VBCOA Board of Directors

VBCOA Board of Directors

July 19, 2013

Monacan Park, Amherst County

President Kris Bridges called the meeting to order at 10:25 a.m.

The following attended the meeting:

Voting members

Kris Bridges, Martinsville

Sean Farrell, Prince William County

John Walsh, Fredericksburg

Philip Pugh, Alexandria

Caleb Sulzen, Louisa County

Harold Stills, Hanover County

Shawn Strasbaugh, Arlington County

Ellis McKinney, Arlington County

David Beahm, Warren County

Clarence Jackson, New Kent County

Julie C. Walton, Prince George County

Tom Coghill, James City County

Gregg Fields, Alexandria

Charlie Black, Prince William County

Randy Pearce, Emporia

Ron Clements, Chesterfield County

Non-Voting Members, Guests

Doug Murrow, Richmond

Bill Aldridge, Christiansburg

Rick Witt, Chesterfield County

Linda Nesselrodt, Staunton

Guy Tomberlin, Fairfax County

Nate Young, Amherst County

Kenneth Campbell, Amherst County

Mary Huffman, Blacksburg

Emory Rodgers, DHCD

Mary Jo Fields, staff

The minutes for the April 7 meeting were approved.

Cathy Cook had submitted a written report for the region chairs.

Committee reports were taken as follows:

Awards. Ellis McKinney reported that the committee had $20,000 to award for scholarships to the ICC code hearings/meeting in Atlantic City. The priority will be given to first time recipients, small jurisdictions and no more than 2 per locality will be considered.

Education. Jim Bodnar has stepped down as chair and Tom Coghill and Caleb Sulzen had stepped in to fill the void until the president can appoint a permanent replacement.  Caleb and Tom have scheduled Bruce Arkema to do a legal aspects training on August 23rd in Region VIII, with the possibility of doing one in each region if requested.

Energy Conservation. Matt Westheimer had submitted a written report.

International Building Code. Chuck Bajnai had submitted a written report. The committee was meeting July 23 in Chesterfield, and on Aug. 7 with the fire group.

Membership. Harold Stills submitted a written report, and said that VBCOA now had 1000 members.

Permit Technicians. Mary Huffman and Linda Nesselrodt had submitted a written report, and said that the committee was working on a program for permit techs who want to be certified.

Plumbing/Mechanical Code. Shawn Strasbaugh had submitted a written report.

Property Maintenance. Philip Pugh had submitted a written report, and further discussed a presentation made on hoarding.

Public Information. Gregg Fields had submitted a written report. He said the 2013 region of the year was Region V and the merit region was Region III.

Time and Place. Mary Jo Fields reported that the committee was still working on the site for the joint conference next April.

Legislation. Ron Clements said the final legislative report was posted on VBCOA’s web site.

Other reports were given as follows:

BCAAC: Mike Redifer had reported by email that the committee had not met.

Director of Regulatory Compliance. Rick Witt had submitted a written report. He reminded members that Aug. 22 will be a critical day in terms of the proposed code. He urged members attending the work groups to speak up if they did not agree with a code change. If no one speaks up, the staff will assume that there is consensus on the item under discussion. Elaine Gall is leaving the board;

Region VII. Rick Witt gave the report for Lynn Underwood. Region VII will meet Sept. 19-20 in Hagerstown MD to go through code changes to try to develop a regional position and to determine support for ICC candidates. Guy Tomberlin reminded the board that Pennsylvania will have the chair in January, and that Virginia’s turn to chair Region VII will be in Jan. 2015.

DPOR. Doug Murrow submitted a written report. Rick asked about the schedule for the tradesmen certification issue. Doug said that the next board meeting is July 30. The proposed regulations are being reviewed by the governor’s office.

ICC. Guy Tomberlin reported that ICC is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the consolidation of the code groups. The ICC exams will be based on the 2012 codes; 2009 is available only through December 2013. He reminded the board that Lynn Underwood is running for a position on the Board of Directors. He urged voting members to register on line for the Atlantic City conference; people need to register even just to reaffirm your voting status. He said to please call him with any questions.

DHCD report. Emory Rodgers announced that Richard Potts would be joining the DHCD staff, and would be working on energy code development activities. The department is recruiting another position, with interviews to be held in August. The code development process is continuing and all the parties have been working hard. The 2012 codes will be finalized but the effective date is unknown. The building code office is continuing to make improvements on its electronic capabilities. He said it is of critical importance that work group participants speak up at the meetings if you do not agree with a proposed code change. It is also helpful to say that you don’t have an option, or that is is too big of an issue and you would like to see this deferred. There are four possible actions: approve, disapprove, modify, or carry over.

Old Business.

Joint Conference. John Walsh said that the location of the meeting (April 2-5, 2014) may be changed to the Koger Center.

New Business.

ICC Candidate support. Rick Witt reminded the board that in past years the board has supported candidates up to the nominations committee point. Not all the candidates have sent in letters yes. He suggested that a letter of support be sent for these candidates: Jim Brown, Robert Drexler, Alex “Cash” Olszowy, Guy Tomberlin and Steve Jones (the board previously voted to support Lynn Underwood). Guy asked that the president be allowed to write a letter on behalf of Gilbert Gonzalez, if VBCOA received a letter. Sean made a motion to that list of candidates, seconded by Rick. The motion was unanimously approved. Rick said that the board should consider giving those in attendance at the ICC meeting the authority to speak on behalf of VBCOA at the conference. The board agreed that this was the usual practice and would be followed this year.

Request from NJBOA. The New Jersey Building Officials Association has requested financial support for the Atlantic City meeting. VBCOA has already appropriated $1500 for the meet and greet. Rick suggested adding $500 to that and splitting it evenly between the meet and greet and the requested support from the NJBOA. There was discussion as to raising that figure, by using funding from the region chair appropriation. David Beahm made a motion, seconded by Rick, in support of funding of $1500 for the meet and greet, and $1500 for the conference (NJBOA). Charlie Black said that Region V will offer $500 in support. The motion was approved.

Other Business.

Kris said that ICC has asked VBCOA to cosponsor a Disaster Strikes Institute in March 2014. The support would be to help advertise the meeting. The board gave Kris permission to do that. He also announced that the scholarship application deadline would be postponed to July 26. Sean reviewed plans for the annual meeting, including a tour of the Dominion power plant, a spouses’ program and educational program.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.


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