SUBJECT: Fallen Soldier Detail (Ramp ... - United States Army

Office Symbol DATE


SUBJECT: (Higher Headquarters Command) Standard Operating Procedures for Ramp Ceremonies


a. FM 1-05, Religious Support, 5 October 2012

b. FM 4-20.64, Mortuary Affairs Operations, 9 January 2007

c. TC 3-21.5, Drill and Ceremonies, 20 January 2012

d. ATP 1-05.02, Religious Support to Funerals and Memorial Ceremonies and Services, 29 March 2013

e. Theater Mortuary Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Date

2. PURPOSE: To maintain a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Ramp Ceremonies.

3. APPLICABILITY: This policy is applicable to all units assigned or attached to Regional Command East.

4. MISSION: To provide Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point religious support by conducting ramp ceremonies that honors the dead IAW military practice.

5. RAMP CEREMONIES: (Located at the Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point (TMEP))

6. EXECUTION: Conduct of Ramp the Ceremony follows military regulations.

a. Ramp Ceremonies are designed to honor service members while remains are being moved.

b. The TMEP or ramp ceremony chaplain is the Officer in Charge (OIC) and the TMEP chaplain assistant is the noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC).

c. The TMEP chaplain NCOIC will brief all participants at the ramp ceremony.

d. All supporting chaplains must be on a Memorandum of Appointment.

e. Uniform:

1) Appropriate service component duty uniform (ACUs).

2) No covers will be worn on the flight line.

3) Sleeves are worn down during the ceremony.

4) Sunglasses are only authorized if personnel have a medical reason to be wearing them.

5) Gloves are only permitted during the carrying of the human remains.

6) The wear of the stole is optional for the Chaplain.

a. All participants will show proper respect at all times. (NO talking, smiling, chewing gum, etc....).

b. The salute is a slow 4 seconds up, and 4 seconds down.

c. Never touch the flag at anytime. The detail may touch the flag while straightening the flag or during the tie down. The field of blue on the US flag will always be over the deceased service members’ left chest. Flags are removed when the ceremony is complete.

d. When transporting human remains on the ground the human remains always travel feet first. When transporting human remains by flight, they will always travel head first.

e. The ramp ceremony detail personnel are composed of service members on the ground at KCIA. Individual units can appoint personnel to participate in the detail. Detail personnel appointed, by the unit chain of command to carry a transfer case, must be rehearsed and physically able to carry the transfer case which can weigh as much as 400 lbs.

f. The Chaplain is in charge of all personnel at the ramp and responsible for briefing the detail on their duties and proper method of carrying the transfer case. All commands will either come from the Chaplain, or the detail NCOIC.

g. In conjunction with Army Material Command (AMC/CC) Policy, photography at flight line is strictly prohibited without written permission of the EAMS Commander. At no time will human remains or caskets be photographed (see AMC/CC Memo). Any personnel caught or suspected of taking photos will be identified and have their cameras confiscated by United States Air Force Security Force (USAFSF) at KCIA.

h. All participants will be briefed by the Chaplain on where to stand and how to render the appropriate honors prior to the ceremony.

i. All human remains will be off-loaded prior to any passengers and equipment on arrival. Upon departure human remains will be up-loaded last whenever possible.

j. Personnel participating in the ceremony will not block the entry/exit of the mortuary vehicle when near the aircraft. Generally, the mortuary vehicle will park as close to the tail of the aircraft as possible. The formation should not extend beyond the tail of the aircraft, and be in ranks of no more than 12 personnel.

k. Only uniformed military personnel will make up the detail personnel to carry the human remains.

l. Non-uniformed personnel (civilian or military) may stand in the last element (back rank) and should not be a part of the detail (The exception is if there are insufficient uniformed military personnel to perform the task). Non-uniformed personnel may render honors by placing their hand over their heart at the command “PRESENT ARMS”.

m. All passenger/crewmembers on the aircraft will stand at "ATTENTION" when the human remains are lifted, and remain standing at attention until all human remains are loaded or off-loaded.

n. The NCOIC will call the formation to “ATTENTION" when the human remains are lifted. The command "PRESENT ARMS" will be given when the detail personnel begin to walk on/off the aircraft. This command is executed with a SLOW, STEADY 4 second movement. Military members will salute; civilian personnel will place their right hand over their heart.

o. The command "ORDER, ARMS" will be given upon the loading into the mortuary vehicle and or aircraft.

p. The Ramp Ceremony Chaplain will offer Scripture and Prayer not to exceed 5 minutes. (Uploads Only)

q. The command "PRESENT ARMS" will be given when the next set of human remains are carried off the aircraft and or Mortuary Affairs vehicle.

r. The command "ORDER, ARMS...DISMISSED" will be given when the last transfer case is loaded in the mortuary vehicle and or aircraft. This command concludes the ceremony.

7. POC: Point of Contact for this SOP is MSG XXXX, Higher HQs Command Chaplain NCOIC, XXX-XX-XXXX, NIPR: XXXX SIPR: XXXX

//Original Signed//



Chief of Staff


Annex A: Ramp Ceremony Roles and Responsibilities

Annex B: Procedures for Down Loading

Annex C: Procedures for Up Loads

Annex D: NCOIC Procedures for Ramp Ceremony

Annex E: Sample Prayers

Annex A: Ramp Ceremony Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Chaplain’s Responsibilities:

a. Chaplain: The chaplain’s role is one of honor. He/She is to be the Spiritual Representative for both the download and the upload of our fallen personnel.

b. Schedule of events:

1) Download:

a) The chaplain/NCOIC receives a call of inbound fallen.

b) Chaplain/NCOIC calls out for detail personnel to meet at a designated location on the flight line.

c) NLT 10 minutes prior chaplain/NCOIC meets with all personnel assemble at the flight line for detail coordination.

d) 5 minutes out refrigerator truck arrives and pulls in to location at the aircraft. Chaplain/NCOIC moves into download positions.

e) Honors rendered for each fallen. Chaplain is ministry of presence.

f) Chaplain/NCOIC proceeds to the TMEP AO to pray over each of our fallen as they are prepared for transportation. At the same time the NCOIC will send up a report.

2) Upload:

a) Upon notification that the assigned aircraft is ready for departure. The NCOIC calls around for an upload detail. The chaplain prepares for the honors readings.

b) At a designated load time given by the Air Force loadmasters the chaplain and NCOIC will arrive NLT 5 minutes earlier, if possible.

c) The chaplain will position will be at the head of the transport cases, the detail on each side, in a line formation and the load detail carrying each one and placing them on pallets.

d) After the last transport case is placed in position. The upload detail falls in with the line detail. The chaplain will then read some scripture, pray, do an interment, and close with the Lord’s Prayer. Everyone is dismissed.

e) Once the plane is in the air the chaplain/NCOIC will then send up a report.

2. Ramp Detail Responsibilities:

a. The details role is one of honor. There is no dedicated group for the detail so the detail is a mixture of those who volunteer from the group at large who come to pay respect to the fallen.

b. Schedule of events:

1) Download:

a) TMEP and personnel from across the APOD gather to render honors as a detail.

b) From this group the CA NCOIC will ask for volunteers to help carry the transport cases to the refrigerator truck.

c) Once all of the transport cases are loaded the NCOIC will dismiss and thank the group.

2) Upload:

1. The TMEP and personnel from across the APOD gather to render honors.

2. From this group the CA NCOIC will ask for volunteers to help carry the transport cases from the refrigerator truck to the aircraft.

3. Everyone else forms on two line formations rendering honors as each transfer case is transported to the aircraft.

4. After the last transfer case is loaded in the aircraft the transport detail falls in with the line formations in the rear of the aircraft for the chaplain’s portions of the honors. Once the chaplain is complete the NCOIC will dismiss the detail.

Annex B: Procedures for Down Loading

1. The reception of remains does not require a ceremony but the TMEP/Ramp chaplain should be present to render honors for our service members.

2. The TMEP/Ramp chaplain accompanies the remains to the TEMP area to offer prayers for the deceased.

3. Procedures for down-loading Human Remains off a Military Aircraft (C-130)

a. The Mortuary Affairs truck will back up to the tail of the aircraft.

b. The formation will line up on both sides of the ramp from the end of the ramp to the back of the MA Truck. The ramp is not yet lowered.

c. The MA NCO and detail personnel will board the aircraft through the crew entrance door. Once the detail is briefed and lined up the ramp is lowered. The NCOIC will now call the group to “ATTENTION”.

d. As the human remains are lifted by the detail, the NCOIC will call the formation to “PRESENT ARMS” and a slow 4 second salute will be presented as the human remains are taken to the Mortuary Truck. The NCOIC will then call the formation to “ORDER ARMS”.

e. The detail personnel will place each set of human remains in the back of the Mortuary Affairs truck. The detail personnel will then be called to “PRESENT ARMS” and after 4 seconds, called to “ORDER ARMS”.

f. These steps will be used for each set of human remains.

g.  When the last set of human remains is loaded into the truck and the doors closed the NCOIC will call “GROUP, DISMISSED”. The formation will take one step to the rear and do an “ABOUT FACE”. This command concludes the ceremony.

Annex C: Procedures for Up Loads

1. After the upload honors have been given the Chaplain will read short scriptures and offer a brief prayer (No longer than five minutes).

2. Service members may participate by standing in the formation at the ramp ceremony with prior coordination with the TMEP/Chaplain.

3. Honoring the remains will not delay the flight time-line of departure.

4. Procedures for up-loading Human Remains on a Military Aircraft (front or rear-loaded C-5 & rear-loaded C-17)

a. The MA vehicle will back up to tail of aircraft. The formation will line up on both sides of the ramp from the end of the ramp to the back of the Mortuary Truck.

b. The NCOIC will call the formation to attention.

c. The detail personnel will proceed to the MA vehicle to retrieve the human remains.

d. As each set of human remains is brought on aircraft the NCOIC will call the formation to “PRESENT ARMS”. When the human remains are lowered into place the NCOIC will call the formation to “ORDER ARMS.” The Chaplain and VIPs will do as the NCOIC directs.

e. After the human remains are set in place, on the aircraft, the detail personnel will be called to “PRESENT ARMS”. After 4 seconds the detail will be called to “ORDER ARMS”.

f. These steps will be repeated for each set of human remains until the last set is in place.

g. After the final command of “ORDER ARMS” the Scripture reading and prayer shall now take place (NTE 5 min).

h. At the completion of the ceremony the Chaplain will call the group to “ATTENTION” & “PRESENT ARMS”. After holding the salute for 10 seconds, the Chaplain will call the group to “ORDER ARMS” and “DISMISSED”. This command concludes the ceremony.

5. Procedures for up-loading Human Remains on a Commercial Style Aircraft 747

a. A detail of 6 personnel shall transfer the human remains from the truck to the empty pallet on the K-Loader, ensuring that the head of the human remains are facing the front of the aircraft when loaded. Remaining personnel should form at the base of the K-Loader. The Chaplain, VIPs and detail are the only individuals allowed up on the K-Loader.

a. The NCOIC, on the ground, will call the formation to “ATTENTION”, once the detail personnel secure the first set of human remains. As they exit the truck the NCOIC will call the formation to “PRESENT ARMS”. When the detail personnel place the human remains on the pallet, the NCOIC will call the formation to “ORDER ARMS”. This will take place for each set of human remains. The Chaplain and VIPS will follow the lead of the detail personnel and render honors once the remains of each service member is set in place on the pallet.

b. The ceremony shall now take place.

c. At the completion of the ceremony the NCOIC will call the group to “ATTENTION” & “PRESENT ARMS”. After holding the salute for 10 seconds, the NCOIC will call the group to “ORDER ARMS” and “DISMISSED”. This command concludes the ceremony.

d. The K-loader will move the pallets onto the aircraft and the detail personnel assist with guiding the pallets into the proper position and securing the pallets in the aircraft as directed by the load-master. The aircraft load-master has final say on the loading of the pallets onto the aircraft.

e. When the pallet is in place on the aircraft and locked, a final salute honor will be rendered. The NCOIC will call the group, remaining in the aircraft, to “ATTENTION” & “PRESENT ARMS”. After holding the salute for 10 seconds, the NCOIC will call the group to “ORDER ARMS” and “DISMISSED”.

f. When un-flagged foreign nationals are being loaded or offloaded, the detail will only stand at ATTENTION and will NOT salute the human remains as they pass by. If the human remains are flagged with foreign colors proper courtesies will be rendered to coalition partners by standing at attention. When U.S. civilian contractors or DOD personnel are being loaded or offloaded, with a draped flag, uniformed military personnel will render a “SALUTE”.

Annex D: NCOIC Procedures for Ramp Ceremony

1. Download:

a. The NCOIC calls everyone to “ATTENTION”.

b. The transfer case carriers pick up the transfer case.

c. The command of “PRESENT ARMS” is given until the transfer case is loaded into the refrigerator truck.

d. Then “ORDER ARMS” is given.

e. This procedure is done until the last transfer case has been placed into the refrigerator truck.

f. The detail is then given the command of “DIMISSED” concluding the ceremony.

2. Upload:

a. The NCOIC calls everyone to “ATTENTION”.

b. The transfer case carriers pick up the transfer case.

c. The command of “PRESENT ARMS” is given as the transport case passes from the refrigerator truck to the plane and places it on a palette.

d. Then the command of “ORDER ARMS” given.

e. This procedure is done until the last transfer case has been placed on inside of the aircraft.

f. The transfer detail and the line formation of visitors are moved inside the aircraft.

g. The chaplain will then read some scripture, pray, do a committal and do the Lord’s Prayer.

h. Upon completion of the Lords prayer the group is called to “ATTENTION” then a slow “PRESENT ARMS” for ten seconds.

i. The group is this dismissed.

Annex E: Sample Prayers


“Depart, brother/sister, out of this world in the name of the Father who created you, in the name of the Son who redeemed you, and in the name of the Spirit who made you whole. Amen.”


“Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May his/her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.”


“Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Amen.”


“Studying the same doctrine, under one master, You and I are friends. See yonder white mists floating in the air on the way back to the peaks. This parting may be our last meeting in this life. Not just in a dream, but in our deep thought, let us meet often hereafter.”


“O God of spirits and of all flesh, who has trampled down death and destroyed the devil, and granted life to Thy world: Do Thou, O Lord, give rest to the soul of Thy servant. (Name), who is fallen asleep, in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sorrow, and sighing have fled away. Pardon every sin which he/she has committed, whether by word, deed, or thought, for Thou art a good God and lovest mankind: because there is no person who lives and does not sin. Thou alone art without sin. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Thy law is truth. For Thou art the resurrection, and the Lord, and the repose of Thy servant, (Name), who is fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and unto Thee do we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, and good and life-creating Spirit: now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.”


Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.


I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, 

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. 

On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil: my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


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