GGR 376 - Northern Arizona University

PRM 376 - Regional Geography of Tourism and Recreation

Course Syllabus

General information

( College of Social and Behavioral Science

Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation

( PRM 376 ( Regional Geography of Tourism and Recreation

( Spring 2005

( 3 credit hours

( Instructor: Alan A. Lew

( Office: SW Forest Sciences Building, Room 120

( Office hours: TBA

Course prerequisites


Course description

Geographic perspectives on the global patterns of tourism and recreation.

This course presents the spatial characteristics of tourism and recreation. Location models, development morphology, and the impacts of tourism and recreation in shaping the geographic landscape are stressed. Students will be exposed to the significant contribution which geographers have made to the field of leisure studies in general, and tourism in particular. Topics include recreation and travel patterns, leisure site and situation characteristics, and tourism and recreation motivations as they relate to the geographic environment. The form and impact of tourism and recreation development both in the U.S. and in other societies will be discussed.

Course objectives

Students will be able to

(1) Understand and discuss the theoretical and social issues driving the rapid globalization tourism and leisure industries

(2) Recognize and critically explain the human, social and ethical implications of tourism development.

(3) Describe and support and exemplify with data the major components and trends in the tourism and leisure industries, and geographic approaches to their study and analysis.

(4) Be able to critically use the World Wide Web to obtain information and conduct geographic research on tourism and recreation.

Course structure/approach

This class will consist of weekly assignments based on text and online readings, and WWW-based exercises. Students will post opinion responses on the NAU Virtual Conference Center to share with other students in the class. More factual assignments will be sent directly to the instructor.

Textbook and required materials

Hudman, Lloyd E. and Jackson, Richard H. 2003. Geography of Travel and Tourism, 4th Ed., Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Course outline

Week 1 - Geography, Tourism and Recreation: Leisure Landscapes

Week 2 - Historical Development of Leisure and Tourism

Week 3 - Patterns and Processes of Tourism and Recreation: Introduction

Week 4 - Tourism and Recreation in Western Europe: Heritage and the Welfare State

Week 5 - Tourism and Recreation in Eastern Europe & Russia: Economic Transformations

Week 6 - Tourism and Recreation in North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia: Politics, Religion and Culture

Week 7 - Midterm Review Assignment

Week 8 - Tourism and Recreation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Traditional Societies and Sustainable Development

Week 9 - Tourism and Recreation in South Asia: Pilgrimage, Poverty and Mountain Trekking

Week 10 - Tourism and Recreation in Southeast Asia: Tropical Adventures and Ecotourism

Week 11 - Tourism and Recreation in East Asia: Globalization and Americanization

Week 12 - Tourism and Recreation in Oceania and Island Countries: Isolation and Remoteness

Week 13 - Tourism and Recreation in Central & South America: Caribbean Sun and Indigenous Tourism

Week 14 - Tourism and Recreation in North America: The Geography of Consumption

Week 15 - The Future of Global Tourism: Final Exam Assignment


Three instruments will be used to assess student achievement of the learning objectives listed above:

(1) Two Major Papers

There will be two major papers, one due at midterm and one at the end of the class. Each consists of a carefully worded written assignments designed to critically review the material covered in the week prior to each. I typically try to personalize these review assignments, so that students are required to apply what they have learned to themselves, or a situation that they are individually and personally very familiar with.

(2) Weekly Assignments

Students need to demonstrate, on a weekly basis, their familiarity with the material and the development of their essential skills. Assignments will vary from week to week to ensure that course objectives and essential skills are all covered. Most of these will involve a multiple choice quiz that will be taken through WebCT. Some of these will involve analysis of data or searching for specific information on the Internet. Other assignments will require critical reading and writing based on the text, online readings, or the writings of fellow students. Additional assignments will be more exploratory and self-reflective.

Grading System

2 Major Papers - 50 points each 100

13 Weekly Assignments - 25 points each 325

TOTAL 425 points

A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 65-79% D = 50-64% F = below 50%


WARNING : Keep all of the work that you receive points for in this class (and all of your classes)! If there is ever a discrepancy between what I have recorded and what you think you received, I will only change my record if you have your original work.

PLAGIARISM and CHEATING : You are expected to do all of the work yourself, and to properly reference any material that you use from other sources. DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT(S WORK. DO NOT COPY SOMETHING FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE WITHOUT A COMPLETE REFERENCE TO ITS ORIGINAL AUTHOR (Author, Title, Year, Publisher, Page numbers, and Access date and URL for Web material). If you do either of these, you will receive zero (0) points for the assignment, and you will probably receive a grade of ' F ' for the class.

The following WWW site on doing research and avoiding electronic plagiarism is recommended reading for anyone doing research on the WWW: < >

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2. Feel the top of the door, if it is hot, or smoke is visible, do not open.

3. Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.


5. DO NOT BREAK WINDOWS. Oxygen feeds fires.

6. Stay low if moving through smoke.


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1. If safe, secure vital records and shut down electrical equipment.

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4. Assist disabled students, employees or visitors.

5. Proceed quietly and orderly.


7. DO NOT OPEN DOOR if hot or if smoke is present.

8. Once outside, assemble at a designated area away from any entrances or exits.


It is very likely that evacuations will involve disabled individuals. The following will be helpful in safe evacuation and communication during an emergency.

Above all else, involve the individual. They are the experts on their own disabilities, and how best to move them out of a building in an emergency. Make sure he/she understands what is happening, and what procedure must be followed. Many disabled people are vulnerable to respiratory complications - remove them from smoke or fumes immediately.


Reading List of Tourism and Recreation Research by Geographers


Bristow, R. and Carmichael, B. (1999, in press) 'The State of Teaching Recreation and Tourism Geography in North America', Proceedings of the New England St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society Annual Meeting, Vol. XXVIII. R. Donnell, editor. Framingham State College.

Mitchell, L. S. and Smith, R. V. (1989) 'The Geography of Recreation, Tourism, and Sport', in G.L. Gaile and C.J. Willmott (eds.), Geography in America. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Co., 387-408.


Albers, B. (1991). 'Planning in Paradise, Developing an Environmentally Sound Resort in the Caribbean'. Geo Infosystems, 1/10: 26-38.

Allen, R. F. (1988). 'Image and Reality: The Critical Use of Tourist Brochures in World Geography Classes'. Journal of Geography, 88/1: 6-10.

Allender, J. D. (1995). 'The Impact of Expatriates on the Development of Resorts in Western Cayo District, Belize'. Yearbook, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 21: 67-75.

Andrews, A. (1990). 'Regional Aspects of Tourism in Virginia'. The Virginia Geographer, 22/2: 20-30.

Beck, P. J. (1990). 'Regulating One of the Last Tourist Frontiers: Antarctica'. Applied Geography, 10/4: 343-356.

Berman, M. (1989). 'Revere Beach: A Peculiarly American Seaside Resort'. Focus, 39/3: 4-8.

Boniface, B. (1990). The Geography of Travel and Tourism. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Boyd, S. W. and Butler, R. W. (1996). 'Managing Ecotourism: an Opportunity Spectrum Approach'. Tourism Management, 17/8: 557-566.

Briguglio, L., Archer, B., Jafari, J., and Wall, G., eds. (1996). Sustainable Tourism in Islands and Small States: Issues and Policies. London: Cassell.

Britton, S. (1991). 'Tourism, Capital, and Place: Towards a Critical Geography of Tourism'. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9:451-478.

Browne, R. and Nolan, M. L. (1989). 'Western Indian Reservation Tourism Development'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 16/3: 360-376.

Butler, R. W. (1990). 'Alternative Tourism: Pious Hope or Trojan Horse?' Journal of Travel Research, 23/3: 91-96.

------- (1991a). 'Tourism, Environment, and Sustainable Development'. Environmental Conservation, 18/3: 201-208.

------- (1991b). 'West Edmonton Mall as a Tourist Attraction'. Canadian Geographer, 35/3: 287-294.

------- and Hinch, T., eds. (1996). Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. London: International Thomson Business Press.

Carmichael, B., Peppard, D. M., , Jr., and Boudreau, F. (1995). 'Megaresort on my Doorstep: Local Resident Attitudes toward Foxwood Casino and Casino Gambling on Nearby Indian Reservation Land'. Journal of Travel Research, 34/3: 9-16.

Carney, G. O. (1994). 'Branson: The New Mecca of Country Music'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 14/2: 17-32.

Cater, E. and Lowman, G., eds. (1994). Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option?. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Chang, T. C. (1997). 'Heritage as a Tourism Commodity: Traversing the Tourist-Local Divide'. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 18/1: 46-68.

------- (1999). 'Local Uniqueness in the Global Village: Heritage Tourism in Singapore'. The Professional Geographer, 51/1: 91-103.

------- Milne, S., Fallon, D. and Pohlmann, C. (1996). 'Urban Heritage Tourism'. Annals of Tourism Research, 23: 284-305.

Chubb, M. (1989). 'Tourism Patterns and Determinants in the Great Lakes Region: Populations, Resources, Roads and Perceptions'. Geojournal, 19/3: 297-302.

Conlin M. and Baum, T., eds. (1995). Island Tourism: Management Principles and Practice. Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Connell, J. (1994). 'Anguilla: The Tourist Trajectory in a Microstate'. Caribbean Geography, 492: 131-138.

Crang, M. (1997). 'Picturing Practices: Research Through the Tourist Gaze'. Progress in Human Geography, 21/3: 359-373.

Cukier-Snow, J. and Wall, G. (1993). 'Tourism Employment: Perspectives from Bali'. Tourism Management, 14/3: 195-201.

Curtis, J.R. and Arreola, D.D. (1991). 'Zonas de Tolerancia on the Mexican Border'. The Geographical Review, 81/3: 333-346.

Cybriwski, R. and Shimizo A. (1993). 'Ashio: Rocks, Rust and Tourism on Japan's Copper Mountain'. Focus, 43/1: 22-28.

D'Hauteserre, A. M. (1998). 'Foxwoods Casino Resort: An Unusual Experiment in Economic Development'. Economic Geography (Special Issue).

------------ (1999). 'The French Mode of Social Regulation and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Disneyland Paris'. Tourism Geographies, 1/1: 86-107.

Dahms, F. (1991). 'St. Jacobs: Ontario: from Declining Village to Thriving Tourist Community'. Ontario Geography, 36: 1-13.

Dearden, P. (1991). 'Tourism and Sustainable Development in Northern Thailand'. Geographical Review, 81/4: 400-413.

Dearden, P. and Haron, S. (1994). 'Alternative Tourism and Adaptive Change'. Annals of Tourism Research, 21: 81-102.

Debbage K. G. (1990). 'Oligopoly and the Resort Cycle in the Bahamas'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 17: 513-527.

------- (1991). 'Spatial Behavior in a Bahamian Resort'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 18: 251-268.

DeBres, K. (1991). 'Seaside Resorts, Working, Museums, and Factory Shops: Three Vignettes as British Tourism Enters the Nineties'. Focus, 41/2: 10-16.

Draper, D. and Kariel, H. G. (1990). 'Metatourism: Dealing Critically with the Future of Tourism Environments'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 11/1: 139-155.

Fabbri, P., ed. (1990). Recreational Uses of Coastal Areas. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Farrell, B.H. (1999). 'Conventional or Sustainable Tourism? No Room for Choice'. Tourism Management 20/2: 189-191.

------------ and Runyan, D. (1991). 'Ecology and Tourism'. Annals of Tourism Research, 18: 26-40.

Fesenmaier, D. R. (1988). 'Integrating Activity Patterns into Destination Choice Models'. Journal of Leisure Research, 20/3: 175-191.

----------------- (1994). 'Traveler Use of Visitor Information Centers: Implications for Development in Illinois'. Journal of Travel Research, 33/1: 44-50.

----------------- and Johnson, B. (1989). 'Involvement-Based Segmentation'. Tourism Management, 10/4: 293-300.

----------------- and Vogt, C. A. (1993). 'Evaluating the Economic Impact of Travel Information Provided at Indiana Welcome Centers'. Journal of Travel Research, 31/3: 33-39.

-----------------, Jones, L., Um, S., and Ozuna, T., Jr. (1989). 'Assessing the Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Travel to the Texas Gulf Coast'. Journal of Travel Research, 28/1: 18-23.

-----------------, Vogt, C. A., and Stewart, W. P. (1993). 'Investigating the Influence of Welcome Center Information on Travel Behavior'. Journal of Travel Research, 31/3: 47-52.

Foster, D. M. and Murphy, P. (1991). 'Resort Cycle Revisited: The Retirement Connection'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 18: 553-567.

Foust, B. and Botts, H. (1991). 'Tourism Gets a Boost from Wisconsin's Recreational Resource GIS'. Geo Infosystems, 1/8: 43-45.

Gerlach, J. (1989). 'Spring Break at Padre Island: A New Kind of Tourism'. Focus, 39/1: 13-16.

------- (1991). 'Tourism and Its Impact in Costa del Sol, Spain'. Focus, 41/3: 7-11.

------- (1994). 'The Economic Geography of Regional Festivals: Beer Drinking and Small Town Mississippi River Festivals'. Focus, 44/2: 30-33.

Getz, D. (1991). Festivals, Special Events, and Tourism. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

------- (1992). 'Tourism Planning and Destination Life Cycle'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 19: 752-700.

------- (1993). 'Planning for Tourism Business Districts'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 20: 583-600.

------- (1997). Event Management and Event Tourism. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communication Corporation.

------- , Anderson, D., and Sheehan, L. (1998). 'Roles, Issues and Strategies for Convention and Visitors Bureaux in Destination Planning and Product Development: A Survey of Canadian Bureaux'. Tourism Management, 19/4: 331-340.

Gill, A. and Williams, P. (1994). 'Managing Growth in Mountain Communities'. Tourism Management 15/3: 212-220.

Goss, J. (1993). 'Placing the Market and Marketing the Place: Tourist Advertising of the Hawaiian Islands, 1972-1992'. Environment and Planning D, Society and Space 11: 663-688.

--------- (1999). '"From Here to Eternity": Voyages of Re(dis)covery in Tourist Landscapes of Hawai'i', in D. W. Woodcock (ed.), Hawai'i: New Geographies. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Department of Geography, 153-177.

Graff, T. O. and Wiseman, R. F. (1990). 'Changing Pattern of Retirement Counties Since 1965'. Geographical Review, 80/3: 239-251.

Gribb, W. J. (1990). 'Tourism as a Form of Regional Economic Development'. Papers and Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences, 13: 96-104.

Haider, W. and Ewing, G. O. (1990). 'A Model of Tourist Choices of Hypothetical Caribbean Destinations'. Leisure Sciences, 12/1: 1-8.

Hall, C. M. and Page, S. J. (1999). 'The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place and Space'. New York: Routledge.

Hall, C. M. and Shultis, J. (1991). 'Railways, Tourism and Worthless Lands: The Establishment of National Parks in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States'. Australian-Canadian Studies - A Journal for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, 8/2: 57-74.

Hall, C. M. and Lew, A.A., eds. (1998). Sustainable Tourism: A Geographical Perspective. London: Addison Wesley Longman.

Hamilton-Jones, D. R. W. (1991). 'Future Trends in North-South Tourism from New England'. St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society Proceedings, 21:


Hamley, W. (1991). 'Tourism in the Northwest Territories'. Geographical Review, 81/4: 389-399.

Harnapp, V. and Harnapp, L. (1998). 'Laos: Now Open for Tourist Business'. Focus 45/2:6-12.

Harrison L. C. and Husbands, W. eds. (1996). Practicing Responsible Tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development. New York: Wiley.

Hartmann, R. (1988). 'Combining Field Methods in Tourism Research'. Annals of Tourism Research, 15: 88-105.

------- (1992). Ski Resort Development in Colorado: Mining the "White Gold", in A. David Hill, (ed.), Interdependence in Geographic Education. Boulder: University of Colorado Center for Geographic Education, 53-61.

Hinch, T. (1998). 'Ecotourist and Indigenous Hosts: Diverging Views on their Relationship'. Current Issues in Tourism, 1/1:120-124.

Hobbs, J. J. (1992). 'Sacred Space and Touristic Development at Jebel Musa (Mt. Sinai), Egypt'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 12/2: 99-114.

Hoffman, P. R. (1992). 'Tourism and Language in Mexico's Los Cabos'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 12/2: 77-92.

Hornsby, S. J. (1993). 'The Gilded Age and the Making of Bar Harbor'. Geographical Review, 83/4: 455-468.

Hovinen, G. (1995). 'Heritage Issues in Urban Tourism: An Assessment of New Trends in Lancaster County'. Tourism Management 16/5: 381-388.

Hudman, L. E. (1989). 'Changing Travel Patterns of Residents of the USA Traveling Overseas'. Tourism Management, 10/3: 261-265.

------------- and Davis, J. E. (1994). 'Changes and Patterns of Origin Regions of International Tourism'. Geojournal, 34/4: 481-490.

------------- and Jackson, R. H. (1992). 'Mormon Pilgrimage and Tourism'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 19/1: 107-121.

------------- and Jackson, R. H. (1998). The Geography of Travel and Tourism. Albany: Delmar Publishers.

Hudson, B. (1996). 'Paradise Lost: A Planner's View of Jamaican Tourist Development'. Caribbean Quarterly, 42/4: 22-31.

Husbands, W. (1989). Social Status and Perception of Tourism in Zambia. Annals of Tourism of Research, 16/2: 237-253.

--------- and Thompson, S. (1990). 'The Host Society and the Consequences of Tourism in Livingstone, Zambia'. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 14/3: 490-513.

Hussey, A. (1989). 'Tourism in a Balinese Village'. Geographical Review, 79/3: 311-325.

Hvenegaard, G. T. and Dearden, P. (1998). 'Ecotourism Versus Tourism in a Thai National Park'. Annals of Tourism Research, 25: 700-720.

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Jackson, R. (1996). 'Tourism in Transition in Post-Soviet Estonia'. Annals of Tourism Research, 23: 617-634.

Janiskee, R. L. (1990a). 'History-Themed Festivals: A Special Events Approach to Rural Recreation and Tourism'. Papers and Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences, 13: 111-117.

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Jeffrey, D. and Hubbard, N. J. (1988). 'Foreign Tourism, the Hotel Industry, and Regional Economic Performance'. Regional Studies, 14/4: 329-340.

Jett, S. C. (1990). 'Culture and Tourism in the Navajo Country'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 11/1: 85-107.

Johnson, K. A. (1990). 'Origins of Tourism in the Catskill Mountains'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 11/1: 5-16.

Johnson, N.C. (1996). 'Where Geography and History Meet: Heritage Tourism and the Big House in Ireland'. Annals, Association of American Geographers, 86/3: 551-566.

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Law, C. M. (1992). 'Urban Tourism and its Contribution to Economic Regeneration'. Urban Studies, 29: 599-618.

Lee, C. C. Crompton, J. L. and Fesenmaier, D. R. (1993). Conceptualization of Multi-Destination Pleasure Trips. Annals of Tourism of Research, 20: 289-301.

Lenz, R. (1993). 'On Resurrecting Tourism in Vietnam'. Focus, 43/3: 1-6.

Lew, A. A. (1987). 'English Speaking Tourists and the Attractions of Singapore'. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 8/1: 44-59.

-------- (1988a). 'Authenticity and Sense of Place in the Tourism Development Experience of Older Retail Districts'. Journal of Travel Research 27/4: 15-22.

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Lollar, S. A. and Van Doren, C. (1991). 'U.S. Tourist Destinations: A History of Desirability'. Annals of Tourism of Research, 18: 622-638.

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