Vaccine Liberation Army - A not for profit organization



But we committed to Connections Academy, our tax dollars have been sent to support this school, and I feel the need to finish this year I have officially withdrawn my son from #ConnectionsAcademy because they were bought by @pearsoned promoters of #commoncore! Sad!"

Virtual School and Home Education


Students that participate in any public or private school campus-based

activities are required to have age-appropriate vaccines with the proper

documentation on file at the school. IMMUNIZATION GUIDELINES

Effective March 2013

Rule 64D-3.046,

Florida Administrative Code


Students enrolled in the Florida Virtual School must have a completed DH

680 Form on file at the primary school or as designated by the Florida

Virtual School Program.

F. Confidentiality


In accordance with Section 456.057 (7) (a),

Florida Statutes

, confidential immunization information can be released without prior written consent, without liability, from one healthcare provider to another who is offering

immunization services to a patient. This statute may be cited when

obtaining a child's immunization history from another healthcare provider.

“This initiative has the potential to help change how the next generation of students learns,” said Paul Brest, President of the Hewlett Foundation. “Technology has a great role to play in advancing 'deeper learning,' an approach to improving education that helps students achieve a critical combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical skills they will need to succeed in a fiercely competitive global economy.”

Adaptable resources will provide teachers with helpful tools to differentiate instruction and prepare all students to meet the Common Core State Standards.

All these promising resources are aligned to the Common Core State Standards,

which are college- and career-ready standards being implemented in more than 40 states.

All these promising resources are aligned to the Common Core State Standards, which are college- and career-ready standards being implemented in more than 40 states.

In addition to the Pearson Foundation, the foundation is also partnering with Educurious Partners, Florida Virtual School, Institute of Play, Reasoning Mind, Quest Atlantis, Digital Youth Network and EDUCAUSE to develop and promote new applications for learning and assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards.

A significant part of these investments announced today include supporting work to build a complete system of digital courses aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The Pearson Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Pearson, the leading learning company, is developing 24 online math and English language arts courses to help teachers and principals implement the standards. These courses will be delivered through a combination of technologies, including video, interactive software, games, social media, and print. Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will support the development of this robust system of courses, including four— two in math and two in English language arts—to be available at no cost on an open platform for schools.


Pearson Foundation is a donor to the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) that accepts funding from many for profit corporations that also fund ALEC.[6]

Pearson Foundation Pairs with Gates Foundation

In April 2011, the Pearson Foundation released news of a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where a "Grant from [the] Gates Foundation will help create comprehensive instructional system to prepare America's students to meet Common Core State Standards."[7] With the money and research provided by the Gates Foundation, Pearson will create a series of courses in Math and English designed to teach the Common Core State Standards recently adopted by 41 states, two territories, and the District of Colombia. The Common Core Standards were developed by both the national Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), a non-profit group representing education commissioners.[7] [8] From 2010 to May 2013, Pearson Education spent $3,200,000 on lobbying.

Pearson Contracts

Pearson holds a five year contract worth nearly $500 million to write and administer exams in Texas.

Nonprofit group releases emails which depict connection between ALEC, education reform and corporate investors

Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) and a second group Bush founded called Chiefs for Change, whose members are current and former state education leaders who support Bush’s education reform agenda.

The emails provide conclusive evidence that FEE (JEB BUSH) staff promoted their corporate funders’ interests in Florida, New Mexico, Maine, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Louisiana. Those interests coincide with the agenda promoted by ALEC’s pay-for-play operation. Corporate donors work closely with state legislators and state education policy makers at ALEC conferences, seminars and annual meetings, according to the nonprofit Center for Media and Democracy. Rupert Murdoch, who has his own education division called Amplify, said, “When it comes to K through 12 education, we see a $500 billion sector in the U.S.”Amplify is one of FEE’s corporate donors.


The attendee list, according to the CBS report, includes JEB BUSH, Michael Bloomberg (NY), Bill and Melinda Gates, Dan Gilbert (owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers), Warren Buffet, Oprah, and others.

Read more:

Educurious Partners

Gates foundation

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.


Community Partners

Next Generation Learning Challenges

The foundation is also investing in several COMPUTER game-based learning tools:

• $2.6 million for iRemix, which is being developed by Digital Youth Network. It will be a set of 20 literacy-based trajectories that allow students to earn badges and move from novice to expert in areas like creative writing.

• $2.5 million to Institute of Play will build a set of game-based pedagogical tools and game-design curricula that can be used within both formal and informal learning contexts.

• $2.6 million to Quest Atlantis is creating video games that build proficiency in math, literacy and science.

Next Generation Learning Challenges is a grant competition and community aimed at identifying and expanding promising technologies that can help improve education across the K-12 and postsecondary spectrum. It is led by EDUCAUSE and community partners with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

NGLC: Funders: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. Funding for NGLC has primarily been provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

NGLC is managed by EDUCAUSE, a non-profit association working to advance higher education through the use of information technology, in conjunction with the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the League for Innovation in the Community College. Additional program support for the Regional Funds partner organizations will be provided by CEE-Trust.


In 2015 EDUCAUSE will continue to explore IT as a game changer.


EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology. EDUCAUSE helps those who lead, manage, and use information technology to shape strategic IT decisions. Over 2,400 colleges, universities, and other organizations in more than 40 countries are members. An estimated 60,000 individuals are active in EDUCAUSE. For more information, visit

(web conference June 16th: Linking K-12 with Common Core.

Oct 27-30, 2015

Indiana Convention Center

100 S. Capitol Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46225

Breakthrough Schools

Blended learning integrates teacher-led, in-person instruction with online learning and the use of technology-enabled tools in group-oriented and individual work. All of these strategies are at least partly managed by the student, and enabled by the seamless integration of technology.

Guiding principles: • Education should be learner-centered.Students should be actively engaged in learning experiences.

• Learning opportunities should be tailored to the needs of individual students.

• Learning is not confined to a classroom or a campus—it should be available wherever and whenever the learner needs it.

• Instructor commitment, knowledge, and experience are vital to student success.

• The contributions of a div

OPEN EDUCATION: Apparently all this free access is access to Common Core Brainwashing via Virtual schools:

Open Educational Resources

NGLC believes that open resources facilitate sharing and collaboration, maximizing the options available to learners and the adoption of best practices. These benefits, as stated in our Guiding Principles, support the widespread scale needed to address the problems we face in college readiness and college completion today.

Our very first investments in Higher Ed Tech Innovations supported seven inter-institutional teams to develop, improve, and expand access to high-quality, openly licensed courseware for general education and developmental courses. Many of the learning technologies developed in K-12 Tech Innovations are freely available and openly licensed. And several K-12 Breakthrough School Models grant recipients are using open digital content and open platforms; they are also contributors to OER creating new content and designing open source platforms that support next gen learning models.

We adopt the Hewlett Foundation’s definition of Open Educational Resources (OER):

OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.

Creative Commons licenses provide options for granting copyright permissions so that the licensed educational materials can be legally shared, reused, and remixed. 

How the 'Harbormaster Network' Plans to Spread Nationwide Personalized Learning

The Education Cities team provides Harbormasters with tools and frameworks developed by the likes of the Gates Foundation:


Strengthening national decision-making on immunization by building capacity for economic evaluation: Implementing ProVac in Europe.

Decision support for new vaccine introduction in low- and middle-income countries is critical to maximizing the efficiency and impact of vaccination programs. Global technical cooperation will be required. In the future, PAHO and WHO have an opportunity to expand the reach of the ProVac philosophy, models, and methods to additional regions and countries requiring real-time support. The ProVac Global Initiative is proposed as an effective mechanism to do so.



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