Affirmative Action Plan Disabilities 2014

Affirmative Action Plan

For Minorities, Females & Individuals with

Disabilities Fiscal Year 2014


Achievements and Goals

Arlington County Government Arlington Virginia Barbara M. Donnellan, County Manager Raul Torres, Esq. Asst. County Manager Office of the County Manager Human Rights & EEO

Table of Contents

I. Introduction ........................................................................................3 II. Responsibility for Implementation .................................................................3 III. Workforce Analysis, Demographics and County Workforce.................................4

a. Review of Personnel Actions .........................................................4 IV. Goals & Achievements.............................................................................5

a. Diversity Five Year Countywide Goals ............................................5 V. Program Strategies for Special Focus Recruitment Efforts ..................................6 VI. Availability Analysis ...............................................................................7 VII. Identification of Barriers & Problem Areas...................................................8

a. Addressing the Barriers................................................................8 VIII. Strategies to Achieve Affirmative Action Goals.............................................9

IX. Tables .............................................................................................10 Table 1- Demographics & County Workforce...........................................................10 Table 2 ? 4 Personnel Actions......................................................................................11 Table 5 Goals Achieved..............................................................................................13 Table 6 Placement Goals.......................................................................14 Table 7 Diversity Targeted 5 Year Goals....................................................15

X. Recommendations & Conclusion................................................................16 XI. Appendix............................................................................................17


I. Introduction A.R. 2.9 ? 2 The data analysis provided in this plan is based on information obtained from several sources, including the Arlington County Department of Human Resources and the U.S. Census Bureau. The analysis is based on data available as of June 30, 2013. In the preparation of this Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), the Office of Human Rights used as a guide the County's Equal Opportunity Policy adopted by the Arlington County Board on June 24, 1995, Arlington County's Administrative Regulation 2.9, and federal guidelines issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 29 CFR, Chapter 1608. The goals adopted in this plan are only reasonable targets that can be attained by good faith efforts applied through its implementation. These goals are not quotas and are not intended to discriminate against an individual otherwise qualified for an employment opportunity. In developing this affirmative action plan the County performed three different data analyses: a workforce utilization analysis, a job group analysis and an availability analysis. These analyses were done by job group. The plan represents the County efforts and strategies to implement the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (EEO).1The analysis of employment data shows a commitment to equal employment opportunity. The data does not show evidence of systemic discriminatory employment practices.

II. Responsibility for Implementation The County Manager has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan (AAP). The County Manager has assigned primary management responsibility for ensuring full compliance with the program to the Assistant County Manager for Human Rights & EEO. The Assistant County Manager develops policy statements and internal and external communications to ensure an efficient and positive plan implementation. The recruitment responsibility belongs to the Director of Human Resources. Department directors and managers are accountable for hiring decisions. The County Manager actively supports the AAP and provides assistance whenever needed.

1 Administrative Regulation 2.9?2


III. Analysis of Personnel Actions

The Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) covers all Arlington County Government Employees. Pursuant to A.R. 2.9 ? 3.3 employees in Constitutional Offices are included in the analysis but are not the responsibility of the County Manager. The personnel practices in those offices are the sole responsibility of the constitutional and elected officers. Arlington County is a local government committed by its vision statement to diversity and inclusiveness. The most recent Census estimate reveals that minorities represent 37.8% and females 50% of the County's population.

A. Composition and Analysis of the Workforce A.R. 2.9 ? 3.3

As of June 30, 2013, the workforce had 3,378 employees of which 1,670 (49.4%) were minorities and 1,708 (50.6%) were non-minorities. When further divided by gender, the workforce had a composition of 1,531 (45.3%) females and 1,847 (54.7%) males. All females were analyzed as a minority group2. There was an increase of 84 (2.55%) employees in the County total workforce from the previous fiscal year.

The workforce was compared to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report on estimated availability. The result of these analyses determines if there is underutilization by job group, and the need to establish placement goals pursuant to Administrative Regulation 2.9 ?3.4-5. Underutilization analysis was done based on U.S. Census population data of the qualified workforce and the application of a standard deviation test.

B. Review of Personnel Actions

Personnel actions were analyzed to identify any impediment to equal employment opportunities. These actions included applications received and screened for employment, hiring, promotions, terminations, employment offers, compensation and disability accommodations. EEO Policy ?B.2; A.R.2.9 ?3.1 & 3.4.


The flow of applicants3 reveals that the percentage of qualified minorities that applied was 60.3% and the percentage of qualified female applicants was 44.2%. As the groups moved through the selection process the selection rate of minority applicants was 87% and the selection rate for female applicants was 121.6%. See, Applicants Table on page 11.4

2 See the Workforce demographic profile at page 10. 3 A qualified applicant is one that meet the requirements of the job announcement in accordance with Adm. Reg. 2.7. When an applicant applies for a job through the County web site, he/she may actually be applying for multiple positions inside that same announcement and qualified for one or multiple vacancies. Because of this, some applications are used multiple times for various combinations of requisitions after they are submitted. Position are filled through a process called "Requisitions." Requisitions are associated with advertised job announcements. An announcement may have multiple requisitions attached to it. A single requisition can have multiple positions attached to it.

4 These selection rates are a reflection of the County good faith efforts and commitment to diversity.



Arlington County hired 210 employees in fiscal year 2013. These hires included 110 minorities (52.4%), 113 females (53.8 %) and 100 (47.6%) non-minority. There were 15 minority new hires into positions with AAP goals during FY 2013.

Promotion Practices

Since 86 (43.0%) of the 200 employees promoted in FY-13 were minorities, promotions represent an area of substantial employment opportunity for the development and advancement of minorities and female employees. See, Advancement and Development Table on page 12.


In FY 2013, resignations, retirements and AWOLs accounted for 94.5% of the voluntary separations excluding 7 deaths (1.6%).5 There were 14 (5.5%) involuntary separations. See, Separations Table on page 12.

Individuals with disabilities

There were 12 requests for reasonable accommodations granted in FY 2013, four (4) to employees and eight (8) to applicants for employment. No applicants were denied reasonable accommodations to participate in the application process. The employment application process, with its accommodation component, results in a nondiscriminatory process for employment applicants with disabilities.

IV. Goals and Achievements

The County achieved or advanced its AAP goals in eight of twelve job groups by hiring diversity and females in positions where employment goals where established. See, Goals Achieved Table on page 13.

Placement Goals

The County established goals during 2014 to improve the representation of female and minorities in job groups and sub-groups where the Census data and market availability indicated an opportunity to increase diversity in the workforce. See Placement Goals Table on page 14.

Five (5) Year Diversity Target Goals

Between 2011 and 2016 the employment of females and minorities was targeted to positions and job groups where it has been difficult to recruit and meet their availability in the market. This was a decision made by the County leadership as a foresight of its diversity vision. See Diversity Targeted 5 Year County wide Goals on page 15.

5 Deaths were not statistically considered as separations.



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