Department of Early Childhood and Special Education

Department of Early Childhood and Special Education

P-4 Program Lesson Plan Format and Reflection

Name: ___________________________ Course: _________________________________

Assignment: __________________ Grade Level __________ Date: ___________

Set/Introduction: Did you state objective, focus learning, activate background experiences, and motivate students? What is the relationship to past and future learning and how does this lesson fit within the discipline?

Learning Objectives: Why have you chosen these objectives? Do objectives take into account diverse and individualized learning needs?

Academic Objectives:

Social/Emotional/Behavior Objectives:

Arkansas State Frameworks Addressed: Include codes and expectations.


Materials required: Why these materials? Do you plan to utilize them in a meaningful way to reinforce skills & concepts?

Grouping for instruction: Why this grouping? Is there a variety of grouping for instruction?

Teaching methods/Strategies: Why these methods? How are you extending students’ thinking? In what ways are you incorporating technology into this lesson?

Activities planned: Why these activities? How do they connect with the learning objective/outcome?

Special considerations/accommodations: What modifications and/or accommodations are needed to ensure successful learning? How will these affect the lesson or student(s)?


Approach to evaluation: How will you use the results of this lesson and evaluation to plan for future learning? How is your evaluation tied to your lesson objective?

Closure: Did you review material and restate objective?

Reflection after Teaching:

1. Did you depart from anything you planned today? If so, why?

2. What impact did this lesson have on student learning?

3. If you were going to teach this class again to the same group of students, what would you do differently? Why? The same? Why?

4. Based on the lesson’s learning objective in today’s lesson, what would be your next lesson if you were to continue this subject/topic?

5. Identify an individual or group of students who had difficulty in today's lesson. How do you account for this performance? How will/would you help this (these) student(s) achieve the learning objectives/goals?

6. Identify an individual or group of students who did especially well with this lesson today. How do you account for this performance?

7. Please add any other comments, reactions, or questions about this lesson. For example, is there anything that you felt particularly good, frustrated, or confused about?


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