United States Army

EIB RequirementsEIB Physical Fitness AssessmentWell-lit area for push-up and sit-up events, clearly marked run route, medical personnel with vehicles, at least two official timing devices, proper risk management.Land Navigation1:50,000-scale military topographic map, a lensatic compass, protractor, a writing instrument, a score sheet, a list of designated points, water points, orienteering punch for all points, recognizable points.Individual Testing StationsWeapon Lane RequirementsW1: M16 or M4, magazine, blank adapter, 4rds blank ammunition, 1rd inert/expended blank ammunition; M320 or M203 mounted on M16/M4 or alone, and 1rd 40mm training/dummy ammunitionW2: M9 or other authorized Army pistol (M9 is preferred), magazine, and flat surface; M500 or other authorized Army shotgun (M500 is preferred) and flat surfaceW3: 2x M249, basic tools, flat surface, and nomenclature photo of all M249 parts used for training; blank adapter, 6rds blank link ammunition, and 1rd inert/expended blank link ammunition, hearing protectionW4: 2x M240, basic tools, flat surface, and nomenclature photo of all M240 parts used for training; blank adapter with discriminator, 6rds blank link ammunition, and 1rd inert/expended blank link ammunition, hearing protectionW5: 6 selected hand grenades or pictures of each one, laminated key for identifying name and purpose, writing utensil, flat surface or clip board; 2 training hand grenades, troops in the open, covered position; 2 training hand grenades, window/door/or bunker, covered positionW6: Training claymore mine/munition with all basic items of inventory (BII), 2x stakes, sand bags, trees or holes, ground level targetW7: Javelin, appropriate tool, accessoriesW8: M2, blank adapter, 4rds blank link ammunition, 1rd dummy link ammunition, hearing protection, headspace & timing toolW9: M19 or other authorized Army heavy grenade launcher (M19 is preferred), 5rds dummy ammunitionW10: M136 AT4 training launcher or M72 LAW training launcher or Carl Gustaf 84-mm Recoilless RifleMedical Lane RequirementsM1: Laminated paper with nine blank lines, protractor, 1:50,000 scale military topographic map, SOI, 2x operational radios, 2x Form 1380 TCCC cards, at least 3 appropriate signaling devices, flat surface or clip board, writing utensil M2: CAT, SKED litter, 2x covered positions, complete IFAK, actual Soldier or simulated casualty with all extremities weighing 160-200lbs, M4, magazine, 10-20rds blank ammunition, enemy targets (OPFOR w/ 30rds blank ammunition or pneumatic gun), marker, tape, TCCC card, writing utensil, hearing protectionM3: BLS bag, CPR mannequin (preferred) or other mannequin fully functional with all extremities, standard field uniform, 2x different NPA’s, CPR accessories (face shield), lubricationM4: Laminated sheet to record Heat Injury by type, signs and symptoms and treatments for each, Pulse rate, rhythm, strength, Respiratory rate, depth, and quality, Physical observations, writing utensil, additional stopwatch if Candidate doesn’t have a watch for taking a pulseM5: 2x CAT, CLS bag, simulated casualty with all extremities, full combat uniform to include weapon and complete IFAK, TCCC card, 2x combat gauze, appropriate bandages and dressings to control bleeding, cotton gauze (wad or rolled), tapeM6: Litter, adult and pediatric cervical collar, BLS bag, simulated casualty with all extremities in full combat uniform, TCCC card, blood pressure cuff (at least 2 sizes), stethoscope, laminated paper with 9 blank lines, writing utensil, permanent or improvised shelter, blanket or clothing M7: Simulated casualty with all extremities, full combat uniform to include weapon and complete IFAK, TCCC card, BLS bag, 2x occlusive dressings or improvised material, pulse oximetry device, alcohol swabs, laminated paper with nine blank lines, writing utensil, tape, needle decompression kit or large bore (10 to 14 gauge) needle with catheter, one way flutter valve or improvised oneM8: Simulated casualty with all extremities in MOPP 3, full combat uniform to include weapon and complete IFAK, field dressing or emergency bandageM9: CLS bag, simulated casualty with all extremities and a clearly visible abdominal and eye wound, full combat uniform to include weapon and complete IFAK, bandage dressings or material enough for both injuries, clean and dry material to pick up organs, abdominal dressing, scissors, blanket or clothing, field dressings, saline, Fox eye shield or improvised material for extrusionM10: CLS bag, simulated casualty with all extremities and a clearly visible simulated fracture, full combat uniform to include weapon and complete IFAK, splint, sling, swathe, or improvised material, sterile sheet or clean linenPatrol Lane RequirementsP1: 1:50,000 scale military topographic map, protractor, mil reticle binoculars or other magnified optical device with mil markings, 2x operational radios, lensatic compass, pencil, laminated sheet for Call For Fire, superfine point writing utensil, flat table, simulated building or fighting position, basic calculator P2: Blank adapter and at least 20rds blank ammunition, enemy targets (OPFOR w/ 30rds blank ammunition or pneumatic gun), sling on weapon, hearing protection, natural or man-made obstaclesP3: Signal Operating Instructions (SOI), three operational tactical handheld radios, Simple Key Loader (SKL) with all necessary BII, cloning cable with all necessary BIIP4: Signal Operating Instructions (SOI), Defense Advanced Global Positioning Receiver (DAGR) with all necessary Basic Inventory Items (BII), Simple Key Loader (SKL) with all necessary BIIP5: Appropriate and inappropriate camouflage items, mannequin or an actual Soldier correctly camouflaged (training area only), color charts and other graphic references, camouflage stick or compact, burlap or cloth strips, and mirrorP6: Simulated fighting position, laminated range card, 1:50,000 scale military topographic map (gun position plotted), lensatic compass, protractor, binoculars or magnified optical device mounted on the machine gun, superfine point writing utensil, tripod-mounted machine gun with a traversing and elevation (T&E) mechanism, sector stakes, watch (candidate should have), laser range finder or other accurate device (verify distances for the grader)P7: Assigned pro-mask, joint-service lightweight integrated suit technology (JSLIST), chemical protective gloves, chemical protective over boots, poncho, RDSL or simulated materials, M334 decontamination kit or simulated materials, poncho or overhead cover P8: 1:50,000 scale military topographic map, lensatic compass, protractor, straight edge, writing utensil, flat surface, laminated paper with 39 blank lines labeled appropriately, limited terrain use (E-Type targets, vehicles, etc.) P9: Tent or other light proof structure. AN/PVS-14s with all appropriate BII. P10: Suitable targets, mil reticle binoculars or other magnified optical device with mil markings, 1:50,000 scale military topographic map, lensatic compass, flat surface, protractor, laminated paper, writing utensil, 2X tactical radios with all other necessary Basic Inventory Items (BII), including a directional SAT antenna, Signal Operating Instructions (SOI), Simple Key Loader (SKL) with all necessary BII, watch (candidate should have), building, vehicle or person/E-type used as targetFoot March and Final Event Foot March: Clearly marked and easily identifiable route, water points, medical personnel and vehicles, 2x weigh scales preferred, 2x clocks preferred, at least two official timing devices, proper risk managementFinal Event: One poncho or other material ................

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