-137160-274320 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYUS ARMY CADET COMMAND, JUNIOR PROGRAMDEER PARK HIGH SCHOOL ARMY JROTC720 WEST ST. AUGISTINE, DEER PARK, TEXAS 77536 Phone: 832-668-2348; FAX 281-930-4894; e-mail: anhernandezan@ ATOD-HS-DPHS 30 August 2016 BIRTH PLACE OF TEXAS MILITARY SKILLS MEET SY 2016-2017 1. GENERAL INFORMATION. Deer Park High School JROTC Battalion will host a Military Skills meet from 0800- 1600 Saturday, February 18, 2017, to enhance teamwork, build camaraderie, and the spirit of competition and good sportsmanship among JROTC Units.2. EVALUATORS.Evaluation, support and additional personnel will be provided by local Army Recruiters and National Guard service members, Deer Park cadets and others as necessary. Deer Park teams may participate in competition events but will not be eligible for any individual or team awards3. EVENTS.1. Orienteering – Orienteering (Male and Female)2. Leadership Reaction Course (LRC)3. Mini JLAB (Military History, Algebra)4. Male Physical Fitness Team5 Female Physical Fitness Team6. Color Guard (Male) 7. Color Guard (Female)7. Ranger Swim- Described Below8. Combat Inner Tube Relay10. Tug of WarEntry Fees and Packet are at Enclosure 1. Schools may pick and choose at $35.00 per event. The minimum entry is 6 of the 10 events. Only one team is authorized per event per school – no exceptions! This competition will be an open concept. All events will be first come first serve basis. There will be a sign up sheet at each event to control the flow of competitors. All events MUST / WILL be completed by 1500 prior to the start of the relay. The awards ceremony will follow the Tug-of-War Championship. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION. 1. Return Registration form and check covering entry fee (Made out to “Deer Park JROTC Parent Club”) as soon as possible, (NLT January 13, 2017). 2. Ensure that Waiver forms and team roster sheets are completed prior to arrival. 3. Once a team signs in for an event they should remain in the area until they compete or risk being placed at the end of the sign up list. 4. Ensure unit is present prior to start of award ceremony 5. Lunch will be provided for a nominal fee; a prepaid meal package will be offered for $5.00. (see attached order form Annex I). 6. Meet Check-in Time: Registration will open at 0700 hours. ?????7. Facilities: Running Course, Auxiliary Gym, and other Facilities (Map will be Provided at a Later Date) 8. Bathrooms/locker rooms will be designated as changing areas. 9. Medical Support- We will provide limited first aid. 10. PT Scoring Rubric - Annex A 11. Event Descriptions - Annex – B. 12. Schedule will appear in Annex C. (attached as separate document to this email) 13. Meet Scoring and Awards – Annex D 14. Team Rosters – Annex E 15. Meet Registration form – Annex F 16. Meet Waiver Form – Annex G 17. Color Guard Score sheet – Annex H (attached as separate document to this email) 18. Team Roster (JLAB) – Annex I 19. Pre pay Meal Order Form – Annex J TONY HERNANDEZCPT (Ret), U.S. ArmySenior Army Instructor Annex APT Team Scoring Rubric Points1 Mile Run Males1 Mile Run FemalesPull-Ups Males 1 minFlexed Arm Hang Females Sit-Ups Males 2 minSit-Ups Females 2 minPush-Ups Males 2 minPush-Ups Females 2 min1005:005:453012012010810080955:156:00281151141039576905:306:152590108979072855:456:302275102928568806:006:45206096868064756:157:00185590817560706:307:15165084767056656:457:30144578706552607:007:45124072656048557:158:00113566595544507:308:15103060545040457:458:3092554494536408:009:0082048434032358:309:3071742383528309:0010:0061536323024259:3010:30512302725202010:0011:00410242220161510:3011:3037181615121011:0012:00251211108511:3012:30136554012:0013:00000000TimeTimeRepsSecondsRepsRepsRepsRepsScore will be rounded down to the nearest 5 pointsAnnex BList of Events: 1. Orienteering – Orienteering (Male and Female)2. Leadership Reaction Course (LRC)3. Mini JLAB (Military History, Algebra)4. Male Physical Fitness Team5 Female Physical Fitness Team6. Color Guard (Male) 7. Color Guard (Female)7. Ranger Swim- Described Below8. Combat Inner Tube Relay10. Tug Of War1. Orienteering: (Separate Male & Female Categories)Team Relays – 60 minute time limit & staggered startObjective: Given a street map of the area around Deer Park H.S., successfully orienteer to various locations and punch your card to verify your finding of the point. Remember this will be a sprint length course meaning that you must successfully navigate to all points on your map in numerical order to be qualified for winning the relay.Materials: Compass (optional) & Watch. Pagers & cell phones are prohibited.Basic Information: A School may enter as many teams as desired; The Team may consist of 2-3 members (note 2 member teams would make someone run two courses). The team members must SUCCESSFULLY complete each of the 3 sprint courses designed for the relay event in order to be eligible for winning a trophy. The team will be either male or female; if the need should arise for a coed team, it will be counted as a Male Competitive Team. There will be three courses (Advance, Beginner, and Intermediate). You will be looking for control markers (A control marker is a triangular shaped bag with square sides, consisting of two more right triangle fields, one being orange, and the other being white). Each of the control markers will have a different control number which is corresponding to the clue sheet based on your course level. After an initial team briefing, the teams will be given their clue sheets and lined up in order of their course. Note when pre-arranging who will be the first to go out it is mandatory that the Advanced is your first runner out. Each member will be given a punch card with 14 numbered boxes on them. You will punch the boxes that correspond with a specific number on your clue sheet. For example, when you reach a control and the number (924) is attached and it is your first point both on the clue sheet and on the map punch it in the appropriate box (In this case it would go in box 1) on the punch card so that way you are able to receive credit for successfully navigating to the control marker. In regards to the time limit and qualification for winning the event, you are given a 60 minute time limit and required to send the Advanced out first. If the Advanced runner does not make it back within 25 minutes then we will start your second runner however note that you will receive a 5 minute penalty if we must do this. If the second runner is not back within 40 minutes (total time) then we will send your third and final runner and another 5 minute penalty will be applied. Please note that this event does have a 60 minute time limit and if you exceed the total amount of time your team is automatically disqualified from this event. Annex B (con’t)Strategy: This event is a Relay meaning each runner must participate in the event for the team to be eligible. We recommend you select the fastest and more experienced runners to compete on the advanced course in order to have the best chance at winning. 2. Leaders Reaction Course Five-person team (5) and two team members must be female cadets. ?Leadership Reaction Course is an outdoor adventure-based learning facility. Five structured "leadership challenges" encourages participants to think, react, work as a team and solve problems in a determined period of time. Leaders receive a mission, brainstorm, execute, and readjust to compete it under a time restraint.?The obstacles themselves present a fun, challenging and?unique?learning environment, with mental and physical obstacles that can only be overcome with leadership and teamwork. Supplies: 4 Barrels, 4 poles, 3 cinder blocks, 2 planks, 1 sheet of plywood, 3 rucksacks, skids, 2 tractor tires, and litter. Score will be based on the fastest time. A penalty will be assessed for dropping equipment while negotiating an obstacle. 3. Mini JLAB (Military History (Pacific Battles WW2), Algebra, China 1949-Present (Economic and Miltary Growth)The concept of this competition is based on the online JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB). In this competition, teams will compete against one another. It will be a single elimination team advancing to the next round. Matches will last 10 minutes and questions will be extracted from JLAB curriculum/questions. Fastest time will determine time breaker. Cadets will have a maximum of 60 seconds to correctly answer each questions.4. Male Physical Fitness: Physical Fitness Test – The physical fitness test will consist of four events (pull-ups/flex arm hang, push-ups, sit-ups, one-mile-run) completed in sequence with a 3-5 minute break between exercises. Teams will consist of four cadets (WITH THE SAME 4 CADETS DOING ALL 4 EVENTS) and can be made of all male cadets, all female cadets, or a mixed team (will compete as a male team). The uniform will be an appropriate PT uniform. The time allotted to perform push-ups and sit-ups is two minutes each (2-minute). Due to time constraints, the maximum number of teams that a school may enter is one per category per school. Pull-ups / Flexed-arm Hang – Scored IAW the PT Rubric at Annex A. Pull-ups may be done either palms inboard or palms outboard. Each repetition must begin and end from the “dead hang” position with no excessive “kipping”. Male cadets must do the pull-up even.Push-ups – Push-ups will be completed IAW FM 7-22 and scored using the PT Rubric at Annex A. Evaluators will pay particular attention to the back being straight and the body moving as a single unit.Sit-ups – Sit-ups will be completed IAW FM 7-22 and scored using the PT Rubric at Annex A.1-mile baton relay – scored IAW the PT Rubric at Annex A. Team rosters will be completed and turned in during in-processing.Annex B (con’t)5. Female Physical Fitness: Physical Fitness Test – The physical fitness test will consist of four events (pull-ups/flex arm hang, push-ups, sit-ups, one-mile-run) completed in sequence with a 3-5 minute break between exercises. Teams will consist of four cadets (WITH THE SAME 4 CADETS DOING ALL 4 EVENTS) and can be made of all male cadets, all female cadets, or a mixed team (will compete as a male team). The uniform will be an appropriate PT uniform Flexed-arm Hang – Scored IAW the PT Rubric at Annex. Female cadets must do the flex arm hang event.Push-ups – Push-ups will be completed IAW FM 7-22 and scored using the PT Rubric at Annex A. Evaluators will pay particular attention to the back being straight and the body moving as a single unit.Sit-ups – Sit-ups will be completed IAW FM 7-22 and scored using the PT Rubric at Annex A.1-mile baton relay – scored IAW the PT Rubric at Annex A. Team rosters will be completed and turned in during in-processing.6-7. Color Guard: (Separate Male and Female Categories)Each color guard will consist of 4 cadets; the color guard commander will carry the American Flag and call all commands. Uniform for the color guard may be any cadet uniform variation authorized for wear by the participating school’s Senior Military Instructor. The color guard will execute the sequence of commands, as listed in the Appendix to this Annex, in sequence and from memory. No cheat sheets will be authorized. The evaluator will assign a score of “0” for any command omitted, even if the command is included at a later time. Any command executed out of bounds will receive a “0”. (Penalty points will be deducted for each boundary violation) Only regulation color guard movements will be allowed (no exhibition movements). All movements will be in accordance with TC 3-21.5 (Army), NAVMC 2691 (Navy), MCO P5060.20 (Marine Corps), and AF Manuel 36-2203 (Air Force). Any unit that allows any flag to touch the ground/floor during the competition will be disqualified. THE COLOR GUARD DRILL AREA WILL BE 55 FT BY 55 FT. (SEE ANNEX H FOR SEQUENCE)8. Ranger SwimIn this competition; schools participating in this event will be required to enter a team of four cadets, one of which MUST be a female. This is a relay competition, teams will have to swim 25 meters (one length of the pool) then pass the “Rubber Duck” to the next cadet on his/her team, until all cadets have completed the relay. This exchange will continue until the forth cadet finishes. The team with the fastest time wins. The proper attire for this competition is full BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) less boots. We will not be providing B.D.U.s, only the rubber duck. AT NO TIME IS A CADET ALLOWED TO HANG ON TO THE SIDE OF THE POOL OR LOSE CONTACT WITH THE “RUBBER DUCK”. ONE WARNING WILL BE ISSUED WITH A SECOND OFFENSE RESULTING IN DISQUALIFICATION. ANY METHOD OF SWIMMING WITH THE RUBBER DUCK (ON YOUR BACK CRADLED ON YOUR CHEST, HOLDING IT WITH ONE HAND AND SWIMMING WITH THE OTHER, ETC) IS AUTHORIZED. Annex B (con’t)9. Combat Inner Tube Relay A four-person event - At least one participant must be female cadet and 1 competitor must be an adult (school cadre member or parent/guardian of a cadet in the program, no alumni). The adult team member must sign waiver in order to compete. Competition will take place at the pool (25 meter indoor pool) with two competitors will be on each side of the pool. The first team member will jump onto the inner tube and paddle his way to the other side of the pool. When they reach the other side before exiting they must touch the tube and the wall until the next team member touches the tube. Then the 2nd team member will race back. This continues until all team members have finished. Swimmer must remain in contact with the tube at all times. If an unfair advantage is gained by a swimmer losing contact (pushing the inner tube ahead of them), a ten second penalty will be assessed for each incident. Two – four-person teams will compete at once and the teams with the four lowest time advances to the final competition.10. Tug Of WarA ten-person team event (5 male and 5 female)- In this competition, two teams of ten will be competing against one another on opposite ends of a long thick rope, on each team there must be four male and four female cadets. The objective; pull the rope away from the other team. Cadets must start in the pushup position with their feet touching the rope. Only after the start whistle is blown can cadet’s hands touch the rope. It will be single elimination with the winning team advancing to the next round. This will be the last event of the day and will take place in the field located East side of the football stadium. (No cleats, glue, hairspray, etc.) TEAM TROPHIES WILL BE AWARDED; HOWEVER, THIS EVENT WILL NOT EARN POINTS TOWARDS THE FINAL OVERALL MEET CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. Annex CThis is attached to the email containing the LOI as a separate attachment.Annex D (Awards)Individual MedalsIndividual Medals will be awarded as follows:Orienteering: Top Male Team, Top Female TeamPhysical Fitness: Top Male Pushups, Top Male Situps, Top Male Pullups Fastest Male Mile, Top Male Overall Score Top Female Pushups, Top Female Situps, Longest Flex Arm Hang, Fastest Female Mile, Top Female Overall ScoreTie Breakers: Orienteering (fastest time) Physical fitness pushups, pull-ups, situps, flex arm hang (fastest mile) Physical fitness mile run (most pushups)Rifle: Prone, standing, kneeling (highest overall score) Overall score (highest prone, then kneeling, then standing)Mini JLAB: Top Team (Four Person Team) Meet Awards and Scoring1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies will be awarded in each event.For Each Event scoring is as follows:1st place: 500 points2nd place: 300 points3rd place: 200 points4th/5th place: 100 points6th and down: 50 pointsYou may enter as many teams as you wish into each event (space permitting); however the only score that will count will be your highest scoring team. In the event of a tie score, both teams will be awarded the full number of points. For example, if two teams were to tie for second place, both would receive 300 points for the event. The team finishing after them would be considered the 4th place team and receive 100 points.The school with the highest score overall will receive the Grand Champion Trophy. The team must be present to win the Trophy unless prior arrangement are made with the Senior Army Instructor of Deer Park High School.Annex E (con’t) LEADERS REACTION COURSE (LRC)SCHOOL: ____________________________________________NAMESTART TIME END TIMEPENALTYTOTALAnnex E (con’t) ORIENTEERING Score-O Team RosterSCHOOL: ____________________________________________Male RosterCOMPETITION START TIME: ___________________1.____________________________________________-2.____________________________________________3.____________________________________________4.____________________________________________5.____________________________________________Female RosterCOMPETITION START TIME: ___________________1.____________________________________________2.____________________________________________3.____________________________________________4.____________________________________________5.____________________________________________Annex E (con’t) JLABSCHOOL: ____________________________________________NAMESTART TIMEENDTIMECORRECT RESPONSESTOTALAnnex E (con’t)PHYSICAL TRAINING TEAM ROSTERSCHOOL: ____________________________________________Male RosterCOMPETITION START TIME: ___________________1._______________________________________2._______________________________________3._______________________________________4._______________________________________Female RosterCOMPETITION START TIME: ___________________1._______________________________________2._______________________________________3._______________________________________4._______________________________________Annex E (con’t)MALE COLOR GUARD TEAM ROSTERSCHOOL: ____________________________________COMPETITION START TIME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FEMALE COLOR GUARD TEAM ROSTERSCHOOL: ____________________________________COMPETITION START TIME: ___________________1. __________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________Annex E (con’t)RANGER SWIM TEAM ROSTERSCHOOL: ____________________________________COMPETITION START TIME: ___________________ 1._________________________________2._________________________________3._________________________________4._________________________________Annex E (con’t)Tug Of War RosterSCHOOL: ____________________________________________1._________________________________2._________________________________3._________________________________4._________________________________5._________________________________6._________________________________7._________________________________8._________________________________Annex E Inner Tube Relay TeamCOMPETITION START TIME: ___________________SCHOOL: ____________________________________________1._________________________________(name of adult participant/cadre or booster club parent)2._________________________________3._________________________________4._________________________________Annex F Birthplace of Military Skills Meet (Deer Park)0800-1630 hrs. February 18, 2017REGISTRATION FORMSCHOOL: ____________________________________POC: _______________________________________TELEPHONE # _________________________________E-MAIL ____________________________________REGISTRATION FEE: (Make checks out to Deer Park JROTC)TEAMS YOU WILL BE ENTERING:1.Male Orienteering –Relay# of teams ____ x $35 = ______2.Female Orienteering– Relay# of teams ____x $35 = ______3. Mini JLAB Competition# of teams ____x $35 = ______4. Male PT Team# of teams ____x $35 = ______5. Female PT Team# of teams ____x $35 = ______6. Male Color Guard# of teams ____x $35 = ______7. Female Color Guard# of teams ____x $35 = ______8. Ranger Swim# of teams ____x $35 = ______9.Inner Tube Combat Relay# of teams ____x $35 = ______10.Tug of War# of teams ____x $35 = ______ Total Fees ______ ANNEX G WAIVER FORM(To be filled out by all participating cadets and turned in during check-in)STATEMENT OF WAIVERI, ____________________________________________________________(Print name of parent/guardian)do hereby waive and release any and all claims against the United States Army, or the Deer Park Independent School District/ or their representatives For any injury to the undersigned competitor during training or competition involved in the “Gulf Coast Military Skills Meet”January 26, 2017________________________________________________________(Print name of competitor)(Signature)________________________________________________________(Print name of Parent)(Signature)___________________________________________________________,(Home address)______________________________________________________(City)(State)(Zip)______________________________________(Home phone)______________________________________.(Emergency contact)Annex HCOLOR GUARD SCORE SHEETMOVEMENTUPTSCORE Report In012Sling Arms 012Post 012Uncase Colors 036Present Arms 012Order Arms 012Post 012Colors Reverse March 012Forward March 012Left Wheel March 012Forward March 012Colors Reverse March 012Forward March 012Colors Guard Halt 012Order Colors 012Parade Rest 012Colors Attention 012Carry Colors 012Forward March 012Right Wheel March 012Forward March 012Colors Reverse March 012Forward March 012Eyes Right 012Ready Front 012Left Wheel March 012Forward March 012Left Wheel March 012Color Guard Halt 012Sling Arms 012Post 012Present Arms 012Order Arms 012Case Color036Post012Report Out012 Annex I MINI JLAB COMPETITIONSCHOOL: ____________________________________________1._________________________________2._________________________________3._________________________________4._________________________________ANNEX JTexas Independence Military Skills Meet 18 February 2017Meals (LPHS Booster Club)2 Hotdogs or Hamburger, Chips, and Drink Combo $5.00. Save $1.00Number____School _______________________________________Please order NLT 20 January and make checks payable to Deer Park JROTC Parent Club. ................

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