MEMORANDUM FOR Commanding General, United States …



520 Jacksonville Road

Mount Holly, NJ 08060-1298

(609) 267-0830 x-3239

(609) 265-9204 fax


bdejong@ daupperle@


December 8, 2012


Subj: Appointment, Promotion and Advancement Policy

Ref: (a) CNETINST 1533.9K

(b) Company Slate

Encl: (1) Cadet Appointment, Promotion and Advancement Criteria

(2) Promotion and Advancement Matrix

(3) Cadet Steering Committee

(4) Promotion Hours Addendum

1. Purpose. To establish NJROTCU #96667 policy for Appointment, Promotion and Advancement for all Cadet Ranks in accordance with reference (a). This policy shall be reviewed and reissued prior to the beginning of each academic year and will be effective immediately.

2. Definitions. In support of this policy, the following definitions apply:

a. Appointment. Cadet Officers and Chief Petty Officers are appointed to their respective rank. This rank is considered temporary until made permanent through promotion.

b. Promotion. Cadet Officers and Chief Petty Officers are promoted to their respective ranks from their previous rank at the conclusion of the school year in which appointed.*

c. Advancement. Cadet PO1 and below are advanced to their respective ranks following completion of the requirements for advancement, including written, oral tests and time in rate. When achieved, these ranks become permanent. *

d. Cadet Steering Committee. Consists of the two senior department heads and the Command Triad. This Committee is only to decide whether qualified cadets should be promoted to either E7 or O1.

3. Policy. Cadet appointment, promotion and advancement policy is hereby established as follows*:

a. Cadet Officers and Chief Petty Officers. Effective immediately, all Cadet Officers and Chief Petty Officers listed on the current slate per reference (b) are hereby appointed to their respective ranks as assigned.

b. Cadet PO1 and below. Effective immediately, all Cadets PO1 and below are hereby advanced to their respective rates as designated in reference (b).

c. Appointment. When a Cadet is appointed to CPO or above, he/she will assume the title, rank and uniform of that particular grade. Cadet Officer and Chief Petty Officer appointments beyond those designated on the current slate will be considered on a case by case basis.

d. Promotion. Cadet Officer and Chief Petty Officer (permanent) promotions will be effected at the end of the academic year.

e. Advancement. Cadets PO1 and below will be permanently advanced to their respective rates upon completion of required time-in-rate; upon completion of NS-1/2/3/4 as required and upon successful completion of written examinations.

f. Restrictive criteria. All Cadets are subject to review for academic performance and conduct. (1) Academics. In order to be considered for and retained on the Company Slate, Cadets must maintain a passing average and not fail any courses for the year. If a Cadet were to hold failing grade(s) in any classes at the conclusion of the academic year, they must pass the class during Summer School to retain their position otherwise they shall be removed from the slate. (2) Conduct. Cadets having conduct issues within the Company or in the School (including ISS and OSS) will be counseled by the SNSI/NSI. Failure to correct identified deficiencies will result in removal from the Company Slate for cause.

g. Graduates of LA/ST (Leadership Academy & Sail Training) may be promoted to the next higher rank, at the discretion of the SNSI.

h. JOLT: Junior Officer Leadership Training will be taught in the Spring, by graduates of LA/ST. Cadets desiring to advance in rank & rate should participate in this class.

i. Demotions or removal from the Company Slate. Any cadet, removed from the slate will be demoted. At the discretion of the SNSI a cadet may be reinstated to the Company Slate.

4. Action. This instruction shall be given widest dissemination throughout the Company and be thoroughly understood by all hands.

Enclosure (1) To Njrotc #96667 Rancocas Valley High School Instruction 1400.1A

Cadet Appointment, Promotion and Advancement Criteria*

1. The following criteria is hereby effective, Cadet SR through CDR.

a. SR to SA. Advancement to Seaman Apprentice (SA) will be authorized upon fulfillment of the following: Successful completion of one (1) Marking Period of Naval Science (NS) 1; memorized knowledge of the first five (5) General Orders to the Sentry; memorize all nine cadet enlisted ranks, and successful completion of the examination to SA. Advancement opportunity to SA will be offered at any time during the First Marking Period of NS-1.

b. SA to SN. Advancement to Seaman (SN) will be authorized upon fulfillment of the following: Already holding the rank of SA for one (1) marking period; successful completion of two (2) Marking Periods of NS-1; memorized knowledge of all eleven (11) General Orders to the Sentry; memorize all cadet officer and enlisted ranks and successful completion of the examination to SN. Advancement opportunity to SN will be offered at the end of the Second Marking Period of NS-1.

c. SN to PO3. Advancement to Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) will be authorized upon fulfillment of the following: Already holding the rank of SN for (2) two marking periods; successful completion of four (4) Marking Periods of NS-1; memorized knowledge of all eleven (11) General Orders to the Sentry; completion of basic leadership scenario examination; satisfactory knowledge of the Cadet Field Manual to include ranks and basic leadership concepts; and successful completion of the examination to PO3. Advancement opportunity to PO3 will be offered towards the end of the Fourth Marking Period of NS-1.

d. PO3 to PO2. Advancement to Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) will be authorized upon fulfillment of the following: Already holding the rank of PO3 for two (2) marking periods; successful completion of two (2) Marking Periods of NS-2; memorized knowledge of all eleven (11) General Orders to the Sentry; satisfactory knowledge of the Cadet Field Manual; satisfactory completion of the written examination to PO2. A thorough knowledge of situational leadership and demonstration of various leadership styles will be evaluated by the Leadership examination. Advancement opportunity to PO2 will be offered towards the end of the Second Marking Period of NS-2.

e. PO2 to PO1. Advancement to Petty Officer First Class (PO1) will be authorized upon fulfillment of the following: Already holding the rank of PO2 for two (2) marking periods; successful completion of four (4) Marking Periods of NS-2; memorized knowledge of all eleven (11) General Orders to the Sentry; satisfactory knowledge of the Cadet Field Manual; completion of the written examination to PO1. A demonstrated advanced ability to show and apply all leadership styles and communication skills will be evaluated through the Leadership scenario examination. Advancement opportunity to PO1 will be offered towards the end of the Fourth Marking Period of NS-2. Cadet PO1 is the most senior permanent rank which may be attained by Cadets through periodic examination.

f. Cadet CPO and above*. Appointments to Cadet CPO and above will be determined by selection board action in April of each academic year. Cadet CPO and above are appointed by the SNSI on the annual slate. While no advancement examinations are required for appointment to Cadet CPO or above, successful completion of the Upper-class Cadet Knowledge Examination is required during the Junior and Senior academic years in order to retain eligibility for these appointments. Basic criteria for CPO and above are as follows:



|NS1 THRU NS2 YEARS | | | | | | |

| |  |SR |SA |SN |PO3 |PO2 |PO1 |

|1 |Enrolled in NS1 |X |  |  |  |  |  |

|4 |Know all 9 Enlisted Ranks |  |X |  |  |  |  |

|5 |Pass Exam to SA |  |X |  |  |  |  |

|6 |Hold the rank of SA |  |  |X+ |  |  |  |

|8 |Know all 7 Officer ranks |  |  |X |  |  |  |

|9 |Pass Exam to SN |  |  |X |  |  |  |

|10 |Passing MP2 |  |  |  |X+ |  |  |

|12 |Rank of SN for 2 MPs |  |  |  |X |  |  |

|13 |Complete NS1 Course |  |  |  |X |  |  |

|14 |Know some CFM |  |  |  |X |  |  |

|15 |Pass Exam for PO3 |  |  |  |X |  |  |

|16 |Enrolled in NS2 |  |  |  |  |X+ |  |

|18 |Passing NS2 for 2 MPs |  |  |  |  |X |  |

|19 |Know more CFM |  |  |  |  |X |  |

|20 |Demonstrate Leadership |  |  |  |  |X |  |

|21 |Pass Exam for PO2 |  |  |  |  |X |  |

|22 |Hold the rank of PO2 |  |  |  |  |  |X+ |

|24 |Pass 4 MPs of NS2 |  |  |  |  |  |X |

|25 |Demonstrate Leadership |  |  |  |  |  |X |

|26 |Pass Exam for PO1 |  |  |  |  |  |X |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | | | |

| |+ and all requirements from the previous ranks | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |*All promotions, appointments, and advancements are at the discretion of the SNSI, | |

| |and based upon the needs of the unit and compliance with the 1533.9K | | |

Enclosure (3) to Njrotc #96667 Rancocas Valley High School Instruction 1400.1A

Cadet Steering Committee (CSC)

j. The Committee consists of the two senior department heads and the Command Triad.

k. The Chair of the Committee is the Cadet Command Master Chief.

l. This Committee is only to decide whether qualified cadets should be promoted to either E7 or O1.

m. Each time the CSC meets they interview and discuss in detail the applicant in order to determine if the applicant passes muster.

n. Each promotion will be voted on, and the c/CMC will only vote to break a tie.

o. If the Steering Committee rules that the cadet is qualified to be promoted to chief or junior officer, and provided there is a slate open, the board will decided whether the cadet will be more beneficial as a cadet officer or an enlisted.

p. The CSC will meet 3 times a year

4. At the end of the 2nd marking period

5. At the end of the 3rd marking period

6. At the end of the 4th marking period (this meeting may not be necessary and should be left to the discretion of the c/CMC)

q. Cadets need to apply to the CSC before they can be considered for an officer or chief position. An application can be provided by any officer on the Committee. Only juniors and seniors can apply for this board (NS3 and NS4). *

*All promotions, appointments, and advancements are at the discretion of the SNSI, and based upon the needs of the unit and compliance with the 1533.9K.

Promotion Instruction Additions

E-3: In addition to the specified test, a cadet must also complete a minimum of 15 hours of community service and 5 hours of school support.

E-4: In addition to the specified test, a cadet must also have completed a total minimum of 20 hours of community service and 10 hours of school support by March 25th of the New Year in order to receive his/her promotion at the end of the year awards banquet. Any cadet that completes this requirement after March 25th will receive their promotion following the banquet.

E-5: In addition to the specified test and other requirements, a cadet must have completed a total minimum of 35 hours of community service and 15 hours of school support.

E-6: In addition to the specified test and other requirements, a cadet must have completed a total minimum of 45 hours of community service and 20 hours of school support by March 25th of the New Year in order to receive his/her promotion at the end of the year awards banquet. Any cadet that completes this requirement after March 25th will receive their promotion following the banquet.

E-7: A cadet will be evaluated by a review board. To be eligible for review, a cadet must obtain a total minimum of 65 hours of community service and 20 hours of school support.


Bert Dejong

LCDR, U. S. Coast Guard (Ret.)

Senior Naval Science Instructor

David D.Aupperle,

Chief Petty Officer, U. S. Navy (Ret.)

Naval Science Instructor

1) Cadets shall be of the Senior or Junior Class;

2) Weighted academic average of 80 or above in all academic classes;

3) Successfully completed all requirements through PO1;

4) Enrolled in NS-3 or 4 as required above;

5) Participation and completion of JOLT (Junior Officer and Leadership Training) training

6) Appointments in accordance with the following matrix:

Cadet Rank Class Year NS Notes

LCDR (1) Senior 4

LT (1) Senior 4

LTJG (6) Senior 4 Company Staff / Support Staff

ENS (12) Senior/Junior 4/3 Platoon Cdrs; Company Staff / Support Staff

SCPO (1) Senior 4/3 Company Senior Chief

CPO (6) Senior/Junior 4/3 Platoon Chiefs; Company Support Staff

*All promotions, appointments, and advancements are at the discretion of the SNSI, and based upon the needs of the unit and compliance with the 1533.9K.


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