance CardSBE – State Board of EducationSEI – Structured English ImmersionSTEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and MathAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Allen S, LD 6BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWED: DPA 8-2-0-1AbstractRelating to teacher certification, alternative preparation and reciprocity.ProvisionsAlternative Preparation ProgramsRequires SBE's rules relating to alternative teacher and administrator preparation programs to be substantially different and less restrictive than rules adopted for the approval of traditional preparation programs and prohibits the rules from unnecessarily restricting a variety of preparation programs from operating. (Sec. 1)Permits nonprofit organizations and private entities to apply for program approval. (Sec. 1)Removes the requirement for alternative preparation program participants to complete SEI training. (Sec. 1)Directs the systematic phonics training AND PROFESSIONAL AND SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS under the alternative preparation program to be required only if applicable. (Sec. 1) (ED)Requires SBE to immediately begin the process of adopting new rules for the approval of alternative teacher and administrator preparation programs that are substantially different than traditional preparation programs. (Sec. 4)Requires SBE to adopt the new rules by November 15, 2017. (Sec. 4)Directs SBE to submit drafts of proposed rules to the Governor and chairpersons of the Senate and House Education Committees prior to adopting new rules. (Sec. 4)REQUIRES SBE TO AUTOMATICALLY APPROVE, WITHIN 60 DAYS OF RECIEVING AN APPLICATION, AN ALTENATIVE PREPERATION PROGRAM PROVIDER THAT MEETS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS:IS A 501(C)(3) NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION.WAS FOUNDED WITH A GRANT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.HAS OPERATED FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS AND OPERATES IN MULTIPLE STATES.REQUIRES PARTIPANTS TO POSSESS A BACHELOR'S DEGREE. (ED)ALLOWS PARTICIPANTS THAT COMPLETE THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM TO BE ELIGIBILE TO APPLY FOR A STANDARD TEACHING CERTIFICATE. (ED)left7808595? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteSchool District and Charter School Alternative Preparation ProgramsPERMITS SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND CHARTER SCHOOLS TO APPLY TO SBE TO APPROVE TEACHER CERTIFICATIONS AS AN ALTERNATIVE PREPERATION PROGRAM PROVIDER IN ADDITION TO OTHER ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM PROVIDER PATHWAYS. (ED)DIRECTS SBE TO ADOPT RULES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES THAT ARE NOT MORE RESTRICTIVE OR REQUIRE MORE THAN THIS ACT. (ED)DIRECTS THE RULES TO FACILITATE THE APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS AND:REQUIRE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OR CHARTER SCHOOL PRINCIPAL TO VERIFY THAT THE APPLICANT HAS MADE SATISFACTORY STUDENT PROGRESS AND ACHIVEMENT.REQUIRE THE LEA TO SUBMIT DATA SUPPORTING THE EFFICACY OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM.ALLOWS LEAS TO CONTRACT TO PROVIDE THE TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM AND USE THAT PROGRAM'S EFFICACY DATA.RESTRICT TEACHERS FROM BEING CERTIFICATED UNTIL THE TEACHER HAS BEEN IN THE CLASSROOM FOR AT LEAST ONE FULL YEAR AND DATA HAS BEEN SUBMITTED CONFRMING THAT THE TEACHER'S STUDENTS ARE PERFORMING AT GRADE LEVEL OR HAVE ACHIEVED AT LEAST ONE YEAR OF ACADEMIC GROWTH AS DETERMINED BY SBE.PERMIT LEAS TO ADOPT ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS THAT EXCEED SBE'S STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION.REQUIRE APPLICANTS TO HOLD AT LEAST A BACHELOR'S DEGREE FROM AN ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY AND MEET BACKGROUND AND FCC REQUIREMENTS.EXEMPT TEACHERS FROM SBE'S PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION. (ED)DIRECTS SBE TO ISSUE A STANDARD CERTIFICATE TO THE TEACHER ONCE THE LEA HAS SUBMITTED VERIFICATION THAT THE REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. (ED)ALLOWS SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO EMPLOY AND ENROLL EMEGENCY CERTIFICATION HOLDERS WITH A BACHELOR'S DEGREE INTO ITS ALTERNATIVE PREPERATION PROGRAM. (ED)Charter School PersonnelExcludes charter school personnel who have met statutory employment requirements from being required to meet any additional requirements established by SBE or ADE. (ED)Prohibits SBE from adopting rules that exceed the requirements for charter school teaching qualifications prescribed in the Every Student Succeeds Act or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (ED)CertificationRequires, rather than permits, SBE's certification rules to exempt secondary education certificate applicants from the subject knowledge portion of the proficiency examination for persons with STEM work experience. (Sec. 1)Increases, from eight to twelve years, the minimum issuance and renewal period for standard certificates. (Sec. 1)ReciprocityDELETES LANGUAGE DIRECTING SBE'S RULES FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION TO INLCUDE RULES FOR TEACHERS TRAINED IN OTHER STATES. (ED)Removes the requirement that certification reciprocity rules require an applicant with a comparable valid certification to have passed their state's subject knowledge and professional exam. (Sec. 1)Directs valid applicants for reciprocity to be issued a comparable standard certificate. (Sec. 1)Directs applicants for reciprocity to be issued a standard certificate and demonstrate completion of the Arizona and United States Constitution examination timeline requirements and permits ADE or SBE to temporarily suspend the certificate for failure to comply. Excludes those certification suspensions from being considered as disciplinary action and allows persons to correct the deficiency within the remaining time of the standard certification. (Sec. 2)Exempts persons applying for SBE certification from the subject knowledge test, professional knowledge test or the entire proficiency examination requirement if the person:Has passed corresponding portions of a substantially similar examination adopted by a state agency in another state; orHas been a full-time teacher in any state for at least two years in the same area of certification in which the persons is applying for certification. (Sec. 3)MiscellaneousRemoves educator references in certification reciprocity statutes. (Sec. 1)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2, 3) (ED)Current LawSBE is charged with supervising and controlling the certification process of teachers (A.R.S. § 15-203). Included in SBE's charge is a requirement to allow for a variety of alternative teacher and administrator preparation programs. SBE evaluates each provider based on the program's ability to prepare and recruit teachers and administrators. Universities, community colleges, private postsecondary institutions, school districts, charter schools and professional organizations may apply for program approval and SBE is required to create application procedures and certification criteria that are less restrictive than those for traditional programs. Graduates from alternative preparation program must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, demonstrate professional and subject knowledge, obtain a FCC, complete SEI training, complete training in research-based systematic phonics and demonstrate the required proficiency in the Arizona and United States Constitutions.SBE is additionally charged with adopting rules to provide for certification reciprocity that include a requirement for the applicant to possess comparable valid certification from another state that includes passing the states subject and professional knowledge exam and be in good standing in the other state. Applicants who possess valid certification, obtain a FCC and are in good standing are issued a standard teaching certificate without other HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1384: school-sponsored media; student journalistsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Yee, LD 20BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWED: DPA (10-1-0-0)right1524000Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to student journalists. ProvisionsPermits student journalists to exercise freedom of speech and press in school-sponsored media. (Sec. 1)Specifies that student journalists are not limited solely because the school-sponsored media is:Supported financially by the local school system, public school, community college or university or by the use of facilities owned by the school district, charter school, community college or university; orProduced in conjunction with a class in which the student is enrolled. (Sec. 1)Delegates the responsibility of determining content for school-sponsored media to student supervisors. Specifies that student media advisers are not prevented from teaching professional standards of English and journalism to student journalists. (Sec. 1)States that school-sponsored media content is not authorized or protected if it: Is libelous or slanderous; Constitutes an unwarranted invasion of privacy; Violates federal or state law; orCreates the imminent danger of inciting students to violate the law or district regulations or materially and substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school, community college or university. (Sec. 1)States that prior restraint of any school-sponsored media is not authorized. (Sec. 1) Allows public schools, community colleges or universities to restrain the distribution of content in school-sponsored media if it does not meet prescribed content standards. Specifies public schools have the burden of providing justification without undue delay. (Sec. 1)Prohibits student journalists from being disciplined solely for acting in accordance with requirements. (Sec. 1)Prohibits student media advisers from being dismissed, suspended, disciplined, reassigned, transferred or otherwise retaliated against solely for: left8029575? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteActing to protect a student journalist engaged in protected conduct; orRefusing to infringe on conduct protected by this Act, the U.S. Constitution or the Arizona Constitution. (Sec. 1)Requires school district and charter school governing boards to adopt, in a regular public meeting, a written policy that includes standards or guidelines for school-sponsored media consistent with and not more restrictive than prescribed content standards. (Sec. 1)States any expression made by students in school-sponsored media is not deemed to be an expression on behalf of the school, community college or university. (Sec. 1)Provides an exemption from liability in civil or criminal action for any expression made or published by a student in school-sponsored media to: A school district, charter school, community college district or university; or Any official, employee or agent of a school district, charter school, community college district or university. (Sec. 1)Defines terms. (Sec. 1)Current LawNot currently addressed in statute. 2362835-32258000ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1137: vendor; payment by warrant; feePRIME SPONSOR: Senator Kavanagh, LD 23BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWGOV: DP (5-1-0-2)APPROP: DP (9-2-0-3)32543751566545Legend:ADOA- Arizona Department of AdministrationGF- State General FundAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADOA- Arizona Department of AdministrationGF- State General FundAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to ADOA fees for vendor payment by warrant. ProvisionsAllows the Director of ADOA to collect a fee for each payment by warrant issued to a vendor that provides materials, services or construction. (Sec. 1)Requires the fee to be established by rule and deposited in the GF. (Sec. 1) Makes conforming changes. (Sec. 1)Current LawAll payments and electronic funds transfer vouchers made by ADOA are supported by the authority of the state treasurer to disburse public monies in the amount stated on the payment or electronic funds transfer voucher. The Director of ADOA must credit the state treasurer for any amounts paid. Funds cannot be withdrawn from the treasury for any purpose other than payments and electronic funds transfer vouchers issued by the Director of ADOA or for the payment of treasurer's warrant notes (A.R.S. § 35-185). center7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note center-44323000ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1191: political parties; notice; meetingsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Petersen, LD 12BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWGOV: DP (7-0-0-1)32575501524000Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to the notification of state and county committee meetings.ProvisionsRequires the chairmen of both the county and state committee to give notice of a meeting for the purpose of organizing each precinct committeeman by U.S. mail or e-mail. (Sec. 1, 2)Stipulates that if a valid e-mail is not provided, the chairmen of the state and county committee must provide notice of the meeting by U.S. mail. (Sec. 1, 2)Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteThe members of a political party entitled to representation at the primary election, in each precinct must choose one person as a county precinct committeeman, and one additional precinct committeeman for each 125 voters (A.R.S. § 16-821). The state committee of each party must consist of one member for every three members of the county committee elected and include the chairman of each county committees (A.R.S. § 16-825). The county and state committees must meet for the purpose of organizing (A.R.S § 16-826). County and state committee chairmen must notify the committee by mail the time and place of the meeting at least 10 days prior to the meeting (A.R.S. §§ 16-824 & 16-826).center-46058700ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1003: DCS oversight committeePRIME SPONSOR: Senator Barto, LD 15BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DPA 8-0-0-1right1523365Legend:Committee – Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on DCSDCS– Department of Child SafetyOAG – Office of the Auditor GeneralJLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteeJLAC – Joint Legislative Audit CommitteeAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Committee – Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on DCSDCS– Department of Child SafetyOAG – Office of the Auditor GeneralJLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteeJLAC – Joint Legislative Audit CommitteeAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the Department of Child Safety. ProvisionsEstablishes the six-member Committee. (Sec. 1)States that the chairpersons of the Senate and House of Representatives committees that address child safety issues must serve as cochairpersons of the Committee. (Sec. 1)Requires the Committee to meet at least biannually.A majority of members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. (Sec. 1)Requires the Committee to review:DCS' implementation of policy, procedures and program effectiveness;All reports on program outcomes released by DCS to the Legislature for trends and areas for statutory improvement; andAudits of DCS issued by the OAG. (Sec. 1)Terminates the Committee on July 1, 2025. (Sec. 1)REQUIRES DCS, BY DECEMBER 31, 2017, TO:POST THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATED REPORT GENERATED FROM RECOMMENDATIONS PURSUANT TO LAW ON DCS' WEBSITE;HOLD STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL REPORTS ON LONGER METRIC OUTCOME DATA; AND IDENTIFY METRICS THAT STAKEHOLDERS WANT BUT THAT HAVE BEEN OMITTED FROM PREVIOUS REPORTS. (Health) (Sec. 2)REQUIRES DCS TO SUBMIT A REPORT TO JLBC AND JLAC ON DCS ON ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW REPORTING STRUCTURE;THE OUTCOME OF THE STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS; ANDTHE IDENTIFICATION OF NEW METRICS. (Health) (Sec. 2)Current LawNot currently addressed in statute. center7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteAdditional InfoThe Child Safety Oversight Committee terminated and submitted its final report on December 15, 2016. center-46079800ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1004: human rights committee; membershipPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Barto, LD 15BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DPA 8-0-0-132575501524000Legend:ADES – Arizona Department of Economic SecurityAHCCCS – Arizona Health Care Cost Containment SystemDCS – Department of Child SafetyDDD – Division of Developmental DisabilitiesHRC – Human Rights CommitteeSMI – Serious Mental IllnessAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADES – Arizona Department of Economic SecurityAHCCCS – Arizona Health Care Cost Containment SystemDCS – Department of Child SafetyDDD – Division of Developmental DisabilitiesHRC – Human Rights CommitteeSMI – Serious Mental IllnessAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to human rights committees.ProvisionsAllows subject-matter experts to serve on HRCs as nonvoting members, such as public safety and criminal justice. (Sec. 3) (Health)Requires that HRC members be provided the opportunity to review potential changes to rules or policies that affect the committee. (Sec. 3)Requires the DDD to provide each DDD-HRC information regarding incidents of:Possible abuse, neglect or violations of rights;Physical, sexual or other abuse;Accidental injury, death or suicide attempts;Missing clients;Behavioral emergency measures; Medication errors;Hospitalization or incarceration;Theft of client property or money; andProperty destruction. (Sec. 1)Expands the list of expertise areas for members of a HRC on the mentally ill to include criminal justice and public safety. (Sec. 2) (Health)Requires Permits each HRC on the mentally ill to hold at least one community forum each year to receive comments regarding the experiences of individuals living with SMI and their family members and caregivers. (Sec. 2) (Health)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 2)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteLaws 2000, Chapter 261 established the: 1)HRC on persons with developmental disabilities (DDD-HRC) under ADES; 2)HRC on children, youth and families under DCS; and 3) HRC on the mentally ill under AHCCCS. Each committee is required to meet at least quarterly to provide independent oversight to ensure clients' rights are protected, review incidents and provide recommendations to the appropriate director and the Legislature.Health care entities are permitted to disclose information to HRCs without personally identifiable information unless the personally identifiable information is required for the official purpose of the committee. HRCs are required to maintain case information as confidential, a violation of confidentiality is a Class 2 misdemeanor (4 months/ $750 plus surcharges) (A.R.S. §§ 36-509 and 41-3804).center-55922300ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1201: medical examiner; communicable diseases; disclosurePRIME SPONSOR: Senator Griffin, LD 14BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DP 7-0-0-2right1569085Legend:ADHS – Arizona Department of Health ServicesHIV – Human Immunodeficiency VirusME –Medical ExaminerAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADHS – Arizona Department of Health ServicesHIV – Human Immunodeficiency VirusME –Medical ExaminerAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to good samaritans and communicable disease testing.ProvisionsRequires a ME to provide a blood sample from a deceased person for the purpose of communicable disease testing if the blood is available and the collection or release won't interfere with a medical examination, autopsy or certification of death. (Sec. 1)Expands a ME's immunity from civil or criminal liability to include the good faith provision of a blood sample for communicable disease testing. (Sec. 1)Authorizes a good samaritan to petition the court for authorization to test a deceased person for HIV, blood borne diseases or other diseases specified in the petition if:There are reasonable grounds to believe an exposure occurred; andThere's probable cause to believe the deceased transferred bodily fluids on or through the skin or membranes of the good samaritan. (Sec. 2)Instructs the court to hear the petition promptly and, upon a determination that probable cause exists, to order a ME to draw two specimens of blood for testing at the good samaritan's expense. (Sec. 2)Authorizes a ME, on written notice from ADHS, to draw two specimens of blood during the autopsy or other examination of the deceased for infectious disease testing. A ME may not release the specimen without a court order. If the court does not issue an order, the ME must destroy the specimen after 30 days. (Sec. 2)Clarifies that the notice of test results shall be provided as prescribed by ADHS to the good samaritan. (Sec. 2)Exempts the good samaritan's petition from the requirements for the order for disclosure of communicable disease related information. (Sec. 2)Current LawA ME may provide a blood sample from a deceased person for the purpose of HIV-related testing if testing is requested by a healthcare provider or first responder who has had an occupational significant exposure risk to the patient's blood or bodily fluid (A.R.S. § 36-663).right7851140? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteADHS or a local health department is required to disclose communicable disease related information to a good samaritan who submits a request documenting the occurrence and including information regarding the nature of the significant exposure risk. The disclosure is prohibited from revealing the protected person's name and must include a statement warning the good samaritan that the confidentiality of the information is protected by state law (A.R.S. § 36-664).A court or administrative body may issue an order for the disclosure of or a search warrant for communicable disease related information on an application showing clear and imminent danger to a person whose life or health may unknowingly be at significant risk as a result of contact with the person to whom the information pertains (A.R.S. § 36-665).A person who receives HIV-related information in the course of providing a health service or pursuant to a release of that information is prohibited from disclosing that information or from being compelled by subpoena, order, search warrant or other judicial process to disclose that information. If a person in possession of HIV-related information reasonably believes that an identifiable third-party is at risk of HIV infection, that person may report the risk to ADHS. Upon receipt of such a report, ADHS is required to contact the at-risk person (A.R.S. § 36-664).It is a Class 3 misdemeanor (30 days/ $500 plus surcharges) to either: a) knowingly perform, permit or procure the performance of an HIV-related test in violation of state law or b) disclose, compel or procure the disclosure of communicable disease related information in violation of state law (A.R.S. § 36-666).Communicable disease means a contagious, epidemic or infectious disease required to be reported to the local board of health or ADHS department pursuant to statute (A.R.S. § 36-661). Good samaritan means a person who renders emergency care or assistance in good faith and without compensation at the scene of any accident, fire or other life-threatening emergency and who believes that a significant exposure risk occurred while the person rendered care or assistance (A.R.S. § 36-661).center-35644700ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1319: telemedicine; audio visual requirements.PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Montenegro, LD 13BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DPA 8-0-0-1right1524000Legend:CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesCOR – Committee of ReferenceAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesCOR – Committee of ReferenceAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment AbstractRelating to influenza vaccinations.ProvisionsStipulates that the COR may consider a change in rule or statute to require hospitals to assess patients and offer influenza vaccinations if CMS' hospital inpatient quality reporting and hospital value-based purchasing programs stop offering the influenza vaccination and assessing the status of patients who are at least 65 years of age. (Sec. 1)Requires the COR to consider whether a change in statute or rule is in the best interest of the public health before a legislative mandate is introduced. (Sec. 1)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteNot currently addressed in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1435: osteopaths; fingerprintingPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Barto, LD 15BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DPA 9-0-0-032613601524000Legend:ADPS – Arizona Department of Public SafetyCommission – Interstate Medical Licensure Compact CommissionDO – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine FBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationMD – Medical DoctorAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADPS – Arizona Department of Public SafetyCommission – Interstate Medical Licensure Compact CommissionDO – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine FBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationMD – Medical DoctorAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to fingerprint background checks and licensure for medical and osteopathic doctors.ProvisionsRequires MD and DO applicants for expedited licensure to submit a full set of fingerprints to their respective Boards, by September 1, 2017, in order to obtain a state and federal criminal records check. (Sec. 1, 3)Permits ADPS to exchange information with the FBI. (Sec. 1, 2, 3)Prohibits communication between either the MD Board or DO Board and the Commission regarding verification of physician eligibility for licensure under the medical licensure compact from including information received from the FBI regarding a state and federal background check in the applicant's state of principal license. (Sec. 1, 3)Requires an applicant for licensure with the DO Board, beginning September 1, 2017, to submit proof that a full set of fingerprints has been submitted to the DO Board in order to obtain a state and federal criminal records check. (Sec. 2)CONTAINS AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE. (Sec. 4) (Health)MAKES A TECHNICAL CHANGE. (Sec. 1) (Health)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteA.R.S. § 32-3241 establishes the Medical Licensure Compact and requires a member board selected as the state of principal license to conduct a criminal background check on an applicant for expedited licensure. The background check is to be used to verify eligibility for expedited licensure under the compact. 2362200-49924500ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1440: AHCCCS; clinical oversight committeePRIME SPONSOR: Senator Barto, LD 15BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DP 6-0-0-3right1569085Legend:AHCCCS – Arizona Health Care Cost Containment SystemCommittee – Internal Clinical Oversight CommitteeDirector – Director of AHCCCSAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:AHCCCS – Arizona Health Care Cost Containment SystemCommittee – Internal Clinical Oversight CommitteeDirector – Director of AHCCCSAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to the Internal Clinical Oversight Review Committee under AHCCCS. ProvisionsRequires the Director to establish the Committee to review clinical data specific to AHCCCS initiatives and populations. (Sec. 1)States that Committee membership must include the Director or the Director's designee and specified area experts within AHCCCS. (Sec. 1)Requires the Committee to:Meet quarterly;Review clinical data relating to the populations and initiatives being undertaken by AHCCCS;Analyze and review clinical quality performance metrics and make recommendations; Advise the Director and identify potential service delivery improvements; andSolicit additional information relating to clinical data or metrics for behavioral health services. (Sec. 1)Specifies that the Committee is a review committee of the system subject to statutory guidelines relating to immunity and confidentiality. (Sec. 1)Requires the committee to submit an annual report beginning February 1, 2018.The annual report must include a summary of topics reviewed by the Committee and any recommendations relating to quality performance metrics. (Sec. 1)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteNot currently addressed in statute. center-48248600ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1452: health profession regulatory boardsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Barto, LD 15BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWHEALTH: DPA 7-0-0-2right1586230Legend:ADOA – Arizona Department of AdministrationBoard – Health Regulatory BoardProgram – Nondisciplinary confidential monitoring programAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADOA – Arizona Department of AdministrationBoard – Health Regulatory BoardProgram – Nondisciplinary confidential monitoring programAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to health regulatory boards. ProvisionsTime limitations on Board complaintsProhibits a Board from acting on their own motion or on any complaint received in which an allegation of unprofessional conduct or other violation against a licensed or certificated professional occurred more than four years before the complaint was received. (Sec. 2, 3, 4, 7) (Health)Exempts the following from the four-year statute of limitations:Medical malpractice judgements or settlements;Allegations of sexual misconduct; Felony diversion of a controlled substance or impairment while practicing by the licensee or certificate holder; andA Board's consideration of the specific unprofessional conduct relating to a licensee's OR CERTIFICATE HOLDER'S nondisclosure of conduct or a violation as required by law. (Sec. 2, 3, 4, 7) (Health)Public Access to Board ActionsRequires all Boards to:Make a digital recording of all open board meetings; Maintain recordings for three years; andPost within five business days:The digital recording on the Board's website; andA notice of the recordings availability on the Board's website. (Sec. 6)Prohibits a pending complaint or investigation from being disclosed to the public. (Sec. 5)Requires all disciplinary actions to be available on a Board's website. (Sec. 5)Requires, beginning January 1, 2018, the record of a final disciplinary order or action to be posted on a Board's website for five years.Prohibits advisory letters and letters of concern from being made available on a Board's website.8972557845425? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteStates that copies of such letters must be available, upon request, to the public pursuant to statute. (Sec. 5)States that all Boards must comply with requirements relating to public access to records of board actions, beginning on January 1, 2018. (Sec. 5)Terms of Board MembersSpecifies that a Board member is not eligible for reappointment to a Board once they have served two full terms, in addition to any time served to fill a vacancy. (Sec. 6)Allows a person to be reappointed to a Board once they have not served on the board for at least one full term. (Sec. 6)PERMITS CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS TO COMPLETE ANY TERM TO WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN APPOINTED REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF TERMS SERVED. (Health)Specifies that statute relating to terms of Board members applies to the:Dental Board;Medical Board;Nursing Board; andPharmacy Board. (Sec. 6)Nondisciplinary confidential monitoring programsPermits a Board to establish a Program, including enrollment criteria for participation in the Program, for monitoring a licensee or certificate holder who has been reported or voluntarily reports to their respective Board concerning any of the following that may impact a person's ability to safely practice or perform health care-tasks: Chemical dependence; Substance abuse; orMedical or mental health disorders. (Sec. 6)Allows a Program to include:Education;Intervention;Therapeutic treatment; andPost-treatment monitoring and support. (Sec. 6)States that a licensee or certificate holder is responsible for program costs associated with treatment. (Sec. 6)Permits a Board and a licensee or certificate holder to enter into a nondisciplinary confidential stipulated agreement for Program participation. (Sec. 6)Allows a Board to take further action if a person refuses to enter into stipulated agreement or fails to comply with the stipulated agreement's terms.Confidentiality requirements do not apply if the person fails to adhere to the stipulated agreement. (Sec. 6)MiscellaneousRequires a Board to provide a list of all Board-specific contract employment opportunities and an ADOA link to apply for the positions on the Board's website. (Sec. 6)Permits a Board to impose a requirement for a reimbursement of fees paid to a medical professional by or on behalf of a patient, if requested by a patient on a Board prescribed form. (Sec. 6)Contains an applicability clause. (Sec. 8)Contains an effective date of January 1, 2018. (Sec. 9)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)Current LawIf a Board issues a nondisciplinary action or dismisses a complaint against a licensee, the record is available to the public. This information is prohibited from being posted on a Board's website. Board websites are required to display a statement indicating that a person is allowed to obtain additional public records, including dismissed complaints and nondisciplinary actions, related to a licensee or certificate holder (A.R.S. § 32-3214).center-36741600ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1236: S/E: statewide petition circulators; registration; committeesPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Lesko, LD 21BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWAPPROP: DPA/SE (7-6-0-1)32531051520190Legend:JLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteePAC – Political Action CommitteeSOS – Secretary of StateAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:JLBC – Joint Legislative Budget CommitteePAC – Political Action CommitteeSOS – Secretary of StateAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment AbstractRelating to paid circulators of statewide measures and Proposition 105 disclosure requirements. ProvisionsInitiative and Referendum CirculatorsRequires paid circulators that receive monetary compensation to obtain signatures on a statewide initiative or referendum petition to register with the SOS. (Sec. 3)Paid circulators are required to register only if the person receives monetary or other compensation based upon the number of signatures obtained on a petition or the number of petitions circulated (A.R.S. § 19-118).Classifies knowingly omitting, misrepresenting or providing false information on the circulator registration application as a Class 1 misdemeanor (6 months/$2,500 plus surcharges). (Sec. 3)Requires a person or organization that uses paid circulators for a statewide initiative or referendum petition to file the following with the SOS before obtaining signatures:A statement that one or more people will be paid money or other compensation to collect signatures and that those people will comply with state election laws.An acknowledgement that the person or organization proposing the measure: Is liable for any violation committed by a paid circulator who collects signatures on their behalf; andMay be subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per violation or to some other enforcement action. A list of names and addresses of the paid circulators used for that petition. (Sec. 2)9048758013065? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteRequires a person or organization using paid circulators to update the list of paid circulators each month and requires the updated list to be signed by the chairman or treasurer. (Sec. 2)Prohibits a person from registering as a paid circulator if the person has had a civil or criminal penalty imposed for a violation of election, initiative or referendum law within the last five years or has been convicted of a felony and has not had their civil rights restored. Classifies registering in violation as a Class 1 misdemeanor (6 months/$2,500 plus surcharges). (Sec. 3)Requires filed signature sheets to include the registration number assigned to the paid circulator on the lower right-hand corner. (Sec. 4)Requires statewide initiative sheets to be grouped by circulator when filed with the SOS, rather than in numbered sections. (Sec. 4)Requires the SOS remove signature sheets that do not contain the paid circulator's registration number or are not properly sorted by circulator. (Sec. 4)Specifies that any civil or criminal violation by a paid circulator relating to registration, circulation or collection of the signatures or petitions is deemed a violation by the person or organization proposing the measure. (Sec. 2)Removes the requirement that non-resident circulators register with the SOS. (Sec. 3)Requires the SOS to publish the circulator registration application on its website. (Sec. 3)Requires the circulator registration application of a paid circulator to include:The paid circulator's full name and address;The initiative or referendum petition on which the paid circulator will gather signatures, if known;The address of the committee for which the paid circulator is gathering signatures for the purpose of receiving service of process relating to disputes; andThe signature of the paid circulator. (Sec. 3)Requires a paid circulator to accept service of process relating to disputes at the committee for which the circulator is gathering signatures. Permits service of process to be effected by mailing a copy of the subpoena to the committee by certified mail. (Sec. 3)Requires the SOS to register and assign each paid circulator a registration number within five days of submission of the circulator's registration application. (Sec. 3)Permits any person to challenge the lawful registration of circulators in the superior court of the county within 10 business days, rather than 5 days, after the date on which on which petitions are required to be filed with the SOS. (Sec. 3)Requires the SOS to make electronic copies of all signature sheets available upon request within five business days of filing. (Sec. 4)Modifies the definition of a paid circulator. (Sec. 3)Contains a severability clause. (Sec. 7)Proposition 105 DisclosureRequires advertisements, fundraising solicitations and the publicity pamphlet for any ballot measure that is a state statutory measure to include a Proposition 105 statement.Requires the statement to specify that the measure cannot be changed in the future if approved on the ballot, except by a ? vote of the Legislature and if the change furthers the purpose of the original ballot measure or is otherwise referred to the ballot. (Sec. 1, 6)Specifies that the Proposition 105 statement: Is not required to be included for advertisements that are broadcast on radio or television; andMust be included immediately below the Legislative Council analysis on the publicity pamphlet. (Sec. 1, 6)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Current LawInitiative and Referendum CirculatorsAny person or organization intending to propose a law or constitutional amendment by initiative or file a referendum petition is required to file an application and statement of organization with the SOS (A.R.S. § 19-111). All non-resident circulators and all paid circulators who receive monetary or other compensation based on the number of signatures obtained on a petition or the number of petitions circulated for a statewide ballot measure are required to register as circulators with the SOS before circulating any petitions. The SOS is required to disqualify all signatures collected by a circulator who fails to register (A.R.S. § 19-118). Additionally, each circulator of an initiative or referendum petition must state whether they are a paid or volunteer circulator by checking the appropriate line on the petition form before circulation (A.R.S. §§ 19-101 & 19-102). Every qualified elector that signs a petition must do so in the presence of the person who is circulating the petition. The person before whom the signatures are signed must submit an affidavit swearing before a notary public that each of the names on the sheet were signed by the electors (A.R.S. § 19-112). All petitions are required to be filed with the SOS, which must remove any sheets or signatures that do not comply with statutory requirements (A.R.S. §§ 19-121 & 19-121.01). Proposition 105 DisclosureA person that makes an expenditure for a political advertisement or fundraising solicitation must include a disclosure statement in the advertisement or solicitation. The disclosure statement must include the words "paid for by" followed by the name of the person making the expenditure and whether the expenditure was authorized by any candidate. The disclosure must also include the names of the three PACs making the largest aggregate contributions in excess of $20,000 during the election cycle (A.R.S. § 16-925). Publicity pamphlets are required to contain a copy of the title and text of any measure or proposed amendment to the Constitution, the form and official title in which the measure or proposed amendment will appear on the ballot, the arguments for and against the measure or amendment, a Legislative Council analysis of the ballot proposal and a summary of a fiscal impact statement prepared by JLBC (A.R.S. § 19-123). 2362835-32258000ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1245: state lands; perpetual rights-of-way.PRIME SPONSOR: Senator Griffin, LD 14BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWLARA: DPA/SE (7-0-0-1)right1546225Legend:ADOA – Arizona Department of AdministrationLGMC – Legislative Governmental Mall CommissionAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:ADOA – Arizona Department of AdministrationLGMC – Legislative Governmental Mall CommissionAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)Strike-Everything Amendment AbstractRelating to the placement of a memorial in Wesley Bolin.ProvisionsAuthorizes ADOA to provide for the placement of a memorial dedicated to Rick Lavis in Wesley Bolin Plaza.Prohibits the use of public monies for the memorial and specifies all fundraising and contracts for artistic design and construction are the sole responsibility of the proponents. Contains a delayed repeal date of October 1, 2020. Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteThe placement of a monument or memorial in recognition of or honoring a person, group, entity or event in the governmental mall requires authorization by the Legislature. The procedures to establish a monument or memorial are as follows: 1) the proponents must submit a concept for the design, dimensions and location to ADOA; 2) ADOA reviews the concept and determines the most appropriate location; 3) ADOA makes recommendations to the LGMC; and 4) the LGMC, in consultation with ADOA, approves the final design, dimensions, location, maintenance requirements and the minimum dollar amount required for deposit. An approved moment or memorial must be completed and dedicated within two years after legislative authorization (A.R.S. § 41-1363). center-46912400ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1114: outdoor advertisingPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Borrelli, LD 5BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWMVRA: DPA (8-1-0-0)32575501524000Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to electronic outdoor advertising.ProvisionsAllows for an electronic outdoor advertising area to be within a 60 40-mile radius of 2121 South Casino Drive Laughlin, Nevada, 89029 STATE ROUTE 95 AT MILE MARKER 250 IN BULLHEAD CITY, EXCEPT EXCLUDING STATE ROUTE 95 SOUTH OF INTERSTATE 40 AND ANY AREA EAST OF STATE ROUTE 93 FROM MILE MARKER 42 TO THE HOOVER DAM. (Sec. 1)Requires the dimmer for signs, displays and devices to not exceed 200 NITS in full white mode from sunset until 11 PM. (Sec. 1)Limits the number of electronic outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices to 35. (Sec. 1)Contains a legislative intent clause. (Sec. 2)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1)Current Lawcenter7982585? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteElectronic outdoor advertising is defined as signs, displays and devices with faces that are comprised of matrices of light or light-emitting devices that are static or capable of changing messages electronically by remote or automatic means. (A.R.S § 28-7901) Currently, electronic outdoor advertising is restricted within a 75-mile radius from the coordinates of the Discovery Channel Telescope, Mount Lemmon observatory and Kitt Peak observatory. The dimmer for electronic advertising signs, displays and devices must not exceed 342 NITS in full white mode for signs that are smaller than 672 square feet in area and 300 NITS in full white mode for signs that are equal to or larger than 672 square feet in area from sunset until 11:00 pm. (A.R.S. § 28-7902)center-44675700ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSB 1186: alarm industry; fingerprint requirementsPRIME SPONSOR: Senator Kavanagh, LD 23BILL STATUS: Caucus and COWMVRA: DP (9-0-0-0)left1515110Legend:Board – Board of FingerprintingDPS – Department of Public Safety FBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)00Legend:Board – Board of FingerprintingDPS – Department of Public Safety FBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationAmendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)AbstractRelating to fingerprint clearance cards for alarm agents. ProvisionsAllows an alarm agent to install alarms if each controlling person and alarm agent has submitted an application and proof of a valid fingerprint clearance card to the Board. (Sec. 2)Prohibits an alarm business from operating until the alarm business and each of its controlling persons submit applications and receive certification from the Board. (Sec. 3)Changes the number of years that all alarm business and controlling person certificates are valid to three years instead of two. (Sec. 3)Requires an alarm business and controlling person certificate application to include:If the controlling person will act as the alarm business's contact with the Board and be responsible for compliance; The name of the alarm business and email addresses of each business and each controlling person; Two current two-inch photographs of each controlling person; and Whether the person submitting the application or any controlling person has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. (Sec. 3)Requires an applicant for an initial certificate to include the names of controlling persons or alarm agents that have left the applicant's employment. (Sec. 3)Prohibits an alarm business to operate if a certificate expires. The alarm business or controlling person must file a renewal application to resume operations. (Sec. 3)Gives the Board discretion on whether to issue or deny an alarm agent certification card or renewal certification card within 10 business days after receiving an administratively complete application that includes an explanation of any criminal or disciplinary history. (Sec. 4)Specifies that an alarm agent certificate remains valid only if the person maintains a valid fingerprint clearance card. (Sec. 4)Prohibits a person from working as an alarm agent until the application is processed and approved, unless the alarm business has determined through a private background check that the applicant has been convicted of a crime that would prevent the applicant from receiving a fingerprint clearance card. (Sec. 4)Requires the alarm business to provide a copy of the background check to the Board upon request. (Sec. 4) 9144007878445? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal Note00? Prop 105 (45 votes) ? Prop 108 (40 votes) ? Emergency (40 votes)? Fiscal NoteProvides that a copy of the application showing that it has been filed with the Board and that a background check was conducted is valid as a 60-day temporary certification. (Sec. 4)Allows for the temporary certification to be extended for a period not exceeding 30 days if the applicant shows good cause to the Board. (Sec. 4)Requires the applicant to provide a copy of the fingerprint clearance card to the Board within 10 days of receiving the fingerprint clearance card. (Sec. 4)Mandates the Board to notify the alarm business if it is determined that a person is working as an alarm agent without valid certification or temporary certification and that person is subject to disciplinary action and penalties. (Sec. 4)Requires the alarm agent to notify the Board in writing within 15 days if an alarm agent's employment is terminated. (Sec. 4)Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 2,3,4,6,7)Current LawTo obtain an alarm business certificate, each controlling person of the alarm business must submit a completed fingerprint card and a fingerprint background check fee to the Board. On receipt of the application and each year after, the Board must submit the fingerprints of each controlling person to DPS for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check. DPS may exchange the fingerprint data with the FBI. Each controlling person of the alarm business must submit a fingerprint background check fee to the Board annually. The Board must keep and maintain the fingerprint card for as long as the person is the controlling person of the alarm business. (A.R.S. § 32-122.05)In order to obtain an alarm agent certificate, a person must submit an application and pay the fee determined by the Board. The person must submit a completed fingerprint card and a fingerprint background check fee to the Board. The Board must submit the alarm agent's fingerprints to DPS for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check and may exchange this fingerprint date with the FBI. (A.R.S. § 32-122.06)A person can submit a full set of fingerprints for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal background check. If there is a valid fingerprint clearance card or credible documentation that the person's application for a fingerprint clearance card is pending, the person is not required to submit another application for a fingerprint clearance card. The division may exchange this fingerprint data with the FBI. The person must submit a new set of fingerprints every six years. (A.R.S. § 41-1758.02) ................

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