John Cauvin Discovering Gastronomy Travel Fund

John Cauvin Discovering Gastronomy Travel FundThe John Cauvin Discovering Gastronomy Travel Fund was established by John R. Cauvin, an Executive in Residence at the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management at Northern Arizona University. Mr. Cauvin holds an MS in business from Cornell University Graduate School, a BS from Cornell School of Hotel Administration, and a degree from L’école H?telière de Lausanne, Switzerland. Funds will be provided to reimburse students for travel-related expenses. Please complete the following application and send it to John Cauvin Discovering Gastronomy Travel FundTravel Reimbursement Application – DUE APRIL 4th, 2019Applicant Name:Current GPAFirstLastNAU ID: NAU E-mail Address:Term RequestedStudy Abroad Information:Discovering GastronomyLocation/Study Abroad OpportunityIn no more than one page, please explain why this study abroad opportunity is important to your education and to your future career, and why you require assisting with funding. Please attach this to your application when submitting.Total Cost of Study Abroad Trip $ Have you studied abroad previously? First Generation Student? If so, where and when?How was this experience financed? Have you applied for funding through the Center for International Education? If so, have you received notification of funding? If so, how much? Explain how your education is currently being financed.Are you currently employed? If yes, where? Average number of hours worked per week. -131445384810Travel Reimbursement Recommended:Amount approvedHRM RepresentativeDateHRM RepresentativeDate00Travel Reimbursement Recommended:Amount approvedHRM RepresentativeDateHRM RepresentativeDate ................

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