Agenda - Army Gliding Club (Wyvern

Chairperson: Maj Alec WattVenue:Clubhouse, UpavonDate:22 Sep 18Time:0900 - 1100AgendaApologies – Allan Tribe, Geoff MoodyPrevious Actions Closed:2017.2.1, 2016.2.2, 2017.2.2, 2017.2.3, 2017.2.4, 2017.2.6, 2017.2.8, 2016.1.7, 2016.2.8, 2016.1.10, 2016.2.11, 2016.2.13, 2016.2.20, 2016.1.22, Chairman’s Intro and ObjectivesWelcome to Tony World (TW) representing Portsmouth Navy Gliding Club.Club finances are challenged with reduced income and increasing costs.MoU (with Air Cadets – 622 VGS) working effectively.Need for a club official succession plan.Equipment care by Club Members.Capacity of club to delivers all its activity.Thanks to all those club members who have helped deliver the important Ab Initio and other glider training courses over the year.Flight and Club SafetyGator has proven to be improvement on managing ground risk.PMN: Sec reminding that young persons without licence can drive Gator only under direct supervision of qualified adult and with permission of the DI.2016.2.6: DCFI to investigate current MoD regulation on use of motor vehicle on airfield and draft paper for future use of road vehicle (4x4) for Cable Retrieve – ongoingCrack in K21 canopy from mal-operation on WGC4 course reinforces need to really look after the kit. To be repaired during imminent Annual.Radios continue to have reliability and performance issues, particularly the K21.2018.1.1: Alan Burch to investigate and rectify radio issues, with K21 as priority, as soon as possible.Accident Reporting: If the event only affects BGA aircraft, then BGA reporting criteria apply.If the ‘event’ impacts on ATC ort airfield operations, then as sell as above, a DASOR is required to be raised. Alec Watt, Allan Tribe and Geoff Moody have access to this system and events should be passed to them via e-mail for upload.This will be reflected in next up-issue of AGC(W) Flying Orders scheduled for Feb 19.Flight Safety Meeting: 19 Oct. CFI attending. (ATC HQ (Syerston also attending).All members must report all events to the Club Safety Officer: E-mail, hard copy note in launch point box. It’s important to build a database from which we as a club can learn and improve. All DI are encouraged to record events in their daily ‘Flying Reports’.ATABChairman’s IssuesHanger: ASCB Trustees have decided to retain the funds previously held to build a new hanger, pending outcome of the current ATC hanger availability following 622 Sqn departure to new northside facility.As result, Chairman wrote to ASCB and HoE asking for access to current hangers on temporary basis to protect AGC(W) assets.Within last 2 weeks, QM has advised that 622 will be moving as interim measure into Hanger 186, thereby freeing up their current hanger on southside for AGC(W) use. This is being actively pursued, with Chairman aiming for no later than end of year to move.Sec continues to progress a) Leasing arrangements in light of this movement outline above and b) a transfer plan for the existing facilities.Sec reminded Committee that current Portacabins remain out of planning consent and could be subject to Wilts CC enforcement action at any time.2018.1.2: PJ and KM to develop transfer plan for existing facilities.2018.1.3: PJ to estimate cost of facilities transfer with intent to revise business case and draw down on the funding already secured for a new hanger.2018.1.4: PJ to liaise with Wilts CC over revised intent for Portacabins (once developed into tangible plan).PNGC MoU: All club members to read the MoU. Hard copy is avail at the Launch Point.Overall the MoU is working well, both AGC(W) and PNGC concurred.PNGC members to read Flying OrdersAGC(W) would welcome and like to incorporate PNGC Instructors into Upavon activity, and potentially DI roster.PNGC BI now cleared for Upavon: Sam Hepburn, Jamie Steel, Richard Lovall-Butt.AGC(W) Operating programme for 2019:Agreed to aim for 4 Ab Initio Courses, plus 1 Air League/Battleback and 2 x 1 Week Wyvern Wings.Opportunity for RNGSA course in addition (poss 2).Sec will put together when information available.2018.1.5: CFI to identify ATC expected bookings for airfield at FSM on 19 Oct.2018.1.6: Sec to ask AGA Exec member (Paul Wright) of AGA intent with respect to Expeds (Sisteron, Aboyne), Inter-Services and Nationals where it can be expected that aircraft will be away from Upavon.AGA Feedback:Nil this occasion.Ongoing issues from previous Committee:2AAC Block Membership: It was agreed that Block Membership was to consist of pre-payment to be drawn down against of: 6 x Cpl (and below) Membership Rates.?550 of flying fees.Intend to make same off to 47 Regt RA.2017.2.5: Alec Watt to approach 2AAC and 47 Regt RA with Block Membership offer (noting that Wed afternoons cannot be assured).Weak Link: It was proposed that the cable strop hose should be colour coded to the Weak Link to improve communication of correct Weak Link fitted to aircraft at launch. 2017.2.7: Sam Prin (Winchmaster) to investigate different coloured hoses for launch cable strops. Ground Training: It was identified that new member Ground Training was not well co-ordinated or recorded.2017.2.9: Paul Jessop to assess current recording of ‘Ground Training’ (Glidex?) and propose amendment to Student Logbook as appropriate. PJ/KMPJPJTMPJAWSPPJCFI’s ReportThree ‘challenging’ pilots at AFC(W) who cause Instructor concern – details see CFI.DASOR associated with interaction of ATC glider and AGC(W) DG1000 whilst spinning resolved. New local airspace and deconfliction areas agreedw with ATC and detailed in Flying Orders.4 Ab Initio courses delivered in 2018 (plus an Air League/BB). Continued to struggle for Instructors. AGC(W) needs ot trawl ‘Servuce’ instructor community more effectively.Must have ‘lead’ AGC(W) Instructor for courses.Early visibility of 2019 Course Programme to enable Instructors to book time to support.2018.1.6: All Instructors to provide suggestions to CFI/Chairman on how to make more insytructors available for courses and to draw them in.Instructor Development Plan: Sam Prin booked onto Module C course, with AGA support funding. Currently no Module D course available!Asst Cat to Full Cat: Need to convert Paul Wright, Dawn Hadlow and Tim Clarke at earliest practicable opportunity.BI Training: Following are interested: Mike Collins, Jonno Jones, Gordon Walker, Lewis Taylor (PNGC). Plan to develop over winter, with Examination course in early spring ’19.2018.1.7: DCFI to identify target weekend for 2-day qualification/examination course, such that CFI and Instructors can prepare and develop the candidates.Army Cadets: Generally accepted as positive for them, the club and Army gliding, with 50 Army cadets in 5 batches flow this year.Recognised that this places burden on the Instructors ans limits club flying at weekends if not well managed, and with allocated BI(or 2)Not to conflict with other club activity such as ICL.Club pilots need to take responsibility for their own flying, rather than wait to be told ‘to get in the glider’.2018.1.8: Sec to liaise with Wilts Army Cadets for 2019 programme.Suggested that a ‘Block Membership’ approach on Glidex would simplify ground management of the Cadets.2018.1.9: Andy Gibson to investigate Block Membership (10 in number) for Army Cadets.BI Flying: The unexpected numbers and timing of visitors has on occasions, had bad effect on club flying.DI authorised to turn BI away if risk of swamping club activity.2018.1.10: Sec to advise BI to come to airfield for 1030, rather than 1300 in order to ensure they fly with less detriment to club activity.DIATPJAGPJFinancial PositionAccounts summary provided by Treasurer (as of 17 Sep):HSBC Main Account: ?1,840.75HSBC Savings Account: ?2.370.25NSB Account: ?20,165.45Total: ?24,549.97There is a further ?3,500 to be paid in, and outstanding liabilities of Insurance (4th qtr payment), BGA Levy and AGA Levy. Provisional accounst for year ending 30 Sep 18 give an excess expenditure over income of ?12,659.59 (inc deprexiation and writeoff)Cash excess of expenditure over income = ?7,270. The 2nd year running the club has run at a loss, this is unsustainable.Significant loss of income of ?11K/pa lost through non-renewal of Qinetiq contracts.Insurance cost has been reduced to ?15,000.Glider maintenance repair costs have escaleted to ?13,538.Objective should be for Membership Fess and Course fess ot eet Club fixed costs.2018.1.11: Investigate breakdown of aircraft maintenance and repair costs.2018.1.12: Chairman to discuss with AGA option for reducing the AGA Levy for this year (noting that this year AGA has supported replacement parachutes and radios)2018.1.13: Secretary to refresh and re-examine glider fleet reductions as means of reducing operating cost.Annual Audit of Accounts: Chairman identified that no member will be aksed to conduct audit for more than 2 years ina row.2018.1.14: Chairman to ask Ken Moules to lead 17/18 Audit, with Derek Snape supporting.Payments. Decided that credit card would not be an available route. Agreed that ‘on airfield’ BACS transfer/payment is acceptable means of payment.Glidex Debtors: Regular members with Glidex debts is too high ?2172) and unaccetable. Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary have already chased a number of members. This must improve.Visitor Flights: Too many visitor flights (particularly ?20 F&F) are nit being paid for, and second flights afetr the ?20 often not charged at all.Lapsed Member Creditors/Debtors; Broadly balances out.Agreed that outstanding debts and credits of <?10 and greater than 2 years old to be automatically written off.2018.1.16: Glidex Manager to cancel overage debts/credits in Glidex <?10 and >2 yrs.2018.1.15: Treasurer to send cheque to Roy Gaunt to cover his Credit.Grob Motorglider: Agreed that no money to be spent on Grob Motorglider without Committee endorsement.Motor glider 50Hr check must be done in-house.Ned to encourage greater use of the MG. Tony World is a CAA MG Instructor and available.Expressions of interest from club members are required.Ken Moules provide breakdown of MG costs and usage, with proposal to increase hourly charge rate (wet) to ?70. This was agreed. (from 1 Mar 19).2017.1.2: Chairman to seek Bar Manager’s Assistant - ongoingBB Courses: Agreed that expenses to instrcutors/support team will be paid this year, but not accepted for future courses.FEF: Need to encourage all club members to bring groups of friends and colleagues for Friday Eveing Flying. Only 2 groups this year, bith by Paul Lutley.Fees and Charges. After siginifcant discussion by the Committee a set of revised fees and charges were agreed, to be effective from 1 Mar 19. Not all elements were a unanimous decision. Unless identified as changed as below, all other charges remain as per current:BI Flights Mil/F&F: ?30Membership Fees increased by 10% across all categoriesAb Initio Courses: Mil = ?199, Civ = ?300Club Launch Fee: ?6.00Private Launch Fee: ?8.50Soaring Fees: ?0.3, up to max of 2 HrsPJAWPJAWAGNGAWMembership99 total (of which 50% = Course Membrers)12 Full5 Full, Corporal and below15 Associate9 Special19 ReciprocalFleet StatusAll aircraft serviceable with Annuals about to commence.Member support required to support glider maintenance programme – operating syndicates to ‘advertise’ their need.PNGC to make any requirements for workshop space known as soon as possible. .Priority is AGC(W) aircraft.LS4 (A3) osmosis is getting of serious concern. External expert evaluation required.2016.2.15: Gordon Walker to look to re-balance Operating Syndicates for this season’s maintenance programme (for 17/18 winter maintenance programme) – ongoing2018.1.16: Tech Member to provide lost of acceptable tasks on aircraft maintenance for club members.GWMWMT / Trailers / Ground EquipmentNothing significant to report.2016.1.17: MT Member to continue with sale of ex-Janus trailer on ‘open market’ - ongoingKMAOBChairman asked for a wall mounted pilot progression chart.2018.1.17: Steve Runyard (and Toby) to look at an A3 club pilot/progression table/chartParachutes (Dawn Hadlow): 5 * Air Pol mustered and recently re-packed. Two ‘Softie’ available, but not re-packed. Two ‘softie’ unaccounted for. PMN: Two softie found in DG1000 cockpit.Motorglider ELT: Ken Moules put forward case for purchase of ELYT. Committee considered and in light of current financials and no legal requirement or an ELT unless over water or hazardous terrain, the rejected application. Motorglider has a PLB. If ELT required in support of ‘exped’ use of Motorglider, then Exped funds to support purchase.Club Junior pilot development to be led by Sam Prin.BGA Management Conference 28 Oct 18: Attendees to inform Chairman.ICL Dates for 2019: Dan Palmer recognised as doing a great job at representing and organising for AG(W) in the 2018 ICL. Dan unable to lead for 2019, Chairman to look for volunteer to co-ord.Child Protection: Dane Hadlow as CP Lead for club to review current status of DBS clearance and advise of renewals.Fuel Storage; Sec outlined Defence Fuel and Gas Safety Group’s plan for a revised and appropriate set of regulations for fuel storage/handling at Gliding/Flying clubs. Sec monitoring situation and impact.LPG Tank: Due annual inspection. KM liaising with FloGas to arrange inspections.AGM: Date set for 26 Jan 19.DONM: TBCSRAreas not on the Agenda and not raised:Annual Dinner – we really should try!Wyvern CommitteeCFI Tochi MarwahaTMDCFI Major Allan Tribe (not present)ATAircraft Fleet Manager Matt Williams MWMT Member Ken MarsdenKMTreasurer Neil GodsonNGMembership Secretary Paul Lutley PLMilitary Liaison Officer Vacant (Chairman covering)SecretaryPaul JessopPJSafety OfficerGeoff Moody (not present)GMCoursesSgt Paul Wright (not present)PWWinchmasterSam Prin (not present)SPChild Protection LeadDawn Hadlow DHCourse Retention MemberSteve RunyardSRAvionics and RadiosAlan Burch (not present)ABGlidex ManagerAndy GibsonAG ................

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