MacKay Clan Grand Council

MacKay Clan Courier

EDITION # 76 JUNE 2015

47th Annual Clan Reunion


MacKay Clan Grand Council

Kenneth MacKay, Chieftain

Bob Sutton

Gary Martineck

Milford Dunn

John MacKay

Roy McCready

Donald Martineck

Tom MacKay

Edward MacKay

Jim Sarra

Advisory Board

Ginny Clark

Marilyn Cash

Jerry MacKay

Mark McCready

Greg Sutton

Robert MacKay

Debbie Ritz

Historian: Dawn Sutton

The MacKay Clan Courier has been published since 1968 and will continue only with your support. It is each family’s responsibility to submit articles. Without these articles, there would be no Clan Courier. Please do your part to keep this tradition alive!


This past year the Clan saw the passing of Wendell McCready on December 17, 2014. Wendell will always be remembered for his love of life and a good time. Whenever he was around there was laughter in abundance. We lovingly remember him and dedicate this issue of the Clan Courier in his honor. May he rest in peace!

Chieftain’s Message

Dear MacKay Clan-

I am again writing this from Dublin, Ireland. We have just completed the second week of the nine week Study Abroad Program that I run every other year for students in the University at Buffalo’s School of Architecture. It has been ten years since I first started the Ireland Study Abroad Program.

Little seems to have changed in Dublin in the last ten years. It is the same vibrant city that can put a smile on your face with each morning walk. On the other hand, apparently I have changed quite a bit over these same ten years. When I went to have my passport renewed this past Spring I filled out the form and handed it to the women who was about to take my Passport photo. She immediately handed the form back to me and told me that I would have to change the line listing my hair color from brown to gray.

By the time I see many of you at the Clan Reunion in early August the students and I will have been to Waterford, Cork, Bothar Bui, Limerick, Galway, Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Monica will be joining us when we are in Scotland. Ironically, we will be ending the trip in Edinburgh on the same weekend as the Open Championship will be played a short distance away at St. Andrews. If you are watching the Open on television on the first day and they show the crowd, look closely, you may see a familiar looking gray-haired couple.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Family Reunion.

Chieftain Ken MacKay

New Members to the Clan

Derrick Packer, by marriage to Jenise Pencek o 5/31/14.

Connor Luis MacKay, born 7/2/14, son of Christopher and Elizabeth MacKay.

Victoria Noelle Dusher, born 7/23/14, daughter of Christine and Jeremy Dusher.

Miyah Parker, born 4/29/15, daughter of Nicole Crocker.

Geoanne Sarra, by marriage to Michael Sarra on 5/9/15.




This year’s reunion will be held again at Sweeney Hose Fire Hall, 499 Zimmerman St (corner Erie Ave), North Tonawanda, NY 14120 on Saturday, August 1st. Please see the MacKay Reunion link for the details. We will once again celebrate our family by being together, meeting new members, and enjoying each other’s company.

The MacKay Golf Tournament will be held for the 4rd time at Shawnee Golf Course, 6020 Townline Rd, Wheatfield, NY 14132. We will have to make tee times for our group, so it will be necessary for those wanting to play to let us know – via email or phone – no later than 7/17/15, so the correct # of tee times can be made. We will be starting a bit later than in the past – at 8:30 rather than the usual 7:30. Since the course is somewhat close to the new location for the reunion, golfers will be able to go directly to the reunion site from the course.

We are also asking for you to contact us – phone 716 691-4800 or email (ssarra1044@) - to let us know how many in your family will be attending the reunion to help us prepare for and have sufficient food and drink.

NOTE: For anyone planning on going to Canada while in town – you will need a passport or an enhanced driver’s license to reenter the U.S.

Special note regarding this year’s reunion:

From Judy Martineck – 

Remembering our Greatest Generation

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Europe and the Victory over Japan, effectively ending World War II. Many in our family fought in that war. This year we would like to recognize and honor those in our family that served. We plan to set up a special area to display photos and memorabilia. Anything you might have – pictures, a ration book, a story to share – from our greatest generation would be greatly appreciated. If you will not be attending this year’s reunion but would like to have the Clan recognize someone, please send that information to Judy Martineck, 1488 Red Jacket Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072

These are memories we don’t want to see fade.

Also, from John MacKay -

Over forty-five years ago, Aunt Dorothy came up with a wonderful idea of formally establishing The MacKay Clan partly to honor Robert and Jane MacKay and also to provide an opportunity to unite family in the future. At that time, my father Gerald was the only one of their children who was deceased.

At the 25TH Reunion, there was a beautiful tribute to the brothers, sisters and their spouses who had died in the interval. We could have another such tribute at the 50th reunion in 2018.

Two years ago I suggested that anyone who wants to visit the gravesite of Jane and Robert at Elmlawn Cemetery in Buffalo meet on Sunday morning of the Reunion Weekend around 10am to pay respects. I would like to make this an annual event and again bring a dozen roses, one for each child and two for Robert and Jane. If you can’t make it that day, the cemetery is open 8am to 8pm every day. The grave is located to the left of the fountain off of Delaware Ave. It is about 12 gravesites forward from the fountain. Several family members also are buried near Jane and Robert.

If you have any suggestions or questions about this idea, please email or call me.

John MacKay 516 404 6064 or mackayjohnra@

Clan Finances

The Clan’s finances have remained steady this past year. However, we continue to be in need of, and will be collecting donations, contributions, or “dues” at this year’s Reunion. Contributions can also be mailed to Michael Martineck. These funds help pay for Clan expenses, mainly the mailing of the Courier, maintenance of the Clan web site, and expenses related to the Reunion. They have allowed us to keep the food and beverage charges at the Reunion affordable for all our families. With the cost of so many things rising quickly, all of the Clan expenses are rising as well. Please help!

A suggestion from Nina Martineck (Clan Treasurer in training) has suggested that as a means to raise funds, we raffle off baskets donated by our members. So anyone who would like to donate a basket this year, please bring it to the reunion and we will raffle off however many baskets we get. They can be whatever theme you want, lottery tickets, children’s items, craft beers – use your imagination! This will help defray costs of the reunion and keep our prices family friendly.

Clan MacKay on Facebook

The MacKay Clan continues to be on Facebook! We have 63 members. Join our group to share and receive information about our family all year long. All members of the group can share Clan photos, post exciting news, and receive reminders about upcoming events. As a reminder, posts to your own Facebook page are not carried over to the MacKay page, so you need to post them separately.

To join the group you must first be a member of Facebook, then search for our group under the name “Clan MacKay of Buffalo, NY” and click to join! If you are already a member, you can add your friends by clicking “Add Friends to Group” and typing in your friends’ names. Only members of our group can read or see items posted to the site.

MacKay Clan Web site

We continue to maintain the web site. Ideas for improving it are welcome, please contact Mike Sarra with your suggestions. The site includes Clan Courier issues – current and former, the Clan Directory, info about the Reunion, and results from all the events at last year’s Reunion.

The section on Clan History needs enhancement, and any suggestions, ideas, expertise you have to offer are needed. The link for lost family members continues to grow; please give us updates on your families. There are a number of members whose email addresses are no longer valid – please remember to send us a notice when you change your email address! Every year we lose touch with some members who fail to give us their updated information.

Roger MacKay Family News

Greetings to the Clan:

          In spite of weathering the coldest WNY winter in decades, we are all doing well.  Survival consisted of spending some time in Florida with my friends in March and Debbie made a trip south in April.  Michael has finished his second year at State University in Fredonia and did so well that Debbie and he celebrated in NYC last week.  They enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city which, of course, included a Yankee game.

          I was the lucky winner of the 2014 MacKay Clan Basket Raffle.  This great prize included Scottish beverages, i.e. beer and Monkey Shoulders Scotch, shortbread cookies, mints, jam, tea and a can of the dreaded Scottish Haggis.  Never having the privilege of eating Haggis before, I hosted a dinner for Debbie, Marty and Mike and the rule was “try it, you might like it!”  Two did and two did not.  Luckily, there was the back-up pot roast dinner.  We shared the goodies in the basket, lifted glasses of scotch in a toast to the memory of Roger and finished it all with a dessert of Spotted Dick purchased at the Scottish Loft at Niagara-On-The-Lake.  So…thank you, Clan, for inspiring our wonderful Scottish dinner!

          Looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion, Phyllis

Bob Sutton Family News

Hello from sunny Florida! We have had another busy year with more to come.

Last summer I had cataract surgery and now do not have to wear contact lenses for the first time in half a century! I am delighted! It’s a whole new world!

Last September we spent almost 3 weeks in Arizona visiting Scottsdale, Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Sedona is beautiful, but I could not live out there. The Grand Canyon is spectacular! Wow! We ended our trip with 4 days in Las Vegas where we didn’t win big but saw some great shows.

In October before the snows we visited the Russells in Novi, Michigan. Zach and Shane have adjusted to their move very well and are playing all sorts of sports. Hopefully, Kelly will write more details about their adventures.

Our fall and winter in Sarasota was filled with lots of activities mainly connected to the country club we belong to. Once again we had season ticket to the Orioles’ spring training which is so enjoyable because we sit up close and personal with the players.

Bob was Jim Sarra’s guest at Jim’s country club for the member/guest and THEY WON! They have been playing in various member/guest tournaments for many years, and they were finally successful! We celebrated heartily!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.

Bob and Dawn Sutton

Gary Martineck Family News


 Greetings from Bonnie and Gary in Arkansas where summer is trying to break through. We have had so much rain that I think the drought is over. Fortunately we’ve not had as much rain as Texas just to the south of us, so I shouldn’t complain.

This has been another crazy year of travel for us and it’s just the beginning. Last August we went to Scotland and had a wonderful time, both on our own and also with a tour. In October we went to Big Bend in TX and Carlsbad Caverns in NM. What a beautifully rugged area. We ended up in AZ from where I flew home and Gary joined his Niagara classmates for a week of golf. In November we celebrated Thanksgiving in WI with my family. Between Christmas and New Year’s we drove to Knoxville to see Scott and Dani who were visiting her family. I hadn’t seen them since before they were married the previous Feb.

Jan brought us to FL for a grand tour down one coast and up the other visiting friends and family. We were in Hot Springs in Jan and Apr for the opening and closing days of the racing season. Not a very successful year for betting but we always have a good time with our friends the Clymers.

In Apr we were in Branson volunteering for the Legends of Golf tournament at Top of The Rock. Nicklaus, Player, Trevino, and Rodriguez, Watson, Thorpe, Kyte were there along with many others. The weather was chilly, but it was fun to see the old timers. In the last week Top of the Rock is no longer on top due to a huge sink hole that swallowed up a portion of the driving range. TOR is owned by the Bass Pro Shop guy and this is an awesome place to visit if you ever get the chance.

As I write this we are starting a 2 week visit in WI. Clymers are coming for couple days this weekend. Then my entire family will be at Dad’s for at least part of next week, coming from CA, ND, NY and MN. We haven’t all been together for several years.

The end of June we will be volunteering at the LPGA tournament in Rogers. This will be the ninth year. It’s always fun and amazing to see those girls whack the ball a mile.

In July we’ll pick up Abby at a halfway point and she will spend a couple of weeks with us. Then we will drive her back to ND and spend a couple of days on the Little Farm. You’ll have to ask Carl about his cattery.

We had finally decided to do some remodeling to the kitchen and living room, but thanks to a leaking water heater we will be doing the basement instead. Thankfully some of that cost will be picked up by the insurance company. We have NEVER lived in a house that didn’t have some kind of water issue. We had already had the water line replaced from the street to the house thanks to two different leaks last fall and last month. My plumber is probably sorry he gave me his cell number. And now I have his partner’s cell, too. I couldn’t ask for two better guys.

And that takes us to August and the Clan gathering. We are looking forward to it as always. See you soon.

Mike Sarra Family News

At long last, I have my own entry in the courier!  It has been a whirlwind of life for us this year.  First, in February I proposed to Geo at the summit of Stone Mountain, NC.  Thankfully, she said yes.  Our wedding quickly followed.  On May 9th, we had a beautiful private ceremony at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica.  In total, we spent 9 days in Jamaica on our "weddingmoon".  In the midst of all that, we decided to buy and sell a home.  We moved about 45 minutes east of our old home, still on the outskirts of the city of Charlotte.  If that wasn't enough happy/stress inducing events, Geo started her own business at the beginning of the year, Better Brain Consulting. She is a consultant that helps business with data presentation, among many other things.  If you have ever given a PowerPoint presentation, you're doing it wrong and Geo can help you.  We look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

Jim Sarra Family News

This has been a very active and exciting year for the Sarra’s! Last July our granddaughter Victoria was born, and she is just precious. We promise she will melt your heart at the reunion!

Jim and I travelled to Italy at the end of August for 2 weeks, it was a marvelous trip, so many beautiful sites and memories. Difficult to say what we liked best, but ending the trip in Venice left us just wanting more of it all.

Spending the rest of the fall in Florida was great, as usual, much golf and relaxation. Then returning to Buffalo for the holidays with the grandkids make that time extra special.

After returning to Florida in January we decided to sell our condo and buy a bigger home. So the relaxation ceased – it was a busy winter as the new home needs some updating. We spent much time removing wallpaper (I said wallpaper should be outlawed!) and then painting. Still more work is needed, but we are very happy with the new place, about twice the space as the condo! Plenty of room for guests.

And despite doing all this work in the new house Jim and cousin Bob managed to win the Invitational Tournament at our golf club – quite a feat with 72 teams in the event! I’d like to think that all of the work help build muscle and stamina that led to the victory!

Add to all this the wedding of Michael and Geo this past May and it has been an exciting year! Since the happy couple did their wedding in Jamaica on their own, we are having an informal celebration on Friday, July 31st. Please see details elsewhere in the Courier, hope you can attend!

Dusher Family News

The Dushers have been quite busy this past year. It might not seem like we accomplished all that much on the surface, but with two kids under two… zzzzzz… sorry, nodded off for a second. Anyway, Christine is still doing great at the JCC as Kids Place director and she is looking forward to another great summer with Camp Centerland. Jeremy is still with Nike as an Assistant Head Coach (that’s an assistant manager to all you lay people), and the store is busier than ever after the Fashion Outlets completed their expansion last fall.

We celebrated our 5th year of marital bliss by taking a family vacation down to Charlotte to visit Uncle Mike, Aunt Geo, and Grandma and Grandpa in February. Unfortunately, we brought Buffalo’s winter weather with us! Our drive was slowed down by an entire day thanks to blizzard-like conditions as we drove through West Virginia, then all of Charlotte was shut down by falling snow on the last day of our trip. We still had a great time in spite of not escaping the snow.

In Gavin related news, he was the costume contest winner for his age group last Halloween as the Tin Man as part of our Wizard of Oz themed costumes. On Mother’s Day he had the misfortune of getting knocked over and breaking his wrist. He was in a cast for 3 weeks but that sure didn’t slow him down. He is a wonderful big brother who loves playing games with Tori (as long as she doesn’t touch his toys).

Victoria has hit so many milestones this year. She has 6 teeth and counting, has graduated from crawling to cruising, and loves a good grilled cheese sandwich. Tori’s a true music lover, and her dance moves are famous at daycare. Big brother Gavin is her idol and she tries so hard to keep up with him, and loves being part of the action.

McCarthy Family News

We continue to check things off our bucket list:

Last fall we cruised to the South Pacific, round trip from LA. We met friend in Hawaii and loved Samoa. Our ship had a few problems. We were delayed in Tahiti because the ship bringing our supply of fresh fruit and vegetables was a day late coming from New Zealand. The following day a medical emergency with a crewmember forced us to divert to the nearest island that had an airport for MED EVAC pick up. That put our arrival in LA a day late. That meant that 3000 passenger had to change their travel plans. Fortunately our

travel agent was on the ball and took care of everything.

Ginny Clark came to visit and get out of the Buffalo cold thru February and March. All the kids love to see her and enjoy the sponge candy that came in her suitcase.

We check off another list item in April, with a trip to Peru to visit the ruins at Machu Picchu. We handled the 11,000 ft. elevation at the hotel in Cusco, pretty well, though I did need O2 twice.

Back home, this May, the 3 girl grand children had milestones. Evelyn (Francis) finished Kindergarten, Mallory (Dan Jr.’s daughter) moves to middle school this fall and Tim’s daughter Monica finished her first year at Eastern Florida State.

Bucket list item #3, is a train trip across Canada in late July. As our tour ends in Toronto on the 31st, we plan to be in Buffalo for the family picnic. Looking forward to seeing every one.

Krzos-Watts Family News

The Watts/Krzos family continues to exist here in Northern Virginia. By the time you read this, Owen, Colben, and Logan will have finished first grade. They are in the German language immersion program at their school, which means they spend half their day learning math and science with a German-speaking teacher. They wanted to be in the program so they could learn a language that Jon and I don’t know, and they could have “secret triplet conversations that Mommy and Daddy can’t understand.” Oh joy. Jon and I keep meaning to secretly do Rosetta Stone. So far the boys have had a few German exchanges at the dinner table but nothing out of hand yet. I’ve only had to Google-translate one homework assignment so far.

In October, we welcomed a new member into our family – a yellow Labrador retriever. Logan had been lobbying for years to get a puppy, so he was given naming rights, and he chose “Biscuit.” Just as we had outgrown the novelty of walking around with a three-pack of miniature humans, I had to try walking around the neighborhood with an adorable, rambunctious little puppy. Instant superstardom – for her. Jon is still amazed that he can be on a walk with her and some stranger will come up and be like “Hi, Biscuit! And who are you?”

Jon continues to excel at his house renovation hobby. He enclosed our carport into a garage and began building an extravagant, massive treehouse system in the backyard which is going to involve rope bridges and a zipline. For the boys. Really.

Tomorrow we're kicking off the summer with a river rafting adventure with Grandma and Grandpa (Watts) and Kory. Hoping it's more like a lazy river than white water. If we survive, we'll see you in August...

Ken MacKay Family News

Dear Family,

As I write this Ken is in Ireland (again) leading a group of University at Buffalo students around the Emerald Isle. For the last two weeks of the nine week semester they will hop over to Scotland – I will meet up with Ken for the final week. Rest assured we have tickets for “The Open” at St. Andrews and will attend on Thursday during the Championship Days. We lucked out and were able to get a room right on the Royal Mile.

But our really big news is that the daughter, Emily, is engaged! Plans are quickly coming together for an October wedding this fall. Piper Peter Henderson is already booked for the event and there may be some kilt purchasing in Scotland for the father of the bride. We are very excited and very fortunate to have Michael and his family joining with our family.

I had shoulder surgery in January and am still working on getting back complete range of motion. Ken was a doll during my recovery. I got spoiled having breakfast brought to me each morning. And thanks to Stuart found out that my go to treat is an ice cream sandwich from Cold Stone Creamery (soooo good!). And then in March I started a new job at Iskalo Development as a project coordinator in the construction department. Buffalonians may know the Electric Tower, the Hyatt Place Hotel going up on Main Street in Amherst and the recently opened Big Ditch Brewing Company – all projects done and owned by Iskalo. It’s a good change for me and I’m looking forward to growing in the position.

The oldest, Parker, moved back to the exact same apartment on Allen Street that he occupied while in law school. Hard to see him and Quetzali go but they are loving being back on their home turf. The law practice continues to grow. This winter Parker argued a case in front of the Federal Court of Appeals in New York City.

Emily moved over to the Lancaster branch of the YMCA. Similar but different; right now she’s pulling together summer camp at an off-site location near Darien. Her intended, Michael, works at Ingram Micro and has tremendous knowledge of all things “Apple”. Check out the Apple watch he sports.

Stuart will be making his way to LECOM (Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine) in Erie, PA for a one year program that will help place him into a four year medical school program. He works that wonderful 7PM to 7AM shift as a nurse aid and was a great help during the November storm. Once he made it in to Buffalo Mercy Hospital he ended up staying five days in a row.

The push will be on once Ken and I return from Scotland to get some projects on the house completed before the wedding. I’m going to crow a little – the back porch/deck is fantastic!

Wishing good health and safe travels to all and as always, looking forward to seeing everyone the first weekend in August.

Much love,

Kenneth S. MacKay Family

John MacKay Family News

Hello to all from John and Mary Ellen from Clermont, FL enjoying the hot weather here and looking forward to Buffalo. We hope to see the family this summer at the annual clan picnic. Heading to Buffalo on Memorial Day and visiting the children and grandchildren on the way. We enjoyed a few local trips this winter to the Everglades and Key West. Loved the natural beauty of the Everglades especially! We spent a wonderful weekend in a Christian Retreat Center in Parrish, FL near Ellenton on the west coast. The focus was on the origins of contemplative prayer and the speaker was Fr. William Meninger, a well known priest from St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado. This is the home of Fr. Thomas Keating, the beloved teacher of Centering Prayer, a worldwide practice of Christian contemplative prayer. All in all our travels and experiences this year were fun and we look forward to a few more local trips, (Miami? The Panhandle?) next winter.

The family activities are always frequent and fun. With six grandchildren, the holidays and birthdays keep us on the go. Liz and Roy are busy raising their daughters and caring for Sue Burns, Roy’s mom who has been ill but is on the road to cancer recovery. Liz is anticipating a relocation to a new Starbucks, located ten minutes from her home in Fairview, NJ. Currently, she is manager of the busy store in Jersey City and has an hour commute on most days. Molly will celebrate her second birthday in August and Alice is a busy three year old helping water the vegetables in Mom’s garden.

Chris and Liz are likewise running with four years old Audrey who sings “Hey Look Me Over, Lend Me an Ear, etc” with gusto. She is excited about her first dance recital where she will participate in tap and ballet with her group dancing to the old tune “Oh, You Beautiful Doll.” Connor who turns one on July 2 is crawling and standing and walking soon but not in a recital. Oh, well! He won’t be attending the Bronx Zoo Kids’ Summer Camp yet with his big sister and Dad, who is Director of the Educational Programming for summer and family events. But he WILL BE spending a fun summer at home with Mom, who is looking forward to her vacation from teaching third grade.

Robert is working and adding a second career by completing the first year of the two years culinary arts program at ECC downtown campus. He is currently taking a gardening course focusing on organic produce grown on land donated to the school in the downtown harbor area. His dj work is still progressing with several bookings for weddings and graduation parties this summer.

Johanna moved to Saratoga Springs last December to begin as an academic research librarian at Skidmore College. She is enjoying the first spring and summer there, especially after their record-breaking cold weather last winter.

Jerry and Beth have been busy as usual with their careers and five years old Penelope. They traveled this past winter to several vacation spots most notably Nana and Pop Pop’s in Clermont for an Easter visit. Their other treks were to Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and NYC for a family wedding where Penelope entertained the bride and groom in a special Indian pre-wedding party. She dressed as the heroine Merida from “Brave”, a Disney adventure. With vibrant red wig and velvet dress and her trusty bow and arrow, she and Mom and Dad (dressed in Robert’s kilt) sang and reminded the wedding couple that they are associated by family ties with us Scots aka MacKay Clan! HAPPY SUMMER TO ALL.

Christopher Martineck Family News

Hello All! The Trails End Martineck’s are doing well. Natalle (9) continues here practice of karate, singing, acting…and dance. She was an angel in the professional performance of Nutcracker at Shea’s Theatre in November. She loves the big stage.

Chase (6) is finishing her first year of kindergarten, making lots of new friends. She’s really taken to swimming and is already challenging me in the pool. Luckily I still have a longer reach to touch the wall first…because she’s getting fast.

Nicholas (soon to be 4) is just as nutty as all of his Clan role models. I knew I should have been taking him to an Amish reunion every August instead of the Mackay’s. The good news is that we forged his birth certificate and got him into tee-ball this year. Baseball is in his blood.

Lisa (age removed) is doing great. We may be taking the salon and day spa in a whole new direction. More news (hopefully) to come at the reunion.

As far as me – well I’m still here. Had to defer the Marine Corps Marathon last October. However, I’m back at it, and training for the Chicago Marathon this year. Takes place in the Fall, so I’m sacrificing my golf game for running mileage.

Look forward to seeing everyone…well at least most everyone.

Chris, Lisa, Natalle, Chase, Nicholas

Clark Family News

I had minor surgery in January for skin cancer on my forehead. Wear a hat when in the sun, everyone!

Went to Florida again this year and stayed with Mary Jane and Dan McCarthy. Had the best time. Spent about 3 days at their timeshare in Orlando and went to Epcot.

My granddaughter Madison is graduating from Orchard Park High School this year. We are so proud of her because she has received a scholarship to American University in Washington, DC. Cameron finished his first year at Fredonia State and did very well. Taylor got engaged and is planning to get married next year. Chelsea is back home after spending one year in New York City. Brittany and Kevin are working on their house, they have remodeled the kitchen – new cabinets and countertops – looks great!

Hope to see you all at the picnic!

Ginny Clark

Michael Martineck Family News

From Sarah and Michael Martineck

This is how is it went down – this year, Sarah traveled less often, but farther away. As in Guangzhou, China. She found it . . . interesting. Not as interesting as Medford Oregon, but not every town can be Medford, if you know what I mean. Nina graduated from eighth grade with high honors. She leaves Nardin after 10 years for Nardin. Luckily, they have a high school, so I don’t have to learn a new morning route. Max performed his first drum solo this year at the St. Stephen’s talent show, but his real talent showed during his friend’s stand up act. Max provided the rim shots. He could, now, absolutely get a summer job in the Poconos. Not to be outdone, my novel The Milkman won a gold medal from the Independent Publishers. It’s an actual gold medal. I wear it all the time now.

Jeff Geist Family News

Hi from the Jeff Geist family from Twin Falls, Idaho. It has definitely been one of those years where the time has just flown by too quickly.

Our daughter Ashley graduated in May this year from the College of Idaho. It was such a special day. Jeff is an alumni from the same college. This year the college honored five different past graduate classes. Jeff's year was included so he got to walk in the graduation procession. Ashley thought it was so great her dad got to walk in the opening ceremonies with her graduating class. Harry and Dorothy Geist came, so did Karen Ippolito (Geist) and her family. Ashley got accepted to the graduate program for Occupational Therapy at the University of Idaho in Pocatello. It’s a three year program and she will be less than 2 hours away from home. 

 Ryan got accepted into the WWAMI program to job shadow physicians for this summer. Ryan was pretty excited he got in and he is looking forward to it. He is still playing soccer for the College of Idaho and he made the NAIA Academic Scholar Athletes honor roll in 2014. Ryan will be a senior in college this fall.

Jeff and I have learned to enjoy being empty nesters. We keep busy with family, work, and projects. We have sure enjoyed having Jeff’s parents living in Twin Falls now. We can visit them anytime since their so close.

As always we enjoy reading about the clan families.

Carl Martineck Family News

Hello from North Dakota!

Carl and Abigail are excited to attend the Clan reunion this year. I’ll say my ‘hello’ via the Courier as I will be on my annual Vegas trip with my sister in August.

I hope this letter finds everyone well. I don’t know the last time Carl may have contributed to the Courier to I will try to give a general overview of the last couple of years.

We moved from CO to ND in 2011 and spent one year in Fargo, where I continued teaching, Ab attended Kindergarten, and Carl opened up Martineck Law Office in Valley City (my hometown & 55 miles west of Fargo). After one year we decided to move to Valley City. We found a great farmstead for sale. It has a great foundation but was in need of a lot of TLC, and we’ve managed to make a lot of progress. It will continue to provide us with projects for years to come, but it also gives us so much of what we want… to live out of town, space & privacy, lots of trees, room for a big garden. Most of the work we’ve done ourselves, so it can be time consuming, but we are learning as we go. Gary and Bonnie have been up to see us each summer which serves as a good motivator to get some projects done that might otherwise linger (ahem, downstairs bathroom...).

Carl has gone from owning his own practice to being elected State’s Atty for Barnes County. It’s definitely a lot of work, much of it stressful, and his office has endured some retirements in administrative positions, so he hasn’t always had the administrative support he needs. The effects of the Bakken oil boom have impacted all parts of the state – population & economic growth, rise in crime, etc., resulting in an increase in caseload for Carl’s position over the last few years. In addition, he’s helping grow the county’s juvenile drug court and implementing a lot of procedural updates within the State’s Atty’s office. He’s also essentially ‘on-call’ at all hours, fielding law enforcement calls while we are dinner or asleep. Ask him about his job. He’s got lots of stories!

Abigail just finished 3rd grade. She’ll tell you she doesn’t like school, but she secretly enjoys it. She loves to read and enjoys science. She moves to a different school next year for 4th grade and has mixed feelings – the halls are “too gray & boring” ( but “you can sit wherever you want at lunch” (. It’s the little things. She’s active in gymnastics and is also playing tennis this summer. Since I’m no longer “off” in the summers, she is able to spend the rest of her downtime at my parent’s farm. Ab refers to this as “Summer Camp,” names my mom as the “cook,” sets wages, then starts planning activities for everyone. At least this summer she has an 18-month-old cousin nearby who might be a willing participant. When directing camp isn’t lucrative, she sets up a police station & hands out speeding tickets to Gpa & my brother as they come and go with farm equipment. Usually Grandpa is the only one who pays. She became a pet owner last summer to 4 kittens. Carl built them an insulated, 3-room, heated, windowed & decked Taj Mahal so they can survive the outdoors. Ab’s got a very full summer (is there any other kind?) ahead. She & Carl are going to WI for a week to see Great Gpa Carl in June. She’s spending a couple weeks in July in AR with Gma & Gpa. She loves going to Branson, MO, with them and getting to swim in the lake at their house. She comes back tired and with lots of stories! Finally, she and I get to spend a week together in D.C. The history & government teacher in me is thrilled to be able to be her tour guide. Carl will be attending a drug court conference so will only be able to join us in the evenings.

I work for an engineer now that I’m not teaching. I was ready to try something different, and our move to ND pushed me to do so. He was ready to start thinking about semi-retirement and following the NDSU Bison football team around the country. It was a win-win. Every day is different, and even though I no longer have my summers open as I did when teaching, I have found greater daily flexibility year round in this position, allowing me to work around Abigail’s schedule… so it’s been a huge blessing.

I hope the Reunion is a success again this year, and we wish all of you a wonderful summer!

Amy, Carl and Ab

Don Martineck Family

There are a few changes in our life since last year. Terri's father passed away earlier this year after a long fight with lung problems. Shortly after that, her mother started having problems. She is doing better now and is living in Lockport at Herritage Manor, a beautiful assisted living facility.   On some brighter notes, I was reelected in November to another four year term as Somerset Town Justice. Terri has been working a lot this past year, more than "part time" but did set a retirement date for the end of December. We decided this spring to trade our small motorhome in on a new and bigger trailer. More than a few days in that small, confined space on a rainy weekend was not a good mix. We are looking forward to some longer stays in it at our membership campground. See you at the Clan Reunion.                Don & Terri Martineck

Greg Sutton News

|It's been a couple of years since I've submitted an update so I'll just |

|start at last September! The Navy talked me into coming back on full |

|active duty, and in September I checked into one of Naval Special |

|Warfare's major commands in Virginia Beach and am running research and |

|development efforts for new gear and equipment. It's an extremely |

|interesting job that keeps me busy and on the road. |

|My girlfriend, JoAnn, who has been crazy enough to run 14 marathons over |

|the years, convinced me to run my first (at age 40) in January. We ran |

|Disney, with mom and dad cheering us on at several locations along the |

|way. JoAnn practically dragged me across the finish line but we made it in|

|a respectable time. |

|Although it looks like I'll be traveling for work on the west coast over |

|this year's reunion weekend, I'm hoping part of the trip falls through and|

|I'll be able to make it this year. I'm long overdue and look forward to |

|catching up with everybody! |



Mike and Geo were married on May 9, 2015 in Jamaica. We want to celebrate the wonderful event with an informal gathering of friends and family!!

When: Friday, July 31, 2015 6PM-9PM

Where: Banchetti, 550 N. French Rd, Amherst, NY

Who: MacKay’s - Adults only, please

RSVP by July 17th– Jim and Sue – 716 691-4800 or ssarra1044@

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