Arlington Classics Academy board of directors

Regular Meeting of the Board of DIRECTORS

5200 South bowen Road, arlington, texas 76017

Thursday, February 14, 2013

7:00 PM

I. CALL TO ORDER: ACA Bowen Cafeteria: 7:04 p.m. by Greg Hale

Board Members in attendance: Greg Hale, Debbie Sterba, Greg Snetsinger, Steve Coffee, Mia Russo, Amy Smith, Terri Thibodeau, Suzanne Rieters, Denise Marvin

Administration in attendance: Betty Duncan Coon, Aaron Daffern, Melanie Schroeder, Barry Parker


This time on the agenda allows each board member to inform other board members, the administrative staff and the public of activities which are of interest including:

A. Policy Committee Report – Terri Thibodeau shared the progress of the committee, discussion and recommendations for the Legal Special Ed policies. Some deletion of language and insertion of references to education law. Recommendation is to adopt legal policies as edited. As we adopt, we will retire the old policy simultaneously. Next meeting 3/18. (See attachment)

Mia Russo asked everyone to pass out the enrollment postcards wherever they do business.

Mia Russo asked for volunteers for the yard work necessary in preparation of the outdoor classroom being planned for Bowen.

Greg Hale – No Board of Director meeting on 3/14/13

Suzanne Rieter – Odyssey of the Mind update – 6 teams, going to Tyler for first competition, 3/2/13, noon start. Please come and support this first year effort. 3 teams will be moving on to the State competition in April.

Terri Thibodeau asked that staff not waste time/paper copying all the attachments that have been previously sent to the Board.

Debbie Sterba wanted to thank Mrs. Coon and Melanie for ensuring that she got a laptop, for the secretary duties for the Board. She also asked that the parents of ACA come to the Planning and Zoning meeting on February 20th to oppose the zoning change for Bardin and Bowen roads.

Debbie Sterba wanted to publicly thank Ms. Ulmer for her outstanding 1st grade concerts held this week. She also thanked the team who offered the Cookie-grams again as a fundraiser. Lastly, please make sure each Board member gets a copy of their training certificates to Debbie for compliance verification.


This forum allows anyone in attendance to address the Board on any matter except personnel and individual student issues. Any personnel concerns should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director of Schools or the Board President prior to the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes and must complete a Comment Card marked “Non-agenda” to be recognized by the President. Non-agenda items will be taken for no more than 30 minutes.

Paulette Iqbal – has concerns about the lack of homework being sent home. Feels there is unevenness of assignments by grade level. She feels bullying is getting out of hand, and is increasing based on her experiences. Also, she feels Public displays of affection should be more vigorously discouraged. She also feels that in comparison to the new proposed Charter in town, that ACA’s academics do not meet that standard.


A. Report on Texas Charter School Association Member District Meeting—February 5, 2013

Betty Duncan Coon discussed Judge Dietz’s ruling on the legality of funding for public schools. However, he stopped short of supporting Public Charters with the same language. Written ruling expected in several weeks.

Texas Charter School Association indicated they will be taking this ruling to the Texas Supreme Court.

Betty Duncan Coon recommends supporting this opposition.

B. 2013-2014 Registration and Lottery Procedures – March 8th, 7 PM

Orientation session, February 15, 2013 in Bowen Library, for 23 potential parents.

(See Attachment of rules)

C. Standard and Poor’s Rating Update- Via Steve Perry, ACA conducted phone interview with the reviewers and we (ACA) have received a raised “outlook” from Stable to Positive. (See Attachment)

D. Current Foundation School Program—Summary of Finances; Grant Updates – a Federal funding streams, increasing by $308,487. (See Attachment)

E. Special Education Required Policies – (See Attachments)

F. ACA Primary Principal Report – Barry Parker shared his enthusiasm from DWG for supporting the extra presence of officers at the Arkansas campus. He is very glad that they have taken the safety of our children so seriously.

Mr. Parker is very proud of the 925 pet items donated to the DFW pet rescue organization. Thanked Lisa Wangler for all her efforts in orchestrating the “100 days of school” activities.

(See Attachment)

G. Financial Reports (See Attachments)

a. Financial Update – We are on target with % expenditures (42%). Melanie Schroeder is predicting a surplus of $248,000

b. Budget Calendar – MS is initiating a more efficient and timelined budget process.

c. Food Service Revenue/Expenses – January preliminary profit of $198.00 (See Attachment)

d. ADA Compliance Repairs – BDC shared the proposed quote from FabCrete to make repairs/modifications to the Bowen site. (See Attachment)

H. 2012 STAAR Testing Update – Aaron Daffern is the ACA Testing Coordinator and explained the handouts from the prior years’ testing.

AEIS is not expected for 2+ months. Mr. Daffern fielded several questions about what these numbers mean, and how with Mrs. Allen, ACA is addressing proposed corrections in curriculum alignments within subjects and grades.

(See Attachment)

I. TASBO Conference – San Antonio, Feb. 19 – 22, 2013. Betty Duncan Coon & Melanie Schroeder will be attending for business management, safety planning.


Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

A. Accept Minutes: January 17, 2013 Board Meeting – Open

B. Special Education Required Policies – add statement from BDC about policies – including the 4 edits from Policy Committee. – pulled to ACTION ITEMS, requested by Steve Coffee.

Motion: Mia Russo moved to accept Action Item A as presented.

Second: Terri Thibodeau

Vote: passed (9 – 0 – 0)


A. Discussion & Vote on Substitute Teacher pay rates – Amy Smith presided over this item, as Greg Hale recused himself.

Current pay is $65.00.

Long Term sub pay is only after 20 consecutive days, pay increases to $80

Q – is there a sub shortage? A – Yes.

A – if pay is increased, do we expect to see more certified teachers as subs? A – Yes.

Q – what is the proposed increase? A – unknown.

Q – what is the financial impact? A – unknown

Q – what is the historical financial impact? A – Currently $24,000 has been spent. $47,5000 budgeted in this line item.

Q – is there a difference in pay from certified vs. non-certified. – will be part of research Administration will conduct.

Administration recommended a change in pay to commence in new budget year.

Public Comments: Julie Cude shared her research on local sub pay – LT starts at 11 days, not our 20 days. Pay is $75 – 85 a day. Feels this will disappoint current pool of subs that action is not planned to take place tonight.


Second: Tabled until Administration can further research this topic.


B. Special Education Required Policies – Moved from Consent Agenda to Action Items –

Steve Coffee wanted to further discuss the use of the phrase “Legal Authority” in relation to adopting Legal policies.

Steve Coffee is concerned that ACA could inadvertently adopt a policy that is in conflict with State law. Does not feel comfortable in adopting Legal Authority worded policies would place ACA in possible jeopardy. He feels the Legal Authority is “Quoted” legal policy and not the true and only legal policy as mandated by the State of Texas.

Betty Duncan Coon did consult with an attorney on the use of the language being proposed

Terri Thibodeau - asked to add statement.

Betty Duncan Coon recommends using this statement to preface the ACA local policies to adhere to the advice of the attorney and to ensure our policies are standardized and legally sound.

Motion: Steve Coffee moved to adopt the Consent Agenda item with the inclusion of the statement

Second: Suzanne Rieter

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

C. Discussion & Votes related to BOD focus on looking forward

1. Discussion and Vote on EDS reports to the BOD: written reports versus written reports plus presentation to the BOD

Betty Duncan Coon thinks this is an admirable idea, and this would lessen the time spent preparing discussion points.

Greg Snetsinger feels the board is too granular in the reports aspect of our role of overseeing the school.

Betty Duncan Coon suggested a trial run of an abbreviated report, using an Executive Summary format.

2. Discussion and Vote on returning to one BOD meeting per month, potentially including edits to the pertinent sections of the Bylaw.

Greg Hale stated this would place more of a burden on staff to be fully prepared for one meeting a month.

Terri Thibodeau indicated this could make the adopting of policies much more lengthy in review to adoption.

If the previous format of reports is successful, the time spent will be more efficiently and the Board preparation will be key in keeping a once monthly meeting productive.

The third Thursday is a preferred selection, in that this allows the business office ample time to provide the Board with the financial data.

1. Motion: Greg Hale moved that the Administration reports be presented in writing in an Executive Summary format and Board members should come to the meetings prepared and not expect a complete verbal presentation.

Greg Snetsinger Amendment – asked that the written reports be presented in an Executive

Summary format – was accepted

Steve Coffee Amendment - asked that the Executive Summary and supporting

documentation be posted on line with the agenda prior to the meeting – was not accepted

Second: Terri Thibodeau

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

2. Motion: GH moved that ACA amend the Board bylaws (regular meetings bylaw) shall be

held on the third Thursday of each month, becoming the regularly scheduled meeting.

Second: Steve Coffee

Vote:Pass (8 – 1:No Debbie Sterba – 0)

Break 9:23 – 9:34 PM

D. Discussion of Module 600 Legal Authority and Local Board Policy for the following policies:

1. 600.020 Equal Opportunity

2. 600.040 Drug-Free Workplace

3. 600.060 Hiring Practices and Criminal Background Checks

4. 600.080 Compensation

5. 600.100 Training: Campus Administrative Officers and Business Managers

6. 600.120 Immunities

Terri Thibodeau reviewed committee discussion on the 6 listed policies above. She reiterated the process of retiring any old policies as each new section is reviewed, updated and adopted.

E. Discussion & Vote on the priorities for the EDS relating to complying with Texas required Legal policies

Should we allow Betty Duncan Coon to post the adoption of Legal policies, as they pertain to Texas education law.

It was suggested that ACA allow Betty Duncan Coon to submit/implement required legal policy to file with the State to meet TEA compliance guidelines.


Second: No vote taken


F. Discussion and Vote on ADA Compliance Repairs

(See Attachment)

Motion: Greg Snetsinger moved to accept the proposed quote for ADA compliance repairs to the ACA Bowen campus

Second: Greg Hale

Vote: Passed (9 – 0 – 0)

G. Discussion of Policy Governance and its implementation and vote(s) on next steps for implementation

Chp. 9 – Start at Global, then get granular as you build your “bowls”.

A Board can never rid itself from Global responsibility.

Pg. 240 – to preserve ……How do you do that without getting too granular? Monitor to ensure compliance. Terri Thibodeau worries this is just getting back to granular scrutiny.

Monitoring will be key to keeping policy governance in check without reverting to granular micromanaging.

Next meeting – Chp. 10 & 11


Second: No vote taken


VI. MOVE TO CLOSED: 10 PM by Greg Hale

Section 551.074 – For the purpose of considering appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment of duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.

A. Evaluation of Public Officers

B. Personnel Issue


Motion: Amy Smith moved to adjourn meeting

Second: Debbie Sterba

Vote: passed (9 – 0 – 0)

Respectfully submitted,


Debbie Sterba, Secretary

Board of Directors

Certified by:


Gregory R. Hale, President

Board of Directors

Date: ______________________

NOTICE: Texas Government Code Section 551.146 – An individual, corporation or partnership that without lawful authority knowingly discloses to a member of the public the certified agenda or tape recording of a meeting that was lawfully closed to the public under this chapter: (1) commits an offense; and (2) is liable to a person injured or damaged by the disclosure.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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