
Arlington City Council

Council Briefing Room

Regular Meeting

101 W. Abram Street

3rd Floor

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

6:30 PM







6.1. Eden Road (U.S. Highway 287 to Calender Road) ? Jack B. Snowden; Project No. PWST16008 A resolution determining the necessity of acquiring 8,604 square feet of street right-of-way easement rights, 5,228 square feet of slope easement rights and 3,651 of drainage easement rights for public use in, under, over and across land being a tract of land located in the Pleasant M. Russell Survey, Abstract No. 1280, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of a tract of land described in a Deed to Jack B. Snowden, recorded in Volume 3953, Page 327, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; otherwise known as 4001 Curry Road, Arlington, Texas.


7.1. Afternoon Meeting, February 13, 2018 Evening Meeting, February 13, 2018 021318AFT.pdf 021318EVE.pdf


Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations and all votes on final reading will be recorded as reflected on first reading unless otherwise indicated. Public comment will be accepted on items with the exception of those items on which a public hearing has been held and closed by Council, which will be indicated as (CLOSED) on the agenda.


8.1. Purchase of a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Sanitary Sewer Inspection System, Bid Project 18-0082 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to purchase a closed-circuit television (CCTV) sanitary sewer inspection system with Green Equipment Company, Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program in the estimated amount of $215,315.69, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such purchase. Funds are budgeted in Water Utilities Account No. 658502-18223205-68900. Staff Report - Purchase of a CCTV Sanitary Sewer Inspection System.docx

8.2. Purchase of Library Furniture for the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, Bid Project 18-0118 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve the purchase of furniture for the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library with Library Interiors of Texas, LLC., of Austin, Texas, through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) in the estimated amount of $102,992.53, and execute any and all documents necessary for this purchase. Funding for this purchase is provided through Library Capital Campaign fundraising efforts and is budgeted in the Library Renovation Gift Account No. 121201-60017-129616. Staff Report- Purchase of Library Furniture for the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library

8.3. Purchase of Various Ground Maintenance and Service Equipment for Texas Rangers Golf Club, Bid Project 18-0054 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve the purchase of various ground maintenance and service equipment with Professional Turf Products of Euless, Texas, through the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (TLGPC) in the estimated amount of $434,196.96, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such purchase. Funds are available in Parks Capital Account No. 508501-53810598-61002. Staff Report - Purchase of Various Ground Maintenance and Service Equipment for Texas Rangers Golf Club

8.4. Annual Requirements Contract for Traffic Signal Controllers, Controller Cabinets, and Hardened Ethernet Switches, Bid Project 17-0040 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the first of four, one-year renewal options in the annual requirements contract for traffic signal controllers, controller cabinets, and hardened ethernet switches with Iteris Inc., of Round Rock, Texas, in the estimated amount of $80,000; and with Trafficware Group, Inc., of Sugarland, Texas, in the estimated amount of $169,872.75, for a total estimated amount of $249,872.75, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such contract. Funds are budgeted in Public Works Signal/ITS Bond Fund Account No. 358505-80600799-68300. Staff Report - Annual Requirements Contract for Traffic Signal Controllers, Controller Cabinets, and Hardened Ethernet Switches.docx

8.5. Annual Requirements Contract for Fill Material, Bid Project 18-0049 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute an annual requirements contract for the purchase of fill material with Fancon Construction, L.P., dba Abel Trucking, of Kennedale, Texas, in the estimated amount of $242,117.50 , and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such contract. Funds are budgeted in various departmental accounts. Staff Report - Annual Requirements Contract for Fill Material.docx

8.6. Renewal of Annual Requirements Contract for Athletic Infield Supplies, Bid Project 15-0076 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to exercise the third of four, one-year renewal options in the contract for athletic infield supplies with Gail's Flags and Golf Accessories, Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas in the estimated amount of $98,693, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such renewal.Funds are budgeted in Field Enhancement Account No. 500801-60011. Staff Report - Renewal of Annual Requirements Contract for Athletic Infield Supplies.doc

8.7. Renewal of Annual Requirements Contract for Temporary Personnel Services, Bid Project 14-0016 Authorize the City Manager or his designee to exercise the third and final, one-year renewal options in the contract for temporary personnel services with Smith Temporaries, Inc., dba Cornerstone Staffing of Grapevine, Texas, in the estimated amount of $725,125, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such contract. Funds are budgeted in various departmental accounts. Staff Report - Renewal of Annual Requirements Contract for Temporary Personnel Services.docx

8.8. Execute Contract for Retirement Committee Consultant Authorize the City Manager or his designee to exercise the first of two, one-year renewal options in the contract for retirement plan consulting services with the Hyas Group, LLC, of Portland, Oregon for the estimated amount of $50,000. Funding is available in ICMA-RC plan Administrative Allowance Account No. 990101-61002. Staff Report - Execute Contract for Retirement Committee Consultant.docx

8.9. Construction Contract for Abram Street (Cooper Street to Collins Street); Project No. PWST10009 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a construction contract with Rebcon Inc. of Dallas, Texas, for the construction of Abram Street (Cooper Street to Collins Street) in an amount not to exceed $26,122,822.57. The contract includes a maximum bonus of $1,460,000.00, for a possible contract total of $27,582,822.57. Funding is available in the Street Bond Fund Account No. 358504-65370699-68153 [$22,544,056.37]; the Street Capital Non-Arbitrage Fund No.358502-65510699-68153 [$717,590.40]; the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund Account No. 648502-17925204-68250 [$1,701,752.70]; and the Water Bond Fund Account No. 658502-18055205-68252 [$2,619,423.10]. Staff Report - Abram Street (Cooper to Collins) Construction Contract Bid Tab - Abram Street (Cooper to Collins) Construction Contract Location Map - Abram Street (Cooper to Collins) Construction Contract

8.10. Contract Modification No. 3 to the Engineering Services Contract for Eden Road (U.S. Highway 287 to Calender Road); Project No. PWST16008

Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute Contract Modification No. 3 to the Engineering Services Contract with Wier & Associates, Inc. of Arlington, Texas, for Eden Road (U.S. Highway 287 to Calender Road) in an amount not to exceed $37,800. Funding is available in the Water Bond Fund Account No. 658502-18135205-61043. Staff Report - Contract Mod No. 3 Contract - Contract Mod No. 3 Map - Contract Mod No. 3

CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCES - FINAL READINGS Public comment will be accepted on items, with the exception of those items on which a public hearing has been held and closed by Council, which will be indicated as (CLOSED) on the agenda.


Zoning Case PD15-11R1 (Kroger Expansion and Fueling Center - 945 West Lamar Boulevard)(CLOSED) Consider a request for Zoning Case PD15-11R1, to approve a Planned Development (PD) for limited Community Commercial (CC) uses, with a revised Development Plan, with the following conditions: Approval together with the submission of a wayfinding sign package, and that all other conditions of the PD prevail. Final reading of the ordinance changing the zoning classification on certain property known as 945 West Lamar Boulevard to Planned Development (PD) for limited Community Commercial (CC) uses, with a Development Plan; amending the Zoning District Map accordingly. Staff Report - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Proposed Development Plans - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Approved Development Plans - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Applicant Narrative - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Case Information - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Clicklist Sign Package - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Ordinance - Zoning Case PD15-11R1 Letter of Pebblebrook Village HOA Support - Zoning Case PD15-11R1


Zoning Case PD17-14 (The Green Oaks School - 500 Houston Street) (CLOSED) Consider a request for Zoning Case PD17-14, with a Development Plan. Final reading of an ordinance changing the zoning classification on certain property known as 500 Houston Street to Planned Development (PD) for Downtown Neighborhood Overlay- Residential Multi-Family-22 (DNO-RMF-22) uses, plus, with a Development Plan; amending the Zoning District Map accordingly. Staff Report - Zoning Case PD17-14 (The Green Oaks School - 500 Houston Street) Ordinance -Zoning Case PD17-14 (The Green Oaks School - 500 Houston Street) Case Information - Zoning Case PD17-14 (The Green Oaks School - 500 Houston Street) Development Plan - Zoning Case PD17-14 (The Green Oaks School - 500 Houston Street)



Best Friends Animal Society Grant - Memorandum of Understanding A resolution authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Best Friends Animal Society relative to the receipt of a one-time award of financial assistance and the creation of a full-time temporary Trap Neuter Return cat coordinator. Staff Report - Best Friends Animal Society Grant MOU.doc Resolution - Best Friends Animal Society Grant MOU.pdf

Arlington MOU.pdf


Authorization to Retain the law firm of Lynn, Ross & Gannaway, L.L.P. and The Law Office of Kenneth E. East a. A resolution authorizing the City Attorney or her designee to retain the law firm of Lynn, Ross & Gannaway, L.L.P. of Fort Worth, Texas, to represent the City of Arlington , Arlington Civil Service Commission members, and certain named employees in the Montague, et al vs. City of Arlington, et al lawsuit.

b. A resolution authorizing the City Attorney or her designee to retain The Law Office of Kenneth E. East of North Richland Hills, Texas, to represent Fire Chief Don Crowson in the Montague, et al vs. City of Arlington, et al lawsuit. Staff Report - Authorization to Retain Outside Counsel Resolution - Retain Lynn, Ross & Gannaway, L.L.P..pdf Resolution - Retain Kenneth E. East.pdf



XI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORDINANCES FIRST READING AND RESOLUTIONS Speaker Regulations: Anyone wishing to speak for or against a Public Hearing item must fill out a card at the entrance to the Council Briefing Room.



(CONTINUED) Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 (Cornerstone Drill Site - 5427 Matlock Road) Following the public hearing, consider a request to amend the SUP by establishing the location of a drill zone for gas drilling on a 4.614-acre tract of land addressed at 5427 Matlock Road (Cravens Park Drive), generally located east of Matlock Road and south of Southeast Green Oaks Boulevard. First Reading of an ordinance establishing a gas well drill zone on certain property known as 5427 Matlock Road (217 Cravens Park Drive) by adopting an Amended Specific Use Permit for gas well drilling (SUP08-31R1); amending the Zoning District Map accordingly.

ORDINANCE FIRST READING An ordinance establishing a gas well drill zone on certain property known as 5427 Matlock Road (217 Cravens Park Drive) by adopting an Amended Specific Use Permit for gas well drilling (SUP08-31R1); amending the Zoning District Map accordingly. Staff Report - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 Ordinance - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 Case Information - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 Letters of opposition - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 Setback Map - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1 Site plan - Specific Use Permit SUP08-31R1


11.2. Gas Well Permit GW18-007 (Fannin Farms AB 1H - 2322 Eden Road)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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