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2500 Memorial Blvd

Mesquite, Texas 75149 (972) 882-7679


Wranglers JROTC Course Syllabus

Motto: Motivate young people to be better citizens”


US Army Retired:

(SAI) Major Robert Pierce (972) 882-7679

E-mail rpierce@

(AI) 1SG Carolyn Zila (972) 882-7640

E-mail czila@


The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Leadership Education and Training Program (LET).


The United States Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) came into being with the passage of the National Defense Act of 1916. Under the provisions of the Act, high schools were authorized the loan of federal military equipment and the assignment of active duty military personnel as instructors. There was a condition that the instructors follow a prescribed course of training and maintain a minimum enrollment of 100 students over the age of 14 years who were US citizens. In 1964, the Vitalization Act opened JROTC up to the other services and replaced most of the active duty instructors with retirees who worked for and were cost shared by the schools.

Title 10 of the U.S. Code declares that "the purpose of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment."

The JROTC Program has changed greatly over the years. Once looked upon primarily as a source of enlisted recruits and officer candidates, it became a citizenship program devoted to the moral, physical and educational uplift of American youth. Although the program retained its military structure and the resultant ability to infuse in its student cadets a sense of discipline and order, it shed most of its early military content.

The study of ethics, citizenship, communications, leadership, life skills and other subjects designed to prepare young men and woman to take their place in adult society, evolved as the core of the program. More recently, an improved student centered curriculum focusing on character building and civic responsibility is being presented in every JROTC classroom.

JROTC is a continuing success story. From a modest beginning of 6 units in 1916, JROTC has expanded to 1555 schools today and to every state in the nation and American schools overseas. Cadet enrollment has grown to 273,000 cadets with 3,900 professional instructors in the classrooms. Comprised solely of active duty Army retirees, the JROTC instructors serve as mentors developing the outstanding young citizens of our country.

Enrollment Student enrollment at the beginning of a school year is accomplished with the understanding that both semesters will be completed. Under certain circumstances, credit may be awarded upon satisfactory completion of one semester. Qualified students will normally be enrolled as cadets in the following leadership, education, and training (LET) classes:



9 through 12 Zero to Two LET-1

10 through 12 Two to Four LET-2

11 through 12 Four to Six LET-3

11 through 12 Six to Eight LET-4

Enrollment Documents. Each Cadet enrolled in the JROTC program will ensure that the below listed forms/documents are provided to the SAI/AI. These documents provide the appropriate guidance and information to parents and guardians as to course expectations.

Privacy Act Statement/Health Statement. This form provides the parental or guardian approval to participate in JROTC activities and programs. This form informs parents and guardians that the US Army and MISD not liable for accidents incurred by Cadets. Parents/Guardians accept full responsibility for issued uniforms and equipment. This form provides information concerning the health/physical limitations prohibiting full participation in the program.

Cadet Personal Data Entry Form. This form has cadet and parental/guardian information.

Wranglers Course Syllabus Signature Page. This form acknowledges that you have read and understand the West Mesquite JROTC Policies and Procedures for enrollment.

Qualification for Disenrollment: At the discretion of the SAI, and approval of the Principal, a cadet will be disenrolled or excluded from attendance as appropriate for the following:

1. Withdrawal from school.

2. Becomes physically unable to perform the activities required of JROTC cadets.

3. Shows ineptitude for leadership training indicated by lack of general adaptability, want of readiness, or skill.

4. Fails to keep minimum acceptable standards of academic achievement, conduct, or attendance IAW UIL policies and procedures.

5. Exhibits an indifference to and a lack of interest in leadership training as demonstrated by frequent absences from class, or an established pattern of shirking responsibility or other similar acts.

Textbook Information:

The Program of Instruction is taught using the latest instructional technologies and focuses on student centered learning in a structured environment. Through participation in the learning process cadets are able to get a deeper understanding of the subjects and how they may apply what they have learned.

The required Texts are provided by JROTC: Unit 1 Citizenship in Action; Unit 2 Leadership Theory and Application, Unit 3 Foundation for Success, Unit 4 Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid, Unit 6 Citizenship in American History and Government.


JROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.

Its focus is reflected in its mission statement, “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens.

The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.


In the production of this curriculum the JROTC Directorate has incorporated the latest educational theories used in secondary education. National Secondary School standards have been linked to each chapter to show a cross-connection with this curriculum and the standard curriculum taught in high school.

Consultants were used to validate the changes and to assist in the rewriting. Other commercially available materials have been incorporated and many times the authors of these programs have customized them for the JROTC program.

Course Assignment Descriptions:

I. Cadet Challenge * VI. Test/Quizzes

II. Award Ceremony VII. Leadership Lab

III. Uniform Inspection * VIII. Annual inspection*

IV. Written Essay, 250-350 words IX. District final review

V. Portfolio * X. Cadet Military Ball

(Note) * Indicates mandatory participation, meaning cadet will lose points that will ultimately result in a failing grade: * Every cadet must wear their uniform once each week unless otherwise specified. Every cadet must participate in the Annual Inspection held normally during the second semester of each year, no make-up is possible. Every cadet must participate in Cadet Challenge. Finally, these events are not mandatory but participation is highly recommended and is reflective of cadet commitment to the JROTC program: Military Ball, Battalion Award Ceremony, and the Brigade Review.

Grading Standards:

In general, the grading criteria for a cadet is as listed below. Instructors may modify the percentages at their discretion. (The modifications must be presented to students in writing at the beginning of the grading period.)

a. Uniform Inspection 40%

b. Test and Evaluations 20%

c. Leadership Conduct 20%

d. Participation (merits and demerits) 20%

Grading Scale: 100-90=A 89-80=B, 79-75=C, 74-70=D, 69-0=F


Cadet Definition: A high school student enrolled in the leadership and citizenship activities through JROTC.

JROTC is an Elective Course. Each level consists of two semesters of training in JROTC courses. For example, successful completion of two semesters as a LET 1 (Leadership, Education and Training) qualifies the student for advancement to the Let 2 level. Successful completion of two semesters as a LET 2 qualifies the student to advance to the LET 3 level. Credit towards graduation will normally be awarded as follows:


Leadership, Education, and Training 1 (LET 1) 1

Leadership, Education, and Training 2 (LET 2) 1

Leadership, Education, and Training 3 (LET 3) 1

Leadership, Education, and Training 4 (LET 4)* 1

Note: * Indicates Honors credit

Instructional Methods:

Small group discussion, demonstration, modeling, team activities, instructional videos, PowerPoint presentations, student presentations, guest speakers, student-centered instructions, and some lecture.

Out of Class Activities:

Service Learning Project, Drill Meets, Parades, Military Ball, and Annual Final Review, Home Football Games, Pep Rally’s, Color Guards, Middle School Recruiting, All Home Football Games and Larriette Escorts.

Classroom procedures

I. Be on time for class with note book paper and writing material. Be in dress code and have your cell phone turned OFF.

II. Do not eat, drink, chew gum in the classroom

III. Respect yourself, others and school property

IV. The class leader will dismiss the class and not the bell


Discipline comes from a Latin word which means “Learning.” The dictionary defines it as “training which corrects, molds, strengthens, or perfects.”

Military discipline is an outward manifestation of mental attitude and state of training, which renders obedience and proper conduct instinctive under all conditions. It is founded upon respect for and loyalty to properly constituted authority. Discipline and punishment do not have the same definitions. Discipline is the practice or methods of ensuring that people obey rules by teaching them to do so while punishment is a penalty that is imposed on somebody for wrongdoing.

Being disciplined means that West Mesquite High School cadets are learning to place the tasks of their unit—their team—above their personal desires. It means that they are learning to follow the orders of their leaders promptly and cheerfully, so that even in the leader’s absence they will observe established rules and conduct themselves properly. Our cadets learn the principles of delayed self enrichment and dedication to truth, they learn to balance responsibility and delegate duties accordingly and to exercise higher centers of the brain (judgment) and regulate lower centers of the brain (emotion).

In training, leaders will insist upon perfection in what may seem to be minor details. Such things as wearing the uniform properly will be closely scrutinized. The performance is expected to be the highest caliber, both on and off the campus. Cadets are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their parents, their JROTC unit, their school, and the United States Army.

When necessary, the following means will be employed to enforce conformance to defined and published standards of conduct:

Counseling by Cadet leadership

Counseling by SAI/AI

Performing additional training on the stated deficiencies

Assigning demerits.

Reduction in cadet rank.


While in uniform, all members of the Corps of Cadets are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect outstanding credit upon themselves, their parents, their school, the cadet corps, and the United States Army.


Personal cleanliness and good grooming are a must for JROTC cadets at all times.


All clothing must conform to the West Mesquite High School JROTC dress code.

• Females may have no more than one earring on each ear while in uniform.

• Males are not permitted to wear earrings while in the JROTC uniform or in civilian attire--- this violates MISD Dress Code.

• No body piercing should be visible at any time (other than ears for females).

• No civilian headgear of any type is permitted while in uniform.

• Undergarments should be worn but not visible.

• Pants must be fitted at the natural waist, sagging pants will not be tolerated.

• Shorts must be one inch below the fingertips.

• Skirts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee.

• No fishnet stockings or thigh-high stockings are allowed.

• Students are to wear shoes the issued shoes while in uniform; Other footwear must conform to the MISD Dress Code.

Hair Styles-Male

The choice of hairstyle is an individual decision. There are a wide variety of hairstyles that, if maintained in a neat manner, are acceptable. Haircuts for male cadets, without reference to style, must conform to the following standards, in order to receive a passing grade on uniform inspections:

- The hair on top of the head will be neatly trimmed and not of an excessive length. The hair will not be allowed to fall over the eyebrows.

- The sides and back will be trimmed and tapered, but need not be shaven or excessively clipped; however, it will not touch the collar or ears.

- If male cadets desire to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed and evenly tapered, with a clean shaven line and no flare at the base, and they will not extend below the bottom part of the ear.

Beards and Mustaches are not authorized or any facial hair.

Hair Styles-Female

Hairstyles for female cadets, without reference to style, must conform to the following standards in order to receive a passing grade on uniform inspections.

Hair should be worn in such a manner that it is off the collar in the back and not allowed to fall over the eyebrows in the front. When gathering long hair in the back, hair twists should be restricted to black or dark brown, or the natural color of the hair.


The JROTC uniform is more than a suit of clothing. It’s a symbol of honor, tradition, and achievement. Smart appearance and proper conduct while in uniform is an indication of self-respect, pride, alertness, and loyalty.

The uniform and required equipment is furnished on a loan basis to each cadet. Cadets are responsible for the condition of these items and for the proper return of all items issued at the end of the school year. There are no charges for the use of the uniforms and equipment, provided all items are turned in at the end of the school year or when a cadet is disenrolled from the JROTC Program.

Cost of cleaning, laundry, and normal maintenance of uniforms will be the responsibility of the cadet while the uniform is in their possession. It is not necessary to have the uniforms cleaned prior to turn-in at end of the school year. The U.S. Army provides complete cleaning and maintenance during the summer months.

Army uniforms require frequent brushing and should be pressed before scheduled wear. The Army uniform (trousers) must be dry cleaned and should never be washed, as this will ruin the uniform.

On the designated uniform day, Cadets are expected to wear the prescribed uniform during the entire school day—not solely during the JROTC class period.



|Cadet |1 |1st Semester, 1st 6 Weeks |N/A |

|Private |1 |1st Semester, 2nd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Private First Class |1 |2nd Semester, 4th 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Corporal |1 |2nd Semester, 6th 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Sergeant |2 |3rd Semester, 1st 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Staff Sergeant |2 |3rd Semester, 2nd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Sergeant First Class |2 |3rd Semester, 3rd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Master Sergeant |2/3 |4th Semester, 4th 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Sergeant Major |2/3 |4th Semester, 2nd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|2nd Lieutenant |3/4 |5th Semester, 2nd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|1st Lieutenant |3/4 |5th Semester, 2nd 6 Weeks |2.0 |

|Captain |3/4 |6th Semester, 3rd 6 Weeks |2.5 |

|Major |4 |Senior Cadet / LET 3 or 4 |2.5 |

|Lieutenant Colonel |4 |Senior Cadet / LET 3 or 4 |2.5 |

|Colonel** |4 |Senior Cadet / LET 3 or 4 |2.5 |


Promotion boards will be organized and conducted by the Cadet Battalion CSM and the Cadet Board of Review. The Board of Review will consist of Company First Sergeants. At least two will be female cadets.

The following personnel are ineligible for promotion

1. A cadet who fails to wear the designated uniform on a mandatory uniform day and fails to make up the missed day on the following school day more than twice during a semester.

2. Failure to attend a mandatory battalion activity during the current semester, without prior written approval or coordination with the SAI/AI.

3. A cadet who has received in/out of school suspension for the most recent six-week grading period.

4. A cadet, whose grade point average falls below 2.0 for the previous six-week grading period.

Appointments, promotions, or reductions of cadets will be made on West Mesquite High School Cadet Battalion Orders. No appointment, promotion, or reduction will be effective until orders, signed by the SAI have been published.

The SAI must approve all recommendations for appointments, promotions, or reductions.

Final Authority. The SAI/AI retains the authority to overrule or modify the decisions of members of the Cadet Corps.

Reductions. To ensure that the best-qualified cadets are able to earn promotions or appointments to higher ranks, and have the opportunity to be assigned to positions of leadership, the following policies concerning administrative reductions will apply:

Any cadet who fails to wear the designated uniform on a mandatory uniform day and does not make it up as prescribed, more than twice in any six weeks period will be administratively reduced one rank.

Any cadet who fails to attend a mandatory cadet Battalion formation, without prior written approval from the SAI/AI, will be reduced one rank.

A cadet who is suspended for any reason may be administratively reduced one rank.

• Any cadet whose grade point average is below 2.0 will be placed on probation for the following grading period. If his/her GPA at the end of the probation period is still lower than 2.0, the cadet will be reduced to Private First Class.

1. Cadets holding the rank of SFC or higher who fail any class will result in reduction of rank. Any cadet holding the rank of private through SSG who fails two or more classes will result in reduction of one rank

2. Cadets in leadership positions who fail any class will be removed from that position.

Note: Failing classes is not conducive toward developing sound leaders and motivating young people to be better citizens.



The following organizations and activities are authorized within the Army JROTC program. These are categorized as extra-curricular activities, and participation is voluntary on the part of the individual cadet. The SAI serves as the faculty supervisor of these activities but may designate an Instructor or other qualified adult to oversee such activities. One of the strengths of the JROTC program is that it allows many students to become involved in extra-curricular activities. This participation builds team work, and self-esteem thus supplying the objectives of the program. As other Army JROTC clubs and activities are formed and authorized, this section will be amended to include them.

22. Army JROTC Unarmed Drill Team (Female)

23. Army JROTC Armed Drill Team (Male/Female)

24. Army JROTC Saber Drill Team (Male/Female)

25. Army JROTC Academic Team (Male and Female)

26. Army JROTC Color Guards (Male and Female)

27. Army JROTC Orienteering Team (Male and Female)

28. Army JROTC Physical Fitness Team (Male and Female)

These teams practice during 4A class periods and sometimes before and after school depending on the SAI/AI.


I. Excused Absence: allowed to make-up within a week.

II. Unexcused Absence: allowed to make-up within 72hrs, a note from parent and signed by teacher and then taken to the attendance office.

III. Excused Tardy: allowed to make-up during independent work.

IV. Unexcused Tardy: allowed to make up the same day

V. Annual Inspections (No-make up possible)


Definition. The merit point system provides a means to reward cadets for performance and to minimize disruptive behavior.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to explain the Merit/Demerit System within the West Mesquite High School JROTC Program.

Responsibilities. The cadet leadership will monitor cadet behavior during all JROTC activities—especially during off-campus trips. The SAI/IA will monitor cadet behavior, conduct, and academic progress in all West Mesquite High School academic courses in coordination with teachers, counselors, and administrators.

Control: All merit points earned must be approved prior to entry into the JUMS. Merit Point requests will be routed through the Chain of Command to the SAI/AI.


a. The JROTC Program, in addition to being an academic subject, is an activity designed to motivate young people to be better citizens. Good order and discipline are two of the tools used for

the development of this objective. Accordingly, the West Mesquite High School JROTC Department will use a system of rewards and punishments to encourage JROTC cadets to adhere to high standards of conduct, Self-discipline and personal appearance. The system used will be the Merit/Demerit System.

b. Merits and Demerits may increase or decrease a cadet's semester grade.

c. Merits contribute to a cadet's earning the Merit, Exceptional Service and Good Conduct Ribbons.

d. Each merit or demerit slip must be reviewed, approved or disapproved and signed by the instructor concerned prior to entry on cadet's merit/demerit card.

e. Merits and demerits will impact on a cadet’s standing on the order of merit list for promotions.


The S-1 will record merit points into the JUMS official cadet record.

No cadet may issue themselves merit points.

No cadet may issue merit points to a boy friend or girl friend.

The provisions of good leadership will be followed in awarding merit points. Failure to do so will be ground for demotion or removal from the position of trust.

Any cadet that feels they have not received either recognition for outstanding service or feels they have incorrectly received merit points my appeal, in writing, to the Battalion Command Sergeant Major.

Merit Points will be given for academic achievement, acts of selfless service, and demonstrated leadership under duress.


a. A merit is a positive grade in conduct or efficiency given for exceptional performance of duty, outstanding achievement, or extra duties assigned outside the scope of the regular curriculum.

Merits may be applied against demerits to negate their effect. Exception to this policy is that any demerits assessed for repetitive uniform or personal appearance problems, or abusive insubordination

is not automatically negated by the use of merits.

b. Merits may be awarded by any JROTC instructor, cadet officer, or non-commissioned officer.

c. Merits are turned into the Battalion S-1 on a Merit Slip

d. The S-1 will maintain a current and up-to-date record of all merits/demerits.

f. The S-1 will provide the JROTC instructors a listing by unit, by name of merits/demerits accumulated during each semester.

g. When cadets perform community service activities, one merit will be given for each fifteen minutes worked by the cadet.

|Merit Point Rational |Amount |

|National Merit Recognition |25 Points |

|National Honor Society |10 Points |

|Elected to Student Government |10 Points |

|West Mesquite High School A/B Honor Roll (Six Weeks) | 5 Points |

|Varsity JROTC or Athletic Team Member (Semester) | 3 Points |

|Active member of school publication staff (Semester) | 3 Points |

|Active member of community service organization (Semester) | 3 Points |

|Attendance at JROTC sponsored events and activities | 2 Points |

|Wearing the JROTC uniform | 2 Points |

|Passing an enrolled course (Six Weeks) | 1 Point per class |


a. A demerit is a negative grade in conduct or efficiency assessed against a cadet who has committed more serious violations of the JROTC Code of Conduct. The number of demerits assessed depends on the seriousness and/or frequency of the delinquency. Demerits may be given by any military instructor, cadet officer or administrator. Demerits are turned into the Battalion S-1 on a Demerit Slip; The S-1 will manage the Demerit Program and ensure all demerits are posted. Serious violations are identified to the Company Commander and SAI. The S-1 compiles a weekly list of demerits for posting on the Bulletin Board.

b. There are four ways a person may erase/eliminate demerits in his/her file:

(1) Trade Off: Some demerits may be traded off with merits. For example, a person who has 15

Merits and picks up a demerit for dirty shoes may trade one of his/her merits for the demerit.

Thus, he/she will not have to work it off.

(2) Work Off: There are two ways a student in JROTC can "work off" demerits.

(a) In most cases, the student in JROTC will be directed to report to the JROTC Department for work details which consists of cleaning up classrooms, sweeping and mopping floors emptying trash, policing up the outside area around the entrance to the JROTC Department, etc. It takes 15 minutes of work to eliminate on (1) demerit.

(b) Another is via the normal West Mesquite High School disciplinary system. Any violation of JROTC policy is automatically a violation of West Mesquite High School policy. The

determination of whether a cadet is sent to the Assistant Principal or disciplined

within the JROTC Department will be made by the Company Commander or Instructor.

If sent to the Assistant Principal demerits are still written up and posted in the cadet's

records for the offense which created the incident leading to the situation which required

the assistance of an administrator.

c. Cadets with excessive or repetitive demerits will be turned over to the Assistant Principal's Office by JROTC Cadre for additional disciplinary action using the WMHS Form.

d. Demerits may be worked off in the mornings before school or in the afternoon after school. Cadets who must work in the mornings or afternoons will be provided a 24 hour notice so that arrangements for transportation, if necessary, can be made

e. WMHS JROTC instructors have the authority to require cadets to work off demerits, regardless of the offense. Examples would be for repetitive violations of minor offenses.

|Demerit Point Rational |Amount |

|Eating or chewing gum in class or formation |1 point |

|Improper, dirty uniform |1-3 Points |

|Brass not cleaned |1 Point |

|Unauthorized brass or insignia |2 Points |

|Wearing unauthorized awards or badges |5 Points |

|Shoes not cleaned |2 Points |

|Talking in class or ranks |2 Points |

|Unprepared for class |1-3 Points |

|Failure to follow instructions |1-5Points |

|Failure to shave |2 Points |

|Failure to wear nameplate |2 Points |

|Improper haircut or needs haircut |2 Points |

|Improper reporting procedure |1 Point |

|Disrespect to a superior or subordinate |5 Points |

|Lack of attention to duty |1-5 Points |

|Failure to report |1 Points |

|Male cadet wearing earring(s) |1-5 Points |

|No uniform | 5 Points |

|Damage to government or school property |10 Points |

|Violations of the Cadet Creed (Lying, Cheating, Stealing) |5 Points |

|Suspension from West Mesquite High School |10 Points |

|Misuse of JROTC, Government, or MISD property | 5 Points |

|Unexcused absence from school | 3 Points |

|Using obscene language in public | 3 Points |

|Failure to attend an agreed upon duty, detail, or practice | 2 Points |

|Failing enrolled course (Six Weeks) | 1 Point per class |


Name: Date: ____________

LAST_______________ FIRST_______________ MI___ RANK _________________

Circle Company: HQ A B C D E Number of Merits: _____

Reason for award: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Cadet Leader______________________________

Company Commander______________________________

Instructor ____________________________



LAST_____________ FIRST___________ MI ______

Reason for Demerits: __________________________________________________

________Eating/Chewing Gum (1) ________Failure to Wear Name plate (2)

________Improper/Dirty Uniform (1-3) ________ Needs haircut (2)

________Brass not cleaned (1) ________ Improper Reporting Procedure (1)

________Unauthorized Award/Badge (5) ________ Insubordination (5)

________Shoes not shined (2) ________Lack of attention to duty (1-5)

________Talking (2) ________ Failure to report (1-5)

________Unprepared for class (1-3) ________ No uniform (5)

________ Males’ earring violation (1-5) ________Failure to shave (1-3)

________ other: ______ _________TOTAL

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ___________Date of Offense: __________Cadet Initials: ________

Cadet (NCO/Officer) ________________ Cadet (Co. Co.) ______________Instructor _______________





NAME: DATE: __________

LAST ______________FIRST_______________ MI_____

COMPANY ___________________________

NATURE OF REPRIMAND__________________________________________________________________


SIGNATURE OF CO CDR___________________

SIGNATURE OF CADET LEADER_______________________________



End of Six Week Cycle and School Year Balance: Cadets with a positive balance of merit points at the end of each semester will receive special recognition at Battalion Awards and Promotion Ceremonies.

Cadets with a negative balance may be demoted to a lower rank and no more than a letter grade reduction.

Library Resources:

Located in JROTC building

Student Conduct:

Reference: MISD student code of conduct

Drop/Withdrawal Policy:

The MISD school policy for drop/withdrawal

Class Assignments:

Late assignments lose a point per day up-to four points per week.

Make-up Examinations:

Make-up examination must be made up within the same week Honor Code: Cadet Creed recited before the beginning of each class session


I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the Corps of Cadets.

I am loyal and patriotic.

I am the future of the United States of America

I do not lie cheat or steal, and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds

I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism

I will always work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body

I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.

May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.



Parent/guardian (print Name)


Signature of Parent or guardian


Cadet (Print Name)


Cadet Signature



Note by signing this agreement you are saying that you will help ensure these policies and standards are followed by your cadet and enforced at all times while he or she is assigned to the West Mesquite JROTC cadet corps.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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