The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing




Nursing 5362

Nursing Education Practicum

Spring 2011

Classroom: 211

The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing

Graduate Program

N5362 Nursing Education Practicum (3 Credit Hours-0/12)

Spring 2011, January 21st and Selected Dates

Time on January 21: 9 AM-11:30 AM

Pickard Hall 211

|INSTRUCTOR: |Wendy J. Barr, PhD, RN, CNE |

| |Clinical Associate Professor |

| |Office # Pickard Hall, RM 520 |

| |Office Hours: By appointment |

| |Office Phone: 817-272-5376 |

| |Office Fax: 817-272-2950 |

| |Cell Phone: 972-489-4047 |

| |Campus Mailbox: P.O. Box 19407 |

| |Email: |


| | |

|COURSE PREREQUISITES: |N5301, 5302, 5308, 5309, 5315, 5418, 5327, 5328, 5329, 5360, 5361 |

|REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS: |No required textbook. |

| |Texts and readings identified in collaboration with Dr. Barr to meet specific learning |

| |objectives. |

| | |

|RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: |Billings, D. & Halstead, J. (2009). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty, Third Edition.|

|(Important for your |Saunders. |

|Educator Library) |ISBN: 9781416040842. |

| | |

| |Penn, B.K. (2008). Mastering the teaching role: A guide for nurse educators. F.A. Davis |

| |Company. |

| |ISBN: 9780803618237. |

| | |

| |Utley, R. (2011). Theory and research for academic nurse educators: Application to practice.|

| |Jones and Bartlett Publishers. |

| |ISBN: 9780763774134. |

| | |

| |UTA School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook. UTA, Arlington, Texas as found on |

| |the UTA CON web page |

| | |

| |The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition, for |

| |preparation of papers. |

| | |

| |Preceptorship in selected health care sites with opportunities |

|COURSE DESCRIPTION: |to apply clinical and educational knowledge, skills, and |

| |concepts in a guided, progressive context of nursing |

| |education. |

|STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: |Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: |

| | |

| | |

| |Use evidence based knowledge to facilitate learning of selected student populations within a|

| |defined patient population. |

| | |

| |Use formative and summative evaluation to assess learning outcomes and modify teaching |

| |activities. |

| | |

| |Collaborate with faculty and staff to provide student learning experiences. |

| | |

| |Implement the educator role in selected settings. |

| | |

|ATTENDANCE AND |Seminar attendance and participation is expected of all students. |

|DROP POLICY: |Students are responsible for all missed course information. |

| |Graduate students who wish to change a schedule by either dropping or adding a course must |

| |first consult with their Graduate Advisor. Regulations pertaining to adding or dropping |

| |courses are described below. Adds and drops may be made through late registration either on |

| |the Web at MyMav or in person through the student’s academic department. Drops may occur |

| |until a point in time two-thirds of the way through the semester, session, or term. The last|

| |day to drop a course is listed in the Academic Calendar available at |

| |. |

| |A student may not add a course after the end of late registration. |

| |A student dropping a graduate course after the Census Date but on or before the end of the |

| |10th week of class may with the agreement of the instructor, receive a grade of W but only |

| |if passing the course with a C or better average. A grade of W will not be given if the |

| |student does not have at least a C average. In such instances, the student will receive a |

| |grade of F if he or she withdraws from the class. Students dropping a course must: (1) |

| |complete a Course Drop Form (available online |

| | or MSN department office rooms 605 |

| |or 606 for NP students or rooms 512 or 514 for Nursing Administration and Education |

| |students; (2) obtain faculty signature and current course grade; and (3) submit the form to |

| |or MSN department office rooms 605 or 606 for NP students or rooms 512 or 514 for Nursing |

| |Administration and Education students. |

| |A student desiring to drop all courses in which he or she is enrolled is reminded that such |

| |action constitutes withdrawal (resignation) from the University. The student must indicate |

| |intention to withdraw and drop all courses by filing a resignation form in the Office of the|

| |Registrar or by: (1) Completing a resignation form (available online |

| | or MSN department office rooms 605 |

| |or 606 for NP students or rooms 512 or 514 for Nursing Administration and Education |

| |students; (2) obtaining faculty signature for each course enrolled and current course grade;|

| |(3) Filing the resignation form in the College of Nursing MSN department office rooms 605 or|

| |606 for NP students or rooms 512 or 514 for Nursing Administration and Education students; |

| |and (4) Filing the resignation form in the Office of the Registrar in Davis Hall room 333. |

| |In most cases, a student may not drop a graduate course or withdraw (resign) from the |

| |University after the 10th week of class. Under extreme circumstances, the Dean of Graduate |

| |Studies may consider a petition to withdraw (resign) from the University after the 10th week|

| |of class, but in no case may a graduate student selectively drop a course after the 10th |

| |week and remain enrolled in any other course. Students should use the special Petition to |

| |Withdraw for this purpose. See the section titled Withdrawal (Resignation) From the |

| |University for additional information concerning withdrawal. |

| |Census Date: - February 2, 2011 |

| |Last Date Drop or Withdraw: -April 1, 2011 |

|TENTATIVE SEMINAR TOPIC SCHEDULE (COURSE |Individual topics relevant to practicum experience. |

|CONTENT): |Current issues impacting nursing education |

| |Reflective practice as a nurse educator |

| |Others, as determined by request of students |

|SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS: |1. Role enactment in selected faculty responsibilities |

| |a) Teaching in the clinical and classroom settings |

| |12 hours of seminar; |

| |120 hours of clinical experiences |

| |Clinical journal |

| |2. Discussion board responses to clinical scenarios/seminar |

| |topics |

| |3. Self assessment of current skills and competencies to NLN |

| |Educator Core Competencies at the beginning and end of |

| |of the semester. |

| | |


| | |

| |As a community of learners seeking information and understanding, the participation of each |

| |student contributes powerfully to the learning environment. It is expected that each student|

| |comes to each seminar fully prepared for the activities of the day and provides thoughtful |

| |contributions, informed by consulting literature and reflection. |

| | |

| |Nursing Education Scenarios |

| | |

| |Responsibilities of the Person Posting the Scenario |

| |Post scenario on the Discussion Board by 8 AM Monday of the scheduled week. |

| |Omit names of persons and institutions. |

| |Describe scenario in which a faculty member in the scenario and the respondents have to |

| |think critically. |

| |At the end of the week, summarize the comments and give your opinion and any citations that |

| |others have not already mentioned. |

| | |

| |Responsibilities of the Respondents |

| |Post at least one response to each scenario by Friday 10 PM. Give your thoughts on the |

| |situation as well as citing professional sources. |

| |Keep the dialogue respectful and reflective. |

| | |

| |Clinical Journal |

| | |

| |Email Dr. Barr by designated dates (see schedule) a listing of the clinical experiences for |

| |the previous week (since the previous journal). |

| |Include the number of hours and major activities. |

| |The journal should include reflection, synthesis of existing knowledge/pertinent |

| |information, and self assessment related to your experience, both in the classroom and |

| |clinical settings, during the practicum. |

|TEACHING METHODS/STRATEGIES: |Faculty/student seminars |

| |Responses to nursing education scenarios on Blackboard |

| |Practicum experiences tailored to personal learning plan |

|GRADE CALCULATION |As a seminar/practicum, the instructor will evaluate student performance as pass or fail. |

|(COURSE EVALUATION & FINAL GRADING): |Passing performance includes completion of clinical experiences with indication of |

| |reflection, synthesis of existing knowledge, and self assessment and completion of all |

| |course assignments, including posting to the Discussion Board. |

|STUDENT REQUIREMENT FOR PRECEPTOR |All Preceptor Agreements must be signed by the first day the student attends clinical (may |

|AGREEMENTS/PACKETS: |be signed on that day). |

| |Student is responsible to ensure that all preceptor agreements are signed before beginning |

| |clinical experience. |

| |The signed preceptor agreement is part of the clinical clearance process. Failure to submit|

| |it in a timely fashion will result in clinical failure. Forms will be available on the first|

| |day of class. |

|CLINICAL CLEARANCE: |All students must have current clinical clearance to legally perform clinical hours each |

| |semester. If your clinical clearance is not current, you will be unable to do clinical |

| |hours that are required for this course and this would result in course failure. Clinical |

| |clearance includes a Criminal Background check and Drug Screen. |

|STATUS OF RN LICENSURE: |All graduate nursing students must have an unencumbered license as designated by the Texas |

| |Board of Nursing (BON) to participate in graduate clinical nursing courses. It is also |

| |imperative that any student whose license becomes encumbered by the BON must immediately |

| |notify the Associate Dean and Chair for the MSN Program, Dr. Jennifer Gray. Failure to do |

| |so will result in dismissal from the Graduate Program. The complete policy about encumbered|

| |licenses is available online at: : |

|BLOOD AND BODY FLUIDS EXPOSURE: |A Verification of Medical Insurance form will be signed by all MSN students at the beginning|

| |of the course documenting personal health insurance coverage. All MSN students have |

| |mandatory health insurance and will need to manage exposure to blood and fluids. Current |

| |CDC guidelines can be found at: |

| | |

|GRADUATE STUDENT HANDBOOK: |Students are responsible for knowing and complying with all policies and information |

| |contained in the Graduate Student handbook online at: |

| | |

| | |

|AMERICANS WITH |The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and |

|DISABILITIES ACT: |letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 93112 - The |

| |Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled |

| |Americans With Disabilities Act - (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act, |

| |there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by |

| |all citizens. |

| |As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to students |

| |with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student |

| |responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and |

| |in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels. |

|STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES: |The University of Texas at Arlington supports a variety of student success programs to help |

| |you connect with the University and achieve academic success. They include learning |

| |assistance, developmental education, advising and mentoring, admission and transition, and |

| |federally funded programs. Students requiring assistance academically, personally, or |

| |socially should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more |

| |information and appropriate referrals. |

|STUDENT CODE OF ETHICS: |The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing supports the Student Code of Ethics |

| |Policy. Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the Code. The Code can be |

| |found in the student Handbook online: |

|ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: |It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a |

| |completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons |

| |involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University |

| |regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the |

| |University. |

| | |

| |"Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the |

| |submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to |

| |another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair |

| |advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts." (Regents' Rules and Regulations,|

| |Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22) |

| | |

| |As a licensed registered nurse, graduate students are expected to demonstrate professional |

| |conduct as set forth in the Texas Board of Nursing rule §215.8. In the event that a graduate|

| |student holding an RN license is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty, the college |

| |may report the nurse to the Texas BON using rule §215.8 as a guide. |

| | |

|PLAGIARISM: |Copying another student’s paper or any portion of it is |

| |plagiarism. Additionally, copying a portion of |

| |published material (e.g., books or journals) without |

| |adequately documenting the source is plagiarism. If |

| |five or more words in sequence are taken from a source, |

| |those words must be placed in quotes and the source |

| |referenced with author’s name, date of publication, and |

| |page number of publication. If the author’s ideas are |

| |rephrased, by transposing words or expressing the same |

| |idea using different words, the idea must be attributed |

| |to the author by proper referencing, giving the author’s |

| |name and date of publication. If a single author’s ideas |

| |are discussed in more than one paragraph, the author |

| |must be referenced at the end of each paragraph. |

| |Authors whose words or ideas have been used in the |

| |preparation of a paper must be listed in the references |

| |cited at the end of the paper. Students are encouraged to review the plagiarism module from |

| |the UT Arlington Central Library via |

|BOMB THREATS: |If anyone is tempted to call in a bomb threat, be aware that UTA will attempt to trace the |

| |phone call and prosecute all responsible parties. Every effort will be made to avoid |

| |cancellation of presentations/tests caused by bomb threats. Unannounced alternate sites |

| |will be available for these classes. Your instructor will make you aware of alternate class|

| |sites in the event that your classroom is not available. |

|E-CULTURE POLICY: |The University of Texas at Arlington has adopted the University e-mail address as an |

| |official means of communication with students. Through the use of e-mail, UT-Arlington is |

| |able to provide students with relevant and timely information, designed to facilitate |

| |student success. In particular, important information concerning department requirements, |

| |registration, financial aid and scholarships, payment of bills, and graduation may be sent |

| |to students through e-mail. All students are assigned an e-mail account and information |

| |about activating and using it is available at Students are responsible |

| |for checking their e-mail regularly. |

|NO GIFT POLICY: |In accordance with Regent Rules and Regulations and the UTA Standards of Conduct, the |

| |College of Nursing has a “no gift” policy. A donation to one of the UTA College of Nursing |

| |Scholarship Funds, found at the following link:  Nursing Scholarship List would be an |

| |appropriate way to recognize a faculty member’s contribution to your learning.  For |

| |information regarding Scholarship Funds, please contact the Dean’s office. |

| | |

|GRADUATE COURSE SUPPORT STAFF: |Felicia Chamberlain, Administrative Assistant I |

| |Office: #515 Pickard Hall |

| |Phone: (817) 272-0659, Ext. 20659 |

| |E-mail: |

| | |

| |Vivian Lail-Davis, Admin. Assistant, Room 512; |

| |Phone: (817) 272-1038; Fax: (817) 272-2950; |

| |Email: |

| | |

|LIBRARY INFORMATION: |Helen Hough, Nursing Librarian |

| |Phone: (817) 272-7429 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Research Information on Nursing: |

| | |

|MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: |Inclement Weather (School Closing) Inquiries: |

| |Metro: (972) 601-2049 |

| |Fax Number (UTA College of Nursing): (817) 272-2950 |

| |Attn: MSN Nurse Educator Office |

| |UTA Police (Emergency Only): (817) 272-3003 |

| |Mailing Address for Packages: |

| | |

| |UTA College of Nursing |

| |c/o Dr. Barr |

| |411 S. Nedderman Drive, Pickard Hall |

| |Arlington, Texas 76019-0407 |


|Description |Website |

|University of Texas Home Page | |

|Graduate Catalog & Faculty | |

|Graduate Nursing Programs | |

| | |

|Graduate Nursing Courses & Syllabi | |

|Faculty and Staff Email Contacts and Biosketches | |

|Graduate Student Handbook | |

|Graduate Forms | |

|Preceptor Package | |

|Nurse Admin Preceptor Package | |

|Graduate Nursing Websites | |

|Student Confidentiality Statement | |

|E-log Consent Form | |

|Banking Clinical Hours | |

|Guidebook | |

|Liability Policy | |

|Traineeship Statement Forms | |

|Master’s Completion Project Forms | |

| |Forms: Faculty Evaluation of Preceptor |

| |Student Evaluation of Preceptor |

| |Preceptor Evaluation of Student |

| |NP Clinical Evaluation (Practicum Tools) |

| |Nurse Admin Faculty Eval of Preceptor |

| |Nurse Admin Preceptor Eval of Student |

| |Clinical Procedure Evaluation |

| |Invasive Procedure Evaluation |

| |Educator Evaluation |

| |Student Self Evaluation |

|Clinical Online Submission (Elogs) | |

|Criminal Background Check (TDPS) | |

|Instructions for E-Reserves | |

| |Select under Library Catalogs |

| |(UTA Library Catalogs) |

| |Select Course Reserves |

| |Look for Instructor’s Name |

| |Click Search |

| |Select Article |

| |Password is course abbreviation and course |

| |number. |

| |ALL CAPS no spaces (ex. NURS5340). |

Last Revision: November 15, 2010

Nursing 5362

Semester Plan

|Week |Clinical Activities |Course Assignments |

|Before Semester Begins |Collaborate with Dr. Barr to identify preceptor(s). | |

| |Discuss with Dr. Barr types of experiences you need to | |

| |meet your learning objectives. | |

|January 18-21 |Submit initial self-evaluation using NLN educator |Read prior to class: Current issues/hot |

|CLASS- January 21st |competencies within first two weeks of semester. |topics in nursing education. |

|9-11:45-Topic- Current Issues/Hot | |Submit 1 page summary of your projected |

|Topics in Nursing Education | |internship activities (with time frame) for |

| | |the semester. |

|Room TBA | | |

|January 24-28 |Meet requirements of academic institution to obtain |Dr. Barr contributes scenario to discussion |

| |desired experiences (might include clinical agreements, |board for group interaction. |

| |seeking approval of dean or department chair at home | |

| |university of preceptor). | |

| | | |

| |Share learning objectives with preceptor. | |

|January 31-February 4 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Tom contributes scenario to discussion board |

| | |for group interaction. |

|February 7-11 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Toni contributes scenario to discussion board|

| | |for group interaction. |

|February 14-18 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Roberta contributes scenario to discussion |

| |Submit clinical journal to Dr. Barr via email by 10 PM |board for group interaction. |

| |February 18 | |

|February 21-25 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Jennifer contributes scenario to discussion |

| | |board for group interaction. |

|February 28-March 4 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. | |

|March 7-11 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. | |

|March 14-18 |Plan some time for yourself |Have fun on Spring Break |

|March 21-25 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Tom contributes scenario to discussion board |

| | |for group interaction. |

| |Submit clinical journal to Dr. Barr | |

| |via email by 10 PM March 25 | |

|March 28-April 1 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Toni contributes scenario to discussion board|

| | |for group interaction. |

|April 4-8 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Roberta contributes scenario to discussion |

| | |board for group interaction. |

|April 11-15 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. |Jennifer contributes scenario to discussion |

| | |board for group interaction. |

|April 18-22 |Maintain record of clinical experiences. | |

|April 25-29 | |Submit final self-evaluation using NLN |

| | |educator competencies within last two weeks |

| |Submit clinical journal to Dr. Barr |of semester. |

| |via email by 10 PM April 29 | |

|May 2-6 | |Submit preceptor evaluation |

|May 9-13 |GRADES DUE | |

|May 16, 7 PM |Graduation!!! |Graduate!!! ( |







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