PWS Format - Army



1.0 MISSION OBJECTIVE: The Mission Equipment Division (MED) has the responsibility of providing avionics, navigation, electromagnetic, environmental factors, electrical systems, wiring, fire control, flight controls, radar, sensors, weapons, air survivability and human factors airworthiness support for all US Army aviation aircraft. The MED provides engineering support to the program offices. The airworthiness release (AWR) is the primary product of this office; however this office also provides a broad range of engineering support to the Army aviation community.

Concurrent with the support of platform programs, mission equipment engineers must maintain knowledge of technology advances and future operational requirements in order to reduce acquisition costs and increase combat effectiveness. These capabilities must be maintained in order to generate advanced systems concepts that can be developed as aircraft upgrades to meet future advanced weapon, sensor, radar, and electronic systems requirements. In order to meet our mission and maintain effective engineering staff, we must be capable of supporting aviation platforms throughout the acquisition cycle to meet future advances in technology.

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall provide independent technical support and not serve as a formal or informal member of the Aviation Engineering Directorate (AED).

- Unless specified differently, the term “U.S. Army aircraft” when used below shall mean all U.S. Army owned, operated, or supported aircraft and related equipment for which AED provides airworthiness or other engineering support. This includes foreign military sales (FMS) and other U.S. government agencies’ supported aircraft.

- The term “provide response” when used below means: The contractor shall, when tasked through the AED Task Tracking System (TTS), upload their response(s) to the TTS using the template provided in the task. A separate response for each MED branch or team (as tasked) shall be provided. The template provided may be in the format of a memorandum, a trip report, or other such format as provided.

2.1 Technical Database Management. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 2.0 G16.) This work is to be performed On- and Off-site.

The Contractor shall provide data base entry and data base management for the TTS. The contactor shall track the workload entering and leaving the organization on a locally provided template and provide the relevant statistics to MED management upon request.

2.2 Review of System Safety Issues and Risk Management Assessments:

(Reference Basic AMCOM Express Technical SOW Para 3.19, SE 11)

The Contractor, when tasked, shall provide support to review U.S Army aircraft accidents and incidents and provide response for assessment of the impact on system safety and risk. The contractor shall understand the current risk management policies and procedures used in AED and apply them to accident and safety incident issues. The contractor shall review Preliminary Reports of Aircraft Mishaps (PRAMs) and Abbreviated After Action Reports (AAARs) and identify issues and concerns. The contractor shall support AED and Army safety and risk management initiatives, such as Aviation Safety Investment Strategy Team (ASIST) and any necessary team reviews. Additionally, the contractor shall review and provide responses to Risk Determinations (RD), Aviation Safety Action Messages (ASAM), Safety of Flight (SOF) Messages, Aviation Maintenance Action Messages (AMAMs) and Airworthiness Impact Statements (AWIS).

2.3 Airworthiness Support to U.S. Army Aircraft. The Contractor shall provide airworthiness support to U.S. Army Aircraft. The Contractor shall be knowledgeable of the AED Airworthiness Release (AWR) process and how it relates to all MED’s engineering disciplines. The U.S. Army aircraft AWR related engineering requirements are: aircraft survivability systems, avionics, electrical and power systems, electromagnetic environmental effects, environmental factors, flight controls, human factors (aircrew integration), navigation systems, radars, sensors, software, and weapons. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraphs 3.2 AW1, 3.19 SE11 & SE12, and 2.0 G7, G8, G9, & G17)

The Contractor, when tasked, shall review and provide response for U.S. Army aircraft AWRs and supporting documentation regarding modifications to aircraft, installation of non-standard configuration items, and developmental equipment. In support of airworthiness releases, review shall include airworthiness qualification plans (AQP), airworthiness qualification statements (AQS), Engineering Change Proposals (ECP), test plans, test reports, and other technical data in support of airworthiness and airworthiness qualification.

The Contractor, when tasked, shall support the AWR process by participation in Preliminary Design Reviews, Critical Design Reviews, Integrated Product teams, Safety of Flight Reviews, and other related meetings.

2.4 The Contractor, when tasked, shall review Deficiency Reports (DR) for U.S. Army aircraft and provide a response from an engineering and airworthiness point of view. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.19 SE5)

2.5 The Contractor, when tasked, shall provide aircraft spare parts airworthiness engineering support for the life-cycle of all Army aircraft. This work is to be performed On-Site and Off-Site. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraphs 3.2 AW2, 3.15 PA8, and 3.23 TD1)

The Contractor shall review documents and provide responses regarding aircraft parts for Critical Safety Items (CSI) and Engineering Testing requirements, including critical characteristics and whether or not an item should be deemed a CSI. Also, review and provide response to item reduction studies.

2.6 The Contractor, when tasked, shall review and provide response on aircraft depot repair procedures for commercial replacement of military specifications in technical manuals. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.19 SE6) This work is to be performed On-Site and Off-Site.

2.7 The contractor, when tasked, shall review and provide response to Army aircraft related Field Incident Reports (FIR), Maintenance Information Messages (MIM), Maintenance Engineering Calls (MEC), field submitted DA forms 2028, Technical Bulletins (TB), Maintenance Tasks in Army Maintenance Manuals and other related Army aviation maintenance documents and issues. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.19 SE4 and SE11) This work is to be performed On-Site and Off-Site.

2.8 The contractor shall provide to Mission Equipment Division and as otherwise required the following reports:

a. The monthly Status Report IAW Data Item DI-MGMT-80368A, CDRL A001.

b. The Contractor’s Progress, Status and Management Report shall be submitted monthly IAW CDRL A003, Data Item Number DI-MGMT-80227.

c. The Report, Record of Meeting/Minutes IAW DI-ADMN-81505, CDRL A006 (or Study/Services IAW DI-MISC-80508B, CDRL A054 when more appropriate).

d. The monthly Funds and Manhour Expenditure Report IAW DI-FNCL-80331A, CDRL A008. Provide a copy of the monthly contractor invoice.

2.9 The Contractor shall provide technical support to airworthiness activities involving U.S. Army aircraft power generation and conversion and the military standards, performance and testing publications related thereto. Contractor shall also be knowledgeable in commercial design standards and test standards for power generation and conversion. The contractor shall, when tasked, review the following documents and provide a response to: test plans, test procedures, test reports, and other technical data. The contractor, when tasked, shall witness testing related to the test plans. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.24 TE1, TE2 & TE5). This work is to be performed On-Site and Off-Site.

2.10 The Contractor shall provide technical support to airworthiness activities involvingU.S. Army aircraft Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems (EWIS). Contractor shall be knowledgeable with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) AS50881, Technical Manual (TM) 1-1500-323-24, and Advisory Circular (AC) 43.13 chapter 11. The contractor, when tasked, shall review and witness installations of EWIS drawing submissions and provide response. Contractor shall have knowledge in aircraft wiring laboratory testing and on aircraft testing procedures. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.2 AW1, 3.24 TE2)

2.11 The Contractor shall provide technical support to airworthiness activities involving U.S. Army aircraft Electrical Loads Analysis (ELA) and MIL-E-7016F in support of reviews and comments related to ELA submissions. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.2 AW1)

2.12 The Contactor shall provide airworthiness technical support involving the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification process including Technical Standard Order (TSO), Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) and Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) as it pertains to airworthiness of aircraft electrical power generation and distribution. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraphs 3.2 AW1 and G17)

2.13 The Contractor shall provide U.S. Army aircraft environmental technical expertise in airworthiness activities (including engineering design, development, and test). The contractor shall demonstrate knowledge of U.S. Army aircraft environmental related military/commercial standards, army regulations, performance, and test requirements. The contractor, when tasked, shall review and provide response to test plans, test procedures, test reports, analyses, and other environmental related documents. Work to be performed on and off-site. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraphs 3.2 AW1 and 2.0 G7, G9 & G17)

The Contractor shall provide technical support to the use and application of MIL-STD-810, Aeronautical Design Standard (ADS)-71, ADS-51, and Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics/DOcument (RTCA/DO)-160 for the implementations of U.S. Army Aviation environmental related airworthiness performance and verification requirements.

The Contractor shall provide airworthiness expertise in analogue/digital electronic cockpit instruments and displays, communication, navigation, data link, surveillance, radar components, electro-mechanical devices, hoists/hooks, seats, helmets, laptops/tablets, batteries, MEDEVAC equipment, and armor/ballistic protection.

2.14 The Contractor shall provide airworthiness expertise in (from a software/firmware perspective as the regulations, and military standards apply) the Tactical and National Airspace Operations of Army manned and unmanned aircraft to include digital electronic cockpit instruments and displays, embedded real-time cockpit processors, Analog/Digital Converters and system integration avionics components. The contractor, when tasked, shall review Army aircraft software/firmware related documents and provide a response thereto. The contractor, when tasked, shall provide Army aircraft software airworthiness related analysis, modeling and test witnessing. Software components include operating systems, board support packages, run-time libraries and application software. (Reference the AMCOM Express Technical SOW paragraph 3.22 SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 and SW14) This work is to be performed On-Site and Off-Site.

2.15 The Contractor shall provide technical advisory and assistance services in support of AED MED’s airworthiness reviews involving Human Factors Engineering and Aeromedical Design and Development in the specific areas of, but not limited to, all pieces of gear, devices and clothing involving Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE); carry-on items; hoist systems; medical interiors; litter systems; medical life support devices; crew station assessment, including controls, displays, lighting, Night Vision Goggle compatibility, and anthropometric limitations; crash survivability; Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) protection; acoustics and speech intelligibility; flight simulations; hoist simulations; and training aids. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 2.0 G7, G9, G10, G16, G17) This work shall be performed Off-site.

2.16 In support of the US Army mission, the contractor, when tasked, shall provide airworthiness technical engineering assessments, safety-of-flight reviews, critical design reviews, specifications and plans, risk assessments, integration of hardware and software, review of flight releases and airworthiness releases. (Reference AMCOM Express Technical SOW, paragraph 3.11 MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4 and MP5.) This work shall be performed Off-site.

3.0 TRAVEL: Contiguous United States (CONUS) and Outside Contiguous United

States (OCONUS) travel may be required in performance of this PWS. The contractor

must receive written approval from the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) prior to performing any travel. A trip report is required IAW DI-ADMN-81505, CDRL A006 (or Study/Services IAW DI-MISC-80508B, CDRL A054 when more appropriate). Any Contractor travel or Contractor privileges to drive Government vehicles must be approved in advance and in writing by the contracting officer (KO) and will require appropriate Government licenses.

4.0 SECURITY: The Contractor shall provide security to a level necessary to meet the requirements of the tasks requested. Contractor's work effort shall not be above the level of SECRET. Contract personnel shall retain a SECRET level clearance for the duration of the task order.

4.1 AT LEVEL 1 - Contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army-controlled installation, facility, or area, including subcontractor employees, requiring access to Army installations, facilities, or controlled access areas shall complete AT Level I awareness training within 30 calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract, whichever applies. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee to the COR (or to the contracting officer, if a COR is not assigned) within 30 calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. AT Level I awareness training is available at .

4.2 AT AWARENESS TRAINING FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL TRAVELING OVERSEAS - U.S.-based contractor employees and associated subcontractor employees are required to make available and to receive government-provided AT awareness training specific to the area of responsibility (AOR) as directed by AR 525-13. Specific AOR training content is directed by the combatant commander, with the unit ATO being the local point of contact.

4.3 IWATCH TRAINING - The contractor having employees with an area of performance within an Army-controlled installation, facility, or area and all associated subcontractors shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program (training standards provided by the requiring activity ATO). This locally developed training will be used to inform employees of the types of behavior to watch for and instruct employees to report suspicious activity to the COR. This training shall be completed within 30 calendar days of contract award and within 30 calendar days of new employees’ commencing performance, with the results reported to the COR no later than 30 calendar days after contract award.

4.4 ACCESS AND GENERAL PROTECTION POLICY AND PROCEDURES - Contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army-controlled installation, facility, or area and all associated subcontractors’ employees shall comply with applicable installation, facility, and area commander installation and facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by the Government representative). The contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by the installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services, or Security Office. The contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by DoD, HQDA, and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition (FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in contractor security matters or processes.

4.5 HANDLING/ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION – For contracts that require handling or access to classified information, the contractor shall comply with FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements and DD 254, Contract Security Classification Specification. This clause involves access to information classified “Confidential,” or “Secret,” and requires contractors to comply with (1) the Security Agreement (DD Form 441), including the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DoD 5220.22-M), and (2) any revisions to DoD 5220.22-M, notice of which has been furnished to the contractor.

4.6 Operational Security (OPSEC) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/PLAN REQUIREMENTS - For contracts that require an OPSEC SOP/Plan, the contractor shall develop an OPSEC SOP/Plan within 90 calendar days of contract award, to be reviewed and approved by the responsible Government OPSEC officer, per AR 530-1, Operations Security. This SOP/Plan will specify the government’s critical information, why it needs to be protected, where it is located, who is responsible for it, and how to protect it. In addition, the contractor shall identify an individual who will be an OPSEC Coordinator. The contractor will ensure that this individual becomes OPSEC Level II certified per AR 530-1.

4.7 REQUIREMENTS FOR OPSEC TRAINING - Per AR 530-1, Operations Security, new contractor employees must complete Level I OPSEC training within 30 calendar days of reporting for duty. All contractor employees must complete annual OPSEC awareness training.

4.8 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS – Contractor employees who require access to government Information systems must be registered in the ATCTS (Army Training Certification Tracking System) within 5 workdays of assignment to subject contract.

4.9 INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA)/INFORMATION TECHNOLGY (IT) TRAINING - All contractor employees and associated sub-contractor employees must successfully complete the DOD Information Assurance Awareness training within 5 workdays of assignment to subject contract and then annually thereafter.


5.1 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY - Off Site: The Contractor shall perform all tasks using their own resources unless otherwise specified by the Government.

5.2 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED PROPERTY - On Site: The Contractor shall be furnished a cubicle, telephone, and computer. Office supplies provided by the government shall be as coordinated with the COR. [No cell phones or blackberries shall be provided by the government to the contractor in performance of this task order.]

5.3 CONTRACTOR USE OF GOVERNMENT VEHICLES: Per 3.0, Travel, above, any Contractor privileges to drive Government vehicles must be approved in advance and in writing by the contracting officer (KO) and will require appropriate Government licenses.

6.0 DELIVERABLES: (NOTE: A completed DD 1423 must be provided via EXPRESS-Net for each CDRL referenced).

In support of the tasks described in paragraph 2.0, data provided shall be delivered as follows:

6.1 A Contractor’s Progress, Status and Management Report shall be submitted monthly IAW CDRL A003, Data Item (DI) Number DI-MGMT-80227.

6.2 Additional reports shall be submitted as indicated below.

Monthly -Status Report IAW Data Item DI-MGMT-80368A, A001 [Ref Para 2]

Monthly -Funds and Man-Hours Expenditure Report IAW DI-FNCL-80331A, A008 [Ref Para 2]

As Needed - Report, Record of Meeting/Minutes IAW DI-ADMN-81505, A006 [Ref Para 2 and 3.0]

As Needed -Technical Report-Study/Services IAW DI-MISC-80508B, A054 [Ref Para 2 and 3.0]

(NOTE: Due to the requirement to segregate efforts/costs, the Contractor shall submit all reports for each contract subcontract line item number (SLIN) Item. The Contractor shall report by aircraft platform for those contract line item numbers (CLINs) or SLINs that are used for support of aircraft platforms. These reports shall be submitted within (15) days after the end of the reporting period. Deliverables shall be provided as stated in the attached Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL). A Mission Equipment and Information Systems Support Contract Final Report shall be submitted IAW DI-MISC-80508B. This report shall provide a summary report of entire program effort conducted by the Contractor, Government, and Mission Equipment and Information Systems Support participants.

7.0 ACCOUNTING FOR CONTRACTOR SUPPORT: The contractor shall report ALL contractor labor hours (including subcontractor labor hours) required for performance of services provided under this task order for the Mission Equipment Division, Aviation Engineering Directorate, AMRDEC via a secure data collection site. The contractor is required to completely fill in all required data fields using the following web address: , and then click on “Department of the Army CMRA” or the icon of the DoD organization that is receiving or benefitting from the contracted services.

Reporting inputs will be for the labor executed during the period of performance during each Government fiscal year (FY), which runs October 1 through September 30. While inputs may be reported any time during the FY, all data shall be reported no later than October 31 of each calendar year, beginning with 2013. Contractors may direct questions to the help desk by clicking on “Send an email” which is located under the Help Resources ribbon on the right side of the login page of the applicable Service/Component’s CMR website.

Upon request of the customer and customer funding being provided, COR approval is required for the contractor attendance to a conference and for the reimbursement of conference fees required for conference attendance. COR approval must be obtained prior to conference attendance and prior to incurring the fees.


8.1 This performance-based service task order incorporates the following performance objectives: (1) Delivery of high quality technical performance; (2) Adherence to TO schedule, milestone, and delivery requirements; and (3) Efficient and effective control of labor resources. It is the contractor’s responsibility to employ the necessary resources to ensure accomplishment of these objectives. The Government’s assessment of the contractor’s performance in achieving these objectives will utilize the standards, acceptable quality levels, surveillance methods, and performance incentives described in the Performance Requirements Summary matrix set forth in Appendix A. The performance incentives will be implemented via the Government’s past performance assessment conducted in accordance with Part 42 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), as applicable, and the “Task Order Performance” criteria of the annual award term evaluation, Basic BPA provision 45.

8.2. The performance objectives, standards, and acceptable quality levels shall be applied on a TO basis with performance incentives to be implemented on an annual basis. The Government will conduct informal interim counseling sessions with the contractor’s Program/TO Manager to identify any active TO performance that is not meeting the acceptable quality levels. These sessions will be conducted at least on a quarterly basis in order to provide the contractor a fair opportunity to improve its performance level.

8.3 The Control of Labor Resources criteria will be reflected under the “Cost” category of the performance assessment. Although the criteria of Business Relations and Management of Key Personnel are not specifically included in the Performance Requirements Summary Matrix, the overall performance assessment will continue to include these criteria.

8.4. The contractor will be notified, in writing, of the Government’s determination of its performance level for each performance objective including all instances where the contractor failed to meet the acceptable quality level.




|OBJECTIVE | |(AQL) | | |

|High Quality Technical |TO requirements met with little |Contractor delivery of |Routine Inspection of |Assignment of performance rating for |

|Performance |rework/re- |products and/or services |Deliverable Products/Services|QUALITY criteria: |

| |performance required and with few |meets all TO requirements. | | |

| |minor and no significant problems |Performance occurs with no | |EXCEPTIONAL |

| |encountered |required | |Performance and deliverables meet all and |

| | |re-performance/ rework at | |exceed many TO requirements. Performance |

| |Performance meets all technical |least 80% of time. Problems| |delivered with no required |

| |and functional requirements, and |that are encountered are | |re-performance/rework at least 95% of time;|

| |is highly responsive to changes in|minor and resolved in a | |problems that are encountered are minor and|

| |technical direction and/or the |satisfactory manner. | |resolved in a highly effective manner. |

| |technical support environment | | | |

| | | | |VERY GOOD |

| |Assessments, evaluations, | | |Performance and deliverables meet all and |

| |analyses, recommendations, and | | |exceed some TO requirements. Performance |

| |related input are thorough, | | |delivered with no required |

| |reliable, highly relevant to TO | | |re-performance/rework at least 90% of time;|

| |requirements, and consist of | | |problems that are encountered are minor and|

| |substantial depth and breadth of | | |resolved in an effective manner. |

| |subject matter | | | |


| |Deliverable reports contain all | | |Performance and deliverables meet all TO |

| |required data and meet all | | |requirements. Performance delivered with |

| |applicable CDRL requirements | | |no re-performance/rework at least 80% of |

| | | | |time; problems that are encountered are |

| | | | |minor and resolved in a satisfactory |

| | | | |manner. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |MARGINAL |

| | | | |Some TO requirements not met and/or |

| | | | |performance delivered with |

| | | | |re-performance/rework required more than |

| | | | |20% of time. Problems encountered were |

| | | | |resolved in a less than satisfactory |

| | | | |manner. |

| | | | | |


| | | | |Many TO requirements not met. Numerous |

| | | | |re-performances/rework required. |

| | | | |Substantial problems were encountered and |

| | | | |inadequate corrective actions employed. |

|Adherence to Schedule |TO milestones, periods of |Contractor meets TO |Routine Inspection of |Assignment of performance rating for |

| |performance, and/or data |delivery requirements at |Deliverable Products/Services|SCHEDULE criteria: |

| |submission dates are met or |least 80% of the time | | |

| |exceeded |(excluding gov’t caused | |EXCEPTIONAL |

| | |delays) | |TO milestones/ performance dates met or |

| | | | |exceeded at least 100% of time (excluding |

| | | | |government caused delays) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |VERY GOOD |

| | | | |TO milestones/ performance dates met or |

| | | | |exceeded at least 90% of time (excluding |

| | | | |government caused delays) |

| | | | | |


| | | | |TO milestones/ performance dates met or |

| | | | |exceeded at least 80% of time (excluding |

| | | | |government caused delays) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |MARGINAL |

| | | | |TO milestones/ performance dates met less |

| | | | |than 80% of time (excluding government |

| | | | |caused delays) |

| | | | | |


| | | | |TO schedule/performance dates met less than|

| | | | |70% of time |

|Control of Labor |Contract labor mix is controlled |Actual TO labor resource |Routine Inspection of TO |Assignment of performance rating for COST |

|Resources |in efficient and effective manner |mix is maintained within |Performance, Performance/Cost|CONTROL criteria: |

| | |20% of originally awarded |Reports, Payment Invoices | |

| | |TO resource mix | |EXCEPTIONAL |

| | | | |Actual TO resource mix maintained within |

| | | | |10% of originally awarded TO resource mix |

| | | | | |

| | | | |VERY GOOD |

| | | | |Actual TO resource mix maintained within |

| | | | |15% of originally awarded TO resource mix |

| | | | | |


| | | | |Actual TO resource mix maintained within |

| | | | |20% of originally awarded TO resource mix |

| | | | | |

| | | | |MARGINAL |

| | | | |Actual TO resource mix maintained within |

| | | | |25% of originally awarded TO resource mix |

| | | | | |


| | | | |Actual TO resource mix exceeds 25% of |

| | | | |originally awarded TO resource mix |


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